
Foundation waterproofing technology and materials. Foundation waterproofing materials. Drainage as an auxiliary measure

Foundation waterproofing in modern low-rise construction is an almost integral part of the zero-cycle construction process. This is due to the presence of moisture in the soil in the vast majority of the territories of our country. By itself, water is not particularly terrible for concrete, on the contrary, in a slightly moistened state, concrete continues to gain its strength over the years. However, there are three big BUTs.

Firstly, concrete has such a property as capillarity. This is the rise of water up the smallest pores inside the material. The simplest example of this phenomenon is the wetting of a piece of sugar slightly lowered into a glass of tea. In construction, the capillary rise of water leads (unless, of course, waterproofing is done) to the penetration of moisture, first from the outer layers of concrete to the inner ones, and then from the foundation to the walls that stand on it. And damp walls mean an increase in heat loss, the appearance of fungi and mold, damage to interior finishing materials.

Secondly, the modern foundation is still not concrete. This is reinforced concrete, i.e. it contains reinforcement, which, upon contact with moisture, begins to corrode. At the same time, the iron in the reinforcement turns into iron hydroxide (into rust), increasing in its volume by almost 3 times. This leads to the formation of the strongest internal pressure, which, when a certain limit is reached, also destroys the concrete from the inside.

Thirdly, we do not live in the tropics, and sub-zero temperatures for our climate in winter period is the norm. As everyone knows, when water freezes, it turns into ice, increasing in volume. And if this water is in the thickness of the concrete, the resulting ice crystals begin to destroy the foundation from the inside.

In addition to the above, there is another danger. It is not uncommon for groundwater to contain chemical elements (salts, sulfates, acids ...) that have an aggressive effect on concrete. In this case, the so-called "concrete corrosion" occurs, leading to its gradual destruction.

High-quality waterproofing of the foundation allows you to prevent all these negative processes. And how it can be done, and will be discussed in this article.

By and large, protecting the foundation from moisture can be done in two ways:

1) use the so-called bridge concrete with a high water resistance coefficient when pouring (different grades of concrete and their characteristics will be discussed in a separate article);

2) cover the foundation with a layer of some kind of waterproofing material.

Ordinary developers most often now go the second way. What is it connected with? At first glance, it would seem that it could be simpler - I ordered waterproof concrete at the factory, poured it and that's it, sit back and rejoice. But in reality, not everything is so easy, because:

  • an increase in the price of a concrete mixture with an increase in the coefficient of water resistance can reach 30% or more;
  • not every plant (especially a small one) can produce a brand of concrete with the required water resistance coefficient, and attempts to make such concrete on their own can lead to unpredictable consequences;
  • and most importantly, there are problems with the delivery and placement of such concrete (it has a very low mobility and sets quite quickly, which in most cases limits its use).

The use of a waterproofing coating is available to everyone and, with certain skills, you can even do it yourself.

Foundation waterproofing materials.

All materials used to protect foundations from moisture can be divided into the following groups:

  • coating;
  • sprayed;
  • roll;
  • penetrating;
  • plastering;
  • screen waterproofing.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

I) Coating waterproofing is a material based on bitumen, which is applied to the surface (often in 2-3 layers) with a brush, roller or spatula. Such coatings are commonly referred to as bituminous mastics. They can be made independently or purchased ready-made poured into buckets.

Recipe for homemade bitumen mastic: buy a briquette of bitumen, split it into small pieces (the smaller, the faster it melts), pour it into a metal container and put it on fire until it melts completely. Then remove the bucket from the fire and add used oil to it, and preferably diesel fuel (20-30% of the mastic volume), mix everything thoroughly with a wooden stick. How this is done is shown in the following video:

Ready-made bituminous mastic is sold in buckets. Before use, for more convenient application, it is usually mixed with the addition of some solvent, for example, solvent, white spirit, etc. This is always reported in the instructions on the label. There are several manufacturers of such mastics with different prices and different characteristics of the finished coating. The main thing when buying them is not to make a mistake and not to take material, for example, for roofing or something else.

Before applying bituminous mastic, it is recommended that the concrete surface be cleaned of dirt and primed. The primer is made with a special composition, the so-called bituminous primer. It is also sold in stores and has a more liquid consistency than mastic. Coating waterproofing is applied in several layers, each of which - after solidification of the previous one. The total thickness of the coating reaches 5 mm.

This technology is one of the cheapest compared to those that will be described below. But it also has its drawbacks, such as a short durability of the coating (especially prepared on its own), a long duration of work and high labor costs. The process of applying mastic with a brush is shown in the following video:

II) Spray waterproofing or the so-called "liquid rubber" is a bitumen-latex emulsion that can be applied to the foundation with a special sprayer. This technology is more progressive than the previous one, because. allows you to perform work more efficiently and in a fairly short period of time. Unfortunately, the mechanization of work significantly affects its cost.

The characteristics of liquid rubber and the process of spraying it are shown in the following video:

III) Roll waterproofing is a bituminous or polymer modified material, previously applied to any base. The simplest example is the well-known roofing material with a paper base. In the production of more modern materials, fiberglass, fiberglass, polyester are used as the basis.

Such materials are more expensive, but also much better and more durable. There are two ways to work with rolled waterproofing - gluing and fusing. Gluing is carried out on a surface previously primed with a bituminous primer using various bituminous mastics. Welding is carried out by heating the material with a gas or gasoline burner and then gluing it. How this is done is shown in the following video:

The use of rolled materials significantly increases the durability of the foundation waterproofing compared, for example, with coating materials. They are also quite affordable and affordable. The disadvantages include the complexity of the work. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to do everything qualitatively. Also, do not cope with the work alone.

The appearance of self-adhesive materials on the markets a few years ago made it much easier to work with rolled waterproofing. How to protect the foundation with their help is shown in the following video:

IV) Penetrating waterproofing- this is a coating of concrete with special compounds that penetrate through the pores into its thickness by 10-20 cm and crystallize inside, thereby clogging the passages for moisture. In addition, the frost resistance of concrete and its protection from chemically aggressive groundwater are increased.

These compositions (Penetron, Hydrotex, Aquatron, etc.) are quite expensive and have not been widely used for complete waterproofing of the foundation in a circle. They are more often used to eliminate leaks in already built and operated basements from the inside, when it is no longer possible to repair the waterproofing from the outside in other ways.

For more information about the properties of penetrating materials and their correct application, see the following video:

V) Plaster waterproofing by and large, it is a kind of coating insulation, only here it is not bituminous materials that are used, but special dry mixes with the addition of waterproof components. Prepared plasters are applied with a spatula, trowel or brush. For greater strength and to prevent cracking, a plaster mesh can be used.

The advantage of this technology is the simplicity and speed of applying materials. The downside is the low durability of the waterproofing layer and less water resistance compared to the materials described above. The use of waterproofing plasters is more appropriate for leveling the surfaces of foundations or, for example, for sealing joints in foundations made of FBS blocks, before their subsequent coating with bituminous or rolled waterproofing.

VI) Screen waterproofing- this is sometimes called the protection of foundations from moisture with the help of special swelling bentonite mats. This technology, which is essentially a replacement for the traditional clay castle, has appeared relatively recently. The mats are attached to the foundation with dowels overlapping each other. For more information about what this material is and its properties, see the following video:

How to choose waterproofing for the foundation?

As you can see, there are currently a huge number of all kinds of waterproofing materials for protecting foundations. How not to get confused in this variety and choose exactly what is suitable for your specific conditions?

First, let's look at what you need to pay attention to when choosing waterproofing:

  • the presence or absence of a basement;
  • ground water level;
  • type of foundation and method of its construction

A different combination of these three factors determines which waterproofing should be preferred in this case. Consider the most common options:

1) Column foundations.

can only be protected with rolled waterproofing. To do this, cylinders of the required diameter are pre-rolled from it, fixed with adhesive tape, lowered into drilled wells, reinforcing cages are installed and concrete is poured.

The cheapest option is to use a regular roofing material. If it is sprinkled, it is better to roll it with the smooth side outward, so that in winter, when it freezes, less soil sticks to it. It is advisable to make sure that the thickness of the waterproofing around the entire circumference is at least two layers.

When using asbestos or metal pipes for a columnar foundation, they can be pre-coated with any coated bitumen waterproofing in at least 2 layers.

If you are going to build on poles, before pouring it, for greater reliability, the tops of the poles must also be covered with coating waterproofing (even better not as in the figure below, but directly from the ground). This will prevent a possible capillary rise of water from the soil into the grillage.

2) Shallow strip foundations (MZLF).

inherently should always be above the groundwater level. Therefore, for its waterproofing, ordinary roofing material and bituminous mastic are quite enough to prevent capillary suction of moisture from the soil.

The figure shows one of the working options. Before mounting the formwork, a roofing material folded in half with a small outlet is spread on a sand cushion. Then, after pouring and setting the concrete, the side surfaces of the tape are covered with coating waterproofing. Above the level of the blind area, regardless of what kind of plinth you have (concrete or brick, as in the figure), cut-off waterproofing is done by gluing 2 layers of roofing material onto the bituminous mastic.

3) Recessed strip foundations (a house without a basement).

Underground waterproofing strip foundation regardless of whether it is monolithic or from FBS blocks, when a basement is not provided for in the house, it can be done according to the scheme shown above for MZLF, i.e. the bottom is rolled material, and the side surfaces are coated with coated insulation.

The only exception is the option when the foundation is not poured into the formwork, but directly into the excavated trench (as you understand, it will not be possible to make a coating). In this case, before installing the reinforcing cage and pouring concrete, the walls and bottom of the trenches are covered with rolled waterproofing with gluing or fusing joints. The work, of course, is not very convenient (especially in a narrow trench), but there is nowhere to go. This was discussed in the article.

Also, do not forget about the cut-off waterproofing layer above the level of the blind area.

4) Recessed strip foundations, which are the walls of the basement.

The use of coating and sprayed materials for waterproofing basement walls outside is permissible only in dry sandy soils, when groundwater is far away, and the top water quickly leaves through the sand. In all other cases, especially with a possible seasonal rise in groundwater, it is necessary to make roll waterproofing in 2 layers using modern materials based on fiberglass or polyester.

If the foundation is made up of FBS blocks, before waterproofing it, it is advisable to cover the seams between the individual blocks with a plaster waterproofing mixture, at the same time leveling the surface.

5) Slab foundations.

Foundation slabs (basement floors) are traditionally protected from moisture from below by gluing two layers of rolled waterproofing onto a pre-poured concrete preparation. The second layer is spread perpendicular to the first. This was discussed in more detail in the article.

In order not to damage the waterproofing layer during subsequent work, try to walk on it as little as possible, and immediately after installation, close it with extruded polystyrene foam.

At the end of the article, we pay attention to two more points. Firstly, when the groundwater level rises above the level of the basement floor, drainage must be done (a system of drainage pipes laid around the perimeter of the house and wells for revision and pumping out water). This is a big topic, which will be discussed in a separate article.

Secondly, the foundation's vertical waterproofing layer needs to be protected from damage that can occur during backfilling and compaction of the soil, as well as frost heaving of the soil in winter, when it sticks to the waterproofing and drags it up. This protection can be provided in two ways:

  • the foundation is covered with a layer of extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mount special protective membranes that are now commercially available.

