
Analysis of the work of Ivan Susanin. Analysis of the Duma "Ivan Susanin. V. Wise work

"Ivan Susanin" is a thought in which the incredible heroism and the self-sacrifice of the usual Russian peasant, who has a valuable life retained the existence of not only the future king, but also the independence of the Russian people.

The historical basis of the Duma and the heroic beginning

The Duma, like all the literary historical genres of that period, is based on a really happening event. In the courtyard, the beginning of the troubled time, the 17th century. Polish authorities, learning that the Russian new king was chosen on the Zemsky Cathedral, they hurried to send their army to the Kostroma region, where the young Mikhail Romanov was at that time.

The goal of the Poles was to kill the king, and to the Russian throne to put his Zesarevich Vladislav, and thus turn Russia into the province of Poland. Polish troops needed a conductor who could specify the location of the monastery, which was hiding Mikhail and asked to help a resident near the lying village, Ivan Susanin.

However, a simple peasant quickly exposed the intentions of the Poles, and started them into the deaf forest thicket. While Ivan Susanin's deception took away the Poles away from the monastery, his relative was able to warn the king about the impending danger.

Naturally, the Polish army realizes that Ivan deceived them, immediately killed the peasant. Heroism Susanina It is that he understood the inevitability of his death, and, despite this, was not afraid to make a bold act.

Susanin as an personification of a Russian national nature

Duma Ryleyev is filled with all-standing love for his homeland. A simple peasant, following the example of his fathers who were heroically fought with external expansion, aware of the importance for the entire Russian people of his mission.

Despite the serious life of the peasantry of that period, Ivan Susanin does not defend its interests, and protects its state, which has previously reached its existence.

However, the debt before his depreciation is dulling a sense of injustice and possible revenge. Moreover, Susanin is not even aware that he makes a heroic act.

Even death he takes with humility, not because it does not have the ability to escape, but because he does not see for himself for himself as for the faithful son of his state of a different way out than putting his life to the altar of his freedom. So in the final part of the Duma, he says that he is not afraid of death, as he dies in the name of his king's life.

Looking at the main character, we bow out heads before calm, without visible anxiety and excitement he goes to death. Ivan Susanin's psychology is the worldview of all peasants of the 17th century: unbeatable faith in a decent king, hatred for foreign invaders, as well as solid and calm love for the Motherland.

The famous poet A. S. Pushkin did not perceive the Duma as a genre, he always said that they, despite the historical description inherent in them, were deprived of patriotic filling.

However, "Ivan Susanina" he acknowledged as a work in which each line is filled with the national Russian consciousness. Patriotism, which was laid in the Duma, inspired the genius of the Russian composer M. I. Glinka to create the opera of the same name.

In the outcome of 1612, young Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov, the last branch of the rug dynasty, hid in the Kostroma region. At that time, Moscow was occupied by Poles: these aliens wanted to approve in the Russian throne of Tsarevich Vladislav, the son of the king of their Sigismund III. One squad penetrated into the Kostroma limits and was looking for capturing Michael. Near the enemies, Ivan Susanin, the resident of the village of Domnin grabbed the enemies, and demanded that he secretly spent them towards the dwelling of the future Ventrenos of Russia. As the faithful son of the Fatherland, Susanin wanted to die better than the betrayal to save lives. He led the Poles in the opposite side and notified Mikhail about the danger: the former with him had time to take him. An irritated Poles killed Susanin. At the glance of Mikhail Feodorovich's throne (in 1613), the offspring of Susanin was a pledged diploma to the land of land under the village of Domnin; She was confirmed by subsequent sovereigns.

"Where do you lead us? .. There is no ZGI! -
Susanina with a heart cried the enemies: -
We viscous and thin in snow surgies;
We know, do not get to you until overnight.
You got lost, brother, right, purposely on the way;
But those Mikhail do not save you!

