
This page is in VKontakte of Anna sedakova. Solo career of Anna Sedokova

My perfect evening and wonderful ❤️And also focaccia with cheese and truffle and even delicious meat. It's a pity I didn't eat spaghetti, what a misunderstanding 😂 By the way, on my second page @annaupgraded I often write about my favorite wines and how to pretend that you understand them, if there is no way (oh these excuses 😶) to learn to understand them. So from @annaupgraded's tips, if you want a funky white wine go for Pinot Grigio. Verified many times by a female company of friends. And Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: “Life is too short to drink bad wines” 🍷 🗯 🍷 Wines are divided into male and female according to their richness. The first include the grape varieties "Nebbiolo", "Shiraz", "Sangiovese", the second - "Pinot Noir", "Pinot Green", "Riesling", "Gewurztraminer", "Carmenere". Male wines are usually quite dense and tannic. Women's - soft, fresh, possibly floral. 🍷 It is better to start acquaintance with the world of wine with bottles from the New World: Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, USA. The next stage is the Old World: France, Italy, Spain. Then comes Bordeaux and finally the most difficult ones, Burgundy. 🍷Millesim is a vintage. Bottles from the New World can be drunk within a year or two after collection. The Old World can mature from five to ten years. 🍷If the shade of wine is cold (red, ruby), it was aged in steel tanks. If warm, with brick, brown notes - in oak barrels. The color is best seen at the border, where the wine is in contact with the glass. That is why the glass is tilted for a better view. 🍷 The streaks that remain on the walls of the glass are called wine legs or tears. If they form slowly, the wine is dense, full-bodied and strong. In young wines, tears flow down instantly, these varieties are lighter. What is your favorite wine?

What is love to me? This is when it doesn't matter. Your ego is breathing nervously on the sidelines and enviously looks at how two healthy people happy together. Before, I got to the bottom of every little thing, immediately building a chain of future events. Where will it lead that he did not open the door for me in the car. Isn't that a bad sign? After all, how will he treat our children 😂 But love is when little things really become little things. Everything takes on its real dimensions and you will no longer part because of the door, an unwashed plate or one harsh word in a quarrel. Probably, you stop blowing on milk. You just drink it and enjoy the lactose. Although you know that it is harmful I😚🤪🥰 What is love for you? Tell...

With my man on the French Riviera🤗😛🤪. Judging by the number of tractors, a person will work in agriculture! Or construction, since 🏗 is also quoted. Only Mona listens to the truth. Loves her and considers herself a member of her team. Repeats everything after her. Everything. And yet, every day I am surprised how this little girl in a diaper considers herself the head of the family and clearly makes all decisions, and try to disagree with him! Is that what makes him a superman? Unconditional love of others or genes? Or the conditions of upbringing?

Hello friends, and I am here with great news. Do you remember that in August I will make my debut at the Taganka Theater in a play? And together with the choreographer of the project - Vitaly Klimenko - we decided to give away some prizes for you 🎁🎁🎁. So, the competition! The conditions are very simple: ✔ Be subscribed to the account @ show.falsh and @annasedokova ✔ Write in the comments under this entry “I want a ticket” and mark two friends ✔ Wait 20:00 Friday, when the prize draw will take place, and this is 1.2 tickets for play ; 2. 50% discount; 3. When buying one ticket, the second as a gift; 4. 20% discount for ten lucky ones. Stay tuned for more surprises. I wish you all good luck ❤

Happiness multiplied millions of times! But the absolute impossibility of combining leisure with children and work. At first, I still tried to combine games with a tractor and cars, drawing and sculpting with listening to new demos, but somehow it didn't work out very well. It took me 4 hours to reply to a working message. Just write yes or no 4 hours 🤦🏽‍♀️ It took me several days to upload this photo to the installer. The business woman ended where the three began and the leader of the detachment on the road. Actually, I admit my defeat. I give up until the end of August and put myself in the arms of my three children and have a wonderful vacation. So apologize in advance for my content for the next weeks 😂 I hope you will forgive me. Know I try ❤️

