
Why did the sponge cake turn out dense? Mathematical proportionality - time to use your brain. Why does the biscuit turn out dry?

Fluffy and appetizing, light and aromatic - biscuits. Biscuits that you can eat as soon as the baking is finished, or you can use them to make cakes, rolls, pastries... In short, the biscuits that we all love so much. And which not everyone succeeds in. Or they simply didn’t try to bake them, afraid of the difficulties.

Therefore, we have collected the main rules, subtleties and little tricks - so that you and I always get wonderful biscuits.

Let's remember that sponge cake has only three main ingredients: eggs, sugar and flour, and that there are two main ways to prepare sponge dough: cold and hot.

It is better to use the cold method if we are going to make a roll, because the sponge cake turns out ethereal-light, but less crumbly.

We use the hot (water bath) method to obtain a denser and more crumbly biscuit that practically does not settle during baking.

Although it is worth noting that most baking lovers usually use the cold method of preparing dough for any product.

Cold way


5 large eggs

1 cup of sugar

1 cup flour

Cooking method:

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm to room temperature. Sift the flour into a bowl from which it will be convenient to pour it. Let's prepare a bowl for whipping - for yolks and whites, a spoon for mixing. Let's make sure the dishes are perfectly clean.

Let's prepare a baking dish, grease its bottom and walls with butter to about 1 cm in height - if you grease it to the full height, the sponge cake will slip and settle, only the middle will rise. Sprinkle the pan with flour or semolina. Turn on the oven at 180° - unless the recipe specifies a different temperature.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with half the sugar until the grains disappear, then beat until the volume increases 2-3 times. Many people skip this step, but the dough will be better if you don't skip it.

We wash the mixer attachments and wipe them dry. In another bowl, beat the egg whites at maximum speed with a mixer (blender) until the volume increases 3-5 times. Gradually add the remaining sugar in a stream until the mass forms a tight foam and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Remove the mixer. Take a wooden spoon or silicone spatula in your hands.

Add about a third of the whipped whites to the beaten yolks, stir with a spoon from top to bottom, slowly add the flour, continuing to stir gently.

Add the remaining whites and stir the dough with the same movements until smooth.

Hot way

There is no need to prepare so many dishes here, because there is no need to separate the whites and yolks. But prepared forms and an oven turned on in advance are sacred. The ingredients are the same.

Let's prepare a water bath. Since few people have special equipment, we need two pans: a larger one and a smaller one. Or a saucepan and bowl. The smaller pan should hold steady on the walls of the larger one, into which we pour and heat water - not to a boil.

Break the eggs into a smaller saucepan, put them in the bathhouse and start whisking continuously, also at the highest speed, until the egg mixture is heated to a temperature of 40-50. Don't have a special thermometer? Let's touch the mixture with our finger - after all, his temperature is 36.6, which means the mixture should feel warm.

Without interrupting the work of the mixer, put the pan on the table and continue to beat at the same speed, adding sugar, until the mass cools to 20-25° and increases in volume by 2-3 times.

Now pour in the flour in a stream and using the same technique - from top to bottom, not in a circle - carefully knead the homogeneous dough.

We prepared a mold or baking tray (lined with baking paper) in advance. Therefore, as soon as the dough prepared by the first or second method is ready, immediately pour it into the mold in one motion so that unnecessary air bubbles do not form. Level it out and put it in the oven, set on medium level.

The dough should not fill the pan more than? heights - it will rise a lot. Of course, a lot depends on our oven. But on average, a thin layer of biscuit is baked for 8-12 minutes, and a thicker layer - 25-40 mm - from half an hour to 45 minutes.

After the required time has elapsed, check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden stick or toothpick: pierce it, pull out a dry one - everything is ready.

A well-baked sponge cake leaves the sides of the pan without any problems, and when pressed with your fingers, it easily restores its shape.

DO NOT open the oven, at least for the first 10-15 minutes - the biscuit will settle. He is a gentle creature, does not tolerate sudden or any shaking, knocking, screaming or stomping. Therefore, we expel young restless men and clumsy men from the kitchen while baking.

So that the sponge cake that was so successful for us does not settle after baking and is easy to remove from the mold, we take the mold out of the oven and place it on a wet towel. Then transfer (turn) onto a wire rack to cool completely.

If we are going to cut a biscuit, we remember that for this it must stand for at least 4 hours, since cutting it becomes easier the longer it has stood untouched. And if you also plan to soak the biscuit, then cut it no earlier than after 8 hours. So it’s better to bake the sponge cake the day before and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours.

You can cut the biscuit with a knife, but better - with a fishing line. We make markings and slits on the sides of the cake, insert a strong thread or fishing line into them, cross its ends in front of us - and pull in different directions.

As for sponge rolls, see below for the specifics of their baking and rolling.

Rules, subtleties and tricks for making biscuits

Its quality is mainly determined by the quality of the whipped egg whites. And we can whip them into a strong, stable foam if:

We use only fresh eggs;

choose the largest ones - they have more protein;

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. But, if a drop of yolk gets into the whites, only one thing can save the situation: cook the dough hot;

We use only absolutely clean, dry containers for whipping; a little fat on the walls - and all the work is in vain;

to guarantee high-quality whipping, we place the container in which we beat the whites in a bowl with cold water, ice or snow;

We have salt, citric acid or lemon juice on hand to add a little if the eggs, in our opinion, are not being beaten in the best way. We do not use cheap flour for the sponge cake - only the highest grade.

