
What a stupid person. The stupidest things people do. Is a biography important for the title “The Dumbest Man in the World”?

General stupidity? Is it even possible to divide people according to this principle? Experts recommend treating this concept very carefully, because it’s no secret that often those who are considered stupid or, say, retarded in childhood become unique specialists or even geniuses already in adolescence or

Section 1. The dumbest person in the world. General description of the problem

Stupidity, which sometimes develops into stupidity, is, of course, terrible for society. Of course, this concept is found almost everywhere, wherever you go, whoever you turn to: in a store, at work, in the gym, and just on the street.

Agree, there are so-called quirky people in almost every family, but none of its members would label them as stupid. The same cannot be said, unfortunately, about public people whose personal and creative lives are in plain sight. And even more than that, every mistake of a star, every answer off topic, is immediately reviewed by thousands of media outlets around the world.

It would seem impossible to create a rating or list of the dumbest people in the world. But no! Of course, there are no leaders here and there cannot be. Just like there are no absolutely stupid people who amaze others with their incredible “knowledge” and blunders. And if stupidity manifests itself in a person with a high level of IQ, then definitely His Majesty chance comes onto the scene! Very often it absorbs a person, putting him in an unfavorable light. Particularly popular, of course, are cases involving public people: artists, film actors and, naturally, politicians.

Section 2. The dumbest person in the world. Special award for this contingent

As absurd as it may sound, in 2003 the American comedy festival Just for Laughs, whose name translates into Russian as “Just for Laughter,” established the World Prize for Stupidity. Yes, yes, and such a phenomenon, it turns out, also happens. The dumbest people in the world were named, whose photos very quickly, in just a few days, spread throughout the world.

The organizers of the award pursued the main goal of identifying and making public the stupidity and ignorance of famous people. The laureates were determined not by the founders, but by ordinary Internet users from all over the world. However, the competition died for a long time. In any case, the last mention of it was in 2006.

Section 3. The dumbest man in the world. Some of the most famous personalities

Referring to recently obtained data, we present the names of those who outperformed their competitors in all respects. So, the top dumbest people on the planet:

  • The undisputed leader of the rating is Judge Donald Thompson, who with a certain periodicity engaged in handjob with the help of a mini-pump right at court hearings. However, how can you call something stupid that is a blatant case of bad manners? Although Thompson is, of course, stupid. But he is still more of a sick person, a pervert in a certain sense of the word.
  • Lawyer Harry Whittington also distinguished himself in particular. During the hunt, the future defendant shot the lawyer. And everything would have been fine if Whittington had not made a public apology to the Cheney family for the alleged “inconvenience caused”!
  • The next case is truly unique. An ordinary American, Nick Flynn, transformed an already ambiguous and stupid situation: having broken three vases of the era in the museum at once, he did not apologize, did not offer to at least compensate for the invaluable loss. Instead, Flynn leveled claims and criticism against the museum's management for their negligent and negligent attitude towards valuable exhibits.
  • Needless to say about show business, in which there are countless funny blunders. It's not without reason that Paris Hilton became a frequent guest in the South Park cartoons, because her mistakes and incidents ended up in the hands of journalists. Well, after Hilton’s phone was attacked by hackers, and all its contents became public knowledge, the status of “the stupidest woman” probably stuck with her forever.
  • A funny incident happened to singer Ashley Nicole Simpson-Wentz when the recording tape jammed during one of her live performances.
  • Of course, the status of a stupid person was forever awarded. Particularly funny was the case when Bush, with a certain amount of praise, told the head of the US FA Emergency Management Michael Brown that he had a job on fire in his hands! And everything would have been fine if Brown had not been involved in the aftermath of hurricanes.

Whatever idiotic acts humanity has committed over the centuries are nothing compared to the future. Scientists (and not only British ones) have discovered that people are rapidly becoming stupid. The Flynn curve (the growth of human intelligence over decades), which apologists of progress previously liked to refer to, not only slowed down, but also began to rapidly fall down. And not only on the scale of individual educational institutions - entire nations are starting to become stupid! It won’t be possible to attribute everything to newfangled gadget crazes, because the curve went down back in the 1970s, when prototypes of tablets and smartphones were only in science fiction.

