
Which way does the ballerina spin? Test "Ballerina". Which hemisphere is your dominant? Optical illusions ballerina

"The brain is 78% water, 15% fat, and the rest is protein, potassium hydrate and salt. There is nothing more complex in the Universe that we know that is comparable to the brain in general."

Tatiana Chernigovskaya.

Hello dears.

We begin to mercilessly expose one of the most popular myths about the brain of recent decades.

“The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of logic, and the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity.”- is this a familiar phrase?


This hemispheric theory about the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres is one of the most popular myths about the human brain.

Although, the coolest myth about the brain is that a person uses only 10% of the brain.

But about this Myth another time.

Along with the myth of “hemisphericity,” the myth of the “need for synchronization” or “balancing” of the cerebral hemispheres was born. Synchronization at the request of the owner is also a myth. The theory that left-handers are more creative than right-handers, and right-handers are more logical than left-handers, is also a myth. And now only the lazy and those living on a desert island have not heard about this theory of “hemisphericity” and “synchronization of the hemispheres.”

The Internet and TV are simply filled with videos and articles on this topic. How many trainings and books have already been written on this topic and included in work on self-development, personal growth and even psychology.

A gigantic quantity. It’s amazing how this myth has captured humanity; sometimes professional psychologists with scientific degrees use it in their work. I won’t name names now.

Why did the myth about the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres take root and gain popularity?

Because of its simplicity of explanation, this principle of brain operation has gained popularity. It is very clear from a logical standpoint - since there are two halves, it means that they must differ in functionality.

Let's debunk the MYTH about hemisphericity.

In reality, both hemispheres of the brain participate simultaneously in all processes of our activity, communicating with each other. The myth was born after a false interpretation of Roger Sperry's research on curing people with epilepsy by cutting the corpus callosum. The study revealed which of the hemispheres adapted better after separation to one or another form of activity. But this does not mean that a healthy person’s brain works in a similar way. For the healthy functioning of the human body and psyche, different parts of the brain need to be activated and used.

The interaction of the hemispheres is already harmoniously synchronized by nature. If this natural synchronization is disrupted, then problems begin. Nature is smarter than us, everything has already been invented before us by evolution and nature itself - the creator.

And now the Ballerina Test (see video for the post).

Its rotation does not determine the work of the right or left hemisphere, but the flexibility and variability of thinking, the ability to think in different directions, and not get hung up on stereotypes.

The ballerina rotates in the direction in which you, your brain, and consciousness admit that she can rotate, i.e., based on your usual picture of the world, beliefs and beliefs, the ballerina spins clockwise or counterclockwise. More often people see clockwise rotation, less often counterclockwise. This is explained by stereotypical thinking. If a person experiences the experience of a ballerina rotating counterclockwise, then he will be able to consciously change the direction of her rotation at will.

The stereotype (scenario) of thinking has changed due to the experience gained. (This is what a psychologist does during a consultation.)

In a state of relaxation, the brain can make assumptions that the Ballerina can also rotate counterclockwise. After the experience, there is a chance for the Ballerina to turn around. (This is why it is important to be able to relax.)

All of the above also applies to people who see only counterclockwise rotation. It is important to be able to see all positions and opportunities.

After watching the last frame of the video, you will be able to turn the Ballerina in different directions at will from any state, because you are convinced and have gained experience that this is possible.

Interesting, did you like it, do you want more revelations?

Have a fruitful week.


SIMULATOR-EXERCISE to expand the capabilities of your brain.

BILATERAL CORRECTION. Test by psychologist Vladimir Pugach

The training activates and balances the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. At some point, the girl begins to spin in different directions. This is the level of information metabolism of your brain.

Watch carefully for about 2 minutes, and then tilt your head (or otherwise) try to control the rotations in different windows in a new way.

Please note that after a few days, each repeated training will give NEW sensations and results. For example, if the picture is above eye level. Below eye level. What is the difference.


You identify the strongest aspects of your brain.

This especially applies to ambidextrous people. (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right). That is, people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere asymmetry have dominance in the functioning of the brain.

