
Mu lemuria. Mysterious Lemuria. Lemuria in "The Secret Doctrine" of Blavatsky

"(" The country of immortals, magicians and sorcerers. When was the "golden age" on Earth?) The reconstructions concerned only Hyperborea and did not touch on other mythical continents - Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Pacifida, etc. I managed to understand what they were on the recently opened at the site "Earth before the flood - disappeared continents and civilizations" on which, in the topic "", experts of different professions - geologists, historians expressed their opinions about the nature and time of existence of Lemuria and other mythical continents , philosophers and esotericists. In the same theme, the last curtain of fog was removed over the still remaining secret of Hyperborea.
I will not retell the content of the discussion about Lemuria, since you yourself can read it. I'll go straight to the main point. Lemuria is a part of the southern supercontinent of Gondwana, well known to geologists (which existed from 200-180 million years ago), after the breakaway of Africa and South America about 150 million years ago.
In the form described in esoteric works, Lemuria existed from the end of the late Jurassic era or from the turn of the Jurassic and Cretaceous epochs (150 - 145 million years ago) to the turn of the early and middle eras of the Cretaceous period (110 million years ago) and included the then unified Antarctica, Madagascar, Hindustan, Australia with New Zealand, and also, according to some sources, South America and the Kerguelen plateau in the Atlantic Ocean (Africa began to separate from South America 140-135 million years ago).
110 million years ago, there was a separation of Hindustan from Antarctica, and in the early or middle Eocene 55-45
million years ago (according to other sources, 40 million years ago) Antarctica from Australia. At the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene about 34 million years ago (according to other sources, 40-45 million years ago), Antarctica was in the region of the South Pole, and glaciation began on it, which significantly increased at the turn of the Paleogene and Neogene periods (24 million . years ago). Madagascar slightly moved away from Africa, and Australia made a slow rotational movement counterclockwise and as a result of this remains to this day in the southern hemisphere.
From 110 million years ago, the most important fragment of Lemuria was Hindustan, which more than 55 million years ago (before the early Eocene, about 55 million years ago) moved at a speed of 9-10 cm per year northward towards the outskirts of Eurasia. At that time, the warm Tethys Ocean and numerous islands were located between Hindustan and Eurasia. In the Late Eocene, about 40 million years ago, the "head-on" collision of Hindustan with Eurasia began, which continued throughout the Oligocene, Neogene and Quaternary period. As a result of the interaction of two continental plates completely closed
the ocean Tethys and formed Tibet, Hindu Kush, Pamir and Himalayas. At first, they were low rise covered with tropical forests. In the Middle Miocene-Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period (18-3.4 million years ago), in place of Tibet, there was a vast land raised by about 1 km, on which there were many lakes, meandering rivers flowed and tropical and subtropical forests grew. The Himalayas were low mountains. They were covered with tropical rainforests and forest-steppes. They were cut deeply by the rivers that flowed from Tibet. The modern appearance of the Tibet plateau and the Hindu Kush, Pamir and Himalayas took on the second half of the Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period and the Quaternary period (3.4 - 0 million years ago).

The collision of Hyperborea - Eurasia with Lemuria - Hindustan led to the penetration of India by two completely different population groups of the antediluvian Earth - humanoid gods, demons and their descendants from the north (adityas, daityas, gandharvas, apsaras, etc.) and snake-like and multi-armed gods, demons and their human descendants from the south. Or, in the language of anthropologists, the Aryan (Nordic) and Dravidian types of the population, which led to the great mixing and formation over the past 40 million years of numerous types of intelligent beings and peoples (see also).

Hyperborea - Laurasia and its fragments, connected by the land Arctic

Hyperborea corresponded to another supercontinent that existed simultaneously with Gondwana 200 - 135 million years ago million years ago - Laurasia, which began to split into separate continents (North America, Eurasia, separate continental massifs in the Arctic) in the Early Cretaceous epoch (140 - 135 million years back). However, for a long time after that, there was a land connection between North America and Eurasia through the Arctic (the islands of Arctic Canada, Greenland, the central and eastern part of the Arctic, which was then land). The northern part of Hyperborea was the habitat of the white gods (Adityas, Gandharvas, Apsaras (and), etc.), and later on - their human descendants of the Aryans.