Let we get lost, let the blizzard raging,
But your king's death is not affordable from Lyakhov! ..
Lead us - so it will be for your work;
10 il Frame: not long we have to trouble!
Makes all night to break the blizzard ...
But what's black in the valley for fir? "

"Village! - Sarmatam in response a peasant: -
Here is aimna, fences, and here are the bridges.
For me! In the gate! - Essenthenka this
In all time for the guest of heating.
Log in - Do not be afraid! " - "Well, then, Moskal! ..
What, brothers, damn distance!

I didn't see the night with such a damn
20 They were filled with snow falconry ...
Zafan is mine - at least, there is no thread dry! -
Vossed, grumbled so Sarmat young. -
Wines to us, the owner! We figured, if you were impulsed!
Most! .. Do not make us get for the saber! "

Here is a tablecloth simple on the table postlane;
Posted beer and wine mug,
And Russian porridge and soup guests,
And bread in front of each big slices.
In the end of the wind, stupid, knocking;
30 sadly and with a crucible flashes.

For a long time at midnight! .. Sleep the strong one,
Lying carelessly by Sarmat's becks.
All in the smoke hut fell peace;
One, onset, susanin gray
In low voice praits in the corner of the icon
Tsar Young Holy Defense! ..

Suddenly someone drove up to the gate.
Susanin rose in the door secretly ...
"Do you go, the birthplace? .. And I'm behind you!
40 Where do you leave rainy sometime?
Over midnight ... and the wind is still not satisfying;
Guide longing only on the heart of relatives! "

"God itself leads you to this house,
My son, hurry to the king to the young,
Tell Mikhail, so that I moved soon,
What is proud lyhas, on their malice,
He will be killed to kill him
And the new misfortune is threatened!

Tell that Susanin saves the king,
50 love for the debris and faith of grief.
Tell me that saving is only escape
And what is the killer with me overnight. "
- "But what did you start? Think native!
Will kill you lyheh ... What will happen to me?

And with the young sister and mother sister and mother? "
- "The Creator will protect you with his holy strength.
He will not let you die, the birthplace, you:
Pokrov and Assistant He all orphans.
Goodbye, about my son, we are expensive;
60 and remember: I'm flexible for the Russian tribe! "

Sobbing on horse sunshan joy
Jumped up and rushed by a whistling arrow.
The moon meanwhile made half an hour;
The whistle shouted, calmed the blizzard.
In the sky, the eastern burned dawn,
Sarmatians woke up - villains of the king.

"Susanin! - cried, - what pray to God?
Now it's not time - it's time for us on the road! "
Leaving the village of the noisy crowd,
70 In the forest, the dark joined by an area of \u200b\u200bthe trail.
Susanin leads them ... That morning it has come,
And the sun through the branches in the forest shine:

It will hide quickly, it brightly flashes,
That dusk lights, it will disappear again.
Standing not lying and oak and birch,
Only snow under his feet creaks from frost,
Only temporarily raven, felt, will come
And the woodpecker duplicate IVU is hammering.

For each other they go to the sarmata sarmata;
80 did everything and gave their gray-haired leader.
The sun shines highly from heaven -
All the wilderness and dope becomes the forest!
And suddenly the path disappears before them:
And pines and fir, branches dense

Bending the sullen to the earth
Debut the wall of boring splls.
Wanting alarming ear:
Everything is in that outstand and dead and deaf ...
"Where did you start us?" - Lyah old cried.
90 "Where necessary! - Susanin said. -

Kill! Touch! - My grave here!
But know and go away: I saved Michael!
Traitor, imagine, in me you found:
They are not and will not be in the Russian land!
In it, every depreciation loves with infancy
And I will not destroy my soul. "

"The villain! - shouted enemies, Zakipev, -
Drill under the swords! " - "Your anger is not afraid!
Who is Russian to heart, that cheerful, and boldly,
100 and joyfully dies for the right thing!
Neither execution, no death and I am not afraid:
Do not flourish, die for the king and for Russia! "

"Umci! - Sarmata Hero cried,
And saber over the old man, whistling, flared! -
Perception, traitor! Your end has come! "
And the solid susanin fell in ulcers!
Snow pure pure blood ripped:
She saved Mikhail for Russia!