Don’t be lazy to sift the flour - this simple action will enrich it with oxygen and additionally loosen it, making our dough more fluffy. In addition, it will remove unnecessary impurities that are found in any flour.

Before adding flour, turn off the mixer and do everything else manually - the mixer at this stage can settle the whipped foam. Use a wooden spoon or silicone spatula.

Mix the whites, yolks and flour quickly, but very carefully, not in the usual circular motions - but in top-to-bottom movements, which will retain air bubbles inside the dough and prevent it from settling.

If the recipe calls for adding starch, or baking powder, cocoa, or vanillin to the dough, first mix the additional ingredients with flour.

It is better to add poppy seeds, zest, etc. when the flour has already been mixed with the eggs.

Adding starch allows you to get a sponge cake that is more porous and less crumbly.

Grease the biscuit mold with slightly softened butter: the bottom is completely and the walls are about 1 cm high - or less if the biscuit layer is thin.

When we need to prepare a sponge cake without a pronounced crust, tender and light - for example, for butter cakes or cakes - then we carefully line the greased form with baking paper, cutting off its “walls” at a height of no more than 5-6 mm. And we also grease this paper along the bottom with oil.

Biscuit dough can be prepared with baking powder. In this case, grease and sprinkle with flour both the bottom and the walls of the mold up to the top.

You should not take a smoke break after preparing the dough - it must be immediately poured into the mold and sent to the oven. Otherwise, it will settle, and you can forget about the pomp.

Place the pan at the middle height of the oven. If the top becomes browned too quickly, you should cover it with paper or foil soaked in water. A strong crust can interfere with the evaporation of moisture; the crust will remain unbaked and wet in the middle.

The biscuit is not a fan of high temperatures and impatient housewives: it is best baked at 180°, and with the addition of chocolate or cocoa – at 170°. True, there are recipes with different temperature conditions.

Some housewives advise that after the sponge cake has risen in the oven and slightly crusted, reduce the temperature to 160 and bake at this temperature until done.

It is better, of course, not to open the oven until the end of baking. In any case, the first 10 minutes are accurate, otherwise the cake may settle. If necessary, open it a little, not for long and very carefully.

Biscuit does not like shaking, knocking, screaming and stomping.

It is best if we want to get a soft, light sponge cake that is not soggy, but lets it cool on a wire rack for the required number of hours.

The sponge cake can be sprinkled, for example, with powdered sugar and eaten immediately after baking. But in order to create culinary masterpieces from it, cut it, etc., it must first dry out a little. A little is at least 4 hours, and before impregnation - at least 8 hours. It is more convenient to bake it in the evening, and cut, soak and assemble the cakes after 12-24 hours. Then it will practically not crumble, and after impregnation it will not get wet or lose its shape.

Cut the sponge cake into layers using a knife or fishing line. Simply - fishing line. We make marks-cuts on the sides of the cake, insert the fishing line, cross it in front of us - and pull it in different directions, keeping the ends parallel.

If we are going to make a roll...

the dough for sponge rolls is often made more liquid than for thicker cakes;

if the recipe calls for the addition of butter, it must be melted and cooled to room temperature, added to the mixture before adding flour;


  • Wheat flour
  • Sugar
  • Chicken eggs

Perfectly smooth sponge cake

Sponge cakes are one of our favorites. The sponge cake is combined with a variety of creams, fruits, layers, mousses, therefore, having at your disposal a lush and tasty sponge cake, you can prepare a huge variety of cakes.

But very often, inexperienced housewives end up with a sponge cake with a lump in the middle. If you then cut the biscuit into pieces, it does not matter. But in order for all layers of sponge cake and cream to be even in a birthday cake, you should bake a sponge cake with a flat surface.

Housewives often cut off the swelling in the middle, crumble it and use it to sprinkle the sides of the cake. But you can take into account some tricks and your biscuit will always have a perfectly flat surface without any problems. In order to bake an even sponge cake, consider some nuances:

The prepared dough should be baked immediately. It shouldn't wait until the oven preheats and you prepare the pan, so everything should be ready in advance;

Preheat the oven to 180°C;

The mold must be covered with parchment paper, lightly greased with oil and sprinkled with flour. You should grease only the bottom, but not the walls, otherwise the dough will slide off the greased walls during baking and you will get a sponge cake that is swollen in the middle;

The form must be cold. If the dough does not lie flat in the pan, smooth it with a spatula and turn the pan with the dough on the table several times clockwise;

Cover the top of the pan with foil and secure it well around the pan;

Do not open the oven during baking to prevent the sponge cake from settling. The oven door should close tightly, the baking sheet in the oven should be level, and the pan itself, accordingly, should have a flat bottom;

Cool the cake on a wire rack.

How to bake a smooth sponge cake step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

To work, we will need a baking dish, foil, parchment paper and biscuit products: eggs - 5 pieces, sugar - 1 cup and wheat flour - 1 cup.