The secret of the death of which still excites the minds of researchers. However, there is a hypothesis from which it follows that long before the death of the mysterious Atlantis there existed Lemuria (the second name is Mu). It was a continent of incredible size, inhabited by a civilization of giants. It is the Lemurians who are considered the indigenous population of planet Earth, the indigenous humanity, who disappeared along with Lemuria. The first generations of Lemurians reached a height of 18 m, but gradually, generation after generation, their size decreased to 6 meters. Some researchers believe that the huge stone idols on Easter Island are nothing more than "auto-sculptures" of the Lemurians - they portrayed themselves in full growth. This version is supported by the fact that the mystery of the stone giants of Easter Island has not yet been solved, because the creation of statues of this size is beyond human capabilities.

The theory of Lemuria and the Lemurians arose thanks to lemurs - amazing animals that live only in Africa, India and Australia. Geographers and biologists have hypothesized that African, Indian and Australian lemurs should have one ancestral home. In addition, scientists have long noticed the similarity of lemurs with anthropoid apes and humans, which gave food for thought: perhaps lemurs and modern humans once had common ancestors?

Geographically, Lemuria covered several modern continents - Australia, part of Africa and part of Asia. A huge area of \u200b\u200bthree oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Indian was occupied by the civilization of giants. Now only Australia and several small islands scattered among the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans are left of the once great Lemuria.

The Lemurians were a very highly developed people: powerful intellect, superpowers, combined with incredible physical development, they lived in harmony not only with each other, but also with the surrounding world, as well as the spiritual world. Some researchers believe that the Lemurians had the ability to telepathy, could move not only over distances, but also in different dimensions. Unsurprisingly, the large stature did not cause inconvenience to the Lemurians.

Like all great civilizations, having reached its heyday, Lemuria began to decline: among the Lemurians there were those who preferred strength and power to knowledge and feelings. Those of the Lemurians who could not accept such a turn of events went underground, the rest survived the strongest natural disasters that destroyed the amazing Lemuria.

In favor of the fact that the hypothesis of the existence of Lemuria is quite viable, many facts speak. First of all, archaeological finds: scientists discover the remains of ancient people or a certain race that lived on the planet long before modern mankind. And the size of the finds is impressive in its size: none of the modern "giants" that have entered the Guinness Book of Records "falls short" of a height of 4-5 m. In addition, preserved structures, idols, whose dimensions also impress the imagination, act as valuable artifacts. modern man. The second fact is the indisputability of the fact that the ancient continents were replaced more than once by newly formed ones under the influence of global geological upheavals on Earth.

The secrets of ancient civilizations that have disappeared from the face of the earth have always agitated scientists. Who lived millennia ago on our planet? What kind of creatures were they? Were they our ancestors or disappeared completely without a trace? There are many questions, but there are practically no answers to them. One of the most mysterious and contradictory in the very fact of its existence is Lemuria - an extinct civilization.

Interest in this mysterious country arose back in the 19th century. It, in particular, was caused by the fact that biologists and zoologists studying the phenomenon turned their attention to the fact that some species of plants and animals living in southern India are strikingly similar to their counterparts from southeast Africa. For example, lemur animals. They still live in Madagascar and India, as well as in Africa and southeast Asia. But how could this happen? A hypothesis arose about the once-existed and sunken continent, located just in the Indian Ocean. And the people who supposedly inhabited this continent were named "Lemurians" by the name of the animals.

Lemuria: was there a lost civilization?

The hypothesis of the existence in the past of the mysterious country of Lemuria was put forward in the 19th century by the British biologist Philip Latley Sclater. His contemporary, the German philosopher Friedrich Engels, also believed that on some sunken continent there must have been a creature that was an intermediate link between man and ape.

But the greatest confirmation of its existence, Lemuria, as a once disappeared civilization, received in the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - a Russian noblewoman, traveler, a famous religious philosopher of theosophical direction. In her writings, Elena Petrovna described seven main races, the origin of which goes back to the deep past, but they still live on Earth.

Lemurians, in her opinion, are representatives of the third race, who once lived on the planet. These were creatures of enormous growth, at least 8 m in height. They had three eyes on their heads - two in the front and one on the back. They had a peculiar design of the feet and could walk both forward and backward. At first, they communicated with each other using telepathy. Over time, the Lemurians began to lose their skills and acquired an appearance similar to modern people. It was from them that the Atlanteans originated. The mainland on which the ancient country was located was located in the southern hemisphere. He sank, but the population did not disappear without a trace, but was continued in the next races on other continents.

Lemuria as a disappeared civilization in the writings of Nicholas Roerich

The famous Russian artist of the 19-20 century, Nicholas Roerich, also did not disregard such a mysterious country. As you know, he was not only an artist, but also a passionate traveler, archaeologist, philosopher and writer. In his works, the Lemurian civilization is described in detail.

