
What cereals are obtained from wheat: names and beneficial properties. Wheat groats: what grain they are made from, calorie content and cooking tips What to cook from wheat groats for a second meal

Most people probably know about the benefits of cereals. Along with oatmeal and buckwheat, wheat groats take the lead in their healing properties. What is this product and what characteristics does it have?

What it is?

Wheat groats are wheat grains that are given a coarse, medium or fine fraction during the grinding process. They have a golden wheaten or brownish color, which depends on the ripening cycle of the grain.

To obtain cereals, durum wheat is necessarily used, and its grains are cleared of the upper layers.

The shelf life of the product is relatively short - up to 8-10 months if stored in glass or ceramic containers. If you keep the raw materials in a plastic bag, then the shelf life barely reaches 6 months. The appearance of a moldy odor and a gray coating indicates spoilage of the cereal. You should also check it periodically for the presence of insects.

This cereal is not something new on the shelves of domestic stores. It was one of the main products of our Slavic ancestors, and also symbolized well-being and prosperity. The newlyweds were showered with grains of wheat; it was always placed on the table during the meal in honor of the birth and baptism of the baby.

The product was also widely popular in the Mediterranean countries, the Caucasus, and Asia.


Wheat cereal is a nutritious, but at the same time dietary product. Due to its positive effect on the intestines and richness of vitamin and mineral composition, it is widely used for weight loss. The presence of dietary fiber allows you to improve intestinal motility and, as a result, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and get the maximum benefit from food.

At the same time, while on a diet, a person will not suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals, since all the elements necessary for life are contained in cereals. It can be safely called not only a product of harmony, but also beauty.

The presence of vitamin B suggests the beneficial effects of cereals on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Vitamin E slows down the aging process and has antioxidant properties.

Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, as well as high protein content, wheat-based cereals are recommended for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor. It will help you quickly restore strength and not overload your intestines during the recovery period after illness, injury, or surgery.

Wheat porridge exhibits an enveloping effect, due to which the stomach is protected from negative components. In addition, it prevents the development of fermentation processes in the intestines, allowing you to get rid of the feeling of heaviness and heartburn.

Thanks to the presence of vitamins, wheat porridge strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of vitamin deficiency. It should be included in the diet during the off-season, during cold and flu epidemics. It is good to eat it in the cold season - porridge provides the energy necessary to heat and maintain the vital functions of all body systems.

Large amounts of protein and calcium, as well as nucleic acids, help strengthen the skeletal system. In this regard, it is recommended for children, as well as categories of people experiencing calcium deficiency - pregnant women, the elderly.

Cereals have an antioxidant effect, remove waste and toxins from the body, and normalize the water-alkaline balance. It reduces and stabilizes blood glucose levels, therefore it is recommended for diabetes.

Regular consumption of wheat porridge eliminates the symptoms of chronic fatigue and normalizes sleep. Phosphorus in the composition helps improve cerebral circulation and is especially useful during increased mental stress.

Antioxidants, as well as magnesium and calcium, have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels - the elasticity of the vascular walls increases, blood clotting improves, the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques decreases, and the heart rate normalizes.

However, these properties appear only if the person consuming it is not allergic to gluten. The latter is a protein found in most cereals. The product is not recommended for low acidity of gastric juice and flatulence.

Despite the positive effect of cereals during pregnancy (saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, helps to cope with constipation), you should consume it with caution in the last trimester. Due to the active effect on the intestines, uterine hypertonicity can be provoked. When breastfeeding, it is also better to avoid the product - it can cause diathesis and intestinal colic in the baby.

The coarser the grind of wheat cereal, the more useful components it contains. Raw materials of a fine fraction, as well as those that have been pressed under the influence of high temperatures, are significantly inferior to whole grain products in terms of their benefits.

Chemical composition and number of calories

Wheat cereal contains many proteins - the necessary material for building muscle tissue and maintaining the strength of the skeletal system. In addition to proteins, there are essential amino acids. It is not surprising that athletes and those who want to build muscles try to include this product in their diet.

Grains contain carbohydrates, fatty acids and purines. The presence of fiber improves intestinal motility. This, in turn, allows the digestive system to better digest incoming food. Passing through the intestines, non-digestible dietary fiber collects waste and toxins through it and removes them out. This helps speed up metabolism and makes wheat grain one of the most effective means for losing weight.

Like all cereals, wheat grains are rich in B vitamins (B 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9), and also contain vitamins A, E, F, and ascorbic acid. They participate in strengthening the immune system and are responsible for cellular metabolism and respiration.

The mineral composition is represented by magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, zirconium, phosphorus, calcium.

The calorie content of porridge is quite high - 335.5 kcal per 100 g of dry product. That is why it is a nutritious product that guarantees a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Nutritional value and glycemic index

As already mentioned, the nutritional value of the dry product is 335.5 kcal. The BZHU balance looks like 16/1/70. The bulk comes from complex carbohydrates, which give a feeling of fullness and do not raise blood sugar levels. The glycemic index is 45, and varies slightly depending on the processing method.

In addition, cereals are rich in proteins, but they contain insignificant amounts of fat and are represented by fatty acids necessary for the body.

Nutritious wheat cereal is used in various diets. Firstly, it saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Secondly, it satisfies hunger for a long time.

In addition, the product cleanses the intestines, starts metabolism and helps accelerate lipid metabolism. Carbohydrates from grains are broken down slowly, making it possible to obtain energy from them. Most diets involve a combination of cereals with vegetables and dairy products. Due to its high protein and amino acid content, it is recommended for vegetarians and people who do not eat meat due to intolerance.


Depending on the type of wheat used and the characteristics of its processing, several types of wheat cereal are distinguished. Thus, from wheat of the “Arnautka” variety, the cereal of the same name is obtained, which has a glassy appearance and is suitable for cooking porridge. This is a whole grain and the most healthy cereal. “Artek”, on the contrary, is a finely ground cereal, which is also ground, and therefore contains the least amount of dietary fiber.

Bulgur is well known, which is wheat grains that have been freed from bran and steamed. They are usually prepared as a side dish and have a pleasant nutty aftertaste. Bulgur is very popular in the East, the Mediterranean and Asia.

If the grains are steamed and then pressed, flakes are obtained. Since flakes are nothing more than crushed grains, they brew faster than other types, but, unfortunately, contain a minimal amount of healing components.

