
Touch what to look at the November "Night Cinema". Three noisy premieres - in one night. Touch what to look at the November "Night Cinema" Astrological meaning of Starley of Leonida

From November 17 to 18, we have to see the bright Star of Leonida. During this period, everyone can make a cherished desire and change their lives, but for this you need to know the important features of the meteororal flow.

Leonid's starship received such a name, because the departure zone of meteorites is located in the constellation of the lion. Website experts will tell what is the feature of this stars and what needs to be done during this period to attract positive changes in their lives.

Features of Star Star Leonida in 2018

Leonida is the brightest autumn starral star, and in 2018 you can watch it on the night of November 17-18. The area from which meteorites will fall, is located in the constellation of the lion. According to astronomers, the meteor rain will begin after midnight. No more than 15 meteors are expected per hour, and their speed of falling will be 70 kilometers per second.

According to forecasts, small precipitation is expected on this day, which is why it will be difficult to see the spectacle with the naked eye. But from two o'clock in the morning, the flow will be visible more clearly, so from that moment it will be possible to consider it without the use of astronomical equipment. Street light sources can eclipse the brightness of the mentors, so it is best to watch the starfall away from the city.

Astrological meaning of Starley Leonida

Starley of Leonida will be under the influence of the zodiacal lion, which will increase your vital energy. At this time, it is necessary to build plans for the future so that in the future it is quick to implement the outlined.

From November 17 to November 18, many people will noticeably increase the creative potential, so this time is favorable for the development of new talents and creativity. People associated with the creative sphere can feel the tide of inspiration.

Starfall - the most successful time to ridd up desires. To do this, it is necessary to intently observe the night sky and, as soon as glowing traces will appear in the sky, pronounce their dream out loud.

During the starfall, the space is filled with powerful energy, which can be used not only for the performance of their dreams, but also to attract wealth. Cash plots on the stars will help you to achieve prosperity and improve the financial situation. We wish you happiness and success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

The meteor flow of Leonid will reach a maximum on the night from Saturday to Sunday, in the sky with clear weather it will be possible to observe up to 15 "incident stars" per hour, the press service of the Moscow Planetarium will be said.

Each fall, our planet is found with several meteoric flows. The brightest autumn star is the November meteor flow of Leonida.

"In the next weekend, namely on the night of Saturday on Sunday, the meteor flow of Leonid will reach its maximum - the brightest autumn stars. Astronomers predict up to 15" falling stars "per hour. The moon will be in the first quarter phase and observations will not hurt ", - the message is noted.

As an employee of the Moscow planetaria astronomer Lyudmila Koshman explained, the ideal conditions for observing meteor flows is the no illuminated night sky.

"We always advise the hunters for" falling stars "to move to areas remote from urban lights, where the sky is darker, and the horizon is more open. It is possible to observe meteororal streams with a naked eye," Koshman added.

Leonids are known about 3.8 thousand years old and are named Lion's constellation (Latin LEO), because it seems that meteors are flying out of this constellation. The speed of falling meteors reaches 70 kilometers per second - bright glowing meteors Leonid for a few seconds reserve the colored stripes on the sky.

At the same time, every 33 years, the usual starfall turns into a real meteoric storm. This is due to the fact that the Comet Tempel-Tutl's comet returns to the Sun every 33 years. The brightest flow fixed in history fell on 1833, when the witnesses simultaneously observed thousands of luminous tracks in the sky. The powerful meteor rain was also observed in 1966, then every hour in the earth's atmosphere was burned to 150 thousand meteors. The last time Comet Tempel-Tutle visited the sun in 1998 and returns only in 2031.

/ Friday, November 16, 2018 /

Metropolitan astronomers told the inhabitants of Moscow about the passage of the meteor flow of Leonida in the coming weekend.

As reports " Interfax ", Leonid's meteor flow, which is considered the most bright starfall of autumn, will reach its maximum on the night of November 17-18.

According to the employees of the Moscow planetarium, residents of the capital will be able to see an hour to 15 "incident stars", leaving bright colored stripes.

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The meteoric flow or how it is customary to call the starfall will soon be observed from any point of the Earth in the second half of November. Namely, the maximum peak will reach 17, November 18. Leonid Starstel is the most striking event in the fall and will certainly please the astronomers with its beauty and brightness.

Northern Hemisphere will observe the Starley of Leonida

Observe this meteorological stream follows the cloudless sky when minimum quantity Foreign light sources. The northern hemisphere will be able to fully enjoy the whole color of this starstel. The most favorable time for observation is an early morning.

In Moscow, residents of the capital will also open an amazing opportunity to observe more than 25 bright outbreaks of the fall of meteors. From late night to dawn, romantic lovers will be able to immerse themselves in an exciting atmosphere of an incredible starstel. In the dark and the cloudless sky, this fantastic phenomenon can already be observed today.

The origin of starsland

Meteoric flows are one of the most anticipated space phenomena that illuminate our planet. According to astronomers, about 70 meteorific flows per year are registered, many of which are observed from all continents. Most of them have their own names.

Meteoric flows from meteorite rains should be distinguished. In stars in the atmosphere, meteors are falling, which burn and do not reach the surface of the Earth. Meteoric rains - This is the combustion of meteorites included in the magnetic field of the Earth. At the same time, meteorites most often do not have time to burn completely and fall into the earth's surface.


Leonids are formed in the constellation of the lion. In connection with which they received this name. This meteorological flow is opened in 1832. By changing its intensity from year to year, about 15 meteors per hour are observed in the average value. This starspade is associated with Tempel-Tutl Comet. According to the observations of astronomers, this comet is approaching Earth every 33 years, due to which its intensity changes.

One of the first stars of Leonid, who was recorded by scientists, was observed in 1966. One of the bright and strong meteorific flows, which was observed on our planet, was recorded in North America in 1833. Then this phenomenon embraced most of the continent. Next string of similar brightness and colorful scientists expect to see in 2099.

At these weekends, you can see what was shown within the framework of the Lispad. But you have an idea for the next weekend: on the night of November 16 to November 17, another one will take place in the metropolitan cinema "Moscow". Start - at 23.45 on Friday.

The following films will be shown at the "Nights": "Fantastic creatures: Crimes of Green de Wald", "Alien" and "The girl who is stuck in a web." In addition to the film showers, as usual, will meet the soundtracks for filmmakers, bar and thematic photowon.

"Fantastic creatures: Green de Wald crimes"

What a movie is about: The powerful dark wizard gellert Green de Wald caught in the states, but it is not going to silently sit in the dungeon and arrange a grand escape. Now nothing hurts him to achieve his goal - to establish the superiority of wizards over all non-magic beings on the planet. To disrupt the plans of Green de Wald, Albus Dumbledore appeals to his former student Newta Salamantera, who agrees to help, not suspecting what danger is threatened. In the magic world, love and loyalty are checked for durability, and conflict shares even real friends and family members.


What a movie is about: As a result of the chain of tragic accidents on a distant planet alone, an astronaut turns out. His life is in constant danger. Something inexplicable, who joined him to contact, will forever change it. From this moment he will be lost for himself and for people. How many times will he have to die to prove that he is alive? ..

"The girl who is stuck in the web"

What a movie is about: Young Hacker Lisbeth Salender and Journalist Mikael Blumquist are drawn into history with the participation of spies, cybercriminals and corrupt officials.

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