
Presentation - the history of the creation of the Russian armed forces. Presentation "history of the creation of the Russian Armed Forces" Download presentation history of the creation of the armed forces

GOU NPO "PU No. 16"
Topic: “History of creation
Armed Forces
Russian Federation"

Origins of origin in our Fatherland
military organization go into the period
reign of Ivan III the Great (14621505),
who began mass distribution
land plots and estates for servants
princely court, as well as free
people, subject to their service,
those. marked the beginning of the formation
serving nobility.

The regular Russian army was created
under Peter I in the period from 1701 to 1711
The impetus to accelerate its creation
caused the defeat of Russian troops in
1700 near Narva from the Swedish army.
With the creation of the army, Peter I the Great introduced
new troop recruitment system
principle of recruitment, when 1020
peasant households by lot
supplied one person per
lifelong military service.

During this period on the Baltic Sea
a navy is being created. Introduced
constant training of regiments for tactics
battle. Troops were withdrawn to summer camps
for conducting bilateral combat
exercises. Creation of a regular army,
organization of her combat training
increased the combat power of the Russian army.
All this determined Russia's victory in
Northern War (1700-1721)

Since that time in Russia they have been abolished
recruitment into the army and introduced
universal conscription, which
extended to the male population
of all classes and estates, reaching
age 21 years. Total service life
installed for 15 years, of which 6 years
accounted for active military service
service, and 9 years - to remain in the reserve.

transformations in the army was her
rearmament. For use by the infantry
In 1891, a store was adopted
rifled five-shot Mosin rifle
An important part
caliber 7.62 mm. For service
artillery began to receive steel from
rifled barrel guns that had
longer firing range.

In the second half of the 19th century in Russia there was
transition from sailing to
steam armored fleet. By the end
century Russia had 107 combat
steam ships.
Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878
became a serious test
effectiveness of ongoing reforms and
ended in victory for the Russian army.

The October Revolution of 1917 destroyed
existing government system
Russia and liquidated its armed forces.
To the Government of the Republic of Soviets
had to create new ones in the first months
armed forces - Red Guard -
armed groups of workers. Red
the guard was created on voluntary
started in March 1917 under the leadership
Bolsheviks, by the beginning of 1918 it
there were 460 thousand people. January 15
1918 a decree was adopted on the creation
WorkerPeasant Red Army
(RKKA), and on January 29, 1918 - about the organization
Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet.
The army and navy were created on voluntary

The international situation required
constant strengthening and
improvement of the armed forces.
World War II was approaching. In these
conditions of the Soviet government
took measures to strengthen
defense capability of the country. Number
armed forces grew steadily: in
1935 - 930 thousand, in 1938 1.5 million and so on
early 1941 – 5.7 million people.

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Lesson plan: Organization of the armed forces of the Moscow state in the XIV-XV centuries. Military reform of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century. Military reform of Peter I in the first quarter of the 18th century, the creation of a regular army and navy. Military reforms of 1860-1870 under the leadership of Minister of War D.Yu. Milyutin, their features. Military reforms of 1905-912 and their features.

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History is a powerful factor in the education of conscious patriotism. To belittle your history, to forget it, means to spit on the graves of your ancestors who fought for their native land... V. Pikul

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Kulikovo Field, Poltava Field, Borodino - covered with the glory of Russian weapons, giving birth to freedom and power of our country. All of them have become majestic memorials to history. At all times, the Russian people came out as a single friendly family to expel the greedy conquerors who came to our land, and were staunch defenders of their native home - the Russian land.

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The development and formation of the Russian Armed Forces is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian state. For many years, the Russian people constantly had to wage armed struggle, defending their lands from foreign invaders. In the period from the XIV to the XVII centuries. There is practically not a single year of peace when the borders of the Russian state would be calm and there would be no need to repel the enemy. Therefore, the state was in constant readiness for war, and its structure met this requirement

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The origins of the military organization in our Fatherland go back to the reign of Ivan III the Great (1462-1505), who began the massive distribution of land plots and estates to the servants of the princely court, as well as free people, subject to their service, that is, marked the beginning of the formation of the service nobility . The efforts of Ivan III to create a strong military organization of the Russian state were continued by Ivan IV, who created one of the largest armies in Europe - 250-300 thousand people (about 3% of the population of Rus').

