
At what age should cocoa be introduced into a child’s diet? When can you give your child cocoa? Is it possible to give cocoa to a one year old child?

Cocoa is a drink from childhood. Its delightful aroma brings back sweet memories of mother's smile and grandmother's warm hugs. Kids love chocolate drinks, but parents doubt: is it possible to give cocoa already? So at what age is a child ready to receive his first treasured cup?

When is your baby ready for a “chocolate drink”?

It is believed that cocoa can be given to children from the age of two. If the baby is not prone to allergies, then even earlier. But in the first year of life it’s still not worth it. After all, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for milk feeding. Pediatricians recommend giving cow's milk to a child from the age of three, but allow it when he turns one year old. It is believed that before the baby does not have enough enzymes to process it. And a child doesn’t need excess sugar at all.

First, you still need to introduce milk into the children's diet. This is done gradually. When the child turns one year old, he is offered milk diluted half and half with water. It is usually added to porridge. If the baby does not have an allergic reaction, does not experience anxiety or bloating, then he can drink milk.

Cocoa is also introduced into the baby's diet gradually. First, a few spoons, then a quarter cup, etc. But still, until the age of five, no more than one cup a day. A child needs 100 g of drink or even less per year.

When is it better to drink cocoa - in the morning or in the evening?

It is better to give your child cocoa in the first half of the day. After all, this wonderful drink contains caffeine, which gives children a boost of energy for the whole day. It should not be given in the evening before bedtime, so that nothing prevents the child from falling asleep peacefully.

In addition, the chocolate drink is very high in calories, as it is prepared with whole milk with added sugar. Therefore, children who are prone to obesity do not need to be given it every day. If the baby is very active, the drink definitely won’t hurt. But again, it is better for children not to overload the gastrointestinal tract with extra calories at night.

Cocoa contains phenylephylamine, which promotes the production of endorphin - the magical hormone of joy. Therefore, a cherished cup of drink perfectly lifts the child’s mood.

Secrets of making cocoa

It would seem that this wonderful drink cannot be spoiled. And the variety of instant cocoa simplifies the preparation process. After all, the method is not at all complicated: pour the powder and add hot water or milk. The main thing is not to read the ingredients. Because, unfortunately, such drinks contain not only ground beans, but also various stabilizers, leavening agents and preservatives.

For maximum benefit, it is preferable to take cocoa powder without additives, made in accordance with GOST. Especially if you are going to cook it for children. There are no impurities in its composition. But you'll have to tinker with it a little.

  1. A tasty and healthy chocolate drink is prepared only with milk. On water the taste is not at all the same - not so rich and delicate. The volume of milk depends on the amount of drink you want to get as a result - 1 liter of milk is equal to 1 liter of the finished product. But if you are cooking for a child who has just turned one, it is better to dilute the milk with water in a 1:2 ratio.
  2. The milk must be brought to a boil.
  3. To prevent the powder from forming lumps, you must first combine it with sugar and add a small amount of cold milk to the bowl. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  4. The prepared suspension must be added to the milk brought to a boil. Stirring, bring the drink to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
  5. Hot drink is poured into cups. It can be drunk both hot and cold. Children, of course, are given warm cocoa.

Classic recipe

To prepare classic cocoa, strictly adjusted proportions are used: for 1 liter of milk, take 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Of course, you can change the proportions depending on your baby's preferences. But first, try a time-tested recipe.

The benefits and harms of cocoa

Of course, cocoa is very useful. It invigorates, works as an antidepressant and helps in the fight against anemia, because it contains iron, zinc and folic acid. Supplemented with milk, it is a storehouse of valuable substances - proteins.

But in any barrel of honey (or cup of cocoa) you can find a fly in the ointment. Chocolate drinks should not be consumed in excess. Everything needs moderation. Cocoa beans contain purine, a harmless and useful substance in small quantities. It helps the body process proteins and also takes part in the regulation of metabolic activity. But when there is an excess of purine, uric acid accumulates, as a result of which diseases of the urinary system can develop.

