
An interactive map of rome with landmarks. Rome map in Russian. How and where to buy

Rome is the capital of Italy and also the ancient capital of the Roman Empire.

It is one of the largest cities in the country, with a population of almost 3 million.

When traveling in Italy, be sure to bring one of the detailed maps of Rome with you.

Interactive map of Rome

Below is an interactive map of Rome in Russian from Google. You can move the map to the right and left, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map with the "+" and "-" icons, which are located at the bottom right of the map, or with the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Rome is located on the world map or on the map of Europe, use the same method to further reduce the scale of the map.

In addition to the map with the names of the objects, you can look at Rome from the satellite if you click on the "Show satellite map" switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Rome map with landmarks

Below is a map of Rome with landmarks (central part of the city). To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it and take it with you on the road.

Have a rest in Rome? Now find out to your friends and acquaintances. After all, you can't go home without souvenirs!

You were presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Rome, which you can always use to find the object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Enjoy your travels!

Rome is the capital of Italy. The oldest city in the world with a centuries-old rich history and numerous cultural monuments of ancient times.

Rome is located on the legendary seven hills, about 25 km from the Tyrrhenian Sea, on the Tiber River. Rome has a population of 2875 thousand people. Summer is long and sultry here, and winters are mild and rainy..

In the "Eternal City", as Rome is also called, there are a lot of iconic places and historical monuments. You can see them with guided tours, or you can yourself, armed with a subway map and a map in Russian. There are many routes that can take you around the famous surroundings in just 2 days!

The Colosseum amphitheater opens the top interesting places in Rome. It is the visiting card of the capital of Italy, its symbol. This is the most famous and grandiose building of the ancient world.... Gladiator fights took place here. You can visit any day from 09:00 to 19:30. Entrance fee is 15.5 euros. The Colosseum is located at Piazza del Colosseo, 1.

Palatine Hill is one of the 7 hills on which Rome stands. It is considered the most ancient, as it was the earliest inhabited.

Via Della Salara Vecchia 5/6 is the Roman Forum. Dilapidated antique columns, vaults of temples, remains of architecture, history and culture of ancient Rome, collected on a plot of 500 sq.m. Here the social and economic status of Rome was formed.

On the territory of the Roman Forum there is a legendary monument - "Black Stone". They, according to ancient writings, marked the place where Romulus, one of the founders of Rome, died... For 12 euros, you can visit not only the Roman Forum, but also the Colosseum and Palatine Hill. Opening hours from 08:30 to 17, 18 hours, depending on the season. Visitors under the age of 17 enter free of charge upon presenting a passport.

Next to the Colosseum and Palatine, on via Sacra, rises the three-span Arch of Constantine. It is dedicated to the victory of the emperor over Maxentius in the battle at the Mulvian bridge... You can visit it around the clock and every day.

The Pantheon occupies one of the leading positions in the ranking of the main attractions of the city on seven hills. This ancient temple dedicated to the gods of Rome embodies the greatness of the Empire. It is notable for the "Eye of the Pantheon" - a 9-meter hole in the center of the dome, through which light enters the temple. The great Italians are buried here: Raphael, Kings Umberto I, Victor Emmanuel II and Queen Margaret. Opening hours: 09:00 to 19:30, Sun 09:00 to 18:00. The Pantheon is located on Piazza della Rotonda, the nearest metro station is Barberini (line A).

The Vittoriano Monument dedicated to Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of a unified Italy, is located on the Venetian Square. For 7 euros, you can enjoy the views from the observation deck at the top of the monument. Now it houses museums and an art gallery, where temporary exhibitions are often open.... The Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, like the Museo Sacrario delle Bandiere, is free to enter. The cost of visiting temporary exhibitions varies from 10 to 15 euros. Opening hours: Mon-Thu 9: 30-19: 30, Fri-Sat 9: 30-22: 00, Sun 9: 30-20: 30.

This is an architectural monument located in the Adrian Park on the banks of the Tiber River. It is also called the Sad Castle... It was built as a mausoleum by order of the Emperor Hadrian, but was later used by the popes as a fortress from the raids of the barbarians. Now it is a museum.

Near the walls of the castle of the holy angel is the bridge of the same name, crossing the Tiber River... At first it was named after its creator - Ponte Eliot - Eliot Bridge. It was believed that this bridge connects two cities - the secular city and the Holy.

