
How to attune tarot cards to yourself. Card spell Cleaning and binding a deck of tarot cards

A card spell is a mandatory ritual that is performed both after purchasing a new deck and before any fortune telling. The frequency of such rituals depends on how close the sorcerer’s connection is with this magical attribute.

In the article:

Card plot - why do it?

Many novice sorcerers ask themselves: “Why perform a ritual that makes the cards tell the truth?”. Indeed, there are cases when a witch does not need to regularly perform rituals that purify magical attributes and charm them.

But it is a mistake to think that any deck can give a truthful answer right away, without proper preparation. However, there are exceptions. The magician can receive an unmistakable answer without additional rituals in several cases:

  • if he is a very strong sorcerer, and his energy is enough to feel the Master in him;
  • if the connection between the sorcerer and the magical attribute is very strong;
  • if it's a fluke.

If there is no constant powerful energy connection between you and the deck, then you will have to ask it every time to give the correct answer, and hope that your request will be heard.

What to do to avoid making mistakes?

A spell on cards for truthful fortune telling is always done before the start of the work process. It is only effective when the sorcerer is using a regular playing deck, not . But it is worth remembering that it can only be used for work purposes; it cannot be used for gaming.

Before asking any question, the sorcerer needs to concentrate. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and focus on your own energy. They often offer to sit on the deck in order to charge it with their energy. This is particularly suitable for a new deck.

If only at hand old cards (on which they had previously guessed), then they need to be cleared of old energy. Otherwise, it will interfere, and you will receive an incorrect answer. One common way is to put a child or an unkissed teenager on the cards. Another way is to thread the deck through the door handle 3 times.

After this, the cards are shuffled well. If they begin to fall out, then this is a signal that they do not want to cooperate with you yet. Put your work aside for later. But if everything went well, you can start reading the plot.

A simple truthful spell on cards before fortune telling

There are several easy, non-labor-intensive rituals that guarantee the correct answer to any questions. The first ritual is performed after purchasing a new deck, on Friday of the new moon. The sorcerer needs to read the text:

36 cards, sisters and brothers, godfathers and godfathers, matchmakers and matchmakers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, daughters and stepdaughters, sons and stepsons, mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fathers-in-law, sons-in-law, sisters-in-law and daughters-in-law, you are all black , you are all white, you are all red, tell me the whole truth: what do I think? What will I think? What happened and what will happen? Tell me, do not hide, in all fairness, as you told Herod’s daughters at the wedding feast, at the table of honor. If you lie to me, I’ll tell Satan about your lies. I persuade the slave (my name) to play cards, to find out his thoughts, to learn the affairs of others and the secrets of others. My word is strong.

Then the cards should be shuffled and you can get to work. Next time, when you need to find out the correct answer, use a simple and effective spell. Its sorcerers use it an unlimited number of times, and the ritual does not require special preparation. You need to take the deck in your hands and whisper:

Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and
comrades. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty six
cards, four suits, tell me the whole true truth, what to expect, expect,
what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on you all, I call you
I pronounce: the word is strong and molds to cards. Amen.

A quick way to make cards tell the truth

If the sorcerer does not have time to carry out a cleansing ritual or cast a spell on the deck, he can use a simple and proven spell, which will make it possible to receive an accurate and concise answer to any exciting question. The deck must be placed on your left hand, face down, and tossed. The cards should fall to the floor, after which the magician says:

I'm standing on the maple bridge,
Card to card, piece of paper to piece of paper.
As soon as I begin to cast a spell,
The cards will tell the truth.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen, amen, amen.

How to get the correct answer to a question of interest?

This ritual is quite effective, but it has a drawback - it can be used no more than once every 25 days. Therefore, before you begin, decide exactly what you want to know.

The spell is especially effective if you are planning to work with Tarot. If you are supposed to work with a playing deck, then The exact truthful answer options will only be “Yes” and “No”. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • calendula leaves;
  • dried roses (red, yellow, white);
  • black pepper (peas);
  • metal container.

