
Kar-Men group (Sergey Lemokh). Soloist of the group "Carmen" - Sergey Lemokh. Creative path What is the name of the soloist Carmen


Russia, Russia

Where Compound Other
Kar-man Kar-man


Initially, the duo referred to themselves as "exotic pop duo". They took the name "Carmen" as the name. In 1990, the name was changed to Kar-man. As the performers themselves comment, in this way they "went to meet the wishes of the listeners, obscuring the initial reminder of the insidious Spanish rival of today's young seductresses." The name can be considered as "man-car", the performers themselves prefer the synonym "traveler". In this regard, the first album of the group called "Around the World" (1990) had a peculiar concept: each song from it somehow tells about different cities and countries.

The group first appeared on television in the spring of 1990, on the 2x2 TV channel, performing several songs (unknown source), then in the summer of the same year in the Variety Vernissage program, with the clip Paris, and at the end of the year, summed up in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", the duet became the leader in two categories: "Discovery of the Year" and "Group of the Year".

The group received a number of awards: "Schlager-90" (), "50x50" (), "Star Rain" (), "Ovation" ().

In April 1991, Bogdan Titomir left the project, deciding to take up solo career; . Sergei Lemokh rewrote all of Titomir's vocal parts for the next Karmania album, and as a result, the album was released in 1992.

An excerpt from the title song "Captain Pronin"
Playback help

Lemokh takes part in side projects: starring in commercials, recording the soundtrack for the animated series "Captain Pronin", writing musical screensavers for TV shows, etc.

In parallel with his work at Kar-Man, Sergei Lemokh worked as a composer, writing several songs for other artists (Natalya Senchukova, Lada Dance, Natalia Gulkina, Igor Seliverstov).


  • Sergey Lemokh - vocals, lyrics, arrangements.
  • Sergey Kolkov - dancing, backing vocals.
  • Alexey Makarov - dancing.
  • Oleg Rychkov - dancing.

Former members:


Before the album Around the world, in 1990 3 songs were recorded: "Man of the year", "Night with you", "Singapore". It is also known that one song of the album Karmania was recorded as a duet in 1991 (“The Guy from Africa”), but after the departure of Bogdan Titomir from the group, Sergey Lemokh rewrote all the vocal parts.

Studio albums:

  • Around the world(magnet album - Gala 1990) (Gala/Sintez, 1991 - vinyl, reissued on CD and MC by Gala Records in 1994)
  • Karmania (Carmania) (Gala Records, 1991 - magnetic album, 1992 - vinyl, re-released on CD and MC in 1994)
  • Russian massive sonic aggression(J.S.P., 1994; 1997; 2004)
  • your sexy thing(Zeko, 1996)
  • disc king(J.S.P., 1998; 2003)
  • Nitro(Quad disc, 2008)

Live albums:

  • Live…(J.S.P., 1994; 2004)

Remix albums:

  • Back to the future (Back to future)(J.S.P., 1999; 2003)
  • Ultrasound (2014)


  • The Best of Car Man(Jeff Records, 1993)
  • Legends of Russian disco(Master Sound Production, 2000)
  • Legends of Russian disco. Part 2(Master Sound Production, 2001)
  • Star collection(J.S.P. Records, 2001)
  • grand collection(Quad disc, 2009)

Other albums:

  • Polaris(Zeko, 1997, Lemokh's solo album)


  • Paris (1990)
  • My girl from America (American Girl) (1990)
  • London Goodbye (1991)
  • Hotel San Martino (1991)
  • Bad Russians (1991)
  • Africa Guy (1991)
  • Chao Bambino (1992)
  • Mamaia Cannibals (1993)
  • Sonic Aggressor (1994)
  • Southern Shaolin (1996)
  • Dance Disco (1998)
  • Music (2012)
  • Baby (2014)

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  • www.carmanmusic.ru - the official site of the group "Kar-Man"
  • on Yandex.Music

