
Puppies of East Siberian Like. East Siberian Laika: Hunting Quality and Breed Description. Like care has some features

Likes belong to spitchasum. Among the representatives of the group there are shepherds, driving and hunting dogs. If you consider, lacas 7 species. One of them is Eastosibirsky. These are the largest hunting guards. The view competes with West Siberian and Russian Europe.

East Siberian Like

Description and Features of the Eastern Esibirsk Like

The standard of rocks is adopted in 1981. The species itself is known from the mid-19th century. The first breed described the number of 3 more famous Lakes Andrei Shirinsky-Shichmatov. This is a Russian graph, the work of dogs wrote in 1895 together with Abyram Okhotyd. In the manuscripts it is indicated that Eastern Esibirsk Likes are the result of the crossing of the Evenki and Tungusky subspecies.

Many experts consider the East Eastosibirsk west. The case is in the erased boundaries between the groups. The standard is spelled out one thing, and in fact, many Eastern Esibirsk representatives are far from it, more similar to Western dogs.

Business in the features of tribal selection. Pshabuo case dogs were not chosen according to the standard, but on working qualities, and these qualities differed in different territories. In Siberia, hunting for hoofs is relevant, and in the Amur region, protein fishing.

Having a purebred hat, the owner could cross her with a dog of unknown origin, if he was a major and fearless, and his favorite miniaturn, although agile. Victory at exhibitions for owners of service dogs has always been minor.

When the question arose about the existence of the breed at all, Irkutan became struggling for it. Having traveled the area, enthusiasts selected suitable under the standard, engaged in reference knats. In parallel, the line of pieces migrated with the owners to the West of the country developed. therefore east Siberian Likeit happens:

  1. Leningradskaya. These are compact dogs with a pointed profile. The physique in the pieces is housing and dry. Representatives of the group are good in the hunt for, sable and other small animals.
  2. Irkutsk. These individuals are tall, powerful, with a large muzzle, whose profile is far from aristocratically sophisticated. With Irkutskiy huskies go on wooden and even bears

Even Leningrad dogs should be wider and higher than West Siberian. In the photo East Siberian husky It also differs in the elongated body format. Additionally, West Siberian dogs have exceptionally pointed, and the eastern pieces are rounded.

White East Siberian Like

The standard stipulates that Eastern Esibirsk Laika can be an increase from 48 to 58 centimeters. Weigh the dog should have 20-23 kilograms.

Since the breed is Siberian, it has a dense and warm undercoat. Top is the rigid oratory hair adjacent to the body. Recommended 3 color:

  • black, possibly with sulfur, peg or red
  • white, possibly with an admixture of gray, like a wolf
  • brown, more peculiar to Western European lips and distinguished by a reddish

Owners of Lakes do not cease to notice that the dog is not only a picture. The character is important. West Siberian Pots, for example, more patient to strangers on their territory, but, cunning eastern fellow.

East Siberian husky easily finds a common language with other animals

East Siberian Like Descriptiondeserved as an adequate, non-aggressive, calm animal. Approximate reflex dog gets, so to speak, with mother's milk.

Representatives of the breed are well oriented in space, at rough terrain. therefore hunting with East Siberian Likepossible without additional navigation equipment. The dog will always bring to the database.

Owners of Eastern Esibirsk Lakes noted that their pets are:

  • maneuveranny
  • having worried
  • lovek
  • active
  • brave

The physical power of the Eastern Lake allows them not only on the hunt, but also as driving dogs. In the modern world, such a ride often becomes a game. So, in the countryside, the owners of Rakes often ride their children. Representatives of breed tolerant to the kids are an excellent option of a family dog.

Hunting with East Siberian Like

Outside the hunting path, Eastern Esibirsk Likes serve as excellent guards. In vain, dogs will not break, but at the expense of the perfect face and observation unmistakably calculate the danger threatening owners.

Eastern Eastosibirsk individuals are well suited as apartment dogs. The ideal location of the content is the aviary, and for him you need a yard. There the animal will receive space for movement and fresh air. The owners will protect themselves from the clocks of wool. Eastern Esibirsk Likes are strongly leaning.

The owners of the breed are active people. It is not necessary to be a hunter. You can take PSA in tourist hiking, on daily jogging, skiing. An animal needs movement. Train East Siberian Lakes Start at one age. Puppies are ready to master teams in the game form:

  1. Sit.
  2. It is impossible.
  3. Lie.
  4. Nearby.
  5. To me.

To the hunting train or, as they say, the breathtaking on the beast is proceeded when the PSU marks 5 months. Start with teachments to the collar. It should be soft and wide. If the pet is trying to remove the new clothes or break out of it, you need to distract the four-headed. Switching attention, the dog itself will not notice how to get used to the collar.

After having having a hat to the collar, learned home teams enshrine in nature. You can start training with the start of the summer, in order to start to pull the pet to the squirrel to spread. By autumn, it focuses on the billets, often moving on the ground. The abundance of traces and the abstractness of animals helps the young husky bother into the role of the hunter. The dog follows the protein, showing the owner's lamin, where to look for prey.

Protein, so to speak - trial prey. After a husky easily masters hunting for ungulates, kunitsa, sands. Preferably:

  • pet a pet in a pair with an experienced husky, so that a young dog studied on the example
  • in the absence of an experienced husky, hanging a carcass already killed proteins to the tree, putting an artificial trail to it

Primary Nataska on the already dead protein will make it easier for the task like. The main goal in the initial stages of training is only to awaken the hunting instinct.

From 10-month-old, the Eastern Esibirsk Like can be spacing on the cunits. On the moose and other ungulates go with dogs who have reached one and a half year old. Pots bears can be driven from 2 years.

Nutrition of the Eastern Esibirsk Like

Representatives of the breed no preferences in nutrition. The main thing is that at least 40% of foods were protein. Otherwise, animals are patient both to natural and granulated feeds, easily carry a mixed diet and long starvation. Laika is capable of being pushed, if a long hunt is coming, hiking.