Metal container
calendula leaves
dried roses
black pepper

The ritual takes place on Friday. At midnight, the sorcerer lights two candles, sits down at the table and reads the text:

I don’t buy the deck out of excitement.
I give her luck in business.
Fire, I ask you very much,
Burn all the troubles if I sin.
Let this deck lie quietly
Let sadness and longing flee from me.
Let the map lead me through life,
They will not let me down in difficult matters.
If I guess, I will only know the truth,
Who should I fear, when should I grieve?
All the cards will tell about scary people,
They will protect me and the children from them.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

After that, take all the ingredients, put them in a container and set them on fire. As soon as they burn out, dip your palms into the ashes. There is no need to shake it off. Just shuffle the cards, ask a question and get the right answer.

A simple spell to help beginners

This plot of cards for truthful fortune telling is suitable for beginners. It is not the simplest, but it makes it possible to create a strong energetic connection between the sorcerer and the cards. To perform the ritual, place the crystal vessel in the eastern corner of the room. Light 7 white wax candles in turn around it and say the words:

Powers of the East! I conjure you! Come and clean it up! Just as a crystal vessel is transparent and pure, so my cards will be pure and truthful, as they lie, they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!

Repeat the words three times and leave the vessel standing on the floor. After 3 days, cover the table with a dark cloth and place 1 black and 1 red candle on it. Light them and draw a deck around each of the candles in turn. While you do this, say the words:

I charge you with the flame of fire! Work day, sleep night, I don’t know how to lie!

As soon as the text is said, spit to the left and blow out the candles. The crystal vessel can be removed, washed and dried. You can draw water in advance (this must be done before the sun rises) and wash the vessel with it. After that you can start.

Tarot card spell - Your cards won't lie

When a new Tarot deck falls into the hands of a witch, the first thing she needs is initiate. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart, and interruptions during the ritual are prohibited. In your speech, address To the Oracle in order to see only the truth.

There must be a strong connection between you and the deck. To do this, try to carry it with you for as long as possible for 30 days, and do it once a day for any question. After the deck gets used to you, the answers will become clearer and more detailed. Now you can perform the initiation ceremony.

It is held on the night from Thursday to Friday. Light 3 black candles and place all the cards in order on the table. Read the text slowly and clearly:

I, slave (name), will leave the house after midnight and go towards the north to a black field. On that field there is a dead force, great and mighty. I, servant (name), will bow down to the damp earth and ask for help from that dead and ancestral power. Oh, you are my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, my dear spirits, come to my aid, help me in my work. Just as you fly in spirit and keep up with everything, so let me know everything, know everything, and understand maps. I’ll light a candle for your repose and remember you. My word is strong and indestructible forever. Amen.

In the process of reading the plot, you need to touch each card from the deck once. After the ritual, the deck can be placed under your pillow. The dream I had that night was prophetic. Remember it. This completes the ritual. Try to do this as often as possible to strengthen the magical connection between you.

Purification ritual for Tarot cards

A cleansing ritual must be performed by every witch working with the Tarot. This is necessary, because over time, a large amount of alien energy begins to accumulate around the magical attributes, and the cards can begin to lie. To avoid this, you should perform a simple ritual:

  • cover the table surface with a red cloth;
  • Place 2 black candles opposite each other and a red one in the center of the table;
  • lay out the entire deck in front of the candles;
  • Wipe each card with a soft cloth and sprinkle with salt.

While you perform this action, constantly repeat:

Sister-salt, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that the truth will be spoken, and give wasteful bondage and evil languor to the lintel, languor and deception. My word is strong! Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!

When the ritual is completed, pour the salt into a bag, place the cloth in a container and light it with black candles. At the same time say:

Dark Forces! I conjure you! Let my cards be pure and truthful, as they lie, they will tell the whole truth. Let it be so!