Most builders prefer the first method, because. it allows you to immediately "kill two birds with one stone." EPPS and protects the waterproofing and insulates the foundation. Read more about insulation of foundations

Very often, inexperienced builders, after erecting a foundation, neglect its waterproofing, considering this operation secondary.

As a result of further exploitation, load-bearing walls erected on such a basis begin to deteriorate. worthlessness due to constant exposure to moisture in the form of precipitation and groundwater.

What is waterproofing and is it needed?

Waterproofing means protection various materials and structures from the harmful effects of liquids on them. Main the material for the construction and foundation is concrete.

This material, despite its apparent solidity, has porous structure, so it is easily saturated with water (you can find out which concrete to use for the strip foundation).

Without waterproofing such a foundation, load-bearing walls begin to get damp and gradually break down. Applying a protective layer increases the service life of buildings and structures and significantly reduces the cost of their current and major repairs.

Types of foundation waterproofing

By appointment foundation waterproofing is usually divided into two type:

  1. Horizontal. Surfaces located horizontally are protected, for example, the base of the foundation, the base of load-bearing walls;
  2. vertical. It is applied to vertical surfaces, for example, the outer part of the plinth;

Depending on the used material protective coating distinguish the following kinds waterproofing:

  • Bituminous. Bitumen of various types is used as an insulating material, depending on the weather conditions in the geographic area of ​​construction;
  • Ruberoid. Insulation is carried out using sheets of roofing material, which are stacked in several layers. When laying protection, not only roofing material can be used, but also isoplast, glassine or roofing felt;
  • Liquid rubber. This material is made on the basis of bitumen. It has a liquid consistency and high elasticity, because of which it got its name.

According to the application method waterproofing is of the following types:

  • Pasting;
  • penetrating;
  • Roll;
  • Plastering;
  • Spraying.

Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is used for guard walls and foundations. If it is planned to isolate a foundation made of concrete mortar, then the protective layer is laid before it is poured.

To protect the foundation, waterproofing is laid before installation concrete blocks after backfilling and its special layer of cement.

To protect the walls, a layer of waterproofing is laid throughout the perimeter of the foundation plinth after its final setting.

Horizontal waterproofing applied in almost any construction, in contrast to the vertical, which is sometimes neglected. This is due to the fact that horizontally equipped protection effectively protects the walls of the building from the effects of not only ground but also surface waters.

There are various laying methods horizontal waterproofing. Depending on the creation of the necessary degree of protection and the cost of construction, in its manufacture, special Construction Materials.

Bituminous waterproofing

Bitumen waterproofing is used to protect concrete and metal structures. Before styling mastics the foundation is thoroughly dried, otherwise, when bitumen comes into contact with water, they will form bubbles and the waterproofing will peel off.

For the manufacture of bituminous waterproofing material first melt down and then applied to the work surface with a brush or brush. The thickness of the applied layer must be at least 2 mm.

It is best to use building grades of bitumen containing special additives that prevent the destruction of the material at low temperatures.

Attention! Molten bitumen cools down literally in minutes, therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to observe time intervals, preventing premature cooling of the composition. Insufficiently melted bitumen clogs concrete pores poorly. Bitumen grades BN-3, BN-4, BN-5, BP-5, DH-1V are used for waterproofing works.


Roofing felt coating refers to highly reliable waterproofing, but such protection requires quite large material costs. Before laying the sheets, a layer of mastic is applied to the surface.

Between adjacent sheets it is necessary to overlap, at least in 15 centimeters.

Attention! Before laying sheets of roofing material, it is necessary to carefully level the surface for their laying! On an uneven surface, it will be difficult to provide the necessary overlap of adjacent sheets, and the waterproofing will be unreliable!

Plaster waterproofing

With this method of protection, the surface is covered with a special plaster solution, which includes water-repellent additives, for example, asphalt mastic.

The mortar is applied hot to ensure a better adhesion to the surface to be protected. The solution is applied using the same technology as for the precise alignment of the walls, using lighthouses.

Liquid rubber

The use of this material in the manufacture of waterproofing requires both special tools and specialists. high qualifications. With this method, protection is obtained, which has high strength and wear resistance, which can be applied even in hard-to-reach places.

A special place in this technology is occupied by preparation surface, which takes about a third of the total time of application of insulation. The main brands of liquid rubber used in foundation waterproofing are "Profix", "Slav", "Ultramast" And "Mastic No. 33".

The equipment with which such protection is applied are special atomizers operating both from the electric drive and on gasoline engines.

Penetrating waterproofing

This protection does not require careful surface preparation and special tools. The materials used in its manufacture are pores in concrete, making it moisture resistant. Penetrating waterproofing significantly increases term foundation service and is considered most reliable and durable.

Technology making insulation is simple - a dry mixture is purchased, for example, "Penetron", which is mixed with water according to the instructions for preparation, and then applied to the surface to be protected using, for example, a roller.

After a few hours, the mixture acquires its final properties. Penetrating waterproofing, along with its advantages, has only one drawback - high price.

Roll waterproofing

Roll materials are often used to waterproof a building without a basement. Such insulation is made on the basis of bitumen.

Materials and the concrete surface itself previously heated with a gas burner, then carefully laid and, slightly pressing, smooth. Adjacent sheets are laid with an overlap 15-20 centimeters.


This type of protection against moisture is applied using special building installations, with the help of which a thin insulating layer is laid on the surface.

Waterproofing by spraying allows you to reliably protect concrete structures from moisture and can be used in severe frosts and heat. Used as spraying material synthetic polymers - polycarbamides.

Foundation waterproofing: general rules

To date, two types of insulation are used to protect the walls of a building from groundwater and other types of moisture - vertical waterproofing and horizontal.

Also erect additional structures, for example, install water collectors that drain moisture into special containers or channels.

Before applying the waterproofing layer, the surface must be leveled, cleaned of dirt and dust. For the best adhesion of the protective material and concrete, special primers are used.

See video lesson how to make vertical waterproofing of the foundation with your own hands:

One of the important factors in extending the life of the base of the house is the implementation of high-quality waterproofing. The need is due to the fact that in any soil there is moisture, which adversely affects the foundation.

If you ignore this process or carry it out poorly, then soon cracks and other signs of destruction of the basis will form in the walls of the house.

For high-quality protection against moisture, reliable materials are needed for waterproofing the foundation. In this regard, the questions of what material to choose and how to work with it are of particular relevance when considering.

Why waterproofing

Frozen water in the cracks of the foundation can destroy it

Many may begin to argue and convince that water is not terrible for concrete, but, on the contrary, in some way, thanks to it, it gains strength. However, let's try to give a few indisputable facts that indicate that waterproofing is one of the most critical processes.

  1. Concrete in its structure resembles refined sugar. If you dip it a little into the tea, you can watch the liquid begin to rise up on its own. This property is called capillarity. Its essence lies in the fact that through the smallest pores formed in concrete, moisture very easily rises up. This is fraught with the fact that not only the base of the house will contain moisture, but also the walls. Therefore, constant dampness will be present on the basement and on the walls of the room. And this entails an increase in heat loss, the occurrence of fungus and mold.
  2. During frosts, the water freezes, while expanding. And if it is in the pores of concrete, then pressure naturally arises, which begins to destroy it.
  3. Nowadays, the foundation consists not only of concrete. For its reinforcement, steel reinforcement is used. Upon contact with moisture, the metal begins to rust and gradually collapse. It is known that during the corrosion process, the metal increases in volume by almost three times, and this creates a certain internal pressure on the concrete.
  4. In groundwater very often there are aggressive components that adversely affect concrete.

Carrying out high-quality waterproofing helps to exclude or, at least, minimize the process of concrete destruction.


There are various waterproofing technologies that use different types of materials. Based on this, we list the ways to protect the foundation:

  • coating;
  • sprayed;
  • roll;
  • penetrating;
  • plastering;
  • screen method.

Consider brief description materials used in waterproofing foundations, depending on the method chosen.

Coating method

Bituminous mastic can be prepared by yourself

When performing insulation in this way, materials that have a bitumen base are used.

They provide protection by applying bitumen in several layers to the material using a brush, roller or construction spatula.

This raw material can be found under the name bituminous mastics.

They are widely sold in the construction industry packaged in buckets.

It will not be difficult to cook them yourself. To do this, we provide cooking instructions:

  • acquire a piece of bitumen and crush it by splitting. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt. Next, place the pieces in a metal bowl and put on fire to melt;
  • after that, used engine oil or diesel fuel is added to the molten bitumen. It is necessary to add these components about a third of the total volume of mastic. Then mix everything thoroughly with a wooden stick.

When using ready-made mastic, it is pre-mixed, while adding a solvent: solvent or white spirit. On the container in which the mastic is sold, instructions for preparing it for work should be placed.

Mastic is produced by various manufacturers. For waterproofing the foundation, you can purchase any. But it is necessary to pay attention to its purpose. Since there is mastic not only to protect the foundation of the house, but also for roofing.

Brief characteristics of mastic according to ENiR standards

Mastic is applied only on a clean surface

Do not apply mastic on an uncleaned and dirty surface. It must first be prepared and primed. The priming solution has a special composition and is called a bituminous primer. It can be purchased at hardware stores. In terms of viscosity, it is slightly inferior to mastic.

After priming the surface, apply mastic in several layers. Each subsequent layer should be applied after the previous one has completely dried. As a result, we get a protective surface of mastic with a thickness of 5 cm.

The advantage of this material is its affordable price. But there are also disadvantages. Mastic coating is not very durable and requires a lot of time for arrangement and periodic maintenance.

Spray method

This method has another name - "liquid rubber". The foundation is waterproofed with a bitumen-latex mortar in the form of an emulsion.

Application method: spraying with a special device. Sprayed waterproofing more than modern look which can be completed in a very short time.

Also, the method of application, and the materials themselves, provide a higher quality than the use of mastic. But all this entails an increase in costs due to the high consumption of raw materials.

The technical characteristics of "liquid rubber" are provided in this table, taking into account the ENiR standards

Waterproofing with roll materials

Ruberoid is the most popular material

To provide rolled waterproofing, waterproofing materials are used for the foundation on bituminous or modified polymer compositions applied to any base.

The most popular and well-known example of rolled materials is roofing material. The basis for applying bitumen to roofing material is cardboard. In more modern materials, the basis is fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester.

Here are some examples of modern roll materials:

  • roll material - waterproofing. Its second name is glass isol, which is made by impregnation with a special composition of fiberglass. The cost of glass isol, of course, is high, but the service life is much longer;
  • Bicrost is a fiberglass fabric on which bituminous compositions are applied on both sides.

Waterproofing is melted with a burner

There are two ways to carry out protection using rolled waterproofing materials: gluing or fusing.

Before performing work, the surface should also be carefully prepared to ensure a high degree of adhesion. In the beginning, it is necessary to clean it of dirt and dust, eliminate obvious defects and prime with a bituminous primer.

The process of fusing glass isol is carried out using a burner or a building hair dryer. First, the composition applied to the roll is melted, and then it is glued onto the surface to be treated.

The positive characteristics of roll materials include:

  • increase in service life when compared with coating materials;
  • relatively low price.

Of course, modern materials, such as stekloizol, have prices a rank higher.

The disadvantage is the high labor costs in the performance of work. Moreover, it is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to carry out high-quality waterproofing, especially alone.

There are self-adhesive roll materials that greatly simplify the process of waterproofing protection.

