
Zhora is a male name. The meaning of the name Georgy (Egor). Relationships with friends

The name George has ancient Greek roots. It came into the Russian language along with the baptism of Rus'. At that time it was one of the most respected names in Christianity, it sounded like Georgi and at the same time combined two names - and George.

The meaning of the name George is farmer; in ancient Greece this name was an epithet of Zeus, the main god on Olympus. Now the name Georgiy is not very popular and is found mainly in large cities.

One of the main patrons of this name is the Great Martyr George the Victorious, who declared himself a follower of Jesus Christ during the severe persecution of Christians. He had to endure severe torture.

A person named George is distinguished, first of all, by perseverance and determination. This is a fairly peace-loving person; he does not tend to be offended by a person for a long time, even if that person did not treat him very well. In retaliation, Georgy can make fun of the offender, ridicule him, but without much malice or causticity towards the enemy.

In the company of his friends, the owner of the name George behaves relaxed. The guy can joke, have fun and is not averse to gossip.

But with people he doesn’t know well, Gosha will be careful and silent. Georgy behaves the same way with a person whom he trusts little. Georgy will listen politely and attentively to his interlocutor, but will never open his soul. You can trust Gaucher, this person will keep someone else’s secret better than his own.

The characteristics of the name Georgy are mostly positive - he is a very responsible and efficient person who diligently and carefully carries out all instructions. Gosha expresses himself especially well in writing.

A man with the name Georgy has been attracted by adventure and romance all his life, which is perhaps why military men are so often found among the owners of this name.

People abbreviate the name Georgy to Zhora. It sounds fun and funny, but not all men named George like it. Therefore, before calling him that, ask your friends how Gosha feels about this.

Zhora loves alcohol, this drink can change a guy beyond recognition. An active and cheerful young man suddenly becomes thoughtful and a little sad. But in general, guys named Georgy love to have fun in noisy companies.

Childhood and youth

If parents decide to name their son Gosha, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the meaning of the name George. As a child, this little one will be a terrible neat guy. This is due to the boy’s rare disgust. By the way, the young man will carry this quality throughout his life.

  • Georgy will never covet candy or other sweets if they are bitten. And even if it is the last candy in the house, the boy will not take it. This quality does not allow him to become very close to his classmates.
  • Of course, he will have friends, but Georgy always tries to keep his distance.
  • A boy named George considers himself, to some extent, superior to others, but without fanaticism.
  • The guy will not offend or infringe on other children, but he will not allow himself to be offended either.

Caregivers and teachers will say that he is a bully and restless. It all comes from curiosity and desire to constantly be in the spotlight.

Hobby and profession

Thanks to the excessive responsibility of the owner of the name George, a successful career awaits him in any field.

Georgy Aleksandrovich Dronov (Russian theater and film actor, director)

  • But the most successful for him will be science, medicine, business and military affairs. The latter especially often attracts the romantic George, who dreams of adventure.
  • If you hire a person named George for a job, you must understand that he will not work just for the sake of money. It is important for him to enjoy the process; the work should be interesting.
  • The best option would be to find something you love that will generate income.
  • Gosha loves to travel, so he can become an excellent sailor, pilot, and guide.
  • Georgy is attracted by distant worlds and unsolved mysteries; the profession of a researcher or surveyor is well suited. He often imagines himself in the shoes of the heroes of Jack London's novels.

The success of the business largely depends only on his desire. George can search for his calling for a long time and often change his occupation. It is curious that the greatest success in business is achieved by Georgiy with the patronymics Ivanovich, Mikhailovich and Georgievich.


This young man has been monitoring his health from an early age, which may be why he has such good health. Passion for sports also has a positive effect on your general physical condition. Gosha loves to swim and respects boxing and wrestling.

Love and sexuality

Emotionally, Georgies are very open and sexy. And they expect the same from their woman. The ideal companion for him would be an attractive, passionate woman who has good control over her sexuality. During his bachelor period, Gosha has many love affairs and is sophisticated in love games. Most often, it is with Gosha that a woman experiences the highest pleasure. But he will demand no less dedication from his beloved; a man also needs affection and passionate speeches.

If you want to stay with George as long as possible, praise him, especially in bed. And your loved one will repay you with frantic passion. The most suitable women are those with the name:

  • Nina,
  • Lisa,
  • Lyuba,
  • Natalie,
  • Marina,
  • Olesya.

Note: Georgy with the middle name Vladislavovich has the greatest sexuality.


In his youth, Gosha has quite a lot of women, but he will marry a bright, cheerful and easy-going woman. His chosen one will be a sincere and incorrigible optimist.

It’s not easy to recognize one the first time, so often the first marriage ends sadly. If you want to maintain your relationship with Gosha, do not try to deceive him. The smallest female trick can throw him off balance. Good thing this guy moves away quickly so his anger won't last long.

Zhora can safely entrust his wife to manage his affairs. Georgy sincerely believes that this will be better for the family. And in other matters he does not strive to become a leader; the guy is quite satisfied with a fair distribution of household chores.

At work, Georgy can be an important and demanding boss, but at home he prefers to give the reigns to his wife. However, you shouldn't flaunt this in public. In the eyes of other people, Gosha should be an undisputed leader, and a wise woman will provide her husband with such an opportunity.

Georgiy will be a caring father, loves her children, but prefers not to spoil them unnecessarily. He devotes special time to their education and upbringing.


  1. The time of year is autumn.
  2. The planet of the name is Jupiter.
  3. George's stone is sapphire.
  4. Totem plant – poplar and lily of the valley.
  5. Happy day of the week is Wednesday.
  6. Totem animal – white eagle

Name days: January 11, January 21, January 30, February 4, February 10, February 17, February 24, February 27, March 6, March 17, March 18, March 23, March 24, April 5, April 15, April 17, April 18, April 20, April 26, May 2, May 6, May 10, May 26, May 29, June 8, June 18, June 19, June 27, July 4, July 9, July 10, July 16, July 23 , August 2, August 3, August 13, August 31, September 6, September 8, September 10, October 2, October 11, October 14, October 15, October 29, November 10, December 9, December 16, December 31

The origin of the name George comes from the ancient Greek word " georgos", which translated means farmer, « tiller" In Greece this name was considered epithet of Zeus, since he was in charge " cultivator of the land" What does the name George mean for a boy? Let's find out!