Step 2

Line the pan with parchment paper, lightly grease and sprinkle with flour. There is no need to grease or sprinkle the walls of the mold with flour.

Step 3

Prepare biscuit dough according to your favorite recipe and place it in the mold. Level it out. Turn the mold clockwise with force several times (on the table). This will help the dough spread evenly in the pan.

Housewives often encounter such a nuisance as a sponge cake settling after baking. You can find out why this happens from the article. Let's look at the common causes of settling and how to bake a fluffy sponge cake.

Possible causes of subsidence

To get a lush dessert, you need to know not only the tricks of its preparation, but also possible mistakes in the process of preparing the sponge cake.

Poorly beaten egg whites

This error is considered the most common and main reason for the biscuit to settle. It is quite simple to explain such a mistake. The dough is almost half air. Protein molecules are able to hold it, because when whipped, they combine with oxygen, due to which they coagulate with it. This structure is maintained for a long time.

If you add poorly beaten egg whites to the dough, the sponge cake will become active and rise when heated. But the protein does not have a strong enough structure to retain air after a sharp drop in temperature. Therefore, a sponge cake containing insufficiently beaten whites inside will quickly collapse when removed from the oven.

Mixing ingredients too intensively

Whipped yolks and whites must be mixed very carefully and portionwise with the dry ingredients (flour, starch, baking powder, sugar). If you do this very quickly, the air will escape from the dough, which will lead to falling even before immersion in the oven.

Incorrect temperature

It is forbidden to place the dough in a very hot oven. Even with proper beating and mixing of the ingredients, it will not be possible to save the sponge cake from settling if you bake it at a temperature of more than 180 degrees. An incorrect setting may result in protein molecules not being able to connect with air and retain it when moving the sponge cake out of the oven.

Work breaks

When preparing a biscuit, it is strictly forbidden to be distracted by anything or take breaks, because every minute counts. You should not be distracted by telephone conversations, watching TV, leaving already beaten egg whites, prepared dough or a preheated oven. Such pauses can cause the dough to settle.

Wrong recipe

You can often come across recipes online that were invented on the fly. It would seem that you strictly follow the instructions, but the product still settles. In this case, it is better to seek help from friends or housewives on the forums - they will suggest a recipe that has been tested through personal experience more than once.

Oven door opened at the wrong time

Such a seemingly harmless action can instantly reduce all efforts to a minimum. Due to the temperature failure, the sponge cake will not take a fluffy, but a lowered shape, becoming like a flat pancake.

Wet dishes

Utensils are important when preparing biscuits. Thus, it is undesirable to use wet dishes when beating eggs and preparing dough - water affects the quality of the dough, which can cause it to settle. The dishes must be dry. It is better to first cover the pan with parchment paper for baking, then there will be no problems with separating the finished cake from the walls of the dish.

Spoiled biscuit: problems and their solutions

It is not always possible to save a spoiled biscuit, but with some mistakes there are ways to solve them. Therefore, you should focus on possible problems - this will help eliminate them in the future:

  1. Egg whites don't whip well. This may be due to the fact that the yolk got into them, then you will have to start again. Perhaps the hostess added the sugar too early. It is recommended to beat the product in a water bath.
  2. The biscuit does not rise. Most likely, the ingredients were poorly mixed or the finished dough was mixed for a very long time. Often the reason is that there is a lot of flour in the dough or it was sprinkled by eye, the dough was sent to an unheated oven. You cannot knead the dough for a long time, leave it, or put it in a cold oven.
  3. The biscuit is not baked. This happens most often due to too high or low temperature. At high temperatures, the biscuit turns out raw inside, and the crust becomes crispy; at low temperatures - the cake is low and light.
  4. The biscuit is difficult to remove from the mold. The reason for this problem lies in the fact that a lot of sugar was added to the dough, the mold has an uneven surface, or it was not previously sprinkled with flour, but only greased with butter.
  5. The biscuit has sagged after baking. He just didn't have time to bake.
  6. The biscuit has settled in the oven. A common reason, common when working with the test for the first time. This happens due to the fact that the temperature in the oven is incorrect, or rather, the temperature is high.
  7. When cutting, the biscuit crumbles. This problem occurs due to a dull knife or too much starch in the dough.

Making a fluffy sponge cake

There are several secrets to making a fluffy sponge cake after taking it out of the oven. It is necessary to follow some rules, and the baked goods will turn out not only beautiful, but also tasty:

  1. Prepare the baking dish correctly. The procedure is performed as follows:
  • grease the bottom of the mold with butter;
  • cover with parchment paper;
  • grease the paper with a thin layer of oil;
  • put the mold in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes;
  • pour the prepared dough into the cooled pan;
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  1. Preserve the splendor of the dessert shape. Starch is used at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 cup flour. Mix it with all dry ingredients.
  2. Beat the whites correctly. They should transform into a strong and stable foam. In order for the process to work, it is necessary:
  • make sure the eggs are fresh;
  • choose a large product - it contains more protein;
  • use only dry dishes for whipping;
  • Cool the whites before beating;
  • beat the product for 5-10 minutes.
  1. Add whites gradually. This is a very responsible process. Whipped whites need to be introduced into the dough gradually - a few spoons at a time. Gently mix them into the flour using a wooden or silicone spatula.
  2. Mix ingredients correctly. It is advisable to mix products not in a circle, but from top to bottom. This will keep the air bubbles inside the dough and prevent the finished biscuit from settling.
  3. Maintain temperature conditions. Bake the biscuit at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn up to 150 degrees.
  4. Do not open the oven door. The biscuit is baked for 20-30 minutes. During this time the oven must not be opened.
  5. Check product readiness. In order to avoid problems at the very last moment, it is advisable to check the readiness of the biscuit. To do this, use a spatula: lightly press on the surface of the biscuit. If it springs, the product is ready. But using a toothpick is extremely undesirable, because through even a small hole left by it, all the air will escape from the biscuit, which will lead to its settling.