Penetrating waterproofing

To perform penetrating insulation, solutions are used that are able to quickly penetrate into the concrete through its pores. After drying, the pores are clogged, and thus the infiltration of moisture is limited. For more information about waterproofing the foundation, see this video:

Also, this process increases the degree of frost resistance of concrete and provides protection from the effects of various aggressive environments. Examples of solutions for penetrating waterproofing: Penetron, Hydrotex, Aquatron and others.

The price of these solutions is quite high, so they are not widely used in private construction.

Most often, they are used to eliminate defects in the waterproofing of foundation walls and to carry out repair and installation work in already constructed buildings from the inside.

Insulation with plaster

This type of insulation is a subspecies of coating protection of the base from moisture.

It is based on the use of plaster mixtures, to which special moisture-resistant components are added.

The mixture prepared for work is applied with a construction spatula or trowel.

Sometimes a brush is used to apply.

In order to ensure higher quality and prevent the formation of cracks, a mesh is additionally used to reinforce plaster surfaces.

The advantages of such materials include a very simple and fast execution technology.

To the disadvantages:

  • short service life;
  • low degree of waterproof protection.

Experts advise using waterproofing plaster to prepare the surface of the base for rolled waterproofing, for example, glass isol. Particular care should be taken to process the lower part of the walls from the foundation. For more information about plaster insulation, see this video:

Screen type waterproofing

Swellable bentonite mats are used for this type of insulation device. At its core, it is a modern version of a clay castle. Mats are attached to the surface of the base by means of dowels overlapping each other. The width of the lining is 15 - 20 cm.

The foundation is that part of the structure of any structure that experiences the maximum load. It is on its reliability that the durability of the building primarily depends. If it begins to collapse, then this will inevitably lead to the deformation of all other elements.

Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on the waterproofing of the foundation. This is especially true for private houses, since almost every owner actively uses the basement (basement). It should be borne in mind that this kind of work is carried out in a complex manner, and protection against moisture is arranged "universally". After all, it affects the foundation in different ways, and often at the same time. In the form of subsoil waters, precipitation, during the period of snow melting, river flooding.

In some sources, one can find opinions that in some cases the foundation waterproofing can be neglected. Such statements are "short-sighted". Any house is built for decades. Where is the guarantee that after some time, for example, some significant construction will not begin nearby? But this is - soil movements, which will inevitably affect the location of underground water layers.

Even the laying of a highway with its indispensable asphalting has such an impact. There are many other possible causes changes in the configuration and level of water in the soil. It should also be taken into account that during the year the depth of its occurrence is constantly changing. And many experts are already openly talking about irreversible climate change on the planet. It is clear that waterproofing the foundation anew for an already built and inhabited house (and this inevitably entails a partial “destruction” of the adjacent territory) is an extremely complex and expensive issue. And yes, it will take a lot of time.

What to Consider

  • At what depth are the subsoil layers located. This must be determined if the design of the house provides for a basement.
  • Underground fluid pressure. According to this criterion, the layers are divided into 4 types. Moreover, in the same place you can simultaneously encounter, for example, both “suspended” waters and “pressure” ones. That is why experts advise not to do “like everyone else” when building a house, but to conduct a geodetic survey of a specific site.
  • The waterproofing of the foundation largely depends on soil characteristics on which the building is being erected. After all, there are soils both permeable (for example, sandstone) and not. In the latter case, the fluid seeks easier paths and often moves towards the foundation. Therefore, the waterproofing layer should be more "powerful". Accordingly, the choice of materials is made taking into account this specificity. In addition, any liquid may contain aggressive components.
  • Foundation type. Each has its own characteristics both in the nature of the work and in the materials. It is clear that if the foundation is piled, then the use of roll "insulators" is excluded. At the same time, they are great for tape type.
  • Regardless of the construction conditions, foundation waterproofing is done both from the outside and from the inside. Moreover, both layers are the main ones, and it is unacceptable to equip only one of them.

It should be noted that the components of the complex waterproofing of the foundation are such measures as the removal of excess water (drainage) and the equipment of a reliable blind area, which serves to protect the base of the house from water in the form of precipitation (rain, snow). And, of course, the optimal choice of the type of insulating materials used, as already mentioned.

In individual construction, the tape type of the base of the building is most often used. However, it is not suitable for swampy soil. Such soil is unstable, as it is saturated with moisture, and its structure is heterogeneous. Underground layers of water come quite close to the surface, and produce necessary calculations loading is extremely difficult. Building in such conditions is considered risky. But sometimes there is simply no choice.

It should be noted right away that waterproofing the foundation in a swampy area is an expensive business. The method of protecting the foundation depends on what type of foundation is chosen for the construction of the house. In practice, shallow, piled (bored) or slab foundations are used. But regardless of this, it is imperative to equip drainage system.

Its purpose is to divert water in the ground away from the building. Without such natural drainage of the site any other measures to protect against moisture cannot be considered effective. Experts recommend mounting the foundation only after the organization of drainage. It must be understood that the waterproofing of the foundation in a swampy area has a number of features. First of all, this concerns the issue of laying the foundation.

The processing of shallow-depth is not much different from the method of finishing the tape. However, to protect the insulating layer, it is necessary to arrange a protective coating (wall).

For a slab pit, it is made shallow. Its bottom should be rammed as tightly as possible. If possible, it is advisable to use construction equipment (skating rink). The goal is to minimize subsequent soil shrinkage. Coarse-grained sand, gravel are used as "backfill". If possible, clay should also be laid. This layer is filled with concrete.

The resulting "pillow" will become natural barrier on the path of liquids, an integral part of the waterproofing of the foundation in marshy areas. Given the difficult conditions, it is advisable to use waterproof reinforced concrete slabs under the base of the house. Processing can also be done at the construction site. To do this, they are impregnated with special water-repellent compounds. Additionally, all sides are treated with mastic, on the layer of which roll material (roofing, roofing felt, film) is applied.

In especially difficult cases, a bored foundation is made. Its construction involves the installation of concrete supports in prepared wells. For this, formwork is done. It is at this stage that all activities are carried out. In this case, waterproofing a foundation in a swampy area involves special processing of asbestos-cement (or other waterproof) pipes that serve as formwork. Methods such as impregnation, surface treatment with mastics are suitable.

Such insulation is not afraid of mechanical loads, since the “shape” of the formwork is supported by concrete pouring and the reinforcement bars used. In addition, it is recommended to seal the lower parts of the pipes. However, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of foundation waterproofing in swampy areas by carrying out a number of additional measures.

Firstly, the correct choice of the composition of the concrete solution (grade of cement + chemical additives to increase resistance to moisture). However, this issue requires a professional approach.

Secondly, additional treatment of the bottom of the wells. Backfilling with sand, clay, gravel is done.

It should not be forgotten that an integral part of such work is a mandatory horizontal waterproofing device. Regardless of the type of foundation.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the strip foundation

This type of "foundation" of the structure is most often used in individual construction, since it is easy to mount it yourself. Secondly, such a foundation implies the presence of a basement in the house, which is important for a private developer. Thirdly, it is able to withstand a sufficiently large load and can be used on any type of soil.

The fact that any building needs protection from moisture is clear to everyone. Especially its lower part, which is in direct contact with the soil. can be produced in any way, using various materials. Choice the best option largely determined by the material capabilities of the owner. Consider the most economical.

The presence of a basement places high demands on the quality of events. When determining a particular type of work, one should focus on the climatic conditions in the region (precipitation intensity), soil characteristics and the depth of underground aquifers.

Waterproofing a strip foundation is a set of measures. It includes works such as protecting its sole, the outside, and the floor and walls of the basement from the inside. You need to start building a house with the right arrangement of the foundation pit. It is advisable to lay out its bottom with a layer of clay and tamp and level it with high quality. It will create a kind of barrier in the way of liquids coming from the ground. Roll material (roofing material, film) should be placed under the sole of the foundation.

Outside, the walls should be protected more securely. Because they are influenced ground water pressure, seasonal soil displacements. Therefore, mechanical damage to the waterproofing of the strip foundation is likely. Therefore, it is made in several layers. First, the mastic (bituminous) is coated, after which the rolled material (roofing material, film) is glued. Installation is carried out in such a way that there are no gaps or gaps in the protective layer (overlapping).

This layer also needs to be protected. Indeed, in addition to the reasons already indicated, it can be damaged by construction debris, stones at the time of backfilling the trench. Protection can be provided in different ways: construction of a brick wall, laying of heat-insulating material. For waterproofing the strip foundation, the plastering method can also be used. Such a coating does not need additional protection.

When processing internal surfaces, the same methods are used. The choice of materials depends on the further design of the basement. We should not forget about the places of entry into the building of various engineering communications (pipes, cables). The inlet channels are carefully sealed, for which it is convenient to use mastics, liquid glass.

Ideally, the protective layer is continuous. In fact, this is a "bag" that protects the house from water penetration.

The waterproofing of the strip foundation should be accompanied by additional measures to forced drainage of the site buildings. For this purpose, a drainage system is being installed to remove moisture from the base of the building. It is a specially equipped channels that are mounted around the entire perimeter of the building. In addition, it is necessary to correctly arrange a spillway. In some cases, it is advisable to use for draining the site drainage wells.

And we should not forget about the significance of the blind area. Properly and efficiently arranged, it will significantly reduce the effect of water on the underground part of the structure.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing

The best way to provide reliable protection of the concrete base of the house from the destructive action of moisture is the penetrating waterproofing of the foundation. In order to correctly assess the scope of work, it is necessary to first analyze the level of occurrence and volume of groundwater, the degree of their impact on the underground structures of the building. In addition, the presence or absence of basements in the house has an impact on the amount of work on hydroprotection. If the house does not have a basement, horizontal waterproofing of the foundation will help protect against moisture, if there is a basement, the best option would be a combination of vertical and horizontal protection, and a drainage system.

Before starting work, it is necessary to mix the dry ingredients with water and stir well. The resulting solution should treat the concrete surfaces of the base. Getting into the pores of concrete, the active substances contained in the penetrating waterproofing of the foundation react, forming water-insoluble crystals. Crystals gradually displace water from concrete and reliably clog capillaries, pores and microcracks. Crystal growth occurs simultaneously in all directions - both in the direction of the water flow, and in the opposite direction. As a result of treatment with penetrating compounds, the concrete surface acquires a more compacted structure and becomes impervious to moisture. As soon as the humidity level decreases, the growth of crystals slows down, when the surface is exposed to water, growth resumes.

The penetrating waterproofing of the foundation ensures the promotion of chemically active components into the thickness of concrete by tens of centimeters. When filling microcracks and capillaries with a diameter of up to 0.4 mm, the water resistance index of the concrete base rises by 2-4 steps. As a result, the penetrating waterproofing of the foundation becomes an integral part of the foundation, forming a waterproof concrete.

Application technology

Before proceeding with the treatment of the foundation with penetrating compounds, the surface should be cleaned of dust, dirt, debris, oil stains, etc. You can open the capillaries on a polished concrete surface by sandblasting it and washing it with a solution of hydrochloric acid in a ratio of 1:10. Having found traces of mold on the surface of the base of the house, thoroughly clean it and treat it with an antiseptic composition. In places where materials are mated, strobes are punched, the depth of which should be 2.5 cm. If there are cracks on the surface, they should be expanded by 25 mm in depth and 20 mm in width. In places where communications pass, the junction points should be sealed.

The next important step is the dampening of the concrete. The growth of crystals will depend on how well the surface is moistened.