The character and fate of George

There is hidden ambition and arrogance in George, but at the same time this makes him understand that such an elevation above people is fraught with consequences. If you listen to the sound of this name, you can hear how it begins on the rise, after which it increases and at the very end there is some kind of uncertainty. Perhaps this is why Georgy gives preference to Zhora, another shortened version is Hera, but it is the name Zhora that can disguise the ambition of its owner.

Georgy knows how to listen to the problems of his interlocutor and keep the secrets entrusted to him. He has the talent to express his thoughts beautifully on paper. Whatever field he works in, he will treat the assigned tasks with complete dedication and responsibility.

Name description: In the company of strangers, he may feel withdrawn, among friends, he likes to gossip, although in fact he is kind and friendly. The owners of this name are quite purposeful people, a little cunning, but with women they are somewhat indecisive.

The name Zhora is endowed with more energy of humor, so Georgies who prefer this shortened form of the name fit into the team most easily, sometimes becoming the soul of the company. It will not be difficult for him to cheer you up, lift your spirits, come up with something interesting, but do not forget that there is another side of life, where he is a dreamer and an ambitious person. Zhora does not spend too much time in company; she prefers to sit with books.

Having achieved a higher position in life, he will most likely abandon the diminutive form of his name. And don’t be confused, it wasn’t luck that turned his head, no significant changes happened in him, he was always like this in his dreams, and now they just came true.

Inner dreaminess and outer cheerfulness ensure success in relationships with women. But success in his life can interfere with his serious attitude towards women, which in turn can lead to a not entirely successful marriage.

Many Georgies share the desire to try themselves in the military profession, or where the field of activity is associated with adventure and romance. They should also try themselves in science or creative professions.

Great people named George

One of the outstanding Georgies who left a significant mark on history is Georgy Zhukov (1896-1974), Marshal of the USSR. Zhukov was born into a peasant family, completed only three years of school, but already in 1915 he had the opportunity to enter the non-commissioned officer school. In the Civil War he showed exemplary courage and bravery. Everyone was amazed by his ability to instantly assess the current situation and make accurate, correct decisions; his intuition was unmistakable. During the Great Patriotic War, Zhukov was entrusted with the most responsible combat positions, where he, in turn, showed all his talent.

Zhukov was called a legend; it was he who hosted the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945. This man played an important role in the struggle and victory over fascism.

Honest description of the name George: he is a fairly open person, if you want to gain his trust, be frank and honest with him. In order to insult him, it is enough to doubt his merits.

What astrology says

Astrological name designation:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Gemini;
  • Patron planet: Moon;
  • Character Traits: Hardworking, ambitious, purposeful;
  • Name colors: Dark steel, white;
  • Lucky Colors: Gold and shades of red;
  • Patron saints of the name: St. George the Victorious (May 6, November 16, December 9), St. George of Chernigov (October 2);
  • Talisman stone: Ruby and Tiger's eye.

George is a beautiful, powerful personal male address that served in ancient Greece as an epithet for the main mythological god Zeus. Hence its interpretation - “farmer”, because Zeus was considered the patron of the main human industry.

Origin of the name

The ancient Greek name George has gone through a difficult history in Rus'. The meaning of the name and its fate received a new coloring and continuation in two diminutive forms, which since 1930 have become independent male nicknames - Yuri and Egor.

general characteristics

As a child, Zhorzhik is nimble and fidgety. He loves to bully his peers, proving that he is right. Being in his company is always fun and joyful; boring gatherings with a book or in front of the TV will seem like a downright waste of time to Goshenka.

It’s hard to find the little boy at home; while he’s still just a baby, he constantly points to his mother at the door or window so that she can go with him for a walk. Growing up a little, Goga already runs outside on her own, not forgetting to follow her parents’ instructions.

The boy adores his family, his parents are a real example for him, he, like a sponge, absorbs their manners (especially his father, and if there is an older brother). Zhorochka will show diligence in her studies if she constantly receives approval and encouragement from adults.

Guardians should also pay attention to the development of the boy’s creative potential - talents noticed in time can radically affect George’s adult destiny.

With women, everything works out for the bearer of a victorious name: he is sexy, visually attractive, active and easy-going. He chooses a wife to match himself, good-natured, cheerful, enthusiastic and optimistic. The couple will not be bored in marriage - they will inspire each other and bring the ideas proposed one by one to life.

Positive character traits

George's divine gift lies in his natural ability to win over his interlocutor. People come to him for advice, share problems, ask for support and help - and he gives all this to people selflessly.

The Mountain is generous, supportive and magnanimous, he knows how to forgive the weaknesses of others, but does not accept lies. Sensing his friend’s prevarication and hidden cunning, he will bring the deceiver to light and end his relationship with him.

Negative traits

Among strangers, Georgy tries to become invisible and not attract everyone's attention. He is arrogant and selfish, sometimes closed and aloof; if he doesn’t like a person, he won’t communicate with him, even out of politeness.

He constantly needs a change of scenery, care and romance. Feeling his wife's cooling after the birth of the child, George may start an affair on the side to fill the void.

Zodiac sign

To be born in Sagittarius and receive the name George for a child means to find divine support and a happy destiny.
Almighty Jupiter will patronize the name.
A person compared to Zeus will feel a strong connection with the sky if he tries to wear clothes in blue tones.
Spend no expense on an amulet for little George - he will be protected by a precious sapphire.


Gosha, Gera, Goga, Georges, Geshenka, Georghik, Zhora, Gorik, Gerochka, Dahlia, Gerchik, Gogi, Dodik, Goshenka, Gosha, Egorka, Gorka, Goryunya.

Name options

Georges, Georg, George, Giordano, Herkava, Gogi, Gyurgi, Egory, Duke, Gerzi, Gaorzi, Gevorg, Jorge, Gyorgy, Jurgis, Eryan, Jerzy, Djura.