Ambidextrous - This is a special group of people with abilities significantly above the norm. Suffice it to say that such people with a special organization of brain function are among the most outstanding people. For example, Benjamin Franklin (who is depicted on the 100 dollar bill), US President Barack Obama, sheikhs in the United Arab Emirates - they are all ambidextrous. That is, people with potentially unique abilities that may or may not be realized.

Please take this test as seriously as possible. It can be repeated from time to time. With the dominance of the left hemisphere, among “logicians” the girl rotates to the right. With the dominance of the right hemisphere, in “artistic eidetics” the girl suddenly begins to rotate to the left. For ambidextrous people, when the head is tilted in the appropriate direction, then to the right, then to the left!

If a ballerina spins clockwise, your right hemisphere is more developed, if counterclockwise, your left hemisphere is more developed.
If, by force of will, you force it to spin left and right when you want it, then you have an increased IQ

The left and right hemispheres of the brain - their role in human life.

THE LEFT HEMISPHERE of the brain is responsible for rational, analytical, verbal (verbal) logical thinking, which operates with numbers, words, notes. Note that the rhythm of music is perceived precisely by the left hemisphere. This part of the brain is responsible for abstract thinking, limited by any framework - this is a limitation from certain aspects, properties or connections of objects and phenomena to highlight their existing features and internal patterns. This perception of the world is based on reason and logic with a rational identification of the sequence of causes and consequences of any event. Priority is given to dry calculations rather than feelings. A striking example of this type of thinking is marriage of convenience, not love.

The left hemisphere of the brain is a male component, since such a vision of the world is characteristic of a man’s Consciousness. This is the left hemisphere male (Yang) Consciousness. It is responsible for the spatio-temporal perception of the world and is strictly limited by the framework of the Past and Present, and the Future is cut off. Therefore, if for some reason the right hemisphere of the brain is affected and only the left hemisphere functions, then the person develops the disease claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces.

Interesting observations were made with a patient who had a dominant left hemisphere and whose right hemisphere was completely removed due to a brain tumor. The remaining left hemisphere allows him to easily control the right half of his body (right arm, right leg, etc.); he holds a cup of coffee in his right hand and shakes his right leg. You ask him: “Would you like to add a little cream to your coffee?” He replies: “No, thank you.” His voice is smooth, practically without any intonation or emotion. If you put a newspaper on the bed in front of him, he will read it. If you ask him to solve a mathematical problem, he will do it easily and freely. But, in the process of talking with him, you begin to notice the devastating effect that the operation had. Due to the absence of the right hemisphere, the left half of his body is paralyzed. Although he keeps up the conversation logically, his answers are sometimes strange. He understands everything flatly and literally, like a robot machine. You ask him: "How do you feel?" Answer: "Hands." He began to have only tactile sensations and completely lost the ability to think creatively, and also lost his intuition. If you change the situation and take him in a wheelchair into the corridor, he ceases to understand where his room is and where he himself is, since he has lost the ability to spatial orientation. He is also unable to put together the simplest picture puzzle or get dressed without assistance. He doesn't understand whether the sleeves of his shirt have anything to do with his hands.

If someone starts arguing and swearing with him, he understands all the words, but does not perceive the emotions that lie behind these words. He does not pay any attention to the tears of his wife and loved ones and does not respond to words of consolation. He is not even upset by what happened to him, because the normal reaction to grief and misfortune is simply inaccessible to the left hemisphere that he has left after the operation. If you invite him to listen to music, he will not answer you. Having turned on the music, you see that he is not listening to it, since he is completely indifferent to the melodies. If a relative approaches the patient, he will not recognize him, because the left hemisphere does not have a photographic memory of faces. Oh, there are also no dreams, and even if they do exist, he cannot remember them.

The RIGHT HEMISPHERE of the brain has more to do with experiences (feelings) than with a rational understanding of something. This component is responsible for non-verbal (wordless) analysis (for example, for the first instant perception of another person, the properties of his character and subsequent behavior), intuitive orientation in space and, in general, for intuition. By intuition (premonition) we mean the prediction of any, even minor, events that subsequently occur. In a deep understanding, the basis of intuition is the life experience gained by a person in his past reincarnations (incarnations).