The device for waterproofing the foundation of a penetrating type is made using a spatula, spray gun or brush.

Advantages of using waterproof penetrating compounds:

  • the possibility of processing both underground and above-ground parts of the building;
  • ease of use,
  • the possibility of processing freshly poured and old concrete,
  • the penetrating composition forms a single whole with the foundation, therefore it is not afraid of mechanical damage and does not exfoliate,
  • the possibility of using for processing external and internal walls,
  • work with a wet foundation,
  • surface treatment regardless of the direction of groundwater pressure.

Penetrating foundation waterproofing is not used on foundations made of foam and aerated concrete due to the significant pore size.

Coating protection for the foundation

The cost of building a foundation is on average 15% of the total cost of the building, and the coating waterproofing of the foundation is only 1-2%. However, poor-quality performance of hydroprotection or its complete absence may lead to the investment of much larger amounts in the future.

Despite the fact that due to the excellent bearing capacity and affordability, the popularity of block foundations is growing, from the point of view of waterproofing, a monolithic foundation is more advantageous. It does not require additional sealing of the butt joints. Coating waterproofing of the foundation creates a protective film that prevents moisture from entering and destroying the foundation thickness.

The waterproofing of the foundation of a coating type house can be single or multi-layered and have a thickness of up to several centimeters. With its help, you can reliably protect the building from the action of groundwater. If you apply the composition to the inner surface of the walls, it will also prevent the penetration of capillary moisture.

Materials for coating waterproofing

It can be both cement-based compositions and bituminous materials. The most popular are bitumen, bitumen-polymer and bitumen-rubber mixtures.

Mastic for waterproofing the foundation should take into account factors such as:

  • budget for works to protect the building from moisture;
  • ambient temperature;
  • possible loads on the treated surfaces during operation;
  • venue - on the outer or inner planes of the foundation, coating waterproofing of the foundation is carried out;
  • area of ​​the processed surface, etc.

Having decided on these points, you can choose the right material and even save money without sacrificing quality.

The most ancient and cost-effective method of waterproofing is the use of hot bitumen. In this case, a prerequisite is the use of heating equipment, with the help of which the mastic acquires a liquid consistency. You can work with hot bitumen even at low temperatures.

It is also possible that bituminous compounds based on organic solvents are used. Today it is one of the most common ways to waterproof the foundation. Depending on the budget of the event, you can choose either a simple bitumen mastic or bituminous compounds with polymer and latex additives. They give the waterproofing material elasticity, expand the temperature range of application, increase adhesion. Bituminous waterproofing of the foundation in a cold way can also be carried out at negative air temperatures.

Mastics based on organic solvents are not recommended for internal waterproofing of basement walls, cellars, as this may not be safe. In such cases, it is better to give preference to water-based formulations. The only disadvantage of using these materials is the reduced temperature range. They must not be used at temperatures below +5°C.

If you have to waterproof large areas, the best choice would be liquid rubber (bitumen-latex emulsions).

Stages of waterproofing works with bituminous compositions:

  • surface preparation (cleaning from dust, corrosion, oil, salt and other stains; filling cracks with cement-sand mortar);
  • priming the foundation with more liquid waterproofing compounds;
  • applying coating waterproofing in 2-4 layers;
  • surface drying;
  • backfilling soils or carrying out decorative finishes.

Technology for applying cement-polymer coating waterproofing:

  • cleaning and moisturizing the surface of the foundation;
  • mixing the components of the waterproofing composition to a homogeneous state;
  • applying the mixture in several passes. The time interval between applying layers is 12 or more hours.
  • carrying out measures to protect the waterproofing from precipitation over the next 24 hours.

Foundation waterproofing should be treated with full responsibility. From how carefully the base of the house is protected from moisture, its durability and strength depend.

What is horizontal waterproofing

By abandoning the measures for waterproofing the foundation, you run the risk of facing the problem of dampness and mold in the house in the near future. Moreover, moisture will not only threaten the integrity and appearance decoration of premises, furniture, but can also cause the destruction of the foundation. The result will be subsidence of the house, sagging of window and door structures, the appearance of cracks in the bearing walls.

To prevent all these troubles, vertical and horizontal waterproofing of the foundation will help you.

Let's take a closer look at the second type. Such protection of the base of the building from moisture provides for a smaller number of measures, is easier to implement and more affordable in economic terms than a vertical type foundation waterproofing device. When laying the foundation of a house, experts recommend using a combination of these two types. If the house does not have basements, only horizontal waterproofing of the foundation can be used.

However, if gross violations were made during the horizontal protection against moisture, it will be very expensive or completely unrealistic to correct them.

As waterproofing materials can be used: roofing material, hydrostekloizol, rubitex, glass-elast, stekloizol, hydrostekloizol, profikorm and other self-adhesive and sprayed types of waterproofing.

Roll foundation waterproofing in the absence of a basement is carried out in several layers (2 or more) slightly above the blind area of ​​​​the house along the foundation. When choosing an insulating material, give preference to one that does not rot. Modern rolled materials have increased resistance to tearing, the risk of which occurs when the base of the structure is deformed.

Coating horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is made using bitumen and rubbers. The composition of bitumen-containing materials may also contain cement, which increases adhesion to the base, and plasticizing additives, which increase the resistance of the foundation to cracking under dynamic and static loads. Polymer compositions allow achieving high hydrophobic properties and durability of the material.

Impregnating horizontal foundation waterproofing has a penetrating effect and is able to block capillary channels in concrete bases, forming whiskers in them. The only disadvantage of using this type of waterproofing is low plasticity, which makes it possible to destroy the waterproofing layer with significant vibrations.

The device of mounted waterproofing provides for the use of bentonite clay mats. The mats consist of compacted clay and self-destructive layers of cardboard and geotextile. This type of hydrobarrier will reliably protect the house from capillary and pressure moisture.

Correction of horizontal waterproofing installation errors

In the case when the foundation was not isolated from moisture on time, there are 3 ways to carry it out “late”:

  • cutting walls with further laying of bituminous mass or roofing material in the resulting holes;
  • raising the foundation and laying a bituminous layer or roofing material;
  • thermoinjection or crystal injection.

The first two options will require a significant investment of time and effort, but will cost less than injection. Crystal injection provides for the creation of holes at the junction of the base and walls, into which a mixture of silicate activators, water and cement is subsequently poured. As a result of the reaction, a mineral mass is formed, which acts as a hydrobarrier. Thermal injection involves forcing hot air into the hole, while the walls are heated to a temperature of 30-40°C.

The choice of the most suitable method of waterproofing the foundation, first of all, depends on the size of the budget and the time frame of the operation.

Bituminous foundation waterproofing

A negative impact on the foundation of the house is exerted not only by precipitation flows, but also by groundwater. Bitumen waterproofing of the foundation, as well as an integrated drainage system, can provide effective protection for the building. Drainage allows you to remove excess water from the building, and the hydro-barrier will prevent moisture from entering the supporting structure, basements, cellar. If groundwater is high on the site and the soil filtration coefficient is low, it is recommended to use a combination of the above measures.

Bituminous foundation waterproofing is one of the cheapest ways of coating protection. It is produced using mixtures, which include organic and inorganic substances, high-molecular carbon-containing components. Bituminous materials are durable, elastic, have high waterproofing properties and affordable cost. They are used to process brickwork, concrete, plastered surfaces, etc. Bituminous waterproofing of the foundation is able to withstand temperature extremes, the aggressive effects of groundwater. Frost resistance and refractory properties of bituminous mixtures endow special additives - modifiers. Every year, coating waterproofing of foundations, blind areas, and roofs becomes more and more popular. Moreover, in the choice of materials, more and more often, homeowners prefer bitumen-polymer and bitumen-rubber mastics. They are known for their durability, while completely devoid of the disadvantages of pure bitumen. Bituminous compositions are applied with a spatula, roller, float or sprayer.

Bituminous waterproofing - hot application technology:

At the preparatory stage, foundation surface cleaning from dust and dirt with a metal brush. Potholes and pits in the base are plastered and a primer layer is applied. After 1-2 hours, the mastic itself is applied. Preliminarily, the composition should be heated in a steam or water bath. During heating, the mastic should be continuously stirred. When applying the composition, carefully ensure that there are no unpainted areas left. After the first layer has dried, it is recommended to apply another layer. The thickness of each of them should be no more than 1 cm. Bitumen waterproofing of the foundation helps to reliably protect the underground parts of the building from the destructive action of water.

Cold bituminous waterproofing method

Cold mastics do not need preheating. Bitumen-polymer and bitumen-rubber mastics require careful preparation of the base. The foundation surface must be clean, dry and free of grease. If we are talking about liquid rubber, it is better to round the edges of the foundation, chop off. Waterproofing the foundation of a house using bitumen-latex and bitumen-emulsion mastics is less demanding on the quality of foundation preparation. Bitumen-polymer mastics should be applied in two or more layers. The application of each subsequent layer of material should be carried out only after the previous one has hardened. If this requirement is ignored, there will be a risk of insulation peeling off, the adhesion of the mastic layer to the foundation surface will not be fully ensured. If the treated surface stopped sticking, we can assume that the waterproofing has dried completely.

For many years, bituminous foundation waterproofing has been one of the most common and affordable methods of protecting a building from the penetration of capillary moisture. If your site has a hydrostatic head of up to 2 m, you can use bituminous mastics, with a head of 5 m and above, give preference to bitumen-polymer compounds.

Roll foundation waterproofing

Often the construction of houses is carried out in areas with a high level of groundwater. If such a situation is familiar, and the groundwater level is at the level of the basement floor, roll foundation waterproofing will help you. With its help, you can reliably protect the building from the destructive effects of moisture and prevent flooding of cellars and cellars.

The appearance of waterproof mastics formed the basis for the production of film and roll materials, the use of which greatly simplifies the process of isolating the base of the house from moisture and significantly reduces the time of the procedure.

Modern waterproofing of the foundation is rolled or as it is also called pasting and the use of soft sheet bituminous, polymer and polymer-bitumen materials helps prevent moisture from seeping into the room. The number of insulation layers is determined by the hydrostatic head and the dryness requirements of the structure. As a rule, rolled foundation waterproofing is carried out in two layers and is placed on the side of the hydrostatic head.

If there is a slight pressure of groundwater in your area, expansion joints structures can be covered with waterproofing layers, if the gyrostatic head is large - use compensators, inert to the action of the aquatic environment, in some cases, metal sheets can be used. In conditions where a high aggressiveness of the aquatic environment is noted on the site, the foundation waterproofing device should use inert materials, and under the base of the house it is necessary to arrange crushed stone dumping and fill it with hot bituminous mortar.

Given the fact that foundation waterproofing roll materials It has increased requirements for strength and durability, material manufacturers modify waterproof products with special additives of active polypropylene and styrene-butadiene-styrene. This helps to increase the resistance of materials to microorganisms, increase elasticity, strength and durability. Excellent examples of modern waterproofing materials are stekloizol, gidrostekloizol, gidroizol, stekloelast etc.

Rolled foundation waterproofing is the most modern today. using polymers- PVC films, chlorosulfonated polyethylene films, thermoplastic membranes, vulcanized rubber membranes, chlorinated polyethylene films, self-adhesive polyethylene films. All of them have a high degree of waterproofing, strength, durability. However, a low degree of vapor permeability can cause them to detach from the base under the action of steam. Therefore, when laying these materials, special primers are used or a ventilation layer is created. Anti-condensate and vapor-permeable propylene and polyethylene membranes, which are gaining popularity every year, are completely devoid of this drawback.