An excerpt characterizing Kar-man

She looked to where he had gone, to the other side of life. And that side of life, about which she had never thought before, which had previously seemed so distant and incredible to her, was now closer and dearer to her, more understandable than this side of life, in which everything was either emptiness and destruction, or suffering and insult.
She looked to where she knew he was; but she could not see him otherwise than as he was here. She saw him again the same as he was in Mytishchi, at Trinity, in Yaroslavl.
She saw his face, heard his voice, and repeated his words and her own words spoken to him, and sometimes invented new words for herself and for him, which could then be said.
Here he is lying on an armchair in his velvet coat, leaning his head on a thin, pale arm. His chest is terribly low and his shoulders are raised. The lips are firmly compressed, the eyes shine, and a wrinkle jumps up and disappears on the pale forehead. One of his legs is trembling slightly. Natasha knows that he is struggling with excruciating pain. “What is this pain? Why pain? What does he feel? How it hurts!” Natasha thinks. He noticed her attention, raised his eyes and, without smiling, began to speak.
“One terrible thing,” he said, “is to bind oneself forever with a suffering person. It's eternal torment." And with a searching look—Natasha saw that look now—he looked at her. Natasha, as always, answered then before she had time to think about what she was answering; she said, "It can't go on like this, it won't happen, you'll be healthy - completely."
She now first saw him and now experienced everything that she felt then. She remembered the long, sad, stern look he gave at these words, and she understood the meaning of the reproach and despair of that long look.
“I agreed,” Natasha said to herself now, “that it would be terrible if he remained always suffering. I said it then only because it would be terrible for him, but he understood it differently. He thought it would be terrible for me. He then still wanted to live - he was afraid of death. And I told him so rudely, stupidly. I didn't think this. I thought something completely different. If I said what I thought, I would say: let him die, die all the time before my eyes, I would be happy in comparison with what I am now. Now... Nothing, no one. Did he know it? No. Didn't know and never will know. And now you can never, never fix it.” And again he spoke the same words to her, but now in her imagination Natasha answered him differently. She stopped him and said: “Terrible for you, but not for me. You know that without you there is nothing in my life, and suffering with you is the best happiness for me. And he took her hand and shook it the way he had squeezed it that terrible evening, four days before his death. And in her imagination she spoke to him still other tender, loving speeches, which she could have said then, which she spoke now. “I love you… you… love, love…” she said, clutching her hands convulsively, clenching her teeth with a fierce effort.
And sweet sorrow seized her, and tears were already coming into her eyes, but suddenly she asked herself: to whom is she saying this? Where is he and who is he now? And again everything was shrouded in dry, hard bewilderment, and again, tightly knitting her eyebrows, she peered at where he was. And now, now, it seemed to her, she was penetrating the secret ... But at that moment, when the incomprehensible, it seemed, was revealed to her, the loud knock of the handle of the door lock painfully struck her hearing. Quickly and carelessly, with a frightened, unoccupied expression on her face, the maid Dunyasha entered the room.
“Come to your father, quickly,” said Dunyasha with a special and lively expression. “A misfortune, about Pyotr Ilyich ... a letter,” she said with a sob.

