
What does the Masonic sign mean? Masonic symbols are all around us. Masonic eye in other cultures

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In this article you will find portraits of many famous and powerful men. They lived in different eras and accomplished their great deeds in different areas. They have completely different destinies. And what connects all these people is the following: each of them, posing for his ceremonial portrait... hid one hand over the side (of his jacket, frock coat, coat, vest, etc.). Would you say it's a coincidence?

As you know, we don’t really believe in such coincidences. Therefore, we will risk putting forward another version. We will try to prove that this gesture (let's call it the “hidden hand”) is nothing more than a secret sign, the roots of which should be sought in Freemasonry.

Stalin and Washington: polar ideologies, identical gestures

We have at least two reasons for such a statement:

1. The belonging of the majority of these representatives of the world elite to the brotherhood of “Freemasons” is a historical fact for which there is documentary evidence.

2. The gesture, which you and I agreed to call the “hidden hand,” is given special, very great importance in Masonic rituals. For example, in the ceremony of elevation to the Royal Arch step, when the newly initiated says the words: “This is what I recognize myself as a part of, what I believe in and what all my labors are aimed at.”

Royal Arch Step

The Royal Arch is considered to be the continuation and completion of the basic 3 degree Freemasonry. Its members are no longer called simply Brothers, but Companions, and gain access to the greatest Masonic sacraments. Such, for example, as “the secret name of God.”

The allegories of the dedication ceremony are based on the text of the Old Testament, the plot of the return of three skilled masons from Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem. During the ceremony, the initiate is given a secret word and gesture that should allow him to pass through several symbolic "veils".

Below is a gesture that is necessary to pass through the second “veil” (mention of which is found in Hebrews 9.3: “And behind the second veil was the tabernacle, called the “Holy of Holies”).

Mark of the Master of the Second Veil

According to Freemasonry researcher Malcolm Duncan, the Master says the following words: “In order to reach this stage, you had to become perfect Masters, but you cannot go further without my words. Here they are: Shem, Japheth and Adoniram; and my sign is this (hides his hand in his bosom).”

This gesture is a symbolic representation of the sign that was given to Moses by God himself:

“The Lord also said to him, “Put your hand in your bosom.” And he put his hand into his bosom and took it out, and behold, his hand was as white as snow with leprosy.

He also said, “Put your hand in your bosom again.” And he put his hand into his bosom; and he took it out of his bosom, and behold, it again became the same as his body.” (Exodus 4.6,7)

In these biblical verses, the heart (“sinus”) symbolizes the person himself, the hand - his deeds. Therefore, this plot can be interpreted in this way: a person represents what he does.

Perhaps this is the reason for the popularity of the “hidden hand” gesture among famous Masons. This sign allows members of the secret Brotherhood to recognize “their own.” In addition, the hand invisible behind the fabric may also be a hint of the secret nature of Freemasonry, closed to the uninitiated.

Napoleon Bonaparte is a man who set his sights on domination over the whole world, and almost achieved his goal. In 1798 he was initiated into the Philadelphia Masonic Lodge. His brothers Lucien, Louis and Jerome, five of the six members of the imperial council of war, six of the nine senior officials and 22 of the 30 marshals of France were Freemasons.

In one of the works of Freemasonry researcher J. E. S. Tuckett we find the following words:

“It is strange that the facts indicating that Napoleon the Great belonged to the Masonic brotherhood have not yet been studied in detail. Considering the colossal role of Napoleon in the politics of Europe of his time, the very time when continental Freemasonry formed its order out of chaos, it is safe to say that Bonaparte could not but have a serious influence on the development of Freemasonry.”

And another quote from Taket’s essay “Napoleon I and Freemasonry”:

“There is indisputable evidence that Napoleon was well acquainted with the nature, aims and organization of Freemasonry, and that he approved and applied the ideas of the Freemasons to the very end.”

There is also evidence that Napoleon regularly resorted to the help of mystical powers. In 1813, after the defeat of the French army near Leipzig, a Prussian officer discovered in the Kunstkamera the Book of Fate and the Oracle belonging to Napoleon personally. This Oracle was once found in one of the Egyptian burial grounds during a French military expedition in 1801. Napoleon ordered a translation to be made, and since then, he has often resorted to the “advice” of this book. Which, as they say, “was the impetus for his riskiest and most successful ventures.”