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In the period from 1550 to 1571. Ivan the Terrible carried out military reforms, which began with a decree of October 3, 1550 on the division of lands around Moscow by 1000 landowners who occupied key command positions in the army.

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CONCLUSION: streamlining the system of recruitment and military service in the local army; organization of centralized army control; creation of a permanent Streltsy army; centralization of the supply system; creation of a permanent guard service on the southern border.

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The local army (noble cavalry, which constituted the main branch of the Russian army in the 15th-17th centuries) had the character of a militia. Organizationally, it was divided into hundreds. All owners of estates and estates fit for service, according to the Code of Service of 1556, went on a campaign with their horses, supplies and weapons and fielded 1 armed warrior for every 50 acres of land that belonged to them. Reorganized by Peter I in 1701 into regular regiments of dragoons.

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The Streletsky Army is the first standing army in the Russian state in the mid-16th - early 18th centuries. It was staffed by the free urban and rural non-taxable (tax-free) population, was armed with arquebuses and reeds, and was governed by governors. Organizationally it consisted of “devices” (detachments), then orders (500-1000 people each), from 1681. - regiments, and was under the jurisdiction of the Streletsky Prikaz. In the 80s of the 17th century it was reorganized in the image of the “new order” regiments. Disbanded by decree of Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century.

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The regular Russian army was created under Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. Its creation was facilitated by the defeat of Russian troops in 1700 near Narva in a battle with the Swedish army. Streltsy regiments and noble cavalry showed their complete helplessness. The Russian army lost more than 6 thousand people and all artillery near Narva.

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Peter I introduced a new army recruitment system. It began to be carried out on the principle of recruitment, when 10-20 peasant households, by lot, supplied one person for lifelong military service. The introduction of conscription allowed Peter I to significantly increase the number of standing troops. The officer corps of the Russian army consisted of nobles; for them, public service was mandatory and lifelong. To receive an officer rank, a nobleman had to serve as a soldier in the Guards regiments - Preobrazhensky or Semenovsky.

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In terms of organization, armament, and combat training, the reforms of Peter I brought the Russian army to one of the first places in Europe.

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CONCLUSION: the creation of a Russian (national) regular army and navy based on a recruiting system; the abolition of previously existing heterogeneous military formations and the introduction of the same type of organization and weapons in the infantry, cavalry and artillery; introduction of a unified system of military training and education, regulated by regulations; centralization of military administration, replacement of orders by the Military College and the Admiralty College, establishment of the post of commander-in-chief, under which a field headquarters was created headed by the quartermaster general; opening military schools for training officers and regulating the service of officers; carrying out military-judicial reforms.

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Transformation in the Russian armed forces under the leadership of Minister of War D. A. Milyutin. They had the goal of creating a mass army and eliminating the military backwardness of Russia, revealed in the Crimean War of 1853-56.

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In 1874, a new Charter on military service was approved. From that time on, army recruitment was abolished in Russia and universal military service was introduced, which extended to the male population of all classes and estates who had reached the age of 21. The total service life was set at 15 years: 6 years of which were spent in active military service, and 9 years in reserve. Particular attention was paid to improving the professional training of officers. Literacy among soldiers was recognized as essential, so teaching them to read and write became mandatory.

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CONCLUSION: * replacement of conscription with all-class military service, creation of an exchange reserve stock, formation of a military district control system (15 districts); the allocation of a new “Regulation on field command and control of troops in wartime”, the rearmament of the army with rifled small arms and artillery; reorganization of combat training of troops (development and introduction of new military regulations in the troops), as well as the officer training system (replacement of cadet corps with military gymnasiums, establishment of military and cadet schools); Permanent military courts (regimental, military district and main) were established.

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D. A. Milyutin recalled: “My most notorious enemies had to admit that never before had the Russian army come to the theater of war so well prepared and equipped.” Military-judicial reforms of 1860-1870 contributed to the strengthening of the Russian army.