In addition to the general feeling of alienation from all people, Natasha at that time experienced a special feeling of alienation from the faces of her family. All her own: father, mother, Sonya, were so close to her, familiar, so everyday that all their words, feelings seemed to her an insult to the world in which she had lived lately, and she was not only indifferent, but looked at them with hostility. . She heard Dunyasha's words about Pyotr Ilyich, about the misfortune, but did not understand them.
“What is their misfortune, what misfortune can there be? They have everything of their own, old, familiar and calm, ”Natasha mentally told herself.
When she entered the hall, her father quickly left the countess's room. His face was wrinkled and wet with tears. He must have run out of that room to let loose the sobs that were choking him. Seeing Natasha, he frantically waved his hands and burst into painfully convulsive sobs that distorted his round, soft face.
“Don’t… Petya… Go, go, she… she… is calling…” And he, sobbing like a child, quickly shuffling with his weakened legs, went up to a chair and almost fell on it, covering his face with his hands.
Suddenly, like an electric current, ran through Natasha's entire being. Something terribly hurt her in the heart. She felt a terrible pain; it seemed to her that something was coming off in her and that she was dying. But following the pain, she felt an instant release from the prohibition of life that lay on her. Seeing her father and hearing her mother's terrible, rude cry from behind the door, she instantly forgot herself and her grief. She ran up to her father, but he, waving his hand helplessly, pointed to her mother's door. Princess Mary, pale, with a trembling lower jaw, came out of the door and took Natasha by the hand, saying something to her. Natasha did not see or hear her. She went through the door with quick steps, stopped for a moment, as if in a struggle with herself, and ran up to her mother.
The countess was lying on an armchair, strangely awkwardly stretching herself, and banging her head against the wall. Sonya and the girls held her hands.
“Natasha, Natasha!” shouted the countess. - Not true, not true ... He is lying ... Natasha! she screamed, pushing away those around her. - Go away, everyone, it's not true! Killed! .. ha ha ha ha! .. not true!
Natasha knelt on an armchair, bent over her mother, embraced her, lifted her up with unexpected force, turned her face towards her, and clung to her.
- Mommy! .. my dear! .. I'm here, my friend. Mom, she whispered to her, not stopping for a second.
She did not let her mother out, tenderly wrestled with her, demanded a pillow, water, unbuttoned and tore her mother's dress.
“My friend, my dear ... mother, darling,” she whispered incessantly, kissing her head, hands, face and feeling how uncontrollably, in streams, tickling her nose and cheeks, her tears flowed.
The Countess squeezed her daughter's hand, closed her eyes, and fell silent for a moment. Suddenly she got up with unusual rapidity, looked around senselessly, and, seeing Natasha, began to squeeze her head with all her might. Then she turned her face, wrinkled with pain, to look at him for a long time.
“Natasha, you love me,” she said in a low, trusting whisper. - Natasha, you will not deceive me? Will you tell me the whole truth?
Natasha looked at her with tear-filled eyes, and in her face there was only a plea for forgiveness and love.

Formed in 1989, the exotic pop duo Kar-men became an instant hit. Foreign borders were not yet open to the common man, so the first album in the "around the world" style was warmly received by the audience. Alas, in two years the outrageous Bogdan Titomir will leave the group.

History of success

In the mid-90s, many songs written by his ex-partner Sergei Lemokh won first positions in various charts, and video clips for his compositions were incredibly successful. Sergey also wrote songs for pop stars of that time.

Being in a lull for a couple of years, in 1996 the Carmen group presented the music world with a new long-awaited album with beautiful melodic songs. And for their first anniversary - the fifth anniversary of Lemokha's solo project - the group timed the release of the disc "Your Sexual Thing".

Traveling to distant countries and the team participated in such famous festivals as "Tavria Games", "Slavic Bazaar" and "Voice of Asia". At one time, he was even awarded the Ovation Award as the best pop group.

Remaining a disco legend, Sergey Lemokh really brought something from the name of the group to his stage appearance. In the distant 90s, he was considered the sex symbol of the Union and was very popular. And today, an energetic "man-machine" in his almost 50 moves and jumps on the stage, as if a quarter of a century ago.

The Carmen group, having been at the peak of popularity and having released one of the soloists, Bogdan Titomir, to "free bread", oddly enough, still exists.

Modern creativity of the group

Now the group "Carmen" has three "machinists": two Sergeyevs - Lemokha and Kolkov, and Katrin Kanaeva, Lemokh's wife. The star trio is mainly invited to nightclubs, while the albums of the Carmen group appear from time to time. To promote his work, Lemokh uses modern technologies with might and main - the World Wide Web Internet. The results of such a policy are obvious: the Carmen group has up to 4 million downloads on its account every month.

Constant concerts in clubs testify to the fact that it is possible to stay afloat even in an environment of incredible competition. The main thing is to feel what the viewer requires and expects from the performer. And the public still continues to be a fan of the performances of Kar-men.