A man who planned to replace monarchies with socialist and then communist republics. Some Masons disown him, others claim that he was a bearer of the 32nd degree of the Grand Lodge.

George Washington, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, is considered "America's most powerful Freemason."

One of the most prolific and influential composers in the history of music. He was initiated on December 14, 1784, and by 1785 he had already been promoted to the degree of Master Mason.

Mozart was a convinced, passionate Freemason. His works are literally permeated with the views, ideas and symbols of the Brotherhood of Masons. This was most clearly demonstrated in the opera “The Magic Flute” (1791). Crowd scenes literally reproducing Masonic rituals are woven into its plot; it is not difficult to find obvious echoes with Masonic symbols denoting life, death, thought, action; characteristic of the Masonic philosophy of the trinity (three fairies, three boys, three geniuses, etc.).

In addition, having become a Master Mason, Mozart, within a short time, created many significant works intended specifically for Masonic rites and celebrations (such as accompanying ritual processions, joining new brothers into the lodge, etc.).

Solomon Rothschild is the founder of the Viennese branch of the famous Rothschild dynasty. This family, the most powerful on earth, greatly influenced the politics of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The Rothschilds played a key role in the emergence of Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel. They are considered one of the thirteen "major dynasties of the Illuminati."

General The most influential and famous of the leaders of the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies in America. National hero of Venezuela. Initiated into the Order of Freemasons in the city of Cadiz (Spain), into the Scottish degrees in Paris and knighted in the Commandery of the Knights Templar of France. Founder and Master of Lodge “Defender of Virtues” No. 1, (Venezuela) and Lodge “Order and Freedom” No. 2 (Peru).


All these people, depicted in portraits with a “hidden hand,” had enormous influence, and the majority of them belonged to Freemasonry has long been proven.

They could hold different views and belong to different political parties (communism vs. capitalism), but they had the same fundamental philosophy, faith and ultimate goal: the approach of a certain “Era of Reason and Enlightenment.”
As Confucius said: “The world is ruled by signs and symbols, not by words and laws.” The words and political beliefs of these people will eventually be distorted or forgotten, but the portraits will remain for centuries.

The Masonic Brotherhood distinguishes and brings them world influence and the lion's sharemoney of the whole earth- a special system of signs andcharacters which is their magical amulets.Masonic symbolsinteresting, multifaceted and complex, and their true understanding is available only to members of the Masoniclodge, but the approximate meaning of some has reached us. In this article we will look at famous Masonic symbols and their meanings.

Compass and square

Compass and square is one of the main and recognizable Masonic characters. Usually in the center of this symbol is a letter "G". As already mentioned, many Masonic symbols were borrowed from the times when the first masons were builders, but these symbols acquired a completely different meaning. According to one source, compass means firmament, A square - ground. Combining together, they form an interaction divine and earthly: “construction” of God and “construction” by man of his life on earth. Letter « G » in Masonic society has several meanings. One of them is the abbreviated word geometry, which unites two sides of existence. Another meaning is a shortened word God (God). One way or another, the letter « G » means - Supreme Being,Great Architect of the Universe located at the center of this world.

Book of the Sacred Law

The Book of the Sacred Law is no less significant and important symbol in Masonic bed, along with Compass and Square. This symbol is the torch of the Free Masons. Because masons are free in religion, each of the members lodge, has the right to choose which book he will consider sacred. Often this book is Bible, among Muslims - Koran, among the Jews - Torah. The point is that the book should be sacred to the Freemason himself. On Book of the Sacred Law during dedications and installations masons take various oaths. If in bed If there are several sacred books, then all the books are placed on the throne. Always located on top of the book Compass and Square.


A plumb line is known to be used in construction to measure the ideal verticality of walls and corners. So in the modern symbolism of Freemasonry, the plumb line matters truth. But this truth is expressed in the rightness of words and deeds before God and other people.