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857) - the founder of the Russian composer school, whose writings had a huge impact on the formation of Russian classical music and creative way Of its composer followers, among which - A. P. Borodin, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky and many others. An outstanding musical critic V. Stasov compared the importance of Glinka's creativity for Russian music with the value of creativity A. S. Pushkin in the literature.

History of creation

Opera Glinka "Ivan Susanin" is one of the first Russian operas. The composer began to write the patriotic work on the advice of the poet V. Zhukovsky. The content is based on the feat that Ivan Susanin made the Kostroma peasant. In the way, Susanin meant the Russian people, heroically fought with Napoleonic troops. The Poem K. Ryleyev was a great influence on the formation of the image of the chief hero - "Ivan Susanin".

Creator Libretto Opera "Ivan Susanin" - G. F. Rosen. The premiere took place in St. Petersburg in the Bolshoi Theater on November 27, 1836. The production was enthusiastically accepted by the advanced intelligentsia who saw in the creation of the Opera "Ivan Susanin" began a new stage in the development of Russian music. The court aristocracy did not divide them, although the emperor himself was present at the premiere.

At the request of Nicholas I Opera Glinka "Ivan Susanin" was renamed "Life for the king" so that she has a monarchical subtext. After the wasting of the monarchy, she again began to be called "Ivan Susanin". Libretto Rosen was treated by the poet S. M. Gorodetsky.

First action

The agitated and dynamic music of an overture anticipates the dramatic plot of the sum of the opera "Ivan Susanin".

A chorus of peasants and peasants sing along the street of the village of Domnin. Men are famous for military exploits. Women rejoice in spring. In the states of the Soviet time, the action takes place in the fall, as the movement that minin raised, was started at this time.

After the peasants diverge, Antonida comes out and looks towards the river with sadness. The girl is waiting for her groom Bogdan Sobin, who went away to fight with a Polish gentry. The peasants go again, and with them and Susanin, who returned from the city. He reports that the weddings, about which Antonida dreams, will not, because the folk grieving is not the end. Suddenly the boat approaches the shore, from which Sobin is coming. He is warmly welcomed by Antonida and tells her father that the fire troops won the Poles.

The peasants eat, but Susanin understands that this is not the end of the war. Sobin and Antonida ask him to agree to their wedding. That is adamant. According to the brief content of the opera "Ivan Susanin" it becomes clear: the fate of the motherland for the main character is inextricably linked with the fate of the family. The main character She declares that he will accept the wedding when the king will go to the throne. Sobinin says that Mikhail Romanov must become the king soon. Susanin agrees to the wedding. All diverge, rejoicing.

In Poland, the courtyard gives a luxury ball. In the raised mood at the anticipation of the ambulance over Moscow. But the arrogant did not declare the end of the war. Several units are offered to go to Moscow and capture the king. Poles are confident in the success of this event.

Action third

A boy lives in the hill of Susanin, the Sirota Vanya. Together with Ivan Susanin, he reflects that the Poles can appear here to captivate the king. But they will be able to resist the Poles and protect the sovereign from such a fate.

The fallen peasants wish Ivan happiness. After their departure - the scene of the blessing of the sussanin young. Suddenly there is a horse hopot. These are Poles. They require them to hold them to the king, as they think that the king is hidden somewhere nearby, Ivan Susanin Gold. He agrees, saying quietly to Wan to notify the sovereign about danger. Antonida, thinking that his father was really seduced by money, begging him not to do it. But the father blesses her and punishes to celebrate the wedding without him. After that, he leaves. Antonida bitterly crying. From the summary of the opera "Ivan Susanin" is already clear: the main character is not destined to return home.

The convinced Sobin is perplexed where the enemies come from. After hearing the story of the bride, he collects a detachment from the peasants to release Ivan Susanin.