Giving children cocoa can and should be done, but the common sense of parents must be present. Remember that the baby’s diet should be balanced, without bias in one direction or another. And then your baby will delight you with excellent health and good appetite.

Both children and adults love chocolate drinks. They remind you of childhood and magical days when you were allowed to be naughty and spend time with your favorite toys without worries. Parents know that kids love a sweet drink, but they often have a question: is it possible to give cocoa to children?

When the baby is several months old or one year old, he is fed breast milk or special formulas. But when the child turns about 1.5-2 years old, parents do their best to accustom him to new foods and tastes. Is a sweet drink on the recommended list? Maybe meeting him should be postponed until better times?

In addition to sugar, cocoa contains tannins, theobromine and 40 essential aromatic compounds, the latter being considered strong allergens. If you still decide to introduce your baby to a chocolate drink, then it is better to stick with a natural product.

The emergence of cocoa

The evergreen “chocolate” cocoa tree grows in areas with a subequatorial climate and belongs to the mallow family. The ancient Aztecs, who once inhabited the territory of modern Mexico, were the first to prepare a drink from plant beans. Over time, the fashion for the tonic drink spread to Europe, where people of the upper classes became its connoisseurs.

In the mid-18th century, cocoa became available to everyone and became the favorite drink of children and adults. Today, “chocolate” trees grow in African countries; there are plantations in Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana.

Useful and harmful properties

Which beneficial features does cocoa have it?

  • the drink is rich in microelements, vitamins and minerals;
  • its formula contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid and fiber;
  • has a pronounced tonic effect;
  • due to its high calorie content, it can temporarily satisfy a child’s hunger;
  • useful for skinny children prone to anemia and thinness;
  • contains theobromine, a substance that suppresses the cough reflex during colds;
  • stimulates the body's protective functions;
  • contains biologically active components and has beneficial properties;
  • helps to quickly recover from physical and mental overload.

But you shouldn’t idealize cocoa, contraindications he has plenty:

  • If you overuse a chocolate drink, you will experience migraine attacks, constipation or heaviness in the stomach.
  • It is contraindicated for those who are allergic to cocoa; it should not be drunk frequently if there is increased excitability or sleep disorders.
  • Theobromine, which is part of the drink, has properties similar to caffeine, which, to put it mildly, is not very useful for children.
  • In addition, cocoa with milk is contraindicated for children with metabolic disorders, as well as for kidney and liver diseases, gout and other ailments associated with the synthesis of purines.

At what age can a child be introduced to drinking?

At what age can you safely give your child cocoa? Dr. Komarovsky advises offering chocolate drinks to children who do not have any allergic reactions. You can drink them no more than twice a week, and not earlier than the baby is at least one and a half to two years old. It must be remembered that cocoa is considered a high-calorie product, so it is contraindicated for overweight and obesity.

If we consider the question of at what age should children be given a “chocolate” drink from a physiological point of view, then the optimal age is considered to be 2 years. A one-year-old baby does not tolerate new dietary changes well. His digestive and excretory systems are imperfect and function unstable. Pediatricians believe that his body does not contain enough enzymes to digest milk, much less sugar. The transition to dairy products should be gradual:

  • First, the child is accustomed to milk; it is introduced to the menu at about one year of age. First, it is diluted 1:1 with water, then any milk porridge is prepared: semolina, buckwheat or oatmeal.
  • If after a couple of hours nothing has changed, the child feels well, and there is no allergy, then he tolerates dairy well.
  • The same procedure applies to cocoa. How often is it given? At first, children are offered only 1-2 tsp, then ¼ small cup.
  • The dosage is gradually increased, but it should not exceed one cup per day for a child 5 years old.

If you ignore the advice of doctors, your baby may have trouble sleeping, his tummy will swell and there will be all the signs of discomfort and malaise.

In the morning or evening?

