
Moon in Capricorn for a woman. Moon sign Capricorn. Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Sagittarius

Lunar Capricorns are great individualists who constantly keep their distance even in relation to close people. They are stingy with emotions and generally very cold in this regard. If you try to break into their world, it will only lead to the fact that they are even more closed, and their icy attitude towards the impudent person will never be corrected. They tend to suffer from paranoia at times, they are overly suspicious and distrustful, in their actions they show great caution, which often borders on indecision. It seems that when the universe created these people, it forgot to instill a sense of humor in their gene, so think a thousand times before joking about them.

Moon in Capricorn for a man

These men have a lot of ambition, they are ambitious and sometimes think too highly of themselves, sincerely believing that they are always worthy Moreover that have in currently... They are unshakably convinced that they are unique in their own way, always remain unchanged in their opinions and assessments, and behave in a closed manner in public. By their nature, hidden and even experiencing strong feelings will never share them with the environment. They are incorrigible, who are much more comfortable alone with themselves than being in society. But this is not good for themselves, since the constant accumulation of negativity inside and the inability to throw it out often leads to serious psychological disorders and. Those who live next to a man should know about this and give him more attention and care, he really needs it, but he will never ask.

It is difficult to see a man with the Moon in Capricorn who would participate in an argument, since he does not like to do this at all. Even if at a controversial moment he has a distinctive opinion, he will keep it to himself. Such silence is often mistaken by others for the ability to easily involve such men in their affairs. But Lunar Capricorns will never do something against their will, here, on the contrary, others, imperceptibly for themselves, will begin to do as he needs. They are from birth very talented manipulators, who from the outside may seem weak-willed, but in fact they are very strong and well-established people who cannot be broken.

The moon in Capricorn endows its master with rationality and great practicality, but this does not deprive them of intuition, which allows them to get out of difficult situations with dignity. They constantly adhere to the rules, so if you instill something in them from childhood, then they will never move away from the received installations. They will be devoted to their parents to the last, will never forget about them and will help in everything. They are constantly drawn to material independence, so they work very hard to provide themselves and their household members with everything they need. These are very reliable men with whom it is safe to be close, the main thing is to give him worthy support, care and love.

Moon in Capricorn woman

Lunar women Capricorns do not differ much in character from men of the same sign - they are dry and do not like to talk about their feelings and emotions. It is difficult for them to adapt to a new environment, conditions that life can throw up. Therefore, they always try to play only by their own rules, building life for themselves. They have absolutely no flexibility and momentary impulses are alien to them. Spontaneous actions and decisions are definitely not about them. All their lives they strive to bring stability to everything and live predictably, they constantly build systems and also like to work in a structured way. They are very efficient and reliable in their work.

Such women endure stress steadily, but in order to calm down and digest the situation, they tend to withdraw into themselves. Sometimes they are very tough, which can offend and hurt others, but this, as a rule, only happens if lunar Capricorns are under stress. They will not talk about their experiences even to the closest ones, as they consider this a manifestation of weakness. Therefore, such people should come up with an activity for themselves that would allow them to cope with stress, digest negativity and not pour it out on their environment.

They can competently distribute their forces, so their internal energy potential goes in an even flow. They are very hardy and can work tirelessly for days on end, if they see a clear goal in front of them. But such workaholism is compensated by the ability to have quality rest, if possible, they try with all their might not to go to extremes and live measuredly. Lunar Capricorns are very prudent, patient and hardy, but they should learn to relate to life more optimistic than they are from birth. They are capable of much, but it is vital for them to feel the support and love of the environment, otherwise their tendency to asceticism will lead to prolonged depression. Astounding self-control will inevitably lead them to mind-blowing success, but they need to constantly be careful not to allow a large number of victims on the path to personal happiness.

Sun and moon- the two most important planets in your Horoscope. They form the foundations of your character, habits and personality traits.

The sun- daylight, describes the bright features of your personality, moon - a night luminary that reveals the subconscious processes of your character. The combination of these signs will add interesting characteristics to your Horoscope.

Separately, the characteristics of the Sun in the Signs of the Zodiac, we have already studied with you in the article

If you still do not know your Lunar Zodiac Sign, then read the article -

Today is the turn of the combination of the Sun and the Moon in the Horoscope of each Capricorn.
We have already studied Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius (according to the solar sign).