Following Blavatsky, Roerich attributed the Lemurians to the third race. He claimed that they were enormous in stature and possessed supernatural strength, both physical and mental. These abilities helped them to resist the giant animals that inhabited the planet at that time. Huge statues that have survived to this day, for example, the famous idols of Easter Island, were erected by the ancient people and fully corresponded to their growth.

Lemuria existed millions of years ago. Roerich even indicates the exact date when their division into two sexes occurred: seventeen million years ago. They built huge cities, developed art and mastered science. Their civilization flourished, but gradually began to decline. The main continent on which Lemuria was located began to plunge into the waters of the world's oceans. At first, due to active volcanic activity, it split into separate islands, which then went under water. What is now called Australia, the island of Ceylon and Madagascar are, according to Roerich, small fragments of the once huge continent. And Africans, Australians and Bushmen are the descendants of the ancient Lemurians.

Lemuria in visions of psychics

Some Russian and foreign psychics and soothsayers also did not ignore such a riddle as Lemuria. This country and its inhabitants appeared to them in their visions so clearly and in detail that the seers described in detail all the features of their life and religious rites.

For example, the famous and popular American medium Edward Cayce received information about Lemuria more than once in his revelations. Unlike scientists-philosophers, he believed that it originated in South America. Back in 1932, his research on the underwater Nazca ridge, which connects Peru with some kind of sunken archipelago, was published. Surprisingly, after 60 years, scientists have confirmed this theory.

The Russian psychic of the 20th century, or, as he calls himself, “scientist-contactee” - Vasily Rasputin, also reported a lot of information about the Lemurian civilization. He assigned her a huge territory - from Antarctica to modern Europe. Outwardly, Rasputin's Lemurians are like Bigfoot, they had the ability to move from one dimension to another. In the 170th century BC, most of Lemuria goes under water. The population of the rest of the land is changing and turning into Atlanteans, which were later replaced by modern people.

Opinions of modern scientists

Modern scientific research confirms that at the bottom of the Indian Ocean lies a huge continent that sank about 20 million years ago. But whether it was inhabited by any civilization is unknown.

Some archaeological finds also indirectly confirm the existence of some ancient civilization still unknown to scientists. For example, near the Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean, the ruins of an unknown city were found. It is also still unknown who nevertheless constructed the huge statues on Easter Island.

The question of whether Lemuria, an extinct civilization, actually existed, remains open to this day. Modern archaeological excavations and research cannot give an exact answer. It is possible that only our descendants will come to the solution of this mystery.

Matter and people of the Third Race

At the time when the Third Race lived, that is, 18 million years ago, the distribution of land and water on the globe was completely different from what it is now.Most of the present land was then under water. Neither Africa, nor the Americas, nor Europe existed at that time - they were all at the bottom of the ocean. Also, little existed from present-day Asia: the pre-Himalayan regions were covered by seas, while beyond their borders stretched the countries now called Greenland, Eastern and Western Siberia, etc.
A giant continent stretched along the equator, covering most of the present-day Pacific, as well as the Indian Oceans. This continent covered the entire region from the foot of the Himalayas, separating it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present Tibet, Mongolia and the great desert of Shamo (Gobi); from Chittagon westerly towards Hardwar and east Assam. From there it spread southward through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, embracing Madagascar on the right and Tasmania on the left on its way as it moved southward, it descended, not reaching a few degrees to the Antarctic Circle, and from Australia, which at that time was an interior region on the Main Continent, it went far into Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Easter Island). In addition, part of the mainland stretched around South Africa into the Atlantic Ocean, curving north of Norway.
This continent of the Third Root Race is now called Lemuria.
The earliest humanity was a race of giants. The first Lemurians were 18 meters high. With each successive subrace, their growth gradually decreased, and after several million years it reached six meters.
The size of the Lemurians is evidenced by the statues they erected to the size of their bodies. Most of the giant statues discovered on Easter Island, part of the submerged mainland of Lemuria, were 6 to 9 meters high. The remains on Easter Island are the most striking and eloquent monuments of primitive giants. They are as great as they are mysterious. It is enough to examine the heads of these colossal statues, which have remained intact, to recognize at first glance the traits of the type and character attributed to the giants of the Third Race. They seem to be poured out of the same form, although they differ in features; they are of a certain sensual type.
The Lemurians were people of strange superhuman physical strength, which enabled them to defend themselves and keep at a distance the giant monsters of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods. Fantastic and terrible animals coexisted with man and attacked him, just as man attacked them. Surrounded by such terrible creatures in Nature, man could survive only because he himself was a colossal giant.

