
The best fortune telling for Christmas and Christmas Eve. Fortune telling on Christmas Eve by water. Fortune telling for Christmastide

Christmas Eve- This is the day before the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The name Christmas Eve itself comes from the word “sochivo” - this is the name of rice or wheat porridge with honey, raisins and nuts. Since Christmas Eve islast day of fasting , Sochivo is a traditional dish on this day.

People believed that on Christmas Eve all evil spirits came out into the world and walked until the Baptism of Christ. It was during this period of time that fortune telling, ceremonies and rituals became popular.

Signs and customs on Christmas Eve

The night before Christmas has always been considered special, magical. Young people got together and went caroling. Guys and girls dressed up in scary outfits, animal costumes, pulled on masks and walked through the village singing and dancing. On this night, “carols” were sung at every house - songs with which young people congratulated the residents. The owners of the houses, in turn, were obliged to give sweets to the carolers in order to attract good luck in the new year.

On Christmas Eve you should definitely look at the sky. A good omen is to see a shooting star on this night. It is believed that a wish made on the night before Christmas comes true.

According to tradition, on Christmas Eve there should be 12 different dishes on the festive table - according to the number of apostles. On Christmas Eve it is customary not to eat all day. You can sit down for a meal only after the first star.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve

On the night before Christmas, many girls wondered. This Russian tradition has survived to this day. It is believed that almost always come true. It was this fact that often stopped people from guessing on this holiday, since many were simply afraid to find out their future. What kind of fortune-telling on Christmas night were and remain popular?

  • The most truthful, but at the same time, the most terrible fortune telling at Christmas is fortune telling on mirrors. Two mirrors are placed opposite each other, creating a corridor. Candles are placed along the edges. In order to predict her fate or see her betrothed, a girl needs to peer into this mirrored corridor.

  • Street fortune telling was popular. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and looked where the sock was pointing. Wherever he turns, the groom will come from there.
  • To find out your future in marriage, you had to clasp the fence with your outstretched arms. If a girl grabbed an even number of stakes/pillars/boards, this meant a happy married life. If the number was odd, it foreshadowed an unhappy marriage.
  • On this night you can find out the name of your future husband. The girls went out into the street and asked the first man they met his name. As he introduces himself, that’s what his future husband will be called. On Christmas Eve they also used dreams to tell fortunes. At night you had to eat herring or something salty without drinking water. At night you should dream of a person who will give you water. He will be the groom.
  • In order to find out the future in the New Year, young people walked under the windows of their neighbors and listened to what they were saying. If it’s fun outside and the owners are talking about good things, then the year promises to be happy.

Christmas Eve is rich in its folk traditions and customs. And although the Orthodox Church does not support festivities,

Which fortune-telling for Christmas Eve and Christmas should you choose and carry out, because there are many ways to find out your fate this evening. In fact, there is no need to rush. Choose one of the fortune telling methods and carry out it calmly, according to all the rules. After all, the time for fortune telling does not end, but is just beginning.

In addition to what is possible, which falls on January 6-7, you can also guess during the Christmastide period. Christmas time is the time from Christmas until Epiphany. On Christmas Day, January 7, you shouldn’t guess, but on the night from January 8 to 9 and until the night from January 18 to 19, you can safely guess and try out all kinds of rituals that catch your fancy.

To fate by shadow

Fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7 for the future by shadow is one of the most effective and popular. The ritual itself is indeed extremely simple, which is what made it so wildly popular. To carry out fortune telling, take a sheet of paper, a plate, matches and a candle. You need to crumple a blank sheet of paper in your hands, while thinking about your future. Place the sheet on a plate and set it on fire. Wait until the paper burns, and then bring it to the wall so that the ashes cast a shadow on the wall in the candle flame. All that remains is to use your imagination and understand what exactly fate has in store for a person.

For example, a wreath is for a wedding, a snake promises trouble, but the figure of a swan is good. The coffin speaks of death, the horseshoe always, including in this fortune-telling, brings good luck. You should not be afraid to interpret your visions, especially since, as a rule, they are extremely objective and understandable.

