
Money fortune telling for today. Fortune telling with Tarot cards for money “Full Cup”. What do the cards say?

Guessing on playing cards map X Almost any person who is not seriously involved in magic can do it. For fortune telling playing maps on money you just need to know and understand the meanings of cards and suits and master the methods fortune telling and layouts. Before start any fortune telling Necessarily read the general rules fortune telling! In order for the predictions to be accurate, and to cause as little “energetic” harm to yourself as possible, you need to adhere to certain rules fortune telling .

Before the beginning next fortune telling take the game deck of 36 cards, which no one has ever played. It would be better if it was a special fortune-telling or a new deck of cards. Basic condition- believe in the power of cards and that they will give you the right answer! One should not guess out of idle curiosity.

So here you go one of the simple but reliable fortune telling on money using playing cards.

Shuffle the deck of playing cards as much as you think is necessary and as you feel. Then, at random, but at the same time trusting your intuition, draw from the deck 9 cards, so that they must be "shirts" up. Start arranging drop downs cards from left to right. Turn over cards. Pay attention to which suit is more of the dropped cards. Look at the meaning of this suit for predictions about money .


If they fell out in greater quantities Crosses (clubs)) - this speaks of operations and related matters money. What these things will be, favorable or not, must be interpreted based on the whole scenario. If the most of the cards dealt spades suit- this is a warning. Don't waste money left and right. Save money. Financial difficulties are possible. If the schedule is replete diamonds and hearts suit, it means that soon new opportunities, financial success and changes await you. And how successful these opportunities will be, you can find out by turning to a more detailed interpretation of playing cards and suits.

The meaning of cards by suit


Ace- one of the best and most favorable cards. Means great luck and new opportunities to earn or receive money. There is a real chance to get rich. Don't miss it!

King - map speaks of a certain person who will appear in your life and help solve your material problems. This may be your partner, but it could also mean a new one. person, thanks to which you will have money .

Lady- business cooperation with a woman. Try to be vigilant and careful, think over all the details of the transaction.

Jack- it is quite possible that your salary will soon be raised or you will be offered overtime work for a fee. This map speaks of favorable opportunities, but not of great wealth.

Ten- good map. Predicts a confident financial situation and financial success. But this is also a warning that you should not invest large sums of money in dubious projects now.

Nine- given map indicates that in the near future one of your friends or relatives will need to borrow from you money on credit.

Eight- get ready for a quick profitable business trip. Thanks to this trip you will have new financial opportunities and money .

Seven- precarious financial situation. Be careful and careful with your monetary means. It’s too early to think about wealth.

Six - as usual, and in the scenario for money, six means road. A dropped six of hearts predicts either a business trip or a trip related to monetary affairs in which you meet someone useful to you person. This meeting will contribute to your monetary profits and solving financial issues.



Ace - favorable map. News about monetary affairs and operations. There may be major expenses ahead. monetary funds.

King - map indicates that if you have any problems with your money, contact your trusted friend. He will help you with ease.

Lady - map predicts some pleasant waste of money. You are more likely to give a gift or spend N- I have a sum of money for my loved one person.

Jack - you will have to lend someone a lot money.

Ten- expect in the near future either an influx of money or an expensive gift.

Nine - Obstacle, closed path. Something will interfere with your monetary affairs.

Eight - map warns that they will soon ask you for a loan and in the future they will not return these money. Not the best time to give money in debt to someone.

Seven - if you have recently experienced financial difficulties, then the seven of tambourines indicates that in the near future you will breathe freely, you will have money to their decision.

Six- luck and success in monetary affairs. Wait for the money to arrive.

Crosses (Clubs):

Ace - unfavorable map . Cash and financial difficulties, bankruptcy.

King- do not believe promises at work, as well as when concluding deals. Most likely they are misleading you and trying to deceive you. Don't wait for the money to come.

Lady- help from a woman I know well.

Jack - some young Human will try to deceive you and involve you in an unreliable business. Be extremely careful and beware of this.

Ten - favorable opportunity to earn additional money.

Nine- receipt of money, albeit small.

Eight - map talks about protracted monetary problems, financial collapse.