A separate niche is occupied by “Poltava” groats - durum wheat grains from which the germ has been removed, and partially the seed shells of the kernel. Depending on the degree of grinding, Poltavskaya is distinguished by numbers.

  • So, No. 1 is coarsely ground grains, unpolished, resembling pearl barley in appearance. Typically used to add to soups.
  • No. 2 contains medium-ground grains, which are also ground. They take on an oval shape and are especially suitable for preparing porridges.
  • “Poltavskaya No. 3” undergoes the same processing as the second number, but the grains are round. Also used for cooking porridges and making casseroles.
  • Fine grinding and grinding are marked as No. 4 - an option for breading, adding to baked goods, cutlets.

What can you cook?

Traditionally, wheat grits are used to prepare porridges. They can be viscous or crumbly, as well as liquid. You can cook them with water, milk or meat broth. Salt, spices, and butter help make porridge tastier. If it is prepared as a side dish, then you can add vegetables and cracklings.

Sweet cereals allow you to add fruits and dried fruits, nuts, honey, and various spreads (peanut, chocolate). You can mix wheat grits with rice or buckwheat to make “Friendship” porridge.

It is used as a cereal dressing in soups. Particularly successful is its combination with pickled cucumbers (the result is a soup in the style of pickle) and fish (ukha). However, you can also put cereal in milk soup.

You can roll cutlets, meatballs, pieces of chicken and fish in finely ground cereal. It is also added as a dry ingredient to casseroles, pancakes, pancakes and pies.

Recipes for many Mediterranean and Transcaucasian dishes involve the use of this product. For example, in Armenia they prepare a soup from wheat cereal and chicken meat, which is called “aris” or “haris”. In Turkey, cereals are put in pilaf, as well as tabbouleh salad.

Under the name “koubes” are cutlets made from wheat porridge, inside of which there is a meat filling. This is one of the traditional dishes of Greek cuisine. In Armenia, there is a similar dish, however, beef with pine nuts is placed inside the cutlets.

In Italy, cereals are used to bake bread. In addition to wheat grain, lentils and rice are put there, and the finished dish is called “Bread of the Three Sisters.” And in Morocco, porridge is prepared from wheat grains in water, to which orange tree flowers are added.

For cooking, you should choose cereal of one type and a single fraction, then it will be cooked at the same time, and the dish will turn out delicious. Finely ground product takes about 20 minutes to prepare, coarsely ground product – up to 50 minutes.

The easiest way to prepare cereal is to cook porridge from it in water. To obtain a medium-viscosity dish, take 1 cup of cereal and 2 cups of water. Adding 100 g of butter will help make the taste more delicate. This porridge can be served for breakfast or as a side dish. Cereals should be placed in boiling water.

The proportions of liquid and cereal depend on the consistency of the finished dish you plan to get. To obtain liquid porridge, 4 parts water requires 1 part cereal. For viscous cereals, the ratio of cereals to water looks like 1: 3. For crumbly ones, it is 1: 2 or 1: 2.5.

In most cases, cereals should be rinsed before cooking. The exception is a finely ground product or flakes. Do not neglect rinsing if you want to get crumbly porridge. In this case, the cereal should be washed at least 3-4 times to remove gluten.

It is better to cook porridge in a thick-walled container. A cast iron cauldron is ideal - the dish will be rich and aromatic. Instead of butter, you can use flaxseed or olive oil for dressing. If you don’t have medium or finely ground grains on hand, and you want to get a more tender and uniform porridge, you can grind the grains in a coffee grinder.

If you are preparing crumbly porridge, be sure to cover the container with a lid. You may need a little more water during the cooking process. You need to add hot water; stirring the porridge during cooking is not recommended.

Cereals for salads should not be boiled, just add hot water and leave for an hour and a half. After this, the raw materials should be thoroughly washed. It is better to place it in a gauze bag and rinse it in cool boiled water, pouring it from a jug or kettle.

One of the salad options with the addition of cereals is to mix chopped tomatoes, peppers, and coarsely grated sour apple. Add greens and lettuce leaves, pickled red onions. As a dressing, use a mixture of olive or linseed oil with the addition of lemon juice. Natural yogurt or kefir will also work.

Pressing garlic, spices, chopped or whole nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds or flax through a press will help make the taste of the salad more piquant.

See the following video for the recipe for wheat porridge.

About cereals

Nowadays, this product is one of the main ones on any table. Crushed cereals are called chaff. Different types of cereals have their own special properties. There are not many varieties of this product in the world:

1.: in the twentieth century it was called the queen of cereals for its colossal content of amino acids, vitamins, and microelements important for health. It stimulates hematopoiesis, promotes the development of endurance and immunity of the human body. Nutritionists advise eating it raw, since as a result of chemical processing, most of the substances with which it is so rich disappear.

Buckwheat (kernel) is made from seed buckwheat - a whole grain ( buckwheat, buckwheat, buckwheat, Greek wheat), prodel (crushed grain with a broken structure), Smolensk groats (highly crushed grains), buckwheat flour, as well as medical preparations.

2.: in the process of regular consumption of this unique product, the performance of the brain, cardiovascular system, and digestive organs is normalized, and cholesterol metabolism is improved. It also perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, which slows down the aging of the body. This is one of the best sources of natural energy.

Flour obtained from wheat grains is used in baking bread, making pasta and confectionery. Wheat is also used as a feed crop and is included in some recipes for making beer and vodka.

3.: a good product that, when used correctly, is intended to treat intestinal diseases, cleanses the organs of mucus and expels fat. However, due to the presence of glutin and phytin in its composition, it has the properties of causing allergies and blocking the access of calcium to the body, so it is recommended not to abuse it.

Produced from durum wheat (brand “T”), soft wheat (brand “M”) or a mixture of them (brand “MT”). It is used for first courses as a filling, or in the form of semolina dumplings; for main courses - in the form of porridge, pancakes, casseroles, meatballs, cutlets; for sweet dishes - in the form of sweet semolina porridge ( Guryevskaya), soufflé, pudding, mousse, etc.; for baking a pie (so-called manna); and also for adding to minced meat.

4.: an excellent product, the use of which prevents obesity, anemia, and constipation. A decoction of pearl barley is used as a restorative medicine after illness and internal inflammation.
Pearl barley is made from barley (a plant of the cereal family).

5.: this product contains a large amount of natural antioxidants, on which the state of human immunity depends. Constant use stops any inflammation processes in the gastrointestinal tract and activates metabolism. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles.