Historical figures

280 – 303 – Christian saint, great martyr George the Victorious.
842 – 867 – Byzantine monk-chronicler George Amartol.
1685 – 1759 – German, English composer George Handel.
1866 – 1949 – mystical philosopher of Greek-Armenian origin George Gurdjieff.
1877 – 1968 – Russian circus athlete, wrestler Georg Hackenschmidt.
1903 – 1993 – beloved “Kashchei” of Soviet cinema, actor Georgy Millyar.
1903 – 1950 – British writer George Orwell.
1908 – 1961 – Russian scientist, academician Georgy Aleksadrov.
1908 – 1980 – Soviet tenor Georgy Vinogradov.
1915 – 2005 – actor, Soviet People’s Artist Georgy Zhzhenov.
1917 – 2001 – Soviet actor, People’s Artist Georgy Vitsin.
1920 – 1975 – Estonian actor, singer Georg Ots.
1926 – 1997 – WWII participant, Soviet actor Georgy Yumatov.
Born 1930 - Soviet, Russian film director Georgy Danelia.
Born 1943 - British singer, musician, director George Harrison.
Born 1944 - Star Wars creator, director, screenwriter George Lucas.
Born 1948 - Soviet artist, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Georgy Martirosyan.
Born 1960 – Ukrainian director, actor, comedian Georgy Deliev.
Born 1961 - American film actor, director, screenwriter George Clooney.
Born 1963 – Ukrainian politician and statesman Georgy Tuka.
Born 1963 - British singer George Michael.
Born 1971 – Russian actor, director Georgy Dronov.
Born 1981 – Georgian politician, parliamentarian Giorgi Vashadze.
Born 1998 – Ukrainian football player Georgy Arabidze.

George is a name that belongs to a quiet and careful person. It is not very popular in our time, although the characteristics of the name suggest that its owner will be able to live a rich and happy life.

What does the name George mean, and what difficulties will he have to face on his life path? All this depends on how to raise the baby and with whom he will spend most of his time.

George is of ancient Greek origin. In the distant past, Saint George was famous for his ability to heal livestock and help farmers in their difficult work.


The meaning of the name George is “farmer”.


The guy's childhood is active. He loves company and stands out among people for his restlessness and ability to find adventure. If his parents do not perceive him as a person, he will not obey them. If mom and dad accept him as an adult family member with his own beliefs and arguments, then he will be an easy-going boy. Gosha is extremely stubborn and very squeamish. He can’t even stand it when his mother blows on his soup in a spoon and tastes it - he won’t eat it, he will ask for a new spoon and a new portion.

At school, Gosha is quite reserved and arrogant, so not many people want to be friends with him. Because of this, he doesn’t have many friends, although he always has enough comrades and guys for walks.

Many guys envy the adult George. He is handsome, often creative, generous and generous. But for fate to smile on him, a man needs to educate himself. When he becomes decisive and self-confident, then all roads will be open to him.

In relationships with the fair sex, Hera sometimes behaves extremely dissolutely. But he is always surrounded by ladies, so he can get married early. Usually the first marriage takes place against the backdrop of passions, so it can quickly fall apart. But the second one will be more reliable and happy, but the wife should be prepared for the fact that her husband may have fleeting connections on the side.

Of the women, he prefers harmonious and passionate people who will remain so even after the stamp in the passport. Also, his chosen one should be easy-going, ready at any moment to give up household chores and go on another unplanned trip.

After the birth of his first baby, Georgy changes dramatically. He becomes the most exemplary and reliable husband, the best father and friend for his children. He wants children's voices to always be heard in his house, so his dream is a large family. The wife should not worry about prosperity, Hera will feed everyone, clothe them, put them on shoes and be able to provide an education.

Georgy is a researcher and lover of mysteries. Therefore, many bearers of this name become biologists, geographers, historians and geologists. Georgy is endowed with creative abilities, he has a well-developed imagination and imagination. In view of this, many men with this name become artists, screenwriters, actors and other representatives of the creative world. Zhora can also become a good military leader who will fulfill his duty to the fatherland with valor.

As for finances, Hera always has money. For him, a profession is just a form of income, and the better he works, the more he receives. Therefore, the desire to climb the career ladder is entirely related to the desire to receive a good salary.

He is able to quickly make the right decisions, is prone to justified risks, and knows how to calculate the situation several steps ahead. Therefore, Zhora can prove himself as a successful businessman who will not create a huge corporation with numerous co-founders, but will develop only his own business.

We can confidently say that Gosha is in fairly good health. He rarely suffers from mental illness, but may withdraw into himself to think and calm down. The only thing that could threaten his life is problems with the musculoskeletal system. But usually they occur closer to old age and only if a man constantly overestimates his strength, regardless of age.


The character and meaning of the name George are also connected. All Zhors have certain common features, which are not always positive.

Georgiy has the following character traits:

  • Ambition.
  • Increased daydreaming.
  • Irony.
  • Sullenness.
  • Thoughtfulness.
  • Indecisiveness.
  • Decency.
  • Responsibility.
  • The desire to assert oneself.

Communication with strangers is usually difficult for Hera. He is not only reserved with them, but even cold. All his friends undergo a kind of test, and if they try to deceive him, he will break off all relationships. But with “his” people he opens up. He can even be safely called the soul of the party.

Georgy treats people with understanding, can give useful advice, instructions and, most importantly, knows how to keep their secrets. He himself does not like to share problems and experiences; he keeps all this to himself, not wanting to burden his acquaintances and friends.

The characters of Georgies born in different seasons are slightly different. Winter ones are more serious and extremely touchy. Spring people love traveling and can spend their entire fortune on organizing an expedition to unexplored corners of the earth. Summers are impulsive and overly active. They find it difficult to get along with people who do not share their interests. Autumn people love to pine and often withdraw into themselves. This can only be corrected by a good wife who, without words, understands her husband’s mood and knows what he needs in this case.

Name day

Name day or Angel George's Day is celebrated twice a year:

  • the 6th of May.
  • 9th December.

Name color

Blue and lilac.

Name flower

Church name, calendar

At baptism, the boy is given the same name - George.