Who missed - study:

The Sun in Aries is combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
The Sun in Taurus is combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Gemini combined with Moon in zodiac signs
The Sun in Cancer is combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Leo combined with Moon in the signs of the zodiac
Sun in Virgo combined with Moon in the signs of the zodiac ..
The Sun is in Libra combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Scorpio combined with Moon in the signs of the zodiac
Sun in Sagittarius combined with Moon in Zod signs

Now let's get down to Capricorn.

If you were born under the sign of Capricorn(according to the Sun), then you are a serious and conservative person who loves planning and clarity in everything. But on your character the Moon sign of the Zodiac also influences.

For example: if the Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Leo, then you are a more active and decisive Capricorn with a creative beginning.

If the Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in Cancer, then you are Capricorn sensitive, prone to mood swings, more sincere and homely in the family.

Lunar zodiac sign
corrects the description of your personality.
Let's take a closer look at the combination of the Sun and the Moon in everyone born under the sign of Capricorn.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aries

The combination of earthly calmness and fiery activity forms the qualities of an entrepreneur in such people. You strive to achieve the best in life, are not afraid to take responsibility, are demanding, assertive and practical. You have organizational skills, the desire to make a career, willpower, the ability to take the initiative and get what you want. You do not like to delve into small things, you act faster than you think.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Taurus

The combination of the earthly sun and the earthly moon forms in you a strong will and desire for victory. You act slowly but surely. Your strengths of character: stubbornness, perseverance, ability to starve, prudence and balanced thinking. You are conservative and constant in your desires, you do not like to change something just like that, you think for a long time, but you live steadily. Great sense of possessiveness.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Gemini

The conservatism of the sun sign comes into conflict with the moon sign, the lover of change. There is an internal contradiction, anxiety, instability of attention. But this combination has quite a few advantages: sociability and charm, quick decisions and flexibility of actions, ease of learning and practicality. You can achieve a lot in life through sociability and external connections, thanks to the serious approach of Capricorn.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer

This combination of planets gives financial intuition and a talent for making money. You are quite thrifty, careful and accurate in financial matters. Lead a more hidden lifestyle, strive with all your might for reliability and stability. You can be called a person "on your own mind", it is not easy to convince you of something, because you are very distrustful. That is why you strive for family relations, strive to have your home where you feel safe.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo

The combination of the practicality of Capricorn and the entrepreneurial spirit of Leo makes you a good entrepreneur, speculator, financial player. Cunning and artistic ability (according to the Moon) allow you to win in deals and contracts. You intuitively feel what, where, how much. The character is authoritarian, judicious, ambitious. You persistently strive for recognition of your merits, you think for a long time, but you are actively acting. Love to be friends with professionals in your field, with famous personalities and strive to become an authority yourself.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Virgo

The combination of two earth signs makes you a practical, serious, analytical person with great professional ambitions. You know how to collect your thoughts, set a goal, analyze all the details, to the smallest detail and methodically achieve what was planned. Nobody will stop you if you have clearly decided something for yourself. Try to be friends with smart and educated people. They tend to criticize what you do not understand. They are a little contact and love communication only on business. Somewhat cold and detached in relationships with people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Libra

You are a social person, strive for social relations, you want to make a career. Always friendly and possibly mannered. You know how to organize people and lead. Easy to feel weak spots interlocutor, you know how to establish long-term business relationships, you are a good performer, the management appreciates you. You have good taste, ability to please people, sociability and the desire to surround yourself with pleasant people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Scorpio

Capricorn's secrecy + Scorpio's secrecy = caution and restraint in communication. Such people can hardly be called the soul of the company, they are very contradictory and complex inside. They consider themselves special, they firmly know what they want and are ready to demolish everything in their path in order to achieve their goal. They are very stubborn and persistent people. They are constant and conservative in their views and plans. Responsible and cunning. Such people can achieve a lot in life.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Sagittarius

They are good philosophers, politicians, public figures... They often have eloquence and diplomacy. They know how to speak in front of a large audience, are fair and smart. They love to express themselves in society, to gain respect and authority. In communication, they are flexible and pleasant, but they always keep some distance, taking airs and showing that they can do more. He can become a businessman if he has a strong Mars (in Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio or Taurus).