The level in construction work is used to measure a horizontal surface. In Freemasonry, this symbol acquired the meaning of the equality of all people before God. God's law is the same for everyone. God does not divide people into poor and rich, does not distinguish them by religion or nationality. Everyone has their own talents, virtues, goals, their own destiny and everyone deserves respect.

Kafinsky Knot

Kafinsky knot - one characters Freemasonry, meaning unity, friendship and brotherhood between Freemasons around the world.

Radiant Delta or All-Seeing Eye

The Radiant Delta is perhaps one of the most famous Masonic characters, around which there are many legends. The meaning of the Radiant Delta symbol is, of course, not so simple and unambiguous. In fact, the eye placed inside the triangle in Freemasonry means eternal presence, observation and providence "Great Builder of the Universe"(God).

This is an extremely important symbol for every Mason. Typically the symbol "All-seeing eye" located in the east of each lodge during ritual work. Basically, the symbol is depicted in the radiance of rays or a luminous halo, which is why it got its name - "radiant". This symbolic composition, among other things, should remind a member of the Masonic lodge that he has his own star, which helps him in life's trials and lights his path.

Masons and dollar

Surely, many have heard that the world famous and influential currency Dollar is decorated with many Masonic characters. The question immediately arises: Is this the secret of her stunning success? What kind of symbols are depicted on these world-famous money?

If you turn a one-dollar bill over to the reverse side, you can see a whole range of different symbols, most of them Masonic.

    On the left side of the dollar depicted truncated pyramid with the “All-Seeing Eye” on the top. What does this mean? Pyramid- as the oldest symbol of Egypt, meaning a model of society and the All-Seeing Eye - as an eternal divine presence, speaks of their mandatory relationship. If you look closely, you will notice that the pyramid consists of 13 brick tiers, where, according to the author of the image, each brick means a separate people or state.

    The truncation of the pyramid and its completion by the Radiant Delta speaks of the incompleteness of the universe without the power of the Supreme Essence, i.e. God.

    The inscription above the image of the pyramid - "Annuit Coeptis" translated as "blessed by the Almighty." In this case, All-seeing eye It has three main properties:mystery, power and miracle . Secret is that we see the eye, but we do not see the whole personality. Power lies in two definitions of “eye” - all-seeing and all-knowing. The miracle is that the All-Seeing Eye hangs in the air above the pyramid, without being part of it. And if in the center of this image we draw a six-pointed star of david- the main Jewish symbol, then you can read the word by the letters located on the tops of the star M.A.S.O.N.

    Under the image itself there is an inscription "Novus Ordo Seclorum", which translated means an interesting phrase - "New world order".

    On the right side of the banknote is depicted eagle, with a ribbon in its beak on which is written: "E PLURIBUS UNUM", which translated means "One over many."

    A closer look encounters a deliberate repetition of the number 13 everywhere.

- 13 petals in a branch in the paw of an eagle;

- 13 fruits on a branch;

- 13 arrows in the paw of an eagle (Arrows are a kind of knowledge and weapons that are ready, if necessary, to pacify the rebellious 13 tiers in the pyramid, i.e. 13 states);

- 13 stripes depicted on the flag, on the chest of an eagle;

- 13 5-pointed stars above the eagle's head;

- 13 letters in the words above the eagle;

And, as you know, number 13 has a special meaning in cabalistic culture - “ 13 degrees of initiation into the truth."

A little more about Masonic numerical patterns:

    Smooth 32 feathers on the right wing of the eagle means the number of degrees (degrees) in Scottish Freemasonry.

    33 feathers on the left wing, they talk about the 33rd highest degree, awarded for special Masonic merits.

    9 feathers in the tail of the eagle - means 9 degrees in the Chapter, Council and Command of the York Rite.

Well, and, of course, one cannot ignore the central Masonic slogan: « IN GOD WE TRUST » , meaning "IN GOD WE TRUST". And all these patterns are just part of the dollar symbolism. Therefore, it is not without reason that we can assume that the success of this world currency directly depends on magical and secret Masonic characters-amulets, which are incomprehensible to the uninitiated people. But now it has become possible to create a powerful Masonic amulet for money, more on that later.

