
Big hugs. How can you understand the attitude of your loved one towards yourself by the nature of the hug? How to understand a man's hidden feelings? The guy hugged the girl tightly

As you know, the fair half of humanity is mostly characterized by emotionality and the ability to openly express their feelings. It is much easier for a woman to talk about them than for a man. But this does not confirm the opinion about the indifference of the latter, their lack of need, both for psychological support and for the manifestation of spiritual warmth. How to understand a man’s hidden feelings, his desires and needs? We will try to figure this out in this article.

Nonverbal expression of male feelings

If a man doesn't always say how he feels, it means he's expressing it in a different way. The simplest is touch, that is, non-verbal communication. It is gestures that can tell you about the depth of his feelings and experiences. You just need to carefully monitor what he does. Any action can reveal a lot in a person.


A pat on the shoulder or back is a purely friendly gesture. A man who does this to a woman openly emphasizes that they have exclusively friendly relations. However, it is unlikely that this happens consciously on his part. Most likely, he doesn’t even think that he is establishing a distance in this way.

Hugs from behind

A very interesting gesture from a psychological point of view is a person’s attempt to hug another from the back. In the case of a man and a woman being hugged by a man, this could be a sign that he is ready for more and wants to protect you. The back is a vulnerable place, it’s not for nothing that many expressions about “a knife in the back” have been invented. Unconsciously, a person hugging you from behind is showing a desire to protect you.

At the same time, note that hugs from the back with arms intertwined at chest level indicate that they want to not only protect you, but also save you from worries and sadness. Such a gesture is full of love, care and tenderness, and can tell you much more than words spoken out loud.

This same gesture sometimes indicates a man’s uncertainty about your feelings, so hurry to convince him.

Long hugs

If a man hugs you and the hug lasts a little longer than usual, then we can conclude that he is upset. Sometimes he may automatically pat you on the back, but you should not be offended by this. In this way, a person seeks support from someone who is dear to him. Do not pull away under any circumstances, it is better to hug him back and try to talk about what is bothering him or simply distract him.

Hugs and stroking

By the way, hugs that are accompanied by stroking are a sign that indicates that the man is interested in you and is trying to get closer. If you are in the nascent stage of a relationship with a partner, this indicates that he is ready to develop it further. In any case, such a gesture indicates interest.

Forehead touch

Probably each of us has seen in many romantic films how people in love hug. One of the most touching moments is the soulful look of the eye and the touch of the forehead to each other. It is this gesture that expresses the degree of affection of the partner.

A man may do this unconsciously when hugging, but the touch itself shows that he values ​​you.

Big hugs

Sometimes a man hugs you tightly and tightly - this should tell you that he either has very strong feelings for you or is sexually attracted to you. Such hugs allow him to feel you with his whole body, to convey an unspoken message to you.

Men: often hide their feelings, but smart women can tell about them by their behavior

Hidden manifestation of love from a man

In fact, the answer to the question of how to understand a man’s hidden feelings can be quite simple. Many actions speak for themselves, you just need to understand them correctly.

"Pink glasses"

A man in love never sees flaws in his chosen one. Even if you yourself know that you are late again, that your makeup was unsuccessful, or that you obviously didn’t get enough sleep, your partner is unlikely to receive any comments. Of course, some criticize because of their character, but at the stage of falling in love and new feelings, all these shortcomings are invisible and unimportant to him.

Free time

If you notice that a man is trying to spend as much time with you as possible, inviting you into the company of his friends, then this indicates that he is seriously interested. In this case, you definitely don’t have to wait for a call or think that he could take some time after work to go to the movies. Your partner will do and offer all this himself.


Showing jealousy is an indicator of a man's passion for you. If he reacts to any interested glance in your direction, then this indicates seriousness of intentions and reluctance to share you and your attention with someone. Of course, an overly jealous partner can cause a lot of trouble because he tends to see a problem where there is none. On your part, you should strengthen his confidence that you are also interested in the relationship, but do not forget to leave a little room for “maneuver”.