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After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, the government of Nicholas II took measures to revive the combat power of the Russian armed forces. This was forced by the difficult international situation.

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The First World War was approaching, which began on July 19, 1914. Germany declared war on Russia, and after it, France. Within days of this, the main European states entered the war. The First World War became another heroic and at the same time tragic page for the history of Russia and its armed forces.

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CONCLUSION: the centralization of military command has been strengthened (a territorial recruitment system has been introduced); terms of service have been shortened, the officer corps has been rejuvenated; new programs for military schools, new regulations and new models of artillery pieces were adopted; Heavy field artillery was created, engineering troops were strengthened and material support was improved.

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Literature used A.T. Smirnov, B.I. Mishin, V.A. Vasnev - “Fundamentals of life safety” 10th grade. – M., “Enlightenment, 2004. N.I. Pavlenko, I.L. Andreev, L.M. Lyashenko; edited by A.F. Kiseleva, N.I. Pavlenko – “History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century, grade 10. Basic level, Textbook. for general educational institutions/ - M.: Bustard, 2007. Internet links http://s61.radikal.ru/i171/0810/4f/686893489f48.jpg http://www.sva-slava.ru/kartini/bubnov/Utro_na_kulikovom_pole .jpg http://f.rodon.org/p/10/080214111434d.jpg http://vnnews.ru/static/images/2008-12/1454/4958964343b74_3.jpg http://bioserge.narod.ru/ images/vasnetsov_grozny.jpg http://img.encyc.yandex.net/illustrations/krugosvet/pictures/4/4e/1011585-PH05273.jpg http://www.artsait.ru/art/g/glazunovIS/img/ 50.jpg http://www.ot.clan.su/_nw/4/98491.jpg http://www.vzmakh.ru/parabellum/image/14/14_08.gif http://www.emezk.ru /forum/file/1158.jpg http://history-gatchina.ru/owners/dog/imgdog/petr.jpg http://img12.nnm.ru/imagez/gallery/4/1/4/8/9 /41489a9935835d70e947112d1bea0f89_full.jpg http://rosneft.division.ru/pics/1700/1700_3-a_big.jpg http://www.lomonosovo.ru/joom/resources/image/Mozaika/poltava_1_400.jpg http://www. rchobbymaster.ru/private/rchobbymaster/shop_load/47/italeri_6053.jpg http://images.izvestia.ru/145833.jpg http://www.beenergy.ru/uploads/posts/2008-10/1224674129_38935.jpg http ://kds.eparhia.ru/www/biblio/1_67421412037.jpg http://www.rucoin.ru/files/nikolay2.jpg http://zforum.zyablikovo.net/uploads/post-9336-1153751789.jpg

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Throughout all centuries, everyone
peoples, including Russians,
I had to defend my land
their freedom and independence from
numerous enemies. Our ancestors
repelled the attacks of the Byzantines,
Normans, Varangians, Pechenegs, Tatar-Mongols, other tribes and peoples.
Military organization among the ancients
peoples' militias, princely
squads. For protection these warriors
used chain mail and armor, shields
made of wood and leather, iron, on the head
helmets ("sheloms").
Improved over the years
armed and military prowess
peoples, the military also changed

In the 16th century, Tsar Ivan the Terrible carried out military reform, and
instead of scattered princely squads, it was created
state streltsy army for service in
war time. In Rus' this was the first and constant
army; it was armed like a bladed weapon
(with sabers and reeds), and with firearms - arquebuses.
The military reforms of Tsar Ivan the Terrible were caused by
the need to strengthen the Russian army and directed
on the:
streamlining the recruitment and military service system
in the local army;
organization of centralized army control;
creation of a permanent Streltsy army;
separating the "attack" (artillery) into an independent genus
centralization of the supply system;
creation of a permanent guard service in the southern
borders of the state, which was the prototype of the border

History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The most decisive and tangible military
reforms were carried out by Peter I or Peter the Great. Was
a regular army was created from infantry and
cavalry regiments with a single headquarters and
weapons, improved cavalry and
training of officers from the nobility. At
Peter I creates a powerful navy
The main content of Peter I's reforms was
to the next:
creation of a regular army from infantry and
cavalry regiments with a single headquarters,
weapons and uniforms;
conducting combat training according to the Military Regulations and
Maritime Regulations;
formation of an army and navy from recruits
(annually from 500 souls of the taxable population
1 recruit was exhibited);
training of officers from the nobility, who
began service in the guards regiments;
improvement of artillery.