Produced from common oats or common oats (lat. Avéna satíva) - an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Oats (Avena), widely used in agriculture, a cereal.

6.: helps correct the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis. Used for diarrhea and indigestion, the B vitamins from its composition have the best effect on the skin, nails and hair. This product greatly helps cleanse joints and can be used for weight loss, because it contains no salts and a lot of potassium.

Rice is a food product produced from the seeds of plants of the genus Rice. It is a staple food for most of the world's population, although it is inferior to wheat in terms of the volume of food grain produced.

7.: one hundred grams contains almost two hundred and eleven milligrams of potassium, due to which it is considered extremely useful for people suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system. This product has a positive effect on the liver and also helps prevent diabetes.

Millet is a cereal obtained from the fruits of cultivated species of millet (Panicum), freed from spikelet scales by peeling.

8.: It is considered a product that does not cause an allergic reaction, therefore it is used in baby food. Its nutritional value is lower than that of other cereals, however, due to the fact that its protein is poorly digestible, it promotes more efficient removal of fat from the body.

Corn grits are a product of grinding dried corn kernels

9.: They are not a separate type of product in themselves; they are processed grain shells. They are the most nutrient-dense part of any grain crop. The main part of bran is fiber, a component that helps normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract. Bran is a source of vitamins that are essential for the good functioning of nerve cells; they also have the best effect on the composition of the blood.

10.: rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium; in terms of protein content, it can fully replace meat. Thanks to the large amount of carbohydrates, this cereal is a good energy drink.

11. : This is a leguminous plant that has cleansing properties. It is used for dietary nutrition of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases; its calming property has a beneficial effect on nerve cells.

12.: contains a lot of useful substances and minerals that have a wide range of effects. This product helps strengthen the lining of the stomach and intestines, promotes the development of brain activity and improves immunity.

It also contains lysine, an amino acid known for its antiviral effect, phosphorus (which normalizes metabolism), calcium, which is essential for bones, and potassium, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Barley (lat. Hórdeum) is a genus of plants of the Poaceae family, one of the oldest cereals cultivated by humans.

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Wheat is one of the most popular crops in the world. Our article is dedicated to telling you what cereals are made from wheat, why they are valued and what can be prepared from them.


In the Old Testament there is a mention of manna from heaven, which is considered an analogue of semolina porridge. It is probably no coincidence that the Lord sent this particular food to the Jews during their forty years of wandering, because semolina porridge perfectly restores strength and increases vitality.

Durum wheat semolina has a yellowish color. The grains are glassy, ​​with sharp edges. The taste of porridge made from this type of semolina is more intense, it has a coarse structure and boils worse than semolina porridge from varieties.

Semolina grade M is white and boils quickly. The porridge turns out homogeneous and smooth.

Semolina porridge is ideal for dietary nutrition, as it contains only 2% fiber. It is very well absorbed and is recommended for postoperative recovery; in addition, it is indispensable for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only porridge that is digested and absorbed in the lower intestine. Semolina removes mucus and fat from the body.

However, like any product, semolina has not only positive properties, but also negative ones. Phosphorus contained in semolina binds calcium salts and thus prevents their absorption. In addition, this cereal contains a lot of gluten, which means it is contraindicated for those who are allergic to gluten.

Wheat cereals are high in calories, so those who are afraid of gaining excess weight are recommended to eat them not in the evening, but in the morning, and not every day, but alternating with other dishes.


In recent years, our table menu has expanded significantly. In addition to dishes brought from abroad, we had the opportunity to try products that were present in the diet of our distant ancestors. This concerns spelled, which is mentioned in A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.” Spelled is a variety of wheat characterized by unique properties. Adherents of a healthy diet must include it in their diet.

This wheat belongs to soft varieties with non-threshing films. In terms of microbiological composition, spelled is significantly superior to durum wheat. Most of the useful substances, including vegetable protein, of which spelled contains almost 40%, are found in the shell and germ. Before grinding, the grain is germinated and dried.

This porridge contains the maximum amount of useful substances for which wheat is so valued - these are vitamins B (1,2,3,6 and 9), PP, A and E, about 20 amino acids, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt and manganese.


In our country, back in the Soviet years, the following wheat was produced in large quantities industrially: semolina, Poltava and artek.

Poltavskaya is produced from hard, under-threshed milk, crushed into large fractions and in this form is used for food. Poltavskaya contains a large amount of fiber, so it is often added to animal feed. In cooking, it is used to prepare porridges and soups with milk or water.

Before cooking, the cereal should be washed in cold water, then brought to a boil and drained of any foam that has formed on its surface. Add water again and bring to a boil, add salt to taste and continue to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. It is best to cook this porridge in the oven, where it will heat evenly on all sides. You can add milk to the cooking water in a 1:1 ratio.


A variety of wheat cereals are extremely popular and very numerous on the world food market. The species and their names sometimes seem very strange, but with a detailed study of the etymology of these words, everything becomes clear and logical. The word “artek” translated from Crimean Tatar means “best”, so it is not surprising that the best pioneer camp in the Soviet Union, as well as the cereal that was initially made for pioneer camps, received this name. It is noteworthy that the word “artos”, consonant with “artek”, is taken from the Greek language and means “bread”. Since the time of the first Christians, this word has entered the familiar lexicon of the Orthodox Church - during multi-day fasts, at the end of the Liturgy, pieces of artos are distributed to believers to maintain strength. This is a special wheat bread that not only gives endurance, but also cures all diseases.

In addition, I would like to say that only the best varieties of durum wheat produce Artek cereals. Before grinding, the grains are completely freed from the shell and germ. For this reason, the microbiological composition of Artek is inferior to Poltava, but in terms of taste, porridge from Artek is significantly superior to both Poltava and semolina.

Artek grains are similar to semolina, but slightly larger. Unlike semolina, when processing grain for artek, wheat is not subjected to high-temperature treatment. Artek porridge is viscous and thick. The cereal cooks well and increases in volume very much.

Before cooking, the artek is not washed, but only sifted through a fine sieve. Cook it over low heat with constant stirring. This grain is not suitable for soups, but for casseroles there is no better filler. Artek goes well with both meat products and vegetables.


Bulgur is the name given not only to specially processed wheat grain, but also to dishes made from this product - porridge and pilaf. The cost of bulgur is significantly higher than domestic cereals made from crushed wheat. The fact is that when producing bulgur, the crushed grain is subjected to heat treatment, which helps to increase the shelf life of this product.