I'm entering this August like ..... 😂😂😂 For the next 10 days I have no concerts (but this is not for sure 😂) and in an hour the plane will take me to the Cote d'Azur, where I plan to do what is captured in this photo. And not fly anywhere 😂😂😂 Vacation, is it true you? How are you doing? Already on vacation or just planning? ❤️

Today, at the Penza airport, I was met by probably one of the most famous residents of the city - Messi @l_am_puma with mom and dad ❤️ Several months ago, I signed up for an amazing family that saved a sick cougar (Messi has rickets and is not adapted to life in the wild will not survive there). She went out, nursed, pampers, loves to madness and feeds with peeled shrimps 😂 Not exclusively, of course, but as goodies. In general, it's probably better for you to read everything on his page, because I may not be accurate, but you would have seen the eyes of people who arrived with me on the same flight and met 😂😂😂 The excitement was unprecedented. Everyone wants to be photographed. So I could not resist, but Messi's dad told me that recently he decided to offer people to pay for the photo. Not myself, of course, and not Messi. The guys help the charity fund “Helping Hand for Homeless Animals” in Penza and ask to transfer there at least 200 rubles for a photo, as much as they want. I will translate and suddenly, you will have a desire to help. The last photo in the carousel shows the fund's business card. It's not easy for them now. Let's help? @centr_pitomec

Why do we love our phones so much? How many times have we heard in our address: “you are on your phone all the time”, “your phone is more important to you”. For me, these are several factors. Choose yours: 1. Music. There are always songs in my phone that can take you so quickly to another reality, another world. Teleport. 2. This is a connection. With someone who didn't call, but you're still waiting. You believe everything. It’s that thread, thin and almost broken, but it’s there. 3. A way to forget yourself. Light. Free. Suddenly be where you have never been. Another world. Although, isn't it a teleport? What is a phone for you?

During its existence, the group "VIA Gra" changed several soloists, but the audience remembered not all of them. Anna Sedakova, without a doubt, became one of the brightest members of this group, and even after leaving it, she was able to stay afloat.

Today, Anya is successfully pursuing a solo career, taking part in the filming of films and television programs. Despite the many fans, the girl's relationship with men is not developing in the best way. Anna has already been married twice. The first spouse was the football player Valentin Belkevich, the second - the businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. Now Sedakova is raising two daughters - Alina and Monica, whose friendship she is very proud of. Happy mother Anna Sedakova Instagram regularly replenishes with new photos, telling about her achievements, work and family.

Instagram of Anna Sedakova

Anna is a positive girl, and this manifests itself in all areas of her life. Despite the periodic difficulties in life, she retains faith in a better future, which gives her strength and confidence. Anna Sedakova on Instagram (@annasedokova) constantly thanks fate for every day she has lived and sincerely enjoys even small successes. Perhaps the photographs themselves are not distinguished by originality and artistry, but Anya's communication with subscribers is definitely worthy of respect.

Sedakova's publications, by and large, are a photo report of life. There is everything here, from home shots with daughters to behind-the-scenes teasers from private parties where you can meet such famous personalities as Anna Chipovskaya and Ekaterina Odintsova. Anna Sedakova's Instagram will be of interest, first of all, to her fans who want to receive information at first hand. Fortunately for them, the singer is not afraid of publicity and almost daily posts new photos. In general, it is very interesting to watch how Anya communicates with subscribers. She speaks directly to followers, asking them for advice or simply talking about the current event. By adding a photo to Instagram, Sedakova necessarily makes an informative signature explaining the picture captured in the picture. Moreover, Anna reads the comments of followers, which she herself admitted in one of her publications. And the girl places the most liked posts of fans on her page with gratitude and "honors".

So, Sedakova's Instagram is actively updating and has pleasant conversations with her subscribers. The number of followers of Sedakova has already exceeded 422 thousand and continues to grow. Perhaps it was the good attitude towards the fans that became the reason for the popularity of her page.


Anna Sedokova is a singer and actress, TV presenter, writer and director. Anna attracted attention and made her debut on the music scene as part of the girl band "VIA Gra", but then left the group for a solo career and creativity outside the musical sphere.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anna Sedokova is interesting thanks to her bright appearance on the stage. The girl's parents moved to Kiev from Tomsk, this was done due to difficult relationships between families. As the singer herself recalls, the situation was standard: the mother's parents lived modestly, and the father's family was prosperous.