Lemurian civilization

When the Third Race separated and fell into sin, giving birth to animal people, the animals became fierce; then people began to destroy each other. Until that time, there was no sin, there was no taking of life.
After the separation, the bliss of the first races came to an end. The eternal spring began to change constantly and the seasons followed. People could no longer live in the First Country (the Eden of the first races), which turned into a white frozen corpse. The cold forced people to build shelters and invent clothing. Then people prayed to the highest Fathers (Gods). The "Wise Serpents" and "Dragons of Light" also came to the Forerunner of the Illuminated (Buddhas). They descended and began to live among people, instructing them in the sciences and arts.
At the dawn of his consciousness, the man of the Third Race had no beliefs that could be called religion. That is, he knew nothing about any belief system or external worship. But if we take this term in its meaning as something that unites the masses in one form of reverence, expressed to those whom we feel above ourselves, in a sense of awe - like the feeling expressed by a child in relation to a beloved father - then even the earliest Lemurians from the very beginning their intelligent life had a religion, and very beautiful. Did they not have their own light Gods around them, even among themselves? Didn't their childhood pass around those who gave them birth and who surrounded them with their cares and called them to a conscious, intelligent life?It was the "Golden Age" of those ancient times, the Age when "Gods walked the Earth and freely communicated with mortals". When this Age ended, the Gods departed, that is, they became invisible.
The gods were from the beginning of time the rulers of mankind,incarnating as the Kings of the Divine Dynasties... They gave the first impulse to civilization and directed the minds that endowed humanity with inventions and the improvement of all arts and sciences. They appeared as Benefactors of the people.
Fire, obtained by friction, was the first secret of Nature, the first and main property of matter, which was revealed to man. Fruits and cereals, previously unknown on Earth, were brought by the Masters of Wisdom from other planets for the use of those whom They ruled. Thus, wheat is not a product of the Earth - it has never been found in the wild.
With the advent of the Divine Dynasties, the beginning of the first civilizations was laid. And then, as now in some areas of the Earth, mankind preferred to lead a patriarchal life, in others the savage barely began to learn how to build a hearth for fire and protect himself from the elements; his brothers, with the help of the Divine Mind, which inspired them, built cities and were engaged in arts and sciences. Nevertheless, while their brothers-shepherds used miraculous powers by birth, the "builders", despite civilization, could now master their powers only gradually. Civilization has always developed the physical and intellectual side at the expense of the psychic, spiritual. The mastery and control of one's own psychic nature was among early humanity properties innate and as natural as walking and thinking.
The civilized peoples of the Third Race, under the leadership of their Divine Rulers, built vast cities, planted arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics perfectly.The Lemurians built their huge rock-like cities from rare soils and metals, from eruptions of lava, from white marble from mountains and black underground stone. The first large cities were built on the part of the mainland that is now known as the island of Madagascar.
The oldest remains of the ruins of the Cyclopean structures were all the work of the last Lemurian sub-races; stone remains on about. Easter was also cyclopean. This island belongs to the earliest civilization of the Third Race. A sudden volcanic eruption and the rise of the ocean floor lifted this little relic of the Archaic Ages - after it was flooded with the others - intact, with all its statues and volcano, and left as a witness to the existence of Lemuria. Amazing giant statues are vivid and eloquent witnesses of the lost continent with a civilized heritage on it.

End of Lemuria

The birth and death of the Root Races is always accompanied by a geological change in the globe. They are caused by changes in the tilt of the earth's axis. The old continents are absorbed by the oceans, other lands appear, huge cities, mountain ranges rise where they were not before. The surface of the globe changes completely every time. This is the LAW, acting at its appointed time, in strict accordance with the Laws of Karma. The "experience of the fittest" peoples and races was affirmed by timely assistance; unadapted, unsuccessful ones were destroyed, being swept away from the surface of the Earth.
After the Third Race reached its zenith, it began to decline. This was reflected in the main continent of the Race - Lemuria: he began to slowly sink. The huge mainland that reigned and towered over the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans began to split in many places into separate islands. These islands, huge at first, gradually disappeared one after another. The largest remnant of the vast continent is now Australia. The present island of Ceylon during the Lemurian period was the northern plateau of the vast island of Lanka, on which the Third Race ended its destiny.
Lemuria was destroyed by volcanoes. She plunged into waves due to earthquakes and underground fires. The cataclysm that destroyed the huge continent occurred due to underground convulsions and the opening of the ocean floor. Lemuria died about 700 thousand years before the beginning of what is now called the Tertiary (Eocene) period.
The remnants of the ancient Lemurians are now the so-called peoples of the Ethiopian type: blacks: blacks, Bushmen, Australians.