The successes of the leader of the "carmen"

Sergei Lemokh assures that the current songs of the Carmen group are fundamentally different from the hits of the "days of the past": the material presented by the trio is fashionable, fresh, and in demand. This is confirmed by the soloists of the group.

The Carmen group is still the brainchild of Sergei Lemokh, while he manages to act in commercials and write screensavers for various television programs. In addition, he is excellent at soundtracks for films: one has only to recall the cartoon "Captain Pronin".

And although it is almost impossible to surprise dance music lovers now, and it is generally difficult to create something new, the Carmen group never ceases to surprise its fans with various surprises. And in terms of experience and energy charge, hardly anyone can compare with them ...

"Kar-man"- Soviet and Russian pop group, popular in the very early 1990s. The leader of the group is Sergey Lemokh.


The group was founded in 1989 by Bogdan Titomir and Sergey Lemokh, who were musicians with Dmitry Malikov. Then, working as a backup dancer for the singer Vladimir Maltsev, they composed the song “Paris, Paris” for him, which they later decided to perform on their own.

Initially, the duo referred to themselves as "exotic pop duo". They took the name "Carmen" as the name. In 1990, the name was changed to Kar-man. As the performers themselves comment, in this way they "went to meet the wishes of the listeners, obscuring the initial reminder of the insidious Spanish rival of today's young seductresses." The name can be translated as "man-car". Performers prefer the synonym "traveler". Therefore, the first album of the group called “Around the World” (1990) had a peculiar concept: each song from which in one way or another tells about different cities and countries.

For the first time on TV, the group "lit up" in the spring of 1990, on the 2x2 TV channel, performing several songs (unknown source), then in the summer of the same year in the Variety Vernissage program, with the clip "Paris", and at the end of the year, summed up in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, the duet became the leader in two categories: "Discovery of the Year" and "Group of the Year".

In April 1991, Bogdan Titomir left the project, deciding to pursue a solo career. At the same time, "Kar-man" as a project does not cease to exist with his departure.

The group received a number of awards: Schlager-90 (1990), 50x50 (1991), Star Rain (1991), Ovation (1991).

Sergey Lemokh takes part in third-party projects: he acts in commercials, writes the soundtrack for the animated series Captain Pronin, writes musical screensavers for TV shows, etc.

In parallel with his work at Kar-Man, Sergey Lemokh worked as a composer, writing several songs for other artists (Natalya Senchukova, Lada Dance, Natalya Gulkina, Igor Seliverstov).


  • Sergey Lemokh - vocals, lyrics, arrangements.
  • Sergey Kolkov - dancing.
  • Katrin Kanaeva - dancing.

Former members:

  • Bogdan Titomir - vocals, lyrics (1989-1991).
  • Mario Francisco Diaz (Cuba) - dancing.


Before the album "Around the World", 3 songs were recorded in 1990: "Man of the year", "Night with you", "Singapore". It is also known that several songs of the "Carmania" album were recorded as a duet in 1991 ("The Guy from Africa", "Robin Hood"), but after Bogdan Titomir left the group, Sergey Lemokh rewrote all the vocal parts. The only surviving song from this album (as a duet) is "Boy from Africa".

Numbered albums:

  • Around the world(magnet album - Gala 1990) (Gala/Sintez, 1991 - vinyl, reissued on CD and MC by Gala Records in 1994)
  • Carmania(Gala Records, 1991 - magnetic album, 1992 - vinyl, re-released on CD and MC in 1994)
  • Russian massive sonic aggression(J.S.P., 1994; 1997; 2004)
  • your sexy thing(Zeko, 1996)
  • disc king(J.S.P., 1998; 2003)
  • Nitro(Quad disc, 2008)

Remix albums:

  • Back to the future (Back to future)(J.S.P., 1999; 2003)


  • The Best Of Car Man(Jeff Records, 1993)
  • Legends of Russian disco(Master Sound Production, 2000)
  • Legends of Russian disco. Part 2(Master Sound Production, 2001)
  • Star collection(J.S.P. Records, 2001)
  • grand collection(Quad disc, 2009)
  • Grand Collection MP3(Quad disc, 2009)