We also know about bulgur from biblical books. This grain has remained a constant component of a large number of southern cuisine dishes for several millennia. Ripe ears are threshed, the grain is cleaned and boiled until soft. Then the water is drained, and the wheat is laid out on baking sheets to dry. Shake them periodically and turn them over to prevent mold from forming. When the grains darken, wrinkle and harden, they are again moistened and beaten so that the shell cracks. Then they dry again. The dried grain is thrown in front of a stream of forced air, which easily carries away the separated husk. The kernels thus purified are sifted and ground. When grinding using different types of sieves, calibration occurs. The output is several types of bulgur with different grain sizes. The largest one is used for preparing pilaf and dolma, the medium one is for salads, stuffed vegetables and soups, and the smallest one is for kufta and desserts.


Tarhonya is a wheat cereal that is very popular in the countries of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. In former times, women made it themselves, but now factory production has been established and cereals can be bought in the store.

To make tarhoni you need wheat flour, eggs, water and a little salt. A fairly stiff dough is kneaded and left for half an hour to stabilize. After this, the dough is rubbed through a sieve and dried in the sun or in the oven. Store cereals in linen bags in dry, ventilated areas. Tarhonya is used in soups, side dishes and as an independent dish.

Here is one of the traditional Hungarian ways of preparing tarhoni. In a frying pan you need to melt the fat and put the cereal in it. As soon as it starts to turn golden, immediately pour in boiling water, add salt and your favorite seasonings - herbs, tomatoes, garlic, paprika and others, to your taste. You cannot overcook the cereal, otherwise it will become bitter. You should also not overdo it with water, otherwise the tarhoni will become viscous. As soon as the grains are softened enough, serve. The side dish can be vegetables, meat or fish.


Couscous, like bulgur, is both the name of wheat cereal and dishes made from it. This type of wheat cereal was borrowed from the Berber and Maghreb national cuisines.

Currently, industrial production of couscous has been established. The cereal is based on large fractions remaining after grinding flour, that is, semolina. Semolina is moistened, sprinkled with flour and ground until large balls with a diameter of up to 2 mm are obtained. Then it is sifted, dried and packaged.

Traditionally, couscous is steamed, but it is also acceptable to simply pour boiling water over it, add oil and salt and leave for a few minutes to swell. You can eat couscous this way. It is delicious either on its own or as an alternative to rice and pasta in appropriate dishes.

If you want to cook a traditional East African dish, you can try this using a regular steamer pan. Water is poured into the bottom, and gauze is placed on top of the grate. It is needed so that the grains do not fall through and receive a sufficient amount of hot, moist steam. Traditional couscous takes a long time to prepare, about an hour, sometimes in two steps - after the first half-hour steam treatment, it is cooled a little and dried. As a result, the couscous acquires a uniform structure both inside and outside. Then the grains are steamed again. With this method, the couscous turns out to be crumbly, well-cooked and greatly increased in volume. To prevent couscous from sticking, the gauze must be shaken from time to time during cooking.


Ptitim is called Turkish bulgur. This is a cereal made from durum wheat. According to the production method, ptitim is not very different from couscous, but has a smoother structure.

Ptitim is very popular in Israel. The history of the appearance of this cereal here is quite remarkable. In the middle of the twentieth century, when Jews began to leave en masse and settle in the newly formed state of Israel, they brought with them dishes from the national cuisines of the peoples of Africa. Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion set the population the task of creating a list of national products that will be included in the kosher menu. So couscous was renamed ptitim and took an honorable place in the list of dishes of Jewish cuisine. Due to its external resemblance to the Italian risoni and its original history, people began to call ptitim as Ben-Gurion rice. If you ask any Israeli what the name of the wheat cereal named after the legendary politician is, you will get a funny answer: “Ben-Gurion Rice.”

Somewhat later, ptitim began to be made in the form of various small figures, and also colored with natural food dyes.

Before using as food, poultry is boiled in salted water. It is suitable for side dishes with meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Ptitim is no less good as an independent dish. There are many different seasonings and sauces for ptitim.


Currently, a very large number of different wheat cereals are produced all over the world. It is impossible to say for sure which cereal is considered the most useful - each has its own properties and microbiological composition. Nevertheless, freekeh is considered one of the healthiest wheat cereals. Some sources call it the universal food of the future, although this cereal is at least several centuries old. A 13th-century Baghdad cookbook mentions it in a recipe for a meat dish with cinnamon, cumin, coriander and tail fat.

Freekeh is produced from young wheat that has reached food maturity, but has not yet hardened. The wheat is cut, collected into sheaves and dried in the sun. Dried ears of corn are burned over a fire so that the straw and shell burn off, but the grains remain intact. Because they are immature and contain a lot of water, they do not burn. The grains are collected and threshed to remove any remaining husks, then laid out on baking sheets and dried again in the sun. Once they reach the required texture, color and taste, they are crushed. Externally, freekeh resembles bulgur, but differs from it both in color and taste.

Freekeh has a low glycemic index, so it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, this cereal contains four times more dietary fiber, consisting of indigestible fiber, than other similar cereals. This property allows freekeh to be included in the list of products that help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, as well as for weight loss.


Farro is an Italian wheat grain. This name still means little to Russians, but it is well known to residents of the Apennine Peninsula.

Farro is a variety of wheat and the name of a cereal that is very popular in Italy. Farro has been cultivated in this country for almost 5,000 years. Farro is used to make cereal, which in terms of taste and consumer qualities is in no way inferior to more common varieties of wheat. Semi-finished farro cereals are boiled and blast-frozen in low-temperature refrigerators. Before using them for food, they are thawed at room temperature, scalded with boiling water and served, seasoned with spices or sauces.


Wheat cereal, whose name sounds like triticale, is an amphidiploid (hybrid) of wheat and rye. Initially, this variety was bred as a fodder crop, however, breeding work brought triticale to perfection, creating a cereal that surpasses its parents in many respects. If you ask the question: “Which wheat cereal has the greatest chance of becoming a leader in the food market?”, the answer will come naturally: “Of course, triticale!”

Unfortunately, in our country, triticale is still very rare, and this despite the fact that in the 20s of the last century, domestic breeders Meiser, Derzhavin, Pisarev and others bred several very successful hybrids of wheat and rye for food and feed purposes. Despite its unpretentiousness and high yield, triticale did not take root in the USSR. Currently it is grown in Poland, Belarus, Australia, Germany and France. Triticale can be found in health food stores. It contains almost no gluten, and it contains much more protein, vegetable fats and lysine than wheat and rye.