  1. Don't let the biscuit lose its shape. After removing the product from the oven, place the pan on a damp towel for 3-5 minutes. This is necessary for further removal of the biscuit without sticking to the walls. You cannot wait for the product to cool completely. To ensure that the biscuit remains fluffy, it is transferred to a dish while hot.
  2. Use dry flour. To prepare the biscuit, dry flour is used, which is checked as follows:
  • pour a little product into your palm and make a fist;
  • open your palm.

If the flour remains loose, it is dry. When lumps appear on your hand, this indicates that the flour is wet and is not suitable for sponge cake.

  1. No distractions. While preparing the biscuit, you should not be distracted by extraneous things. The work must be organized: preheat the oven on time, do not leave the dough, do not shake it, do not forget to grease the mold with butter, etc.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to preparing the biscuit, try to avoid mistakes, and carefully follow all the rules so that the product turns out fluffy and does not settle. Making a sponge cake is a responsible process, and even if it didn’t work out the first time, next time you will be able to make a delicious cake from the prepared dough.

To do this, roast the nuts and chop them into crumbs. If you use hazelnuts, you need to roast them first and then peel them; Almonds, on the other hand, need to be peeled before frying. Beat the yolks with half the amount of sugar until a viscous, almost white mass. Beat the whites so that the attachments leave a clear mark and the mass stays on the whisk. Add the remaining sugar and beat again until the mixture becomes thick and shiny. Carefully spoon with...
...The cream will thicken. Cover the cream with film to prevent it from airing. Cool completely in the kitchen first, then put it in the refrigerator. Assembly. If the sponge cake collapses, cut off the uneven top. Cut the sponge cake into two layers. Make the creamy custard. To do this, whip cold cream and mix with custard. Spread half of the resulting cream onto the bottom cake layer. Cover with the second cake layer and spread the remaining cream. Garnish with berries and serve. A simple cake with strawberries, other berries and sour cream. A light summer cake or pie - no fuss with cream, any berries or fruits are suitable, and the quality of the sponge cake is not very important. 1...


I was very interested in your recipe, it’s very easy to make and you don’t need a lot of ingredients...
I think I will need to please my loved one with such a cake)
Thank you very much for the wonderful recipe)

The cake is awesome. I'll try to make one like this. I'm really bad at making biscuits.

Biscuit roll. Blog of user savenkova_k on 7ya.ru

Lush, soft, easy to roll (both warm and cold), does not break, not dry, tasty... Ingredients: Glass - 250 ml Biscuit: 1/4 tbsp. milk 2 tbsp. l. butter 100 g flour 40 g starch 1 tsp. baking powder (or 1 teaspoon of baking soda) 2/3 tbsp. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 3 eggs Filling: any Preparation: Biscuit: Preheat the oven to 190C. Cover a baking sheet measuring ~42x30 cm with parchment (mine is 25x37cm). Heat milk and butter in a saucepan until almost...

Add sifted flour with starch, cocoa and cinnamon. Mix as gently as possible. Pour in melted, non-hot butter. Stir again from the edge to the middle, trying to minimize the mixture. Place the dough into the mold. Bake at 200°C for 25-30 minutes. The toothpick should come out clean from the middle of the cake. Remove the cake from the oven, wait 5 minutes and invert it onto a wire rack. Leave the biscuit to cool completely. Prepare the chocolate cream. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and heat until almost boiling while stirring. Add the chocolate pieces, remove from heat and stir until smooth and shiny. Cool it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until it...
...Make creamy chocolate cream. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and heat until almost boiling while stirring. Add the chocolate pieces, remove from heat and stir until smooth and shiny. Cool it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until completely cold. Beat the cold cream and chocolate with a mixer at maximum speed, like regular cream. When the mass becomes fluffy, thick and very light, stop. Do not beat for too long; this cream can be over-beaten. Place the finished cream into a pastry bag. Like whipped cream, this cream should be used immediately after preparation. Assembly. Place the cherries in a sieve to drain the syrup. Set aside a dozen berries for decoration....

Homemade cakes. Blog of user Raquel Meller on 7ya.ru

🎂6. Cake "Banana Delight" Ingredients: - 1 tbsp flour - 1 tbsp sugar - 1/4 tsp vanilla - 4 eggs - 200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have low-fat) - 200 gr. sour cream - 4 bananas - 4-5 tbsp sugar - jam (optional) Preparation: Prepare the sponge cake. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. We separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the whites into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one spoon at a time, add...