Other manifestations of a man’s hidden feelings

In addition to the above, pay attention to the following actions of a man that will confirm his feelings for you:

  1. the desire to communicate often and a lot - SMS, calls, etc.;
  2. constant care and attention;
  3. desire to introduce you to friends;
  4. support and understanding;
  5. the desire to give gifts with or without reason.

All of the above are just generalized conclusions. You should not take them as a guide to action, because all people are different and express their feelings differently. Just as many men hide their feelings, women can be quite reserved. The key to successful development of relationships lies in the desire of both parties to be frank with each other.

Especially for you, we have prepared interesting material on how to be sure of a man’s sympathy based on his body language.

1. His torso.

If, when communicating with you, his body is completely directed towards you, he is interested in you as a girl. And if a man prefers to stand sideways to you, then most likely he considers you just a friend.

2. He often straightens his hair.

We all know that when a woman is nervous, she involuntarily begins to touch her hair. Men have the same habit. If a man constantly touches his hair for no apparent reason, he is clearly nervous, trying to look good and is very interested in you.

3. His chest.

We are again talking about unconscious actions based primarily on instincts. By puffing out his chest, a man instinctively shows confidence in himself and that he can be your strong advocate.

4. He touches your back.

When a man tries to gently stroke your back, do not doubt his sympathy.

5. He touches your thighs.

Another sure sign of his sympathy. Such actions mean that he would like to make your relationship even closer.

6. His lips.

If a man has the habit of licking his lips in your presence, this is a sign that he is excited and very interested in you.

7. Visual contact.

If a man tries to maintain eye contact and look into your eyes as much as possible, you can be sure that he likes you.

8. He leans towards you.

This usually means that he wants to close the distance between you and make your relationship closer.

9. He gets under your skin.

Does a man sometimes get under your skin? Does it sometimes seem like he's terribly clumsy? Believe me, this is not an accident, he is interested in your reaction and how you feel about his touches.

10. He strokes your head.

This is a sure sign of his sympathy, so the man directly states this.

Now you know exactly how to determine whether a man likes you.

Body language will tell you how much he likes you was last modified: September 22nd, 2016 by Alexandra Lapina

You can understand a man not only by words and actions, but also by gestures. In this article we will look at some behavioral characteristics of men.

How to understand by gestures that a man likes you

If a man likes you, he will definitely show you signs of attention. The smallest details in his behavior may indicate that he is interested in you. Unexpected calls, regular messages, offers to help you with something - men do all this to show their sympathy.

You can understand a lot by a man's gestures. If a man likes you, he will definitely touch you. At the same time, it is important to observe what gestures a man allows himself. If this is touching hands and shoulders, then this is an expression of friendship rather than sympathy for you as a woman. Touching your waist, legs, and hands is an expression of interest in you and a desire to “get closer.”

How to understand by gestures that a man is in love

A man who is in love will always listen to you carefully.

Imagine - you are sitting in a street cafe, the summer breeze playfully ruffles your hair. And two tables away from you there is a man who looks at you, sometimes furtively, and sometimes point-blank, so that you look away. How do you know if this man likes you or is he a maniac looking for a victim?

Let's imagine a different situation. It seems to you that your colleague is not indifferent to you. He stubbornly comes across you in the corridor and smoking room, leaves the office with you and even offers you a ride. What is this, love fever or does he need something from you? For example, help with a project.

To determine how a man treats you, the following tricks will come in handy:

  • pay attention to his posture when he approaches a conversation. If the toes of his shoes point in your direction, his thumbs are in his jeans pockets or hooked on his belt, this is a sign that he is not indifferent to you. If a young man comes closer to you than is customary, slightly violating your personal space, know that you have hooked him.
  • It happens that a man begins to behave fussily, does not know where to put his hands as soon as you enter the room. He looks like a happy puppy waiting for his owner to get home from work, except he doesn’t wag his tail. Assume that you are something special for this man, and you won’t be wrong.
  • After talking a little with the man you like and telling him about your hobbies, the very next meeting you may find that he has read a couple of your favorite books (learned something about your favorite rock band, tried a dish that you like, and you told him about this). This is certainly a good sign. If he “suddenly” liked what you like, or if you notice that he gradually repeats after you some characteristic words and phrases, know that you have sunk into his soul, he is thinking about you.