Susanin wanders with the Poles in the deaf forest. They are exhausted, so I swear your conductor, but still believe him. Enemies stop for the night. Susanin understands that his death hour is close. Mournful meditation torments him. IN brief content Opera "Ivan Susanin" is the most tragic moment. Mentally saying goodbye to his family, the peasant goes to bed.

The strongest blizzard. Poles, waking up, understand that the tricky peasant knowingly raised them here so that they find their death here. Susanin tells them about their treacherous terms. The angry Poles decide to kill Susanin.


Mass scene. The people are famous for the king. Enter Antonide, Sobin and Vanya. They jeep about Ivan Susanin. Military squad, who noticed them, slows down and is interested, why are they sad when everyone is happy? When warriors find out that this is the Susanin family who saved the king, they express their grief about his death. From the libretto opera "Ivan Susanin" you can find out that the warriors are completely dismissed enemies for the death of the main character.

The triumphant people sings to the glory of the king on Red Square in Moscow, a bell ringing is heard everywhere. The royal train goes to the Spare Gate of the Kremlin.

The heroes of Opera "Ivan Susanin" are carrying the characteristic features of the Russian people in their images: masculinity and ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of high goals (Susanin), courage and decisiveness (Sobin), loyalty and humility (antonide), loyalty and fearlessness (Vanya). Patriotic plot and wonderful music Mikhail Glinka provided this opera All-Russian and world calling.

In the outcome of 1612, Yunoy Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the last branch of the Rurikovsky dynasty, was hidden in the Kostroma region. At that time, Moscow was occupied by Poles: these aliens wanted to approve in the Russian throne of Tsarevich Vladislav, the son of King Sigismund III. One detachment penetrated into the Kostroma limits and decided to capture Mikhail. Near the enemies, Ivan Susanin, the resident of the village of Domnin grabbed the enemies, and demanded that he secretly spent them towards the dwelling of the future Ventrenos of Russia. As the faithful son of the Fatherland, Susanin wanted to die better than the betrayal to save lives. He led Poles in opposite side And I informed Mikhail about the danger: the former with him managed to lead it. An irritated Poles killed Ivan Susanin. At the end of the throne, Mikhail Fedorovich (in 1613), the offspring of Susanin was given a pledged diploma to the land of land under the village of Domnin; She was confirmed by subsequent sovereigns. According to these data, in a thousand eight hundred and twenty-second year of Kondrati Fedorovich Ryleev and wrote the Duma "Ivan Susanin". The Duma shows the fearless people and the suicide confession of Susanin, an open challenge to the enemy, the proud covenant to the offspring.
Traitor, imagine, in me you found:
They are not and will not be in Russian land!
In it, every depreciation loves with infancy
And the soul of betrayal will not destroy.
Who is Russian in the heart, that cheerful and boldly
And joyfully dies for the right thing!
As a rule, images of heroes are determined by any one quality, which is especially allocated. These are the heroes of many Duma Kondrati Fedorovich Ryleev. So, for example, Susanin has such quality as love for homeland. Duma "Ivan Susanin is one of the most wonderful creation of the poet. Everything here specifically and in many ways historically. The action begins with a lively and colorful dialogue between the tired and storm Polish gentles and the Russian peasant sussanin:
"Such I did not see the night,
Fucked from the snow of falconry ...
Zapan is mine - at least lump, there is no thread dry! " -
Vossed, grumbled so Sarmat young. -
"Wines to us, the owner! We figured, if you were impulsed! Most!.,
Do not make us set for sabers! "
It is quite realistic and a further description of the simple decoration of the village hut, and the conversation of Susanin and Son, and a compressed description of the dawn. The morning landscape, drawn by the Ryleev, in its simplicity and concreteness relates to the number of the most remarkable in Russian poetry of the 20s.
Susanin leads them ... Here the morning has come, and the sun shine through the branches in the forest: it will hide quickly, it brightly flashes, then the dim will light up, it will disappear. There are no oak and birch and birch; Only snow under his feet creaks from frost,
Only temporarily raven, felt, will come
And the woodpecker duplicate IVU is hammering.
Each other goes in sarmatics silence;
Everyone Dalled and gave the gray-haired leader.
Sun shines highly with heaven:
All the wilderness and dope becomes the forest!
No in this "Duma" neither dazzling lightning, nor continuously retreating thunder, neither other attributes of pre-gadget landscape butaforia. Ryleev, undoubtedly, helps in his narration elected leisurely and smooth, nowhere else has the size of the four-stranded amphibrachia.
The greatest success of the Ryleev achieved here in creating a central image, that is, in the area that was always the most difficult for him. The image of Su Sanina and now shocks the simplicity of his heroism. Sincerely and devoid of external effects of his words before death:
Neither execution, no death I am not afraid:
Do not flourish, die for the king and for Russia!
In this speech, the psychology of a simple Russian peasant 17 century was brightly transferred. With his faith in the "good king", with his hatred for the invaders, with his calm, deep and firm love for his land.
It is significant that Pushkin, proving that in the "Things" of the national, Russian, there is nothing ... nothing but names ", stipulated:" I exclude "Ivanasusanina", the first duma, in which I began to suspect a true talent in you. " This "Duma" firmly loved by M.I. Glinka and inspired him to create a genius Russian opera "Ivan Susanin".