Apple pie for the holiday: biscuits, apples and overnight in the refrigerator
...for soaking biscuits: 25 g sugar (heaped tablespoon) 150 ml milk For toffee, optional: 200 ml heavy cream 22-35% fat 100 g sugar 25 g butter Charlotte mold with a diameter of up to 20 cm ( 16-18 cm is better) Cover a baking tray with baking paper Preheat the oven to 200°C For biscuits (bake in advance) beat the yolks with half the sugar into a light cream. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add sugar and beat until the mixture becomes thick and shiny. Mix the whites, yolks, sift flour, starch and cinnamon onto them. Stir. The dough is ready. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag (you can use a regular bag, cutting off the tip), place sticks about 10-12 cm long on a baking sheet....

Classic biscuit. Blog of user Danil danil on 7ya.ru

This is a classic sponge cake recipe, which is used to make a variety of cakes, pastries, and desserts. For traditional cakes, the finished sponge cake is cut lengthwise into 2-3 layers, soaked in any syrup and layered with cream. Also, the sponge cake can be cut into cubes for cakes, such as "Count's Ruins" or some desserts. Or pass the sponge cake through a cake grinder, such as "Potato". Use your imagination and let everything turn out delicious! Enjoy your meal! Compound...

Cake "Potato": the very first recipe. A taste of our childhood.

Spoon of powdered sugar 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder 10 pieces Baking tray lined with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 200°C. To prepare the sponge cake, beat the yolks and whites separately until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and mix with the flour. The dough must be used immediately, otherwise it will sag. Therefore, prepare a baking sheet and preheat the oven in advance. Why does the biscuit rise? The tiny bubbles in the whipped dough are filled with air; when heated, the air expands and the bubbles increase in volume. Accordingly, the dough also rises. The biscuit is baked at a high enough temperature so that the air in the dough quickly warms up and the egg-flour base bakes. Biscuit Whisk...

Tiramisu, pie and delicate baskets - recipes with photos from Chadeika.
...Add hot cream little by little to the caramel, stirring well. The mixture will foam. Heat the mixture until the caramel pieces have dissolved. Measure the volume of the mixture and add milk to 250 ml. Bring to a boil again. Meanwhile, grind the yolks with powder and flour in a deep bowl. Pour in the hot cream syrup, stirring well. Now pour the mixture back into the pan and cook until thick. Add vanilla extract. Cool the cream by transferring it to a bowl and covering it with film (you can also pour a spoonful of milk on top). Before serving, whip the cream and place in baskets. Garnish with strawberries....

Girls, help. It's apple time, I want to bake charlotte, but I rejected my mother's recipe, according to which we usually prepared it - the dough turns out heavy and dense, and quickly goes stale. But I want it to be soft, fluffy and stored for at least a couple of days. Maybe someone can tell me?


beat 3 eggs, then a glass of sugar until a strong white mass. A glass of flour and 1/2 tsp. slaked soda. Apples can be mixed with the dough or apples first, dough on top. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. 180g minutes 40

Is charlotte or apple pie also suitable for you?

Pour 5 tbsp onto a baking sheet. spoons sugar + 100 gr. butter, melt the caramel, spread it over the bottom, place apple slices, sprinkle cinnamon on top.
Dough: 2 eggs+1.4 sugar+0.5 tsp. salt - beat. Add grated with 2 tbsp. flour 1.4 packs of butter (margarine), 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream + teaspoon of baking powder or slaked soda. Mix all this, the consistency of the dough should be like thick pancakes, if it’s a bit runny, then add flour. Pour the apples into the oven. Readiness is checked with a dry toothpick.

I actually baked it only once, but I think the second time will be the same (((I pre-greased the pan with a little vegetable oil, but the bottom of the cake was still burnt. The temperature was 180 degrees. I have an electric stove. I put it in a preheated oven. Now I’ve been digging on the Internet info, someone wrote that you need it in the cold..... What is the correct way?


We’ve already written about placing it higher and adding an additional baking sheet. The cupcakes are placed in a hot oven. Also try placing a container of water down. Somehow it’s better to bake with her.

Whether to put it cold or hot - it doesn’t depend on the shape, but on the type of dough.
1.there is no need to lubricate silicone molds with oil, this is even written in the instructions for them!
2. because silicone is thinner than ceramic, etc., then place it higher than the others and place an empty metal baking sheet on the lower level of the oven
Everything about me wants to burn, because... my magic oven heats only from below, with a baking sheet it burns much less

What kind of dough do they put in which? tell me why


Meringue and the like - but cold and the lower the temperature (ideally 100 degrees), the better
yeast dough 180-200 degrees
custard - 230-250 degrees. And it is most critical to the temperature in the oven.
Shortbread, by and large, doesn’t matter, you can put it in cold, but I usually set it to 190-200 so that I don’t have to spend time on warming up separately.

cold dough into a cold oven, hot into a hot oven, it's simple

I can’t beat the search: (I remember there were discussions about sponge cake - how to make it so that it wouldn’t rise when baking. And kuzkina_mama also posted a treatise on the topic of sponge cake - I thought I saved it, but I can’t find it. I want to make an even sponge cake, otherwise I bulged again. Thank you!


it's all about technology. We were talking about butter biscuits, in which the structure is created by whipping butter and sugar. And sour cream makers mainly use cake-based cooking technology, without whipping. Then I’ll write more later if you’re interested :) I’m busy right now

what is your recipe?