History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In 1874, another reform of the Armed Forces was carried out
Russian forces. After defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856
gg.), which revealed the military backwardness of Russia from
European states.
Reforms in the army were carried out under the leadership of the military
Minister Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutin, who was
appointed to this post in 1861. The main task of the military
he saw transformations in the fact that in peacetime
the size of the army was minimal, and in the military it was maximum due to trained reserves.
In 1874, a new Charter on military service was approved.
Since that time, recruitment in Russia has been abolished
army and introduced universal conscription, which
spread to the male population of all classes and
estates who have reached the age of 21 years.
An important component of the transformations in the army was its
rearmament. In 1891 the infantry was armed with
a magazine-rifled five-shot Mosin rifle was adopted.
In the second half of the 19th century. a transition was made in Russia
from sailing to steam armored fleet. By the end
century, Russia had 107 combat steam ships.

History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In February 1917 Russian autocracy ceased to exist, and the country faced historical
choice of state-political system.
A new type of statehood is emerging in Russia - Soviet. The Government of the Republic of Soviets had to
the first months to create new armed forces, taking into account the new social structure of the country.
In January 1918 decrees were issued “On the organization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” (RKKA), and “On
the dissolution of the Russian fleet and the organization of the Socialist Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet in
on a voluntary basis."
However, recruiting the Red Army only on a voluntary basis could not meet the growing needs of the new
army in personnel, made it difficult to prepare reserves, prevented the planned start of operation
and development of the country's security system.
Therefore, May 28, 1918 All-Russian Central Executive Committee (the highest legislative body of the country during breaks between congresses of Soviets)
adopted a resolution on compulsory military service for all citizens of Soviet Russia.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a state military organization that forms the basis of the country's defense.

On May 7, 1992, the Presidential Decree on the creation of new Armed Forces was signed
Russian Federation.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began to be created in accordance with the Presidential Decree on
based on the former Armed Forces of the USSR stationed in Russia.
The most important tasks of the Russian Armed Forces are:
ensuring nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and
and conventional large-scale or regional war;
solving problems of repelling aggression in local and regional wars;
carrying out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of
international organizations.

The overall leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Constitution and Federal Law

General management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
carried out by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
The Constitution and the Federal Law “On Defense” establish that the Supreme
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is the President of Russia.
directs the implementation of defense policy;
approves the concept, construction plans and
use of the army and navy; appoints and
dismisses senior military personnel from office
command (from the formation commander and
assigns the highest military ranks;
issues decrees on the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation
Federation for military service; announces
state of war in case of armed
attacks on the Russian Federation;
gives orders to the Armed Forces to conduct
military operations, and also carries out other
powers vested in him
The Constitution of the Russian Federation and
Federal laws.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are controlled by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

implement policies in
construction field
Russian Armed Forces
Federation in accordance with
decisions of higher authorities
state power
Russian Federation.
order weapons and
military equipment;
lead the rear in general
prepare the core of personnel;

The main body for the operational control of troops and fleet forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the General Staff.

provides guidance on
planning issues,
use of troops for
operational equipment
country, its mobilization
coordination of plans
construction of other troops for
solving the main problem -
defense of Russia.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units, institutions, as well as military