Anna Sedokova has an older brother Maxim, her mother was left alone with two children when the future artist was barely three years old. The father left the family, several years after Anna Sedokova lived in Tomsk with her grandmother, later the girl was taken by her father. This did not last long, soon Anna was forced to return to her mother, who taught a foreign language and music lessons all day long, so that the children had everything they needed. After the last move, the girl did not see her father for twenty years.

From childhood, Anna Sedokova studied dance and music, grew up as a creative and developed child.

Due to the difficult situation in the family, the girl worked part-time from the age of 16. Anna auditioned for the role of TV presenter and model, the girl worked as an entertainer at parties in the capital's clubs. The future star experienced her first success while working on the local O-TV channel. Over the course of a year, Sedokova has grown from an ordinary journalist to the host of her own program.


Real glory was waiting for Anna Sedokova ahead. Hard Castings, Thousands beautiful girls, but it is Anna Sedokova who becomes a member of the pop group "VIA Gra". Sedokova did not stay in the popular trio for a long time and went into free swimming. She returned to the profession of a TV presenter, hosted the morning show "Rise" on the rating Ukrainian "New Channel". At that time, the photos of Anna Sedokova had already become recognizable, and the work had to be combined with studies at the institute. Nevertheless, the singer received a diploma and became a qualified specialist.

"Golden" composition of the group "VIA Gra": Sedokova, Granovskaya, Brezhnev

The connection with VIA Gra did not end with the departure from the sexual trio. In 2002, Anna returned to and replaced. The artist stayed in the group for two years, but during this time famous hits appeared, which still do not leave the rotation on radio stations.

In the "VIA Gra" group, Anya not only performed songs, but also directed and staged performances of concert programs. As time went on, photos of Anna Sedokova increasingly appeared on the covers of fashionable glossy magazines. For Anna's sake, the legendary "Playboy" agreed to a photo session without complete nudity. The release with a photo of a half-naked Sedokova broke sales records.

Solo career and TV

While in the popular VIA Gra group, Anna Sedokova began a relationship with football player Valentin Belkevich. This man became so involved in the singer's life that Anna decided to leave the team and give herself completely to her family. But the "family" time did not last long. After leaving the group, the artist took up a solo career and took the pseudonym Annabelle. In the spring of 2006, the premiere of the song "My Heart" was performed on radio stations. In the same year, Sedokova, for the first time after a long rest, appeared on the stage of the Five Stars festival in Sochi.

A little later, Anna Sedokova signed a long-term contract with the recording studio RealRecords and starred in the video for her own song "Samaya best girl". With each new premiere of the song, the singer became more popular and more successful, the announcement of the first album began.

At that moment, for still unknown reasons, Anna Sedokova decided to take a vacation. The beginning of 2008 was characterized for her by an offer from Channel One - the producers were invited to the King of the Ring show. The singer accepted the offer, and this year was eventful for her. There were many projects in the work, including cooperation with in the program "Ice Age 2", the Ukrainian show "TV Star - Superstar". At the end of the year, the musician delighted her fans with a video for the song "I'm getting used to" and appeared in a new Ukrainian TV series called "The Power of Attraction".

Anna Sedokova's independent career is going well, already in 2009 the singer accepts an offer from the producers of the Two Stars project on Channel One and successfully performs with a partner.

A few months later, the artist's fans are actively beginning to discuss the new song "Selyavi", which was later renamed "Drama".

The star also acted as a writer in the spring of 2010, when the work “The Art of Seduction” appeared on the shelves of bookstores, the demand for which was overwhelming.

In 2010, Sedokova fulfilled the dreams of many fans and starred naked for the cover of MAXIM magazine. The photo of the naked singer appeared in numerous erotic collections of the World Wide Web.

In 2011, Anna continued her acting career and played the role of Diana in the comedy film Pregnant. In 2013, Sedokova appeared in two films "Vitalka" and "How the Style Was Tempered" at once, but only in a cameo.