But even against the backdrop of the general stupidity of humanity, individual individuals will give a head start to the entire population. Their actions are so stupid that entire websites are dedicated to them and even awards are given out.

The stupidest people on Earth

10. Gary Allen Banning

The Darwin Prize winner opens the list of human stupidity - posthumously. In 2012, Gary was visiting a friend and noticed a sauce jar containing a mysterious golden-colored liquid. What would a smart person do? He will ask what it is. Gary decided that it was someone's drink and immediately took a sip. It turned out that this was gasoline, which the owner used to wash spare parts.

The idiot friends cheered loudly when Gary spat out gasoline and poured it all over their clothes, but their laughter quickly turned to horror when he decided to smoke to calm down... The poor guy died in the hospital from burns.

9. Andrew Hennels

Everyone, even the most antisocial elements, is subject to the influence of social networks. Andrew Hennels was caught bragging on Facebook that he was going to rob a supermarket. In addition to boasting, the post contained a selfie of the future criminal and a photo of his favorite knife. The police assessed the portrait resemblance and detained Andrew 15 minutes after the robbery.

8. Harry Hoey

Harry worked as a lawyer on the 24th floor of an office building in Toronto. They said that the windows of the building could not be broken, and Hoey liked to boast about this. And he even showed law students the achievements of Canadian glass manufacturing. So one fine day in 1993, in front of the students, Khoi, as usual, ran away and slammed his shoulder into the glass. No, it didn’t break, it just flew out of the frame entirely along with Hoya.

7. Lukasz Chojnowski

In 2014, a pensioner couple from Lancashire returned home only to find a burglar sleeping peacefully on their bed. The robber, however, was polite and had excellent manners - he washed all the dishes, washed their clothes and even bought some groceries.

The owner admitted that the house was not particularly clean, but thanks to Choinovsky’s efforts, it actually began to shine. “It’s true that he burned an old frying pan, but that doesn’t happen to anyone,” the old woman said generously. The illegal helper received a two-year suspended sentence and was forced to pay a £200 fine. But he could make a good housekeeper.

6. Philip Kontos

A normal person is inclined to agree with maxims like “Don’t get involved, he’ll kill you” or “If you ride a motorcycle, wear a helmet.” However, American motorcyclists are not like that! They even stage entire demonstrations about their right not to wear a helmet while riding. So in 2011, more than 550 alternatively gifted people marched along the roads of New York State, defending their right to drive dangerously. Until one of the Protestants named Philip Kontos slammed on the brakes to avoid crashing into the bike ahead, flew out of the saddle and hit his head on the pavement. The doctors who examined the body said that if he had worn a helmet, he would have remained alive.

5. Nick Flynn

The year 2006 will be remembered by the staff of the Fitzwilliam Museum in England for a long time. It was then that a certain Nick Flynn, while descending the stairs, managed to trip and, while flying down, caught and broke three Chinese vases standing deep in the niches. They were at least three hundred years old and cost about 200 thousand dollars each.

Precious objects have survived uprisings in China, two world wars - only to be smashed to smithereens by some fool. Moreover, instead of being horrified by the gravity of what had been done, Nick Flynn did not even apologize and instead began to reproach the museum’s management: they say they do not store their valuable exhibits well! This is what earned him the award in the category “Who is the dumbest person in the world” from the World Stupidity Awards.

4. Rhys Owen Jones and Keri Moules

What does an ordinary person of at least average intelligence do when traveling to Australia? Sightseeing and shopping. But Welsh tourists were made of a different cloth! First of all, they got drunk, then they broke into a nearby zoo, where they were swimming in a race with dolphins, released foam from a fire extinguisher into a pool with sharks, and then stole a penguin from there (don’t ask).

To the credit of the robbers, it must be said that they tried to take care of the bird as best they could (even despite the hangover) - they fed him and let him swim in the bathroom. They were later caught trying to release the penguin into the canal.

3. Shamizo Kanyama

And now let’s move from sunny Australia to no less sunny Zimbabwe. Shamizo served as a pastor in his town and believed that God had given him the ability to heal people. So when five people from his hometown asked for help in curing a mysterious illness, he, without hesitation, ordered them to bury him in the ground. Shamizo motivated his unconventional desire by the fact that in this way he would be saturated with the energy of the earth. The five obeyed the pastor.