The main temple of Catholics of all countries is St. Peter's Cathedral... Such eminent masters of art as Raphael, Sangallo, Peruzzi, Michelangelo participated in its construction. St. Peter's Basilica amazes with its grandeur and decoration. At a height of forty meters, the facade is decorated with statues of Christ and the apostles. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe cathedral is about 20 thousand square meters. The observation deck offers a magnificent view of St. Peter's Square and the Vatican.

You can visit it daily, and every last Sunday of the month - free admission... It costs 7 euros to go to the observation deck under the dome, and 6 euros by stairs.

The name of this famous square comes from the Greek word "agon" - competition. There used to be a stadium where gladiators performed... Now only the shape of the square reminds of this. Piazza Navona is famous for its three fountains; the fountain of four rivers is considered popular. It is a composition of sculptures of four gods who personify rivers, and they, respectively, continents: Europe - Danube, Asia - Ganges, Africa - Nile, and America - La Plata. From the Pantheon, you can get to the fountain on foot, following signs for 500 meters. It is also close to the Piazza Navona Metro Station.

One of the greatest creations in Rome is the Trevi Fountain. It is the facade of the famous Palazzo Poli... You can find him at Piazza di Trevi, near the Barberini metro station.

Near the Capitoline Hill and the Roman Forum is Piazza Venezia. It got its name thanks to the building of the Embassy of Venice once located on it.... It is from this square that sightseeing tours of Rome usually begin.

A majestic baroque staircase. Consists of 138 steps... It leads from the Spanish Square to the Trinita dei Monti church. The actual name is “Stairs to the Temple of Trinita dei Monti”.

A favorite place for romantic natures is the Trastevere District. It is famous for its cobbled narrow streets, which create the atmosphere of a medieval city. There are about 35 blocks in total, 15 of them were founded at the beginning of the last century. In the many trattorias, traditional local dishes can be enjoyed at ordinary wooden tables. There is one unknown for tourists, but popular with the Romans bar - Freni e Frizioni... It is open on the site of an old car workshop. Here is the best price and always a sincere atmosphere.

Winter Rome

Winter Rome is just as beautiful and majestic. And it becomes even more beautiful because the crowds disappear, queues at the box office for entrance tickets to museums, galleries, there is no sultry heat. In winter, the air temperature is almost never negative.... It's great to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Rome, look at the winter Pantheon and the Colosseum with a minimum of visitors.

Shopping enthusiasts will appreciate the winter sales... Via dei Condotti is one of the oldest and most famous streets in Rome. It now houses the most prestigious boutiques of brands such as Valentino, Prada, Hermès, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi, Gucci, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana and Salvatore Ferragamo.

For children

For little tourists, there is also entertainment in Rome. Time Elevator Rome, Explora Children's Museum, Luna Park, Cinecittà World amusement park - and this is not a complete list of places where children can have fun.

  • Time elevator rome Is an attraction that will send both children and adults virtually to the ancient times of Rome. Sessions totaling 1 hour start at 10:30 am and run every hour until 7:30 pm. Time Elevator Rome is located at Via Dei Santi Apostoli 20, a 4-minute walk from Piazza Venezia. The ticket price is 12 euros.
  • Explora Children's Museum, which is a science and play town, will be interesting to visit. Playfully, children develop their potential in it. It is located at Via Flaminia, 82. Usually the price for a ticket is 5 euros.
  • Young travelers will find what to see in Luna Park... More than 50 years ago, on this very site, namely, Via delle Tre Fontane 100, the first amusement park was opened. The entrance to the park is free. Opening hours: weekdays 15: 00-19: 00, Saturday 15: 00-1: 00, Sunday 15: 00-22: 00.
  • Cinecittà World amusement park Is another fun place for children. This is the first cinema park not only in Rome, but in the whole in Italy. Located at: Via Castel Romano, 200. Here visitors will be offered to immerse themselves in the world of cinema, as the park is open on the basis of the former film studio, which has three Oscars.

Rome is beautiful and majestic, past and present are combined here. Having visited the “Eternal City” once, you fall in love with it forever.