For love using matches

This is a simple and clear January 6-7 for love. You need to take a box of matches and take two out of it. Place them on the sides of the box and set them on fire. Each match should symbolize someone in the pair. By the way, you can guess not only for yourself. If the matches lean towards each other when burning, then the guy and girl for whom the fortune telling is happening will remain or become a couple. If the matches are bent in different directions, then you can simply forget about a happy future together.

On the betrothed with the help of the king of diamonds

This is an interesting fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2019 for your betrothed, which can bring many surprises. When going to bed on Christmas Eve, you need to take with you the king of diamonds from a deck of cards. Place it under the pillow and ask it to help the betrothed-mummer fall asleep. It is possible that the King of Diamonds will show the betrothed. Even if this does not happen, then any dream seen that night promises to come true. The King of Diamonds will not deceive you, especially on Christmas Eve.

Using needles on enemies

To carry out this fortune telling, you need to have 21 new needles. Not a single needle should have been previously used for this ritual. Place the needles on a plate and pour water. The water will force the needles to take a certain position and you will get a picture. This should be a picture of your future life. When the needles form crosses, this indicates that there are people who are hostile against you. The more such crosses, the more hostile the environment you are in.

"Yes and no"

With this fortune telling for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2019, you can get an answer to any question that interests you. True, the answer to this question can be exclusively monosyllabic, exclusively affirmative or negative. To perform the ritual you will need a needle, which will be used as a pendulum. A red thread about 75 cm long is threaded into it. Tie the ends of the thread in a knot.

Next, you need a coin that belongs to the person who is telling fortunes. In the old days, they took a coin made of silver, but today any version of the product is suitable. Place the coin on the table, place the pendulum in the center, hold the thread by the knot. The fortuneteller sits at the table and can lean on his elbows. Ask yourself a question: if the pendulum does not start moving, this means that there is no clear answer to the question. If it starts to move laterally, then the answer is no. When moving in the longitudinal direction, the pendulum says “Yes”. Sometimes it happens that the pendulum begins to move in a circle. This means that the question was asked incorrectly and should be reformulated.

For the future using nutshells

This is a version of fortune telling for Christmas on January 6-7 using a candle and walnut shell. Take as many shells and cinders as a person guesses. You also need to take a bowl of water.

Each girl puts the cinder in her own shell and puts it in a basin of water. Whose candle burns out the fastest will be the first to get married. If the candle burns the longest, the girl will be the last to get married. The worst option is a drowned nut with a candle, which symbolizes that the girl will remain an old maid.

You can carry out such interesting fortune-telling on Christmas Eve from January 6 to 7, as well as during the Christmastide from January 8 to 18. It's up to you to decide whether to believe what fortune telling predicts. Remember that every person can influence his own destiny. Please note that

Since time immemorial, representatives of the fairer sex have been waiting for Christmas Eve, which is called Christmas Eve, and the reason for this was not only the festive dinner and kutya, but, of course, the opportunity to find out their future. We prepared for this evening in advance. The housewives organized a delicious dinner, invited guests, and the young girls locked themselves in the room and wondered: about their betrothed, about life, about fate, about children.

The roots of this festive evening go deep into paganism, then the days that became Christmas in Christianity were called Christmastide. With the advent of Christianity, any magical actions became strictly prohibited, but girls and even married women gathered secretly from supporters of the Christian faith in order to perform fortune telling on Christmas Eve. Then the relationship was simplified, and the girls gathered every year on this night in order to find out their future.

If you decide to find out your future on Christmas Eve 2018, do not forget that the main thing is to know what time to guess. Remember that heavenly forces are activated at midnight, so you should prepare everything in advance.

Fortune telling for girls on Christmas Eve

Fortune telling on the Night before Christmas was an important part of the holiday festivities. For the most part, girls were involved in fortune-telling that came true; they learned knowledge from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who shared it with pleasure, remembering their youth.

Layout on the cards

Cards can do a lot, for example, tell whether a wish will come true or predict the future. There are many different ways, we will offer one of the simplest but most effective ways to get to know your future.