Translation of name in different languages

The translation of the name in different languages ​​differs slightly in sound and spelling:

  • In English – George.
  • In Bulgarian - Georgi.
  • In Armenian - Gevor and Gev.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

There are also derivatives from the full name Georgiy, which are abbreviated and diminutive forms. George can be called Zhora, Hero, Gorey, Gosha, Gesha, Garey. In this case, these forms of the name will be the same as the name George. Gosha is affectionately called Zhorik, Goshunya or Goshenka.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

Georgievna and Georgievich are patronymics formed from the name Georgiy. They go with many names, as long as they are kept as short as possible.

Girls names:

  • Faith.
  • Olga.
  • Anna.
  • Dina.
  • Olesya.
  • Arina.
  • Nina.
  • Zhanna.

Boys names:

  • Oleg.
  • Michael.
  • Peter.
  • Denis.

Name compatibility

He will develop successful relationships with owners of such names as Vera, Galina, Varvara, Nina, Natalya,.

And relationships with Anna, Marina, Larisa, Margarita and Raisa may not work out, even if, when they meet, serious passion breaks out between the young people, which overshadows Georgiev’s reason.

How to incline

This name can be declined according to cases as follows:

  • Nominative – George.
  • Genitive – George.
  • Dative - George.
  • Accusative - George.
  • Creative - George.
  • Prepositional – George.

Famous people with this name

Among the famous people who bear the name George, there are versatile personalities who were able to achieve success in various fields of life:

  • Georgy Zhukov is the most famous Soviet military leader, the only person who became a Hero of the Soviet Union four times. He was born in the Kaluga province into a family of simple peasants. He took part in the First World War, was a non-commissioned officer and a Knight of St. George. Participated in the civil war, suppressing Antonovism.
  • Georgy Vsevolodovich (Prince Vladimirsky) is a brave warrior who loved the Russian land and its people. He fought with the Bulgars in 1221, and is the founder of Nizhny Novgorod on the Dyatlov Mountains. He died in an unequal battle in 1238.
  • Georgy Sviridov is a Russian pianist and composer. He debuted in 1935 with a cycle of romances written based on poems by A. S. Pushkin. The main theme of Sviridov’s work has always been the life of the people, historical destinies and the Motherland itself.
  • Georgy Yumatov - People's Artist of the RSFSR, Soviet film actor.
  • Georgy Weiner is the author of famous detective stories, one of the Weiner brother writers.
  • Georgy Yartsev is a Russian football coach, a former successful Soviet football player.
  • Georgy Danelia is a screenwriter, Soviet and Russian film director, People's Artist of Russia.
  • Georgy Markov is a public figure and Russian writer.
  • Georgy Graubin is a poet and writer, author of numerous poems for children.
  • George (derived from the name George) Noel Gordon Byron is an English poet.
  • George Washington is the first president of the United States.
  • George Orwell is a writer from England.
  • George Bush Sr. is the forty-first President of the United States.
  • George Lucas is an American film director.

George can grow up to be a successful man who will have a strong family and material well-being. But without the appropriate upbringing, he can take a “crooked” path, from which it will be difficult to turn off.

In general, much in the character of this man will depend on whether they call him Georgy or Zhora. So, George is more reasonable, restrained, ambitious and practical. He likes a quiet pastime, the peace and quiet of family life, and stability in his professional field. But Zhora is a merry fellow, a joker, a desperate adventurer and a romantic who strives to get the most out of life. Power and recognition are of little interest to him, although if desired, Zhora, resourceful and able to adapt to any ups and downs, can achieve a lot in life.

Leaves its mark on the character of George and the time of year in which he was born.

Winter George pedantic, scrupulous, obligatory and practical. He loves order in everything, so he always carefully plans his future. He is not endowed with impulsiveness and emotionality, so those around him often consider him an insensitive cracker who does not know how to enjoy life. Because of this character trait, winter George has few friends. Women consider this man to be too reserved; they miss attention and manifestations of love from him. But he shows his concern not with words and confessions, but with deeds. Next to him it is always quiet, calm, reliable and cozy. Isn't this the basis of family happiness?

Spring George open, active, sociable, cunning and ambitious. He can easily talk, persuade and get anyone talking. His eloquence is hard to resist, so women pamper him with their attention, which George will not fail to take advantage of. Spring Georgiy is always welcome in any company; he has a huge number of friends and comrades with whom he spends all his free time. He often does not have enough time or desire to build a family, especially since family life involves a restriction of freedom, which this independent man does not like. As a result, he marries at a fairly mature age.

Summer George – a refined and vulnerable nature, prone to introspection. On the other hand, he takes criticism against him hard. Another negative quality of his is stubbornness, but at the same time this man knows how to admit his mistakes and apologize. Natural curiosity and constant desire for self-improvement make him an interesting conversationalist. It is worth highlighting the gallantry and romance of the summer George, who knows how to care for women. In family life, he will find his happiness with a calm chosen one, who will share his interests and hobbies (and summer-old George loves active recreation and travel).

Autumn George reasonable, principled and fair. This is an honest and devoted friend who is not afraid to tell the truth, even if it is impartial. This man is respected and valued at work for his responsibility, discipline and thorough approach to solving assigned tasks. Women see in him a reliable protector, a strong shoulder, a loving husband and a caring father who puts the interests of the family above his own. In general, a marriage with autumnal George is strong, happy and financially prosperous, but on the condition that his chosen one is balanced, wise and not too emotional.

Stone - talisman

Sapphire is the talisman stone of George. It attracts joy, luck and prosperity into life, calms and cools passions, sharpens the sixth sense and helps to recognize lies. It is a stone of peace, harmony and sincerity.

But you should take into account the fact that sapphire can enhance both the positive and negative qualities of its owner. Therefore, he makes weak-willed people even more uninitiative, and helps purposeful people achieve success in any endeavor.

In ancient times, they believed that sapphire brings peace and harmony, so products with this stone are recommended to be worn by those whose professional activities involve communication.

In China, sapphire is revered as a stone of contemplation and wisdom.

In the Christian tradition, this stone symbolizes peace, purity of thoughts, chastity, mercy and piety.