Useful maps and videos

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Rome metro map (clickable):

City center map with attractions (clickable):

Rome is the city in which the current European civilization was born, it was from here that all the roads of Europe began, and from here began the European laws, which are based on the famous Roman law. Therefore, Rome is a city that must be visited in your life.

Those tourists who like to count the number of countries visited, after staying in Rome, can put two ticks in their list at once, since the city of the Vatican is located on the territory of Rome.

How to get to Rome. Do I need a visa

You can get to Rome by direct flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg. They are operated by Alitalia, Aeroflot, Russia. Additional charter aircraft may fly on holidays.
In order to travel to Italy, a Schengen visa is required. The currency in Italy, as in most European countries, is the euro.

Map of Rome with landmarks in Russian

To make it easier to navigate, the central street of Rome, Via del Corso, is painted pink on the map.
The concentration of the main attractions of Rome is Capitol hill.
Further along Via dei Fori Imperiali there is the Roman Forum (aka the Romanum Forum) - you must leave at least half a day for it if you are interested in the history of Rome.

Via dei Fori Imperiali ends with the Colosseum.
Don't forget to visit the Trevi Fountain, Plaza de España with its famous staircase, and of course the Vatican, located on the other side of the Tiber.
You should definitely see the Pantheon - a monument that came down from Ancient Rome, striking in its perfection.
All of these most popular attractions are marked in red on the map.
The rest of the places of interest to visit are marked in blue.

It is worth visiting the famous Borghese Gallery - where canvases by Raphael, Titian, Bernini are collected. Castel Sant'Angelo (Sant'Angelo), which was conceived as the mausoleum of Andrian

For orientation on the map it is useful to remember -
that the street is via (via)
square - piazza (piazza)
metro - metro
train station - stazione

A trip to Rome is a real test for the curious. It is impossible to see all the sights of Rome in one visit, and it is equally impossible to choose what exactly is worth seeing in the first place, the city is so diverse and interesting in any corner of it.

Rome is an unusually eclectic city. Here, Catholic churches and modern buildings, medieval markets and ancient ruins, history and modernity, majestic buildings and terrible slums, humble monks and bright freaks are mixed ... - all this creates an inimitable, amazing modern Rome. In a sense, this eternal city remains the center of the world.

Rome - the eternal city

The main attractions of Rome

Perhaps this is the oldest part of the city, which remembers the wheels of chariots and the footsteps of Roman emperors, thousands of years ago. This area of \u200b\u200bRome was built during the time of the mysterious Etruscan tribe - the predecessors of the ancient Romans.

Here they paid tribute to the heroes and organized triumphal processions in their honor, held elections to the Senate and announced the most important news to the townspeople. Today the forum looks like a heap of ruins, but with imagination and minimal knowledge of history, one can imagine how everything looked 2.5 thousand years ago. The site of the forum is simply dotted with the remains of temples, basilicas and triumphal arches.

The most notable buildings of the forum are listed below.

  • Triumphal arches erected by emperors in honor of victories over enemies. The best preserved are the Arch of Titus in honor of the victory in the Jewish War and the Arch of Septimius Severus in honor of the victory over the Parthians

Arc de Triomphe of Titus, Roman Forum
  • Curia Julia - this is the place where the Senate met. The rectangular brick building housed up to 200 senators. Unfortunately, the original curia building has not survived. What tourists see today is the reconstruction of the building. Nothing has been preserved of the interior decoration either.

Curia Julia, Roman Forum
  • Rostra tribune Is a podium built for speakers to speak. The rostra was 3 meters high, so that the speaker was high above the crowd and was clearly visible from any point in the square. The Rostra got its name in honor of the rostra (bows of ancient ships) that belonged to enemy ships captured at the Battle of Antia in 338 BC.

Tribune Rostra, Roman Forum
  • Temple of Saturn... The present ruins date back to 42 BC. The temple was used as the state treasury (Erarius). It also contains the banners of the legions and senatorial decrees (edicts). Also, the temple served as a starting point for all distances in the Roman Empire.

Temple of Saturn, Roman Forum
  • Basilica Emilia - the oldest basilica on the forum was built in 179 BC. It is noteworthy that the basilica was originally erected as a place where noble townspeople could hide from the weather and spend their time comfortably. There were shopping malls, state banks and change offices. The basilica was completely destroyed during the siege of Rome by the Visigoths in 410 AD

Basilica Emilia, Roman Forum
  • Temple of Vesta... Vesta is the patroness of the family and state in ancient Rome, one of the main goddesses of the pantheon. In this temple, the vestals (servants of the cult of Vesta) guarded the sacred eternal fire, personifying eternal life. A girl from an aristocratic family, who was chosen by a council of priests, became a Vestal.

