
How to return travel insurance. Taking out insurance against not traveling abroad. What are the types of insurance cases?

Often the desired vacation is disrupted for some reason. This may be due to an error in paperwork, illness, or other factors. Because of this, people do not go to their favorite resort, and also lose money. But there is a possibility of compensation. Non-flight insurance would be the best solution. It will be discussed in more detail in the article.

general information

Unlike the medical certificate for non-flight, it is issued at will. Often the service is included in the price of the tour, but often people have to buy the policy themselves. With the onset of difficult circumstances, the agreement allows almost completely, 80-90%, to cover expenses.

You should not particularly count on the help of a travel agency, since if you refuse a trip, it pays fines to various partners: excursion organizers, hotel owners, and carriers. Therefore, when purchasing a trip, you need to think in advance about possible surprises, as well as about insurance against their consequences.

Why is it required?

Insurance against non-flight abroad is a common and convenient option for those who do not want to be deceived and injured when traveling to another country. This service is necessary if you are not sure whether a visa will be granted.

Insurance fully reimburses costs. Anyone can apply for it, including in addition to other insurances. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with what this service includes. Do you need non-flight insurance? To compensate for the costs of many risks, it is necessary to obtain this service.

Insurance cases

There are several reasons why non-departure insurance is needed. Insured events are as follows:

  • death or illness of relatives;
  • presence of medical contraindications;
  • hospitalization of relatives;
  • visa refusal;
  • urgent summons to court;
  • involving a person in military service;
  • damage to property that prevents travel to another country.

For everything else that is not specified in the document, compensation will not be paid. Please note that insurance must be issued no later than 3 days from the date of purchase of the ticket and no later than 2 weeks before departure. Only then will it have legal force.

Features of non-flight insurance

Insurance against non-flight to another country is now in demand. When purchasing such a service, the insured person is compensated for:

  • payment for tickets;
  • booking rooms, hotels;
  • vouchers.

There are several options for obtaining travel recognizance insurance. The first case presupposes the availability of medical care in another country, but there is no need to leave. In this situation, you should not change or reissue the service. It is important to contact the company that provided the policy. There they will add non-flight insurance. Many forms provide the option to include additional features, but at an additional cost.

In the second case, it is assumed that there is no insurance policy. To visit another country, you need to buy a policy, otherwise you won’t be able to visit there. The reason for this is the effect of the new law of the Russian Federation on the removal of state obligations for citizens of the Russian Federation who are in another country. Therefore, when purchasing a policy, it is necessary to provide non-flight insurance. This will secure your holiday. But you need to take into account that each company has its own conditions, so you need to carefully study the documents before registration.

What risks are not covered?

But not all risks are covered by non-flight insurance. Incidents during travel can be different, and not all of them are eligible for compensation. These include:

  • illness or injury of the insured person and his accompanying persons, if treatment requires only outpatient treatment;
  • pregnancy and related consequences;
  • attempted suicide or other similar act;
  • incorrectly executed documents;
  • delay by law enforcement agencies;
  • natural disasters, wars;
  • injuries sustained due to alcohol and drug intoxication.

Typically, risks for which compensation is not compensated are stated in the policy. The document includes the validity period, rights and obligations of the parties, and other important nuances.


The price of the service is determined depending on the cost of the ticket. If an insured event occurs, the company reimburses expenses spent on the trip. You just need to adhere to the deadlines so that payments are not denied.

Typically, non-flight insurance costs about 10% of the ticket price. For example, insurance for 30 thousand euros will cost about 1870 rubles if the trip is canceled due to a visa refusal or in other emergency cases. In many companies, the cost of the service can be calculated using an online calculator.

Tour cancellation or visa refusal: what to do?

In case of an insured event you must:

  • notify in writing within 24 hours of the reason for refusal to travel;
  • Documents confirming this event are attached to the application;
  • prepare the rest of the documentation - tickets, insurance, passport.

A trip is a crucial event, but there are situations when it is disrupted. Then, in addition to personal difficulties, material losses also await. Airline ticket non-flight insurance allows you to offset costs.

Features of travel cancellation insurance

Companies offer travel cancellation insurance. Many people think: why overpay if a difficult situation may not arise? But when problems arise, people usually regret that they did not overpay the extra 6-10% of the ticket price. After all, then they would be protected from many difficulties.

Buying a policy

Before ordering a service, you must check the company. It will take a little time, but you will gain confidence in the chosen option. To do this, you need to visit the companies’ websites and read the terms and conditions. Everything should be written clearly.

Benefits of the service

Such insurance appeared due to the activities of travel companies. They are intermediaries between the client and the destination. After signing an agreement with the tour operator and making payments, the company pays for the services of foreign partners, which is provided for by the voucher. Payments related to the customer’s departure and obtaining permission are also made.

Payments include:

  • purchasing tickets;
  • registration of permits;
  • services;
  • transfer;
  • accommodation for the duration of the trip;
  • excursions;
  • Additional services.

If the client refuses the trip, the company not only withdraws the order, but also pays compensation for unfulfilled obligations. Therefore, funds are usually not refunded. To avoid such cases, insurance is used, which guarantees a refund if you fail to leave. Many companies compensate 85-90% of the funds paid.