Place the cards in a bag (they must have their own “house”) and leave them alone for 6 days. When the time comes, take them out and lay them out on a table covered with a dark cloth, light a candle, and hide the bag of salt in a vacant lot. The ritual is completed, and you can begin to work with the Tarot.

Sometimes from ignorant people, far from the world of esotericism, you can hear strange statements that, for example, the energy of the Devil Tarot can bring negativity and trouble, and the Arcanum Tower will certainly destroy the life of a tarot reader. What is this connected with? What kind of energy do the cards contain, and can they be dangerous for the master working with them? Let's figure it out.

What energy do Tarot cards carry?

Everyone knows that fortune telling with Tarot cards is energy work. But what are the magic cards in our hands - is it a communication channel or are we ourselves connecting to the information field? What are Arcana - a tool or a conductor of otherworldly energies?

Here everything is not so clear. By turning to cards for help, we thereby open a communication channel with a huge information field that stores information about the past, present and future of our entire Universe. We connect to this field through cards and read information from it. It turns out that the magic deck is just a conductor, a connecting link between our consciousness and the information field. We cannot connect to this field without cards (more precisely, we can, but here we are talking about extrasensory abilities).

But do cards have their own energy? Everyone knows that every living creature has its own biofield. The same goes for inanimate objects, houses, places. People with extrasensory perception very subtly feel, for example, heavy energy in places of death of people and can easily determine where this or that thing was. It turns out that the Tarot deck also has its own energy. It’s not without reason that many tarot readers endow their working decks with completely “human” qualities: kind, soft, straightforward, cunning, powerful. Please note that here we are talking about the energy of the entire deck, and not about the individual energy of the Tarot Arcana - we will discuss this aspect a little later.

Each deck is individual, which means their energy will be different. “Softer” in energy are light, meditative decks, for example, Osho Zen Tarot, and more “severe”, “heavy” - dark cards, for example, Tarot of Shadows, Black Tarot.

Do the Arcana of the Tarot affect the energy of the fortuneteller?

This question can be answered both yes and no. During fortune telling, we can only feel the general energy of the deck, and the energy of each individual Arcana is felt only when working with it individually. By reading information, we make an energy exchange with the Universe. Our personal energy is spent on this work. It turns out that fortune telling on cards in this way “pulls” vitality from us? It seems like everything is so, but not quite.

Let's figure out whether Tarot can harm the energy of a fortuneteller. Here, a lot depends on the initial energy of the tarot reader and on the “power” of his working deck. Some beginners, starting to work with cards, feel very tired after several hands. This happens because a person does not have enough personal energy to interact with the deck for a long time. The same thing can happen when we make a layout on cards with heavy energy, for example, on one of the dark decks.

It has been repeatedly noted that some decks have virtually no effect on the fortuneteller, for example, Tarot of Dwarves, Tarot of Angels, Osho Zen Tarot - after working with them no fatigue is usually felt. But as soon as you spend half an hour telling fortunes on the Thoth Tarot, the Necronomicon deck or the Phantasmagoria Tarot, you feel as if all your life force has evaporated somewhere. But the answers, nevertheless, turn out to be very accurate.

What to do? There are only two options here. Either through trial and error, choose a deck with a “softer” energy, or learn to magically raise your own energy level and replenish it. Both are quite real.

How to use the energy of cards in real life?

The energy of the Tarot Arcana can be used to attract desired changes into your life. Yes, yes, now we’ve gotten to the energy of individual cards. How can this be done?

First, you need to determine the Arcana with which you will work. So, for example, if you are a man and want to increase your strength, strengthen your masculine qualities, become more serious and responsible, take the Emperor Arcanum. If you are a woman who wants to develop, for example, intuition and sensory perception, choose the Priestess for this purpose.