Under normal conditions, Eastern Esibirsk Laika:

1. Eats 2 times a day. Puppies are trapping 4 times and 3, starting from 6 months of age until the achievement of 10 months.
2. Drinks abundantly after feeding. A bowl with clean water should always stand in the animal dining area.
3. In the summer, the busy husks feed on the products without heating. In winter, food animals are heated to about 30-40 ka degrees. Cold meal can lead to the spasms of the muscles of the esophagus, gallbladder, liver ducts and stomach. It disrupts the digestion.

Food waste and a meal from the master's table Likes to give it forbidden because it damages the health of four-legged. Apply damage, by the way, not just. Health from representatives of the breed is excellent. In fact, only 2 illness threaten the eastern husk.

Possible diseases

Immunity of Eastern Lakes often can not be surviving only in the fight against the chumka and rabies. Both diseases of the dog are adopting at game. On which hunt. For urban traits of pathology are not typical. Infection of a chumka is recognized:

  • for the presence of long-term diarrhea
  • increase the body temperature of the dog
  • ozkhobu Pittsa
  • lucky husky

Typical signs of rabies are:

  • irritation around wild animal bite
  • constantly experiencing a dog thirst
  • pSA desire to hide in secluded corners
  • sad, as if a guilty look
  • when the disease enters the active phase, convulsions appear, foam at the mouth, unreasonable aggression

The owners are important to monitor then the likes had vaccinations from risk group diseases. Both viruses are deadly. Frenzy is striking and man. With any damage to the cover of a pet on the hunt or in a street fight, you need to contact the vet. In the clinic, dogs are placed on quarantine, thereby protecting people and checking, an infected animal or not.

In order to purchase the initially healthy puppy, it is recommended to contact nursery of East Siberian Lakes. Organizations are breeding breeding, the necessary documentation is provided, vaccinations are affixed, the animals brake in accordance with the pedigree.

Price of Eastern Esibirsk Like

Puppies East Siberian Like They differ in price not only due to the degree of compliance with the standard and exhibition ratings of parents. For hunters, the main is the specialization of the father and mother of the dog:
1. Pearls are the most rare and more than others.
2. Rakes, who took the hunters and sable hunters from their parents, appreciate the average.
3. The most fiscal option is the acquisition of the PSA, which will be a damnik.

For many, the floor is also important when choosing a puppy. Neosistinosibirsk lacas males are traditionally intolerant to the individuals of their sex on one territory are wary. The bitches are more tolerant, plotters, friendly. Therefore, for girls puppies often asked a little more than behind males.

Puppy East Siberian Like

On average, if purchased east Siberian Like:

  • priceanimal without documents is about 2-3 thousand rubles
  • the cost of husky with a private pedigree begins from 5 thousand rubles
  • for dogs of a high exhibition level, they ask at least 8 thousand rubles, and often about 20 thousand

The ability to buy a high-stencil PSA at the lowest price is provided by the hosts that sell one day they acquired by them. Publishing animals to the owners for various reasons.

The grown dog is always a cheaper puppy. However, difficulties may occur. Representatives of the breed are alolyubs, faithful to the owner and rarely get used to the new one.

Pride of domestic cynology, a combination of mind and courage. West Siberian Lyki is unsurpassed hunters and faithful friends of their owners. They have long won the hearts of dog lovers not only in Russia, but also far beyond.

Speaking about the occurrence of the breed, two time segments should be considered:

  • several centuries of careful selection by indigenous residents of Siberia and the Urals of the most endless dogs that have shown outstanding performance during the hunt;
  • selection of West-Siberian lacas since the beginning of the 20th century by focus in order to bring the breed to one standard.

The breed is based on the populations of dogs, which were bred by representatives of the Mansi, Zyryan and Khanty tribes.

The indigenous population of the Urals and Siberia for many centuries survived in the harsh conditions of the Taiga at the expense of traditional fisheries, the main of which was hunting.

In this case, the so-called "Northern Cookies" have an invaluable assistance - strong and unpretentious dogs that are distinguished by an uncomfortable passion for hunting.

From generation to generation of commercials, the best for stamina and hunting qualities of lacas, not allowing the proceedings of weak individuals and even destroying them. They watched their dogs did not cross with representatives of other breeds. The result of their efforts pleases the hunting fans today: experts are unanimously called the West Siberian Like Universal Hunting Dog. And not in vain.

It is equally successfully walking on a bird and a large beast, extract the fur and waterfowl game.

The formation of the breed was completed to the seventies of the 20th century, and in 1980, the International Film Association was officially recognized.

Standard breed

Standard FCI No. 306 of 02.03.2011 "West-Siberian Laika".
Group 5 "Spiters and breed of primitive type."
Section 2 "Northern Hunting Dogs".

According to the official description of the breed, the West Siberian Lucky is a middle-height dog (about 60 cm in the withers in males and 58 cm at the bitches), which has a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles.

Externally, the West Siberian lady reminds the wolf to which it is genetically very close.

The head is triangular, the skull is wide. It is brightly pronounced boring. Transition from the frontal part to the face smooth. The muzzle is long, with tightly adjacent lips (without hanging balls). Jaws have a scissor bite.

The ears are set high, in shape resemble an elongated triangle with a pointed vertex. They are located in parallel to each other (in contrast to the East Siberian Rips, whose ears are arranged aside).

The eyes sometimes have an oval form, but most often they are almond-shaped, have an oblique section of the age and a deep landing. The characteristic feature of the real West Siberian lacas: Eyes of them exclusively brown.

The dog's breast is wide, the withers are well developed and located above the sacrum for a couple of centimeters. Back straight, with pronounced muscles.

Paws are strong and straight, legs slightly longer hips. These features are perfectly visible in the photo.

The tail has a rings shape and, as a rule, will be wrapped onto the back (or on the side). The relative breed is the East Siberian booster's tail.

The Western Siberian Like has a short and thick wool with a warm shelter. On the shoulders and neck she grows thicker, forming a collar. What is the difference from the East Siberian Like? The last wool is more dense and rude.

