
Maternity capital in the Moscow region. Who is eligible to receive regional maternal family capital Municipal maternal capital

Last update 05/11/2019

How to get

To apply for maternity capital, you need to contact the social security department. Documents can be submitted either to the MFC or through the government services portal.

Money is not issued in cash, it is transferred:

  • to the parent’s card if he wants to return part of the money spent on buying an apartment or renovation
  • developer, construction organization, bank, etc. - to a third party to pay off the debt
  • to the account of the educational organization.

Documents for registration

To obtain a certificate you will need the following documents:

  • parents' passports
  • confirmation of registration in the Moscow Region
  • birth/adoption certificates
  • child's citizenship document
  • marriage certificate
  • certificates of death, deprivation of rights, incapacity of the mother, if the documents were submitted by the father.

What can you spend it on?

Regional maternal family capital can be spent entirely on housing conditions or children’s education, or it can be divided into two parts.


The money issued can be used to pay for the education of your own or adopted child, but only if he is under 25 years old at the start of his college studies.

To pay for training, you need to provide the following documents:

  • agreement that the educational institution provides for the investment of maternity capital funds
  • license for educational activities
  • certificate of state accreditation.

Improving living conditions

The money can be spent if the family buys or builds housing in the Moscow region.


  • work agreement
  • certificates of completed work
  • ownership and building permit
  • registration of the house as common property after construction
  • receipts for construction materials.

You can use the money after your second child’s third birthday.

Most regions of Russia have implemented regional maternity capital programs(MK) - measures to support families with children. They complement the current federal family capital program. Unlike state maternity capital (in 2019, a certificate is provided in the amount 453026 rubles) rarely exceed 150 thousand rubles. As a rule, regional maternity capital upon entry into the family third child.

The permitted ones also differ, for example, in almost all subjects of the Russian Federation it is impossible to form a mother’s pension at the expense of MK. On the other hand, it is often possible to renovate your home or buy a car.

Maternity capital can be issued by mothers (adoptive mothers) and sole adoptive parents of a second or subsequent child, if the birth (adoption) occurred during the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016.

Conditions for obtaining regional maternity capital

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the right to regional maternity capital appears at birth or adoption third child. In some regions, other conditions apply, for example, maternity capital can be issued when:

  • the second and subsequent child - in;
  • fourth child - in, ;
  • fifth child - in .

The family must live in the territory of this subject(republic, territory, federal city, autonomous district or autonomous region).

As a rule, regional maternity capital can be issued once, but not always - you can get maternity capital for each of the children at:

  • (starting from the first child, subject to certain conditions being met);
  • (from the third);
  • (from the third);
  • (from the second child).

Rules for managing maternity capital are established by regional regulations. In general, to use maternity capital, you must:

  • receive a personal document confirming the right to MK (certificate, letter of guarantee, etc.);
  • submit an application to the authorized bodies (usually the social security department).

The size of regional maternity capital

The size of regional maternity capital, as a rule, is from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. In 2019, the highest amount of local maternity capital is in the Ulyanovsk region; families in the region can receive 700 thousand for the seventh and each subsequent child. The highest amount of capital for a third child is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where families can obtain a certificate for 366,356 rubles(Part 2 of Article 11 of the Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “On the District Budget...”).

Lowest value in - 25 000 rubles for the second (subsequent) child born or adopted during the period from September 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016 (Part 1, Article 8.6 of Regional Law No. 130-Z). At the birth of a third child, the family will be able to receive only 40 000 rubles (clause 4 of the regulations on regional maternity capital).

In many regions, maternity capital is indexed every year and its actual value may differ from that specified in the law.

In some regions the size of maternity capital depends on the number of children. For example, in Mordovia (Article 6 of the Law of the Republic No. 66-Z) it is:

  • 125,270 rubles for the third child;
  • 150,324 rubles for the fourth child;
  • 187,906 rubles for the birth (adoption), fifth and subsequent children.

In some regions, payments at birth have been established several children at once. For example, mothers who give birth to three children at the same time receive 205,669 rubles(paragraph 2, part 1, article 5 of law No. 86-OZ).

What can regional maternity capital be spent on in 2019?

Directions for using regional maternity capital not very different from the directions of the federal program. Many of the purposes for which maternity capital may be spent are the same. In most regions, using MK tools you can:

  • Improve living conditions. You can buy a home, build or reconstruct a private home, pay off a debt, or make a down payment on a loan (including a mortgage). In some regions, you can carry out repairs and pay for building materials using MK funds.
  • Pay for children's education. Some regions also allow you to pay for study-related expenses - accommodation in a dormitory or the purchase of necessary equipment.
  • Pay for children's treatment.