It will protect sapphire from evil, evil spirits, damage and the evil eye. At the same time, it is this stone that is used by witches and magicians in their witchcraft rituals.

Important! Please note that sapphire influences the fate of the previous owner for a long time, even if it has a new owner.


Blue and green are the colors that bring good luck to George (you can read more about the influence of these colors in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).


George's lucky number is six (you can read about the influence of this number on fate in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).




Animal - symbol

George's totem animal is an eagle, symbolizing power, greatness, courage, justice, fortitude and victory over one's weaknesses.

This proud bird, soaring high into the sky, personifies revival and faith in Jesus, the victory of good over evil.

In addition, the eagle is a symbol of courage, endurance and determination. People who are patronized by this bird are prone to introspection and reflection on the meaning of life.


Poplar and lily of the valley are symbolic plants of George.


Poplar symbolizes youth and renewal, but at the same time longing and sadness for a loved one. Since ancient times, the Slavs believed that if you break a poplar, you can break your whole life.

In China, the white poplar carries ambivalent symbolism due to its leaves, the upper and lower sides of which have different colors. Poplar is identified with yin and yang, good and evil, lunar and solar.

Among the Greeks and Romans, the white poplar personified the abode of the blessed, while the black one represented hell.

Lily of the valley

This delicate plant represents renewal, love, and family well-being.

Lily of the valley is a symbol of tenderness, sensuality, fidelity and purity.

In the Christian tradition, the lily of the valley is identified with divine beauty and is called the “lily of the valleys.” In addition, according to Christian tradition, lilies of the valley are the tears of the Mother of God mourning her crucified son Jesus.

The magical symbolism of the lily of the valley is interesting. It is believed that this flower, collected on the eve of the new moon, can awaken sensuality and even induce betrayal. If lilies of the valley were gathered on a full moon, then they will strengthen marriage bonds and bring passion and romance into the relationship.


Iron is the metal symbol of George. It personifies stability, reliability, fortitude, practicality, perseverance, patience, unbending will and at the same time cruelty.

But in Judaism, iron symbolizes grief and bondage, which strengthen character, make it unbending and persistent.

In the Bible, iron has negative symbolism: this metal is identified with war, death, brute force and lack of spirituality.

If we talk about the magical properties of iron, then this metal can protect against demons, ghosts and other evil spirits. Since ancient times, our ancestors hung an iron horseshoe at the entrance to attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Georgiy

Name translation

From the ancient Greek language the name George is translated as “plowman”, “cultivator of the land”, “farmer”.

History of the name

Georgos is one of the names of Zeus, who, according to Greek mythology, was the god of the harvest and patron of peasants.

This name came to the territory of Rus' with the adoption of Christianity and became very popular thanks to the legend of St. George the Victorious, who was one of the faithful followers of Christ.

It is interesting that initially the name George was given only to children from princely families, while commoners called their children Yegorii. Later, the name George spread among the clergy and only in the 14th-15th centuries came into use among the common people.

Today the name Georgy has two derivative names - Yuri and Egor, which have become independent.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Georgy are: Goga, Gosha, Zhora, Zhorik, Zhorichek, Georg, Gora, Zhorzhik, Georges, Hera, Gesha, Goshulya, Goshunya, George.

The mystery of the name George

Patrons of the name

  • Bishop George of Nicomedia.
  • Reverend George Khozevit.
  • Martyr George.
  • Bishop and Hieromartyr George of Develta, Adrianople.
  • Righteous George.
  • Grand Duke of Vladimir Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich.
  • Martyr George of Sophia.
  • Martyr George of Mytilene.
  • Bishop George of Amastrida.
  • Venerable George of Arsel.
  • Grand Duke Georgy Vladimirsky.
  • Venerable George of Sinaite.
  • Venerable George of Diippa.
  • Reverend Georgy Matskvereli.
  • Venerable George of the Peloponnese, Malein.
  • Martyr George of New Ephesus.
  • Metropolitan and Confessor George of Mytilene.
  • Bishop and confessor George of Antioch (Pisidian).
  • Great Martyr George the Victorious.
  • Martyr George of Ptolemais.
  • Blessed Georgy Shenkursky.
  • Confessor George of Constantinople.
  • Venerable George of Svyatogorets, Iversky (Athos).
  • Bishop George II, Mytilene.
  • Martyr George the New, Serbian, Sofia, Bulgarian.
  • Grand Duke Igor Olgovich (baptized George, and monastically Gabriel).
  • Reverend George.
  • Prince of Novgorod Mstislav the Brave (baptized George).
  • Patriarch George I of Constantinople.
  • Confessor George Limniot.
  • Confessor and Archimandrite Georgy (Mkheidze).
  • Martyr George of Athos.
  • Martyr George of Jerusalem.
  • Martyr George of Crete.
  • Martyr George of Chios.
  • Reverend George of Cherniksky.
  • Stylite George.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 11th, 21st, 30th.

February: 4th, 10th, 17th, 24th and 27th.

March: 6th, 17th, 18th, 23rd and 24th.

April: 5th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 20th and 26th.

May: 2nd, 6th, 10th, 26th and 29th.

June: 8th, 18th, 19th and 27th.

July: 4th, 9th, 10th, 16th and 23rd.

August: 2nd, 3rd, 13th and 31st.

September: 6th, 8th, 10th and 21st.

October: 2, 11, 14, 15 and 29th.

November: 3, 10, 16 and 27 numbers.

December: 9th, 16th and 31st.

The legend of the name George

Saint George the Victorious was born into a wealthy family. He was brought up in the Christian faith and love of God. When young George entered military service, severe persecution of Christians began. The young man not only stood up for the Orthodox faith, but also declared himself a faithful follower of it, not being afraid of the terrible consequences that awaited him.

Moreover, having heard about the extermination of all Christians, St. George the Victorious distributed his property to the poor, gave freedom to slaves, and he himself came to the ruling king Diocletian in order to accuse him of cruelty, wickedness and injustice. For his brave act he was subjected to severe torture, but the young man did not renounce his faith, for which he was beheaded.