Drinking cocoa at night is not recommended, because the milk drink contains caffeine, which excites the nervous system. If you drink a cup of an invigorating drink in the morning, it will give you a boost of energy and positivity for the whole day. Before bedtime, it will invigorate the baby too much and prevent him from falling asleep calmly and serenely.

Do not forget that the chocolate drink is quite high in calories, because it contains whole milk and a significant dose of sugar. If the baby drinking cocoa is active and mobile, the sweet drink will 100% not harm him. But even in this case, there is no need to give cocoa to the child before bedtime, so as not to prevent him from falling asleep peacefully and getting a good night's sleep.

When deciding whether small children can drink cocoa, remember that it contains phenylethylamine. This amazing component stimulates the synthesis of the joy hormone endorphin, which lifts your mood and gives you a feeling of happiness.

Choosing a quality drink

Having decided when and at what age cocoa is recommended for children, it’s time to find out how to choose a quality product. When choosing, we pay close attention to the manufacturer and carefully study the label. The drink should not contain:

  • synthetic flavors;
  • preservatives;
  • artificial dyes.

At the same time, its consistency should be uniform, without lumps and unnecessary impurities. High-quality cocoa is a finely ground powder with fine, dust-like particles of a rich chocolate brown color. The product has a characteristic aroma and should not be whitish or gray in color. It should be stored away from sunlight in a hermetically sealed container and in a cool, dry place. Consume cocoa with milk, adding sugar to taste.

How to check quality: video

Whether or not to allow a child cocoa is a voluntary choice of each parent. Its benefits have been proven and cannot be doubted, but one should not forget about the harm. Giving chocolate treats to children under one and a half to two years old is strictly not recommended. But even if the child is two or three years old and has allergies, you should refrain from cocoa and other foods and drinks that contain allergens.

Cocoa is a tasty and healthy drink, which is recognized as a truly children's delicacy, but it is beneficial only if the child receives it at the right age and in moderate quantities. Questions remain relevant: when and how to introduce it into a child’s diet. The safest age for introducing cocoa into the diet should be considered 3 years.

Cocoa can be given to children 2 times a week in small quantities - half a regular mug or small mugs in the morning. The maximum amount per week is 4 cups. It is best served for breakfast, especially if the child refuses to eat in the morning. It is recommended to increase the volume of cocoa consumed at one time to the volume of a full cup only after 6 years, but no more than 2 per day - this portion will be quite enough to saturate the body with its beneficial properties. You can drink cocoa every morning. The maximum amount of natural cocoa should not exceed 0.5 g per day per 1 kg of child weight.

When can you offer cocoa?

Healthy children who do not suffer from problems with the digestive system are still allowed to introduce the drink earlier - from 2 years of age. But only sometimes as a rare dessert.

  • Children suffering from food allergies should not try cocoa until they are 3–5 years old; in most cases, even at school age, cocoa remains prohibited for them. It is better to administer it carefully, in small portions starting from once a week, depending on the characteristics of the child and his state of health.
  • Children with metabolic diseases, in particular purine deficiency (gout,) should not be given cocoa even at an older age.
  • They should not be given, it is better for them to drink unsweetened low-calorie drinks.
  • Hyperactive children and choleric people do not need cocoa.

Attention! If, after consuming cocoa, a child develops signs of an allergy: inflammation of the eyelids, cocoa should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted about the possibility of its further use.

Why not before 3 years?

You should not experiment and introduce cocoa into your child’s diet before the required age. The tannins and tonic properties of this drink will not benefit a small child. Theothrombin, 40 aromatic compounds - it makes sense to protect a one-year-old child from all allergens, so we can definitely say that a one-year-old child does not need cocoa. But even if you decide to give cocoa to your child before the required age, then give preference to a high-quality and natural product; you should not accustom your baby to Nesquik-type drinks. Cocoa should be a dark brown powder without flavoring additives or aromas, without lumps or grains, and dissolve well. High-quality cocoa should have a fat content of more than 15% and smell of chocolate.

Benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is rich in vitamins and microelements, improves mood and tones.