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of bodies
management, associations, formations, military units,
institutions, as well as military educational institutions.
Control bodies are designed to direct troops (forces) at various levels. To them
include commands, headquarters, departments, departments and other permanently and temporarily created
structures. To accommodate and operate controls in combat conditions, they are deployed
control points.
Associations are military formations that include several formations or associations
smaller composition, as well as units and institutions (for example, territorial combined arms
associations - military districts; operational formations - armies, flotillas).
Formations are military formations consisting of several units or formations
smaller personnel, as well as support and maintenance units. To connections
include corps, divisions, brigades and other military formations equivalent to them.
A military unit is an organizationally independent combat and administrative-economic unit
unit in all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. All military units include
regiments, ships of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks, separate battalions (missile divisions, aviation
squadrons), as well as individual companies. Regiments, individual battalions, divisions and squadrons
the Battle Banner is awarded, and the ships of the Navy are awarded the Naval Flag.
Military educational institutions include: military academies, universities, institutes, military
schools, Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools, training and retraining courses

Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of three branches: the Ground Forces (Land Forces), the Air Force (Air Force), the Navy (Navy), of

three branches of the military: Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN),
Space Forces (HF) and Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), as well as others
troops: PV, railway troops, MVD troops, FSB, civil defense troops
The branch of the Armed Forces is part of the Armed Forces of the state,
intended for conducting military operations in a certain
sphere (on land, sea, air and outer space). View
The Armed Forces consists of branches of the military, special troops and logistics.
A branch of the military is an integral part of the branch of the Armed Forces, including
military formations that have characteristics unique to them
basic types of weapons and military equipment, and also own
methods of their combat use.
The rear of the Armed Forces is the forces and means that carry out logistics and technical
provision of the army and navy in peacetime and war.

Military service is a special type of federal public service, consisting in the daily fulfillment of military duties by citizens

Military service is a special type of federal public service consisting
in the daily performance of military duties by citizens.
Military service in Russia has always been considered an honorable duty, a sacred duty, exclusive
importance and necessity.
The main task of military service is constant, focused preparation for armed defense or
armed defense of the territory of the Russian Federation.
The legislation of the Russian Federation on defense issues is based primarily on the Constitution
Russian Federation.
The Constitution establishes that the defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Federation (Article 59).
The basic legal act of military legislation is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On
The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel” defines the rights, obligations and
responsibility of military personnel, fundamentals of legal and social protection of military personnel.
The procedure for organizing military registration of citizens, preparing them for military service, conscription and
its passage is defined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and
military service."
Citizens acquire the status of military personnel at the beginning of military service and lose it at the end of it.
Military personnel enjoy the rights established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and
freedoms on an equal basis with other citizens. But given the special nature of the duties of military personnel
There are some restrictions on them in general civil rights and freedoms.
Military personnel are assigned certain official duties. According to their content they
are divided into general, official and special.
All military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear
responsibility established for citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the characteristics of their
legal status.
Military personnel, depending on the nature and severity of the violation committed, may be subject to disciplinary,
administrative, material, civil and criminal liability.

Military duty is a statutory duty of citizens to serve in the Armed Forces and perform other duties, communications

Military duty is a legally established duty of citizens to serve in the ranks
Armed Forces and perform other duties related to the defense of the country.
The Federal Law “On Defense” states that for the purpose of defense the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are created
Federation and establishes military service for citizens. Contents of military duty
citizens of the Russian Federation is determined by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military
Military duty includes:

military registration;
compulsory preparation for military service;
completion of military service upon conscription;
staying in reserve;
conscription for military training and military training while in the reserve;
military service during the period of mobilization, during martial law and during military
– conscription for military service upon mobilization, during martial law and in wartime
Mobilization - a set of measures to transfer the Armed Forces and the economy to martial law
state and government bodies of the country.
Martial law is a special legal regime in a country or a separate part of it, established
decision of the highest authority & authority in exceptional circumstances, which is expressed in
expansion of the powers of military authorities, imposing on citizens a number of additional
responsibilities and certain restrictions.
Wartime is the period when a state is actually in a state of war. Characterized by
significant changes in all spheres of state life and interstate relations,
introduction of martial law.

Military registration is an integral part of the military duty of citizens. Military registration is intended to determine the state’s capabilities to ensure

Military registration is an integral part of the military duty of citizens.
Military registration is intended to determine the state’s capabilities to ensure
manning the Armed Forces.
All citizens of the Russian Federation are required to be registered with the military.
The exception is citizens:
– exempted from military duties in accordance with
Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”;
– undergoing military service or alternative civilian service;
– those serving a sentence of imprisonment;
– female, who do not have a military registration specialty (military registration specialty is a military registration category indicating
military specialty obtained upon completion of a certain
educational institution);
– permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.
Initial military registration of male citizens
carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year they reach
age 17 years. Initial military registration
carried out by a special commission to place citizens on
military registration created in a district, city or other
administrative education.