I baked round cakes for the cakes. At first they were convex in the oven, as expected. Then they fell off (almost before the very end of baking). I didn't open the oven. Bake for 15 minutes. at 190-200*C, as indicated in the recipe. I also wish they were softer after baking. It seems that I overdried them a little... But how to bake them so that they are definitely baked and do not fall off after they are taken out of the oven? Thank you in advance.

I bake sponge cakes time after time, and every time it’s the same garbage: while the cake is baking, it rises into a mound in the middle, which makes building the cake later completely inconvenient. what am I doing wrong?!?!? Tell me, good people - maybe in my old age I’ll learn how to make even sponge cakes :)) thank you.


Thanks to everyone who sympathized and participated! :) I’ll do it on New Year’s Eve.

And you don’t need to defeat it... If it turns out to be a mound, then you need to cut it into two parts with a sharp knife parallel to the table. Grease the lower part with cream, and turn the upper one upside down and put it on the lower part. Now coat the entire cake. And You can simply cut off the mound and coat it with cream, and then decorate the cake.

Tomorrow I have to bake two almost identical (different in shape, but almost identical in content) chocolate pies. To save time, I want to bake them at the same time, placing them in the oven next to each other. Well, not close, of course, but on the same level. Question: Is it possible to do this? Will both be baked? PS: Pies like chocolate biscuits, without fillings.


You can, but only if your oven bakes evenly. If the heat is stronger in the depths, it’s better not to, because you won’t be able to swap the biscuits.

Hello! I'm afraid to bake at the same time. But it depends on the oven... and on the thickness of the cake...
By the way, I want to recommend you eclairs (I have them in my album) you can bake them in advance (isn’t it true that you can’t do it in advance?) and freeze them. Then eat either frozen or let it thaw. I like frozen (well, it takes about 5 minutes to recover from the freezer), my daughter likes melted (but nothing spreads, the cream is just soft inside)
Good luck!!

I got it yesterday! Before that, I struggled with beating the yolks and whites separately and it turned out, in general, not bad. And yesterday I decided to make “black forest” according to the recipe from the Culinary Duel. There they beat eggs with sugar - whole, but for 10 minutes, and then mixed in sifted flour with cocoa with a spoon (and without any starches, as I also did before). It turned out amazingly soft and airy! Also soaked in syrup and layered with whipped cream, the whole thing, well, just melted in your mouth! So I decided...


Tell the teapot - 160g of sugar and flour - how much is that if you measure it with a glass? And in general, a glass of flour is how much in grams? What about sugar?
And regarding this black forest itself - can you be more specific about how to make it? And how many minutes to bake? Well, I'm a tea maker... but I want to bake :)

And you bake everything :))) you spoil your husband.


Well, I'm traditional
Mix 3 eggs with a mixer until slightly lightened (3 minutes) with 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Add 1 tbsp. flour and mix for another 3 minutes.
Then grease the mold (frying pan) with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, cut peeled apples into large slices (4-5 large SOUR apples).
Pour the dough on top and bake over medium heat for about 30-40 minutes.

Here is my charlotte recipe:
1. Carefully separate 3 large, cold eggs into whites and yolks.
3. Beat the whites with 1/2 cup of sugar, as for meringue.
2. Grind the yolks with 1/2 cup sugar until white.
(All using a mixer)
4. Add a glass of sifted flour to the yolks, knead well with a mixer. (Do not add salt, soda, baking powder!)
5. Gently fold the whites into the flour mixture and stir in one direction with a spoon.
6. Chop apples (3-4 pieces, depending on size), sprinkle with a little starch and add to the dough.
7. Cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper or grease with butter. The sides of the mold should not be greased with oil, otherwise the sponge cake will not rise well.
8. Place in a hot oven (220 degrees) for 40-50 minutes. Do not open the oven until the cake has risen.
1 glass-250 ml
If you knead the dough quickly, beat the eggs well, and take a 22 cm mold, you will get a sponge cake 7-10 cm high, with a slightly crispy crust.
Favorite treat!

Due to renovations, I temporarily do not have an oven. And the microwave plate where you could bake it turned out to be out of reach. Is it possible to bake/make something decent like a birthday cake without an oven? Advice to buy is not accepted, this is a peculiar situation :-) And the second question. Which homemade cake do you think is the best?


Cake without oven. Buy your favorite cookies, like ladyfingers, or dry biscuits.
Line the bottom of the vessel with high sides. Pour the following mixture on top: 700 g. thick (25-30%) sour cream, beat with 1-1.5 tbsp sugar + a bag of vanilla sugar until fluffy. Pour pre-dissolved gelatin (1.5 tbsp) into it. Beat everything again. Pour over cookies and let set for min. 4 hours.
This is like the base, and the filling can be different. I make this dessert with prunes and nuts in small bowls (without cookies), you can whip sour cream with frozen fruit (I made it from cherries), you can add pieces of fresh fruit. Decorate the top with chocolate shavings or fruits, cocoa or special decoration kits.
Somewhat reminiscent of bird's milk. If the sour cream is well whipped, then, after cooling, you get a soft, airy mass. Although high in calories.