Black and white wool color is rare. The combinations of white and gray colors prevail, Often there are reddish, fawn, panic shades.

A method of moving dogs of this breed is a wide trot, which is transient to hawk.

Life expectancy

For good conditions Contents of West Siberian Likes can live 16 - 17 years old, but if worked on wear, then die significantly earlier.

The life expectancy of these dogs is largely determined by how often their life is at risk on the hunt. It happens that the dog is dying in the color of the years, entering into a fight with a large predator.

The character of the West Siberian Like

In the dogs of this breed, a balanced psyche, at the same time they are very mobile and energetic, love to run and play. They have a strongly developed feeling of flocks, so very tied to their owner and his family.

Characteristic of the contradiction breed: they have a good character, but at the same time confident and ready to show independence (if it does not come against the authority of the owner).

Surprisingly, as in one dog, such qualities are combined as angrity in relation to fishing animals and the lack of aggression towards a person.

The West Siberian Like does not attack others, if they do not provoke it and do not pose a threat to those who are dear to her. She tolerately tuned towards small children, does not offend other pets, but seeks to dominate the dogs of other breeds, if such is in the house. In short it is a benchmark of friendliness (but without softness and panibrates).

One of the main features in the character - fearless, bordering the danger contempt.

This quality allows the hunter to walk with the West Siberian Like on the Bear.

From other breeds, they beneficially differ in less pronounced excitability and the ability to work silently, notifying his owner only if they are prey.

Features Training

Likes are famous for a sharp mind and learning ability, which allows you to successfully train them. Puppies for early childhood are trained in shared skills, and from ten months they are ready to perceive special hunting teams.

Experts insist that the training of lacas should be reduced only to the fulfillment of the most. According to the kinologists, an overlooking dog is overly relying on a person and will not act without his team. And one of the main advantages of the West Siberian husky is, just, its pronounced independence.

Dogs of this breed do not need learning to search for game on the trail. This skill, as well as the ability to unmistakably navigate the terrain, is laid in them at the genetic level.

Conditions of detention

How to care for the husky? It has great importance movement and the ability to move freely in space, Therefore, the conditions of the urban apartment for it are very uncomfortable.

It is much more like a booth (imitation of Logova) in the village yard, especially if the owner is an avid hunter. This is the perfect option: only having the opportunity to spend a lot of time in motion in nature, pursuing to game, such a dog will be happy.

West Siberian Likes are not picky in feeding, if necessary, can do without food for a long time. Nevertheless, it should be remembered what is the basis good health And the good performance of any dog. therefore the diet must be balanced.

Ideally, it includes meat, fish, crackers, cottage cheese, bone flour.

That's what you need to know about food:

  • every day the husky should eat raw or boiled meat (based on the calculation of 20 grams per kilogram of weight), you can mix meat with fish (2/3 of meat + 1/3 of fish);
  • to maintain health and good physical shape of the dog once a week do a unloading day (give only some crackers and water);
  • from time to time it is necessary to include in the diet of boiled rice, in which it is necessary to add a raw liver in a small amount, the fat of animal origin;
  • it is forbidden to feed with smoked, boiled bones, spoiled food, and also feed the sweets;
  • it is not recommended to give an unnecessarily hot or, on the contrary, frozen food;
  • the puppy is fed by a mixture of milk and egg yolk, with rumor vegetables. As it matured to milk products, raw meat (in a well-type), bread, boiled rice, bone flour, meat and fat are added.

The owners need to ensure that their pets do not move - it is very harmful to its digestive system.

Care of wool in dogs of this breed does not represent a special complexity - we are deducted with a metal brush only during the molting period.

Pros and cons

West Siberian Laika - Pluses much more than minuses. This is a wonderful watchman and reliable bodyguard. She does not get tired to prove his love for the owner and does not hesitate to demonstrate hot attachment to his family.

Dogs of this breed are wonderful, separating with them a passion for mining. At the same time, it is this quality that is a great difficulty, a minus for people who wish to keep West Siberian husky

The mistake will be the acquisition of likes, when the owners have no time and desire to walk with the four-legged friend on the hunt or at least replace it with long walks. In this situation, the animal is experiencing great suffering, and its hosts suffer significant inconvenience.

If a person needs a companion, then it is better to stop his choice on a representative of another breed. This may be, for example, or.

Additionally, read the brief video about dogs breed West Siberian Lyki:

Likes belong to the primitive breeds of dogs, the formation of which occurred in the natural conditions of the Far North and Siberia. Before the formation of individual breeds, the ramps were bred, trying to consolidate the quality, with which the dog was the first assistant person, performing the functions of the hunter, defender and assistant. That is why West-Siberian husky, in the gene pool of which the best blood hunting rises are collected, is considered one of the most endless and extracted.

Siberia and the extreme north, on the expanses of which it was difficult to survive without a reliable assistant, the birthday of the ancestors of West Siberian husky are considered. Khanty and Mansi, some other indigenous people of these harsh places, lived apart from each other: to the nearest overhead it was necessary to go a few days.

Dogs who used these nationalities in the hunt for a large and fur beast, had similar external data, but somewhat differed by the type, since breeding went under limited livestock.

At the end of the nineteenth century, when the active development of Siberia began, the industrialists, merchants and hunters, sent to the north in search of the fur, began about dogs with unique data. And although the locals thoroughly hid best dogsSome of the local lips were purchased and successfully used by rich amateurs.

It was in the early years of the twentieth century several descriptions of the aboriginal lacaswho served as the basis for the creation of a domestic breed after coming to power of the Bolsheviks.

The All-Union Exhibition of Hunting Dogs, held in 1928, showed a relatively large, but the diversified population of the Urals, and to remove the new breed in 1930, a section of hunting dogs under the guidance of Professor S. Bogolyubsky was formed. Already in ten years in the Union, about twenty nurseries of Lakes were created, the main direction of which was the elimination of dogs for the extraction of the fur beast.

The official breed standard was adopted in 1957.

The most famous nursery in which the magnificent population of the West Siberian husky was received was the kennel "Red Star". One of the outstanding producers, blood and the type of which was taken for those desired in obtaining a high-class livestock was a dog nicknamed taiga.