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Capricorn

Such "double" Capricorns have a strong desire for a career, for public recognition, for power, for politics, for leadership. These people are obligatory, responsible and careful. Everyone carefully calculates many steps ahead. Possess entrepreneurial cunning and foresight. If such a person is a boss, then he is very demanding and strict. If the subordinate is responsible and disciplined. It is difficult to communicate with such people if there are no planets in the air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) in the horoscope.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aquarius

They are good public figures, loving collectives, groups and various associations. Such people pay great attention to friendship and friendly relations in their lives. They have high ideals and ambitious impulses. They are interested in everything new, unusual and progressive, ready to keep up with the times. Sincere and humanistic. It is easy and interesting to be friends with such people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Pisces

They are sensitive and emotional Capricorns, sometimes strongly influenced by other people and life situations. Reasonable, serious and sentimental. The mood can change several times a day, from which a lot of anxiety is formed inside. These people are intuitive and pleasant to talk to, diligent and attentive in their work. They do not like to take unnecessary initiative, they are careful and restrained. They would be more active.

To be continued...

The Moon in Cancer is her "rightful place" in which she "feels" comfortable. The moon in Capricorn is a rather cold sign that is inconvenient and uncharacteristic for a satellite of the Earth.

This combination leaves an imprint on a person's life. It manifests itself in the character and attitude towards the existence of lunar Capricorns. They approach all questions seriously, and even cautiously. They seem to erect barriers with which they separate themselves from the world around them.

The lunar Capricorn man, in order to give the impression of a more adult person, can grow a beard. Due to this, he tries to stand out from his peers. The woman, on the other hand, will behave much more unapproachable than is required. Such people are compared to the owners of the house, who look out the door to see who is there. But they are ready to slam it at any moment if the guest seems unwanted to them.

People with the Moon in Capricorn in their horoscope usually have a clear daily routine. Their workplace and home life are strictly organized. These people are diligent, committed, and reliable. It is difficult for them to be in the company of people who can hardly formulate their thoughts and goals.

Lunar Capricorns also rest in a peculiar way - they simply distance themselves from society. Perhaps at such moments they will even stun their acquaintances with some unpleasant conversation, simply because they do not feel too confident.

The moon in Capricorn leaves a serious imprint on a person's entire life. Such people want to clearly know and feel the step of the social ladder to which they have every right. They must be sure that no one has the opportunity to encroach in their place. And they directly point out this fact to others.

Such people usually behave quite strictly in relation to the closest relatives and children. They sacredly respect discipline and do not imagine their life without an ideal order. They consider it their duty to instill in children punctuality and the habit of putting every thing in its place. Of course, all these qualities will be very useful in life, but lunar Capricorns quite rarely manage to establish warm ones with their child. Children rarely trust such parents with their secrets and devote them to their problems.

Moon in Capricorn usually means that the body's life processes proceed in a somewhat inhibited form. such people are below average. This is the reason for the appearance of edema and congestion.

And the moon has a connection with the skin, so such people are often prone to various skin diseases. If they do not lead a healthy lifestyle and support the right amount mineral salts especially calcium, their bones will become fragile and weak.

Such people love and tolerate the cold well. Moreover, the effect of cold has a healing effect on their body and activates physiological processes.

It is very important for Lunar Capricorns to periodically release their feelings. Although such people often tend to hide their emotions. But this is extremely harmful. Therefore, they need to give vent to emotions, at least in a conversation with a loved one.

The moon in Capricorn is a favorable period that directly affects the personality and its character. This sign is ruled by Saturn, which does not allow anyone to relax.

In Vedic astrology, it is said that the night star affects the lunar Capricorns, endowing them with a strong, hardy character. If on your birthday the moon was in the sign of Capricorn, it gave you unbending willpower and the ability to easily adapt to any situation. Such people do not tend to succumb to emotions, or rather, to flaunt them.

Influence on character

In their souls, moon Capricorns are vulnerable, but they will never allow themselves to be pitied. Their strong, independent character is well known to those around them. Their energy is so strong that they are able to energize others, give them faith in the best, and help them survive difficulties.