In order for the information to be accurate, you need to be fully prepared: wait until midnight on Christmas Eve, take off all your jewelry, put on nightgowns without ropes or laces. Light the candles and place them in a semicircle, shuffling the deck and placing it in the center of the burning arch.

Then, with your left hand, lay out the cards, organizing them in a continuous circle, face down. You can remove them from any place, but place them at certain points for which you need to free up space. First, remove three cards while mentally asking the question:

“What and who will leave my life?”

And put them down, as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself, with pictures of yourself, so that you can immediately see the result. Then ask the question:

“What and who will come into my life?”

Place these three cards on top, as if in the head. On the left you should place three cards that will tell you about your work, and on the right about your relationships with people. 5 cards are placed in the center that will personify your thoughts and your heart. On top of the cards is one that is responsible for how things will end.


  • 6 – romantic road;
  • 7 – joyful event;
  • 8 – good news;
  • 9 – love, confessions;
  • 10 – meeting with your loved one;
  • B – love affairs;
  • D – mother’s care;
  • K – narrowed on the threshold;
  • T – the plan is destined to come true.
  • 6 – fun adventures;
  • 7 – intrusive memories;
  • 8 – intervention of higher-ranking persons;
  • 9 – possible proposal;
  • 10 – meaningless, empty conversations;
  • B – unnecessary worries about your loved one;
  • D – excessive guardianship;
  • K – fulfillment of desires;
  • T – interesting meeting.
  • 6 – serious, business meetings
  • 7 – doubts, remorse
  • 8 – minor experiences;
  • 9 – unrequited feelings;
  • 10 – decision making
  • B – separation, sadness;
  • D – troubles at work coming from a woman;
  • K – respectable person, guardian;
  • T – serious event.
  • 6 – obstacles on the way:
  • 7 – human envy;
  • 8 – longing for the past;
  • 9 – loneliness;
  • 10 – violent emotions, deceit;
  • B – suffering, betrayal;
  • D – gossip, insidious woman;
  • K – monetary interest;
  • T - fatal step.

On request

You can make a wish on the deck and draw any card from it, the answer will be the picture, suit and color of the card:

  • worms - will come true soon;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but not right away.
  • cross - in the distant future;
  • peaks - will not come true.

If you get pictures, your wish will come true without interference from people (provided the suit is red), and if the numbers are red, then perhaps circumstances will be a little against you, you will have to try to fix everything. If there is a black suit, the pictures indicate that people are an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires; the number will say that circumstances are interfering with you.

Using a mirror

In this case, a rooster was used.

A mirror was placed in the room, and the girl had to observe the behavior of the rooster:

  • passes by - the husband will be hard-working, caring;
  • admires himself in the mirror - the man will be boastful, loving only himself;
  • brushes feathers in front of the mirror - he will be demanding, strict;
  • pecks himself in the mirror - he will be a bully, a drunkard;
  • crows - will be successful, but boastful;
  • knocks over a mirror - to widowhood.

If there was no rooster in the house, they used a cat, which is quite doable in the modern world. You can use a parrot or other bird. Of course, if you are doing fortune telling in an apartment, then this option is much more suitable for you.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas on wax

These seemingly simple manipulations require water, a wide candle and a bowl, but not everything is so simple, because the main thing is the interpretation of what you see.

Pour water into the bowl, light the candle, let it burn so that the wax begins to accumulate. Turning the candle over, let the wax flow into the water, but not just randomly, you must draw three crosses and circles in the bowl.

The meaning of the figures:

  • heart - someone loves you;
  • wreath, crown - wait for the proposal this year;
  • flowers - an easy year;
  • triangles - to gossip;
  • circle - closed circumstances, boredom;
  • transverse zigzags, waves - obstacles;
  • wavy road, longitudinal - adventure;
  • face - for acquaintance;
  • many dots - noise;
  • stars, sparks - joy;
  • square - routine, emptiness;
  • cobwebs - to gossip;
  • longitudinal stripes - fate is in your hands;
  • transverse stripes - a lot of foreign influence;
  • someone’s image - changes are coming;
  • triangle in a square - difficult circumstances;
  • tubercles - to obstacles in love;
  • home - long life.