Actions in case of refusal of payments

In case of an insured event, the company must pay the client's expenses. Only for this you need to provide documentary evidence of the difficult situation. But sometimes the agency refuses to pay the funds. If the client is confident that he is right, then he must file a claim in court to get his money.

Typically, upon the occurrence of an insured event, companies pay the required funds in full. Otherwise, during legal proceedings for violations, the license may be revoked, and because of this, the company cannot continue to operate. Therefore, before purchasing insurance, you need to choose a reliable company that will fulfill its obligations.

The time for vacation has come, and the long-awaited dream of going on vacation abroad is getting closer? Or are you on a business trip? Maybe just a family vacation?

You are in a hurry to purchase plane tickets from a trusted airline, and book a tour from the most reliable tour operator.

And everything seemed great. But suddenly you find out that your visa was denied. The trip was cancelled. Let's rewind. And we will try to minimize the risks.

What is it and why do you need insurance?

Non-departure insurance for tourists is a service that is provided by almost any insurance company. She bears full financial payments if the tourist trip is cancelled.

There could be different reasons:

  • refusal at OVIR to issue a visa,
  • tourist illness,
  • death of a tourist or relatives,
  • subpoena to court or military commissariat.

All these reasons can be considered as valid reasons for returning the money spent, while the tour operator will not reimburse the money spent.

What expenses will the insurance company cover?

The agency, subject to the occurrence of an insured event, will reimburse the funds spent on:

  • air tickets,
  • hotel or hotel reservation,
  • consular fees,
  • transfers.

But only if the reasons for non-departure are documented.

What does non-flight insurance not cover?

There are a number of reasons that the insurance agency does not cover in case of no flight:

  • arrest or detention of a tourist by law enforcement agencies;
  • illness or injury that can be treated on an outpatient basis;
  • incorrect execution of travel documents;
  • postponement of the departure date by the tour operator;
  • in case of pregnancy;
  • war, terrorist attacks or rallies;
  • natural disasters.

Where can I get non-departure insurance?

It can be issued either at an insurance agency or online on the Internet. If you have taken out general medical insurance, then simply add non-departure insurance to it, pay in any convenient way, and receive the policy by email.

Or if you do not yet have medical insurance, then you first need to apply for it and add to it an addition about insuring the tourist against non-flight.

What to do if an insured event occurs?

It is necessary to collect all documents confirming the insured event and provide them to the insurance company within 14 days.

You will need the following package of documents:

  • Application to the agency for insurance reimbursement.
  • Originals of contracts with the travel agency.
  • Copies of pages of a foreign passport.
  • Receipts for tour payment.
  • An insurance policy issued to you by an agency.
  • Original air tickets.
  • A document that confirms your insurance incident.
  • Your bank details.

Documents confirming insured events will be:

  • if this is the reason for refusal of a visa, then provide a passport with a stamp of refusal,
  • if a sudden illness, then a certificate from a medical institution with a wet stamp,
  • in case of death, then the death certificate.

About the cost of non-flight insurance for tourists

Prices vary from one insurance company to another, so only a range can be given. If the tour costs up to $2,000, the cost of insurance ranges from $30 to $40, and if the cost is over $2,000, prices range from $50 to $100.

If the insurance company denies insurance payment

In the event of an insured event, the insurance agency is obliged to pay financial expenses. But only if an insured event actually occurred, and you have all the supporting documents in your hands.

Even if you know that you are right, but the agency refuses you for some reason, you file a lawsuit and still win your money.

As a rule, insurance companies will not deal with non-payment of insurance if there is an insured event and all documents, because they may lose their license for insurance activities.

Therefore, do not doubt and miss your insurance chance.

Which insurance company is better to choose?

You can choose any insurance company that provides this type of insurance. But first, familiarize yourself with the list of insured events. After all, not every agency provides for all insurance cases. Only those specified in the insurance company document.
Knowing everything about travel insurance against non-flight, you can feel completely confident in choosing this insurance. Now nothing will stop you from spending your planned vacation abroad.

Travel cancellation insurance: useful information about insurance from the “Subtleties of Tourism”. The cost of insurance and what to do if an insured event occurs.

The cost of ready-made tours usually includes travel insurance. If not, the agency will strongly recommend that you apply for it. The same applies to independent travelers: plans can change at the last moment, and the money spent on the trip can only be returned with this insurance. Travel travel insurance is mandatory for those traveling to any visa-seeking country. Tickets are purchased, the hotel is paid for, but the visa is ultimately denied - this, unfortunately, happens.

What is considered an insured event?

The insurance company will not consider any reason for canceling a trip to be a sufficient basis for reimbursement of expenses. An insured event is considered to be refusal of a visa or failure to obtain it on time. Compensation is due to both the insured person and his traveling companions, provided that these are immediate relatives. If a visa was not conditionally given to your girlfriend, with whom you are not married, but you booked one room, the payment remains at the discretion of the insurance company.

Payment is due in the event of death or illness of the insured or his immediate relative (inpatient hospital only: if you are being treated at home, there will be no compensation) and in the event of significant damage to property (this includes fires, floods, etc., the amount of damage is usually specified in the contract).

A summons to court or a military registration and enlistment office is also considered a compelling reason for refusing to travel.