Later, after a predictable result, all five were accused of murder, despite numerous witnesses corroborating their version of what happened.

2. James Allan

One of the most idiotic robberies in the world took place in 2012 in Abington, England. A certain James Allan tried to rob a store selling printed products. During the robbery, he took off his balaclava several times (and turned out extremely well on camera), fell on the counter with drinks and brought it down, and at the end he couldn’t even open the door to escape - because he was pushing, not pulling. The saleswoman, whom he had recently threatened with a toy gun, had to help him and open the door in the right direction.

But these are still minor details - the main thing is that James, apparently distinguished by his constancy in his habits, tried to rob the same store exactly ten days ago.

1. Donald Thompson is the dumbest man

Judge Donald Thompson was voted the stupidest person in the world, according to the World Stupidity Awards. He worked in court for 23 years. And right during the court hearings he used a penis enlarger for masturbation, and the severity of the proceedings did not stop his hand with the pump. Apparently the laurels of the man did not give Thompson any rest.

As one of the court correspondents said: “One case was especially difficult, the grandfather testified about his murdered grandson, who had barely begun to walk, everyone was crying. And the judge worked as a pump under the table.”

However, Themis does not like to be ridiculed. Thompson was sentenced to four years in prison for contempt of court and indecent exposure during court hearings. It is surprising that the proceedings in this case did not turn into an extravaganza of laughter and jokes, although smiles were constantly playing on the faces of the jury, and both the prosecutor and the defendant's lawyers repeatedly imitated with gestures what exactly 59-year-old Donald Thompson was doing under his judicial robes.

But they predict the likely degree of development of intelligence. Some zodiac signs are highly intelligent, while others are more stupid.

The title of “the dumbest sign of the zodiac” does not mean that a person is necessarily stupid, just that in different situations he may show a slow reaction, think too long, or his thoughts are more primitive than those of other representatives of the zodiac.

Which one is the dumbest and most stupid?

Astrologers believe that intellectual activity is most difficult for Capricorns and Taurus, as well as Pisces and.

But this must also be considered from the point of view of belonging to the male or female half of humanity.



    The Capricorn man prefers to solve issues not with his mind, but with force. Instead of influencing a person with words, he gets into a fight because he is better at it. At the same time, Capricorn is not averse to thinking, but his thoughts are primitive and relate more to simple everyday problems than to spiritual matters.


    According to astrologers, slow-witted people solve the tasks assigned to them very slowly and do not always do it successfully. A Taurus man will be more successful in the role of a performer, a worker, than a scientist or businessman. It is especially difficult when they have to solve something new.



    Among the female stupid signs, Pisces especially stands out. They are immensely confident that they are right, but their mind does not go beyond solving everyday and primitive problems. They do not strive for spiritual development, they do not like intellectual conversations, simply because it is difficult for them to understand what they are talking about. But they don’t mind talking about how to cook soup or attract a man.

    Cancers have a peculiar mind. They have a large amount of theoretical knowledge, but it is difficult to apply it in practice.


    Capricorn women too often show stupidity due to their stubbornness and a tendency to sort things out.

The wisest and most intelligent

Among the signs, of course, there are also the smartest ones. They usually belong to the elements of Air and. Air is associated with spirituality, development, intellectual ability and creativity. Fire is the power of energy, creativity, development.

Wisdom is associated with life experience and the ability to overcome difficult situations with honor and minimal losses.



    He is undoubtedly is a smart and intellectually developed sign among men. Few people know so much, combining knowledge with practical experience, as Aquarius does. His mind is agile and innovative. Aquarius is an explorer, he is looking for new paths. However, not all signs can understand him, because Aquarius is always ahead of progress and he may seem strange to other people, because it is quite difficult to keep up with his intelligence.

    The ability to know everything determines that Aquarius simply becomes bored, because he can answer almost all the questions of the universe. Nevertheless, he cannot be called completely wise, because his emotionality and breadth of interests do not insure him from mistakes. This sign openly says what he thinks about people, and this sometimes brings him certain problems.