Another outstanding manufacturer, dog jubar, was located at the private owner, but also widely used in breeding. Completed the selection work, the fact that the best manufacturers not only were not advertised, but also jealously hid from the eyes of the general public. Yet, the efforts of breeders were crowned with success, and in 1957 the final standard of the breed was adopted.

Standard of breed, appearance, photos

The overall impression: Compact, slightly stretched format, above the average growth dog, a dry strong type of constitution. The ease of addition is emphasized by the living expression of the eyes and dynamic, fast movements.

Photo. West Siberian

West Siberian husky in the photo

West Siberian Like must comply with the following description:
  • Housing. Stretched in length, with a strong bone, grumpling a flash up to 12 centimeters. Dry, medium length neck goes into a well-developed withers. Straight, wide back moves into a slightly convex, short lower back and ends with a moderately long, low-end crop.
  • Chest Wide, deep, with oval, well-developed ribs.
  • Tail Long, reaches the jumping joint in lowered state. It is usually thrown onto the back in the form of a ring or sickle.
  • Limb. The front limbs are dry, parallel, straight, with moderately oblique shoulder and directed strictly back elbows. Fast slightly inclined. The hind limbs are parallel, with a rather short thigh and a long shot, straight, plugged with the pies. The thighs are muscular, the angles of articulations are excellent. Pallets are strong, oval, with dense pads, reduced.
  • Head. Moderately long, wedge-shaped, almost triangular format, with a wide, elongated skull and rounded occipital part, with not a sharp transition from forehead.
  • Muzzle Long, strongly narrowed to the nose lobe, lips are tightly adjacent, dry.
  • Bite Scissors, teeth are large, white, full set.
  • Eyes Oval shape, with a strong oblique section, small and deeply planted, dark brown or brown.
  • Ears Standing, triangular, movable.

Wool and types of colors

Western-Siberian Like Two-Like Wool, top rigid, straight. The undercoat lush, soft, thick, evenly lifts the isgeful wool, why the dog seems well dressed. On the neck, the reverse side of the limbs, the tail of the oave hair is somewhat longer, forms the mane and the products.

The standard of West Siberian husky does not provide for black and black and white colors.

The colors can be as follows:

  • white;
  • redhead;
  • gray or pegs;
  • zonar.

Invalid black or black and white colors.

Characteristic of breed

Like most representatives of primitive breeds, West-Siberian laika has a strongly developed styal feeling. This means that the pet is a family, where he lives like a flock. In the pack in the flock there is always a clear distribution of roles in accordance with the hierarchical staircase, but the pet almost never shows the desire to take the place of the leader.

West Siberian Likes are extremely devoted to their family, they are very friendly to everyone who lives with them on one territory, perfectly coast with children and do not enter into conflicts with pets. These dogs listen to these dogs unquestioning, performing the most ridiculous teams.

IMPORTANT! West Siberian huskies have several unique qualities making this breed indispensable on the hunt. They are absolutely fearless and stunningly enduring.

Typically, this breed of dogs is used for a direct purpose, as a beautiful hunter, while the pet contains in the aviary. The harsh weather conditions are not scary for the West Siberian Like, it perfectly transfers bad weather, and thick wool protects against frosts.

West Siberian Lyki perfectly tolerates strong frost due to thick wool.

The apartment content as a companion is not too suitable for this breed, since the forced seat locked with a pair of walks in the nearest park is too hard for freedom-loving dog. The owner must provide a dog such a level of physical exertion in order to satisfy its need in motion. Otherwise, the husky turns into a destroyer.

Differences Training

Training of the West Siberian Like Puppy The basics of obedience should begin already in three months. Kids of this breed early show their mental capacityAnd to fully develop them, the puppy requires daily training, walking through unfamiliar places.

An adult Western Siberian Lyk is honing his skills on the hunt.

From the nature of the husky have excellent ability to focus on the terrain, and the development of new territories will help the future hunter develop this talent.

Active and restless, husk puppies can perfectly assimilate the teams, to perform which you need speed and dexterity. Teams on exposure are well absorbed, if before training with a pet, it's good to walk well so that he splash out. No need to start classes with the baby, if he is tired or just liked, as it will make it difficult for learning.

An adult West Siberian husky, which is used as a hunter, practically does not need training, as its skills pumped out in hunting conditions. Interestingly, the strength of this breed is an amazingly strong nervous system and iron composure. These qualities in extreme situations allow you to preserve the life of the owner and the dog.

West Siberian husky is valued by hunters, as a universal, with which you can hunt any small or large beast and even a bird. It has a wide search, has the top and lower flair and a ringing voice.

Like has no equal in the tracking of the beast, in his pursuit and the clock, in holding, and small dogs are used in the normal hunt. West Siberian Lyaki can hunt both individually and participate in the cloud hunt.

West Siberian Like has a strong nervous system and iron composure.

Dogs of this breed are perfectly suitable for the autumn bird hunt, and they are looking for ducks in thickets, scare them, and also bring pranks. Dog owners of this breed often go hunting without a rifle, getting more birds with a dog than shooting hunters.

However, to ride the West Siberian husky, correctly trigger it and raise a real assistant, can only an experienced hunter, who has knowledge of the psychology of these wonderful dogs. Young dogs of this breed often learn from experienced dogs when they work in a pair. This method of Natasi and the Poorts are considered the best.

Features of care and nutrition

Dogs of this breed, living the life of a hunter, usually do not need special care. The owner is only occasionally examines the ears of the pet and regularly conducts an inspection on the detection of ticks, wounds and scratches. All skin damage should be carefully handled by an antiseptic or special antibacterial aerosol.

Apartment pets living in the family as companions need periodic combing thick wool. Otherwise, if the owner neglects this simple daily procedure, the shreds of fallen wool very quickly fill all the corners of the house.

Western-Siberian husk should be combed to periodically comb.

In a comfortable content of the Western-Siberian husky loses the magnificent, thick undercoat, which worsens the appearance of the animal, makes the dog "Sleeping".