The famous Masonic amulet on money

As already mentioned, the dollar bill is the most perfect and thoughtful banknote. The number and relationship of ancient mystical images depicted on it charactersamulets Freemasonry endows her huge magical power and energy . We can say that by itself, a one dollar bill can already serve powerful amulet or a talisman a person to attract money and good luck into his life . But for a money amulet to really work, desire and faith alone are not enough. There is one ancient method that came to us from the Freemasons and is still used today to create a powerful amulet for money . Unfortunately, the details of this method are known either by the Masons themselves, or by a few selected magicians and successful people. In short: for making Masonic amulet on money you need a one-dollar bill, an old coin (necessarily from a treasure!) and secret magical a conspiracy drawn up taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. The manufacturing process goes through several stages and takes several days. At the end of production, the master applies specially selected, for an individual case, magical formulas and signs to the banknote itself. Properly created Masonic amulet money has such powerful power that it shocks its owner almost immediately. Poor and unsuccessful people soon receive tempting offers, illuminating ideas come to them, and literally are attracted money and luck. With the help of a Masonic amulet, a once blocked money channel instantly opens, and a person begins to feel it. In time, master Masonic amulet on money, can manage cash flows on his own, feel and attract them into his life whenever he wishes. Among other things, a person becomes successful not only materially, but also spiritually. Symbolism and power Masonic amulet on money endows its owner with inner strength and the desire for personal development, which subsequently brings him happiness and satisfaction with life. This is very powerful amulet, truly absorbing the whole essence of the symbolism of the Freemasons and its mystical, hidden to the naked eye, magical power.

So, having many of our own carefully thought outcharacters andamulets , masonsknow how to influence realitygain luck and money and change the course of life. One of their inventions isdollar, what is it worth! dollar bill- truly perfectmagic banknote, capable of attracting youmoney luckand introduce, thanks to your energy, to the personal development that real masons. You just have to remember to Masonic amulet for money from a dollar bill helped you, it should be made by a real master, a magician, or even a Freemason himself, if you’re lucky, taking into account your individual situation. Then you will be able to believe in the power and influence of the Masoniccharacters, and more specifically real Masonic amulet on money, not in words, but in deeds!

Freemasonry is all about symbols. In no political or religious system do symbols play such a colossal and decisive role as in Freemasonry.
“Symbols provide thought with freedom and space.”
"The language in our lodges is allegorical."
This is how the Masons talk about themselves.
And Freemasonry uses these symbols, images and allegorical language so skillfully and widely that it not only enables its fellow Masons to unmistakably recognize where their friends are and where their enemies are, but also to force uninitiated “laymen” to serve Freemasonry against any of their will and desires.

Lukin. In the world of symbols 1936

The “Westernest” of currencies is branded on all sides with symbols of esoteric, that is, secret, intended for initiates of the teachings of the East.

We take out a bill worth 1 dollar. Let's turn it over. We see two round pictures. Let's go online. We type in the search engine the letters written at the foot of the pyramid MDCCLXXVI. We read what we found. So what did we find?

Here's what. These “round pieces” are not much, not little - but two sides of the GREAT SEAL of the USA. The weapon is more than serious. Accordingly, what is depicted on it is important, and even very important.

If this “super seal” is cut in half, you will get the picture that you see. And on the dollar it says so - “The great seal of the United States.” The left “round block” is a symbol of the priests of Egypt, the main ideological and information post of the world government - a pyramid with the eye of the “angel of light” of Satan above it, on the right - their invisible servants in the form of Freemasons with the Star of David from five-pointed stars.

Fold a dollar in half and you have the great double-sided seal of the United States. On one side are the priests, on the other are the masons. This is such an interesting gang. And the goal of this gang is simple - to make of us a worldwide cosmopolitan herd, or the politics of globalism.

Above the herd with mass culture is the world government led by Egyptian priests, and of course, the most important “Angel” - who looks at us from the pyramid. This “Angel” has three properties - mystery, power and miracle. A secret is something that you see with the eye, but you don't see the personality. Power is that the “eye” is all-seeing. Miracle is that the “eye” hangs in the air above the pyramid.