After his death, Saint George came to the earthly world in order to fight the monstrous dragon (serpent), exterminating people in the territory of modern Lebanon.

It is St. George the Victorious who is revered as the patron saint of the army of Christ. The image of this holy martyr is not only depicted on icons, but is also the emblem of Moscow. In addition, the Order of St. George is still considered the most honorable award in the Russian army, which is awarded solely for personal courage and bravery shown in battle.

Famous people

Famous scientists and researchers named George:

  • Georgy Nikolaev;
  • Georgy Brusilov;
  • Georgy Sedov;
  • Georgy Arbatov.

Famous artists and actors named George:

  • Georgy Vitsin;
  • Georgy Deliev;
  • Georgy Yumatov.

Famous directors named Georgy:

  • Georgy Tovstonogov;
  • Georgy Danelia.

Famous writers named George:

  • Georgy Weiner;
  • Georgy Markov;
  • Georgy Graubin;
  • Georgy Radov.

Georgy Zhukov - Soviet military leader and Marshal of the USSR, who served as Minister of Defense from 1955 to 1957.

Georgy Yartsev - Soviet football player, as well as Russian football coach.

The meaning of the name Georgiy

For a child

If little George's parents call him by his full name, he will grow up to be an obedient, modest and shy child. The games of such a boy are calm and intellectual. Whereas noisy and fun pastime attracts him little. Georgy has few friends, because due to his natural modesty, it is not easy for him to establish contact with peers and become a participant in their games.

This boy prefers the company of older children, and in their company he feels confident because, due to his curiosity and erudition, he can easily carry on any conversation. Such qualities as honesty, fairness and reliability are also captivating in George (he will never spill other people’s secrets, gossip or participate in compromising events).

Georgy causes little trouble to his parents; he is independent and responsible, caring and attentive. This is the favorite of the whole family, and such an attitude towards him does not make him spoiled and selfish.

Georgy studies well, because he is diligent, attentive, knows how to analyze and compare information, highlight the main and secondary. In addition, he simply likes to learn, discover new opportunities, and develop. He does not strive to be the best or the first, he simply does everything he does not undertake conscientiously, carefully and efficiently.

Another thing is Zhora. When you call your child this form of the name Georgiy, be prepared for the child to grow up to be restless and a bully, a merry fellow and an adventurer, craving attention and praise. Stubbornness and even arrogance can also be considered one of the fundamental characteristics of this boy.

In fairness, we note that over the years, Zhorik’s character becomes calmer and more balanced, but for this, parents will have to stop Zhora’s attempts to manipulate people and fight the boy’s selfishness from early childhood. It is very important that the father be an authority for Zhora, whose opinion the boy will listen to, otherwise he will be raised not by his parents, but by the street.

At the same time, Zhora is a good-natured, sympathetic, honest, fair and cheerful child who has independence and independent judgment. He will never adapt to the opinions of others if it contradicts his life values ​​or attitudes.

Despite her excellent memory and analytical mind, Zhora rarely studies well, since she does not have a particular craving for the granite of science. He prefers sports sections or design clubs.

For a teenager

Balanced and calm, Georgy, growing up, becomes more open, which helps him make friends and become more sociable and relaxed. And although young Gosha cannot be called the life of the party (and he never strives for this), he is always welcome in the company, since he is an interesting and attentive interlocutor.

Georgy quite easily and without problems goes through the so-called “transitional age”, which many parents are afraid of. He is busy studying and self-development. He devotes a lot of time to his parents, whom he always tries to help. This young man would prefer visiting a sports section or reading his favorite book to a fun party.

Georgy is a loyal and devoted friend who is ready to help at any time of the day. Georgy always builds relationships with girls thoroughly and slowly. He looks closely at his chosen one for a long time. This young man is gallant and well-mannered, which girls undoubtedly like, but shyness often prevents him from building relationships with the opposite sex.

Or maybe it’s the assertive and even arrogant Zhora, who is always and everywhere in the spotlight. This lover of fun adventures and risky adventures will break more than one girl’s heart until he finds the one for whom he is ready to say goodbye to his freedom.

Already in his youth, the charismatic and straightforward Zhora understands that sincerity does not always help achieve his goal, so he often resorts to cunning, which he does very well. At the same time, he is a fair young man who will never offend the weak. It is extremely important for him that close people do not skimp on words of support, because behind the mask of narcissism hides a vulnerable soul.

If parents call Georgy Zhora, then puberty can become a difficult test for them. After all, this young man is characterized by such character traits as willfulness, stubbornness and arrogance, which often create problems for him in adult life. Only the authority of his father and his wise advice can protect the guy from many mistakes of his youth.

For a man

The adult George is principled and fair, he does not tolerate lies, hypocrisy and gossip. It is extremely difficult to deceive this man, and if this can be done, then after the truth has triumphed, he will forever erase the deceiver from his life. And in general, it is quite difficult to deceive this man, since he himself is cunning, and, as we know, “a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.”

Georgy often keeps to himself and prefers not to get involved in conflict situations, especially if they do not concern him personally or his loved ones. Many people mistake this man’s restraint for weak character, but in vain. He will never allow himself to be offended or allow himself to be humiliated. There is a hidden power in him that will certainly manifest itself in a critical situation.

Georgy (like Zhora) is not inclined to leadership, he is indifferent to power, although if he wanted he could achieve a lot thanks to diligence, responsibility and hard work. He will provide his family with a decent and comfortable life, but material values ​​are not a priority for him.

Among the positive qualities of George, one should note generosity, decency, generosity, kindness, justice, restraint and determination, an excellent sense of humor and condescension towards other people's shortcomings and mistakes.

Negative character traits of George are: stubbornness, distrust and self-confidence, bordering on arrogance.

Description of the name Georgiy


Georgy is an honest and fair man, but if necessary he can show such qualities as cunning and resourcefulness.


People named George rarely complain about their health. Their nervous system is most vulnerable, since they do not know how to give vent to their experiences and emotions.


Georgy's modesty makes him indecisive and constrained in communicating with women who are attracted to him by his charm and caring nature. He cannot boast of many novels, but all his relationships are serious and thorough.