The Lemurians are members of the third root race that lived on Earth. They are the direct ancestors of humanity. This is what the ancient legends say, the source of which is the "Akasha Chronicle" - the repository of the entire history of the Universe. Now it is called the information field of the Universe. The Lemurian era lasted from approximately 4,500,000 BC to 12,000 years ago.

It is believed that the Lemurians lived on the island or mainland of Lemuria, located in the Indian Ocean. Part of this continent is the island of Madagascar, where indigenous myths say that the island, inhabited by giants, once stretched to the east. The territories that belonged to the giant continent of Lemuria included the lands now under the Pacific Ocean, as well as Hawaii, the Eastern Islands, Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. And also, lands in the Indian Ocean and Madagascar. The east coast of Lemuria extended to California and part of British Columbia in Canada. For a long time before the fall of consciousness, the Lemurians lived in the frequency of the fifth dimension or in the fifth-dimensional space and could easily move back and forth from the fifth to the third dimension at will. With the intention and energies of the heart, this could be done at any time.

But the most complete description of Lemuria and the Lemurians is given by Helena Blavatsky in her book The Secret Doctrine. She talks about the continent of Lemuria, which was destroyed by fractures in the earth's crust, earthquakes and fires.
From her writings it became known that during their evolution the Lemurians changed qualitatively. The early Lemurians were hermaphrodites twenty meters in height with a soft and plastic body, in which a bony frame gradually began to appear. After an even greater compaction of the body of ghost-like people, the early Lemurians appeared, who were about 20 meters tall and were four-armed and two-faced. Two hands in the front served two eyes that saw in the physical world (light), and two hands in the back served the eye that saw in the subtle world. The early Lemurians could no longer walk through walls, but with the help of four hands they could carry out active actions in the physical world. They could make full use of the energy of the subtle world (influence on gravity, psycho-influence on animals, etc.), but they could already use the energy of the physical world quite effectively (muscle strength, fire, water, etc.). They had no memory, they communicated telepathically and expressed their feelings by singing. The formation of their genetic apparatus reached perfection so much that they were divided into men and women, and childbirth began.
One gets the impression that the early Lemurians lived during the time of the dinosaurs.
In the process of evolution, the Lemurians became bisexual and two-armed. The process of compaction of the body continued, in connection with which the late Lemurians (Lemuro-Atlanteans) became smaller in growth (about 10 meters). The third posterior eye went into the cranial cavity, but continued to retain its functions as an organ of attunement to the waves of That Light. In modern man, it began to be called the hypothalamus, which now performs other functions. The two rear arms serving the real third eye are gone. Late Lemurians led a semi-aquatic lifestyle, small gills helped breathe under water. They built huge cities, reached the highest level in technology (aircraft, space exploration, etc.), created first-class science, healed their bodies with internal energy. Their lifespan reached 1000-2000 more years.
The late Lemurians learned to use the energy of the physical world comprehensively, but their technologies were based primarily on the knowledge of the laws of the subtle world. Each Lemurian had a connection with That Color, drew knowledge from there, and his activities (science, good deeds) replenished That Light with knowledge. They could enter the samadhi state with relative ease. The most advanced of the late Lemurians learned to dematerialize and materialize. They evolved levitation (overcoming gravity and lifting their own gel above the ground) and instantaneous transfer of their body in space. Even the dematerialization and materialization of aircraft and other vehicles was achieved.
That Light, which created man, had something to be proud of - during the Lemurian civilization, man not only mastered the physical world and approved the physical form of life, but also with his research and good deeds enriched the torsion fields of the Universal Information Space with new information. The goal was achieved - a high level of life in the physical world was created, which contributed to the improvement and progress of life in the subtle world.
The later Lemurians are called Lemuro-Atlanteans. They also sharply differed from their ancestors - the early Lemurians and the descendants of the Atlanteans. They were more perfect than both. The Lemuro Atlanteans had no religion, for they did not know dogmas and did not have convictions based on faith. Their “third (mental) eye” was fully opened, in connection with which the Lemuro Atlanteans felt their unity with the eternally existing, as well as with the eternally incomprehensible and invisible All, the One Universal Deity. This was the "golden age" of those ancient times, the age when the gods walked the earth and freely communicated with mortals. When this century ended, the gods departed, i.e. became invisible and later generations began to worship their kingdoms - the elements.
Lemuro Atlanteans built huge cities using marble, lava, black stone, metals and rare soils. From the stone they carved their own images, according to their size and likeness, and worshiped them. The oldest remains of Cyclopean structures were the work of Atlantean Lemuros. Huge monoliths weighing up to 500 tons were used by them for construction. There is an assumption that the "hanging stones" in the Solusbury Valley (England) and the Egyptian Sphinx are the works of Atlantean Lemuros.