Waterproofing with cement

Work on waterproofing of any structures is carried out without fail, regardless of what this structure is and what its purpose is. ABOUT negative impact moisture on any building and finishing materials has long been known. It should also be taken into account that aggressive chemicals are also present in dissolved form in water. The correct choice of insulating material and work technology plays a decisive role in ensuring high-quality protection against liquids.

According to experts, cement waterproofing is becoming increasingly popular. However, it is often mistaken for simple plastering of surfaces with specially prepared products. In fact, this is a more voluminous concept. This name refers to any compositions containing cement in their basis and used in the treatment of surfaces to protect them from liquids. At the same time, depending on the purpose of the product, cement plays an appropriate role in it.

For the arrangement of cement waterproofing, compositions are used that are sold in the form of dry mixes. Two varieties can be distinguished. One group is a mixture of sand and cement, which contains various additives. Exactly percentage of all components and determines the specific characteristics of the composition. Such products are used on surfaces that have sufficient rigidity and strength.

It must be understood that when cement hardens with sand a coating layer is formed, which does not differ in elasticity and tensile strength. The use of such materials has its limitations. For example, they are not recommended for areas where elevated level seismic hazard. After all, any movement of the soil during shocks will inevitably lead to cracking of the protective layer.

Another group of materials for cement waterproofing differs from the one described above in that they contain in the form of additives polymers. These compositions are characterized by the best characteristics. Their main advantage is that they are flexible. Even if a crack occurs on the surface treated by them, the insulation layer will remain continuous, thereby ensuring reliable sealing. These compounds are highly resistant to low temperatures, aggressive environments.

In any area under the surface of the earth are, as a rule, several layers of water. They have different configurations and characteristics. In particular, pressure. Cement waterproofing in this sense is universal. It can be used for both interior and exterior surfaces. Possessing high vapor permeability, it is excellent for arranging the foundation, as it provides protection not only under pressure, but also "to tear off".

It is most expedient to use this type of insulation for finishing elements of various structures located underground. For example, foundations, sewer septic tanks, tanks, pools, pipeline sections, wells and much more. Such compositions are also used for arranging premises. with excess moisture(for example, saunas and baths, bathrooms and showers, laundries).

It remains to be added that it is recommended to process by hand the area of ​​no more than 100 m2. To finish more "overall" surfaces, special "cement" guns are used. At the same time, it must be remembered that better quality the result is a layer laid on a wet surface.

As already mentioned, the mixtures are different. When choosing, be sure to read the instructions for use.

Special attention is always paid to the issues of erecting a highly reliable foundation for a house under construction. This is not surprising - the duration of the trouble-free operation of the building, and by and large, the safety of living in it always directly depends on the strength and stability of the foundation. When creating the foundation, the simplification of established construction technologies, ignoring the requirements for the sake of speeding up the process or reducing the cost of the overall estimate, and the use of low-grade materials should be categorically excluded.

It may sound paradoxical, but a powerful foundation structure, created according to all the rules and having a solid margin of safety, still remains very vulnerable to various external influences, and first of all, to moisture. Protecting the foundation of a building from the damaging effects of water is one of the key tasks, the importance of which, unfortunately, is simply overlooked by some novice builders. There are many various ways solutions to this problem, and in the field of individual construction, rolled materials have won the greatest distribution. This technology will be discussed in this publication.

Why should special attention be paid to foundation waterproofing?

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of foundation waterproofing technologies, it seems necessary to explain to the novice master why this stage of construction is so important, and what consequences the absence or insufficiency of protecting the foundation of the house from moisture can lead to.

To begin with, let's see in which layers of the soil water can be located in one state or another.

  • The upper layers of the soil, including fertile soil, always contain a certain amount of moisture, which penetrates there due to precipitation, snow melting or in other ways - for example, direct spillage of water during irrigation of the site, when washing a car, in case of an accident on the water supply, etc. in other similar situations.

It is clear that the moisture concentration in the upper, so-called filtration layers of the soil is a constantly changing value, which is interconnected with established weather conditions, seasons, normal or abnormal amounts of precipitation, etc. But it also happens that if a water-resistant clay layer is located in the thickness of the soil close enough to its surface, then this moisture is collected in a fairly stable aquifer, which is often called a perch. And such a top water is already capable of bringing a lot of additional trouble, since, in addition to capillary penetration into the walls of the foundation, it is also capable of exerting a certain dynamic effect.

To reduce the impact of moisture in the upper layers of the soil, a properly planned and constructed storm sewer system is essential.

Stormwater, the importance of which some simply forget ...

To collect and drain water that has fallen out of rain or formed when snow melts in spring, to prevent building structures from being washed away, to get rid of permanent puddles in the yard, to protect the site from waterlogging - all these problems should be solved, the independent creation of which is devoted to a separate publication of our portal.

  • All layers always contain a certain amount of water, which is retained in them due to the capillary properties of the soil. Here we can already talk about a fairly stable concentration of moisture, which is not particularly affected by external changes in the weather or season.

Such a state of water does not have a dynamic effect on the walls of the foundation - everything is limited to infiltration into the thickness of the material. Usually, a not too thick but strong waterproof layer of waterproofing is sufficient to counteract this. True, for areas with increased saturation of soils with moisture, for swampy areas, it will not be possible to do without creating a drainage sewerage system.

Areas with high soil moisture require a drainage system!

If the soil at the construction site is clearly waterlogged, or aquifers are located close to the surface, then a system is required to constantly remove excess moisture to safe places. How - read in a special publication of our portal.

  • Finally, the site may have aquifers close to the surface - this already depends on the characteristics of a particular area. The depth of their occurrence is different, but often they are located only 5–7 meters from the surface of the earth. The degree of their occupancy is a variable value, also depending on external current conditions. A clear proof of this is the fluctuation of the water level in the well.

This state of affairs requires maximum protection of the foundation when it is laid deep, that is, well-thought-out multi-layer waterproofing of all structural elements. In addition, an efficient drainage system is extremely important.

Now a few words about how moisture can negatively affect the foundation structure.

  • From the school bench, we all know the chemical formula of water, but what falls out with precipitation or penetrates to the foundation through the ground is very far from the notorious "Ash-Two-O". Moisture can be literally oversaturated with aggressive chemical compounds of an organic or mineral nature - industrial emissions, automobile exhausts, spilled petroleum products, agricultural chemicals and much more are dissolved in it.

Such a "chemical attack" on concrete does not pass without a trace - its structure can change, which leads to violations. crystal lattice, the occurrence of erosion processes, the gradual shedding of the outer layers of the reinforced concrete structure.

  • Where erosion and shedding of concrete began, the reinforcement of the structure will also be exposed over time. And then the corrosion of the metal will take over its "dirty deed". Moreover, this is fraught not only with a loss of strength of the reinforcing frame itself. In place of the reinforcing bars “eaten” by corrosion, internal cavities are formed, which sharply reduce the strength qualities of the foundation, and eventually lead to chipping of large fragments of the reinforced concrete structure.
  • Moisture penetrating into large and small cracks or even simply absorbed into the pores of concrete has a powerful destructive effect, which manifests itself during freezing. Repeatedly increasing in volume upon transition to a solid state of aggregation, water is capable of literally tearing apart seemingly powerful, invulnerable to external influences concrete structures or walls lined with piece materials.

  • Finally, in the presence of perched water or closely located aquifers, a leaching effect cannot be ruled out. Constant dynamic contact of foundation structures, even with completely clean water, leads to surface disturbances - shells or cavities are washed, which then become centers of concrete erosion and corrosion of the reinforcing frame.

So, the arguments for carrying out high-quality waterproofing work are more than enough. Now let's see how this can be done.

What is being done to protect the foundation from the damaging effects of moisture?

To prevent the destructive impact of ground and atmospheric moisture on the foundation structure, a number of measures are taken during construction. These include the following:

  • The materials used to build the foundation of the building are given additional hydrophobic qualities.
  • On the walls of the foundation, vertical (along their entire height) and horizontal, moisture-impervious coatings are created.
  • A cutting horizontal waterproofing is created between the foundation and the walls of the building erected on its basis - to prevent the capillary spread of moisture upwards through the wall material.
  • It is provided, by creating a drainage and storm sewer, a constant effective removal of excess moisture from the foundation of the house.
  • Measures are being taken to thermally insulate the foundation structure and the strip of blind areas around it.
  • The waterproofing and insulation layer itself is provided with reliable protection against mechanical damage.
  • For basements or basement floors, effective air ventilation is provided.

There are several varieties for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bconstruction. Not all of them are equally capable of withstanding the external pressure of moisture, there are significant differences in the technology of application, and there may be a big difference in the price segment.

The table below compares some of the main types of foundation waterproofing in terms of their ability to withstand various types of ground moisture and strength parameters.

Type of waterproofing and materials used for itCrack resistanceThe effectiveness of the created protection against various types ground moistureRoom class
perchsoil moistureaquiferIIIIIIIV
Pasting rolled waterproofing using modern bituminous membranes based on polyester or fiberglasshigh+ + + + + + -
Waterproofing using polymer waterproof membraneshigh+ + + + + + +
Coating waterproofing using polymer or bitumen-polymer masticsaverage+ + + + + + -
Flexible coating waterproofing using polymer-cement compositionsaverage+ - + + + - -
Rigid coating waterproofing using cement-based compounds.low+ - + + + - -
Penetrating waterproofing, dramatically increasing the hydrophobic properties of concretelow+ + + + + + -

Probably, one explanation should be made regarding the last columns of the table - the classes of basements or basements:

  • The first class refers to premises that do not have special requirements for waterproofing. That is, wet spots on the walls and even small leaks are acceptable there, but the use of any kind of electrical lighting fixtures and sockets is completely excluded. Naturally, in residential construction there are no hunters to leave such a room.
  • The second class is utility or technical rooms, with a wall thickness of at least 200 mm, where damp vapors are allowed (they must be removed by a mandatory ventilation system), but there should be no damp spots. Under such conditions, the room can be equipped with electrical wiring.
  • The third class is the optimal standard for a residential building, that is, it is advisable to focus on it during self-construction. Moisture penetration is completely excluded, natural or forced ventilation is provided, there are no restrictions on the equipment of the premises. The thickness of the walls in this case is at least 250 mm.
  • With the fourth class of premises, which must provide a special microclimate and maintain strictly regulated indicators of humidity and temperature, in private construction, as a rule, they do not encounter.

If we analyze the table, and at the same time take into account the cost of various materials, then one of the most optimal solutions is the use of gluing roll waterproofing on a bitumen basis - it fully corresponds to class III premises, is resistant to cracking and is able to protect the foundation from the effects of any type of groundwater . And in order to achieve the best indicator of reliability, it is often combined with coating insulation based on polymer-bitumen.

A brief overview of bitumen-based roll materials

The products of the Russian company TechnoNikol can serve as a kind of standard for the quality and effectiveness of waterproofing for foundations. Its product range includes a range of bitumen-based roll materials that are excellent for this purpose. And they differ in their intended purpose, the thickness of the created layer, the features of the technology of applying building structures to the surface, durability, and, of course, by the price criterion. That is, the consumer has the opportunity to choose the material that is optimal for their conditions.