Mandatory preparation of a citizen for military service is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation
Federation "On military duty and military service".
Mandatory preparation for military service includes:
– obtaining basic knowledge in the field of defense;
– training in the basics of military service in the state, municipal or non-state
educational institution of secondary (complete) general education, educational institution
primary vocational and secondary vocational education and at training centers
– military-patriotic education;
– training in military specialties for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the direction
military commissariat;
– medical examination and medical examination;
carrying out therapeutic and recreational activities.
Voluntary preparation of citizens for military service in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation
The Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” provides for:
– practicing military applied sports;
– training in additional educational programs aimed at military training
minor citizens, in educational institutions of secondary (full) general
education, as well as in military bands of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
– training under the training program for reserve officers at military departments at state
municipal or having state accreditation in relevant areas
training (specialties) of non-state educational institutions of higher education
vocational education.


The conscription of citizens for military service is carried out 2 times a year:
spring conscription - from April 1 to June 30;
autumn conscription - from October 1 to December 31.
Conscription for military service is organized on the basis of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation
Deadlines for conscription for certain categories of citizens depending on their type of activity and
Places of residence are being confirmed.
Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription for military service.
those who are or are required to be registered with the military and who are not in the reserves.
The decision to conscript citizens for military service can be made only after
they reach the age of 18.
The conscription of citizens for military service is organized by the head of the local government body
together with the military commissar. Conscription is carried out by the draft commission.
When deciding to conscript a citizen for military service, the draft commission
is guided by the conclusion of specialists based on the results of medical
examinations of the fitness of citizens for military service in established categories.
According to medical examination data, citizens are assigned a category
fitness for military service:
A - fit for military service;
B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;
B - limited fit for military service;
G - temporarily unfit for military service;
D - not fit for military service.

Military service

The beginning of military service for citizens called up for military service is the day of departure from
military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the place of service. From this
moment a citizen acquires the status of a military personnel.
Upon arrival at the unit and after completing initial military training, the serviceman
takes the Military Oath. The duration of initial military training does not exceed
two months.
Before a serviceman takes the Military Oath, he cannot be involved in the execution of
combat missions (participation in hostilities, combat duty, combat service,
guard duty), weapons and military equipment cannot be assigned to him, he cannot
disciplinary sanction in the form of arrest will be imposed.
In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations
the composition of military personnel and their corresponding military ranks have been established. List of compositions and
military ranks of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On
military duty and military service."
For military personnel, military uniforms and insignia are established.
Military uniforms and insignia according to military ranks of military personnel of the Armed Forces
Russian Federation, other troops are approved by the President of the Russian Federation.
Insignia by types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military branches and services, as well as wearing rules
military uniforms and insignia are determined by the Minister of Defense.

Military service under a contract is a voluntary service when a citizen enters into a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where he is obliged to pass

Military service under contract is voluntary service when a citizen
enters into a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where it undertakes to undergo
military service under certain conditions.
Citizens have the right to enter into the first contract for military service
aged from 18 to 40 years.
The following persons have the right to enter into a contract for military service:
– military personnel whose previous contract is ending
undergoing military service;
– military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription,
have served for at least 12 months;
– citizens who are in reserve;
– male citizens who are not in the reserves, who have graduated
educational institutions of higher professional education;
female citizens who are not in reserve.
A contract for military service may be concluded
military personnel for a period of 3, 5 and 10 years

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HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Lesson 21 1. Traditions of the Russian army. 2. Formation of the Red Army. 3. The Armed Forces of the Soviet Union before the Second World War. 4. Post-war state of the Armed Forces. 5. Reform of the modern Armed Forces of Russia.