If you are already in a close relationship with a person, it would be a good idea to determine how seriously involved they are. For this:

  • Try using the pronoun “we” in any context when talking about you with him. How will he react? Will you be happy? Will you be wary?
  • If a man shows concern, takes your dog for vaccination, helps you choose a phone number for your friend, and even more so when he brings some pleasant little things into the house that, in his opinion, are necessary for the household, take a closer look at such a partner. Perhaps this is love.
  • If you wake up before your loved one, do not rush to get out from under the blanket. Watch. Does he hug you in your sleep? If a man holds a woman in his arms even in his sleep, he values ​​her. Perhaps this indicates a tendency towards jealousy and possessive instincts.
  • Observation is also useful in public. At a party or just visiting, pay attention to how your chosen one behaves towards you. If he puts his hand on your waist or every now and then hugs you by the shoulders, takes you by the wrist, he unconsciously wants to show everyone around him - this is my woman.

Insight is a woman’s “secret weapon” in the fight for the attention of men. A little attention and ingenuity, and the correct answer to the question “how to determine that he is not indifferent” will easily be revealed to you. If a man likes you, be the first to guess about it.

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You can tell how a man feels by the way he hugs you. Follow this carefully: perhaps you will discover something new.

Hugs from behind

Does your man like to approach you from behind, hugging you from behind so that his hands are on your chest? Know that he loves you very much. Experts say: by hugging a woman in this way, a man wants to show that he is serious. But there is another secret: if a man hugs only this way, he thinks that you are indifferent to him, and he himself is simply afraid to take the initiative.

Hands on the back

If during a hug he runs his hands along your back, it means he is experiencing deep and strong feelings. In addition, he puts an intimate subtext into his movements: perhaps very soon your relationship will move to a new level. But it could also be something else: the man is upset and needs your support. He is not used to talking about what happened, but believe me: he is in dire need of affection and tenderness from you.


Full body hug

Does the man press his whole body against you, try to hug you tight, use his hands? Most likely, he is ready to move to a new stage. Rest assured: the man is in the mood for an intimate continuation of the evening. Please note: if a man touches his forehead to your head during a hug, it means that your relationship means more to him than just making love for one night. This works even at the very beginning of dating.


Friendly claps

Most likely, it's just a friendly hug. For him, you are a friend and girlfriend, but not his beloved girl. With such hugs, he shows that he does not belong to you and nothing binds you. But don’t be upset if such hugs were seen only a few times. Perhaps at that moment he was trying to support you or was simply busy. Try hugging later to find out exactly what his intentions are.

What does it mean if a man gently strokes your back?

    Well, in your case, this means that at least he likes you and perhaps he is waiting for some kind of response signal and an answer to the question: do you like me? It’s just very difficult to say with accuracy, it’s different for everyone, for many womanizers it’s almost automatic, for example.

    If a man during working hours puts his hand on a woman’s lower back, and this is very close to the buttocks, it means that he is specifically throwing hints or at that moment he is overcome by lust.

    If it just seems to you that he likes you, that is, in fact, this is a person you don’t know, then the man, taking advantage of his official position, hints at flirting with you.

    It is worth stopping such attempts immediately and if you want to get this man, then you need to take the initiative into your own hands. Otherwise, you will follow the carnal desires of this man and this will not result in anything serious. they will take advantage of you and forget you, and you will suffer. Office romance is only good in the movies; in real life, office romances rarely end in marriage.

    This gesture can mean both sympathy for you personally and the fact that this person possibly communicates with all women in this way. Therefore, in order to understand if he has any feelings for you, you still need to watch him, how he communicates with other women.