"I want to see Meladze"

In 2014, a new show "I Want to Meladze" was released, where participants competed for the opportunity to become members of the "M-BAND" group. Anna Sedokova was present as part of the mentors, but due to a conflict with other colleagues, the singer had to leave the show. Sedokova nevertheless coped with emotions and returned, and Anna's team reached the final, losing.

Today, in an interview with reporters, the singer says that the show "I Want to Meladze" became extremely emotional for her, because at the last stage its brightest participant left, from Kazakhstan, and it was quite difficult for the singer to survive. Tsoi got into the "M-BAND" group, and Sedokova considers this to be her victory.

Sedokova's song "Heart in bandages", which the artist sang with her team, gained many views and became one of the brightest performances on the show.

In 2015, Anna recorded the song and video "Hush" together with a Ukrainian singer and released a video for the song "Bye, dear", directed by. The video received the Fashion People Awards in the Best Fashion Video category and RU.TV Award in the Sexiest Video category.

Personal life

The first husband of Anna Sedokova is footballer Valentin Belkevich, because of him the girl finally decided at one time to leave the popular group "VIA Gra". The girl gave the athlete a daughter, Alina, but the couple broke up immediately after the birth of the child. For the next two years, nothing was heard about the singer, Anna remained a single mother and devoted all her time to the baby.

After returning to the stage and television screens, the personal life of Anna Sedokova again becomes a tasty subject for discussion. This time the GrandPrix Race Manager becomes the singer's chosen one. The man lived in Los Angeles, and the singer and her daughter often came to visit him.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky played the wedding in America in February 2011. Like the previous one, this marriage was short-lived, and after two years of family life, the couple broke up. During this time, Anna Sedokova managed to give birth to a daughter, Monica, from Chernyavsky, who equally spends time with her father and mother.


After a ten-year break, Anna returned to filming in the videos of her colleagues. In 2016, the singer starred in TARSHIN's music video "Around".

In 2016, Anna Sedokova released three new solo videos "About You", "Universe" and "The Best". This year marked the directorial debut for Anna. The singer directed the video for the song "Universe" herself.

In 2017, Anna presented the song "First Love" and a video for it. The music video was again directed by the singer herself.

At the beginning of 2017, the press began to notice that the singer's belly was clearly rounded. Anna hid her pregnancy from fans. The representative of the singer, the concert director, appealed to the fans of Sedokova, convincing that the musician was not pregnant.

When the belly became really noticeable, the artist did not immediately reveal the identity of the child's father, only hinting that this is not the same person as Monica's father.

On February 8, 2017, Sedokova officially posted her pregnancy on Instagram. The singer said that she was pregnant by Artyom Komarov, whom she had been dating for a long time and who starred in the music video for the musician “First Love”. A man is 9 years younger than Anna (the singer is 34 years old, and her chosen one is 25) and comes from a wealthy and influential family. Artem is the son of an oligarch, the owner of the Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant. The young man works as the CEO of a construction company.

On February 16, a scandal erupted in the press related to the singer's pregnancy. A certain Mikhail Mikhailenko, posing as a PR employee of the Danilovsky Pub restaurant, said on the Internet portal that the planned concert was canceled, since Anna does not look the same as when the contract was signed. Representatives of the restaurant were quick to deny this information.

April 8 at an American hospital. The child's father immediately flew to Los Angeles to see the baby. For Sedokova, this is the third child, Artem Komarov became a father for the first time. The birth was difficult, the singer underwent a cesarean section and was left under a dropper under observation for several days, but the woman has already shared her happy photos with fans. Sedokova did not give details about the child and did not give the name of the baby.


Today it cannot be said that Anna Sedokova's discography is impressive. The singer has recorded only two solo albums:

  • 2016 - "Personal"
  • 2017 - "Present"

The main albums and singles were released as part of the VIA Gra group. However, the iconic singles of the singer's solo career stand out:

  • "Piranhas"
  • "There's a buzz between us"
  • "What have I done"
  • "Jealousy"
  • "Drama"
  • "Cold heart"
  • "I'm getting used to"
  • "Heart in bandages"
  • "My heart"
Anna Sedokova is a Ukrainian singer, former member of the VIA Gra pop trio. Now he is confidently building a solo career.