In the Novosibirsk region (Clause 3, Part 3, Article 6 of Law No. 125-OZ) and Mordovia (Article 9.2 of Law No. 66-Z), you can direct maternity capital to the mother’s pension. In other regions this possibility is not available.

Regional maternity capital can be used in almost twenty regions for adaptation of disabled children, for example, in (clause 5, part 11, article 7.2 of law No. 206-KZ) and (clause 3, part 1, article 7 of law No. 101-OZ).

Some regional laws allow the use of maternity capital for the purchase of transport:

  • You can buy a car in (clause 4, part 1, article 11 of the Rostov region law No. 727-ZS).
  • Local maternity capital can be used to purchase a car or agricultural machinery (clause e) part 18 of the procedure for disposing of regional maternity capital).

Regional maternity capital in the Moscow region in 2019

In the Moscow region there is a program established by regional law No. 1/2006-OZ dated January 12, 2006 on measures of social support for families. The right to local maternity capital arose at the birth or adoption of a second child from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016.

In addition to the federal maternity capital, which is issued only once for the birth of a second or subsequent child, local maternity capital is issued in the regions. Each constituent entity of Russia has its own programs to support large families. In some places, regional capital is issued in cash, and it can be used for any needs; in others, its use is regulated.

In a number of regions, additional certificates are not issued at all, but the management of the subjects compensates, for example, by allocating land for the construction of a private house or helping to pay off the mortgage taken out.

Main Differences

Each region has its own programs. But they have common features:

  • Regional maternity capital is issued, as a rule, for the birth of a third or subsequent child. However, in some regions, for example, in the Republic of Tyva, it is issued only for the birth of the fifth and subsequent ones, but the size of the subsidy is impressive. In some areas of the country, separate payments are provided for the birth of twins.
  • The amount of local family capital is usually lower than the equivalent federal subsidy. Its size usually fluctuates around 100 thousand rubles.
  • Federal capital is issued once, but regional capital can be issued for each child born, if provided for by the program.
  • The expenditure of all-Russian family capital is strictly regulated. For example, you can’t spend it on a car anymore. In some regions, for example, the Kaliningrad region, the scope of application of regional capital is expanded, but also regulated. The basic principle is that money should be spent in the interests of all family members. And in other regions, for example, in Tver, the amount is simply given to the family in cash, and they are free to use it at their own discretion.
  • Availability of an alternative. Some regions offer other forms of incentives for large families instead of money. In Bashkortostan, for example, land is allocated for construction; in Kamchatka, regional authorities “close” the mortgage if the family has a third child and at least 10% of the loan cost has been paid and there are no arrears or debts.
  • Expiration date. A moratorium has been established on the expenditure of all-Russian capital for 3 years. As a rule, there are no such restrictions on the use of local subsidies.
  • Additional requirements. If federal maternity capital is issued to each family that has a second child during the program period, then local maternity capital can only be given if certain requirements are met. For example, a family must be recognized as low-income.

Programs may vary not only depending on the region, but also depending on the locality: there may be other requirements, a different amount, and so on. Therefore, it is best to contact your local administration for clarification on this issue.

If the federal one is registered with the Pension Fund of Russia, then to register the regional one you will need to contact the department of social support of the population (it is often called simply “social security”).

The set of documents will be different in each case, so it is better to consult a specialist about the composition of the package. However, you will definitely need:

  • Applicant's passport.
  • Documents on the birth or adoption of children.
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce.
  • Certificate of family composition.

You may also need:

  • Documents confirming the status of a low-income family.
  • Mortgage agreement with the bank.
  • Certificate of income from your place of work or account statement.
  • Information about property and so on.

After filling out the application and submitting all documents, you will need to wait for approval.

The waiting period depends on the established regulations, but usually no more than 30 days.

Afterwards, you can receive a certificate or funds, receive instructions on how to spend them and provide reporting on the funds spent to the social security department.

In Russia, a program to support families with children through the issuance of maternity (family) capital is successfully developing. Families who have given birth to or adopted a second and subsequent children can use maternity capital funds. In total, more than 6 million families.

At the end of 2011, the president of the country addressed the heads of the constituent entities of the federation with a proposal to consider the possibility of additional assistance to families with children. Some federal subjects have developed their own projects.

It is worth saying that this program is not available in all regions. For example, it is not available in Tatarstan. The main difference between regional programs and the federal one is that the financing of the regional program is carried out at the expense of the subjects themselves.

In addition, in contrast to federal support, regional maternity capital is allocated primarily when the third or subsequent child is born (adopted).