Next to so strong and strong-willed man other people also begin to feel strong. You may have noticed that people are drawn to you and often ask for help. Sometimes you are so loaded with other people's problems that you want to get off the ground and forget about your fortitude.

Nothing romantic is alien to lunar Capricorns, which means that you want and know how to build a relationship with your loved one. The problem is that not everyone is able to withstand your character, because you need your partner to completely obey your strength. The chosen one must be very wise, capable of taming an obstinate nature.

The childhood of lunar Capricorns is different from the rest of the signs. Such children grow up in love, but severity, which cannot but leave an imprint on their future life... Youth is difficult because of the existing shyness, it is difficult for these people to express their point of view, to declare themselves. Overly correct upbringing and the high demands of their parents, they are constantly afraid to seem stupid or impolite, so others may label them as “silent”.

The moon in Capricorn in a child endows him with the ability to study well at school, to do well in many subjects, especially humanitarian. The inclination to learn foreign languages ​​is reflected in the choice of profession, these people prefer to become teachers, translators.

If you were born during the period when the white moon was in Capricorn, then you are lucky in many things. Even in the most difficult situations, the way out is found by itself. Such people are guaranteed a happy old age if they do not choose the path of a loner. In the second case, Capricorns communicate actively, they have many acquaintances. They are liked by others, so they usually find helpers if they do not have their own family.

The black moon in Capricorn has a completely opposite characteristic. If a person was born at this time, then at past life he has done some bad deed. In a new life, this is a proud person who puts his interests above all others. But there is always a chance to improve, it all depends on the temperament and upbringing of a person.

With a waning moon in Capricorn, you may notice that your mood is uncontrollable. People around you see you pensive, completely abstracted from everything around you. From the outside it seems that you are thinking hard about something. You don't really think about anything, just withdraw into yourself and don't hear the rest of the world.

This period is characterized by seriousness, jokes and fun are given with difficulty and do not give pleasure.

The moon in Capricorn endows the character of a person with the following features:

  • Seriousness, emotional resilience.
  • A responsibility.
  • Inner strength, energy.
  • Reasonable altruism.

People born under the sign of Capricorn are strong, bright personalities. Capricorn finishes the year, so it tends to be summing up, calculations. The sign can be reflected in different ways on the fate of a man and a woman, but willpower and patience are given to representatives of both sexes.

Moon in Capricorn in men makes them choosy and selective in relations with the beautiful half of humanity. But despite this, on life path Capricorn men have to deal with many disappointments in love. It is not clear why, but they come across companions either unfaithful or completely inappropriate in temperament.

With all people, a man with a moon in Capricorn keeps aloof, is in no hurry to establish contact, make friends. The same goes for love relationship: women do not feel warmth, care, attention from him.

Most often, the model of a future family for a man is the family of his parents. If a man immediately takes the position of a leader, takes control of the family into his own hands, then it will always be so. In any case, in the Capricorn family, someone will make decisions, while the other will have to agree.

The moon in Capricorn in a woman speaks of a purposeful person who can easily carry out everything conceived. Such a person manages to build a successful career without sacrificing for this the creation of a family and raising children. She has time for everything. The beloved woman with the moon in Capricorn feels the strength of her chosen one and does not even try to establish her own rules in her usual way.

In a family, the Capricorn woman does not strive to be an ideal housewife, who makes preparations for the winter and constantly wipes off the dust. There are no unthinkable pickles on her table, but her family members are always well-fed and well-groomed. Lunar Capricorn knows how to competently manage his time, therefore he achieves success at work, brings up children and pays attention to her husband.

Capricorns - both men and women - will never communicate with people weaker than them. Yes, and weak people will not be able to withstand the unbridled energy of this sign. Capricorns are loyal friends, so friendship with them lasts for a long time.

Auspicious day

The moon in the sign of Capricorn warns of possible complications after spinal surgery, treatment or tooth extraction. During this period, you should be more careful on the street, take care of your legs and knees. If you have long wanted to heal your stomach, then now is the right time.

It is worth refraining from epilation, as unwanted hair will grow thick, ingrown hairs are possible. Instead of removing hair, pamper your skin with masks and peels that will be effective at this time. A sauna or steam bath will also have a beneficial effect on appearance skin and the state of the body as a whole. Luna invites you to visit the spa for a chocolate wrap.