The purpose of this “command” is written on a ribbon in the eagle’s beak on the right. “E PLURIBUS UNUM”. Of course, this Latin is translated so that the people are not afraid, but in reality it means “one people out of many.” To make people think, they translate it as “unity in diversity”, etc. Under the pyramid there is an inscription - “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.” New World Order” or “New Order of Er.” Above the pyramid in Latin “ANNUIT COEPTIS” is translated as “He (God) blesses our deeds.” What kind of “hidden” God is in the triangle is now clear.

In the left corner of the bill, above the inscription “The great seai” (“Great Seal”), there is a Masonic pyramid of 13 brick steps.

In the pyramid itself, the bricks symbolize the unity of all money in the world, ordered in a hierarchy, which is determined by the top of the pyramid - a luminous Masonic triangle with the eye of the “Great Architect of the Universe”.

The aligned pyramid is a symbol of the world order established by the “free masons”. It expresses the Masonic idea that Freemasonry is predetermined by the role of the ruling clan, to which all the values ​​of other people will be transferred.

spell word M.A.S.O.N
(letters at the vertices of triangles)

Slogan “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” (immediately below)
hints at a new order in the world empire under the hegemony of the dollar.

It is very useful to show these inscriptions on the dollar to people who constantly claim that claims to world domination are all the fruits of the sick imagination of patriots and anti-Semites. This entire composition of ancient Masonic symbols was developed on the instructions of Rothschild, the first sketch was made by Adam Weishaupt, and the designer was the Russian Freemason artist Roerich. But the symbolism itself dates back to the time of Ancient Egypt.

Do you think these are all fairy tales? Then why is the same symbol on the Ukrainian 500 hryvnia banknote?

more details:
In ancient times, slavery was legal. It was obvious to people. There were slave owners (masters).
They had slaves who worked for slave owners.

Centuries passed like this. And although the slaves tried to escape from slavery (like Spartacus), they failed. Why? It's all about knowledge. Slave owners had certain knowledge. Including knowledge of how to “bewitch” and manage people.

At a certain stage, high-ranking slave owners realized that the best slave is the one who does not even understand that he is a slave, but enjoys his chains. Thus, the occult part of the ancient Egyptian priesthood moved from obvious slavery to hidden slavery.

For this purpose, various ideologies and creeds were created. Such as Judaism is a religion for (Jews) slave owners and Christianity is a religion for (goyim) slaves. The Jews are managers-slave owners of the lower and middle levels. This is why Jews are in power in all Christian countries.

The one-dollar bill depicts a diagram of the structure of such an unjust slave society - a pyramid. At the bottom there is an inscription in Latin: “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” - “new world order”. In another diagram you see two pyramids: the “pyramid” of the structure of society and the “pyramid” of knowledge.

The entire Jewish-Masonic system of governing the world is a developed pyramid, and at different levels of this pyramid of management they provide a different system of knowledge. The zero lowest level of initiation (into Judaophilia) is Christianity. (slaves and protectors). Further from the first stage to 34 comes Judaism. Starting from 34 degrees and above, they already begin to give such a religion as Kabbalah. Kabbalah is a more serious teaching. Jewish Kabbalah is a stripped down and distorted version of ancient pagan knowledge from such sciences as: Numerology, Astrology, Alchemy, Magic. Kabbalah is the main Jewish magical information weapon, compared to which Judeo-Christianity is a child's toy for a crowd of fools.

On the right side of the bill, the American eagle holds a shield with 13 stripes, in the right paw there is a symbol of peace - an acacia branch with 13 leaves and 13 flowers, and in the left - a symbol of war - a bunch of 13 arrows.

In the eagle's beak there is a ribbon with a traditional Masonic slogan, again consisting of 13 letters: “EPLURIBUS UNUM” (“Unity in diversity”).

The six-pointed Star of David from 13 Masonic pentagrams - five-pointed stars - hovers above the eagle.

The one-dollar bill was introduced into circulation in the late 1930s at the initiative of the famous Freemason Henry Wallace, then vice president.