Temple of Vesta, Roman Forum
  • The girl's service in the temple was 30 years, during which she was obliged to remain a virgin, otherwise the vestal was buried alive. At the end of the service, the vestals received life support from the state (not very small), as well as many benefits and privileges. The remains of the House of the Vestals can be seen next to the Temple of Vesta

A fragment of the painting by Alessandro Marchesini "Sacrifice of the Vestal"
  • Temple of Romulus the Divine... Opposite the house of the vestals there is a round temple of Romulus, which has been perfectly preserved from the time of its original construction due to the fact that it was included in the complex of buildings of the Basilica of Saints Domian and Cosma. The temple has never been rebuilt and even the massive iron front door is original

Temple of Romulus, Roman Forum
  • Basilica of Maxentius - the last of the temples, built during the time of Ancient Rome. The construction was started by Emperor Maxentius and completed by Constantine. The temple had a very impressive size and a huge 12-meter statue of Constantine, the fragments of which can now be seen in the courtyard of the Palazzo dei Conservatory in the Vatican

Basilica of Maxentius, Roman Forum
  • Temple of Venus and Roma - This is the largest religious building of the times of Ancient Rome. The temple would have been built under Hadrian and occupied a huge area from the Basilica of Maxentius to the Colosseum

Temple of Venus and Roma, Roman Forum
  • Column of Foka - 13-meter column, which was built in honor of the Byzantine emperor Phocas on the occasion of his visit to Rome. A gilded statue of Phocas was installed at the top of the column, which is now lost

Phocas Column, Roman Forum
  • Coliseum originally called the Flavian Amphitheater (of the dynasty of Roman emperors) and was built under Vespasian, the founder of the dynasty. The amphitheater got its name from the giant statue of Nero, on the site of which it was built. The statue was called Colossus (colossus), the name of the Colosseum in Italian sounds like Colosseo

Colosseum, Roman Forum
  • The Colosseum could hold up to 55,000 spectators, there were 80 public entrances, the 4 upper floors were used for spectator seats (the lower classes occupied the uppermost rows), and the underground floors housed service rooms and cages with wild animals. To protect spectators from the sun, the Colosseum was covered with a huge tent, for the installation of which a team of 1000 strong men was used

Colosseum, Roman Forum
  • The Colosseum was used to host free games, the quantity and spectacle of which measured the greatness of the emperor. Usually the games were held for several days and ended with gladiatorial fights and wrestling with wild animals. The longest games took 100 days in a row and were dedicated to the accession to the throne of Emperor Titus

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is one of the most famous and possibly the most beautiful of all squares in Rome. It was built on the site of Domitian's stadium and follows its contours. There are several independent tourist sites in Piazza Navona: the Fountain of the Four Rivers (Nile, Ganges, Danube and Rio de la Plata), the Nettuno Fountain, the Fountain del Moro and the Church of St. Agnes of Rome, an early Christian martyr.

Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy


The Pantheon is the temple of all the gods, built over 1800 years ago. In 609 AD, the temple was converted into the Christian Church of St. Mary and the Martyrs and presented to Pope Boniface IV. The interiors inside the temple have been reconstructed several times over a long history, but the marble floor remains from the time of the ancient Roman construction. The temple houses the graves of several kings of Italy, as well as the tombstone of the great Italian painter Raphael.

Pantheon, Rome, Italy

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is one of the landmarks of Rome; it can often be seen on advertising cards and brochures. It is located on a small square of the same name and occupies more than half of its space. The fountain adjoins Poli's palace on one side and visually forms a single whole with it.

Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy

The Trevi Fountain is one of the favorite places of tourists. At any time of the year or day, there are no crowds of people wishing to capture themselves against the backdrop of the famous fountain. There is a belief that if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you will certainly return to Rome again.

Tourists around Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy


Vittoriano is a monument in honor of King Victor Emmanuel II, who managed to unite all the lands of Italy within its present-day borders. It occupies the entire northern slope of Capitol Hill and is more like a palace than a monument in size. The monument is also often called the Altar of the Nation, and Victor Emmnuil II himself is called the Father of the Nation.

Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, Rome, Italy

At the foot of the monument is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where the best representatives of the Italian armed forces have been guarding around the clock since 1921. The rooms inside the monument are used as exhibition halls for the Risorgimento Museum (museum of the history of the unification of Italy). Local residents do not like this monument too much because by its appearance and size it stands out from the general panorama of the city, it is even called a "wedding cake" because of its excessive whiteness and too pompous appearance.

Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Rome, Italy

Circus Maximus

Circus Maximus is the largest stadium in Ancient Rome. It accommodated up to 250 thousand spectators and was intended for chariot racing competitions. The very first building of the circus was built of wood back in the 6th century BC, but it was destroyed by fire several times until a marble stadium was erected in its place.

Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy

In the 6th century AD, the last race was held in the circus, after which the stadium began to fall into disrepair. The local residents dismantled the marble bricks into other buildings, and today there is little reminder that this place was the site of the most grandiose stadium of all time.

Circus Maximus, reconstruction

Capitol hill

Capitoline Hill is the smallest but most important of the seven hills in Rome. The first human buildings discovered here during excavations date back to the Iron Age. The hill was an ideal place for the early settlers, since its rocky steep slopes provided natural protection from external enemies, right next to the hill was the shallowest part of the Tiber River, perfect for crossing.

In ancient times, the most massive and significant temples were built here, symbolizing the position of Ancient Rome as the center of the world. In the period from the early Middle Ages to the Renaissance, the Capitol Hill became depopulated, fell into decay, the temples were destroyed to the ground. For a time, Capitol Hill was even used as a pasture for goats. During the Renaissance, Capitol Hill was rebuilt according to the designs of Mielangelo. Today it houses the city hall and the Capitol Museum.

Capitol Hill, Rome, Italy


The Palatine is the center of the seven hills of Rome. According to legend, it was here that the founders of Rome Rem and Romulus were found in a cave. It is believed that it was here that Romulus laid the first stone in the construction of Rome, and it is from here that the Eternal City originates. In ancient times, Palatine was the most prestigious area for residence, thanks to the beautiful views of the city and the cleanest air in the area (the hill rises 70 meters above the city).

Palatine Hill, Rome, Italy

It is not surprising that by the end of the era of Roman emperors, the hill was built up exclusively with houses and palaces of representatives of the highest caste. In the Middle Ages, Palatine was built up exclusively with monasteries and churches. Today the Palatine is a collection of ruins and the best place to study the archaeological history of the city.

Palatine, Rome, Italy

The Vatican is the smallest country in the world, a state within a state. It is home to about 800 inhabitants, and none of them is permanent. The population of this tiny area is made up of priests, monks, guards, statesmen. The Pope of Rome heads the See of Peace. The Vatican has its own army - it is guarded exclusively by Swiss guards, dressed in national uniforms.

St. Peter's Square is the main gateway to the Vatican, as well as a place of mass gatherings of Catholics on major religious holidays.

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

Saint Paul's Cathedral

St. Peter's Basilica is the largest church in the world. The cathedral is dedicated to one of the main apostles of Christ and was built on the spot where Saint Peter was martyred. The construction of the temple stretched over a century and a half, during which several architects were replaced, each of whom made significant adjustments to the original project. The construction was completed in 1626 and since then St. Peter's Basilica has been considered the center of Christianity throughout the world.

St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy

The crown of St. Peter's Basilica is a magnificent dome designed by Michelangelo. At the top of the dome is an observation deck offering a breathtaking view of the city. Entrance to the observation deck is paid, visiting the St. Peter's Basilica itself is free, but there is a strict dress code, according to which clothes must cover the knees and elbows of those entering, ladies must additionally cover the neckline.

Interiors of St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy

Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums boast one of the most impressive art collections in the world. Most of the exhibits were donated to the popes over the long years of their reign, or purchased by the popes at the expense of the Church. The Vatican has its own tourist office located in St. Peter's Square. Here you can order audio guides, purchase ready-made excursions, maps, booklets and much more.

Vatican, Rome, Italy

You can also send a postcard to family and friends with the best views of the Vatican.
Today the Vatican has thirteen museums located in two palace complexes. Don't even expect to see all this splendor in one day. The collection of art and historical treasures is so huge that it will take you more than one day to see it fully. In a few hours, you can try to see at least the most basic.