Moon in Capricorn has a beneficial effect on the earth and plants. This means that gardeners who plant seeds during this period will not be left without a harvest. You may be alerted that the seeds do not germinate for a long time, but later friendly shoots will appear and everything that you have planted will grow and bear fruit.

This period is suitable for working in the garden. Whatever you do with the ground, everything will give a good result. Transplanting trees will increase their yield. In addition, after that, with night frosts, they will be more stable and retain all the fruits. Plants planted now will not be afraid of any pests.

For those who like to go shopping, the moon has prepared many pleasant surprises. You can go to the store without hesitation and buy the necessary equipment, without fear that it will soon fail. If you decide to buy a gift for your boss or colleague, then pay attention to the elite stationery. Do not doubt that the person who is gifted will like your present, and he will remember you with gratitude for a long time.

Small purchases are best avoided. Refrain from going to the supermarket so as not to stumble upon expired products and not throw money down the drain. It is the supermarkets that will make you spend a lot of extra money during this period.

Write your opinion

December 10, 2017 8:20 pm


Finally we got to another odious lunar position!

Everyone, I think, has already heard about the special position of the Moon in Capricorn. Let's see what astrological authorities write and say about this.

So. Moon in the Earth element. Restrained, serious, distrustful. There is always the first reaction when interacting - alertness, closeness, DISTANCE from the World! How huge this distance is, the whole map as a whole will show, but of course the Moon is Childhood and specifically our Mom. The moon in Capricorn is not open, not accessible, not friendly. Reasonableness, practicality, purposefulness prevail here, and most importantly, ensuring the boundaries.

For your own safety (after all, opposite Capricorn is a cautious Cancer, for whom safety is the meaning of life). There is not enough warmth, emotionality, a feeling of "dislike". Often, claims to the mother.

They didn’t give me maternal warmth - this is exactly the feeling (imaginary or real) that a child has from childhood. The moon is an unconscious reaction. And how to guess - where is the real story, and where is just a projection of a little man and a reaction to this fictional plot? But there is always (always!) A plot. Trust me. I have not yet met a single person with such a position of the moon, who would tell about my cute childhood. Here the emphasis is on the complexities and stories of growing up. Everyone remembers something of their own. One person told me how in a very early childhood he was literally abandoned in a summer kindergarten camp. And he, for a minute, Cancer in the Sun. He is already over forty, and he ALWAYS, on occasion and without, returns to this story. His whole future life is colored in tones of distrust and claims to his parents. Another girl was just studying at the ballet school. But here it is just literally - the Moon in Capricorn does NOT receive benefits and relaxation. Capricorn is a sign of career, drill and discipline. Or ballet, or the Suvorov School ...

Many were raised by older relatives (not a mother), albeit loving, but still ... someone just had poverty, in the most extreme cases one of the parents died early. Anything, but there was a moment when the child closed. And it always makes sense to touch on the relationship with the mother. And here it will be difficult, at least. Strict, restrained mother. Maybe just a hard worker, disappearing from morning to night at the enterprise, and she does not care for affection and warmth. Or is it very professional worker, careerist. Ideally, such a mother will give everything that is necessary, she will do everything right. As the sense of Duty dictates. But warmth? …Not everywhere. And the children nearby grow up quickly. And the resentment remains.

Just want to calm down a little:

Mothers who have children with the Moon in Capricorn! You can be wonderful, and the child can see you exactly as I described. The moon is very subjective! Pat children with such a moon on the back more often. It is important for them to feel their hands. And the back is a very goat place. There is always tension. And do not skimp on warmth. This is always not enough for Lunar Capricorns.

It is generally difficult to show your own emotions, all feelings are under control. Again, pay attention! I did not say that there are no feelings! This is the trouble - they can be very dramatic and stormy. But to subjugate them, to control, this is the behavior of a person with the Moon in Capricorn. I watched such people part. The decision is made that everything is over. And it really is him. There are no drunken attempts to accidentally dial a number, or scouring social networks through the pages of those who were in attacks of masochism. Everything is real here. The heart can be completely broken. All emotional life remains within a person.