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The first information about the military organization of our ancestors appears in chronicles around the 6th century. At that time, tribal unions of the Slavs created armed militias, which included almost all adult men. The basis of the army is the princely squad.

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In the middle of the 16th century, Ivan the Terrible carried out military reform. As a result, the Streltsy army was created. It served not only in wartime, but also in peacetime. The archers had uniform weapons (arquebus, saber and reed) and uniform.

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The 18th century was important for the country militarily. The young Tsar Peter I carried out military reforms, the result of which was the creation of regular armed forces (land army and navy) numbering more than 200 thousand people. The origin of the traditions of the Russian Guard.

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Generalissimo Suvorov Field Marshal Kutuzov Admirals Ushakov, Nakhimov General Skobelev

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The October Revolution of 1917 destroyed the existing state structure of Russia and eliminated the armed forces. The Government of the Republic of Soviets had to create new armed forces in the first months, taking into account the new social structure of the country, external threats and material capabilities

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The small, poorly trained Red Guard could not resist the invasion of German troops. The threat of invasion by German troops forced the Soviet government to begin recruiting a standing army.

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On January 15, 1918, a decree was adopted on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on January 29, 1918, on the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet. The army and navy were created on a voluntary basis.

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In February 1918, the young Red Army and the sailors of the Baltic Fleet had to repel the onslaught of German troops. To commemorate the mass entry of volunteers into the Red Army to defend the Fatherland and the courageous resistance of the Red Army detachments, February 23 began to be celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and since 1992 as the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

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The main content of the reforms: Formation of the Red Army and reform of the old army; Adoption in December 1917 of the Decree on the abolition of military ranks, titles, insignia and advantages. The supreme governing body became the Council of People's Commissars, the body of direct control - the People's Commissariat of Military Affairs; In April 1918, recruitment into the Army moved from the principle of voluntariness to the principle of military service, from the election of commanders to their appointment. In May, universal conscription is introduced.

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The international situation during this period required constant strengthening and improvement of the armed forces. The Second World War was approaching. Under these conditions, the Soviet government took measures to strengthen the country's defense capability. The number of armed forces grew steadily: in 1935 - 930 thousand people, in 1938 - 1.5 million people and by the beginning of 1941 - 5.7 million people.

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The main content of the reforms: The creation in March 1938 of the Main Military Council of the Red Army and the Main Council of the Navy, which were in charge of issues of military development; The institution of military commissars was introduced, which existed until August 1940; Conscription now extended to everyone; The terms of service were increased, the conscription age was lowered, and the period of stay in the reserve was extended; All Armed Forces personnel were required to take a military oath; The responsibility for desertion and unauthorized absences from the unit increases.

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The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was the greatest test of the ability of the USSR Armed Forces to defend the country's independence.

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During this period, the domestic military school put forward a number of talented military leaders (G.G. Zhukov, K.K. Rokosovsky, S.K. Timoshenko, A.M. Vasilevsky, I.S. Konev, etc.), who skillfully carried out military operations, leading to the defeat of a persistent and well-armed enemy.

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The main content of the reforms: General mobilization of all men from 19 to 55 years of age is announced; The structural organization of the armed forces has become more complex. The structure of the Armed Forces now included fronts, armies, corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, companies, platoons and squads; In 1942, the Infantry Combat Regulations were published. The division of military personnel into privates, sergeants, officers and generals is being introduced, new insignia have been introduced; The system of military tribunals became more complex and expanded, and the Main Logistics Directorate was established; A resolution was adopted obliging the republican, regional and district party committees to launch resistance (partisan movement) behind enemy lines.

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After the war, the improvement and strengthening of the Armed Forces continued in accordance with the forecast of the international situation and the policies pursued by the Soviet government. In the mid-50s, a radical transformation of the Soviet Armed Forces began, equipping them with nuclear missile weapons and other new types of weapons and military equipment.

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In 1969, a new branch of the USSR Armed Forces was created - the Strategic Missile Forces.

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The main content of the reforms: The highest leadership of the country's defense and the Armed Forces of the USSR was carried out by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the highest bodies of state power (the Supreme Council of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR). Direct leadership of the USSR Armed Forces was carried out by the USSR Ministry of Defense. A new type of Armed Forces has appeared - the Strategic Missile Forces;

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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation became the main successor to the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created.