Sometimes several pictures appear on the water at once, then you need to interpret everything separately and add a little imagination.

For the betrothed

For this fortune telling on the night before Christmas, you will need a basin and several types of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, millet, oats. Everything needs to be poured out and mixed in one bowl.

On Christmas Eve, at midnight, you need to put your hand into the basin and scoop up as much grain as possible, then carefully pour it onto the tabletop. If there is more white color: the husband will be blond, black - brunette. If the surface is flat - poor, if there are hills - rich. You can also read the name of your betrothed, but you have to try. Look carefully at the pattern and write down all the letters that you see in it; you can roughly add up your name or initials from them.

To bed

You need to carry out the actions at home, you will find out the name of your betrothed and get answers to some questions, but you need to sleep on a double bed. Before going to bed, write the names of men on pieces of paper and put them under the pillow, next to your spouse, as if your spouse is sleeping there. Under your pillow you need to put the numbers from 1 to 12.

Ask the angels for your betrothed to come to you in a dream, try to remember him, because on Christmas Eve you have prophetic dreams. Pull out a piece of paper early in the morning and you will find out the name of your future spouse. You can take out numbers from under your pillow several times in a row:

  • first decide: in how many months will your betrothed appear (it will be your wedding, if you already have one);
  • then you can ask if he is blond or brunette: even blond, odd brunette;
  • rich or poor: even rich, odd poor;
  • whether you live in love or not: even in love, odd - without it.

Fortune telling in company

They rarely told fortunes on Christmas Eve alone; most often they gathered in large and friendly companies. The girls prepared in advance for this evening, or rather night. They gathered for a holiday in a spare room and told fortunes about their fate in different ways.

Ritual on the ring

You will need several rings - gold with a stone, simple, wooden, silver, wedding, as well as millet, a red candle, a basin.

Pour millet into a basin and place each ring; if the fortune telling process is taking place in a company of a large number of people, then you can put a pair of each ring in the basin so that there is enough for everyone. The girls take turns taking out the ring with their eyes closed. Elongated rings are interpreted as follows:

  • with a cane - promises a rich life in the near future;
  • simple - nothing will change in your life;
  • wooden - you will come across a very poor husband;
  • silver - someone loves you;
  • engagement – ​​a proposal awaits this year;
  • golden – sweet life.

For the betrothed

The most truthful fortune telling took place in the bathhouse, and not at home. For this fortune telling you will need: a candle, three basins filled with water.

Exactly at midnight you should light a candle, wash yourself in three waters, mentally thinking to yourself that you are doing this for your betrothed, whose name you will soon learn. Dry yourself, get dressed and go outside for a walk and celebrate. On the way, you need to find out the name of the first man who calls you or turns to look at you - this will be the name of your future husband. If a girl calls out, it means she is not destined to get married this year.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for married women

For married ladies, any fortune-telling manipulations were prohibited on the night before Christmas. In the old days, vigilant mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law kept an eye on this, but then it became easier and family members of the fairer sex also participated in fortune-telling. Usually on Christmas Eve they were interested in issues related to children, money and happiness.

In the bathhouse with a broom, for children

You need to sit on the shelves and say:

“Bath strength, I’ll show you the parenting place, in return I expect the number of children from you.”

  • a lot of leaves - to be married and rich in children;
  • one leaf prophesies one baby;
  • two - two children (if they are different colors, the children will be of different sexes);
  • three is a good sign, telling a woman not only about the number of children, but also that she is destined to be loved in marriage.

On a bath broom about money

After taking a steam bath, you need to go outside and throw a broom over your right shoulder. Turning around, you need to look at how the broom lies - if the leaves are towards you, you will be rich in marriage, if the leaves are to the right, a lot of money will go into business, work, or, as they say now, into business. Leaves on the left side mean that a rival will receive money; upwards they predict a cash-strapped life or the spouse of a spendthrift.

Be that as it may, fortune telling on Christmas Eve is the most truthful and accurate fortune telling, especially if the people doing the fortune telling believe in them.

Christmas Eve- this is the day before the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The name Christmas Eve itself comes from the word “sochivo” - this is the name of rice or wheat porridge with honey, raisins and nuts. Since Christmas Eve is the last day of fasting, sochivo is a traditional dish on this day.