For many decades of existence, the injignment of the lady was eager once a day, poorly and monotonous, made the metabolism of this breed somewhat slowed down. The dog is enough to eat a small amount of food, and it will not only feel full, but also very quickly will restore his strength, becoming energetic and ready to work again.

In vivo, the breed representatives were fed with meat or fish, often the only food was field mice. That is why it should be highbowd.

The dog should get raw meat daily, you can complement the menu can be boiled meat or fish, chicken eggs and cottage cheese. Skits must provide fermented dairy products and cereals. Useful, especially growing young, additives in the form of boiled vegetables and vegetable and animal fat.

The diet of the West Siberian husky should be highbowded.

Health status

The West Siberian husky is derived based on the blood of Local Local, Siberian rocks that have been severely subjected to a hard natural selection. Sick puppies simply did not survive, weak animals died or destroyed by breeders. That is why there are no hereditary diseases caused by genetic anomalies in the breed.

But long-term insulation in the natural environment and the absence of most viral and infectious diseasesCharacteristic of densely populated locality, made lips extremely susceptible to viruses and infections.

Vaccination of puppies and adult animals

Dogs of this breed die in most cases, infected with plague or enteritis, so everyone's puppy need vaccination and mandatory quarantine. Before conducting the procedure, the kid is anthelminty, one of these drugs: ,. After this puppy or another drug.

Hunting Likes make vaccination against rabies and Lyme disease.

Grafted dogs live for quite a long time, for more than twelve years, and may suffer only from the effects of injuries obtained on the hunt. Hunting dogs make vaccinations from rabies and Lyme disease, which are widespread in the natural environment. City pets are sufficiently mandatory annual vaccinations.

How to choose a puppy

In large cities there are a lot of nurses of West Siberian husky, representatives of which fully comply with the standard and have field test diplomas.

But if there is a desire to purchase a truly minimum PSA, then you should go beyond the limits of the middle strip of Russia, to Siberia. Where the breed was born, there are unique dogs in their working qualities, but to take a puppy from them, a local hunter is protected.

It is advisable to acquire a puppy, not under seven weeks, as the husks are very quickly trained with their parents, and if the kid will come from the flock to two months, he will get a lot of good. In addition, at this age, the puppy is already doing the first vaccination, and it will be protected from diseases.

Photo. Little puppies of West Siberian husky

Two trimmed puppies of West Siberian husky in the photo

It is necessary to take care of the proposal to buy a passive puppy likes, since good, talented hunter or exterior teen breeders will not sell. Usually sell a teenager who did not meet the expectations of the breeder.

When the choice of the breeder is made, you can negotiate a meeting, and, taking with you an experienced breaker, you can go to choose a puppy. Kids must be absolutely clean, plump, with shiny wool and pink tummy. When trying to turn the baby on the back, he should not have to test and try to break out, it says about a weak nervous system.

IMPORTANT! If there are doubts about the fact that the puppies correspond to the breed if the breeder says frank nonsense, if at least one of the puppies looks sick, then it is better to start searching for another kennel.

In the choice of the West Siberian Like puppy, there is no benefit of large nurseries, as often the breeder with two dogs have the best working dogs. Kennels often sell more exterior dogs, but the dogs of many Siberian nursers often combine performance and wonderful exterior.

You can buy a truly working dog at hunters in Siberia.

Coordinates of large nurseries:

  • In Moscow: Vesuvius kennel, site http://www.vezuviy.veo-romul.ru/purga/purga.htm, cost from $ 300.
  • In Krasnoyarsk: Kennel "Siberian hunting", site http://laika-72.ru, cost from $ 350.

West Siberian Laika is one of the most respected breed hunter. And this is not by chance, because the history of the emergence and breeding of this breed confirms its main purpose - to help a person to hunt.

This dog is most reminiscent of the wolf, and not only in appearance, but also on behavior, and in wild habits. West Siberian Like is one of those rare rocks that were outlined in her rigid conditions. natural selection. The task of man did not come down to change its appearance, but on the contrary, to consolidate its natural instincts in the hunt for wild beasts.

The ancestors of modern representatives of the breed were various types of legs, which bred up the population of the Urals and Siberia. In the conditions of the continental climate, the character and performance of modern West Siberian ridges were formed in the harsh taiga nature. They survived only the strongest dogs who brought a real benefit to a person. "Darmotov" Taezhnikh hunters not only did not admit to the reproduction of offspring, but simply eliminated, since they were unprofitable to contain and feed.

How it would not seem cruelly modern breeders, but this path led to the fact that the breed was formed, which for their hunting qualities and merit in front of people is recognized worldwide.

The ancestors of West Siberian Lakes are the Khanty, Mansiysk and Zyryan husky, which divorced by these peoples. Since each of these species was distinguished by their peculiarities and advantages, with further breeding it was decided to preserve the Khanty and Mansiysk type. Therefore, West Siberian husks are found with the predominance of the Khanty or Mansi Blood. The first type is more chorey, with a short face and a wide head, and the second is more supported with a somewhat elongated face. Such a variety does not harm the breed, but on the contrary, it gives space for the work of breeders to improve its gene pool.

The entire history of the breed Western-Siberian lady can be divided into two periods. The first is centuries-old selection of the most endless dogs with excellent working qualities when hunting for a large beast. The second is the beginning in the 20s. 20th century The purposeful work of breeders to bring the breed to the same standard.

First, the lacas were classified by the names of the nations that were bred. There were no less than ten such ecotypes, and each of them was distinguished by a kind of exterior. In 1925, the first attempt was undertaken at the congress of film engines to describe the standards of Lakes: Karelian, Ostsatskaya, Zyryanskaya, Khanty and Mansiyskaya. Three years later, at the exhibition of hunting dogs, husky was already exhibited in large quantities.