Childhood and family

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kiev. Her parents moved to the Ukrainian capital from Tomsk. The Sedokovs were forced to change the Russian city to the Ukrainian one by the complicated relations between the families of Anna's parents. As Anya Sedokova recalls, the situation for dad and mom was standard:

“My mother's parents, my grandfather, a photographer, and my grandmother, a radiologist, lived, one might say, poorly. Dad, on the other hand, had a very wealthy family. My dad's grandparents are professors. They categorically opposed the future marriage of their son. And then dad and mom decided to flee to distant lands, to Kiev. "

When the future artist was three years old, her father left the family. The singer's mother was left alone with two children - little Anya and the eldest son Maxim. However, for some time Anya lived with her grandmother in Tomsk, after which her father took her. The girl did not live long with her dad, as a result, she stayed with her mother, who taught English and music and practically disappeared at work to provide for two children.

Almost from the cradle, Anya Sedokova began to study music and dance. The girl graduated from school with a gold medal. Simultaneously with general education, she graduated from a music school. For the first time, a future celebrity appeared on the stage as a member of the Svitanok folk ensemble. As part of this dance group, Anya toured half the world.

From the age of 16, Anna Sedokova was constantly looking for a part-time job. A minor girl tried herself as a model, organizer and host of parties in nightclubs. The girl entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, graduated from the university with a specialty "TV and radio announcer." During her studies, Anna worked in her specialty.

Success came to Anna Sedokova when she worked on the O-TV channel. In just a year, the girl has risen from a simple participant in live broadcasts to a permanent presenter.

"VIA Gra"

Glory to the girl was brought by participation in the pop group of Konstantin Meladze "VIA Gra". The girl passed a tough selection at the auditions - out of 200 applicants, she was chosen. However, the girl did not stay for a long time in the trio, and after a rapid rise upward, together with VIA Groi, she returned to television, becoming the co-host of Maxim Nelipa in the Rise! on the "New Channel". She combined this work with her studies at the university. Working days did not prevent Anya from receiving a red diploma.

The VIA Gra group appeared in Sedokova's life again in 2002. She replaced Nadezhda Meikher, who left the band due to pregnancy. For two years, a girl as part of a sexy band, one of whose members at that time was the famous Vera Brezhneva, recorded songs such as "Stop-stop-stop", "Kill my friend "," Do not leave me, darling "," There is no more attraction "," The third ocean ". In addition to performing songs, Anya was engaged in staging the group's performances and directing.

Thanks to her spectacular external data, Anya became a regular guest of glossy magazines .. It was only for her sake that the Russian Playboy organized a photo session without a complete nude. This issue with a dressed Sedokova on the cover broke all sales records.

Solo career of Anna Sedokova

At the peak of her popularity in the VIA Gra group, Anna Sedokova began a relationship with Dynamo footballer Valery Belkevich. Having made a choice in favor of family happiness, she left the group. Immediately after her departure from the team, Anya starred for the glossy magazine for men Maxim. The photo session turned out to be more than spicy - the girl was four months pregnant.

After VIA Gra, the singer begins her solo career. In April 2006, a girl under the pseudonym Annabelle released a video for the song "My Heart". And for the first time, after a break, Anna Sedokova takes the stage in September of the same year at the Five Stars festival in Sochi. There, the singer becomes the owner of the "Audience Choice Award". Before the new 2007 year, Sedokova is casting and becomes the host of the program on Channel One "New songs about the main thing."

A little later, Anna signed a contract with the recording company Real Records and released a video for the song "The Best Girl". A solo career began to gain momentum, the release of the first album was already announced, but due to personal reasons (read about them below), Anna took a creative time-out.

Anna Sedokova I MONATIK - Hush

In 2008, the singer received an offer to become a co-host of the show "King of the Ring" on the First. In parallel with this, Anna manages to host the Ukrainian show "TV Star - Superstar". Anna Sedokova finds time for Ilya Averbukh's project "Ice Age 2". Professional figure skater Andrey Khvalko was chosen as a partner in the skating rink for the artist. In the same 2008, Anya shot a video for the song "I'm getting used to" and starred in the Ukrainian TV series "The Power of Attraction".