Their height has decreased to 6-8 meters. But as a result of the cataclysm that happened to the Earth, Lemuria died, leaving the fragments of the Lemurian civilization on the miraculously survived islets of a large continent.
It is not known whether the Atlanteans died completely. Although, with their intellectual power, the Lemurians had to foresee the coming cataclysm and do something to save themselves.
Among the Lemurians, it was not only their size that mattered, but also how they moved on Earth. The Lemurians did not make a single movement that did not matter. When they ran, for example, they ran not to get to a place as quickly as possible, but to feel the emotion that arose. They were beginning to feel emotionally uplifted. When their feet touched the ground, almost no footprints were left on the ground. The Lemurians learned how to harness the very forward movement that brought them to the right place at a much faster pace.

It is known that the Lemurians could run the fastest of all on Earth. They could outrun any animal because they ran using their full sensory running ability. They projected the path with their senses, and chose the path of least resistance. They didn't waste a single movement.

No one could dispute their strength. In this sense, they were equal and did not differentiate between man and woman or who was the stronger of the species living on earth. Their power was limited only to the use of six senses, because, as you remember, it was these six senses, if necessary, that weaved everything that was needed into a single semantic plan. If they needed to move a rock or a huge rock, they did not use their hands or push the rock, but simply listened to the rock or rock. They tried to understand how strong a stone or rock was, and then, using their senses, they determined what it would take for them to move the stone from its place and then applied all their abilities. They never strained themselves in such situations, but simply used their awareness to, for example, move the stone to another place.
Emotionally, the Lemurians could be said to have been almost non-emotional because in their world, the Lemurians were almost never very agitated. They never seemed to get really angry. They just started to unfold each thought as if it mattered, smell, taste, and sensation. Any thought brought them to a new level of awareness.

If the Lemurian had something like a strong emotion, he immediately began to "savor" it. The Lemurians used emotion to train all their senses. They tried to fully understand what triggered a particular emotion, what that emotion could lead to, and how it would affect their life's journey.

They were not angry about tripping over and injuring their finger on a fallen tree. They simply took this "fabric of meaning" and began to look at it particle by particle, stream by stream, until they fully realized why they stumbled. They never turned to the Creator for clarification, because they knew that the Creator had given them a gift.

If suddenly the Lemurians became very agitated or lost their emotional balance, they tried to quickly become aware of their feelings. They considered all the possibilities of what caused such a strong emotion. They never thought it was bad, but they had to be aware of the emotion. Do you understand? The Lemurians never considered anything as an accident and did not let what was happening to chance. They owned everything; it all made sense; and each new meaning brought them closer to understanding the Power of the Creator.

All that we call emotions remained in the beauty of understanding. Any emotion was viewed in the context of a complete “semantic plane”, and within this plane they approached a higher level of clarity, which they used for their own good.