And then everything is very simple: you need to pull the selected Arcana from the deck and “live” with it for several days. What does it mean? During sleep, place the card under your pillow, meditate on the image of the card several times a day, take it with you to work, keep it in sight during the working day, reflect on the meaning of the Arcana, on the archetype it represents, imagine that the hero of the card is not an abstract character, but you yourself. How do you feel when you are “in the map”, what new qualities and changes do you feel in yourself? By working with an individual Arcana, you can not only understand its meaning more deeply, but also attract into your life the energies that it carries within itself. Plus, it's a great way to work on a new deck!

How to charge cards with your energy?

Now let's talk a little about how to charge Tarot cards with your energy. This is usually required when purchasing a new deck, or if you lent your cards to someone (although this is not recommended). And now we come to the most important thing: what should this ritual of energy charging look like, and is it needed at all?

Here, as practice shows, everything depends on the person himself. Some people prefer to “activate” new cards with the power of the elements, some literally talk to the deck, hold it in their hands for a long time, examine each Arcana, some put the Tarot under their pillow and sleep with it for several nights in a row. But you know, all these are just rituals, i.e. actions that have special meaning only for a specific person. This means that you can choose any method of “charging” that you personally believe in and which you consider the most reliable and suitable.

But let’s reveal a little secret: Tarot will work perfectly without all these ceremonies, saturated with your energy during fortune telling. So more practice, friends! But, if you don’t believe in this and prefer to “charge” the cards in a special way, do it as you see fit, it definitely won’t get any worse.

How to clear a deck of foreign energy?

Speaking about rituals, we cannot ignore the question of how to cleanse Tarot cards of foreign energy. Here, too, there are different methods: someone simply places the deck in salt for a day or puts it on the windowsill at night so that they are “saturated” with moonlight, someone cleanses the cards with the elements, and some even read special spells. And again we repeat that all of these are just rituals, and not strictly obligatory actions. You can safely choose any of them or even come up with your own - the main thing is to believe in its power.

To begin with, I will say a few words about why it is generally necessary to attune tarot cards to yourself. Can't you just pick up the deck and make a spread?

The thing is that tarot cards themselves don’t actually mean anything. Yes, you heard right! They mean absolutely nothing. By and large, this is just paper on which some signs are written. And the cards themselves, no matter how magical and “smart” they may look, know and cannot do absolutely nothing. It is just a tool, a tool in your hands.

To make it clearer what I want to say, I’ll give you this example: imagine that you decide to draw a picture. You have a great drawing book that you've memorized cover to cover.

There is a wonderful set of paints, brushes and pencils. There is a great desire! But nothing works. And all because, as people say, hands grow from the wrong place.

About the same situation arises with tarot cards. You have a great new deck of cards, you know the theory very well, you do the layouts correctly, and as a result you get confusing and incorrect information.

And the reason is not the cards, or your knowledge. The reason is primarily because of you. It would be more accurate to say, not so much in yourself, but in the incorrect interaction of your body and your energy with a deck of cards.

In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to cast a spell on the cards for truthful fortune-telling, making a spell on the cards so that they tell the truth.

A spell on tarot cards for truthful fortune telling is also called activation of the tarot deck.

Activation of a new tarot deck

Activation of the tarot deck is carried out exclusively on a new, unused deck of cards. It is advisable that the deck is never opened at all, that is, sealed.

How to charge a new tarot deck?

In order to charge the cards for fortune telling, it is necessary to perform an initiation ceremony for a new tarot deck.

To do this, you need to send me a new, newly purchased and sealed deck of tarot cards.

I will perform a special ritual, cast a spell on tarot cards for truthful fortune telling, and activate the tarot deck, tying it specifically to you. You can also order a new deck of tarot cards directly from me. In this case, it will be immediately activated and linked to you.

In any case, you need to contact me personally on this issue, through any method convenient for you. After which we will discuss all the technical aspects of this process, and also discuss the price of activation and binding the tarot deck to you personally.

I bind a deck of tarot cards with a full guarantee.

*Optionally you can order.

Have questions about this article? Feel free to ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer.