    Gemini is considered a smart sign. But their mind is closer to cunning, although they have plenty of life wisdom. They have inquisitiveness and curiosity; in childhood they love experiments, sometimes very dangerous ones.


    Virgo is ruled by Mercury. A man under this sign often chooses intellectual professions, for example, a teacher. He has well-developed analytics and attention to detail, which makes him a careful and reliable worker. Research work is suitable for them. They also find themselves in medicine.

Among men, the smartest sign is Aquarius, but at the same time the most contradictory and incomprehensible to other people.



    They are also among the top smartest and most practical. They have excellent situational control and are good at social contacts. Sagittarians can be harsh and capable of telling the truth to their face, but at the same time they justify their thoughts well. Their mind is agile, curious and aimed at gaining new knowledge and practical experience.


    Women have high intelligence. These are creative and developed people who love to learn. They have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but Libras cannot always apply it in practice. This sign makes good writers, musicians, lawyers and teachers.

    However Libras need to restrain their emotionality, which can sometimes interfere with the use of their minds. The sign itself is very patient, showing wisdom from childhood. The Libra woman critically assesses the situation, sees the pitfalls and consequences of actions. She has the ability to evaluate other people, so they make good psychologists. But the picture can be spoiled by the indecisiveness of this sign regarding their actions and application of knowledge.


    The Gemini woman also has intelligence. Her natural curiosity and ability to remember allow her to act effectively and solve current problems.


    Aquarius women are smart unless they are overwhelmed by an overly valuable idea or addiction, otherwise they simply stop developing.

Among women, Libra and Sagittarius lead.

Of course, it is impossible to say definitively that only these signs are the stupidest or the smartest. Everything depends not only on the stars, but also on genetics, social factors and the desire of the person himself to develop.

What people don't do to stand out. They do all sorts of things to make themselves seem better than others. Sometimes it just goes beyond reason. But what can we say about this? Let's take a look at some of the dumbest things people have done, at least some of them.

1. The Spaniard Angeles Duran declared herself the mistress of the sun, citing the fact that, according to the law, the Sun cannot belong to any State, but it says nothing about ordinary people. Moreover, she went to a notary’s office and even drew up a document there. This document states that "Angeles Duran is the owner of the Sun, a star located at a distance of 149,600,000 from the Earth." But the most interesting thing is that she is going to take a tax on the use of the Sun from all people and even announced where the income will go - 50% to the State, 20% to the Pension Fund, 10% will be given to the hungry, 10% to scientific research, and of course 10% will keep it for himself. So what? Good luck to her in this matter).

2. For a long time now, a legendary story has been circulating on the Internet about a guy who sold his kidney in order to buy a sword in the game. At the age of 27, American Simon Darnis sold his kidney in order to buy powerful weapons and other game assets for his character in the game World of Warcraft. Up to this point, he spent almost all of his salary on various gaming assets. Simon himself does not regret his action and believes that he did it for his own satisfaction, since thanks to this action he “improved” significantly. In general, it’s hard to even call the guy just a nerd or a gambling addict. This is already a mental illness.

3. One clerk from New York really wanted to visit his parents in Dallas, but he found it too expensive to buy a plane ticket. Then he decided to send himself to them by airmail! Sitting in a large box, he successfully flew from New York to Dallas in the cargo hold of the plane. The cargo was successfully accepted and brought to the parents' house, after which the driver saw eyes in the crack and thought that there was a corpse in the box. When McKinley climbed out of the box, the mother almost fainted, and the driver immediately called the police.

4. In 1989, the Soviet psychic E. Frenkel decided to prove to everyone that with the power of thought he could stop a train moving towards him without receiving any damage. He waited until the freight train came closer, then stood on the tracks, tensed, threw away his briefcase and... in general, a stupid and ridiculous death.

5. Iraqi terrorist Kai Rahayet sent a bomb by parcel, but the stupidity is that he did not stick the necessary stamps and the parcel was returned to him. When the package arrived back to him, he unpacked it without a second thought and blew himself up with his own bomb.