Other albums:

  • Live…(J.S.P., 1994; 2004, live album)
  • Polaris(Zeko, 1997, Lemokh's solo album)

Albums not released:

  • diesel mist 1993
  • Russian rhythm control 1996
  • Kar-Man 2000 2000
  • dance machine 2001-2002
  • fast and furious 2003-2007
  • Project Germany(unreleased English album) 1996 - 2006


  • Music (2012)
  • dance disco (1998)
  • Southern Shaolin (1996)
  • Sound aggressor (1994)
  • Mamaia Cannibals (1993)
  • Chao Bambino (1992)
  • boy from africa (1991)
  • Bad Russians (1991)
  • Hotel San Martino (1991)
  • London, goodbye (1991)
  • My girl from America (American Girl) (1990)
  • Paris (1990)


date added: 29.07.2008

This wonderful group was founded by Sergey Lemokh and Bogdan Titomir, who met while working in a dance group of Vladimir Maltsev, a popular artist in the late eighties of the last century. Since both dreamed of creating their own project, it was decided to collaborate with each other.

Thus, in the fall of 1989, their duet "Kar-Man" appeared. Friends decided to work in the genre of popular music, quite heavily flavored with exotic elements. In particular, their first studio album was called "Around the World" and was stylized as a kind of musical journey around the world. The disc included such hits as "London, Goodbye", "Paris, Paris" and "Cio-Cio-San".

The group very quickly became very popular and famous. The recording of the second album was even started, which it was decided to call "Kar-Mania". But it was at this peak of fame that one of the duet members, Bogdan Titomir, left the team to start a solo career. And Sergey Lemokh remains alone.

However, Sergei does not despair. The already recorded (and no less powerful than the first work of the group) album "Kar-Mania" is released. Since all rights to use the band's name remain with him, Lemokh is recruiting new talented musicians and dancers. And he begins to perform with them, remaining the leader of the team.

One of the best compositions of the second album is the track "Bad Russians". Moreover, a good clip is even shot on it, which only increases the popularity of the group. In 1991, the team even became the owner of the very prestigious Ovation award, and won a number of authoritative competitions, such as Schlager-90, 50x50 and Star Rain. At the same time, Lemokh tries himself as an independent songwriter from the group. The first experience of cooperation is working with N. Gulkina, for which he writes a number of successful tracks: "China", "You just have to dream", "Ivanhoe", "Farewell forever" ...

Until 1993, the group did not write new records, but the team released a collection of the best songs. Among which are three new compositions - "Chao, Bambino", "Is it love" and "Dancing in laser smoke". Moreover, "Chao, Bambino" turns out to be a real hit, and soon a no less talented and bright clip is shot on it. The group is at the peak of its popularity, and at this time "Kar-man" tours a lot throughout Russia.

In addition to performing on stage, Sergei Lemokh began to devote a lot of energy to non-variety projects. In particular, he participated in the game "Marathon 15 - Start", recorded part of the sound track for the animated film "Captain Pronin" and even starred in commercials for such well-known companies as "Hitec" and "B.O.Y."

In 1994, the group pleases its fans with new recordings. And not just one album, but two at once. So the records "Russian Massive Sound Aggression" and "Live ..." hit the shelves. Compositions such as "Angel of love", "Soyuz-Apollo", and "This is Сar-Man" quickly occupy leading positions in the leading charts in Russia. The song "Hotel California" is also very unusual and talented. The famous work of the Eagles team, presented as a dance remix, is received very warmly by the audience…

After the release of the above albums, the Kar-men team goes on a kind of vacation for a while. True, Lemokh still collaborates with a number of Russian pop stars, in particular with N. Senchukova, Lika, Lada Dance, S. Vladimirskaya, V. Nechitailo, and I. Siliverstov. But after, until 1996, it becomes difficult to get at least some information about the team. No concerts, no records...