  1. The composition of cocoa is very suitable for children; it is rich in the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins. In addition, cocoa, chocolate and desserts with its addition are among the most delicious.
  2. The most pleasant property of cocoa is that it improves your mood. In response to cocoa entering the body, the joy hormone endorphin is produced, which is why a bar of chocolate or a cup of cocoa helps cope with stress so well.
  3. Cocoa has excellent tonic properties.
  4. Cocoa contains the substance theobromine, which means it is useful to drink cocoa for a dry, painful cough.
  5. Cocoa is a high-calorie product that satisfies hunger.
  6. Helps and promotes rapid recovery of the body after training.
  7. It's good to drink.

Harm from cocoa

  1. The incidence of allergic reactions is high.
  2. You should not drink cocoa before bed, because it tones, invigorates, is a high-calorie product, so the child will most likely be bothered by insomnia and heaviness in the stomach.
  3. With frequent consumption of cocoa, symptoms may appear.
  4. Cocoa provokes seizures.
  5. You should not rush to treat your child to hot chocolate; unlike cocoa, it is fattier, very high in calories and contains unnatural additives.

Cocoa recipe for children

For one serving of cocoa:

  • Milk – 250 ml,
  • Cocoa – 1 tsp. without a slide,
  • Sugar to taste - approximately 1.5 tsp.

Mix the cocoa powder and sugar thoroughly: the better you mix, the fewer lumps you will get. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil, slowly add the mixture of sugar and cocoa, stirring constantly, boil for up to 5 minutes. Leave for 5–10 minutes. You can add a cinnamon stick and a little vanilla to hot cocoa. To prepare cocoa, a third of the milk can be replaced with water, and at the end, for a pleasant aroma and delicate taste, add cream or baked milk.

Cocoa is not a more healthy drink than cocoa; cocoa is one of the ways to diversify your taste sensations and life in general.

The “About the Most Important” program generally talks about the beneficial properties of cocoa:

Instant or natural grated cocoa, whose health benefits and harms are discussed in the article, is a favorite drink of many children and adults. The instant drink contains dyes and chemicals that make its taste, color and aroma similar to those made from natural powder. The benefits of cocoa beans in such a drink are minimal, since it contains no more than 20%. However, grated cocoa has beneficial properties because it contains vitamins and minerals present in the beans.


100 g of cocoa powder contains the following amounts of minerals:

  1. potassium (1524 mg) normalizes muscle function, therefore it is beneficial for the health of people with arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbances), since it can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks;
  2. phosphorus (734) is part of bone tissue and ensures its density, reducing bone fragility;
  3. magnesium (499), along with potassium, normalizes muscle function and is useful for those who suffer from cramps, as it can make them less frequent;
  4. calcium (128) is necessary for children during the period of active growth (daily requirement 800 mg), as well as for pregnant women (1000 mg), since it is the main element necessary for the formation and growth of bone tissue;
  5. sodium (21) ensures normal pressure in the intercellular fluid, due to which all necessary nutrients are transmitted to the cells;
  6. iron (13.86) reacts with oxygen in the body and forms hemoglobin, a deficiency of which can develop anemia (a disease characterized by low hemoglobin content and accompanied by fatigue, pallor, numbness of the extremities);
  7. zinc (6.81) is useful for children (daily requirement 15 mg), because it is part of bone tissue and prevents bone deformation;
  8. manganese (3.84) is involved in the metabolic processes of vitamins A, B and C and their absorption;
  9. Selenium (3.79 mcg) is beneficial for men's health because it stimulates testosterone production.