Thus, the right hemisphere is responsible for the sensory perception of the world. For example, we perceive the melody and beauty of music with the right hemisphere. It is responsible for the instantaneous comprehension of any image or truth by directly observing it. This is penetration into the very essence of something without justification with the help of any evidence - going beyond the limits of objective experience through mental apprehension, “Illumination” or generalization in figurative form of unknown connections and patterns, which are further confirmed by the individual’s own experience. Spontaneous unconscious and subconscious processes reflecting the experience of a person’s past lives are a manifestation mainly of the work of the right hemisphere.

Neuroenergy-informational connection exists not only with the Present, but also with the Future, when a state of instant “enlightenment” is achieved, receiving information from the Future.
The right hemisphere is the female component, responsible for the right hemisphere female (Yin) Consciousness. When a man with his "left-brain" thinking looks at a woman's way of perception, he says: "There is no logic here." And the woman, looking at him, asks: “Where is the feeling?” The female component is guided by the principles: “I like it,” “I want it,” “I don’t care about any evidence.” An example of this type of thinking is marriage for love, and not for calculation: “I love him and that’s enough.” This is a figurative sensory perception of the world “outside of Time and outside of Space,” that is, without any restrictions or attachments to Time or Space. Such perception is characterized by dreams and fantasies, divorced from objective reality. These are dreams of what, in principle, cannot exist in our world - “this cannot be, because it should not be.” Vivid examples of the manifestation of the activity of the right hemisphere are fantastic dreams. In them, a person flies, walks on water, and familiar objects acquire unusually small or huge sizes (a person the size of an insect or, conversely, a giant; a fly the size of an elephant, etc.). When the left hemisphere is blocked, when all the load falls on the right hemisphere, the person falls out of the real world. Not only are the functions of the so-called “individual space and time” disrupted, but Space and Time even completely cease to exist. In 1957, at a meeting of the American Psychological Association, famous experts Jan W. Bruel and George W. Albee presented evidence that a person can live and thrive with only one half of the brain. When a 39-year-old man had the right half of his brain removed, who had shown increased intellectual abilities before the operation, having lost half of his brain, he did not lose his abilities. Interesting observations were made with a right-handed patient whose left hemisphere was dominant and whose left hemisphere was completely removed due to a brain tumor. We should not forget that the right hemisphere controls the movements of the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the movements of the right.

While you are in the room with him, the patient sits on a chair and watches you. You immediately notice that only his left arm and left leg are working, because the other half of his body is paralyzed. Then you notice that he is very sad. Trying to communicate with him, you smile and compliment him that he looks better. Although he cannot speak, he understands your speech. His wife enters the room and he immediately recognizes her. Simple words of comfort and expressions of love bring him some comfort. His wife brought a small tape recorder with her, she turns it on and he enjoys the music. When the song ends, the patient, unable to say his name or express his feelings in words, shockingly begins to sing the hymn he learned in early childhood. You thank him for being able to sing the hymn in such a way that you understood his words. If you ask him to sing something else, the right hemisphere will only remember a short nursery rhyme or a very short prayer that he learned in early childhood.

If you ask him to create a puzzle picture, he will do it without difficulty. When you take him out into the corridor in a wheelchair, he is perfectly oriented and understands where his room is and where he himself is. The patient cannot read or solve mathematical problems independently, but he enjoys listening to poetry and stories. And the dream researcher testifies that the patient had REM (rapid eye movements) recorded at night, which indicates that he is dreaming. Based on the above, we can conclude that both hemispheres of the brain have clearly separated areas of specialization, and the loss of one of them leads to a complete loss of all abilities for which this hemisphere was responsible.

The right hemisphere of the brain is perceptual (perceiving, sensual), and the left hemisphere is conceptual (summarizing different views and perceptions of something into a single system). With the left hemisphere, a person logically comprehends the information that he perceives (reads) with the right hemisphere. In the right hemisphere, the names of objects are merged with their essence, and in the left hemisphere, only their conventional designations in the form of symbols are contained.

The left hemisphere gives a two-dimensional planar understanding. This is a limited (isolated) perception of the world. The result of this vision of the world is a flat image of an object in two-dimensional space.
The right hemisphere provides timeless (not tied to a specific time) surface perception of three-dimensional objects of the three-dimensional world. The joint work of both the left and right hemispheres provides a deep three-dimensional perception of the world. However, more adequate examples of such thinking can be the representation of a three-dimensional body in the form of a sculpture with a cut or another three-dimensional object, which can not only be viewed from all sides, but also seen what is contained inside it.