USA motto, inscription on the dollar.
"New Order for the Ages"

Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum; MDCCLXXVI
A new order of ages is predicted; 1776

Audacibus annue coeptis
Be supportive of new beginnings

Fortes fortuna adjuvat
Fate helps the brave

The inscription on the dollar surrounding the Masonic symbols and the date of the US Declaration of Independence.

E pluribus unum From many - unity

On the left side of the one-dollar bill, made according to the plan of the theosophist Sergei Makronovsky (aka Nicholas Roerich) and by order of the future US Vice President, Freemason Henry Wallace, the world's "New Order for the Ages" is clearly presented in the form of a Masonic, truncated pyramid, dominated by an isolated peak designated by the symbol of the Masonic deity - the “Great Architect of the Universe.” This makes it clear which god the motto inscribed in the center of the banknote refers to:
"In God We Trust"

The truncated pyramid itself, consisting of thirteen brick tiers, where each brick represents an individual nation or state with its coin, symbolizes the incompleteness of humanity without an all-powerful “top.” The symbol of the powerful “peak” - the triangular eye of the “Great Architect of the Universe” - is crowned with a Latin inscription of thirteen letters: “Annuit Coeptis”, which clearly emphasizes that the “chosen” class is destined to rule the world. This is evidenced by the inscription below, in English: “The Great Seal”, symbolizing, in accordance with a number of traditions, the ownership of wealth and goods and the subordination of services and labor energy to the owners of the “Seal”. The described meaning of the pyramid is confirmed by the Latin inscription: “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, that is, “New order for centuries”.

On the right side of the banknote there is an image of an "American" eagle carrying a shield with thirteen stripes and holding in its right paw an acacia branch with thirteen leaves and thirteen buds. Acacia is known to be the sacred tree of Freemasonry, opening the tomb of Hiram, its legendary founder, and symbolizing the strength of Masonic tradition and organization, the possession of secret knowledge and the ability of resurrection or immortality. The arrows in the eagle's left paw symbolize knowledge and powers designed to pacify and, if necessary, kill enemies (rebellious subjects), therefore each of the thirteen arrows ideally threatens one of the thirteen tiers that form the pyramid of enslaved humanity. If we look more broadly, they personify the success that should accompany progress towards the highest goal of the world “New Order for the Ages”. What is this goal?
"Out of Many - One"

On the $1 bill, the annoying repetition of the number 13, which in Kabbalistic symbolism signifies the 13 degrees of initiation, is striking.
13 leaves in a palm branch of an eagle,
13 olives in a palm branch,
13 arrows in his other paw,
13 stripes on the flag on his chest,
13 5-pointed stars above the eagle's head,
13 steps at the pyramid,
13 letters in words above the pyramid,
13 letters in words above the eagle,
13 beads to the right and left of the “seal” circles (2 times 13)

Total 10 times 13. Where are the other 3? And they are disguised.

On the eagle's shield there are only 12 thin horizontal lines, but at the top there is space left for one more, the last, 13th line

In the center of the bill is a large letter “N” - number 13 in the ancient Greek alphabet.

And the “double” pyramid again contains 13 vertices (8 on the lower truncated one and 5 in the “eye” on top)

They say that this is because there were originally 13 states. But it’s not that simple. At first there were 12 of them, and 13 were organized by force in order to “get into the number.”

At the bottom of the pyramid is the year of the founding of the United States in Latin numerals (1776), and also the year from the devil - if you subtract 1110 from it, then the remainder 666 is the number of the devil. Oh, and Kabbalists love symbolism! Exactly 13 years later, the Freemasons staged a revolution in France. This date is indicated on the obverse of the dollar in the green circle on the right, as the date of the creation of the Masonic center in France. In the same circle there are 13 stars on a broken line. That is why they were then called Frank-Masons. Then they moved to the USA
According to the Masonic doctrine of the origin of the world, borrowed from ancient materialistic teachings, at the beginning of existence there was only “One,” which then disintegrated and is still disintegrating into a “Many” of various beings, objects and phenomena, forms and names, types and categories. So, the ideal goal is to destroy the “Multitude”, to eliminate the wealth of diversity inherent in people, their cultures and traditions; all this is for the sake of restoring the renewed “One”. That is why the eagle holds in its beak a ribbon with a Latin inscription-motto of thirteen letters: “E Pluribus Unum” (“Out of Many, One”). In a narrow sense, thirteen is the number of degrees of energy development and human transformation. In a broader sense, thirteen acts as a symbol of the incompleteness of the world and its need to be led by a separate “top,” for only under this superpower will it supposedly gain integrity and avoid the danger that this number also symbolizes.
Above the eagle hovers the Star of David, composed of thirteen Masonic five-pointed stars and originally symbolizing the “reconciliation of opposites,” the reconciliation of “heaven” and “earth.” Here she personifies the ideal of erasing the richness of human differences and corresponding values.