Vatican Guards

Pinakothek contains paintings by Raphael, Caravaggio, Michelangelo, Perugino and many other painters.
The Historical Museum shows the centuries-old history of the Roman papacy, here you can see household items, religious relics, documents, photographs and other important exhibits.

Pinakothek, Vatican

IN the Pia Clementine Museum exhibited antique statues, frescoes and sculptures discovered in the vicinity of Rome during excavations.

IN shiaramonti Museum exhibited portrait busts and sculptures of the noble townspeople of Rome in ancient times.

Gregorian Etruscan Museum possesses the richest collection of objects of Eturcan times, who lived on the territory of Rome before the era of ancient emperors.

Exhibits of the Pia Clement Museum

IN Egyptian Museum exhibits objects of art from Ancient Egypt, from steles with hieroglyphs to copies of Egyptian statues of the second century BC. It also contains a collection of Egyptian mummies that were found during excavations of the Deir el-Bahri necropolis in Thebes.

IN Museum of Contemporary Religious Art you can see the paintings of Dali, Kandinsky, Kokoschka, Le Corbusier, Matisse, Munch, Picasso, Rodin and Van Gogh.

Egyptian Museum, Vatican

Pius Christian Museum contains a collection of sculptures, sarcophagi and mosaics from the early Christian era. The most famous object here is the statue of the Good Shepherd, created in the third century AD.

Ethnological Missionary Museum has objects of a religious nature from Asia, Oceania, Africa and America. Among the main ones: a statue of the god Quetzalcoatl from Mexico, masks from Sierra Leone and a wooden sculpture of the deity "tumatauenga" from French Polynesia.

Etruscan Museum in Vatican

The Vatican Library is one of the most important libraries in the world, with over 500,000 books and over 60,000 manuscripts, as well as ancient Christian objects found in the Roman catacombs, medieval glassware and objects made of precious materials and ivory.

Vatican Library

The Sistine Chapel is undoubtedly the most famous landmark in the Vatican. The chapel was built in the fifteenth century as a private chapel for Pope Sixtus IV. In 1508, Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to repaint the ceiling. However, Michelangelo decided to decorate the ceiling with nine scenes from the Old Testament. The most famous is the composition "Creation of Adam", which shows how the Creator descends from heaven to breathe life into Adam. The walls of the chapel are also completely covered with Michelangelo's paintings. The most famous of the paintings is the Last Judgment on the altar wall.

Sistine Chapel, Vatican

Arch of Constantine

Right next to the Colosseum is the Arch of Constantine, built at the beginning of the fourth century to commemorate Constantine's victory over the emperor Maxentius. The arch, decorated with statues and bas-reliefs, has survived to our times relatively unscathed. Constantine believed that the Christian God helped him to win the dinner over Maxentius (which was initially considered unlikely). As a result, during the reign of Constantine, the persecution of Christians ended, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and the capital of the empire in 325 AD was moved from Rome to Constantinople (the then capital of Byzantium, now Istanbul).

Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy

Spain square

Piazza di Spagna is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The centerpiece of the square is the famous Spanish Steps, which connects the square with the Trinita dei Monti church. The Spanish Steps are especially beautiful in spring, when the azaleas that adorn the steps are in bloom. The Spanish Steps are considered a favorite meeting place for tourists and townspeople.

Spain Square, Rome, Italy

At the foot of the stairs is the Barcaccia fountain, which depicts a small fishing boat that survived on this site during the devastating flood of the Tiber in 1598. On the opposite side of the square is the Spanish Palace and the Immacolata Column, erected in honor of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Christ. The top of the column is crowned with a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Rome, fountain of Barcaccia

Appian Way

Via Appia Antica was once one of the most important roads in the world and the most famous of all roads that run from Rome towards the farthest borders of the empire. The road was originally built in 312 BC by decree of Appius Claudius Cekus, then censor of Rome, who was famous for the construction of numerous urban infrastructure that helped make life easier for the Romans.

Appian Way, Rome, Italy

The stones that paved the road fit together so well that it is almost impossible to insert a knife between them. Since during the construction of the road it was forbidden to bury the dead within the city, the aristocrats erected their tombs along the most important roads. Via Appia was also dotted with similar structures, some of which have survived to this day.