True, by 1996 the team was still coming out of hibernation. And even presents fans with a new record called "Your Sexy Thing". Distinctive feature album becomes a large number of slow songs, which are very different from the early work of the group. Resumes the team and live performances, visiting such festivals as the "Voice of Asia", "Slavic Bazaar", and "Tavria Games".

After a successful tour of Germany and the USA, the group returns to Russia. Where he gets a chance to participate in a very interesting event "Surprise from Pugacheva". As part of this project, the team rewrites the famous song of Alla Borisovna called "Robinson". In particular, he creates an amazing remix in the style of "disco" from it.

In 1997, Sergei Lemokh also thinks about a solo project, thereby founding the Polaris group. True, work continues on the repertoire of "Kar-man" - already in 1999 a new disc - "King of the Disc" was released. And soon another album appears, though coolly received by the fans, since it consists entirely of remixes of already known songs of the team.

After another period of calm, a kind of revival of the team took place only after 2001. In connection with the tenth anniversary of the Kar-Men group, its members decided to create an anniversary concert program from old and new hits. The first premiere of this festive project took place during a tour of Germany. But after Sergei Lemokh brought the program to Russia, where under the sign "Kar-Men - 10 years" a very large-scale tour took place throughout the country. Thus marking the temporary return of the musicians to the "big" show business...

Or the Ladybug group. Most of the performers of famous hits have long disappeared from the Olympus of show business, but there are those who are still releasing a new product to this day. One of them is the singer and composer Sergei Lemokh.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Ogurtsov (real name of the singer) was born on May 14, 1965 in the city of Serpukhov (Moscow Region).

Father Mikhail Vasilyevich was a military man, and mother Lyubov Petrovna worked as a history teacher. Lemokh also has a brother, Alexei, who is ten years older than the singer.

The future idol of youth from the age of five was fond of music (4 years of a jazz studio) and by the end of the school he realized what he wanted to devote his life to. Lemokh's creative biography began long before the Kar-men team. The young man began to pave the way to show business back in 1981. When Sergey Lemokh studied at the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade, he played keyboards in taverns in the evenings and worked as a DJ in the Kauchuk recreation center, and during the day he posed for the Knitting magazine published by his mother.

At the same time, the ambitious young man went to a concert, where the national pop star in Gorky Park first performed the songs “Moon Dream” and “You will never be mine” (text by David Samoilov). Sergei, inspired by the work of Malikov, decides to get acquainted with a popular performer at all costs.

Already in 1989, Dmitry in the "New Year's Light" presents a new composition "Until Tomorrow" (lyrics - Alexander Shaganov), but the artist does not work alone - he plays on the drum set, and Sergey Lemokh on the keys. Later, together with Bogdan, he worked as a backing singer and dancer for Vladimir Maltsev, for whom Lemokh later wrote the song "Paris, Paris".

Later, Maltsev became the producer of the Freestyle group and. Then he noticed promising guys and "picked up under his wing", he brought the guys together with the right people. The end of 1989 is considered the date of the formation of the Carmen group.


Initially, the guys positioned themselves as an "exotic pop duet", and took the name of the fatal beauty Carmen as their name. In 1990, the Carmen group was transformed into Kar-men. As the performers themselves comment, they "went to meet the wishes of the listeners, obscuring the reminder of the rival of today's seductresses."

The first album "Around the World" was dedicated to life in various cities and countries. Video clips were subsequently recorded for the hits "London, Goodbye", "Paris, Paris", "Cio-Cio-San". After the work on the project was completed, there was a discord in the team: Sergey was tired of entering into an eternal confrontation with Bogdan Titomir and fighting for leadership in the group. The man did not understand why his colleague tried to "jump over his head" and take all the glory for himself, when he had nothing to do with the lyrics or the arrangements. The next album - "Kar-Mania" was recorded without the participation of Bogdan.

In 1991, the team reached the apogee of popularity: "Kar-man" won first places in various competitions, won the "Ovation" award, and the permanent leader of the group wrote a couple of songs and.