In Altai, money is given for the fourth child, in the Moscow region - for the second, and in Bashkortostan, regional maternity capital is given only to families who have adopted a child. The heads of the subjects are free to independently determine the criteria according to which the certificate will be issued.

What can regional family capital be spent on?

In the case of using regional family capital, the family has the opportunity to improve living conditions, spend money on education, remodeling a house or apartment, treating children or parents.

The specific list of purposes according to which capital can be spent is different in each region. In some regions, for example, in the Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Ulyanovsk, and Oryol regions, you can purchase a car using funds from regional maternity capital.

In the Altai Territory, expand your subsidiary farm and purchase equipment for agricultural work. By the way, all participants in this program have the opportunity to use funds to improve their living conditions, while the remaining goals in each region are defined differently.

Combining all possible ways of using capital, we get:

  • Improving living conditions (purchase, construction, restoration);
  • Purchasing a plot of land;
  • Purchase of vehicles (cars);
  • Treatment (including sanatorium-resort treatment) for children and, in some regions, parents;
  • Children's education;
  • Mother's pension contributions;
  • Expansion of subsidiary farming;

Maternity capital in the regions of Russia and its average value

The amount of Regional Maternity Capital allocated to families, as already mentioned, is decided by the subjects independently. Typically this amount is equal to 100,000-150,000 rubles. In some areas it is 50,000 rubles(Ivanovskaya, Vladimirskaya). There are regions in which the amount of regional capital is close to the federal one (Republic of Bashkortostan- 429,000 rubles, Khabarovsk Territory - more 200,000 rubles).

IN Moscow There is no regional maternity capital, but it operates in Moscow region. You can also purchase real estate using funds from regional maternity capital only in Moscow region. In some areas, capital is not subject to indexation and is paid in the amount determined by local legislation.

Regional capital is issued in the form of a certificate; its cashing is excluded. But in the Ivanovo region, maternity capital in the amount of 50,000 rubles issued to the mother, you can receive it in your hands and spend it on the urgent needs of the family.

It is worth saying that funds from regional maternity capital can be used not only by the mother of children, but also by single fathers and, in a number of regions, by children who are left without parents. You can use the received certificate under the RMK program in the same way as under the federal one. The child for whom the capital is issued must be three years old.

Table of conditions for obtaining regional maternity capital

The rules for acquiring regional maternity capital, the amount and purpose for which it can be spent are presented in the table. Only some regions are indicated.

Region Conditions How can I spend it?
Moscow region - Issued to a family where a second or subsequent child appeared (must be born or adopted later than 2011). - Not valid within the city of Moscow. - Amount 100,000 rubles, not indexed - education of children - improvement of living conditions. conditions - mother's pension contributions
Leningrad region - issued after birth 3 or subsequent children - amount 100 000 . - education of children - purchase of an apartment or house
Altai region - issued at birth 3 and subsequent children - the amount 50,000 rubles,- a mandatory condition is that the family must be registered in the region for more than 10 years - teaching children - buying a house or apartment or renovating
Kemerovo region - issued to families where 3 and more children - amount 100,000 rubles- permanent residence in the region - more than 1 year — building a house, — buying real estate (apartment or house)
Novosibirsk region — capital is issued at the birth of the third and subsequent children; Mandatory residence in the region for more than three years. Amount of capital 100,000 rubles - repaying the mortgage - building and renovating housing - mother's pension contributions - buying a car - educating children
Samara Region - capital is issued at the birth of the third and subsequent children - amount 100,000 rubles— a prerequisite is permanent registration in the region - repaying the mortgage - buying a house or apartment and repairs - education and treatment of children - purchasing a vehicle (car)
Sakhalin region - capital is received at the birth of the second and subsequent children - the amount of capital is about 200,000 rubles, constantly indexed - a mandatory condition is residence in the region for more than 1 year before the birth of the second child - buying an apartment or house, renovations - mortgage payment - treatment for children - education for children
Sverdlovsk region - capital is received at the birth of the third and subsequent children - amount 150,000 rubles- permanent residence in the region more than 1 year - purchasing a house or apartment, renovation - purchasing a plot of land - educating children - treating children
Khabarovsk region - capital is received by families where there is 3 and more children - capital amount 200,000 rubles— a mandatory condition is permanent residence of the family in the region - improvement of living conditions - treatment of children and parents - education of children

Where to go when applying for a mat. capital?

Issues of Federal Maternity Capital are dealt with by the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the family. To obtain Regional Maternity Capital, you should contact the social protection authorities.

Conditions of receipt

Local governments determine the conditions that a family applying for payment must meet. Thus, in the Rostov region, large families permanently residing in this area and belonging to the poor receive a certificate.

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