6. A teenager arrived at the hospital with a massive head injury. It turned out that he was “hit” on the head by a moving train. The teenager simply decided to test how close his head could be to a moving train before he removed it. Well, I didn’t make it a bit, but at least I stayed alive.

7. One man wanted to circumcise himself at home. He decided to use dry ice for anesthesia. But when he touched the head of his “equipment” with this piece of ice, naturally this ice stuck to him. To separate the dry ice from his loved one, this man decided to sprinkle boiling water on it.

8. American Aaron Siebers decided that he was tired of his boring and monotonous life and decided to “dilute it” a little. He took a utility knife and stabbed himself several times with it. After that, he immediately called the police and reported that he had been attacked by several skinheads near the parking lot. When the police looked at everything from the surveillance camera, there were no skinheads, and indeed no one at all, in this parking lot during this period of time. After that, they brought Aaron to clean water and he confessed to everything. After this, he was charged with “Fraud” and “False Call”. This is how he diversified his life.

9. One man named Benny Flint was the victim of police pursuit. Thinking they were going to arrest him for drugs, he faked his own death and eluded the police. He moved 600 kilometers from his home, changed his name and even started a new family. In this way he lived for 20 years, until one day he learned that on the day when the police were chasing him, no one wanted to arrest him. The light on his car just didn’t work). This is how a man completely changed his life because of one unlit light bulb.

10. One man got his car stuck on the railroad tracks. To save his car, he got out of the car and ran towards the moving train, waving his arms vigorously. The train failed to stop in front of the man, resulting in instant death. But the car was almost undamaged.

Many of us dream of becoming famous, however, we cannot boast of anything outstanding. Some choose a career, trying to achieve unprecedented heights in it, some concentrate on creativity, and some try to stand out by setting extraordinary world records. However, the word “extraordinary” is hardly suitable to describe many of the very dubious achievements listed below. Let's be honest: these are the 10 dumbest world records. See for yourself.

This, of course, is not sawing an assistant with a saw during a performance by an illusionist, but it is also quite risky: in 2012, Bipin Larkin and Ashtra Furman set a new world record for cutting watermelons on their stomachs using a machete. They managed to separate 48 of these large berries in a minute.

If Robin Bobin Barabek ate forty people, then the Frenchman Michel Lotito ate an entire plane. Since childhood, he had a habit of eating anything not very edible, including parts from televisions and bicycles and bank cards. Well, the apogee of everything was the Cessna plane, which took Michel two years, from 1978 to 1980.

What about the biggest dog wedding ever? No, it's not about what you're thinking. In 2007, Jill Cobb presided over a ceremony during which 178 dogs said “I do” to each other and barked joyfully.

The fastest way to make your bed is even cool. Andrea Warner, a manager at an English hotel, was the fastest in the world to make a huge double bed. She spent only 74 seconds on this.

Filipino Gerard Jess set a new world record using... gases from his intestines. To put it simply, Gerard farted and blew out the candles. Well, let's applaud, because he managed to put out as many as 5 candles. An amazing achievement of human thought.

Well, this talent may even be somewhat useful to its author: British teacher Jill Drake managed to scream at a volume of 129 dB.

You know, screaming loudly and quickly making the bed is all right, because it can be applied to something in real life. Do you like to plant snails on your face? Fin Keheler, an 11-year-old American from Utah, planted 43 snails on his face.

This guy truly has balls of steel! Kirby Roy took a serious blow in a rather painful competition when MMA fighter Justice Smith hit him in the crotch with a speed of 35 km/h and a force of 498 kgf.

Les Stewart always wanted to set some kind of record, but, unfortunately, did not have any outstanding talent. However, he was not at a loss and decided to print the numbers from one to a million in words. Yes, that’s right, he typed “one, two, three” and so on until he settled on the cherished goal “nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, one million.” This important task took 16 years and 7 typewriters.

10 stupidest world records

That's it, finish. We've reached the King of Dumbest Records. Meet Ashrita Furman. He holds the Guinness Book of World Records for holding the most world records, including 27,000 overhead clapping jumps, fastest 1-mile run with a baseball in hand, and jumping on the world's smallest pogo stick. spring). In total, Ashrita holds 551 world records. Okay, some of them are really impressive. Respect, Mr. Furman!

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