The third album "Kar-men" was a collection of the best songs, consisting of remixes of old songs. In 1993, the group toured Russia. Sergei starred in several commercials, participated in the television game "Marathon-15", and also wrote the soundtrack for the cartoon "Captain Pronin".

The following year, the group released two discs at once: "Russian Massive Sound Aggression" and "Live ...". It is noteworthy that the songs occupied only the top lines in the music charts. After that, the group went into a creative lull.

The next album was released only in 1996. It consisted of slow tracks and was called "Your Sexy Thing". In the same year, the group went on tour to Germany and the USA, and also took part in international festivals.

In 1997, the team performed in the television show "Surprise from Pugacheva", presenting a remix of her composition "Robinson" to the prime minister of the national stage. At the same time, Lemokh's solo album "Polaris" was released. Next comes "King of the Disc". And in 1999, the album - "Back to the Future", containing remixes of the group's first hits.

The project does not lose its relevance to this day. "Kar-man" is remembered and loved by both ordinary people and show business stars. So, in 2016, on the stage of the Just the Same project, the ex-soloist of the Yin-Yang group in the image of Sergei Lemokh sang the song London, Goodbye.

Personal life

Sergey does not like to talk about his personal life, but it is reliably known that Lemokh was married twice.

The artist met his first wife Natalia when he was a young, unknown singer. As often happens, the marriage failed the test of glory.

Due to a series of endless tours in the 90s, Sergei did not have time to "stop and rest", to say nothing of the family structure. Natalya quickly realized that she and her husband had different priorities: she wanted children and a quiet life, and he dreamed of creating, constantly “being on the move” and being not only heard by everyone, but also in sight. Young people divorced without scandals, division of property and claims. During the family idyll, the wife gave the artist two daughters - Lyudmila and Alice.

Lemokh did not consider himself an exemplary father. The singer did not go to school meetings, did not read morals and rarely spent weekends with children. Despite this, Alice maintains warm relations with Sergey and even goes to his concerts. But Lyudmila believes that her father devotes little time to her.

Both young ladies have a musical education. The eldest daughter tried herself as a DJ, but quickly burned out, now the girl is in "search for herself."

Early becoming a father, the singer just as early became a grandfather. The artist has two granddaughters.

The second wife of the singer was a group colleague - Ekaterina Kanaeva. The woman managed to build strong respectful relationships with the adult daughters of the artist, but she never interfered in their upbringing. The wise young lady did not want to take on the role of an “all-knowing parent” and be too intrusive.

Ekaterina and Sergey do not have common children, but, according to the singer, they are working on it.

Sergey Lemokh now

In September 2018, the artist's daughter Lyudmila became the heroine of the "Let them talk" program. The girl got into a bad company, began to drink and now risks losing her rights to the child, Lemokh's granddaughter. Grandmother Lyudmila said that the ex-wife of the artist, Natalya, died from oncological disease back in 2014. According to the woman, Lemokh was never interested in the life of his eldest daughter, did not show love for her, just like his mother, and after the divorce does not take part in her life at all.

At the moment, the performer gives himself entirely to music. The artist releases fresh singles, makes mixes for everyone's favorite hits and plans to finish work on a new album in the near future. Despite the fact that the artist is not on Instagram, his photos from concerts and vacations regularly appear on the network.

The man, who does not lose his agility, plans to further expand the target audience of fans of his work, therefore he is actively studying the Internet market. The artist wants to publish projects that will be of interest to people. So, in 2017, on the official website of the band, the singer presented the Double Jazzy project.

Among other things, Lemokh as part of the Kar-men group continues to perform both in Russia and in Europe.


  • 1990 - "Around the World"
  • 1991 - "Carmania"
  • 1994 - "Russian massive sound aggression"
  • 1996 - "Your Sexy Thing"
  • 1997 - "Polaris"
  • 1998 - "King of the Disc"
  • 2008 - "Nitro"
  • 2014 - "Ultrasound"

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