Ani's career goes by leaps and bounds up the hill and on various shows the girl is just snapped up. So, already in March 2009, Sedokova participates in the musical project of the First Channel "Two Stars", where Vadim Galygin became her microphone partner. A few months later, on the "Russian Radio" presented a new song by Anna "Selyavi" (later "Drama").

Biology - "Viagra" - Anna Sedokova

By the way, the singer herself and her music producer Dmitry Klimashenko became the author of the song. After some time, Anna Sedokova pleased the fans with another hit - the premiere of the composition "Cold Heart", which was recorded in a duet with Dzhigan, took place on Love Radio. In the same year, Ani's next success as an actress followed - the girl starred in the film "Moscow.RU", and donated the received fee to charity.

The facets of Anna Sedokova's talent

In March 2010, Anna will debut as a writer. The girl publishes the book "The Art of Seduction", which is in great demand among fans. In the same year, two clips of Anna Sedokova - "Drama" and "Cold Heart", were simultaneously released, and the girl appeared in the Ukrainian analogue of the show "Two Stars" with a pair of Viktor Loginov. In October, the singer goes on a big tour of the cities of the CIS countries with a new show program.

After leaving VIA Gra, Anna Sedokova reunited with the group only once - in November 2010 at an anniversary concert in Ukraine. The girl, along with her former colleagues, sang several songs, while the audience greeted the singer with a thunderous ovation, as if they were just waiting for her release.

Anna Sedokova - Heart in bandages

At the end of 2010, Anna shot a video for the song "Jealousy", in which there is a rather frank plot and clear hints of lesbian love. The working video and photo reports from the set caused a scandal, and the clip was urgently re-edited for broadcasting on TV channels.

By the way, last year Anya consolidated her acting experience with a role in the comedy "Pregnant", starring with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Mikhail Galustyan. In the film, the girl got the main role.

In the fall of 2011, Anna became the host of the Russian version of the Project Podium reality show, which premiered on October 8, 2011 on MTV Russia. On January 31, 2012, the premiere of the song "Taxi" took place on the First Popular Radio. On September 11, the premiere of the video for the song "What have I done?"

In 2013, Sedokova, together with Zhan Alibekov, was the host of the Kazakh reality show "The Seventh Race", an analogue of the "Battle of Psychics" project.

In 2014, a new show "I Want to Meladze" was released, where the participants competed for the opportunity to become members of the "M-BAND" Meladze group. Anna Sedokova was present as part of the mentors, but due to a conflict with her other colleagues, the singer had to leave the show. Sedokova nevertheless coped with emotions and returned, and her team reached the final, losing to Sergey Lazarev.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

The first husband of Anna Sedokova was Dynamo footballer Valentin Belkevich. It was because of the relationship with this young man that the girl left the popular VIA Gra trio. In 2004, the singer gave birth to the athlete's daughter Alina.

After the birth of the child, information about the crack in the marriage of celebrities began to appear in the press. In 2006, Sedokova and Belkevich filed for divorce. Soon the reason was found out - the footballer was cheating on his wife with his former mistress. For the next two years, Anna disappeared from the media radars, then returned to duty. In 2014, 41-year-old Valentin died of a detached blood clot. Anna, who maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, was heartbroken.

Having recovered from the first divorce, the girl began to actively arrange her personal life. Anna met a successful businessman, Formula 1 manager Maxim Chernyavsky. A young man of Ukrainian origin lived in Los Angeles, where Anya and her daughter often came. In February 2011, they got married. 5 months later, their daughter Monica was born in a California clinic.

Anna Sedokova's second marriage lasted exactly two years. After the breakup, Anna accused her ex-husband of treason with another former viagra woman Santa Dimopulos, although she denied her relationship with Chernyavsky: “I wholeheartedly supported the Sedokov-Chernyavsky couple and I am offended that now Anna says such things about me.” The current communication between Sedokova and Chernyavsky cannot be called friendly, but for the sake of a common daughter, they sometimes "reunite" for a short time, as happened on Monica's 4th birthday.