As for what cereals are obtained from triticale wheat, the answer is quite simple - the same as those obtained from other varieties of this cereal. The consumer properties of triticale cereals are similar to those of regular wheat cereals. Before eating, they need to be boiled in salted water, and then used as a filler for soups, side dishes for main courses of meat or fish. Triticale makes delicious milk, meat and lean porridges.

Some time ago, when cereal flakes became fashionable, wheat cereals began to be subject to undeserved criticism. Still, you shouldn’t deplete your diet. We tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about a variety of healthy and very tasty wheat cereals. We hope that now they will take their rightful place in your kitchen.

Before we get into our extensive listing with descriptions and photos, let's clear up some general points. Groats- a food product consisting of whole or crushed grains of various crops. Cereals are produced primarily from cereals ( millet, buckwheat, rice, corn), other grains ( barley, oats, wheat, dagussa, less often rye) and legumes ( peas, lentils) crops. Cereals also include flakes ( oatmeal, corn), expanded grains ( rice, wheat), artificial sago and others.

Cereals are rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, PP, while at the same time they contain very little fat. The fewer stages of processing the grain has undergone, the healthier it is, since its shells contain most of the minerals and vitamins. Ground and polished grains are less healthy, but they cook faster.

Types of cereals

There are cereals whole, crushed and compressed (in the form of flakes). Cereals made from whole grains are called kernels. Such grain undergoes careful selection; only large and whole grains can be the kernel. If a packet of cereal, called a kernel, contains cereal “flour”, crushed grains, shells and impurities, then this cereal is of low quality. Crumbly porridges and side dishes are prepared from the core.

Crushed cereals are called chaff. It is obtained simply - the cereal is completely or partially freed from the shells and crushed. Crushed cereals can be smaller or coarser; they cook quickly and are better absorbed than whole grains. Crushed cereals are most suitable for making milk porridges.

As a result of special steam treatment and pressing, cereals are obtained in the form of flakes. The most popular cereals are oatmeal, but recently millet, rice, buckwheat and many other flakes have appeared. They are quick to prepare and easy to digest. Suitable for preparing milk porridges and desserts.

In any case, the nutritional value of cereals is higher than that of the grain from which they are produced, because the conventional weight of simple grain ( let it be 100 grams) accounts for part in the form of “husk” ( more correctly, the fruit and seed shells, as well as the flower film), and the finished product in the form of cereal is cleared of these inedible components, so the same conventional 100 grams will contain more nutrients.

(As an “inappropriate” use of various cereals, we can mention the use of many of them to make coffee substitutes, although, of course, they cannot replace a real drink, with all its beneficial properties!)

Perhaps, from personal observations, I can say that the most common in Russia are various wheat cereals ( couscous, semolina, arnivka and many others), but, despite their dominant position, the range of stores is not limited to this. Now let’s take a closer look at which cereals from which cereals and other plants can be found on sale.

Almost everything about cereals

Amaranth(kiwicha) is a cereal originally from South America, which has recently become extremely popular due to its beneficial properties. It has a higher content of protein, iron, magnesium and phosphorus than other cereals, and the balance of amino acids is better, since amaranth contains lysine and methionine, which other cereals lack, especially corn grits. In addition, amaranth contains the anti-inflammatory substance squalene. Amaranth does not contain gluten, so it can be recommended for consumption by people on a gluten-free diet. Amaranth grains are very aromatic, their taste is similar to the taste of sesame seeds with a little pepper. Cooked amaranth grains are very shiny and resemble granular brown caviar. Amaranth grains are very small, they stick to each other and stick to the bottom of the pan. Therefore, it is better to cook amaranth in a non-stick pan, in a steam bath or in a microwave oven. Or mix amaranth with other cereals: cook 55 g of amaranth and 110 g of toasted quinoa in 500 ml of water for 15-20 minutes, the porridge will turn out very tempting.

Buckwheat does not apply to cereals. The plant from which it is collected, with reddish stems and wide, heart-shaped leaves, is a close relative of rhubarb. It arrived in Europe in the 15th century from Manchuria. Traditionally, buckwheat is consumed throughout Central Europe in the form of porridge, cooked from more or less finely crushed grains. There are 3 types of buckwheat: kernel, prodelnaya and Smolensk. Yadritsa - whole grains from which the fruit membrane has been removed - is good for crumbly porridges, as well as cereals and minced meat, perfect for soups. Prodel is the same kernel, which has additionally split the grains; it can be large ( about half a buckwheat kernel) and small ( less than half the core). Viscous porridges, meatballs and casseroles are prepared from prodel.

Smolensk groats
obtained by completely peeling the buckwheat shells and completely removing flour dust. Smolensk groats are perfectly digestible and good for liquid and viscous porridges, meatballs and casseroles. Green buckwheat is distinguished from brown buckwheat by its production technology. Green buckwheat does not undergo heat treatment ( steaming), thanks to which the natural light green color of the grains, mild buckwheat taste and aroma and ability to germinate are preserved. During storage, especially in the light, green buckwheat can acquire a beige color, which is a natural process, just like green lentils, which turn brown over time. Buckwheat is a record holder for the content of vitamins, microelements, and complete proteins necessary for human health. By the way, buckwheat contains a lot of magnesium and also contains tryptophan ( both components are approximately 65-70% of a person’s daily requirement), so this product is perfect for normalizing sleep. In addition, the absence of gluten makes buckwheat an ideal option for people with allergies to this protein.

Dagussa(korakkan, korakan, finger millet, ragi) - a cereal crop originally from North Africa from the Ethiopian Highlands, over time it became very popular in India and Nepal. Round grains can have different colors - from dark red to light.

There are options for using dagussa cereal, but its main consumption is still in the form of flour. Flour is used for baking bread ( classic Indian flatbreads roti, steamed flatbreads idli), flour and cereals are also used to prepare a low-alcohol drink, a kind of local “beer”.

Dagussa is rich in the essential amino acid methionine, and it also contains a lot of calcium, so in some regions ( northwest Vietnam, southern India) Dagussa dishes are recommended as health-improving and even medicinal food for women in the prenatal period and for children over 6 months.