People believed that on Christmas Eve all evil spirits came out into the world and walked until the Baptism of Christ. It was during this period of time that fortune telling, ceremonies and rituals became popular.

Signs and customs on Christmas Eve

The night before Christmas has always been considered special, magical. Young people got together and went caroling. Guys and girls dressed up in scary outfits, animal costumes, pulled on masks and walked through the village singing and dancing. On this night, “carols” were sung at every house - songs with which young people congratulated the residents. The owners of the houses, in turn, were obliged to give sweets to the carolers in order to attract good luck in the new year.

On Christmas Eve you should definitely look at the sky. A good omen is to see a shooting star on this night. It is believed that a wish made on the night before Christmas comes true.

According to tradition, on Christmas Eve there should be 12 different dishes on the festive table - according to the number of apostles. On Christmas Eve it is customary not to eat all day. You can sit down for a meal only after the first star.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve

On the night before Christmas, many girls wondered. This Russian tradition has survived to this day. It is believed that fortune telling on Christmas Eve almost always comes true. It was this fact that often stopped people from guessing on this holiday, since many were simply afraid to find out their future. What kind of fortune-telling on Christmas night were and remain popular?

The most truthful, but at the same time, the most terrible fortune telling at Christmas is fortune telling on mirrors. Two mirrors are placed opposite each other, creating a corridor. Candles are placed along the edges. In order to predict her fate or see her betrothed, a girl needs to peer into this mirrored corridor.

Street fortune telling was popular. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and looked where the sock was pointing. Wherever he turns, the groom will come from there.

To find out your future in marriage, you had to clasp the fence with your outstretched arms. If a girl grabbed an even number of stakes/pillars/boards, this meant a happy married life. If the number was odd, it foreshadowed an unhappy marriage.

On this night you can find out the name of your future husband. The girls went out into the street and asked the first man they met his name. As he introduces himself, that’s what his future husband will be called. On Christmas Eve they also used dreams to tell fortunes. At night you had to eat herring or something salty without drinking water. At night you should dream of a person who will give you water. He will be the groom.

In order to find out the future in the New Year, young people walked under the windows of their neighbors and listened to what they were saying. If it’s fun outside and the owners are talking about good things, then the year promises to be happy.

Christmas Eve is rich in its folk traditions and customs. And although the Orthodox Church does not support festivities, fortune telling and rituals on this day, considering them pagan, they still took root among the people and became traditional for many.

Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays.

The evening before Christmas or Christmas Eve (Holy Evening) has its own sacred meaning. It is believed that Christmas Eve is the best time for the famous Christmas fortune-telling.

You can guess from January 6 to January 19, at this time you can find out the name of your betrothed, an imminent or distant wedding, the number of children, a successful or unsuccessful marriage.

People say that the night before Christmas, from January 6 to 7, is the best time for fortune telling, and the predictions are the most accurate and truthful, and the mysterious flickering of a candle reflected in the mirror, or a vague whisper heard under the window, can tell what the coming year will be like. Will marriage await him, will his most cherished wish come true?

“The holidays have arrived.
What a joy!
Windy youth tells fortunes,
Who doesn't regret anything
Before which life is far
Lies bright, boundless...”

Young girls especially loved Christmastide, because on these days they used to tell fortunes about marriage:

1. Fortune telling with a boot

The most common (you can try it in the city). Take the boot off your left foot and throw it over the fence. Wait for matchmakers on the side in which the sock is pointing. If the boot fell with its toe against your own fence, unfortunately, don’t expect marriage this year.

2. Fortune telling on paper

Take a sheet of paper, crumple it tightly, place it on the bottom of an inverted saucer and set it on fire. Then, bring the saucer with the ashes from the burnt paper to the wall and carefully rotate it until a shadow appears on the wall. Take a closer look at its outlines. This is your near future.

3. Fortune telling with wax

This fortune telling is one of the most ancient and beloved by our great-grandmothers (and many poets).

Melted wax was poured into a large basin of water accompanied by ancient songs. By the figures that formed on the surface of the water, “read” the near future.