It seems to me that as usual, such or creativity can become an excellent therapy for such conditions. It is necessary to throw out the inner life! Sculpture and modeling give excellent results. Everything that is done with your hands! You can also try painting, graphics ... Active sports such as skiing, rock climbing or just climbing somewhere are perfect.

In addition, the Moon in the Earth element, and especially in Capricorn, gives a kind of stereotype of thinking .. There is no mobility of perception, there is no game. Here life is taken seriously and fundamentally. There is a clear focus on the goal. Everything is subordinate to this aspect. This unconscious behavior is like a splinter. Final result! And we are talking about a very specific result. After all, the Earth is always concrete, practical, clear, and what you can touch with your hands. It's not necessarily about a career! This is about the inadmissibility of unfinished business.

The main thing here is not to get very upset if something still did not work out (and this happens in life). Capricorns are generally prone to grumbling, and the Moon will give a stable habit. And you will not have time to blink an eye! Do you really need to be a gloomy pessimist in old age, full of fears and depression? Notice this Capricorn trait that the Moon translates into instinct.

So, everything that does not contribute to the achievement of the goal is discarded as inappropriate. Such behavior can generally be called internal asceticism. Will, determination, result. A person is strict with himself. Well, to others, too, which is already there. These qualities are especially pronounced in contrast to the owners of the Moon in Cancer. This is where the complete incompatibility lies! The unhappy sensitive lunar Cancer is faced with a nightmare on the hard, frankly incomprehensible whimpering, mental throwing and reflection, dry and ruthless Lunar Capricorn. A very bright contrast, believe me…. Both Signs are cardinal, and both are incomparable in their cardinality. And both need each other, because it is they who are able to teach each other a lesson, to complement each other.

In general, a small remark (because questions about compatibility are often asked) - look not at the sun, but at the moon. The sun turns on on big holidays, and the moon is life as it is. The moon does not coincide is at once an instinctive conflict, the mismatch of the way of life, the needs of life.

There is one more point - the peculiarity of this position of the moon. Health. Capricorn does not give great vitality. It is a waterless, meager sign. A sign of old age, a sign of the times. Sign of the Border of the Worlds. The moon, as a bio-substance, enclosed in the boundaries of a rigid form (Saturn-ruler of Capricorn sets boundaries and structure, SKELETON) ...

and one of the most common diseases in this situation is allergies. As a form of rejection of the World. Unwillingness to contact the World. As a negative reaction to Wednesday. Here, in general, it is important to evenly distribute forces and use them throughout life. After all, illnesses can be long and debilitating. Bones and teeth, knee joints! This is a classic. Back, lower back ... And nevertheless, being weak in childhood, such people can eventually gain a large vitality... And limitation and the ability to avoid excess can lead to longevity.

This situation has its advantages, of course! In general, they are starving at one point. The regime, if the goal is set, is observed just fine. They are unpretentious in principle and are able to withstand periods of, shall we say, small financial wealth for a long time, to work in economy mode. Lunar Capricorns are generally economical. At this point, whatever one may say, but there will be no monetary scope. Here money is spent in a "strictly targeted" way and things are chosen that are practical, of high quality and for a long time. This is not stinginess (or rather, not always). This is still the same connection with the GREAT TIME. Goals, things, relationships must be strong, serious, for a long time (before Death, ideally). This needs to be paid close attention to when choosing a spouse. If generosity is a priority.

But such people of both sexes get married - seriously. Because that's how it should be. No frivolous waste of TIME. Here they take their marital / family responsibilities seriously. Everything that is supposed to be in the family will be. The wife is chosen long and legibly. You can meet on Venus. But to marry - according to the Moon in Capricorn. So there is no frivolity. The wife should be of some practical use. Appearance is secondary. And a man (and a woman) with the Moon in Capricorn is conservative! So the advice is to dress soundly, and most importantly, CLEAR. And to behave as much as possible is also not extravagant. Such a man can stand on his ears, going into violent parties (the Moon in Capricorn can give interesting reactions under the influence of Neptune-alcohol), but he will NOT approve of the same behavior from a girl with serious plans for her, and even more so (!!!) - from wives.