In 1939, new standards of the same breeds were adopted at a special cynological meeting. The popularity of Rakek grew, and it was connected not so much with amateur interest, as with the value of the qualities of likes, which helped a person to extract the curne, in demand in the world market. The club of lovers of Lakes, who managed famous kennels were created. In the future, in the Soviet Union, many public nurseries were created, who bred hunting dogs, of which 17 were engaged in breeding rapes.

During the war, Lakes were used as demolitions and carriers of goods.

In 1947, a proposal was received from an employee of the All-Union Research Institute of Hunting Change Classification and Standards of Lakes. Then the temporary standards for 4 breeds were developed. The final approval of the standard for West Siberian husky occurred in 1952.

Active breeding in numerous professional nurseries led to the fact that in the 1970s. The breed has already been fully formed and won the hearts of hunters far beyond Siberia. In 1980, West Siberian lady was recognized by the International Cynological Association.

Previously, Lakes were called just dogs or "northern sedes".

Breed Standard: Main Features

The current standard for West Siberian lacakes defines them as high-growth dogs with a strong constitution, well-developed muscles and a strong skeleton. These are moving dogs moving by a wide trot ahead with a gallop.

At one time there was a tendency to dogs above the average growth: such frying huskies were reached in the withers 69 cm. But it was noted that this trend is adversely affected both in general proportionality and on mobility, and hence the working qualities of the dog. At the same time, the upper growth limit was 62 cm for males, but now its boundaries are indicated by 55-60 cm limits for males and 51-58 cm for bug.

The head in shape resembles an equifiable triangle with a long muzzle and a wide skull. The lips are tightly adjacent and do not form hanging balls. The eyes are preferably almond-shaped with a sideway, deeply planted, but may be oval. The eye color is only a car. Bill scissor-shaped.

Standing ears, remind the triangle elongated.

Breast is wide and muscular, smoothly goes into a tagged belly.

Holve developed and 1-2 cm above the sacrum. Back straight and muscular. The loin is strong and short.

Front and hind limbs straight and muscular. The shin is a little longer than the hip.

The tail in the straightened state must reach the jumping joint or be shorter than it is not more than 2 cm. Usually bent on the back or on side in the form of a ring or sickle.

The wool is thick and unintended with a soft tight bleeding. On the neck and shoulders of the more thick cover of wool, forming a collar and tanks. The colors differ in variety: various combinations of gray and white colors, pallets, gray-red, panies. Often expressed zonarity. The disadvantage is considered black and white colorwhich is already found rarely among the representatives of this breed.

The nature of the breed WASHNESIBIR LAKI

On the nature of West Siberian erections of their owners are told with enthusiasm. After listening to such stories, it seems that this breed is an exemplary companion for a person, and if he is also an avid hunter, then it turns out the perfect tandem.

Indeed, these dogs possess a balanced psyche, but at the same time energetic and love to be frozen. The person is non-aggressive, if, of course, they are not specifically angry. Very love children and do not offend small pets, friendly with other dogs. This is a surprise friendly dog, if we consider that at the genetic level, it is closer to all to their wild ancestors - wolves. The sense of flock is developed, and to its flock - the owner and his family, West Siberian huskies are tied very strongly.

This dog is so accustomed to the human society that heavily experiences forced loneliness or lack of communication. It is always ready to play and run, and does it with an inexhaustible burrow. The character of the Western Siberian Like is a duplicate and sealing, but at the same time she is inherent and independence without perseverance and synthesia.

She always seeks to fulfill everything that the owner wants from her, so if he was mistaken, giving her an incorrect team on the hunt, she would rather earn it even by his hunting instinct. Therefore, many hunters already knowing their dog prefer not to overdo the teams and give her freedom of action.

The West Siberian Like is difficult to scare something, the fact that her ancestors faintly went with a man to hunt even on bears. The dog knows the price, confident in his abilities, but is always ready to recognize the leadership of a person and follow him. It is distinguished by a natural mind and ingenuity and does not give any special difficulties in the upbringing.

Best Hunting

West Siberian Laika is universal. Some believe that it is best suited for hunting for a major beast, others that there are no prices for the mining of the fur. There are such hunters who go to her waterfowl or boring game. Despite some disputes in preferences for types of hunting, everyone recognized the versatility of its hunting qualities, which are produced depending on the hobbies of the owner.

Previously, it existed that it was suitable for hunting only in harsh northern conditions, but she proved its performance and in the conditions of the southern climate.

One of the most valuable qualities of the West Siberian Like is her endurance. If necessary, they work without signs of fatigue for several days in the heavy conditions of the taiga. They have an interesting feature - they are better absorbed by food, which gives them much more forces than other dogs, and allows for a long time to do without the next portion.

Love for water hunt is transferred to West Siberian legs inherited.

West Siberian Likes differ from other breeds of erections of their endurance and less excitability. They are able to chase the beast tirelessly, hersing it in the footsteps, which he left a few hours ago. It is difficult for them to find a replacement in other breeds when it comes to many hours of searching and persecuting the beast in difficult conditions. For example, during autumn hunting, when there are no traces, or when searching in a dense Burning along the rivers. They always work silently, but when the beast finds, they notify the owner with loud lames and have or even hold the beast in place while the hunter does not sort it up. Unmistakably define inhabited holes. There are among West Siberian laps and avid birds that willingly work in water, diving behind ducks.

West Siberian huskies are successfully used both for individual hunting, and when climbing the beast, work well in pairs. In different parts of our country and abroad, these hunters are used to hunt a wide variety of animals. The list of possible production of Western Siberian lacakes is extensive and interesting: bears, boars, moose, cunits, chori, roe, racco, trot, Glukhari. This list can be continued for a long time.

Like handsome in the 20s. The 20th century constantly participated in the hunt for the bear, his owner is the famous urals of the Urals S. F. Shcherbakov mined 78 bears.

West Siberian Like Care

Basically, for understandable reasons of West Siberian lips, hunters are settled. More rarely, they can be found in people who are simply engaged in their dogs popular sports, in particular Adzhiliti. Sometimes there are also urban residents who are far from hobby hobby and simply succumbed to the charm of this taiga beauty.

In the latter case, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to turn the West Siberian husky in a sofic dog. It will suffer from the lack of space and movement, so in this case she needs to provide long.