Prices for "Bikrost CCI"

bicrost tpp

The most popular varieties of rolled waterproofing materials of this brand are shown in the table:

Name of rolled waterproofingIllustrationBrief description of material featuresApproximate price level
"Bikrost CCI" One of the budget options. Obtained by applying a bituminous substance with modifying additives to a glass cloth base.
The technology of application to the surface is fusing.
The outer coating of this type of material (TPP) is a polymer film.
The guaranteed service life is short - about 5 ÷ 7 years, which is certainly not enough for a foundation.
Operating temperature range - from -3 to +80 ºС.
The thickness of the resulting insulation is 3 mm.
Available in rolls 1 m wide and 15 m long.
65 ÷ 70 RUB/m²
"Linocrom EPP" The material can also be considered "budget" although the durability of the waterproofing being created is already higher, and is estimated at 7-10 years.
The basis is polyester fibers.
Excellent adhesion to concrete and metal surfaces.
The outer protective coating is a polymer film.
Release form - rolls 15 × 1 m.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +80 ºС.
65÷70 rub./m²
"Bikroelast CCI" Waterproofing material on a polyester or fiberglass basis.
The outer coating is a polymer film.
The service life is estimated at 15 years or more.
Mounting method - fusing on the prepared foundation surface.
75÷80 RUB/m²
Uniflex Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rolled waterproofing material of a business class on a fiberglass basis.
Mounting technology - welding. The thickness of the created layer is 2.8 mm.
The outer coating is a polymer film.
The service life is estimated at 15÷20 years.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +95 ºС.
95÷100 rub/m²
"Bipol Standard 3.0 CCI" Rolled waterproofing class "standard" with a service life of up to 10÷15 years.
The outer coating is a polymer film, the base is fiberglass.
Method of application - welding with a gas burner.
Release form - rolls 15 × 1 m.
75÷85 RUB/m²
"Stekloizol HPP 2.5" Economy class waterproofing, with a guaranteed service life of 5÷7 years.
The base is fiberglass, the top coating is a polymer film.
Mounting technology - "cold" gluing on the applied layer of bituminous mastic.
Operating temperature range - from -20 to +80 ºС.
Release form - rolls 10 × 1 m.
One of the most affordable materials in terms of price. It is recommended to create at least two layers of insulation.
30÷40 RUB/m²
Technoelast EPP Premium waterproof material.
The base is polyester fibers, the outer coating is a polymer film.
The thickness of the created waterproofing layer is 4 mm.
The guaranteed service life of waterproofing is 25÷30 years, and the total duration of operation is estimated at 40 years or more.
The ability to withstand the constant dynamic pressure of groundwater.
Application technology - welding with a gas burner.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +100 ºС.
Release form - rolls 10 × 1 m.
135÷140 RUB/m²
Technoelastmost B Roll material of a premium class of the increased durability and reliability. The thickness of the created layer is 5 mm.
The coating of the outer side is fine-grained sand, which creates additional protection against mechanical damage.
It is used for waterproofing powerful reinforced concrete structures and deep foundations.
Mounting technology - welding.
The service life is estimated at 40 years or more.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +100 ºС.
Release form - rolls 8 × 1 m.
220 RUB/m²
Technoelast ALFA Premium quality roll material recommended for use as a single-layer or multi-layer (for the outer layer) waterproofing in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.
The base is a polyester fabric and metal foil, which acts as a gas barrier, preventing inert gases (including radon) from passing through.
Mounting technology - welding.
Service life in the buried part of the foundation is more than 60 years.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +100 ºС.
Release form - rolls 10 × 1 m.
250 RUB/m²
Technoelast GREEN Roll material used in conditions where additional protection from the root system of plants is needed. Mechanical and chemical "barriers" prevent root damage to the waterproofing layer.
The thickness of the created coating is 4 mm.
Mounting technology - welding.
The service life is estimated at 25÷30 years or more.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +100 ºС.
Release form - rolls 10 × 1 m.
230 RUB/m²
Technoelast BARRIER (BO) Baseless premium waterproofing material, especially useful in cases where "hot" welding work is not possible or practical.
Mounting on a surface prepared with a primer using a self-adhesive layer, which is covered with a polymer protective film before use.
The thickness of the created single-layer coating is 1.5 mm. High elasticity and excellent adhesion to prepared and primed surfaces.
Service life - 40 years or more.
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +85 ºС.
Release form - rolls 20 × 1 m.
In addition, in some cases (for example, when creating areas of reinforcement) it is more convenient to use the material of the reduced format "Technoelast BARRIER BO Mini" - 0.2 × 20 or 0.25 × 20 m.
150÷160 RUB/m²

As can be seen from the table, the materials differ in the thickness of the created layer. But what is the thickness of the finished waterproofing? You can look at the following metrics:

  • When working on a shallow foundation, up to 3 meters deep, 2 mm waterproofing is sufficient (naturally, with reliable sealing of all overlaps of the material and creating protection against mechanical damage to the ground). Thus, one-layer installation can be used, but with mandatory reinforcement in vulnerable places (this will be discussed below). True, if economy-class material is used, then it is still better not to be stingy, but to perform a two-layer waterproofing, and with the obligatory displacement of the seams between the sheets, by about half the width of the web of roll material.
  • For deep foundations, with a footing depth of 3 to 5 meters, the thickness of the created layer should be in the range of 4 to 8 mm (depending on the specific characteristics of the soil at the construction site).
  • And, finally, in the case of deepening the sole into the ground below the 5-meter level, the waterproofing should be from 8 mm or more. In private construction, such foundations are usually not resorted to, so this information is just for information.

Basic technological rules for waterproofing the foundation with rolled bituminous materials

General foundation waterproofing schemes

Foundation waterproofing is divided into horizontal and vertical. The diagrams below will show a typical arrangement of such waterproofing layers on foundations of two types - on and on a monolithic slab.

On the selected and carefully compacted soil (pos. 1), a sand and gravel cushion (pos. 2) is poured. In addition, the so-called concrete preparation (pos. 2) can be carried out (recommended) on top of it - a layer of about 50 mm thick of lean concrete is poured, which will become the basis for further pouring or laying the foundation tape.

Prices for Technoelast


This diagram shows a monolithic strip foundation - prefabricated versions of it are often used, but the essence of this changes slightly, there are only certain nuances.

A monolithic tape or slab (pos. 4), which will serve as the sole, and sometimes also the base of the floor in the basement, as in this illustration, must be separated from the concrete preparation layer by the “first tier” of rolled waterproofing (pos. 3) in order to exclude capillary absorption of moisture from below. In the shown version, the sole and the tape (pos. 5) of the foundation are a monolithic structure. But in the event that the tape begins to be poured separately from the sole, or it serves as the basis for laying foundation blocks, then another layer of horizontal waterproofing is usually provided - precisely along the upper end of the sole, between it and the tape.

The transition from the horizontal plane of the sole to the vertical tape must be made "softened". To do this, a transitional fillet (pos. 6) is laid out along the line of this inner corner.

Vertical waterproofing on the walls of the foundation tape (pos. 7) is welded or glued over its entire area on a surface previously prepared and treated with a primer bitumen primer.

The horizontal surface along the top of the foundation tape is also waterproofed without fail (pos. 8). This horizontal layer becomes a reliable cut-off from the spread of capillary moisture from the soil to the walls of the future building. This can be done by bending the provided excess rolled vertical insulation, or separately, by cut out tapes, but with the obligatory condition of reliable sealing of the transition from the tape wall to its upper end.

The diagram additionally shows: a pipe of an annular drainage system (pos. 9), the importance of which has already been mentioned above, backfilling of the foundation (pos. 10), which is carried out after completion of work on its waterproofing and, if necessary, insulation, and a blind area around the basement buildings (pos.11).

Never forget about quality blind area!

It performs by no means only a decorative function - its importance in ensuring the durability of the operation of the foundation, and hence the entire building as a whole, is difficult to overestimate! What are, and how to build them with your own hands - read in a special publication of our portal.

Now let's move on to the waterproofing scheme slab foundation:

In an excavated pit on compacted soil (pos. 1), sandy soil (pos. 2) is filled up and carefully compacted. On top of it, a layer of gravel or gravel (pos. 4) is laid out and carefully rammed, which will also play a certain waterproofing role - through such a layer, the capillary “suction” of moisture from below, from the side of the soil, is sharply reduced. For greater reliability, the laid “pillows” are made of a kind of reinforcement, laying a layer of geotextile between them, for example, dornite (pos. 3).

Above is a layer of concrete preparation, at least 50 mm thick (item 5), which will level the base and become the base for the most important work with the foundation slab. And this layer already needs high-quality horizontal waterproofing (pos. 6), which will become a barrier that completely protects the foundation from moisture from below. The optimal solution for this is precisely rolled bitumen-polymer waterproofing materials, which completely, hermetically cover the concrete preparation.

This illustration shows an insulated version of the foundation slab. In particular, extrusive slabs (pos. 7) were laid on top of the waterproofing, designed specifically for insulating foundations and loaded floors. And only after that the reinforced foundation slab itself (pos. 9) of the calculated thickness is poured.

Please note that another layer of waterproofing is laid between the layer of thermal insulation material and the foundation slab (pos. 8). It has a slightly different purpose - it only prevents the release of moisture and cement milk from the poured concrete solution, thereby ensuring optimal maturation of concrete to the full set of brand strength. Here, to create a waterproofing barrier, it is quite possible to get by with the most economical material, for example, use a dense polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 200 microns.

Well, the resulting slab itself is still only a foundation, from which the walls of the building will be erected, and further equipment of the floors of the first or basement floor. Before any of these operations, one more set of waterproofing works is necessarily carried out - a continuous roll waterproofing is laid, which will eventually cover the entire slab, reliably protecting it from moisture penetration from above. In addition, measures are provided for isolating the vertical ends of the slab - as a rule, such measures are already taken during the insulation and finishing of the basement.

It should be noted that these options were shown only as an example, but in fact their diversity is extremely high. But the basic rules are always observed:

  • The first is to protect the underground part of the foundation in contact with the ground from the effects of ground moisture.
  • The second is to provide for a “cut-off” between the foundation itself and any other structure of the house that is being built on its basis.

Technological methods of laying rolled waterproofing on a bitumen basis

Further, in the instruction tables, the main technological methods for performing waterproofing of the foundation will be considered. Particular attention is paid to difficult places that require additional reinforcement, and which, unfortunately, some masters simply forget, or deliberately ignore this issue, thereby trying to speed up the overall duration of the process and save material. If the work is planned to be carried out not independently, but with the involvement of a team, then this issue must be taken under control.