Payment will be refused if the trip is canceled due to illness or failure to issue a visa to a friend or girlfriend, that is, not a close relative. An illness is not considered an insured event if the victim is not in the hospital, or if there is an exacerbation of a chronic disease that he knew about, or if the injury was sustained while intoxicated.

No insurance company will guarantee for floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters, as well as for the postponement of flights due to the fault of the airline. A visa refusal is considered an insured event, but only for those who have not had any refusals before.

Payment will be denied in case of pregnancy and related complications (special medical insurance is required for pregnant women), as well as if any false data was provided to the insurance company (for example, the amount of losses in a fire was exaggerated).

Where to apply and how much does it cost?

Non-departure insurance is usually issued by travel agencies. You can also arrange it yourself, but few insurance companies offer such insurance separately; usually it is an additional option to basic medical insurance. Trip cancellation insurance of 500 EUR usually increases the cost of the policy by an amount of 1000 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

How to get compensation

To receive compensation, you must provide the insurance company with all documents confirming the need to cancel the trip: a death certificate or an extract from the medical history (with the obligatory indication that the victim is in a hospital), a summons to court or the military registration and enlistment office, a certificate from the police (in case of a fire, for example ), a copy of the passport page with a visa refusal, as well as all checks and receipts (payment for air travel, hotel reservations, etc.).

Typically, accommodation and transportation expenses are reimbursed, as are prepaid tickets (museums, football, theater, etc.).

Travel abroad, especially if a tourist trip is intended, is always anticipated by travelers with particular trepidation and excitement. However, sometimes the anticipation of a pleasant pastime gives way to serious disappointment and even financial losses. The fact is that situations in which a tourist, for some reason, cannot enter the country of his choice, or leave Russia, arise quite often.

Obviously, it will not be possible to return the full amount paid to the travel agency and air carrier on your own - some part of it will be withheld in the form of commission fees, fines and compensation. Few travelers know that avoiding such an annoying situation is quite simple - It is enough to purchase so-called insurance against not traveling abroad in advance. What is this insurance and what is its cost?

By purchasing a tour from a tour operator, in fact, the traveler pays for a whole range of services, which includes purchasing air or train tickets, booking a hotel room, paying consular fees and work of the host country, etc. If the client cancels the trip at the last minute, the tour operator has to terminate previously concluded contracts, paying penalties and fines provided for by their provisions.

This means that the tour operator simply will not be able to return the money spent by the traveler - the lion’s share of it will be spent on paying off the debt obligations that have formed. It is in this case that insurance against not traveling abroad will allow the client to return almost the entire amount of money spent on paying for the tour, without involving the tour operator in solving this problem.

Insurance cases

The list of insured events that, as a rule, are included by insurance companies in the travel cancellation insurance package includes:

  • illness of the purchaser of the voucher or his relatives with the need to stay in a hospital;
  • the presence of medical contraindications for vaccination required to visit the country chosen by the tourist;
  • refusal to issue a visa to the buyer of the voucher or persons traveling with him;
  • summons to court, army or urgent military training;
  • causing serious damage to the traveler's property or personal belongings due to flood, fire, robbery and other similar force majeure circumstances;
  • delay of the traveler on the way to the place of departure for the trip, due to his getting into an accident and the need for his presence when preparing all related documents with the involvement of representatives of government agencies;
  • early return of a traveler from a trip due to the death of a close relative, theft of a vehicle belonging to him, damage to his home, etc.

When does insurance not pay?

When taking out an insurance policy, it is worth remembering that not all reasons why a trip cannot be completed can be qualified as insured events. So, compensation will not be paid if:

  • the traveler's illness can be treated on an outpatient basis;
  • the traveler's health problems were caused by pregnancy or other changes in the body that resulted from it;
  • the purchaser of the ticket was injured while intoxicated;
  • the reason for calling the policyholder to court was the commission of an offense;
  • the trip was canceled or rescheduled due to the fault of the tour operator;
  • the carrier company or tour operator has ceased its activities;
  • the policyholder's vacation was interrupted due to production needs;
  • the visa was refused due to incorrect documents or the absence of some of them;
  • the cause of the insured event was a war, terrorist attack or strike in the territory of the country that was supposed to be visited.

Before signing a contract, you should carefully study the list of non-insurance cases– it is quite possible that it includes too many force majeure situations, as a result of which it will be almost unrealistic. Before your trip, you should study all the nuances of a holiday in the chosen place - it is possible that the trip may become unsafe due to unfavorable natural or political circumstances characteristic of a particular country or locality.


As a general rule, travel cancellation insurance should be issued no earlier than 14 days and no later than 3 days until departure. Cancellation insurance is voluntary and cannot be imposed on the client by the insurer under any circumstances.

The exact cost of the service varies depending on the tariffs set by the insurance company and the price of the trip purchased by the policyholder. As a rule, the amount of compensation paid to the traveler is approximately equal to the cost of the tour: in this case, you will have to pay from 1 before 5% from the price of the trip.

In some cases, the so-called compensation is deducted from the amount of compensation - its amount varies from 10 before 15% from the cost of the trip. The presence or absence of such a payment is established by the terms of the insurance contract concluded between the traveler and the insurance company. The higher the cost of the trip, the higher the amount you will need to pay for insurance. This is due to the fact that the greater the volume of insurance coverage, the greater the risks the insurance company bears.