George doesn't fall in love at first sight. On the contrary, he is interested in romantic courtship of his chosen one, flirting on her part, the transformation of sympathy into infatuation, and then into love.

It must be said that Georgy never treats women conscientiously: first of all, he will try to give positive emotions to his chosen one. Therefore, it is very important that she appreciate the efforts of Zhora, for whom a woman’s love is the main incentive. For his chosen one, he is ready to perform romantic acts, write poetry and dedicate songs to her.


Georgy is judicious in choosing a wife, whom he has been eyeing for a long time, not daring to propose marriage. But, unfortunately, this does not save him from early marriage, which most often turns out to be unsuccessful. This man finds family happiness at a more mature age.

For his wife, Georgy chooses an easy-going, cheerful, cheerful and optimistic woman with a big and kind heart. The beauty of a woman is less important to him than the qualities of her character and the presence of common interests and goals in life. It is very important that George’s chosen one is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, thereby confirming her love. Zhora will definitely appreciate this.

Family relationships

Family life with George is generally calm, comfortable and prosperous. He enjoys arranging his home and raising children, but he will not sit with the children around the clock, since he still considers this a woman’s lot. In addition, he does not strive to be a leader in the family, preferring predominantly equal relations with his wife.

It is also important that Georgy does not make excessive demands on his wife and turns a blind eye to her shortcomings, but she should not try to re-educate this man.

George is not prone to betrayal, since he himself does not accept betrayal and deception, which his other half should remember. An innocent lie can drive him crazy, while he will never forgive betrayal, even if he loves a woman madly.

George's house is always open to friends, so his chosen one should be ready for such friendly gatherings. At the same time, he does not forget to devote time exclusively to his family: outdoor recreation, going to a water park or a skating rink are traditional for his family.


Initially, Georgy shows modesty and shyness in the intimate sphere, but over time, getting to know his chosen one more and more, he reveals himself as a passionate and temperamental partner.

It is interesting that, although he has natural sexuality, Georgy does not know how to use it correctly. Therefore, he needs a liberated and experienced partner who can reveal all the facets of his intimate side.

For George, foreplay, an intimate atmosphere and an emotional connection with his partner are important. He is the type of man who takes pleasure in giving pleasure to a woman.

Mind (intelligence)

Georgy has an analytical mind; he knows how to competently synthesize information and separate the “wheat from the chaff.”


George, who is neat, diligent, responsible and efficient, is valued at work. In addition, he is honest and fair, knows how to defuse the situation with his jokes and support in any situation. At the same time, Georgy does not apply for the director’s chair. The ideal option for him is the position of deputy.

In general, Georgy will cope well with any profession, but he prefers the creative path, in which he will not have to deal with routine calculations and solving monotonous problems. Writer, writer, journalist, military man, sailor, teacher, lawyer - these are just a few examples of professions in which Georgy can realize himself one hundred percent.

It must be said that no matter how highly paid the job is, if it does not bring moral satisfaction to George, he will change it without a twinge of conscience.


Georgy can become a successful businessman if he learns to correctly distribute the work process and cash flow.


Among George's many hobbies, sports and poetry occupy a special place. Yes, don’t be surprised, Georgy loves to trust his thoughts, feelings and experiences to paper.

Character type


Georgy seems arrogant and arrogant, and he does everything in his power to maintain this image. In fact, this man’s behavior often hides indecision and innate shyness. Another quality that poisons George’s life is the inability to accept criticism addressed to him. But over the years, he cultivates self-criticism.

George amazingly combines narcissism and good nature, justice and cunning, and the ability to forgive loved ones for their shortcomings. Although he will easily and without a shadow of a doubt erase from his life those who once betray or deceive him.


Georgy has a fairly developed intuition.

Horoscope named after George

George – Aries

Assertive, emotional and energetic, George-Aries achieves a lot in life. He amazingly combines childish spontaneity and masculinity, teenage maximalism and ambition. This man obeys exclusively his desires and his own principles, he is honest and fair, good-natured and sympathetic, but will never allow his positive qualities to be used for selfish purposes. A woman of the romantic George-Aries should have such qualities as determination, independence and optimism. He is attracted to passionate and temperamental women who are not ready to spend their whole lives at the kitchen stove cooking cutlets and borscht.

George – Taurus

Ambitious, stubborn and independent, George-Taurus is accustomed to relying solely on his own strength. He doesn't need anyone's advice, because he won't take it into account anyway. On the one hand, such a life position helps him achieve a lot in his career, but on the other hand, it repels those around him, who see him as an arrogant and narcissistic conservative snob who has difficulty adapting to life’s changes. The attention of George-Taurus will be attracted by a feminine, practical and wise woman, devoid of vulgarity and vulgarity. For his chosen one, he will become a reliable friend and an attentive husband who will never betray or deceive. You should not expect romantic actions from this man; he proves his love with real masculine actions, and not with passionate confessions under the moon.

George – Gemini

Curious, charming and kind, Georgiy-Gemini is an adventurer and romantic. He cannot imagine his life without travel and adventure; he is attracted by everything unknown. Despite his easy character, he has few real friends, although he has more than enough acquaintances. And the culprit is a rather superficial attitude towards life, and towards relationships, and towards people, and towards friendship.

He talks and promises a lot, but does little. The life guidelines, goals and opinions of Georgiy-Gemini change very quickly. In love, this man shows romanticism, but only if his object of adoration reciprocates. He does not belong to the category of men who will seek the attention of a woman. George's chosen one must understand that he will always love himself first, and only then, anyone else.

George – Cancer

This is the owner of a contradictory and complex character. Flattery, recognition and praise have an inspiring effect on him, while criticism can lead to a state of depression, confusion and apathy. At the same time, George-Cancer has such qualities as friendliness, vulnerability, responsiveness and sentimentality. He knows how to love and give, but in return he demands the same return and reciprocity. This man will work tirelessly so that his family does not need anything, he is generous, but at the same time knows how to save. George-Cancer chooses his chosen one very carefully, because he believes that it is impossible to build a strong family on love alone (and even more so on passion). His woman should be smart, beautiful, a wonderful housewife, an excellent mother, an ideal wife and simply a wise woman who can put up with her husband’s touchiness and sensitivity.