Implementation of horizontal waterproofing

As a rule, waterproofing of the horizontal part of the foundation (with the exception of the upper end of the tape) is carried out according to concrete preparation. Ideally, this should be done before the footing of the strip footing is laid or before the strip is poured.
An approximate diagram of the correct arrangement of waterproofing layers is shown in the diagram.
1 - concrete preparation;
2 - horizontal waterproofing from roll materials;
3 - Foundation wall, monolithic or laid out of blocks;
4 - transitional fillet;
5 - section of waterproofing reinforcement;
6 - vertical waterproofing of the foundation tape.
Please note - with this approach, the horizontal waterproofing layer should extend beyond the boundaries of the future tape by at least 300 mm - in this area the connection between the horizontal and vertical waterproofing will be sealed.
It makes no sense to start work on an unprepared - dirty, dusty, uneven or even unstable surface. This means that the first step should always be an audit of the state of the surface.
It should not have cracks, potholes, sagging of concrete, areas of instability or crumbling of the material.
If defects are found, appropriate repairs are carried out.
The value of the surface level difference should not exceed 5 mm per 2 linear meters - this is checked by applying a long rule.
The surface must be free of any contaminants that may prevent proper adhesion of the waterproofing layer to the substrate. This applies to dirt, oil stains, etc.
Without fail, dried cement milk and dust are carefully removed.
Large dirt can be swept away with a broom ...
... but for effective cleaning of fine dust, it is still better to use a powerful construction vacuum cleaner.
The next step is to prime the surface with a primer.
However, before proceeding to this operation, it is necessary to make sure that the residual moisture content of the concrete by weight does not exceed 4%. The best way to check is to use a special moisture meter.
It is clear that not everyone has such a tool, so you can use the "folk" technique. To do this, a fragment of a polyethylene film, 1000 × 1000 mm in size, is spread on the concrete surface, and sealed around the perimeter to the base using waterproof construction tape.
The next day in the morning it is necessary to check whether there are drops of condensate on the film.
If the film is dry, you can proceed to priming the surface.
For this, a special primer "TechnoNIKOL No. 01" or "No. 03" is usually used.
If the maturation period of the concrete preparation has completely expired, but the humidity remains elevated (traces of condensate are visible on the film), then it is possible to use the TechnoNIKOL No. 04 primer for priming, since it is water-based.
Before applying the primer composition must be mixed.
This is best done with an electric drill, installing a mixer nozzle on it. The drill should be set to low speed.
The primer is applied abundantly, evenly, over the entire surface, without leaving "light" spots.
On large areas, it is most convenient for these purposes to use a roller with a long pile, mounted on a long handle.
For processing difficult, hard-to-reach places, it is advisable to use a paint brush with dense and stiff bristles.
It should be noted that the manufacturer does not recommend mechanizing the priming process with the help of certain types of sprayers - quality is guaranteed only with manual application of the compositions.
After covering the entire surface with a primer, it is given time to dry completely. It is unacceptable to carry out work on the fusing of rolled waterproofing on a wet surface.
Moreover, even within the same room or site, it is impossible to carry out priming and laying waterproofing in parallel, or even other work related to open fire (for example, welding).
It is easy to check the readiness of the primed surface - for this you just need to press a regular napkin against it. If a black mark remains on the napkin, it is too early to talk about the beginning of the next stage.
Only after there are no traces of the primer on the napkin, it is allowed to proceed to laying the rolled waterproofing material.
Equipment for welding material is being prepared for operation. It includes a propane tank, a gas heater, a reducer, a connecting hose.
Preparation is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions, in compliance with all safety requirements.
A working fire extinguisher must be available at the work site.
The hands of workers must be protected with reliable gloves, clothing - do not leave open areas of the body.
It is advisable to start work by fitting the starting sheet of rolled waterproofing.
It is unfolded to the desired length, if necessary, cut to size. If there is such an opportunity, it is even recommended to let the material lie down for some time in the expanded state.
The canvas must be set exactly in the place where it will be fused - since we are talking about the starting sheet, then along the edge of the insulated area.
Even better, if you immediately try on several sheets, roll them out, cut them and immediately set the necessary overlaps on the ends and sides.
In this case, the following rules are observed:
The end overlap of adjacent sheets located in one line must be at least 150 mm.
Overlap on the side between two adjacent strips of material - at least 100 mm.
In the same case, if only one layer of waterproofing will be glued, it is recommended to increase this overlap to 120 mm.
In places where the end and side overlaps will intersect, T-shaped seams are obtained.
To ensure reliable sealing of such a connection, on the sheet that is in the middle between the top and bottom, a corner with sides of 100 × 100 mm is cut diagonally.
It is mandatory to ensure that these T-shaped seams go with a run-up - the distance between adjacent ones must be at least 500 mm.
After trying on, the sheet of rolled material is folded again - for this, a cardboard sleeve or a piece of metal pipe is used.
For the convenience of work, you can roll the roll not in one direction, but from both ends to the center.
Start welding material.
To do this, the flame of a gas burner heats up the back side, with a logo printed on it.
The heating should be such that the protective film melts - this will be clearly visible by the deformation of the applied pattern with the logo. At the same time, the flame of the burner also heats up the concrete base to be waterproofed.
When heated, the burner is smoothly moved along the width of the roll. And only when melting is achieved throughout the area, rolling is performed so that the melted zone fits snugly against the surface.
At the same time, each pressed area, as it rolls out, will “drive” a roller of molten bitumen in front of it - as it should be, this just speaks of high-quality deposition.
On the Internet, you can find a lot of illustrations and videos in which the master rolls the roll away from himself, pushing it forward with his foot. Meanwhile, this is a violation of technology, and for two reasons at once.
Firstly, the worker in this position cannot fully visually control the correctness and completeness of the penetration of the protective film of the material.
And secondly, moving in shoes along a membrane softened by a flame, it is not difficult at all to damage its protective top coating, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of waterproofing.
The rolling of the roll must be carried out on yourself.
To do this, you can use a metal hook, which is easy to make from trimming reinforcement, processing it after bending so that there are no sharp edges on the rod.
Another option is to make a loop from the same reinforcement or hard wire, the edges of which are wound from the ends into a sleeve on which the rolled material is wound.
It is even easier to unroll a heated roll using such a device, simply by regularly pulling it towards you.
It is advisable to carry out the work with a partner who, immediately after the deployment of the next deposited area, will roll it with a massive roller.
Rolling is carried out from the center of the web to the edges, somewhat diagonally, that is, in a herringbone pattern, so as to completely eliminate the presence of non-welded areas and air bubbles.
Waves, folds, wrinkles are unacceptable.
Particular attention during such an operation is given to areas of end and side overlaps.
After rolling the edge zones, a small, about 5 ÷ 10 mm, bead of molten bitumen should come out from under the deposited sheet - this indicates reliable sealing of the edge.
In this order, work continues until the entire surface is covered with a continuous layer of waterproofing.
In some cases (this mainly depends on the hydrological characteristics of the foundation construction site), it is allowed to install horizontal waterproofing using free laying technology, that is, without fusing over the entire area. The same method is also used in the case when waterproofing is carried out not on a concrete base, but on a compacted sand and gravel "cushion".
With such an approach, the operation of preliminary priming of the surface drops out, the rolls are simply laid one by one on the surface, and at the same time, the same linear parameters of the overlaps are observed.
After precise adjustment of the two laid strips, the edge of the upper web is carefully lifted with a hook, the edge zone is heated with a gas burner, and only the overlap area is welded. Then this strip is necessarily rolled by a skating rink.
True, when choosing a free laying technology, it should be remembered that one layer of rolled material cannot be dispensed with. And at the same time, the second layer should be welded in the same way as described above, that is, over its entire area.
In any case, when fusing the second (and subsequent, if necessary) layer, the direction of the sheets can be turned 90 degrees.
If the direction does not change, then a mandatory displacement of the longitudinal seams is made, at least by 300 mm, and optimally - by half the width of the sheet, that is, by 500 mm.
The remaining parameters of the overlaps and the distance between the seams are the same as for the installation of the first layer.
Another important nuance. In the case when a material with specific characteristics is used for multilayer waterproofing (for example, Technoelast Alfa or Technoelast Green), then it should be located on the side facing the ground.
This means that with horizontal waterproofing, it becomes the first layer, and then it is covered on top with another material with standard characteristics.
Looking ahead, we can immediately say that with vertical waterproofing, the picture changes to the opposite - first, the walls of the foundation are pasted over with ordinary material, and only the outer layer is mounted insulation with special characteristics.
In the diagram, arrows and numbers show:
1 - reinforcement element - from a material with standard qualities.
2 - a layer of waterproofing from a material with standard qualities.
3 - layers of rolled material with specific qualities ("Alpha" or "Green").
In the event that the production of hot work is impossible or impractical, a self-adhesive version of the rolled waterproofing can be used.
In the TechnoNIKOL line, it is represented by the baseless material Technoelast Barrier BO
The process of surface preparation is practically the same. Primer treatment is a mandatory operation.
The roll is rolled out, tried on, and then rolled from both sides to the center.
When trying on and in the course of further work, all overlap parameters remain the same as with welded waterproofing.
The adhesive layer on the underside of the web is covered with a polymer film.
It is carefully cut and hooked across the entire width of the roll.
Then the film is carefully removed, freeing the self-adhesive layer, and the rolling of the roll begins.
The work is best done in pairs.
One worker, removing the protective film, gradually unrolls the roll towards himself.
The second, moving along the already spread material, with the help of a wide rigid plastic brush, expels air bubbles and ensures a snug fit of the material to the surface.
Since the surface is treated with a primer, a very good adhesive contact with the applied waterproofing is ensured.
All areas of overlap in addition to this must be rolled with a heavy roller.
Now - a few words about the horizontal waterproofing of the basement of the foundation (the upper end of the tape).
It is forbidden to carry out any construction work on the construction of walls until a cut-off has been created from the possible spread of capillary moisture from below.
Work begins, again, with a thorough cleaning and dedusting of the surface of the tape. Then a primer is prepared for work - the same as in the cases discussed above.
The primer is generously applied with a wide brush-brush on all surfaces to be waterproofed.
While the primer dries, you can prepare rolls of waterproofing material for work.
They must be cut to the width of the foundation tape plus another 50 ÷ 70 mm allowance on each side.
You can cut a single roll into strips of the desired width without rolling it out. To do this, you need an electric jigsaw with a long file.
Gradually turning the roll, make deep cuts along the intended circle.
In the center of the roll, these cuts will connect, and the output will be mini-rolls of the same factory length, but with the width required for a particular area of ​​work.
The cut roll is adjusted to the place of future installation.
It is rolled out, leveled, so that the strip of material does not “run away” from the direction of the line of the foundation tape.
Then one edge can be immediately grabbed by fusing, thereby fixing the position of the web, and the roll can be rolled up to this edge.
By the way, if the amount of work is not so large, and there is no way to rent a gas burner with a cylinder, then in this case you can use an ordinary gasoline blowtorch - many garages have such a tool.
It may not work so conveniently, but for the surface of the foundation tape it is quite normal.
But it’s better not to rely on a building hair dryer - its power will almost certainly not be enough for high-quality penetration of the protective layer of the material and for simultaneous heating of the concrete surface.
Further - almost everything is the same as in the previously considered cases.
The roll is gradually rolled out with preliminary melting of the protective layer of waterproofing.
The deposited material is recommended to be immediately rolled with a hand roller or a silicone roller.
Side overlaps are not expected here, and end overlaps are made in the same way - with an overlap of at least 150 mm.
And at the points of intersection or junction of the sides of the foundation tape, the overlap can be welded over the entire area of ​​this intersection.
Excess material protruding along the edges of the tape is welded onto a vertical wall.
If vertical waterproofing has already been performed there, then a reliable sealed overlap will be obtained.
If the waterproofing and insulation of the basement is planned to be carried out later, then you can leave the overlap on the outside of the foundation tape unglued.
Or, which is even, probably, even better, after fusing this overlap, additionally fuse on top another strip of material of the required width.
After cutting from the roll, this strip is first rolled out and leveled.
And then, just as before, it is welded onto the previously mounted layer of horizontal waterproofing of the tape.
In the future, when the base is insulated, this strip will overwhelm all layers from above, creating a reliable barrier against the penetration of atmospheric moisture and precipitation from above.