When choosing an insurance company, you should pay attention to whether it has accreditation from foreign consulates. The document is available both at the insurer’s office and on its website (most of the largest organizations provide their clients with this opportunity). If you purchase a policy online, you will need to pay for it by credit card and print it on a regular printer - you will not need to additionally certify or sign it.

If the trip is successful, the money spent on insurance is not returned to the policyholder.

Get insurance

How to act in the event of an insured event?

In order to receive compensation established by the provisions of the insurance contract, you must perform the following actions:

  • notify the insurer of the occurrence of an insured event within 24 hours from the moment of its occurrence;
  • write a statement outlining the circumstances of the current situation in as much detail as possible;
  • collect a package of documents confirming the legality of refusal to travel (a summons to the army or court, certificates from a health care institution, refusal to issue a visa by the consulate, etc.);
  • prepare a calculation of the amount of compensation and attach documents confirming the amount received (airplane tickets, receipt for payment for travel agency services, etc.);
  • indicate the details of the bank account to which the funds should be transferred and wait for the compensation payment to be transferred.

The sooner all of the above actions are completed, the greater the likelihood that compensation will be paid on time and in full. Firstly, a representative of the insurance company can assist the client in preparing an application for receiving funds and will indicate the exact composition of the package of documents required to process the return. Secondly, delays in filing claims may result in a refusal to pay based on the fact that the insured deliberately increased the amount of losses suffered by him that are subject to compensation.

Insurance against travel abroad is a service that allows a traveler to return the funds spent on purchasing a tourist package if for some reason the trip does not take place. However, when taking out such insurance, it is worth remembering that not all force majeure insurances are included in the list of insured events that allow the policyholder to get his money back. Before concluding an agreement with an insurance company, you should carefully study all its provisions and nuances, as well as situations in which payment of compensation becomes impossible.

The procedure for obtaining travel insurance:

  • 1. Insurance against non-travel is issued no less than 7 days before the start of the tour.
  • 2.The date of booking the tour must coincide with the date of signing the contract with the tourist.
  • 3. Non-travel insurance is strictly issued and issued on the day of booking the tour and signing the contract between the tourist and the agency and after full payment of the tour to the tour operator. The travel cancellation insurance policy must be obtained in your personal account or from the manager who filled out the application, or can be requested by fax or email if payment is made by bank transfer.
  • 4. Travel insurance is not cancelled.
  • 5. Cost of travel insurance. Travel cancellation insurance is calculated based on the cost of the tour per person.
    For a tour cost per person up to 3000 cu inclusive, the cost of insurance is 21 cu per person without deductible.
    When the cost of a tour per person is from 3001 to 4000 cu inclusive, the cost of insurance is 51 cu per person, a deductible of 15%.
    When the cost of a tour per person is from 4001 to 5000 cu inclusive, the cost of insurance is 81 cu per person, a deductible of 15%.
    When the cost of a tour per person is from 5001 cu inclusive, the cost of insurance is 3.4% of the tour cost, the deductible is 15%.
  • 6.If these conditions are not met, we cannot guarantee the provision of this type of insurance.
  • 7.Fine for incorrectly entered passport data is 20 USD.
  • 8. Travel cancellation insurance cannot be issued if one of the following items is present:
    8.1. on the day of departure from the country of temporary residence, less than 6 months remained before the expiration of the insured’s passport;
    8.2. The insured person had a visa refusal.

clause 3. “Rules for insurance of expenses arising as a result of cancellation of a trip abroad or change in the duration of stay abroad” OJSC “INGOSSTRAKH”

Insurance cases

3.1. An insured event is an event provided for in an insurance contract, as a result of which the Insurer’s obligation to pay insurance compensation arises.

3.2. Insured events are the following events that occurred after the entry into force of the insurance contract and that impede the completion of a tourist trip, confirmed by documents issued by the competent authorities:

3.2.1. death, injury, sudden illness:

  • The insured;
  • spouse of the Insured;
  • close relatives of the Insured;
    (Close relatives according to these Rules are the father and mother, children (including adopted ones), as well as sisters and brothers).
  • close relatives of the spouse of the Insured;
  • one individual who has a valid insurance contract with the Insurer to insure expenses arising from the cancellation of a trip abroad or a change in the duration of stay abroad, and who makes a joint tourist trip with the Insured.
    (Under these Rules, a joint trip means a trip arranged jointly with the Insured, in which the dates and place of residence (country, hotel) coincide, which is confirmed by travel documents (tourist voucher, travel package, etc.)