A sample of the one dollar bill was introduced during the presidency of F.D. Roosevelt in the late 30s on the initiative of the famous Freemason Henry Wallace, then vice president.

Zero kilometer sign on Red Square

Octagon, Nothing special? But you were told that squares in the Jewish Talmud have a very specific black magic meaning.

"The project of a monumental sign marking the beginning of the kilometer counting of the most important highways of the USSR was developed by order of the USSR MINAVTODOR by a team of authors in 1985. The authors - Architect I.N. Voskresensky and sculptor A.I. Rukavishnikov - proposed a solution used in world practice: the sign "0" km in Madrid, a sign at the site of the burning of Savanarolla in Florence, etc." - Savonarolla, by the way, was the Trotsky of 15th century Florence. Is this such an honor for him for the genocide of the Florentines? Look at the portrait of Savo-narolla:
Russian Orthodox Saint Maxim (with a show-off) “Greek” was the best student of Savonaryla and more. The question is, what could Savonarylo teach Maxim the Greek, and Maxim the Greek the Russian aborigines? I would also like to know how many specific “etc.”, that is, such signs - Iahu’s octacles - have been made by similar sculptors around the world?

The gesture has many meanings. a) An alternative gesture forming the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. If you point down with two fingers, it means that Satan is imprisoned in hell and will not be able to bring harm to people. But if two fingers are raised up, this is a symbol of the triumph of the devil, the victory of evil over good. b) During World War II, Winston Churchill popularized this sign to indicate victory, but to do so, the hand is turned back to the speaker. If during this gesture the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture takes on an offensive meaning - “shut up.” c) During the Hundred Years' War, the French cut off two fingers of captured archers, with which they pulled the bow string. And the lucky owners of a full set of fingers teased their enemies by showing a “V” with their hand, palm turned towards themselves. The French considered this gesture offensive to themselves. So this sign is still considered indecent in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand...

On January 13, 1822, the activities of all secret societies and Masonic lodges were banned in Russia, and in 2007, the most mysterious organization in the world reopened its lodge in Russia. Today it already includes about 400 people. Our review contains facts about Freemasons in Russia.

Freemasonry, whose history goes back 300 years, remains the most closed organization today. Freemasons are credited with untold wealth, incredible influence in the world, secret conspiracies, revolutions and the overthrow of rulers.

History of Freemasonry

Freemasonry originated in London on June 24, 1717. On that day, 4 lodges, which included artisans and which were named after the taverns where artisans gathered - "Apple", "Crown", "Grape Brush", "Goose and Tray" - united and became the Grand Lodge of London. Later, nobles, businessmen and intellectuals began to join the brotherhood of “free masons”. This day is still celebrated today by members of the lodge as the main Masonic holiday.

Some historians claim that Freemasonry appeared in Russia in the middle of the 18th century, and its founders were Peter I and his associates Franz Lefort and Patrick Gordon. But this version has no documentary evidence.

The path to Freemasonry is closed to women

It is known that the Russian Masonic lodge meets once a month. A candidate for Freemasonry must have recommendations from 2-3 “brothers”. A prerequisite is to complete the “blindfolded survey” (in front of your eyes). The main question asked of the applicant is his motives for joining the lodge. Voting takes place with white and black balls. If a candidate has collected 3 black balls, then he is denied access not only to the Masonic, but also to any other secret lodge.