The meaning of some figures:
many stripes - to roads and crossings;
many small drops of wax in a bowl - to money;
fan- problems at work;
grape - love, friendship, luck, prosperity;
mushroom - longevity;
the Dragon - fulfillment of hopes;
stars - good luck at work and in school;
beast - you have a secret ill-wisher;
bell - the news, if the bell is crooked, is bad, if there are many bells, then it is alarming;
tree leaf - envy, intrigue from others;
flower - marriage or new acquaintance;
human's figure - a new friend will appear;
apple - wisdom, health, if the apple is crooked - a temptation that should not be succumbed to;
egg - a new beginning.

4. Fortune telling “YES-NO”

If you have a lot of questions, you can ask them and receive a one-word answer: “yes” or “no.”

To do this, hold your left hand over the jar of cereal, palm down, while concentrating and mentally formulating the question of interest. Closing your eyes, take a handful of grains from the jar and pour them onto the table: if the number of grains is even, then the answer is “YES”, if the number of grains is odd, “NO”.

5. Fortune telling for the betrothed

This is a very fun and popular fortune telling. At midnight, go out with your girlfriends and ask the first person you meet his name. This is exactly what your betrothed will be called; he will also be handsome and rich.

There is another way of fortune telling to find out what the name of your future spouse will be. Prepare several sheets of paper. Write a man's name on each of them.

Place the leaves in the bag and mix thoroughly. Having pulled out one of them, read the name written on this piece of paper. Meet - this is what your husband will be called.

6. Fortune telling with a mirror

Considered the most mystical. At midnight, in absolute darkness, you need to sit in front of a mirror with a candle. IMPORTANT there should be no one else in the room. Look carefully at the reflective surface, in about five minutes, it will dim... and behind the glass will be reflected the narrowed one, or rather the devil who has taken on his guise. The girl must begin to “cheer me” so that he disappears, saying “Forget me!” Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

7. Fortune telling from a book

Take any book, formulate a question that interests you. Name the page and the line on it at random. What you read will be the answer to the question.

8. Fortune telling with a chain

When everyone is asleep, take the gold chain, rub it between your palms, then hold it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table.
If it turns out to be a circle, closed troubles are expected; lucky streak; knot of difficulty and illness; triangle love success; wedding bow; snake betrayal; heart love.

9. Fortune telling for your betrothed before bedtime

If you believe in dreams, then try to find out your future in a dream. It is believed that dreams these days are the most “THE THINGS”.

There are several options for fortune telling in a dream:
- Before going to bed, have a salty dinner so that you are thirsty at night. At the same time, make a wish: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink”;
- before going to bed, put a comb under your pillow and say: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb my hair.”

The man you dream about this night is your betrothed.

10. Fortune telling for the groom with a ring

Take an ordinary glass without any designs, pour three quarters of water into it and carefully lower the previously cleaned wedding ring into the middle. Look carefully through the water into the middle of the lowered ring - there you will see the face of the future groom.

11. Fortune telling on bread

Girls especially love to tell fortunes using bread figurines. After dinner, each girl sculpts from the remains of her piece of bread an image or figure that she wants and lays it out outside the threshold of the room.

Then they call some dog: whose figurine it grabs first, that one gets married. It happens that a dog, having sniffed the figures, does not touch any of them and walks away. It is a “bad” omen for everyone to remain a girl.

12. Fortune telling about the character of the future spouse

Take three glasses of water: put a teaspoon of honey in the first; in the second ½ teaspoon of salt; in the third - a quarter teaspoon of citric acid. Pour some wine into the fourth glass. Stir thoroughly, cover with a napkin and the girl whose future is being guessed must make her choice.

If honey comes across, the husband’s character will be good and his life will be sweet; salt - to sadness and tears; acid - to a dull life, and if the choice fell on a glass of wine, unfortunately, the husband will drink.

By the way, besides Christmas night, fortune telling is considered the most accurate on “prophetic” days - Vasiliev’s evening on January 13, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic, and January 18 - Epiphany Eve.

PS: Guess, but remember that only what you believe in comes true!

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