The beneficial properties of cocoa are also explained by the presence of vitamins in it:

  • PP (2.19 mg) cleanses the liver of “bad” cholesterol, removing its excess. Participates in redox processes, converting fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy necessary for breathing and movement;
  • B5 (0.25) is involved in oxidative processes and the breakdown of nutrients, converting them into energy, which is then spent on breathing and physical activity;
  • B2 (0.24) is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, as well as red blood cells. Beneficial for the health of people suffering from anemia (low hemoglobin), because it participates in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • B6 (0.12) is involved in the processing of amino acids. Protein molecules are subsequently built from them, cell division and tissue growth are ensured;
  • B1 (0.08) has antioxidant properties, strengthens cell membranes, and prevents the penetration of peroxidation products through them. It is these oxidation products that form insoluble formations in the cell cavity, which can lead to cancer;
  • B9 (32 mcg) is involved in the formation of the fetal nervous system, therefore it is indicated for pregnant women. Daily norm 500 mcg;
  • K (2.5 mcg) normalizes blood clotting and promotes rapid healing of injuries. For this reason, it is even included in healing skin creams and is prescribed before operations and childbirth to avoid bleeding.

The calorie content of cocoa powder is quite high and amounts to 289 kcal. At the same time, the drink without added milk and sugar contains 68.8 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of cocoa with milk is 94 kcal per 100 g. When sugar is added, it increases by another 10–15 kcal.

Therefore, it is better for children and adults to drink it in the morning. The body's biological rhythms cause more active enzyme production in the morning. As a result, proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the drink will be broken down faster. And energy consumption during the day will allow you to spend it without allowing the formation of fat deposits. Whereas if you drink the drink at night, then energy will not be consumed and breakdown will take place less actively, which will lead to the formation of fat deposits.

Benefits for the skin

Drinking the drink has a beneficial effect on the skin. It contains plant phenols procyanidins, which rejuvenate the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles. This is due to the fact that they bind collagen molecules, which maintains skin elasticity.

In addition, the drink contains melanin, which protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight. This not only helps reduce the rate of skin aging, but also prevents the development of cancer such as melanoma.

Vitamin K in the composition promotes rapid healing of wounds and injuries on the skin, ensures tissue restoration. The antioxidants in the drink also have a beneficial effect on the skin, removing toxins, slowing down aging and maintaining a healthy appearance.

Benefits for hair

Children and adults should also drink cocoa to improve the condition of their hair. Nicotinic acid (2.19 mg) in the drink has a positive effect on hair both when used internally and externally. It activates dormant hair follicles, stimulating the growth of new hair.

To achieve a noticeable effect, you need not only to drink cocoa, but also to make hair masks from it. When applied externally, nicotinic acid stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, so that nutrients reach the roots in greater quantities. This stimulates rapid hair growth.

The most popular mask made from milk and cocoa is used when it is necessary to quickly grow hair, as well as to get rid of bald spots. Mix two tablespoons of powder with 100 ml of hot milk. Pour a teaspoon of cognac into the mixture to smooth your hair.

Cool the mixture slightly and apply to the hair roots and scalp. Wrap them with film and a towel. Leave this mask on for 30–40 minutes, then rinse off. Use 2-3 times a week to reduce hair loss.

Important! This mask is not suitable for blondes, because cocoa can color the hair, giving it a yellow or brownish tint.

Benefits for the liver

Studies by Spanish scientists have confirmed the beneficial effects of cocoa on the liver in cirrhosis and fibrosis. The control groups included people with cirrhosis and liver fibrosis. The first control group consumed white chocolate, the second - dark chocolate containing cocoa. As a result, an improvement in the condition of the liver was noticed in the subjects included in the second group.

Consumption of cocoa leads to a decrease in surges in portal pressure (pressure in the liver). For patients with cirrhosis and fibrosis of the liver, these surges are dangerous, because they can cause rupture of the vessel. Indeed, with cirrhosis and fibrosis, the pressure in these vessels is already quite high, because blood cannot pass freely through the liver. It is assumed that this effect on the liver is associated with the antispasmodic relaxing effect of the vitamin-active substances flavonols (25 mg in 1 cup) that are part of cocoa.


Despite the fact that the benefits of cocoa are undeniable, there are also contraindications to its use. It should not be used by those who are concerned about their weight, especially at night. When consumed with sugar and milk, the calorie content of the drink is about 85 kcal per 100 g or about 200 kcal per cup (for comparison, sweet coffee with milk has 100–110 kcal per cup). The high calorie content of the drink will negatively affect your figure and lead to the formation of fat deposits.