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The construction of the RF Armed Forces was planned in three stages. The first one ended in 1992. During it, the decline in the level of combat readiness that began after the collapse of the USSR was stopped, approaches to the creation of groupings of troops and general-purpose forces were revised, and the formation of new ones began in connection with changed state borders

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History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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Throughout the history of the Russian state, Russian people constantly had to wage an armed struggle, defending their lands from foreign invaders. In the history of the country in the period from the XIV to the XVII centuries. There is almost no time when all the borders of the state would be peaceful and there would be no need to repel the enemy.

Russia XIV - XVII centuries

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Moscow state in the 16th century. could have an army of 150-200 thousand soldiers. The combat units were joined by auxiliary units - militia (townspeople and peasants). The basis of the armed forces of the Moscow state during this period was formed by noble formations. Throughout their lives, nobles were required to perform military service; they were all considered service people from generation to generation, from grandfather to father, from father to son.

Noble formations

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Ivan groznyj

A considerable part of the armed forces of the Moscow state were hired servicemen who received not estates, but cash salaries. Among them, the most numerous were the archers - infantry armed with arquebuses and battle axes (berdysh). The first permanent units of the Streltsy were formed under Ivan the Terrible (around 1550).


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Reitar Regiment

In the second half of the XV - early XVII centuries. The Russian army improved its organizational structure, it began to be divided into regiments. The role of the Ministry of Defense in the Moscow State was played by the Discharge Order. In the period 1632-1634. regiments of a new system appeared in the Moscow state. A Reitar regiment numbering up to 2 thousand was formed from Russian people (Reitars are a type of heavy cavalry.)

Bit order

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Government Senate. Military Collegium

The regular Russian army was created under Peter I in the period from 1701 to 1711 (the impetus for accelerating its creation was the defeat at Narva). The new system of recruiting troops is the principle of recruiting. The Government Senate and the Military Collegium subordinate to it (the prototype of the Ministry of Defense) began to be in charge of matters relating to the army. The creation of a regular army and the organization of its combat training increased the combat power of the Russian army. All this determined Russia's victory in the Northern War (1700-1721).

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Catherine II

The reign of Catherine II. - The Military Collegium ceased to depend on the Senate and gradually turned into a Ministry of War. The talented commander of Catherine's times, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev.


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Mosin rifle

Minister of War Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutin. 1874 - a new Charter on military service was approved. In 1891, a repeating rifled five-shot Mosin rifle of 7.62 mm caliber was adopted for infantry service in 1891. Steel guns with a rifled barrel, which had a greater firing range, began to enter service with the artillery.

D.A. Milyutin

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Red Guard

After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, the government of Nicholas II took measures to revive the combat capabilities of the Russian armed forces. In the first months of Soviet power, its armed support was the Red Guard. On January 15, 1918, a decree was adopted on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), and on January 29, 1918, on the organization. February 23 began to be celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and since 1992 as the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

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The Second World War. Navy.

The Second World War was approaching. Under these conditions, the Soviet government took measures to strengthen the country's defense capability. In 1937, the Navy was separated from the Red Army. The Navy at this time included: the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific fleets, the Caspian, Amur, Danube and Pinsk military flotillas. The country and its armed forces were preparing for war.

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Strategic Missile Forces

A radical transformation of the Soviet Armed Forces, equipping them with nuclear missile weapons and other new types of weapons and military equipment. In 1960, a new branch of the USSR Armed Forces was created - the Strategic Missile Forces. The Armed Forces of the USSR included the following types: Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), Ground Forces (SV), Air Defense Forces (Air Defense), Air Force (Air Force), Navy (Navy). The Armed Forces included the Rear Services of the Armed Forces, headquarters and Civil Defense Troops.

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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation became the main successor to the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created. The structure of the state, the political system, and government policies change, but the task of protecting the Fatherland always remains paramount, therefore the Armed Forces must always meet their purpose - protecting the country from external aggression.

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