One of the main requirements for a professional tarot reader is to “feel” their working decks as magical tools, and by “feeling” is meant not only the logical and intellectual awareness of the meanings of the cards individually and collectively, but also emotional and “energetic” work with them.
For the purposes of this article, energy is understood as a complex of specific bodily sensations that arise both during certain actions and at rest. I also proceed from the fact that cards do not (initially) have any living or divinatory power and only help in connecting the tarot reader with his subconscious or higher spheres, information field, etc., depending on the faith of the tarot reader himself, but, like any material object can be perceived by “energy” damage and affected through it.
Why is all this needed? In addition to developing the intuitive skills of a fortuneteller, working with energy allows you not only to perform a number of simple tricks with the deck - enchantment from the wrong hands, quickly finding the deck in case of loss, not only allows you to penetrate deeper into the image of the card (any image captured on paper has its own special character in energy perception), but also to understand more deeply the situation for which the layout is being made, with significant skills - to see much more than the logical meanings of the cards can tell you.
Preparatory exercise for energy techniques.
Stop the internal dialogue by any means you know how. The simplest one is to focus on your breathing and try to breathe deeply and clearly. Then relax your muscles. Rub your hands until they feel warm.
Close your eyes, sit at the table and hold your outstretched arm, palm down, a short distance from the table surface. Slowly walk it to the end of the table. Now slowly walk her outside the table. Slowly return your hand back. Concentrate on the sensations that arise in your palm - it could be a light breeze, warmth, cold, tingling. Compare your sensations when your hand was above the table and when it went beyond it.
If the sensations are unclear, it is worth repeating several times.
After finishing, rub your hands.
Technique “Find the deck with your hand”
Now place a deck of cards (unpacked) in the center of the table in a single stack (a more complicated version - one card). Close your eyes. Move your hand over the surface of the table in the place where your deck lies. Move your hand away. Compare the sensations.
Now try to find the deck (card) with your eyes closed, focusing solely on the sensations in your hand. If it turns out clearly enough, ask another person to place a card (deck) in front of you on any place on the table while you are sitting with your eyes closed. Repeat your search.
Basic exercise to increase hand sensitivity
Take a comfortable position. Place (turn, raise in front of you) your hands with your palms facing outward (up). Massage a point on your palm located at a distance approximately equal to the width of three thumbs from your wrist. Imagine that a kind of vortex breaks out from this point (the direction of the twist does not matter). Strengthen the sensations of the vortex until specific thermal sensations appear in your hand. Hold the feeling as long as possible. Rub your hands together.
Exercise "beacon"
Imagine that you have a small children's inflatable ball in your hand. Feel its warmth, weight, elasticity. After some success, imagine how it slowly enters your palm and, without losing previous sensations, passes through your arm, then your shoulder, torso, and exits the solar plexus. “Take” the feeling of this ball with your hand from there.
Take any two cards face up with your other hand. Place the sensation of the ball in one of them with your first hand, losing sensation in your body. Rub your hands, as well as those areas of the body where there are specific sensations that arose during the exercise. Turn over the cards.
Shuffle the two cards taken earlier with your eyes closed. Open your eyes, and using your hand and focusing on the sensations in it, try to find the card in which the ball was placed. Test yourself by turning the card over. Take your time, but at the same time, don’t hesitate to consider your choice.