3.2.2. damage or loss (destruction) of the Insured's property that occurred as a result of:

  • fire (by fire we mean the occurrence of a fire that can independently spread outside the places specially designed for its breeding and maintenance);
  • water damage from water supply, sewer, heating systems;
  • damage to the property of the Insured by third parties, provided that the investigation into the causes of occurrence and elimination of the consequences of the losses caused is carried out during the validity period of the insurance contract;

3.2.3. legal proceedings occurring during the insurance period in which the Insured participates on the basis of a judicial act of the court adopted after the entry into force of the insurance contract;

3.2.4. conscription of the Insured for military service or military training, subject to confirmed receipt by the Insured of a notification (summons) after the entry into force of the insurance contract;

3.2.5. failure to travel on a planned trip of the Insured due to a decision of the consular office to refuse a visa, taken before the start of the trip in relation to the Insured himself, his spouse traveling with him/her, their minor children, as well as one individual who has a valid insurance contract with the Insurer for insurance of expenses arising as a result of the cancellation of a trip abroad or a change in the duration of stay abroad, and making a joint tourist trip with the Insured. Moreover, documents for obtaining a visa must be submitted in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits established by the consular offices;
3.2.6. early return from abroad of the Insured, recommended by a doctor (as confirmed by a medical certificate), due to a sudden health disorder requiring hospitalization:
– The insured;

- spouse of the Insured;

Or due to death:
- spouse of the Insured or her/his close relatives;
- one individual who has a valid insurance contract with the Insurer to insure expenses arising from the cancellation of a trip abroad or a change in the duration of stay abroad, and who makes a joint tourist trip with the Insured.
3.2.7. a delay in the return of the Insured from abroad after the end of the trip, confirmed by a medical report, caused by a sudden health disorder requiring hospitalization of the Insured himself/herself traveling/traveling with him/her:
- spouse;
- close relatives of the Insured;
- one individual who has a valid insurance contract with the Insurer to insure expenses arising as a result of the cancellation of a trip abroad or a change in the duration of stay abroad, and who makes a joint tourist trip with the Insured;
- or because of their death.
3.3 The above events are not insured events if they occurred in connection with:
3.3.1 alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication of the Insured;
3.3.2 suicide (attempted suicide) of the Insured;
3.3.3 exposure to a nuclear explosion, radiation, radioactive or other type of contamination;
3.3.4 natural disasters and their consequences, epidemics, quarantine, weather conditions;
3.3.5 acts of any government and management bodies;
3.3.6 intentional actions of the Insured and/or interested third parties aimed at the occurrence of an insured event;
3.3.7 the commission by the Insured, the spouse of the Insured, their close relatives, an individual who has a valid insurance contract with the Insurer to insure expenses incurred as a result of the cancellation of a trip abroad or a change in the duration of stay abroad, and making a joint tourist trip with the Insured, unlawful an act that is in a direct cause-and-effect relationship with the occurrence of an insured event;
3.3.8 flight of the Insured on an aircraft, control of it, except for cases of flight as a passenger on a civil aviation aircraft flown by a professional pilot;
3.3.9 flight of the Insured on non-motorized aircraft, motor gliders, ultra-light aircraft, as well as parachute jumping;
3.3.10 military actions and their consequences, civil unrest, strikes, uprisings, riots, riots, acts of terrorism and their consequences;
3.3.11 service of the Insured in any armed forces and formations;
3.3.12 the Insured’s participation in any sports related to the training and participation of athletes in competitions;
3.3.13 the Insured is engaged in activities associated with increased danger (including as a professional driver of vehicles, miner, builder, electrician);
3.3.14 by a repeated decision of the consular office to refuse an entry visa, regardless of the date of the previous refusal and the consular office of the state that made the decision on this refusal;
3.3.15 pregnancy or any health disorder associated with pregnancy, regardless of its duration (unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract);
3.3.16 any health disorder associated with the provision of dental care;
3.3.17 incorrectly issued passport (or other identification document), travel documents, travel voucher and other documents of the Insured;
3.3.18 violation by the Insured of the entry procedure adopted by the destination states;
3.3.19 violation by the Insured of the legislation (administrative, civil, etc.) of the country (countries) he previously visited, which, in turn, resulted in the refusal to issue an entry visa;
3.3.20 circumstances that arose outside the validity period of the insurance contract;
3.4 A sudden health disorder that prevents departure on a tourist trip is not an insured event if the consequence of this disorder was the stay of the Insured, the spouse of the Insured, their close relatives, one individual who has a valid insurance contract with the Insurer to insure expenses arising as a result of cancellation traveling abroad or changing the duration of stay abroad, and making a joint tourist trip with the Insured, for outpatient (polyclinic) treatment.
3.5 The Insurer is not responsible for errors made by consular services, transport companies, travel agencies, directly by the Insured and other legal entities and individuals related to the preparation, organization and conduct of the trip.
3.6 The insurance contract may establish that insured events under these Rules may be recognized as the events specified in paragraphs. 3.3.4, 3.3.8 – 3.3.15, 3.4, 3.2.5, subject to the application of increasing factors established by the Insurer.
3.7 The events specified in paragraphs 3.2.1 – 3.2.5 of these Rules are not recognized as insured events if they caused the cancellation of a trip abroad that was not paid for by the Insured.