Of course, everyone understands that the best and for the dog, and for its owner there will be an option when their interests coincide, that is, both love hunting.

There are no difficulties in caring for this breed, as the Western-Siberian husky is endowed with excellent health. They are unpretentious in feeding and are able to carry out forced hunger strikes without losses for the physical condition. But without the urgent need to check in practice this ability should not be required; right ration And feed your pet at a certain time. Like many other breeds of dogs, West Siberian Likes are useful boiled meat, fish, cereals, vitamin and mineral complexes. You need to exclude smoked, fried, flour and sweet products.

Wool requires increased attention only during when it actively falls out. It is necessary to remove the intensely losing hair with a rigid metal brush.

Laika Saved his owner from death. During the hunt for the Hunter Rasputin Y.D. Punished a big bear. The dog distracted the attention of the bear on himself, giving the hunter to shoot the beast. The hunter and his faithful husky remained alive.


Many are interested in how to prohibit a hunting dog. Training with special hunting teams begins approximately from 10 months of age. Although some hunters begin to take a puppy with them before.

Before this you need to go through and teach the dog to the main teams of obedience. Without this, further learning will be impossible, because the main basis is to teach the dog to obey the dog.

Learn training on special sites, where the dog is taught to the sound of shots, light headlights and other wisels needed for hunting dogs. Only after that, the obedient and controlled dog is beginning to span on a certain kind of beast.

How to choose a puppy

Before choosing a puppy of the West Siberian Like, the main thing is to determine the purpose of acquiring. If the dog needs you for hunting, that is, it makes sense to acquire a puppy from the same avid hunters, they will not advise their "colleague". In principle, real breeders are knitted only by representatives of rocks that have proven themselves on the hunt.

In this regard, the chance to get a bad puppy is negligible, but risk, of course, is always there. Therefore, in addition to the pedigree and workers, merit needs to be carefully related to the appearance and state of the health of puppies. Unfortunately, sometimes weak puppies are born sometimes, which is not suitable for continuous hunting.

In general, the West Siberian Breaks hunting, so everyone can find a good hunting dog. Moreover, professional nurseries and breeders of this breed are much, so choose from what.

Of course, it is not worth discounting and numerous ads for the sale of puppies without pedigree. If the exhibition career is not important, but just want to buy a faithful assistant for hunting or friendly companion, then pay attention to the offers for the sale of puppies without documents.

Price puppies

The cost of the puppies of the West Siberian husky has an interesting feature. Sometimes dogs without a pedigree so famous for record results from local hunters, which puppies differ from them on a more expensive price than representatives of non-known dogs with documents. This is a rare case when the cost of the puppy depends not only on the presence of a pedigree.

The average price for a puppy of this breed is 10,000 rublesbut you can always find yourself a friend and for a much smaller cost, for example, for 2-3 thousand rubles. And at such a low price it will not necessarily hide the trick, perhaps you will simply have no time to deal with the offspring, and they sell puppies for a symbolic price. In nurseries, on the contrary, the price reaches 20 and more than thousand rubles.

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West Siberian Like is the most popular and numerous breed of hunting dogs in Russia, which is explained by its natural beauty and excellent working qualities. ZSL enduring, universal on the hunt, unpretentious, has a pleasant character, congenital malice to the beast, lack of aggression to man.

West Siberian Like brought hunters and keen on the basis of several local dedication: the Khanty, Ostsatskaya, Mansiysk and Vogulskaya, mainly common in the North-West Siberia and Northern Urals area. These dogs have long been famous for large sizes, attractive appearance and working qualities. However, a centuries-old hard selection of dogs on working qualities was played in a more significant role in the development and development of the breed. Springs did not hold the battered and tried their best manufacturers Leave with you, the nests were guarded, and sometimes they even hid.

One of the genericants of the breed was a dog nicknamed Grozny, who belonged to the Sverdlovsk club of service dog breeding. He was born in 1930 and left behind a lot of good descendants. The Sverdlovsk Group to this day remains one of the strongest, though, recently a little inferior to Moscow.

Of all the factory logs, Wesnosibirsk, in the late 50s, were a well-dilated breed group. Moreover, breeders did not resort to inbreeding, but sought to consolidate the desired qualities by the selection of single-type producers of different blood, which had a positive effect on the health of the livestock and its genetic potential


The main purpose of West Siberian husky is hunting. It is suitable for working with any type of game. May pursue large hoofs, no worse than the hounds, willingly work on the predatory beast. He walked out one of the best bear hunters. In addition, it successfully finds and blocks a small fur beast: a cunits, a sable, squirrel. Suitable as an assistant in the hunt for waterfowl game. Effectively wanted and raises the bird under the shot. For the West Siberian Like, a good search and mining are characterized, maintaining contact with the owner, simultaneous work with hearing and top lightness, so that it practically does not require special training.

There are often dogs among West Siberian Lakes, which perfectly work in a specific type of game. This is due to continuous selective selection. Dogs, going for a different beast, were chosen according to the requirements of commercial hunting. Modern breeders strive to universalize the breed and for more they succeed.

ZSL has exceptional hunting qualities of the wolf. In other Likeed rocks, they are often linked with congenital distrust to a person, but in this case are combined with loyalty and contact.

Video about the breed of dogs West Siberian Lyki:


West Siberian Likes - Dogs Middle or Above Middle Growth, with a strong, dry constitution. Height in the idols of males - 55-62 cm, bitches - 51-58 cm. Height in the sacrum in males by 1-2 cm below the height in the withers, in the bitch is equal to or below 1 cm.

The head is dry, the shape of a sharp wedge, the cranial part is wide. The muzzle is elongated, sharp, but not too narrow, slightly expanding in the roars area. Stop is expressed, but not sharply. The top line of the forehead and muzzle are parallel. The occipital borcor and the parietal comb is well noticeable. Lips are adjacent tight, dry. Ears are set high, movable, have the shape of an elongated triangle, standing. The eyes are small oval or almond-shaped with a sharply oblique section, they sit a little deeper than other lacks, the color of the kitty is regardless of the color. The teeth are strong, white, bite scissor-shaped.