The Lemurians used astrology, but it was the astrology of the stellar systems in the crystals of their own circulatory systems, the human circulatory system. They were looking for their own astrology in their physical reality, which was in the crystals of blood circulating in the circulatory system. This astrology was also magically turned into a power for your astrological signs.
The civilized peoples of the Third Race, under the leadership of their Divine Rulers, built vast cities, planted arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics perfectly. The Lemurians built their huge rock-like cities from rare soils and materials, from erupted lava, from white marble of mountains and black underground stone. The first large cities were built on the part of the mainland that is now known as the island of Madagascar.
The Creator, in his infinite wisdom, made sure that the Lemurians did not experience any special need, that everything was provided to them in the most beautiful way. Do not forget, my friends, that they only needed the experience of being human, breathing, nourishing, and evolving. Nutrition was not a problem, since the Lemurians lived off their own land, from the interweaving of plants, if you will. The same weaving provided them with medicines, but not for the treatment of diseases, for they were literally free from diseases. Oh, they might have touched a plant that was itchy or something, but with that same plant they were making antibodies. They might even accidentally encounter an animal weave, and they might have a territorial dispute. Someone might have been bitten or something similar would have happened, and these drugs led to healing in the most dynamic way.
The Lemurians had six senses that they used in a very different way from how you use yours today. For example, they had a very specific vision. Simply put, they could be mentally transported with the help of particles. They could just line up the particles one after the other. They could, without exaggeration, use their sight to travel along a road or path and, while these particles were lined up, walk miles by visual experience.
Although the vision of the Lemurians could not give the vision of every particle through "particleization" *, the visual perception was always sufficient to know exactly what the Lemurians should do and how they should do it. Then they traveled, following these particles, and continued on their way until they reached a certain place and began to unfold a certain part of their journey there. In this sense, my friends, their field of vision was limitless.
It was They who used another remarkable feature of their unfolding visual perception. The Lemurians waited for the earth to plunge into darkness, and then they lay down and studied the stars. They not only studied them, they displayed them in their memory. They caused a strong, very strong vibration of each star and its interaction with the rest of the universe. became their night travel
... Compared to modern people, the Lemurians heard in a completely different way. They listened with such deep intensity to the currents, the interweaving of the sound itself. These sounds were as simple as the sound of a heartbeat, for they recognized each other in their own etheric existence by the sound of the heart.
The closer they got to another Lemurian being, the better they heard the beating of his heart.
... They could literally smell by smell that someone might be a little upset or out of balance. They could smell the energy even before it started to appear.
The sense of smell was so keen that the Lemurians could even smell that someone was telling a story and missing some part of it or exaggerating something. The sinuses were wider and gave a fuller knowledge of everything that was happening around. You see, although in all its splendor the Lemurian in those days was in many ways like you, its internal structure was used to generate the highest vibration.
To feel a sense of taste is to allow the energies, vibrations of the plant, to pass through the palette, through the tongue. The Lemurians did not put it in their mouth to try. They simply opened their mouths and breathed through it, and when they breathed in, they could talk about every single particle contained in this plant. Therefore, they found the best they could for food, the best that helped them to continue their evolution.
It was a well-known fact that when Lemurians wanted to know about weather conditions, they simply tasted the surrounding air. The air gave off a certain element of energy, and they would know if it was going to rain - rain, as you call it, or another dry day.
It is becoming apparent, my friends, that the Lemurians did not use their mouths as often to talk. They used it precisely to determine what was happening around. When the Lemurians breathed in through their nose, they used the energy of smell or the energy of pranic breath. When they wanted to recognize something, they simply breathed in through their mouths, which gave them the scent of their immediate surroundings.
The Lemurians used the sense of touch to learn the history of various things they encountered. If they wanted to know the age of the tree, they simply very carefully applied the very tips of their fingers to it. When the Lemurians did this, they could count the rings inside the tree, which gave them an idea of \u200b\u200bhow long that tree had been in existence.
If the Lemurians picked up something from the interweaving of minerals, they held it in their hands and felt the vibration until the deepest realization came, and then they understood how best to use it as a tool.
Things were different in Lemuria. The Lemurian had only what he needed at this particular moment, for he never felt fear that he would find himself in space and time, in which he would not find everything he needed. He knew that by using all six senses at the same time, he would be able to bring himself to the realization that there is food, there is clothes and everything that he needs at this particular time. He never doubted that he could do all this. To manifest whatever he needed, he used his feelings.
When they ran, it was not done in order to get to any place as soon as possible, but in order to experience a feeling of tremendous emotion. They were starting to feel fun. When their feet touched the ground, they hardly even exerted pressure on the Earth plane.
They learned how to use a snatch motion to maintain their fast pace. It is said that they could run faster than any other creature on the Earth plane. The Lemurians could not be overtaken by any animal, since when they ran, they used all their sensory capabilities. They mentally worked their way through their feelings and took the trajectory of least resistance. Everything they did had a purpose. They didn't have a single wasted move at all.
The strength of the Lemurians was beyond doubt. This is not about a man or a woman, and not about which of their kind was the strongest, since in this respect they were equal. The powers of the Lemurians were limited only by the degree of use of the six senses, for do not forget that it is these feelings that weave together everything that is necessary. If they needed to move a huge stone or block, they didn’t just pick it up with their hands and start pressing or pushing it. They embraced this stone and listened to it. They found out how deep and strong he was, and then determined with the help of their own feelings what was needed to literally move him. The Lemurians used every means available. They never tired themselves doing something like that. They used their own state of wakefulness to move this stone.
If you look at the emotions of the Lemurian, many would say that he is practically dispassionate, for in his world, it would seem, he never came into a state of excessive excitement. The Lemurians apparently never really got angry. Instead, they would simply begin to unfold each thought, as if that thought had a meaning, smell, taste, and could be touched - anything about the thought that would lead them to a new awareness.