4. Expenses covered by the Insurer

4.1 The Insurer covers (reimburses) the following expenses incurred by the Insured:
- in connection with the cancellation of the trip for the reasons specified in paragraphs. 3.2.1.-3.2.5 of the Rules:
4.1.1 for compensation of losses and/or penalties collected by the travel company in connection with the refusal of the insured person from the contract for the provision of tourist services due to the cancellation of a trip abroad in the amount provided for in such contract; Moreover, if the penalty was collected in an amount less than that specified in the contract for the provision of tourist services, insurance compensation is paid in the amount actually collected;
4.1.2 for compensation for losses associated with the cancellation of travel documents, refusal of a hotel room booked, etc., confirmed by relevant documents from the transport company, consulate, hotel;
- in connection with a change in the initial periods of stay abroad for the reasons specified in paragraphs. 3.2.1.-3.2.5 of the Rules, the Insurer shall reimburse the following expenses incurred within the limits of the insured amount established in the insurance contract:
4.1.3. related to the acquisition of new economy class travel documents, including the costs of their re-issuance, within no more than 50 (fifty) percent of the insured amount specified in the insurance contract. Costs for purchasing travel documents are reimbursed only if the original document cannot be replaced;
4.1.4. for hotel accommodation for the unused part of the stay abroad.
4.2. In case of early return from abroad caused by the reasons provided for in clause 3.2.6 of these Rules, the Insurer shall reimburse the following expenses incurred within the limits of the insured amount established in the insurance contract:
- for the purchase of travel documents, including the costs of their re-issuance, in an amount not exceeding the cost of unused travel documents. Costs for purchasing travel documents are reimbursed only if the original document cannot be replaced;
- for hotel accommodation for the unused part of the stay abroad.
4.3 The Insurer shall reimburse the following expenses incurred by the Insured as a result of the delay in his return from abroad after the end of the trip caused by the reasons provided for in clause 3.2.7 of these Rules, within the limits of the insurance amount established in the contract:
- for the Insured to stay in a hotel of a category of no more than 3 stars for a period of no more than 5 (five) days,
- for the purchase of travel documents, including the costs of their re-issuance, in an amount not exceeding the cost of unused travel documents. Costs for purchasing travel documents are reimbursed only if the original document cannot be replaced;
The reimbursement procedure and the list of necessary supporting documents are determined on the basis of Section 8 of these Rules.

5. Sum insured. Insurance premium

5.1 The insurance amount is the amount of money that is determined by the insurance contract and on the basis of which the amount of the insurance premium (insurance contributions) and the amount of insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event are established. The insurance amount is established by agreement of the parties to the insurance contract in an amount not exceeding the Insured's expenses incurred in connection with payment for the tourism product. In this case, under the insurance contract, an unconditional deductible is established (that is, the share of the Insured's own participation in compensation for losses) in the amount of 15% of the insured amount specified in the policy, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. When establishing an unconditional franchise, the Insurer pays insurance compensation minus this amount (deductible).
5.2 The insurance premium is the insurance fee that the Policyholder is obliged to pay to the Insurer (its authorized representative) in accordance with the insurance contract.
5.3 The insurance premium is set by the Insurer in accordance with its tariffs in force at the time of concluding the insurance contract, taking into account the insurance risk and the insurance period.
Insurance tariff - the rate of insurance premium per unit of sum insured, taking into account the object of insurance and the nature of the insurance risk. The specific amount of the insurance tariff is determined by agreement of the parties on the basis of the basic tariffs of the Insurer, taking into account increasing or decreasing coefficients.
If the Insurer makes a decision to insure persons engaged in activities associated with increased danger, including those provided for in paragraphs. 3.3.8 – 3.3.13 of these Rules, as well as decisions on insurance of risks specified in paragraphs. 3.3.4, 3.3.14, 3.2.5. 3.4 of these Rules, the insurance premium is paid in accordance with the increasing coefficients established by the Insurer.
5.4 The insurance premium is paid by the Policyholder in a one-time payment for the entire insurance period, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
5.5 The amount of the insurance premium is indicated in the insurance contract (insurance policy) or the invoice for payment of the insurance premium, which is an integral part of the insurance contract.
5.6 Payment of the insurance premium can be made in non-cash form or in cash. The insurance premium is considered paid: in case of non-cash payment – ​​from the date of receipt of the insurance premium to the Insurer’s bank account; when paying in cash - from the moment of payment of the insurance premium to the Insurer's cash desk (on a receipt to its authorized representative).
5.7 The insurance premium, by agreement of the parties and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, can be set both in Russian rubles and in foreign currency equivalent. The insurance premium, established in currency equivalent, is paid in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of payment, unless a different rate is established by agreement of the parties. In cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the insurance premium may be paid in foreign currency.
5.8 Unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties, the insurance premium must be paid before receipt of the insurance contract (policy) by the Insured, but no later than 5 (five) working days from the date of filing the application for concluding the insurance contract.
5.9 In case of non-payment of the insurance premium on the terms established by the insurance contract, the insurance contract is considered not to have entered into force and does not entail any consequences for its parties (unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract).

6. Validity of the insurance contract

6.1 The insurance contract is concluded for a period of no more than one month, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract.
6.2 The insurance contract comes into force at 00.00 o’clock on the day following the day the insurance contract is concluded, but not earlier than the day the Policyholder pays the insurance premium, unless otherwise provided in the contract. In this case, the day of concluding the insurance contract is considered to be the date of issue of the policy or the date of signing the contract, if the insurance contract is concluded in the form of a single document.