"Ivan Susanin" is a thought in which the incredible heroism and the self-sacrifice of the usual Russian peasant, who has a valuable life retained the existence of not only the future king, but also the independence of the Russian people.

The Duma, like all the literary historical genres of that period, is based on a really happening event. On the courtyard the beginning of the troubled time. 17th century. Polish authorities, learning that the Russian new king was chosen on the Zemsky Cathedral, they hurried to send their army to the Kostroma region, where at that time

There was a young Mikhail Romanov.

The goal of the Poles was to kill the king, and to the Russian throne to put his Zesarevich Vladislav, and thus turn Russia into the province of Poland. Polish troops needed a conductor who could specify the location of the monastery, which was hiding Mikhail and asked to help a resident near the lying village, Ivan Susanin.

However, a simple peasant quickly exposed the intentions of the Poles, and started them into the deaf forest thicket. While Ivan Susanin's deception took away the Poles away from the monastery, his relative was able to warn the king about the impending danger.


Polish army realizing that Ivan deceived them, immediately killed the peasant. The heroism of Susanin is that he understood the inevitability of his death, and, despite this, was not afraid to make a bold act.

Duma Ryleyev is filled with all-standing love for his homeland. A simple peasant, following the example of his fathers who were heroically fought with external expansion, aware of the importance for the entire Russian people of his mission.

Despite the serious life of the peasantry of that period, Ivan Susanin does not defend its interests, and protects its state, which has previously reached its existence.

However, the debt before his depreciation is dulling a sense of injustice and possible revenge. Moreover, Susanin is not even aware that he makes a heroic act.

Even death he takes with humility, not because it does not have the ability to escape, but because he does not see for himself for himself as for the faithful son of his state of a different way out than putting his life to the altar of his freedom. So in the final part of the Duma, he says that he is not afraid of death, as he dies in the name of his king's life.

Looking at the main character, we bow out heads before calm, without visible anxiety and excitement he goes to death. Ivan Susanin's psychology is the worldview of all peasants of the 17th century: unbeatable faith in a decent king, hatred for foreign invaders, as well as solid and calm love for the Motherland.

The famous poet A. S. Pushkin did not perceive the Duma as a genre, he always said that they, despite the historical description inherent in them, were deprived of patriotic filling.

However, "Ivan Susanina" he acknowledged as a work in which each line is filled with the national Russian consciousness. Patriotism, which was laid in the Duma, inspired the genius of the Russian composer M. I. Glinka to create the opera of the same name.

(2 estimates, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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