The backbone is strong. Cooking of the wrist in males 11-12 cm, at the bitter 10-12 cm. The neck is dry, oval in the section. The withers are well expressed, the back is straight, wide. The loin is a little convex, short. The croup is moderately long, slightly slightly. Breasts deep and wide, long enough, egg-shaped in the section. The transition from the breast to the selected stomach is weakly expressed. The limbs are high, dry, muscular, straight and parallel when looking at the back and in front. Oval paws, with tightly pressed to each other, the average is a bit longer. The arrogant fingers should be unwanted, they are often removed immediately after birth. The tail will be thrown by a ring on the back or lies on the side, it can also drop the sickle, but in this case it necessarily concerns the back. In collapsed form should reach the leasurate joint.

The skin is dense elastic, the folds does not forms. The sheer cover is double, formed by a rigid straight rusty and a soft thick, underwrite, which lifts ass and creates an impression evenly lush dressed dog. On the ears and head of the hair a little shorter. On the neck and shoulders forms the collar, and when meeting with wool behind the cheekbones - tanks. On the withers a little extended, especially in males. The legs are covered with short hair in front, a little longer it on the back side. On the hind legs are formed, between - brushes. The tail is well pubes without suspension. Color white, redhead, gray and brown all shades, as well as zonar (wolf) and pegs.


West Siberian Laika is a balanced, confident dog with a moving type of temperament and a well-developed indicative reaction. It is usually not so gambling, such as, however, it does not affect working qualities.

Woster Siberian Like Friendly, Contact with respect to people, but may be to protect family members if circumstances will require. To a large pet with whom the dog has grown or lives together, relates calmly. Small, unfamiliar or wild animals usually pursues with congenital malice.

West Siberian more than other ridges and primitive breeds are focused on man. It holds adequately, to some extent patronic, but is distinguished by affection and loyalty.

ZSL confident energetic dog, stubborn and freedoming, but at the same time friendly and sensitive. With all its independence, it needs communication, it is binding to all family members, it is sensitive to a change in the decor. Attentive and intelligent with well-developed social instinct and male leader.

Education and training

A significant amount of literature is devoted to the issue of education and Natasky, because there is a lot of difficulties in working with them. Lakes are pronounced independence, they need upbringing, not strict, in-depth trains. Moreover, if the owners focus on the dressurus and complete submission, the dog has worsened search and research behavior. A little complicates the process of upbringing stubborn, the innerious temper of the likes and the fact that pressure and physical strength cannot be applied.

A contact with the owner, who must take her contact as a full person for the likeness. If you manage to install the necessary connection with the dog, it will be enough to know the necessary minimum of teams to become a manageable and comfortable assistant.

Nataska Like is not just a preparation for the hunt, this is a part of the educational process in which its natural qualities are strengthened, endurance, malice and obedience develop. Success largely depends on the origin of the dog. As you know, courage, malice, viscosity and many other quality needed in the hunting is inherited genetically. The first acquaintance of puppies with a game can take place in 4-5 months, and sometimes earlier, when they enable them to lick, sniff the beast mined on the hunt. Natask in the small beast can be started when the puppy will be 6-7 months. As matters, they go to larger prey. Natask on the bear can be started only when the dog has gained full physical strength, not earlier than one and a half years.

Features of content

Very active, energetic West EasyBirsk Laika needs a large number of free movements and active physical exertion. It will be optimal for it will be the maintenance on the street, in the aviary or on the chain.Similar measures are needed primarily for dog safety. Following the instincts of husky with ease overcome any obstacles and run away, often so far that they do not return themselves. If necessary, they adapt to the apartment life, but it is very difficult for them as an urban resident, too much in the street temptation and few opportunities. ZSL feels comfortable in almost any climate, unpretentious and strain. Lines very plentiful. At the apartment dogs, the link is observed almost year-round.


No special care is required. The dog is completely combed to completely comb, observe its condition and well-being. If necessary, the ears are clean and aggravated claws on the arrogant fingers. Batty husky usually in the warm season. This does not concern the apartment dogs that have to bathe and make it much more often. Hunters who keep like work, rarely bother with the peculiarities of the care and selection of cosmetic products, in terms of hygiene dogs are often provided to themselves.


The West Siberian Like boasts exceptionally effective metabolism, thanks to which it is much easier than many other relatives withstand hunger and assimilates the defective food. In view of the relatives and similarity with wolves, the physiology of the husky is recommended to regularly feed raw meat. Feed the adult dog 1 time per day. During the actively physical activity on the hunt, the caloric content of portions and the multiplicity of feeding can be increased by 30-50%. After the snack, even a very extended husky very quickly restores forces.

Health and life expectancy

West Siberian Like - Healthy, Strong Dog, is very rare. The breed does not notice serious genetic deviations. Basically, the owners of the lacas are faced with injuries, cuts and bite, obtained on the hunt. It is worth noting that the wounds are healing quickly and rarely give complications.

In search of a puppy, you should pay attention to the working lines and the quality of parents. The West Siberian Like is not taken to start to make an apartment dog or a friend for a child, this is primarily a working breed that will be happy only in the hands of a caring, gambling hunter.

From good parents, puppies often have to book in advance. Help in the choice can be in the club of rocks, as well as in forms. Most hunters at exhibitions participate in a literally a couple of times, and then to obtain a hunting passport, therefore they cannot boast of cups and medals, and they usually do not need. The values \u200b\u200bobtained on work tests are greater importance. Choosing a puppy from litter, pay attention to its compliance with the standard. As for character and skills, here you can seek help to an expert or rely on the experience of the breeder.

The price range is wide. On average, the puppy price from working parents is sold for 15,000-25,000 rubles. Cheaper give dogs without a pedigree, with whom it will legally hunt will be problematic, as well as adolescents who have not shown themselves at work.


Photos of adult dogs and puppies of the breed of Western Biggy Laika are collected in the gallery.

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