7. Procedure for concluding an insurance contract

7.1 An insurance contract for expenses incurred as a result of cancellation of a trip abroad or a change in the duration of stay abroad must be concluded (by delivering an insurance policy or drawing up one document signed by the parties) within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of conclusion of the initial contract for tourist services in relation to a given trip, but no less than seven days before the start of the planned trip, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract (policy).
7.2 To conclude an insurance contract, the Policyholder contacts the Insurer (his authorized representative) with an oral or written statement of his intention to conclude an insurance contract or informs about this by letter, fax or telex indicating the following data:
7.2.1.last name, first name, patronymic (name) in Russian and in Latin transcription (as in a foreign passport), date of birth, address, telephone number of the Policyholder and (or) the Insured;
7.2.2. start and end dates of stay abroad;
7.2.3. country of temporary residence;
7.2.4. purpose of the trip.
The Insured shall attach to the application documents confirming the registration and costs of payment for the proposed tourist trip.
7.3. When concluding an Insurance Agreement, the Policyholder is obliged to inform the Insurer about all circumstances known to him that are important for assessing the insurance risk.
7.4. The Policyholder is obliged to inform the Insurer about all changes known to him in the degree of insurance risk that occur during the validity period of the insurance contract.
7.5. The insurance contract is concluded by the Insurer issuing an insurance policy to the Policyholder on the basis of an oral or written statement from the latter, or by drawing up one document in accordance with the provisions of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.6. The insurer has the right to refuse to conclude an insurance contract without giving reasons.
7.7. By concluding an insurance contract on the basis of these Rules, the Policyholder confirms his agreement that the Insurer may, during the entire validity period of the insurance contract, process the personal data of individuals specified in it. The Policyholder bears personal responsibility for providing the consents of individuals - the Insured and Beneficiaries - to the processing of their personal data.
The processing of personal data in these Rules means: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as performing other actions with personal data of individuals for statistical purposes and for analysis purposes insurance risks.
By concluding an insurance contract on the basis of these Rules, the Policyholder also confirms his consent to be informed about other products and services, as well as the conditions for extending legal relations with the Insurer.
To achieve the above goals, the Insurer has the right to transfer personal data that has become known to it in connection with the conclusion and execution of an insurance contract to third parties with whom the Insurer has entered into appropriate agreements ensuring secure storage and prevention of illegal disclosure (confidentiality) of personal data.
The Insurer undertakes to ensure the safety and non-disclosure of the Insured's personal data for purposes other than those provided for in this paragraph. Consent to the processing of personal data can be withdrawn by the subject of personal data in full or in part by informing about other products and services, by sending a written application to the Insurer in a manner that allows one to reliably determine the date of receipt of this application by the Insurer.
If the subject of personal data completely withdraws his consent to the processing of personal data, the insurance contract in relation to such person is terminated, and if such consent is withdrawn by the subject of personal data, who is the Insured, the insurance contract is terminated completely. In this case, the insurance contract is terminated early from the date the Insurer receives the corresponding application to revoke consent to the processing of personal data.
After the termination of the insurance contract (including upon its termination), as well as in the event that the subject of personal data withdraws consent to the processing of his personal data, the Insurer undertakes to destroy such personal data within a period not exceeding 100 (one hundred) years from the date of termination of the contract or from the moment the Insurer receives an application to revoke consent to the processing of personal data.

8. Actions of the parties upon the occurrence of an insured event

8.1 The Insured is obliged to notify the Insurer in writing of its occurrence within seven calendar days from the date of occurrence of the insured event. In this case, the date of the insured event according to paragraphs. 3.2.1.-3.2.5 of the Rules recognizes the start date of the planned trip, and according to paragraphs. 3.2.6.-3.2.7 of the Rules, date of return to the country of permanent residence. The application must indicate the nature and circumstances of the insured event, and name the authorized representative of the Insurer who arranged the tourist trip. The following documents must be attached to the application (and the original notarized translation made by a certified translator, original documents drawn up in a language other than Russian, English. In this case, the Insurer does not reimburse translation costs.):
8.1.1 the original of the contract for the provision of tourist services and documents confirming their payment;
8.1.2 original documents confirming the return by the travel agency to the Policyholder (Insured) of part of the amount of funds under the contract for the provision of tourist services (return calculation and cash receipt);
8.1.3 the original certificate of the travel agency, issued on letterhead with the seal and signature of the manager, about the expenses incurred by the Insured associated with the payment of penalties collected for canceling the trip in accordance with the contract for the provision of tourist services;
8.1.4 a copy of the international passport (with the obligatory presentation of the original);
8.1.5 original documents of the transport company (airline or railway tickets), consulate, hotel and other organizations whose services the Insured used to organize a trip abroad, confirming the existence of losses associated with the cancellation of travel documents, refusal of a hotel room booked, etc. d.;
8.1.5 documents and information necessary to establish the nature of the insured event, namely:
if it is impossible to make a trip due to illness, injury or death of the Insured or his close relatives - a certificate from a medical institution, a notarized copy of the death certificate, documents confirming the relationship of the Insured and a close relative;
if it is impossible to make a trip due to damage or loss of property belonging to the Insured - reports from the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or other competent authorities confirming the fact of damage;
if it is impossible to travel due to legal proceedings, a court-certified summons;
if it is impossible to make a trip due to a call to the military registration and enlistment office for conscription for compulsory military service or military training - a summons certified by the military registration and enlistment office;
in case of refusal to obtain an entry visa - an official refusal from the consular office (if one was issued) and the original passport;
8.1.6 original (copy) of the insurance contract (insurance policy).
8.2 The insured is obliged to take measures to cancel travel documents and minimize the amount of losses specified in clause 4.1 of the Rules, for which he must immediately notify the relevant organization about the cancellation of the trip or the postponement of its dates.
8.3 The Insured is obliged to provide written explanations to the Insurer’s requests related to the occurrence of an insured event.
8.4 Insurance compensation is paid by the Insurer within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of provision specified in clauses. 8.1.1 – 8.1.5 Document Rules. The insurer has the right to check all documents provided, up to and including a medical examination by specialists, and also request information from organizations that have information about the circumstances of the insured event. A medical examination is carried out at the request of the Insurer by the Insurer's doctor. A person undergoing a medical examination releases the examining doctor from confidentiality obligations to the Insurer. If it is necessary to obtain additional information on the insured event, the insurance payment is made within 15 (fifteen) working days after the Insurer receives all the requested documents. After the insurance payment is made, the original documents are not returned to the Insured.