At a meeting of the lodge, its current members read reports of a moral and philosophical nature, the so-called “architectural works”. After the official part - agape (dinner). The Masons always raise the first toast to Russia, the second to the President of Russia, and the third to the lodge. Women are not accepted as “free masons”.

Masonic symbols are associated with construction themes

Masonic symbols are mostly associated with construction themes: a ruler and a plumb line are a symbol of equality of classes, a hammer is a symbol of the fact that members of the lodge do not give up profane life, a compass is a symbol of the public, a protractor is a symbol of justice. In addition, five-pointed and six-pointed stars, a triangle with an all-seeing eye placed inside, a round hat, a coffin, a skull, bones, a stone, etc. are considered Masonic symbols.

Masonic symbols can be seen on Russian medals and coins from Tsarist times. There is an opinion that the coat of arms contains several Masonic symbols. The hammer is one of the main attributes of Freemasonry, the sickle is a symbol of death, and the intersection of these two symbols is interpreted as the establishment and maintenance of the power of the Freemasons with the help of the most brutal and bloody repressions. Followers of this version interpret ears of wheat as a symbol of wealth, money and prosperity.

If we talk about other countries, the Masonic sign is also on the US dollar bill. However, the affiliation of most American presidents with Freemasonry today is beyond doubt.

On the Ukrainian 500 hryvnia banknote there is the “All-Seeing Eye”. This element is part of the “Pythagorean Triangle” drawing by the Ukrainian poet and philosopher Grigory Skovoroda. On the Ukrainian 1 hryvnia coin (issued in 2001) there is an acacia tree, which is the sacred tree of the Freemasons and denotes immortality.

In Russian capitals you can conduct an excursion tour of Masonic sights

Experts in Moscow architecture are confident that it is quite possible to organize a “Masonic Moscow” tour in the Russian capital. Buildings with Masonic symbols erected in the 18th century by the Masonic architect Vasily Bazhenov have survived to this day: the Tsaritsyno estate and the Tsar's Traveling Palace on the Leningradskoe Highway. There are Masonic signs both on the mansion of the famous Freemason Prince Gagarin in Gagarinsky Lane, and on the old building of Moscow State University on Mokhovaya.

But still, the most Masonic city in Russia is St. Petersburg. In the cultural capital of Russia, several thousand Masonic artifacts have been preserved today: the Stroganov Palace, the Kazan Cathedral, the Mikhailovsky Castle, the domes of the Trinity Cathedral - each of these buildings has Masonic signs and symbols.

Masons have secret signs

None of the Masonic lodges will accept a visiting Mason without a letter of recommendation or a telephone call from the “fraternal lodge”. Having discovered a stranger in their circle, the Masons, warning each other, say: “It’s raining.” The call of the world pioneer organization “Be ready!” - a purely Masonic motto.

Masons call non-Masons "laymen"

The word “profane” in relation to non-members of the secret lodge is used by Masons in its original meaning – “pro fane”, which means “standing at the threshold”. This indicates that the person is not privy to the secrets of the Order. Therefore, “layman” among the Masons is not an offensive word. And Ozhegov’s dictionary interprets this word as “ignorant in any area.”

Among the Russian Freemasons were Pushkin and Kerensky

There is no algorithm by which one can calculate a person’s membership in the Masonic lodge. This secret organization keeps the lists of its members in the strictest confidence. If the person himself has not openly confirmed that he is a member of the lodge, then it is impossible to get a reliable answer to the question about Freemasonry.

According to unconfirmed information, the Freemasons were Pushkin, Kutuzov, Radishchev, Suvorov, Fonvizin, Karamzin, Muravyov-Apostol, Ryleev, the artist Bryullov, Petliura, the composer Rimsky-Korsakov, the princes Volkonsky, Golitsyn, Vyazemsky, Trubetskoy, Kurakin, Razumovsky.

Interesting fact
The Masons' favorite composer is Mozart. According to legend, he was poisoned because he revealed Masonic secrets in his Magic Flute. When The Magic Flute is performed at the Vienna Opera, several dozen people in the audience always stand up - these are the Freemasons.

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