Test "Ballerina". Which hemisphere is your dominant?

If it seems to you that it is spinning clockwise, your left hemisphere is more developed (logic, analysis), counterclockwise - your right hemisphere (emotions, intuition).

In fact, the ballerina can spin in different directions.

Make the ballerina spin in the direction you want. And you will be very surprised when you succeed.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain - their role in human life.

THE LEFT HEMISPHERE of the brain is responsible for rational, analytical, verbal (verbal) logical thinking, which operates with numbers, words, notes. Note that the rhythm of music is perceived precisely by the left hemisphere. This part of the brain is responsible for abstract thinking, limited by any framework - this is a limitation from certain aspects, properties or connections of objects and phenomena to highlight their existing features and internal patterns. This perception of the world is based on reason and logic with a rational identification of the sequence of causes and consequences of any event. Priority is given to dry calculations rather than feelings. A striking example of this type of thinking is marriage of convenience, not love.

The left hemisphere of the brain is a male component, since such a vision of the world is characteristic of a man’s Consciousness. This is the left hemisphere male (Yang) Consciousness. It is responsible for the spatio-temporal perception of the world and is strictly limited by the framework of the Past and Present, and the Future is cut off. Therefore, if for some reason the right hemisphere of the brain is affected and only the left hemisphere functions, then the person develops the disease claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces.

Interesting observations were made with a patient who had a dominant left hemisphere and whose right hemisphere was completely removed due to a brain tumor. The remaining left hemisphere allows him to easily control the right half of his body (right arm, right leg, etc.); he holds a cup of coffee in his right hand and shakes his right leg. You ask him: “Would you like to add a little cream to your coffee?” He replies: “No, thank you.” His voice is smooth, practically without any intonation or emotion. If you put a newspaper on the bed in front of him, he will read it. If you ask him to solve a mathematical problem, he will do it easily and freely. But, in the process of talking with him, you begin to notice the devastating effect that the operation had. Due to the absence of the right hemisphere, the left half of his body is paralyzed. Although he keeps up the conversation logically, his answers are sometimes strange. He understands everything flatly and literally, like a robot machine. You ask him: "How do you feel?" Answer: "Hands." He began to have only tactile sensations and completely lost the ability to think creatively, and also lost his intuition. If you change the situation and take him in a wheelchair into the corridor, he ceases to understand where his room is and where he himself is, since he has lost the ability to spatial orientation. He is also unable to put together the simplest picture puzzle or get dressed without assistance. He doesn't understand whether the sleeves of his shirt have anything to do with his hands.

If someone starts arguing and swearing with him, he understands all the words, but does not perceive the emotions that lie behind these words. He does not pay any attention to the tears of his wife and loved ones and does not respond to words of consolation. He is not even upset by what happened to him, because the normal reaction to grief and misfortune is simply inaccessible to the left hemisphere that he has left after the operation. If you invite him to listen to music, he will not answer you. Having turned on the music, you see that he is not listening to it, since he is completely indifferent to the melodies. If a relative approaches the patient, he will not recognize him, because the left hemisphere does not have a photographic memory of faces. Oh, there are also no dreams, and even if they do exist, he cannot remember them.

The RIGHT HEMISPHERE of the brain has more to do with experiences (feelings) than with a rational understanding of something. This component is responsible for non-verbal (wordless) analysis (for example, for the first instant perception of another person, the properties of his character and subsequent behavior), intuitive orientation in space and, in general, for intuition. By intuition (premonition) we mean the prediction of any, even minor, events that subsequently occur. In a deep understanding, the basis of intuition is the life experience gained by a person in his past reincarnations (incarnations).

Thus, the right hemisphere is responsible for the sensory perception of the world. For example, we perceive the melody and beauty of music with the right hemisphere. It is responsible for the instantaneous comprehension of any image or truth by directly observing it. This is penetration into the very essence of something without justification with the help of any evidence - going beyond the limits of objective experience through mental apprehension, “Illumination” or generalization in figurative form of unknown connections and patterns, which are further confirmed by the individual’s own experience. Spontaneous unconscious and subconscious processes reflecting the experience of a person’s past lives are a manifestation mainly of the work of the right hemisphere.