Via Appia, Rome, Italy

Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese is the largest public park in Rome. In addition to the walking areas, there are temples, fountains, statues and several museums. In ancient times and the early Middle Ages, numerous vineyards were planted here, but in 1605 Cardinal Scipio Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V, turned the vineyards into a park.

Villa Borghese park, Rome, Italy

At the end of the eighteenth century, an artificial lake was created in the center of the park. On an island in the center of the lake, a small temple of Ionnaya was built, dedicated to Asclepius, the god of healing. In 1911, the World Trade Fair was held in the park. Some of the pavilions built by the participating countries still survive. Of the museums, the most famous is the Borghese Gallery, which displays works by renowned artists including Titian, Rubens and Raphael.

Villa Borghese Gallery, Rome, Italy

Baths of Caracalla

The Baths of Caracalla were built in 217 AD, during the reign of the Emperor Caracalla, as the largest bath complex in the world. The baths have functioned for over three hundred years, with a total of 6,000 to 8,000 visitors every day. Thermal baths played a huge role in terms of hygiene, since in ancient times Rome was so overpopulated that there was simply no room for sanitary facilities within the city.

Baths of Caracalla, Rome, Italy

The baths also played an important entertainment and communication role, as the Romans came here to chat, listen to gossip and relax. It housed gyms, libraries, gardens, art galleries, restaurants and even brothels. The Caracalla complex was known for its rich interiors such as marble seating, mosaic walls and floors, as well as fountains and statues.

Fragment of floor mosaic, Rome, Baths of Caracalla

Mouth of Truth

The Mouth of Truth is an ancient Roman marble disc with relief carvings in the shape of a human face. According to legend, if you put your hand in the mouth of the bas-relief and tell a lie, the mouth will immediately close and the liar will lose his hand. Historians are not sure what the original purpose of the disc was, but in the Middle Ages, the bas-relief began to be used precisely as a lie detector.

Mouth of Truth, Rome, Italy

The legend is so ingrained into the daily life of the Romans that even today, parents frighten their children with the Mouth of Truth. In the legendary movie "Roman Holiday" there is an episode when the heroine Audrey Hepburn tries to put her hand in the Mouth of Truth. The bas-relief is on the left wall of the portico of the Church of Santa Maria Cosmedin.

A fragment of the film "Roman Holiday" with Audrey Hepburn

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is the largest church in Rome dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The church, which dates back to the 5th century, has a splendid interior with a very impressive gilded ceiling and chapel. The church is located at the top of the Esquiline Hill. Its name means that it is the most important of the eighty churches in Rome dedicated to Mary.

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Italy

The church is sometimes called Santa Maria della Neve (Saint Mary of the Snow). According to the legend, the Virgin Mary came to a local landowner in a dream and told him to build a church on the spot where he would see snow. The next day, at the height of summer, snow fell on the Esquiline Hill in the form of a floor plan for a church. Despite the beautiful legend, however, there are no documents to support this story.

Interior interior of the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Italy

Campo de Fiori

The name of the square is translated as "field of flowers", as there was once a meadow on the site of the square. Despite the fact that the meadow was located in the very center of the city, it was never built up, since it was in this place that the Tiber would be prone to flooding the coast every spring. In the 15th century, trading rows began to appear on the site of the meadow, and gradually the place turned into a market square. On Campo de Fiori, the buildings are somewhat chaotic, as it was never built according to plan.

Market on Campo de Fri, Rome, Italy

During the Middle Ages, the Campo de Fiori square acquired a notorious reputation as a place of public executions. Here criminals and heretics accepted death, while the methods of killing were the most sophisticated and painful. In 1600, it was here, by order of the Inquisition, that the great astronomer Giordano Bruno was burned for the idea that the earth revolves around the sun. In 1887, a monument to Giordano Bruno was erected on the square.

Monument to Giordano Bruno on Campo de Fori, Rome, Italy

Roman catacombs

The catacombs of Rome were used in the era of early Christianity as a place where Christians took refuge from the persecution of the Romans for their faith. Here they performed their religious rites safely, and here they arranged the first secret burials of dead Christians. Subsequently, the catacombs began to be used for burials throughout the city, since there was no place for cemeteries and tombstones at the top due to overcrowding.