9. Cases of refusal to pay insurance compensation

9.1. The insurer has the right to fully or partially refuse to pay insurance compensation under the insurance contract in the following cases:
9.1.1 failure to pay the insurance premium in full;
9.1.2 violations of clauses 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1-8.3 of these Rules;
9.1.3 providing the Insurer with documents containing deliberately false information about the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of expenses incurred;
9.1.4 deliberately contributing to an increase in the amount of losses subject to compensation by the Insurer in connection with an insured event, or failure to take reasonable measures to reduce them.
9.2. The insurer has the right to fully or partially refuse to pay insurance compensation in other cases provided for by the Insurance Agreement, these Rules and legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
9.3 The insurer does not pay insurance compensation under the insurance contract if the insured event occurred outside the validity period of the insurance contract.
9.4. The Insurer also has the right to refuse insurance payment if the Insured refuses to undergo an examination to assess his actual condition and/or agree to provide the Insurer with information about his health.
9.5 The Insurer’s obligation to pay insurance compensation terminates upon expiration of the limitation period.
9.6 The decision to refuse to pay insurance compensation is communicated to the Policyholder (Insured) in writing with justification of the reasons for the refusal.

10. Termination of the insurance contract

10.1 The insurance contract is terminated:

10.1.1 upon expiration of its validity period (at 24.00 hours of the insurance expiration date specified in the insurance policy);
10.1.2 upon the return of the Insured (in accordance with the date of the border services mark in the foreign passport about crossing the state border);
10.1.3 in the event that the Insurer fulfills its obligations under the contract in full;
10.1.4 in other cases provided for by these Rules and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.2. The policyholder has the right to cancel the insurance contract at any time, if by the time of refusal the possibility of the occurrence of the insured event has not disappeared and the existence of the insurance risk has not ceased due to circumstances other than the insured event. If the policyholder cancels the insurance contract early, the insurance premium paid to the insurer is not refundable.
10.3. The insurance premium is not refundable after the expiration of the insurance contract specified in the insurance contract, except for cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Rights and obligations of the parties

11.1. The insurer is obliged:
11.1.1. issue an insurance policy with these Rules attached or a copy of the insurance contract;
11.1.2. if the case is recognized as insured, make an insurance payment within the period established by the insurance contract;
11.1.3. not to disclose information about the Policyholder, the Insured Person, the Beneficiary, their health status, as well as the property status of these persons, unless such an obligation is assigned to the Insurer by force of law.

11.2. The policyholder is obliged:
11.2.1. pay the insurance premium on time (pay insurance premiums);
11.2.2. when concluding an insurance contract, inform the Insurer about all circumstances known to him that are important for assessing the insurance risk;
10.2.3. submit the documents necessary to conclude an insurance contract;
11.2.4. within the prescribed period, report the occurrence of an insured event and submit all the necessary documents to make a decision on the insured event and determine the amount of losses incurred.

11.3. The insured is obliged:
11.3.1. undergo an examination to assess its actual condition at the request of the Insurer;
11.3.2. give consent to provide the Insurer with information about his state of health.

11.4. The insurer has the right:
11.4.1. refuse to conclude an insurance contract;
11.4.2. carry out verification of documents submitted to resolve the issue of recognizing an event as an insured event and determining the amount of losses;
11.4.3. request information from organizations that have information about the circumstances of the accident, including the state of health of the Insured;
11.4.4. conduct a medical examination of the Insured person by the Insurer's doctor after the occurrence of the insured event;
11.4.5 refuse insurance payment if the Insured refuses to undergo an examination to assess his actual condition and/or agree to provide the Insurer with information about his health.

11.5. The policyholder has the right:
11.5.1. for timely receipt of an insurance policy (insurance contract);
11.6.1. to receive insurance payment on the terms and conditions stipulated by the insurance contract.

12. Procedure for resolving disputes

Disputes related to the insurance contract are resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached between the parties regarding the subject of the dispute, then the dispute is referred to the court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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