    Now, if he patted you on the butt, then this gesture could definitely be interpreted as flirting, but stroking your back looks more like timid courtship. Undoubtedly, he likes you, since no one will stroke a person he doesn’t like. But it’s up to you to decide how far this extends. There can be many options, from simple paternal care, which older men sometimes suffer in relation to girls dependent on them, to a modest offer to have an affair, because you say he is trying with all his might to maintain a certain reputation in the eyes of his subordinates. This gesture can also be mechanical, if, say, he is used to treating another person this way, and you somehow reminded him of her, so during a period of thoughtfulness he mechanically repeated the usual gesture.

    Gentle stroking of the back. This means that your back has greatly agitated him, and expect continuation and consequences if you do not nip such a sign of attention in the bud.

    In America, you can make a good amount of money out of this by interpreting such behavior as sexual harassment.

    I assume that this is how this man expresses his sympathy, enthusiasm, and passion. As you said, he can make more obvious signs of attention, but apparently he still wants you to know about his sympathy for you, so that you are aware. Perhaps soon he will take a step towards you more openly, and so that this would not be unexpected for you, he decided to start with such a gesture, or simply wanted to check your reaction in order to understand whether you like it and whether you will not push him away.

    This means that he is interested in you to some extent. And most likely he understands that you are also interested in him. Unless of course he doesn't. And if you like a man, then take the initiative yourself, unless of course he is single. Otherwise, you might miss your chance and someone else will do it for you.

    Perhaps this means something. Without knowing it, he unconsciously stroked the way lovers stroke each other. If he were touching in a friendly way, he would pat him on the back, not stroke him. Well, this is purely my opinion, do not take this gesture to heart, perhaps it does not mean anything.

    In fact, this can mean anything. Perhaps it’s just a friendly gesture. You shouldn’t rely on gestures when evaluating a person. I think if he really liked you, he would have invited you a long time ago, especially since you write that the person is serious.

    In my opinion, this man wants to take advantage of your love. Only a person in love will not be able to immediately understand the hint of a bed, but will look for hints of tender, warm meetings followed by marriage ceremonies.

    Are you writing that you are not indifferent to him? Then why is he so embarrassed that you will be seen and concerned about his situation? No, he is not indifferent, he just knows for sure that there is a secret admirer who is patiently waiting for affection from him and you don’t have to expose you to people, but just hint like that, stroking your back, that he doesn’t mind.. Now, if you agree - you will be his eternal lover.

Photo by dhammza from Flickr

Touch, or kinesthetics, plays an important role in communication between people. Patting on the shoulder, shaking hands, even pushing in transport are means of tactile communication. Relationships with women are an area where touch is especially important. If you saw , but did not touch it, it is likely that soon you will have to come up with. Good touch is the key to a healthy and rewarding relationship and love with a woman. And if you follow a few simple rules, you can succeed in this.

What does touch mean to a woman?

Women by nature are usually kinesthetic. This means that their tactile channel of perception dominates over vision, hearing and other senses. A woman's body is covered with many more receptors than a man's body. In certain places, called erogenous zones, there are more of these receptors. Women, aware of their sensitivity to touch, unconsciously touch their interlocutors on average up to six times more often than men.

Touching for women plays the role of release, manifestation of feelings and care. The touch of a loved one or someone simply attractive to a girl makes her feel welcome and creates a feeling of peace and well-being. Impossible without gentle touches. They not only maintain an emotional connection, but also establish and develop it. This is why many pick-up experts recommend starting to touch the woman you like as early as possible.

When is the right time to touch a woman so that she likes it?

It is important to remember that many women have heard a lot about the “signs” that a man likes them. Among these signs, women's sites also cite touching: “3. He touches you." Therefore, you should not be afraid of touches, but should engage in them. It’s also worth remembering an important principle from: if a girl doesn’t like you initially, you can’t do anything about it. Therefore, no matter how much you want it, do not waste time on those to whom your touch will obviously be unpleasant.