George – Leo

Impulsive, open, sincere and passionate, George-Lev does not know how to play around, lie and be a hypocrite. This is a noble man who is demanding of himself, but forgiving of the shortcomings of others. But not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. His character combines lightness and unbearability, narcissism and good nature. Praise and flattery are the main incentives for him, and he sincerely does not understand why others consider him vain. At the same time, George the Leo will give his last shirt to the one who needs it, even if it is a complete stranger. Living with such a person is not easy, since George constantly needs care and attention, and therefore his chosen one will have to forget about her career ambitions and devote herself to her family.

George – Virgo

Restrained, vulnerable and down-to-earth, Georgiy-Virgo looks at life soberly and does not expect gifts from fate. He systematically moves towards his goal, without betraying or deceiving anyone. This man has a wonderful sense of humor, which makes him an interesting conversationalist who is welcome in any company. Good manners, seriousness, reliability, gallantry and courtesy help him win women's hearts. In women, George the Virgo does not accept arrogance, vulgarity, pretense and flattery. George’s chosen one will be lucky, because he can easily find a compromise in any situation. In addition, for the sake of family well-being, he is ready to concede in some respects to his wife, while remaining an indisputable authority for the household.

George – Libra

Tactful and gallant, George-Libra can be sharp and straightforward. Periods of cheerfulness and activity for no reason can be replaced by depression and indifference. He lives in a world of illusions and fantasies, and draws inspiration from books. This man depends on the opinions of others, he reacts extremely painfully to any criticism, while flattery and recognition bring him back to life, give him inspiration and stimulate him. In his career, George-Libra rarely reaches heights due to his reluctance to take responsibility. In family life, peace and quiet are important to him, so he chooses a quiet and non-conflict life partner who will meekly put up with his shortcomings.

George – Scorpio

Strong-willed, active, independent, self-confident and purposeful Georgy-Scorpio sweeps away all obstacles in his path. This is a born leader who does not take into account the opinions, desires and feelings of others. The straightforwardness of this man prevents him from building friendly relationships, although he would make a wonderful and faithful comrade. At the same time, George-Scorpio is envious of other people's successes, while he perceives his own failures as a personal tragedy. A marriage with this man cannot be called calm and cloudless, since he is not used to making compromises and giving in, even in small things. He is ready to arrange scandals and debriefings with or without reason. In addition, he is overly demanding of his wife and jealous.

George – Sagittarius

Open, charming, optimistic and good-natured, Georgy-Sagittarius always says what he thinks. A shirt guy who radiates positivity is endearing, despite the fact that his directness may sometimes look rude, but it is simply impossible to be offended by him for a long time. This independent man vitally needs freedom, any bonds are burdensome for him, he perceives any pressure as a personal insult. Family life does not appeal to this romantic and dreamer; he prefers easy relationships in which no one owes anything to anyone. Even if George the Sagittarius starts a family, his chosen one must be prepared for the fact that his friends and hobbies will always come first. Not even love can change this man.

George – Capricorn

This is a man with a complex character in which secrecy and mistrust prevail. At the same time, George-Capricorn is calm, reliable, serious, responsible and disciplined. He looks at life realistically and approaches any problem rationally, without giving free rein to emotions and feelings. The interesting thing is that, despite his outward dryness, at heart he is a true romantic who is looking for sincere love. George-Capricorn will find family happiness with a calm, practical and wise woman, for whom support, care and mutual understanding are important, and not passions and emotional outbursts. Georgy will work hard for the well-being of his family, because he values ​​comfort and coziness in the home.

George – Aquarius

Naive, good-natured and sincere Georgiy-Aquarius sees the world in pink. He tends to idealize people, which is why he himself suffers, since he is often disappointed in people. After several such disappointments, he closes down, preferring to trust his innermost thoughts only to himself. This man has a rather negative attitude towards marriage, although there are many romances in his life.

He’s just not ready to give up his independence and subordinate his life to daily work on relationships. A woman who will become for George, first of all, an understanding friend, and only then a passionate lover and an exemplary housewife, can change his attitude towards family life. In addition, the chosen one must share his interests and hobbies, and also put up with his shortcomings.

George – Pisces

Insightful, vulnerable, suspicious and insecure, George-Pisces rarely shows initiative both in work and in his personal life. And all for the reason that he is afraid to take responsibility. In addition, he does not know how to constructively perceive criticism, which leads him into a state of melancholy and apathy. While waiting for the gifts of fate, he can spend his entire adult life, grumbling that he is simply unlucky, that he is not understood and not appreciated. But as soon as George, born under the sign of Pisces, pulls himself together and shows his best qualities, and he has many of them, life will definitely change for the better. In family life, George-Pisces is often assigned the role of a follower, because he intuitively chooses strong and powerful women who will take on the solution of all problems.

Compatibility of the name George with female names

Georgy and Olga

This is a happy, harmonious and prosperous union in all respects. Material wealth reigns in the family of George and Olga; their home is calm, comfortable and cozy. At the same time, the love in this couple does not fade over time, but only intensifies.

Georgy and Anna

The owners of these names converge against the background of kinship of souls; their relationships are based on such components as trust, understanding and respect. This couple cannot be called passionate and temperamental, but George and Anna do not pretend to be an Italian family. For them, common interests and traditions are more important.

Georgy and Elena

Bright, interesting and extravagant Elena finds peace, reliability and stability in George. Moreover, over time, Georgy adopts the lifestyle of his beloved. Their home is always full of friends, and they prefer to spend their free time as actively as possible, with benefit for body and soul.

Georgy and Yulia

George and Lyubov

Demanding of herself and those around her, Love will under no circumstances give up power into the hands of her chosen one, so she is unlikely to be able to build a harmonious and long-term relationship with the stubborn and independent George.

Georgy and Polina

The tandem of George and Polina is based on the sexual component. Initially, only passion keeps them together. If Polina tries to hint to George about moving to a new level of relationship, he is unlikely to reciprocate her feelings, since they have too different views on life.

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