You can make an anthill from anniversary cookies.
You can - a house made of cottage cheese and cookies, very tasty and home-made, but the look is a little unfestive.
Even as a child, I made the “Bachelor” cake several times, I don’t remember the exact recipe, I remember that the ingredients included chopped cookies, walnuts, strong coffee, yolk, butter, condensed milk. On top there is grated chocolate, the taste is very pleasant.

Well, what a horror and nightmare! Girls and boys, save the teapot! I’ve been cooking for a long time and it’s not bad, but! I'm haunted by a complete disgrace - dough! All! Well, except for shortbread :-/ Biscuits - it goes without saying, but I manage to “flatten” even something as fluffy as the dough of a “aspic” pie, the one with mayonnaise + sour cream + eggs, etc. Everything rises - gorgeous, I bake the biscuit for minutes 40 at 190-200, I keep it in the oven for a little while after turning it off, I take it out after 10 minutes - oooooh, damn it! Natural damn! AND...


Probably a problem with the stove. The door does not fit well or there is leakage from somewhere on the side or back. We had this happen with an old gas stove; after my father laid asbestos between the walls, the stove started working like a sweet little thing. We need to change the stove.

I put in baking powder and it never goes down.

What can you cook in this baking dish? Cupcakes, Easter cakes or...? If possible, write recipes.


Curd pudding
0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 2-3 eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of butter or margarine, a pinch of vanillin or lemon zest, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of semolina or potato starch, 1 tbsp. spoon of raisins, 1 tbsp. spoon of nuts, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream.
Mix butter, sugar, egg yolks, spices with cottage cheese, washed raisins, nuts, semolina or starch. Lastly, add the whites, whipped into a thick foam. Place the mixture in a greased form, grease with sour cream, spread pieces of butter over the surface and bake in the oven. Serve hot or cold with sweet sauce.

Rhubarb, white bread and cottage cheese casserole
400 g stale white bread, 100 g butter or margarine, 400 g cottage cheese, 400 g rhubarb, 200 g sugar, 4 eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, a pinch of vanillin or lemon zest.
Chop the rhubarb, add 100 g of sugar, let stand. Grate the crust from the bread. Cut the pulp into cubes or slices and fry in fat. Mix cottage cheese with the rest of the sugar and spices. In a greased form, place a layer of bread, a layer of curd mass, a layer of rhubarb, pour in a mixture of beaten egg and milk. Bake in the oven. Serve with rhubarb syrup.

and the most delicious for this form (but very high in calories and sweet):
2 lemons,
1 can of condensed milk,
2 eggs,
5 heaped tablespoons of flour,
soda with vinegar.

Remove the zest from the lemons, grate it on a fine grater and put it in the dough. For the dough, mix all the ingredients except the lemons themselves and put in the oven in a pan that has been oiled and sprinkled with fine breadcrumbs or flour.
Cut the lemons into slices. Prepare a syrup from 1.5 cups of sugar and 1.5 cups of water, put the sliced ​​lemons into the boiling syrup and boil for 15 minutes.
While cutting the lemons and preparing the filling, the cake should be baked. And then pour the hot filling onto the hot cake, everything will be instantly absorbed. Yes, don’t forget to remove the cake from the mold first :).
The result is a wet, sweet, but tasty cake that is best eaten as soon as it cools.

09.10.2002 21:16:12, Panna

I generally succeed in sponge cakes, but the rolls don’t come out *-((they break*-(or the filling comes out*-) do we have any experts and craftsmen of rolls here? Share your secrets, please!


Rolling a sponge roll is not that difficult. The main thing is to get used to it :-) Firstly, the baked layer of sponge cake should not be thick. Get used to how much dough should be exactly for your baking sheet. Secondly, the formation cannot be overdried. Watch carefully: as soon as it turns a beautiful golden color, remove it. Thirdly, if the already inverted layer has sharp, heavily colored edges (there was less dough there than in the middle, and it was fried), quickly cut off the edge along the entire length with a sharp knife. Otherwise, it will break the biscuit when folding. Fourthly, the biscuit layer must be “dumped” :-) onto a damp (not wet, not dry, but damp) cotton fabric (napkin, towel, just a piece of fabric). Immediately, while the layer is hot, roll up the roll TOGETHER with the fabric. Those. it, the fabric, ends up inside the rolled up roll. When the roll has cooled COMPLETELY, roll it out, spread it with cream or filling and roll it again WITHOUT fabric.
I have a favorite roll recipe, though it’s not a classic sponge cake, but very tasty. And it's done quickly. If I have unexpected guests coming to visit me, I bake this roll. Never let me down. Here it is just rolled up WITHOUT fabric, but always in a hot state. And he shouldn't be fat. This amount is for a standard large baking sheet. If the baking sheet is smaller, you need to reduce the amount of products by 1/3.