For about three years, Sedokova had a close relationship with the dancer and choreographer Sergei Guman. The couple quarreled, put up, but in 2016 Anna put an end to the relationship, simply tired of the busy schedule of concerts, filming, flights and raising daughters.

In April 2017, Anna Sedokova had a son, who received the exotic name Hector. The father of the child was the fiancé of the singer Artem Komarov (9 years younger than Anna). Alas, this union was destined for a short life - in August 2017, fans learned about the breakup of Anna and Artyom.

Anna Sedokova now

Now Anna Sedokova is torn between raising children and a solo career. In March 2016, the singer released her debut solo album "Personal". The disc includes 10 compositions. The lyrics of many songs are excerpts from Sedokova's personal diaries. All the odd compositions on the album were called "A Day (Day Number) Without You." The album was dedicated to the father who left their family and her ex-men.

Anna Sedokova - About you (2016)

2017 was marked by the release of the live album "Present" - 12 old and new songs recorded from a live performance.

Anna Sedakova is a famous, public person. She is a singer, TV presenter, actress and just a beautiful woman.
Anna was born in Kiev on December 16, 1982. Before that, the family lived in Tomsk. It so happened that irreconcilable contradictions arose between the parents of the dad and the parents of the mother. Some were professors, others were ordinary working people. People with a scientific degree decided that their son deserved a better party than Anna's future mother, because of this, the family moved to live in Kiev. Anna also has an older brother, Maxim.

But the flight to the Ukrainian capital did not save the marriage, Anya's parents broke up when she was 5 years old. For some time she lived with her grandmother in Tomsk, then she was taken back to Kiev. Soon, the father, who had previously maintained relations with his family, finally disappeared from view, and the mother raised the children alone. She worked as a teacher of English language and music at school and moonlighted as a tutor to support her family. It was very difficult for her, she had to work from early morning until evening.

From childhood, the girl showed a talent for music and dancing. She went to study in a musical ensemble, famous in Ukraine, at the age of six. With this collective, she toured many countries on tour. In parallel, Anna studied at a music school, learned to play the piano.
The girl graduated from high school with an excellent result, receiving a gold medal, she graduated from music with honors. Anna entered the University of Culture and Art without any problems, from which she graduated with honors.

Anna Sedakova's career

During her studies, she did not sit idle, the girl began to earn money at the age of fifteen. First she got a job as a model, then she hosted show programs in the club. Soon she got a job as a presenter on the Ukrainian music TV channel "O-TV", and then in parallel on another channel of Ukrainian television. In addition, she worked on the radio.
When Anna was 17 years old, she came to the casting for the group " Viagra”, But then she was not accepted because of her young age. But two years later, when they were looking for a third participant in the group, Anna was gladly taken. She complemented the group of blonde and brunette with her red hair. The line-up of "ViaGra" that existed from 2002 to 2004 is called "Golden", it turned out to be the most successful and the audience loved it the most.
In 2004, Anna left the group to take up her personal life and give birth to a child; she never returned to ViaGru. But she began to build a career as a solo performer, which she did not without success. She shot several videos for her songs, recorded a number of hits, became a laureate of "Song of the Year".
In addition to her solo career, Anna began working as a presenter on Channel One, first in one program, then in another. She was directly involved in various television shows with the participation of stars.
Anna was invited to work on Ukrainian television as a presenter, and two years ago she had experience of conducting a program on Kazakh television.

Sedakova tried herself as an actress, in the film " Pregnant"She played one of the main roles, starring in the film with Dmitry Dyuzhev.

Personal life of Anna Sedakova

Anna has already been married twice. The first husband was a Belarusian footballer Valentin Belkevich, she left ViaGra for him. Their marriage lasted two years, the couple had a daughter named Alina.

Five years later, Anna married again Maxim Chernyavsky, a famous businessman. Their marriage also lasted two years, and in this union a daughter was also born, whom the couple named Monica.

Anna Sedokova with her husband Maxim Chernyavsky

And recently Anna's one-year romance with a dancer ended Sergey Humann.

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