Repeat the exercise. With sufficient success, complicate it by increasing the number of third-party cards from which you need to find a charged one.
Exercise to feel the map with your eyes
Not only hands can be used as a source of obtaining specific sensations. For ease of understanding, imagine that your eyes can also emit special energy rays that can be used to influence objects (in reality the situation is somewhat more complicated, but this is a topic for a separate study).
As a preparation, look at the book, which you should hold in front of you at the distance at which you usually read. Without unfocusing your gaze or moving it, slowly remove the book. Compare the sensations in your eyes before and after the specified action. Repeat for better clarity. Try to catch the difference between the sensations of the presence of an object at the focal point and its absence.
Experiment with different objects like this. Try replacing one object (book) with another (for example, a ball, an apple, an object of a different composition and color than the book). Compare the sensations in your eyes.
After some success, use any two cards from the deck, looking at their designs and comparing the feeling in your eyes.
After significant success and the appearance of a clear sensation of rays from the eyes, try looking at the center of your palm. When the usual sensation of a solid object appears, try to “push” the boundary with these “rays”. Capture the feeling that arises from this.
Do the same with the drawings of the cards in your deck.
P.s. It is highly not recommended to perform this exercise in public without prior preparation in order to avoid social conflicts.
Exercises with emotional elaboration of deck images.
Take two cards that seem most different to you in their meanings. For example, a fool and a hanged man, or a tower and 10 staves. When perceiving the image of the card, catch the emotions and feelings, the memories that it evokes. Strengthen the experience of these sensations to the limit, right up to somatics. Put the card aside and discard the sensations, do the same with the next one.
Then, turning both cards face down and touching them with your hand, try to determine what feelings it evokes in you. Compare them with those experienced when considering the images. Test yourself by turning over the cards.
If you are successful, make the exercise more difficult by increasing the number of cards.
Enchanting the deck "for yourself."
Take a card (deck of cards). Having felt them emotionally, energetically, try to let this feeling into yourself (like the ball from the exercise described above), and dissolve it in yourself. Then try to move your consciousness into the deck - imagine that the deck is you, think like a deck, feel like a deck. Return your consciousness to your normal body. After placing the deck down, continue to feel it in your hand, as if it were firmly attached to you. If difficulties arise, try touching the deck with your hand, feeling the material from which it is made. Removing your hand, reproduce the feeling of the material, the weight of the deck. As a result, merge with the deck, imagining that you are a single whole, the deck is a part of you and your instrument of knowledge, like eyes, ears or mind. It is worth repeating this exercise periodically for a better connection with the cards.
Working with pulses
Clench your hand tightly into a fist. Feel the pulsation in it, identical to the pulse of your heartbeat. Slowly unclench your fist while maintaining the feeling of your pulse. Transfer the feeling of the pulse to your finger, from your finger to your wrist, from your wrist to your elbow, and so on throughout your body. Play around with it. Return the feeling to your finger and pick up the deck. Transfer the feeling of the pulse to the deck, and then, placing it on the table, try to feel its beating outside of yourself.
Make the exercise more difficult by turning away or going into another room.