Dough: condensed milk 1 can, eggs 3 pcs., flour 1 glass, margarine 50 g, soda 0.5 tsp.
vanillin (or zest, I prefer lemon zest)
Filling: 2 cups sour cream (not strained, liquid, it will not be a cream, but an impregnation)
sugar 4-6 tbsp. l., nuts (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) 1/2 cup

Mix the contents of a can of condensed milk, melted margarine, eggs and flour. Add slaked soda. Grease the tracing paper on both sides, place it on a baking sheet, pour the dough evenly over it (the amount of dough in this recipe is calculated for a large baking sheet, for a standard oven). Bake in an oven preheated to approximately 200 degrees until a beautiful golden color (do not overcook). After removing from the oven, place it on the table with the tracing paper facing up, remove and discard it. If the edges have hardened, quickly trim them with a sharp knife. Pour the hot layer with sour cream and sugar and distribute the filling evenly (whoever has what and who likes what, to choose from: nuts, steamed dried apricots, steamed prunes, raisins, cherries, etc.). Quickly, tightly and neatly roll up the roll, place it seam side down, and then do whatever you want with it: you can fill it with any glaze, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, and finally eat it like that, but let it sit in the refrigerator before that to perfect the taste.

06.06.2002 10:01:57, Siberian

I in no way pretend to be an expert, but I’ll tell you how my godmother cooked, she makes good rolls, I baked them often in my time, and they were almost always successful. The dough contains 10 eggs (but I think less is possible), 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp flour. Beat the whites thoroughly, gradually, while whisking, add the yolks, then the sugar, and lastly the flour. Bake. While baking, prepare the filling and everything for rolling, because... I was convinced that the faster you twist it, the less likely it is to break. Take it out, spread it instantly and twist it instantly. And she also does this - she dumps the finished biscuit onto a cloth, and after spreading it, rolls it up with the help of a cloth, again very quickly.

Please tell me how to bake a biscuit correctly? For me it turns out flat. For the dough: 5 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. flour. Best regards, Inara.


I ALWAYS make a biscuit (to the envy of my mother-in-law, hehe*-))))
For 1 cold egg - 30 grams of flour and sugar.
Beat the whites into a strong foam. Beat the yolks and sugar until white. And not with a mixer, but with a spoon, carefully mix the yolks and whites from bottom to top and gradually add flour. Maybe a little more baking powder. Into an oven preheated to 180.

that's right, it will be flat :) there is not enough flour, in this proportion the dough for sponge rolls is made (on a baking sheet and roll up warm with cream/jammy). For a normal tall sponge cake for 5 eggs, you need from 1.5 to 1.8 cups of flour (based on the size of the eggs). The whites are whipped with sugar into the strongest foam (like meringue, beat for about 10 minutes), then the eggs are poured in, flour, vanillin and baking powder are poured in. Beat at the lowest speed for another 1 minute, pour into the mold and place in a heated oven. Bake for 1 hour at 180 degrees. There hasn’t been a single misfire yet; the biscuit hasn’t turned out lower than 7-8 cm :)

One of the indicators of a skillful housewife is excellent baking. But even the most skilled chefs fail to produce even the most complex dishes. So many people complain that desserts don’t turn out well. In particular, they are interested in why the sponge cake settles after baking.

The main thing to understand is that baking powder is not a solution to the problem. Even the most expensive one or the one that always “works” in other recipes will not be able to prevent the cake from settling. Also, its threefold increased amount will not help - this will completely ruin the dessert.

If you also have this problem, then you will be interested in a few assumptions that will help you understand what to do to prevent the biscuit from settling.

Reason 1. Poorly selected products

By and large, the recipe is the same everywhere. But not every housewife can choose really high-quality products.

What to do?

Carefully select the ingredients for the biscuit, namely:

  • eggs must be fresh (in “stale” eggs the whites are quite thick);
  • choose granulated sugar as fine as possible;
  • flour is bought only of the first grade and sifted at least three times.

Therefore, do not chase discounts in supermarkets - often discounted products are of dubious quality. At the same time, you will not only not save, but also lose significantly when you see that the sponge cake you prepared is a donkey.

Reason 2. Poorly beaten eggs

This is one of the most common causes of biscuit settling. There are many technologies, but only one is correct.

What to do?

You need to beat the whites as thoroughly as possible. Moreover, this must be done not only in a circle, like clockwise, but also vertically. This way you will achieve fluffy protein that can “hold” the finished dough.

Reason 3. Incorrect oven temperature setting

Temperature directly affects cooking. The reaction of products to too high or low degrees will respond with a completely unsuccessful dessert.

What to do?

Know the cooking technology. When baking a biscuit, the following temperature is set: at the initial stage it is 60 degrees. You keep it like this for about 30 minutes. Then gradually increase to 180 degrees. At the end of the cooking time, turn off the oven and do not open it until the biscuit has cooled completely.

These tips are very simple, but very important. Following them will help you bake your perfect biscuit.

Reason 4. The dough was not baked

If the biscuit dough is not baked, then immediately after baking it shrinks and the situation cannot be corrected.

What to do?

Do not open the oven for the first 30 minutes of baking, and then start checking the cake every 5 minutes for doneness. If, after lightly pressing your finger in the middle of the biscuit, the depression is restored and no dents remain, then it is ready. If not, give it another 5 minutes and check again.


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