In our country, it is problematic to buy dagussa; you can ask around in specialized Indian stores (and there are already many of them in large cities) or order it on the Internet.

Dolichos– unusual cream-colored beans with a white ridge, a separate genus of legumes. This ancient legume is quite common around the world, but is especially popular in Indian cuisine. Dolichos boasts not only a rich herbal aroma, but also a balanced protein. Both ripe dry fruits and fresh green pods are used for food. Dolichos is versatile, it can be a side dish or a main dish, and is equally good in salads and soups, especially in combination with ginger and coconut. Dolichos beans have a rich herbal aroma and taste a little like green beans. It is recommended to pre-soak the beans before cooking. They are cooked for more than an hour; during the cooking process, the characteristic scallop disappears.

Quinoa(quinoa, quinoa) is a rice quinoa, which is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus "pigweed". Quinoa has a fairly ancient origin; in addition, quinoa has long been considered one of the most important food products among the Indians. In the Inca civilization, quinoa was one of the three most important foods, such as potatoes and corn. Quinoa contains much more protein than any other grain - approximately 16.2%. The composition of quinoa is close to the composition of milk proteins, while the amino acids are well balanced. The main distinguishing feature of quinoa is that it takes on the flavor of the food with which it is cooked. This is precisely what determines the entire range of its wide application - it is used for preparing salads and all kinds of main courses, for preparing desserts and cereals, etc. For those who are still afraid to try this amazing grain, I want to mention that quinoa has a very light , delicate texture and faint herbaceous flavor. And if you suddenly decide to cook quinoa, then first fry it in vegetable oil - the taste will become more refined.

Corn- American by origin, arrived in Europe at the end of the 15th century and quickly spread throughout the southern regions. Corn comes in yellow, white, purple and black. On sale you can find large ones - large grains for soup, small ones - for porridge, casseroles and fillings. Hominy and polenta are cooked from corn, tortillas and muffins are baked, and corn flour is added to sauces and creams. Polenta ( crushed corn kernels) is used as a side dish or as an independent dish with various additives ( vegetables, mushrooms, meat, anchovies, etc..). And it turns out that some manufacturers prepare a coffee substitute from corn.

You can make sweet pudding or just porridge from polenta, bake buns or delicious unusual pancakes ( step by step recipe with photos) . Porridge from
Corn grits are hard and have a specific taste. The cereal is cooked for about an hour, increasing in volume by 3-4 times. Corn porridge with pumpkin is very tasty. This cereal is rich in starch and iron, vitamins B, E, A, PP, but the calcium and phosphorus content in it is not too high. Its nutritional value and culinary properties are lower than other types of cereals. The proteins in corn grits are incomplete and poorly digestible. This cereal does not cause excess weight and is recommended for older people and people leading a sedentary lifestyle. A distinctive feature of corn porridge is its ability to inhibit fermentation processes in the intestines, reducing flatulence ( bloating) and colic, as well as the absence of gluten, which allows you to eat porridge without the risk of getting celiac enteropathy.

Couscous(couscous) - coarsely ground cereal processed with flour from durum wheat, sometimes from barley or waxy wheat, completely cleared of shells and germs. It is used to prepare the base of a classic dish of Maghreb cuisine - couscous, the Arabic analogue of Central Asian pilaf. Sometimes couscous is also called cereals made from other grains, as well as dishes made from them. The diameter of the grains is about 1 mm. Traditionally, couscous was prepared by women, but since preparing couscous is a very labor-intensive process, couscous production has now been mechanized. Couscous has a delicate taste, can perfectly replace pasta and rice, and can be used as a side dish. It can be served both hot and cold. It is often used to prepare various salads, or it can be boiled. And the unusual texture of couscous perfectly replaces bread crumbs to create a crispy crust.

Linen. Strictly speaking, you will not find the phrase “flaxseed” anywhere; flax seeds are used for cooking, which can be easily found in health stores or pharmacies, but in grocery stores you will most often see packages with the name “flaxseed.” ", or "linseed flour". For a very long time in our country, this original Russian product was forgotten, but now in almost any supermarket there are several options to choose from for preparing flax porridge, often these will be mixes with wheat or pumpkin, or sesame, etc. For preparation, they use pressed from the oil the seeds, and also ground into flour. But no one is stopping you from buying whole grains at the nearest pharmacy and preparing “live” porridge from them yourself.

Flax seeds are an incredibly healthy product! Considering that you will probably use a ready-to-cook mixture, a big plus for those watching their weight is that after pressing the oil there is very little fat left behind. But there is a lot of easily digestible protein, which is almost twice as much as carbohydrates! The high fiber content normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and cleanses the intestines of toxins. Flax seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids ( Omega 3 and 6), which are vital for humans! Flaxseed porridge will contain quite a lot of vitamins B, A and E. There are also important micro- and macroelements ( zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium). Flaxseeds contain such interesting compounds as “lingans”, which are known for their antitumor properties, significantly strengthen the immune system, and are antioxidants.

There are a lot of recipes for making flaxseed porridge, so feel free to experiment with this ancient and very healthy product.

Mung beans - golden beans. Mung beans, mung beans, golden beans - legumes originating from India, green small oval-shaped beans. In Indian cuisine, mung bean peas are better known as dal or dhal. In some Eastern countries, mung bean is also called urid or urad. Mung bean has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. Regular consumption of this cereal strengthens the heart, makes blood vessels more elastic, lowers blood pressure, and cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. Phosphorus, which is found in abundance in mung bean cereals, is very valuable for the human body. It improves memory, enhances mental abilities and helps resist stress. Phosphorus also benefits our vision, helps the kidneys and strengthens bone tissue. Many varied, and most importantly delicious, dishes are prepared from mung bean grains. Mung bean is perfect for making soups, side dishes, sauces, pasta and even desserts. Cooking from this grain is very simple, which will especially please novice cooks. As a “bonus”, here’s a fact: beans are one of the foods that help fight insomnia.

Chickpeas(chick peas, hummus) - a plant of the legume family. The bean shape is usually short and swollen with a rough surface. The color of the beans varies from light yellow to dark. Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, as well as a storehouse of micro- and macroelements. Mostly light varieties of chickpeas are used in cooking. (and roasted coffee is used as a coffee substitute). It is added to first courses (for example, dietary chickpea and cauliflower soup), and green bean leaves are eaten fresh, added to vegetable salads. Chickpeas are also served as a side dish or as a second course. National Italian and Indian dishes such as falafel and hummus, as well as Filipino sweet desserts, are prepared from chickpeas. In vegetarian cuisine, sprouted chickpeas are a valuable source of vegetable protein, as well as minerals, as it retains all its nutritional and beneficial properties.