Another contraindication is kidney disease. The drink contains purines (1900 mg) - natural substances found in the body of children and adults and involved in the mechanisms of storing hereditary information. However, if there is an excess, the substance reacts with salts and leads to the accumulation of uric acid in the body. Which, in turn, is harmful to health, because it leads to the formation of sand in the renal pelvis.

The high purine content also explains why cocoa is harmful to joints. Contraindications to its use are rheumatism, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout. Excess purines leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and can worsen the condition and complicate the course of the disease.

Also, children under three years of age should not drink the drink. The caffeine in the composition (5 mg per serving) has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and can unpredictably affect the immature nervous system of the child. For the same reason, both children and adults should not drink it at night, as it can cause sleep disturbances and insomnia.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. Read how to do this here.

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Cocoa is a tasty and healthy drink, which is recognized as a truly children's delicacy, but it is beneficial only if the child receives it at the right age and in moderate quantities. Questions remain relevant: when and how to introduce it into a child’s diet. The safest age for introducing cocoa into the diet should be considered 3 years.

From the age of three

Cocoa can be given to children 2 times a week in small quantities - half a regular mug or small mugs in the morning. The maximum amount per week is 4 cups. It is best served for breakfast, especially if the child refuses to eat in the morning. It is recommended to increase the volume of cocoa consumed at one time to the volume of a full cup only after 6 years, but no more than 2 per day - this portion will be quite enough to saturate the body with its beneficial properties.

Children over 10 years old

You can drink cocoa every morning. The maximum amount of natural cocoa should not exceed 0.5 g per day per 1 kg of child weight.

When can you offer cocoa?

Healthy children who do not suffer from food allergies and do not have problems with the digestive system are still allowed to introduce the drink earlier - from 2 years of age. But only sometimes as a rare dessert.

  • Children suffering from food allergies should not try cocoa until they are 3–5 years old; in most cases, even at school age, cocoa remains prohibited for them. It is better to administer it carefully, in small portions starting from once a week, depending on the characteristics of the child and his state of health.
  • Children with metabolic diseases, in particular purine deficiency (gout, kidney disorders), should not be given cocoa even at an older age.
  • It should not be given to obese children; it is better for them to drink unsweetened, low-calorie drinks.
  • Hyperactive children and choleric people do not need cocoa.

Attention! If, after consuming cocoa, a child develops signs of an allergy: rash, spots on the skin, itching, inflammation of the eyelids, cocoa should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted about the possibility of further use.

Why not before 3 years?

You should not experiment and introduce cocoa into your child’s diet before the required age. Tannins, excess sugar and the tonic properties of this drink will not benefit a small child. Theothrombin, 40 aromatic compounds - it makes sense to protect a one-year-old child from all allergens, so we can definitely say that a one-year-old child does not need cocoa. But even if you decide to give cocoa to your child before the required age, then give preference to a high-quality and natural product; you should not accustom your baby to Nesquik-type drinks. Cocoa should be a dark brown powder without flavoring additives or aromas, without lumps or grains, and dissolve well. High-quality cocoa should have a fat content of more than 15% and smell of chocolate.

Benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is rich in vitamins and microelements, improves mood and tones.

The benefits and harms of cocoa for children. Tips for choosing the best drink.

The sense of taste is perhaps the most vivid and fastidious in humans. We like to feel the ranges and shades of products and their combinations on our tongue. However, do we always think about their benefits?

Cocoa is an aromatic and invigorating drink that many people associate with childhood.

If you look into history, humanity has been drinking cocoa for a long time and with pleasure. He has especially many connoisseurs among children.

But every young mother, at a certain stage of her child’s growing up, begins to worry about the benefits and harms of a particular product for the baby’s health.

Today we’ll talk in more detail about cocoa and its benefits/harms for children.