By the 5th century, burials in the catacombs ceased, but the catacombs gained popularity as places of pilgrimage and worship of the holy relics of the first Christians. The catacombs began to decline after the church began to gradually remove the relics of the saints and place them in the numerous temples and basilicas that were built above. Since the end of the 9th century, the catacombs were consigned to oblivion for long 10 centuries and were rediscovered only in the 19th century.

Video. 10 places of interest in Rome

When planning a trip, every tourist is simply obliged to think over to the smallest detail literally every day of his stay in Rome: what to see, where to go, how to spend the evening, where to dine, etc. In this article, we will not dwell on each of these points, but only recall that for your ideal trip it will not be superfluous to have detailed map of Rome with landmarks in Russian... She will become your guide and invaluable assistant throughout the journey.

Especially for you, our dear readers, we noted main sights of Rome on the mapand paved one of the most interesting and capacious hiking trails, which, in our opinion, will be able to reveal Rome to the maximum, convey its spirit, show greatness and give extraordinary charm. Of course, it does not cover all places popular among tourists, but we will definitely mention them in the following routes.

Sights of Rome on a walking route

Coming to Rome, touristfirst of all, try to see the main attractions of the city, isn't it? That is why we considered it necessary to combine on the map those places that cover the historical part of the city and give the most complete picture of Rome.
Sights of Rome that you can see following this route:

  • Coliseum;
  • Arch of Constantine;
  • Roman forum;
  • Trajan's Market;
  • Venice Square;
  • Vittoriano;
  • Palazzo Venezia;
  • Capitol Square;
  • The Capitoline Museums;
  • Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius;
  • Palazzo Colonna;
  • Piazza Column and Column of Marcus Aurelius;
  • Temple of Hadrian;
  • Pantheon;
  • Palazzo Madama;
  • Piazza Navona and the Fountain of the Four Rivers;
  • Castle of the Holy Angel and the Bridge of Angels;
  • Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican.

Below is the map of Rome with marked landmarks, which you can see by choosing this tourist route for your walk through the Eternal City.

We suggest starting a walk along this route directly from the Colosseum. It is easily accessible from anywhere in the city by public transport. The best option would be metro: the desired station is Colosseo.

The Flavian Amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum, is the main symbol of the Eternal City. You must admit that it is difficult to imagine Rome without this grandiose structure, just as it is difficult to overestimate the popularity of this attraction - in the modern world it is not easy to find a person who would never have heard of the Colosseum. Next to the amphitheater is the Arc de Triomphe, erected at the beginning of the 4th century in honor of the victory of Constantine in the Battle of the Mulvian Bridge, which made him the sole ruler of the western part of the Roman Empire.

Walk around the Colosseum and head down the street of the Imperial Forums - the most popular avenue in the capital. Here you can admire the ruins of ancient buildings and reflect on the eternal. The street will lead you to Piazza Venezia, where the colossal Vittoriano is located - a monument erected in honor of the first king of united Italy, Victor Emmanuel II.

Monument to Victor Emmanuel II - the first king of Italy

There is also the so-called Palazzo Venezia, from the balcony of which Benito Mussolini once spoke. Built in the middle of the 15th century, today the palace houses a rich collection of the National Museum.

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Capitoline Square is literally a stone's throw from Piazza Venezia - Michelangelo's only architectural project that has been fully implemented. It is here that the famous "Capitoline Museums" are located.

Capitol square

Probably everyone who has ever visited the Eternal City will say with confidence: in order to feel Rome, a tourist must not only pass it, but also see it from above. Unique observation deck, which we marked on the map of Rome with sights in red, will allow you to enjoy the most beautiful view of the ancient city. Don't forget to visit her.

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Further, going down the stairs, you can see the Mamertine prison, the place of imprisonment of the Apostle Peter. Bypassing Vittoriano, as shown on the map, you will again find yourself on the street of the Imperial Forums. Head towards the Troyan Market and follow our route until you reach the Trevi Fountain, one of the most beautiful fountains in the city. Do not forget to flip a coin and make a wish - it will definitely come true.

The next grandiose structure that you have to see is the Pantheon - the only surviving ancient Roman temple that is still active today. However, before visiting it, we strongly recommend that you read about it in our article.

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