Photo. Entrer dans le rêve from Flickr

Situations in which it is acceptable to touch a girl

There are a few basic situations where touching will feel most natural. Their set is not limited to the list below; in fact, these situations can be any: the main condition is that kinesthetics must be adequate to the circumstances both in scope and “area of ​​application.”

  • When she's upset about something

    For most women, due to their kinesthetic nature, hugging and stroking a person they like is important, especially during times of stress. If you see that your friend is upset, hug her and stroke her back and hair until she calms down. Regardless of whether you have plans for this girl or not, she will appreciate your action.

  • At the meeting

    A meeting is a situation where touching is socially determined. In some regions of Russia, it is customary among young people and older people to kiss each other on the cheek when meeting. Do not neglect this opportunity to touch the girl not only with your lips, but also to hug her and run your palm over her shoulder.

  • In dance

    Even in school times, many begin to appreciate discos and dancing as a way to easily close the distance with the girl they like and touch her properly. At a school disco, student equator or graduation, corporate party at work, invite the girl you like to dance and, while your tongue is telling her something, let your hands float freely along her back.

  • While playing sports

    Tennis, ice skating, or even sliding down a slide involve tactile contact. Choose a sport that she is little familiar with and that you understand. Invite her to do it, and you will have a great opportunity to touch her during training.

  • When she's cold

    There is an opinion that girls often say that they are cold, with a hint of being hugged. It is difficult to assess the veracity of this assumption, but in any case, common sense could not be avoided here. If you see that the girl you like is cold, pat her on the back and then offer her a hug. She will definitely warm up, and you will feel it.

Ladder of Touch

Photo by francisco_osorio from Flickr

In foreign pickup there is the concept of “increasing kinesthetics” (kino escalation). It means a gradual transition from socially acceptable and permissible touching to more intense and unambiguous touching, ending with petting and sex. All this, of course, does not happen immediately. This approach allows you not to scare off the girl, while at the same time establishing and increasing good tactile contact with her. Below are the main steps of this ladder of touch.

  1. Friendly touches

    You touch a woman as you would touch your boyfriend. This is not very accepted in Russian society, so you can rely on examples from foreign films and TV series (by the way, we have a whole material about). The main purpose of touching is on the shoulders (patting, stroking or simply placing a hand).

  2. Kinesthetics that you won't have with a friend

    You stand side by side with her and lightly touch hers with your hand. This is not holding hands, but rather the touching of fingers to fingers - very sensual for a woman. Also, sitting next to her, you can touch her thighs with the back of your hand. When walking together, you can touch her back at the waist - for example, when you let her ahead of you into a building.

  3. Intentional touching

    You can brush a speck of dust from her clothes, remove a fallen eyelash from her face, touch the material of her dress and say something nice about its color and texture. An invitation to dance, a hug, or a pat on the back also fall into this category.

  4. On the way to a kiss

    By this stage, she should already be accustomed to your touch, and you should feel comfortable and natural about petting her and hugging her. Take her hands in yours - while saying goodbye, for example. Approach her, looking into her eyes. Kiss. It is done. You have opened your path to a relationship with this girl.

  5. Supportive touch

    Sitting next to her, stroke her back, touch her back, the back of her head, her neck, hug her. She will be very pleased. If you are alone with her one day, your hands themselves will turn such touches into kissing and petting, which, at your and her request, can turn into sex. Here, in our opinion, it will be useful to understand in order to feel more confident in such a case and not be afraid.

The conclusion from this article is that touch is important for establishing and maintaining a relationship with a woman, and there are recommendations for good and natural kinesthetics. Women generally like to be touched. Thanks in no small part to their sensitive skin, this forms a prominent part of their sensory perception of others and themselves. Share your observations, thoughts and experiences based on this article in the comments. Our readers will certainly help you resolve any issue. You might like our material about attitudes towards life and women.

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