If the Lemurians really unexpectedly entered some great space called "emotion", they immediately possessed this emotion and enjoyed it at the same time. The Lemurians used emotion to train all their senses. They tried to fully understand what caused it, where it would lead, and what impact it would have on their journey. All emotions boiled down to the beauty of understanding. No emotion could be generated without the opportunity to look at all of its weaving and in this weaving come to a clearer understanding that they could use it to their advantage.

The Lemurian period was the longest and most progressive period in the history of mankind: for millions of years, the cult of goodness and the cult of knowledge triumphed, which led to progress and for which humanity was created by that Light.
Nevertheless, in the depths of the highest level of Lemurian civilization, the cult of knowledge was gradually replaced by the cult of power. Knowledge began to be used for the achievement of power, for the same reason the great cult of goodness began to be violated and evil appeared. Weapons began to be produced, the Lemurians divided into groups and began to threaten each other. A negative psychic aura hung over the earth. From the Lemurians to the General information space of steel to receive not only knowledge and positive psychic energy from Good creative deeds, but also negative psychic energy, which had a destructive effect on the torsion fields of That Light. "Database" about life on earth, created over the entire period of human evolution and enclosed in the torsion fields of That Light , began to collapse.
Why the cult of knowledge among the Lemurians was replaced by the cult of power "" It is difficult to say why this happened. But one can think that the Lemurians, who reached unprecedented heights and perfectly knew the laws of the functioning of not only the physical, but also the subtle worlds, began to feel themselves sovereign masters of nature and wished to gain power over it. In other words, the Lemurians committed the greatest sin - they began to feel like gods, forgetting that God and the Light ruled by him gave birth to them. And since there could be only one "God" of all the Lemurians, a struggle for power began.
The most developed of the Lemurians (who owned the phenomena of dematerialization and materialization, levitation and transfer in space) understood that God would not allow a long destructive effect of negative psychic energy, which "erases the database" about life on earth in the torsion fields of That Light. They understood that the subtle and physical world originated from a single beginning - the Absolute, that the subtle world progressed earlier than the physical and therefore could have a great impact on the Absolute, which would result in a change in the position of space objects (planets, asteroids, etc.) with a subsequent global catastrophe on earth.
Realizing the inevitability of a catastrophe, many of the Lemurians went into the caves, entered a state of samadhi and organized the Gene Pool of Humanity. The most developed of the Lemurians, using the phenomenon of dematerialization and materialization, also went underground along with their apparatuses and mechanisms and organized Shambhala and Agharti in order to preserve and develop the technologies of the Lemurian civilization in the conditions of underground life and protect the Gene Pool of mankind.
A cosmic catastrophe was not slow to occur, as a result of which the Lemurian civilization on the surface of the earth perished. Such was the price of changing the cult of knowledge to the cult of power; The Supreme Reason could not allow the complete destruction of the "database" about life on earth in the torsion fields of That Light. Just before Lemuria sank, many of the priests and priestesses returned to their homes on the continent and voluntarily departed with the land and Her people, providing radiation relief, maintaining convenience and fearlessness. They offered their help in confronting the fear that always accompanies cataclysms. With the help of the radiation of energies controlled by God and their sacrifice, these loving benefactors, figuratively speaking, wrapped people's auras in the sheets of the world and helped in creating freedom from fear so that the etheric bodies of the streams of life would not be so cruelly frightened, and, therefore, saved people for future incarnations from experiencing more tragic consequences. The goal behind this action was that each experience of fear leaves a very deep scar and trauma in the etheric body and cellular memory of people; and it takes several incarnations to heal them. By the actions and sacrifice of the priesthood, who chose to remain in groups and sing to the very end, much of the fear was mitigated and some level of harmony was maintained. In this way, the damage and trauma of the lost souls has been significantly reduced. It is said that the priesthood, along with the musicians, sang and prayed until the waves and water rose to the level of their mouths. Then, they also died. During the night, while the masses slept under a starry blue sky, it was all over; beloved homeland disappeared into the waves of the Pacific Ocean. None of the priests left their post, and none showed fear. Lemuria left with dignity! "Old Lang Sine" was the last song that the land of Lemuria ever heard. The song they sang, through the Irish, has reached our days, it contained such prophetic words: "Old acquaintances must not be forgotten."
But long before the catastrophe, people of smaller stature and a different appearance began to be born in Lemurian society. The number of such people of small stature (only 3-5 meters) gradually increased. These were the first representatives of the next race on earth - the Atlanteans. Some of them survived on the surface of the earth after the Lemurian catastrophe and remained in the form of a few tribes.

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