The peculiarity of chickpeas is that for complete cooking they require a longer heat treatment of 60–120 minutes, but at the same time they are easily boiled if this time limit is exceeded. Before cooking, it should be soaked for 12-24 hours, in which case the cooking time can be reduced by about 20 - 30 minutes. Perhaps this fact is the reason for its less popularity in cooking than lentils or peas. But if you still decide to cook a dish with chickpeas, it will definitely be tasty and unusual, for example beef with chickpeas.

Oat groats. Contains a relatively large amount of vegetable protein. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Oatmeal is a “champion” in terms of calcium and phosphorus content, which are necessary for a growing body to form bone tissue and teeth. It contains a lot of magnesium and iron. Oatmeal contains the largest amount of vegetable (healthy) fats and is rich in fiber. Experts consider oatmeal to be a typical northern food - it is very high in calories and warms up the body well. The following cereals are produced from oats: steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled rolled oatmeal, rolled oats, extra flakes, petal flakes and oatmeal. In Russia, not only porridge, but also jelly was previously made from oatmeal - unleavened, sweet, with berries. After the invention of all kinds of muesli, oats are experiencing another peak in popularity. And oatmeal in the morning is the best start to the day ( and you can even wash down delicious porridge with a coffee substitute made from oats).

Pearl barley. Barley, from which pearl barley is made, that is, “pearl” (from the Latin perla - “pearl”), comes from Asia. This is one of the oldest domesticated cereals. Nutritionists recommend using pearl barley for making porridges, meatballs, side dishes - it perfectly replaces rice - as well as in soups and baked goods. Pearl barley is industrially processed coarsely ground barley. The first mention of the use of barley for food dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt ( 4500 years). Pearl barley can be crushed or whole. It is pre-soaked and used for seasoning soups and crumbly porridges. Porridges are cooked from fine crushed pearl barley, cutlets and casseroles are made.

Spelled(and many of its variations - kamut, eminkorn, spelled, farro, achar, emmer, zanduri) is a semi-wild variety of wheat, more precisely a group of types of wheat with a brittle ear and filmy grain. It has many beneficial and even medicinal properties. Many nutritionists agree that the current increase in morbidity is largely due to the refusal to eat plants such as spelled, with a set of chromosomes that has not been changed by humans. Until the 18th–19th centuries, spelled porridge was a very common dish in the central and northern provinces of Russia, the Volga region and Siberia. Spelled ( spelled), grown in the USA, is sold today in Russia under the trade name “kamut”, which causes some confusion. Spelled, spelled and kamut are different names for the same plant, which has not been crossed with other varieties and has retained its unique properties. And if we consider all wheat cereals ( and not only), then spelled is probably the healthiest of all! .

Millet. This cereal is obtained from millet grains, freed from spikelet scales by peeling. Millet is rich in protein and fiber, as well as B vitamins. To prepare for cooking, they are sorted and washed especially thoroughly at a water temperature of 40 C to 60 C, gradually increasing the water temperature to remove flour, which imparts bitterness to finished products.

Millet has a lipotropic effect ( prevents fat deposition) and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver and hematopoiesis, safe for gluten allergies. In folk medicine, millet is valued as a product that gives strength and “strengthens the body.” Millet dishes prepared with milk, cottage cheese, liver, pumpkin and other products are very tasty and nutritious.

Wheat cereal "Poltavskaya"– wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit coats, polished, elongated, oval or round. In appearance, Poltava grain resembles pearl barley. Poltava cereal contains sufficient amounts of vegetable protein, starch, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, and copper.

In cooking, Poltava grain No. 1 is used for filling soups, and grains No. 2, 3 and 4 are used for preparing porridges, casseroles, meatballs, etc.

Rice. Ranks first in carbohydrate content ( mainly starch, which is very well absorbed by the child’s body). However, the content of healthy dietary fiber in rice cereal is lower than, for example, in buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. According to the processing method, rice can be: polished, completely freed from flower films; polished; crushed polished, a by-product from the production of polished and milled rice, less than one-third the size of a regular kernel; steamed, steamed rice, and the grains retain a large amount of useful substances, and they themselves turn out crumbly. Milled rice has a rough surface, polished ( produced from glassy polished) - smooth shiny surface. Oval and elongated rice grains are mealy, semi-vitreous and glassy. The use of rice in cooking is limited only by the imagination of the cook.

From a culinary point of view, there are three types of rice: short-grain rice, 4–5 mm long, used in desserts, almost opaque, containing a lot of starch; medium grain rice, wider and shorter than long grain rice, 5–6 mm long; long grain rice, 6–8 mm long, used more often in savory dishes. According to the color of rice, there are: white rice - polished rice, which has lost a significant part of its beneficial properties; with a yellowish tint - steamed rice, which retains its beneficial qualities; brown rice is the healthiest rice, people are accustomed to it from childhood, it contains the most useful vitamins and amino acids; black rice ( wild rice) and long grain, contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Perhaps the most valuable and sought after cereal among those suffering from gluten allergies, especially varieties that have undergone minimal processing.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Even in ancient times, wheat porridge was considered one of the obligatory dishes on every table and even a symbol of abundance and prosperity. When cooked correctly, it has a delicate and airy texture. In addition, this cereal is very beneficial for the human body. You will learn about the healing properties and ways to cook wheat porridge below.

The benefits and harms of wheat porridge

There are many varieties of wheat itself, but in agriculture, only two types of cereal are more often used - soft and hard. The first does not contain much gluten, so it is used for the production of flour. It is used in confectionery and bakery products. Durum wheat contains a lot of gluten, which is why it is used to make pasta and cereals. During the processing process, the grains are partially or completely freed from the shells and the germ, then polished. The result is wheat cereal. Otherwise it is called durum.

Dishes made from wheat cereals are considered suitable for dietary nutrition. Their calorie content is about 316 kcal per 100 g. Before cooking with such cereals, find out more about the benefits and harms of wheat porridge. It is especially valued for its general strengthening properties and the large amount of substances necessary for the human diet. Using recipes made from wheat cereal, you can feel its effect on yourself:

  • is a natural source of energy;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • helps with weight loss;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • helps to heal wounds faster;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • promotes the removal of antibiotics, toxins, waste, and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • when consumed for breakfast, it fills you with energy for the whole day thanks to the slow carbohydrates in the composition;
  • saturates the body with fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamins B, C and E, fatty acids, vegetable protein and amino acids.