Cocoa: benefits and harm for children

aromatic fresh cocoa in a teapot and two cups on the table

The beneficial properties of cocoa for a child’s body are:

  • rich chemical composition. These are vitamins, microelements, fiber, and natural acids/substances,
  • medicinal qualities that are clearly manifested in colds, diseases of the digestive system and skin,
  • low calorie content and at the same time high nutritional value, thanks to which you can easily replace your child’s second breakfast by brewing a cup of aromatic cocoa,
  • a boost of energy in the morning, which is sometimes lacking for a hypodynamic baby,
  • a worthy replacement for chocolate if the child has an addiction to the latter.

However, there are also harmful effects:

  • allergy. It can either arise from the consumption of cocoa or be congenital,
  • overexcitation of the body. Although caffeine is present in cocoa in minute doses, it is contraindicated for an overly active baby.
  • disrupts the process of calcium absorption. In different sources you will find conflicting opinions on this feature of cocoa. A number of nutritionists and medical specialists advise brewing cocoa with milk for children in order to neutralize this feature of beans. Therefore, make your own decision intelligently,
  • Contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

If your child has an allergy from birth, refrain from introducing cocoa into the diet at least until school age.

Think about it! Cocoa is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. If this fact occurs, then you should be careful with this drink. Even the Maya used it on special occasions and only by selected adults of the tribe.

At what age can a child be given cocoa?

a cup of cocoa and aromatic muffin on the table for breakfast

Based on data from websites about maternity, pediatrics and mothers’ forums, the age of a child to introduce cocoa into the diet ranges from 2-6 years.

Please take into account the absence of contraindications indicated in the section above.

Is it possible for a one- and two-year-old child to drink cocoa with milk?

delicious carob cocoa with milk in a glass on the table

Milk, by its properties, softens any other component that dissolves in it.

However, keeping in mind the contraindications of cocoa and the threat of allergies, it is better to refrain from such an early drink on the table of a one-year-old and two-year-old baby.

If your baby is absolutely healthy and has had no serious illnesses or allergies from birth to 2 years, is active and develops well, try treating him with a spoonful of aromatic cocoa.

How often can children drink cocoa?

teenage girl holding a cup of delicious cocoa in her hand

From the moment cocoa appears on the child’s table until school age, the permissible norm is 4 times every 7 days.

In this case, 1 time is equal to a cup with a volume of 50-70 ml. And it's better with milk and honey, not sugar.

Can children drink cocoa at night?

on the table there is a cup with aromatic cocoa and a sugar bowl

Categorically refuse this and do not give in to your child’s requests. Since cocoa contains invigorating substances, they can literally “drive away” sleep and cause hysterics, bad behavior and mood swings.

What is the best cocoa to buy for children?

freshly brewed cocoa in a cup on the table

If you are a supporter of cocoa and love it yourself, which is why you offer it to your child, choose the product correctly.

Some tips:

  • Pay attention to the country of production - cocoa beans should grow naturally in it. And this is not China at all,
  • fat percentage. In a quality product it reaches 15%,
  • harvesting method and grinding quality. Good cocoa without astringency is dried in the sun and in the ground alternately, and crushed to the state of dust, which does not clump together when rubbed with fingers,
  • powder color. The ideal range is dark to medium brown with no greyness,
  • additives and flavorings. Good cocoa should not have them.

If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and against any mental “stimulants,” replace cocoa with carob. Outwardly, it is very similar to the first one, and is similar in chemical composition, but without stimulating components. The second positive factor is that carob itself is sweet, which means that when brewing it, sugar is not needed for sweetening.

Buy carob in Ayurvedic or specialized health food stores.

So, we looked at the benefits and harmful properties of cocoa for children, and got acquainted with the opinion regarding the age of the child at which this drink can be introduced into the diet.

We paid attention to tips on choosing the best cocoa powder for brewing it for children, as well as with an alternative substitute for it.

Be conscious in choosing food for your child and take care of your health!

Video: the whole truth about cocoa

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