Rite of Activation
A new deck is taken and then laid out as follows:
It is laid out from the inner triangle of the major arcana from the 1st to the 21st and the zero is laid out last, then the minor ones are laid out - from the ace to the king = swords first and so on.
After this, candles are placed according to the diagram - church candles are quite enough, but they need to burn for at least 20 minutes and are lit in an expanding spiral - from the 1st eldest, then to the 7th, then the 15th, after that the Ace of Swords, the Ace of Wands, the ace of pentacles and finally the zero major.
The optimal time is dawn twilight on Wednesday of the waxing or first day of the full moon, the 3rd or 6th lunar days are ideal.
It is advisable to meet the sunrise with the deck; ideally, you need to wait until the sun's rays fall on the deck with burning candles (although this is not necessary).
You can use sunset twilight - but worse.
The activation ritual can be performed not only for magic decks. What does it give?
1.adjustment of energy on an unconscious level
2. astrological exercise
3. the same ritual is also used to cleanse the deck (it makes sense to keep this in mind, since the deck can sometimes “get tired” and stop “talking” to the owner - it does not want to answer.


First person

Different schools have very different approaches to the issue of charging the Tarot deck. Sometimes they adhere to the point of view that a tarot reader works, and the deck is his tool. And accordingly, the main problems with the performance of this tool arise not from the fact that no ritual was performed on the deck, but from the fact that the tarot reader did not establish contact with it.
Contact is established in the same way as with a person - through joint work and communication. In the case of the deck - elaboration and long-term joint practice.
But the ritual allows you to speed up this process, remove the initial barrier, and help you feel the deck as something more than a stack of cardboards with pictures. However, I carry out rituals of cleaning and recharging with almost all of my tools - from a comb to a knife.
As a rule, my acquaintance with the deck begins with small layouts in which I ask what issues she would like to work with, who she sees herself in my life, how she sees me, what I should do to make our communication more fruitful and etc.
During the “taming” period, it is advisable to carry the deck with you, often take it out, rearrange it, and examine it.
You can use the ritual of charging with the help of the four elements. For charging, as opposed to cleaning, elemental tools are usually used. Those. instead of water, salt, candle and incense, you will need a bowl, pentacle, wand (magic wand) and knife (dagger, sword).
The sequence of addressing the elements remains the same: Earth - Water - Air - Fire.
Activation of instruments by the power of the elements is not necessary if the instruments were tied to a specific element when created.
When interacting with an element, you can specify what exactly the deck receives from a particular element. For example, “I charge this deck of cards with the Power of the Air Element - may working with it bring me new knowledge, and may I always find the right words to interpret its images.”
I highly recommend the energetic methods described by Roar Method of charging the deck and tuning it to a person
(method developed by I.L. Sosnina)
This method can be used when initially charging the deck to establish connections with the owner or to attune to the querent when working remotely (in this case, do not forget to re-tune the deck to yourself after the session).
First you need to get nine Major Arcana from the deck.
The first four are determined from the date of birth of the tarot reader (or querent, if you are charging the deck for him).
The first card is determined from the date, the second from the month, and the third from the year. The fourth card is determined by summing the first three.
In order to get the card number, you need to add up all the numbers and then reduce by 21. Values ​​not exceeding 21 remain unchanged.
For example, 09.29.1977
First card: 29-21=8 - Arcana 8 - Strength
Second card: 9 - Arcana 9 - Hermit
Third card: 1+9+7+7=24-21=3 - Arcana 3 - Empress
Fourth card: 8+9+3=20 - Arcana 20 - Last Judgment
The next three cards are determined by last name, first name and patronymic. It is advisable to take your full passport name.
It is calculated by the sum of the numerological codes of all letters of the surname according to a table built on the basis of the correspondence of the letters of the Russian alphabet to the Major Arcana of the Tarot:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
K L M N O P R - S
b, ы, b - counted - 6
E, Yu, I - count - 9
F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch - they do not have numerological codes and do not participate in the calculation.
For example, Petrov Ivan Ivanovich
Fifth card: PETROV = 6+6+1+7+5+3=28-21=7 - Arcana 7 - CHARIOT.
Sixth card: IVAN = 9+3+1+4=17 - Arcana 17 - STAR.
Seventh card: IVANOVICH = 9+3+1+4+5+3+9=34-21=13 - Arcanum 13 - DEATH
The eighth card is obtained by adding the fifth, sixth and seventh: 7+17+13=37-21=16 - Arcana 16 - TOWER
The ninth card is determined by the sum of the fourth and eighth: 20+16=36-21=15 - Arcana 15 - Devil.
If some cards match, then you can change the addition rules for one of them, not reducing to 21, but continuing to sum the numbers.
For example, when calculating the seventh card 34=3+4=7 - Arcana 7 - CHARIOT.
In addition, one of the duplicate cards can be replaced with a Jester.
Having calculated and selected nine CAs from the deck, we proceed directly to the charging ritual:
the deck should be randomly divided into six approximately equal parts and laid out in parallel in two columns of three stacks. We cover the stacks in the left column with the first three cards we have chosen, face up. The piles on the right are the fifth, sixth and seventh cards. After letting the cards lie like this for some time, we collect the columns into two piles and cover them with the fourth and eighth cards. Again, let the cards sit and soak in the energy of the selected CAs. We collect the cards in one pile, cover with the ninth card. Let's lie down.
The ritual is completed.

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