But in any case: Moon in Capricorn gives reliability. You can always rely on such people. And if they have taken responsibility (and they are, in principle, extremely responsible and disciplined people from childhood), then you are in good hands. It's just that this position of the moon requires a careful and more involved attitude. Words are not needed here - the moon is guided by an internal reaction: is it warm, isn't it scary? But more hugs! Better to "hug" - than to under-hug. Because here is a list of celebrities with the Moon in Capricorn, and you will understand what the misconception is fraught with.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Abraham Lincoln

Ernest Hemingway

George Washington

Adolf Gitler

Ie you see? People did not have enough love in childhood - and how did they solve this issue? In the most radical, dramatic way. And even drawing did not help Hitler ... eh.

Let's take a quick look at Ernest Hemingway ...

Moon in Capricorn, Sun in Cancer, i.e. Highly sensitive person, hiding in his shell, and there reflecting from the soul.

First of all, we should be interested in aspects to the Moon - this will show the relationship with the outside world, with the mother. Life as he saw it, felt it.

There is an opposition aspect with Venus and Neptune. And these are just not tense, but dissolving aspects that erode concentration. Venus in opposition to the Moon gives dissatisfaction, a person may be dissatisfied in life with what he has! And Neptune, in addition to sensitivity and emotional involvement, also gives inadequate states. Basically, this is characteristic of women, but in the man's chart it immediately "refers" to his mother and wife. Little Ernest's mother was a strict woman, and with her own plans for his life. Namely, she made me study music (playing the cello) and sing in the church choir. And for him it was literally torture. Here is the Moon in Capricorn plus Neptune in opposition. Softly stele - hard to sleep. It is possible with music (Neptune) to create unbearable living conditions. By the way, Hemingway's wife was also the musical pianist Hadley Richardson.

Passion for fishing, hunting, solitude in nature - from here. Nobody "got" him here. Neptune gave relaxation to the tense "Capricorn" Moon.

But it was the depression characteristic of Capricorns closer to old age that rolled over him more and more often, and to get out, there was not enough optimism! The sun in Cancer, on the contrary, exacerbated the problem. hypersensitivity and emotionality. Hemingway was in a psychiatric hospital, suspecting that he was being watched by the authorities (by the way, it turned out that this was indeed the case). Immediately preceding the question: no, not the Moon in Capricorn in his chart is an indicator that he shot himself. There's a beautiful tau square featuring Mars, Pluto and Saturn. I could not bear the pressure of circumstances. So it can be translated. And the Moon in Capricorn gave him a realistic, restrained, very "masculine" attitude to life. The moon helped to hear my subconscious, my feelings, emotions - and translate these sensations into very clear, very constructive texts, without unnecessary words, but absolutely capacious and taking the soul. His corporate identity.

Pay attention to one more moment in the biography of Hemingway - during the First World War, he was severely wounded, and his kneecap (Moon in Capricorn) was replaced with an aluminum prosthesis.

Quotes to better understand his Moon:

"Do not lose hope. Never be discouraged. The secret of my success. I never lose heart. I never lose heart in public "

“You have to buy either clothes or paintings. That's all. No one, except very wealthy people, can afford both. Do not attach much importance to clothes, and most importantly, do not chase after fashion, buy durable and comfortable things, and then you will have money for paintings "

“Man is not created to suffer defeat. A person can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. "

"Smart people are extremely rarely happy."

"We get stronger where we break."

"There is nothing more difficult in the world than writing simple, honest prose about a person."

“Give a man what he needs and he will want comfort. Provide him with amenities - he will strive for luxury. Shower him with luxury - he will begin to sigh for exquisite. Let him receive the exquisite - he craves madness. Give him whatever he wants - he will complain that he was deceived, and that he did not get what he wanted. "

At the end of the post, I once again want to draw your attention! The moon in Capricorn is about love! About warmth, about emotions, about the exchange of this warmth. The moon in Capricorn seems to be so small! And take nowhere. But this is subjective. Give, give more. Don't expect to be given back. Just. It is not only Capricorn that works, but also Cancer, which stands opposite ... Take care of each other. I don't want to. Connect the Sun-Awareness. Sun-SPIRIT, Light, Heart. This is our guiding Star! And remember, you are loved.

And FADU of course ... Restrained, passionate, heart to shreds ...

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