Neuroenergy-informational connection exists not only with the Present, but also with the Future, when a state of instant “enlightenment” is achieved, receiving information from the Future.
The right hemisphere is the female component, responsible for the right hemisphere female (Yin) Consciousness. When a man with his "left-brain" thinking looks at a woman's way of perception, he says: "There is no logic here." And the woman, looking at him, asks: “Where is the feeling?” The female component is guided by the principles: “I like it,” “I want it,” “I don’t care about any evidence.” An example of this type of thinking is marriage for love, and not for calculation: “I love him and that’s enough.” This is a figurative sensory perception of the world “outside of Time and outside of Space,” that is, without any restrictions or attachments to Time or Space. Such perception is characterized by dreams and fantasies, divorced from objective reality. These are dreams of what, in principle, cannot exist in our world - “this cannot be, because it should not be.” Vivid examples of the manifestation of the activity of the right hemisphere are fantastic dreams. In them, a person flies, walks on water, and familiar objects acquire unusually small or huge sizes (a person the size of an insect or, conversely, a giant; a fly the size of an elephant, etc.). When the left hemisphere is blocked, when all the load falls on the right hemisphere, the person falls out of the real world. Not only are the functions of the so-called “individual space and time” disrupted, but Space and Time even completely cease to exist. In 1957, at a meeting of the American Psychological Association, famous experts Jan W. Bruel and George W. Albee presented evidence that a person can live and thrive with only one half of the brain. When a 39-year-old man had the right half of his brain removed, who had shown increased intellectual abilities before the operation, having lost half of his brain, he did not lose his abilities. Interesting observations were made with a right-handed patient whose left hemisphere was dominant and whose left hemisphere was completely removed due to a brain tumor. We should not forget that the right hemisphere controls the movements of the left half of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the movements of the right.

While you are in the room with him, the patient sits on a chair and watches you. You immediately notice that only his left arm and left leg are working, because the other half of his body is paralyzed. Then you notice that he is very sad. Trying to communicate with him, you smile and compliment him that he looks better. Although he cannot speak, he understands your speech. His wife enters the room and he immediately recognizes her. Simple words of comfort and expressions of love bring him some comfort. His wife brought a small tape recorder with her, she turns it on and he enjoys the music. When the song ends, the patient, unable to say his name or express his feelings in words, shockingly begins to sing the hymn he learned in early childhood. You thank him for being able to sing the hymn in such a way that you understood his words. If you ask him to sing something else, the right hemisphere will only remember a short nursery rhyme or a very short prayer that he learned in early childhood.

If you ask him to create a puzzle picture, he will do it without difficulty. When you take him out into the corridor in a wheelchair, he is perfectly oriented and understands where his room is and where he himself is. The patient cannot read or solve mathematical problems independently, but he enjoys listening to poetry and stories. And the dream researcher testifies that the patient had REM (rapid eye movements) recorded at night, which indicates that he is dreaming. Based on the above, we can conclude that both hemispheres of the brain have clearly separated areas of specialization, and the loss of one of them leads to a complete loss of all abilities for which this hemisphere was responsible.

The right hemisphere of the brain is perceptual (perceiving, sensual), and the left hemisphere is conceptual (summarizing different views and perceptions of something into a single system). With the left hemisphere, a person logically comprehends the information that he perceives (reads) with the right hemisphere. In the right hemisphere, the names of objects are merged with their essence, and in the left hemisphere, only their conventional designations in the form of symbols are contained.

The left hemisphere gives a two-dimensional planar understanding. This is a limited (isolated) perception of the world. The result of this vision of the world is a flat image of an object in two-dimensional space.
The right hemisphere provides timeless (not tied to a specific time) surface perception of three-dimensional objects of the three-dimensional world. The joint work of both the left and right hemispheres provides a deep three-dimensional perception of the world. However, more adequate examples of such thinking can be the representation of a three-dimensional body in the form of a sculpture with a cut or another three-dimensional object, which can not only be viewed from all sides, but also seen what is contained inside it.

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