Such porridge can only cause harm if there is low acidity of the stomach, individual intolerance and flatulence. You should not abuse it during pregnancy, because gas formation may increase. People who have recently undergone surgery to remove appendicitis should avoid eating wheat porridge. Since cereal contains a lot of starch, it is not suitable for people with diabetes or those prone to it.

Types, names of wheat cereals

Depending on the processing method, size and shape of grains, a classification of types and names of wheat grains is made. You can combine them into the following list:

  1. Artek. It consists of crushed grains, freed from the shell and germ and polished. Doesn't contain much useful fiber.
  2. Arnautka. The raw material for it is the durum wheat variety of the same name. The cereal will look like glassy grains. It is intended just for consumption in the form of porridge.
  3. Wheat flakes. Beans steamed and pressed. They are used not only for cooking porridge, but also for making desserts.
  4. Bulgur. This type of cereal is made from wheat that has not only been steamed, but also cleared of bran. The grains have an unusual nutty flavor.

Poltava groats are another variety. It is divided into 4 groups:

  1. Large, or No. 1. These grains are not pre-crushed; they are only polished, giving them an elongated shape with a pointed end. Visually they resemble pearl barley. Used as a seasoning for soup.
  2. Average, or No. 2. This type of grain is classified as crushed. Their shape is oval, but also with a pointed end. Most often used for porridge.
  3. Another average one, but already No. 3. These crushed grains differ from No. 2 only in their rounded shape. Suitable for porridge or oven casserole.
  4. Small, or No. 4. This type of grain differs from the third number only in a smaller form. Ideal for porridge, cutlets or meatballs.

How to cook wheat porridge

Traditionally, there are several ways to cook wheat cereal. This is done with water, milk or broth. The dish will be nutritious if you cut meat or fish, eggs, vegetables or mushrooms into cubes, add salt and add bay leaves and ground pepper for taste. You can chop fresh herbs there too. Sweet porridge with fruits, dried fruits, honey or nuts is no less appetizing. There is such a dish as porridge mix, which includes a mixture of buckwheat, millet or rice. Instructions on how to cook wheat porridge are very simple:

  1. For 1 cup of cereal you will need to take 2 cups of water. The quantity may be different, but a proportion of 1:2 is required.
  2. Next, pour water over the cereal, after boiling, add salt and simmer the dish over low heat for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and season the porridge with butter.

Wheat cereal in a slow cooker

It’s even easier to cook porridge in a slow cooker. This device even has a special program. It’s called “Porridge”. It can be replaced with the “Pilaf” mode. Wheat cereals are cooked in a slow cooker using almost the same technology as in a saucepan:

  1. Take 100 g of cereal, rinse thoroughly, then put in a bowl and add hot water, then leave for half an hour.
  2. Next, you need to lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Then you can put the soaked grains into it, adding about 500 ml of milk or more water.
  3. Add sugar and salt to taste, cook for 35 minutes in the “Porridge” program, and when finished, leave in the “Warming” mode.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water

There are several simple secrets, using which you can cook wheat porridge in crumbly water. In this recipe, the grains should not be washed under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will not achieve the crumbling effect. Another important step is toasting the cereal. It leads to dextrinization of starch, which reduces the viscosity of the product, which is why it becomes crumbly. The process of preparing such porridge includes the following steps:

  1. Fry about 1 cup of grains in a dry frying pan until a pleasant nutty aroma appears.
  2. Next, pour it into already boiling water, add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Cook over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed.
  4. Fill with oil, cover the pan with something warm and let the porridge brew for about half an hour.

Do I need to wash wheat grains before cooking?

Finely crushed varieties may not be washed before cooking. Although some housewives still do not skip this stage, believing that this way they make the grains more beautiful and clean. Most recipes recommend washing wheat groats before cooking if it is Poltava. In addition, if you need crumbly porridge, then you shouldn’t skip this step either. In any case, when the water for the porridge begins to boil, it is necessary to remove the foam and debris from the surface.

Wheat porridge recipe

There are many recipes for wheat porridge with the addition of a variety of ingredients. It can be viscous, liquid or crumbly. In each case, only the proportions of cereal with water or milk change. If you haven’t had time to eat the porridge fresh, you can easily make hearty cutlets or meatballs out of it. It will also turn out very tasty. The main ways to prepare porridge from wheat cereals are presented in the recipes.

Wheat porridge with milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 136 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Wheat porridge with milk tastes better if you cook it sweet. It's perfect for breakfast. The porridge is not too cloying, but moderately sweet. Although the amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste. If desired, it is not forbidden to add a spoonful of honey or a few raisins. If the porridge seems watery to you, then next time increase the amount of cereal to 2/3 cup.


  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • wheat cereal – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • milk – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire and boil.
  2. Next, add salt, add sugar and at the same time add the cereal itself.
  3. Wait for the next boil, reduce the heat to low, close the lid, and simmer the dish for 40 minutes without stirring the porridge.
  4. When finished, add oil, stir, let it brew for another 10 minutes.

Recipe for wheat porridge on water

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 122 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for wheat porridge in water is not particularly complicated from the method of cooking it in milk. Only in this case you get a dish that can be either independent or a side dish, for example, with meat, liver or fried mushrooms. Chop a couple of carrots and onions, fry them - and it will also turn out very tasty. The viscosity of the porridge is easily adjusted. If you prefer crumbly, then simply do not rinse the grains before cooking and fry them additionally.


  • butter, salt - to taste;
  • wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cereal in a pan of water and add salt immediately.
  2. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. At the end, season with oil.

The secrets of how to cook wheat cereal are very simple. They concern not only the ingredients themselves, but also the dishes. If you want to cook wheat porridge really tasty, check out the following tips:

  1. The porridge is richer in taste and aroma in a cast iron cauldron. Although a thick-walled pan will also work.
  2. You can season the finished porridge not only with butter - olive or flaxseed oil is often used.
  3. If you like a more homogeneous porridge, then you first need to grind the cereal in a coffee grinder or hand mill.

Video: How to cook wheat porridge

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Wheat cereal - benefits and harm to the body, recipes for cooking dishes and porridge with photos

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