Foundation vertical waterproofing

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
If waterproofing will be carried out on a newly erected foundation, then a trench is usually immediately provided for the work.
In the same case when waterproofing is required old foundation, you will have to choose the soil along the walls to the full depth, up to the sole.
The width of the trenches is made such as to ensure the movement of workers and the safe performance of all technological operations by them, and, if necessary, the installation of scaffolds, scaffolding or goats.
Work begins with cleaning the surfaces of the sole and the walls of the foundation.
It is necessary to carefully clean off all adhering dirt, remove the influx of concrete or masonry mortar, and repair all cracks and crevices.
Dips in the surface that differ from the general plane of the wall by more than 5 mm per two linear meters are unacceptable.
If necessary, leveling is carried out using a repair mortar.
Cleaning of surfaces is carried out first with scrapers (spatulas), then with a stiff brush with metal bristles.
All the dirt that has fallen down is swept away, leaving a clean, dust-free surface of the sole.
If there are transitions from a horizontal to a vertical surface, for example, from concrete preparation to the sole and from the sole to the foundation wall, then a transitional fillet is laid out there.
It can be molded from mortar with a fast setting, since it does not perform any bearing function, and only serves to tightly fit the waterproofing in places of a sharp change in direction, smoothing them out.
The dimensions of the fillet are about 100 × 100 mm.
The fillet is laid out and leveled with a trowel or spatula.
The vertical surface of the foundation with the fillets laid out will look something like this.
After the fillets have hardened, and provided that the residual moisture content of the concrete of the main surfaces of the foundation is normal, the surface is primed with a primer.
Humidity standards are the same as indicated in the previous table.
The primer is thoroughly mixed and liberally applied to the surface with a brush or roller on a long handle.
All hard-to-reach areas, and especially internal corners and transitions, are necessarily smeared with a primer with a brush, so that there are no untreated areas.
After complete drying of the primer, they proceed to the fusing of the waterproofing material.
In this case, several important rules are observed:
Firstly, all work is carried out from the base of the foundation towards the basement, so that each subsequent mounted fragment overlaps the bottom one.
Secondly, each of the welded sheets is also mounted from the bottom up.
Otherwise, the molten tar will flow down the walls, get on the hands, clothes and shoes of workers, and the quality of the waterproofing itself will drop sharply.
Thirdly, the cut fragment should not change direction from vertical to horizontal and vice versa more than twice (ideally, once is enough).
That is, on "broken" sections, two or more sheets of material must be used.
Fourth, all difficult sections require the creation of a reinforcement belt.
These include the transitions of a horizontal surface to a vertical one and vice versa, which is typical for foundations with a sole, as well as all external and internal vertical corners.
If a utility pipe passes through the foundation wall, then additional reinforcement and sealing are also performed here.
Thus, if you suddenly notice that the invited masters begin to “sculpt” the rolled material with a continuous web from the sole to the base, without making any areas of reinforcement, then there is every reason to drive them away. This is a blatant violation of established technology, and the reliability of waterproofing will not be ensured.
Despite the elasticity of the material, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the creation of air pockets with this approach. And in the listed difficult areas, where the waterproofing will definitely experience the greatest stresses, the material may simply break through over time.
So, they start with strengthening, and, in particular, with the transition from concrete preparation to the sole of the foundation.
A fragment is cut out in such a way that its length does not exceed 1000 mm, and at least 100 mm of deposited material is found on each of the planes of the reinforced section.
The overlap of adjacent amplification bands of the same level is at least 100 mm.
By the way, this rule is observed in all areas of amplification.
The cut fragment is rolled up and applied to the intended area.
Welding begins with a transitional fillet.
Then the upper section is welded onto the vertical wall.
After that - the bottom one, for which it is carefully tucked up and raised with a hook.
The glued fragment must be rolled over its entire area with a manual silicone roller to ensure its snug fit to the surface, without air cavities.
A kind of "indicator" of the quality of the sticker will be a roll of molten bitumen that has protruded around the entire perimeter.
The next section of reinforcement is the transition from the vertical wall of the sole to its horizontal part.
The rules are the same here, the fusion technology also has no features
The next reinforcement belt is in the transition zone from the sole to the foundation wall, through the transition fillet.
The order of work and the rules are exactly the same as on the reinforcement belt during the transition from concrete preparation to the sole.
All horizontal reinforcement belts are not brought to the outer or inner corners by about one standard strip, since they must lie on top of the corner reinforcement.
Go to the outer vertical corners. They are reinforced with several fragments.
To begin with, a “heel” is cut out, which is cut from above and below, as shown in the illustration.
After fusing and smoothing, it will look something like this.
Next, a strip is cut out that will completely cover the vertical junction of the two planes.
An allowance of 100 mm is made at the top and bottom, which is cut in the center.
First, a vertical section is welded, on both sides of the corner.
Then the lower “petals” are glued, which will diverge to the sides ...
... and then the top ones - on the contrary, they will lie superimposed one on top of the other.
As a result, after welding, this section of reinforcement will look something like this.
A similar operation is carried out on the outer corner at the transition site from the sole to the vertical wall of the foundation.
The difference can only be that the upper edge sometimes does not start on the horizontal surface of the tape, but breaks off at the planned height.
After the missing bands of horizontal gain levels are laid here, the outer corner will take on a finished look.
Now the problem of internal corners.
To begin with, such a heel fragment is cut out, which will be welded in the fillet area with a transition to a horizontal surface.
The same fragment - after welding into place.
Then a fragment is cut out that will cover the vertical part of the corner.
From below, a “nose” corner is cut out on it, which is cut in two, and the top should be about 100 mm above the transition level to the horizontal surface.
First, this fragment is welded and rolled on a vertical surface, alternately on both planes converging at the corner.
Then the lower part is carefully glued, with the mutual overlap of the cut corners.
After that, the protruding edge along the line of the corner is cut in two.
The resulting "wings" are welded onto a horizontal surface.
The gap remaining between them is covered with a patch - "heel".
After welding, the top of the reinforced inner corner will look like this ...
... and the lower end of the node - like this.
In the same way, the reinforcement of the inner corner is carried out in the transition area from the sole to the foundation wall.
Again, the difference is that the waterproofing layer may not reach the very top of the foundation tape.
They proceed to the fusing of the main areas of waterproofing.
At the same time, they start from below, so that the first fragment begins at the concrete preparation and ends on the horizontal plane of the sole, along the line of the transitional fillet.
Welding starts from the bottom line of the foundation slab and leads upwards.
After that, the remaining lower section on the concrete preparation is lifted with a hook - and it is welded.
As a result, such a “picture” should turn out.
Work continues in the same order along the entire perimeter of the foundation, providing an edge overlap of 100 mm.
At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the gap between the seams of the reinforcement and waterproofing belts is at least 300 mm.
For joining at external corners, the sheets are cut along the line of the corner, and from below - diagonally.
The outer corner after the first layer of waterproofing has been applied.
In the inner corner, a diagonal cut is also made from the bottom.
Internal corner after joining two sheets of waterproofing.
The remaining gap between the canvases is closed with a built-up patch, which is kept in the recommended sizes.
After the installation of the lower belt of vertical waterproofing is completed, the material is deposited on the main surface of the foundation walls.
Fragments are cut to the desired length, but taking into account the rule - when manually feeding the roll, its length should not exceed two meters.
With mechanized feeding - whole rolls can be used.
The lower edge of the web must overlap the edge of the mounted lower tier by 150 mm, and the offset of the vertical joints must be at least 300 mm.
First, the roll is welded from the fillet up ...
... and then the remaining lower part of it is welded.
If there is a need to use several fragments in one vertical row, then the end overlap should be at least 150 mm.
When surfacing an adjacent vertical row, the rule is taken into account that the spacing of the end overlaps on the vertical surface cannot be less than 500 mm.
The work is carried out in the same way until the foundation walls are completely covered to the top, with the possible entry into the horizontal plane of the tape and its overlap, or to a given level.
At the same time, it is taken into account that the upper edge of the waterproofing on the plinth cannot be lower than 300 ÷ 500 mm from the soil surface.
If necessary, a second and even a third continuous layer of waterproofing is performed, again, starting from the surface of the concrete preparation.
At the same time, they are guided by the rules already listed and a similar scheme - each subsequent layer overlaps the previous one with its edge.
In addition, before the deposition of each successive layer, the external and internal corners are again reinforced - according to the principle shown above.
In the event that the installed waterproofing ends on the surface of the plinth, its edge must be additionally fixed and sealed.
To do this, the edge is pressed against the surface of the base with a special profile rail using dowels.
Between neighboring rivers, a deformation gap of the order of 5 ÷ 10 mm is necessarily left.
The same clearance must be observed at any corners.
The dowel installation step is 100 mm between the first and second from the corner or edge of the rail, and then 200 mm. In this case, the extreme dowel should be located no closer than 30 ÷ 50 mm from the corner.
The top of the profile clamping rail has an edge bent outwards.
This gap is tightly filled with a special polyurethane sealant "TechnoNIKOL No. 70".
The sealant is applied in a continuous strip, including in the areas of rupture of the pressure rail.
On this, the vertical waterproofing of the foundation with rolled materials can be considered, in principle, completed.
But the waterproofing layer still needs protection from mechanical damage during backfilling.
If the foundation is not supposed to be insulated, then effective protection can be performed using a special profiled membrane of the PLANTER standard type.
By the way, it will also become one additional barrier against moisture penetration.
The surface of the outer walls of the foundation is covered with a membrane, placing it with spikes to the wall and fixing it from above with the help of dowels with wide caps.
Important - any mechanical fasteners with drilling holes in the wall are allowed only above the ground level line, since it is strictly forbidden to break the waterproofing below.
Additionally, it is convenient to fix the membrane in height with special fasteners, which have a leg with a self-adhesive base and are perfectly held on the waterproofing surface.
These retainers then simply pierce the membrane, holding it in position.
Rules for installing and joining membrane sheets:
- Its upper edge should be approximately 300 mm above the welded waterproofing.
- Overlap of adjacent canvases - at least four spikes.
- Both external and internal corners must be closed with continuous strips, so that each side has at least 1000 mm of width.
- The joints of the membranes, in order to prevent soil from getting into them during backfilling, are glued with strips of sealant tape.
Sticking is carried out from top to bottom, gradually removing the substrate covering the adhesive layer.
- And, finally, it is advisable to fix the upper edge of the profile membrane with a special clamping profile.
The rules for its installation are similar to those discussed above for the profile that fixes the waterproofing.
After that, you can safely proceed to backfilling, carrying out a thorough layer-by-layer tamping of the soil.

In the same case, if the foundation requires insulation (and this event is always highly recommended!), The role of protecting the waterproofing from mechanical damage will be taken over by a layer of extruded polystyrene foam. But this is already a topic for separate consideration.

Insulation of the foundation is the key to both its durability and comfort in the house!

It would seem an unnecessary exercise - after all, the foundation does not directly contact the living quarters. However, the importance of quality is extremely high! More about this in a special publication of our portal.

At the end of the publication - a video about waterproofing the foundation with rolled materials, which can also be of help in the independent implementation of this stage of building a house.

Video: foundation waterproofing with TechnoNIKOL roll materials - video instruction

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