Seven - expenses for paying bills, loans and debts. Be mentally and financially prepared for this.

Six - a waste of money, often useless and unpromising.



Ace - bad map . Unexpected troubles related to work or business.

King - map talking about person who is eyeing you and wants to deceive or rob you. Think about who in your environment this could be.

Lady - do not enter into deals with women in the near future, most likely the deal will fail and lead to monetary losses.

Jack - talks about a young man or a young friend person And monetary operations with it.

Ten - bad map . Don't expect good luck anytime soon money. Unexpected change of plans in business or at work.

Nine- breaks in old business ties, loss of business partners.

Eight- loss of money. Failures in business. Deception. Betrayal.

Seven - conflict with superiors or business partner.

Six - travel related to decision monetary and material issues.

In this article:

Fortune telling for prosperity and wealth has existed for a long time. There are special prediction techniques using playing cards and solitaire, rituals on banknotes and coins, on cereals, fire, and others.

In addition, numerous universal tools can be used to answer this question.

Ancient fortune telling for money

Every person dreams of wealth; this desire has existed as long as people themselves have existed. Whether now or centuries and millennia ago, man always wanted to have enough means to subsist, and dreamed that he would have more of these means than others.

That is why fortune telling with money has a very long history and is very popular in our time.

Fortune telling about the receipt of funds

For this fortune telling you will need a standard playing deck. Shuffle the cards, concentrating on your question about wealth, and then pull out 9 random cards and place them in a row face down on the table. Now reveal the cards one by one from left to right. When all the cards are revealed, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the dominant suit.

If your layout is dominated by red cards - diamonds or hearts, this means that at present there is no immediate change in your financial situation, you need to work more and take active steps to achieve your dream of wealth.

If the suit of spades dominates on the table, this is a bad omen, and you need to cut expenses as soon as possible, do not plan large purchases and try to save as much money as possible, since you may soon need a large sum for unforeseen needs.

The best sign is considered to be a layout in which clubs predominate, because they have been associated with money since ancient times. If there is more of this suit on your table, then you can really get rich in the near future. But even with such a prediction, you should not relax, because any fortune-telling is only a possibility, not an inevitability. Work and move towards your goal and remember that fate and fortune favor you.

If you learn how to make diagnostics on maps, it will help you in many situations

How to guess with money on water

This is an ancient and very simple version of predicting the future, which people have been using for many hundreds of years. To carry out such fortune telling, you will need clean, or better yet, spring water. On the night of the new moon, fill a transparent glass with water and place it on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in the liquid; if this is not possible, it will be enough for rays of moonlight to fall into the water, open the window. After that, go to bed.

Early in the morning, go to the water and carefully look at the contents of the glass. If any objects appeared in the water overnight, this is a sure sign that in the near future, if not wealth, then significant financial income awaits you. It is also worth noting that the more foreign objects there are in the glass, and the larger they are in size, the greater the profit you will make.

Ritual with coins

This method can hardly be called ordinary fortune telling; rather, it is a whole magical ritual in which active actions are required from the performer. This ritual is performed only during the waxing moon, preferably immediately after the new moon.

Prepare coins of all denominations that are currently in use: 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, total: 8 pieces. Coins should be selected in the best possible condition; they should not be heavily soiled or damaged. They also need to be thoroughly washed and polished to make them look like new.

All these actions are necessary for fortune telling, but it is also worth remembering that the more carefully you carry out all these actions, the more carefully and accurately you treat coins, the more likely it is that you will not only recognize your future, but will also be able to attract material well-being.

This method is characterized by careful preparation for the session.

You need to put all the prepared coins in a new bag made of natural fabric; if it is not possible to get a new one, you can use the used one, the main thing is that it is clean. Place the bag at the head of your bed or under your pillow and leave it there for one night. The next evening, place a thick red candle and a small bowl of cereal on the table. Also take out a bag of coins, make a wish for wealth and financial well-being, and then in one motion pour the coins from the bag into a cup of cereal.

Take any oblong wooden object, such as a wooden spoon, and slowly stir the contents of the bowl, then cover it with the bag containing the money. Now you need to take a handful of its contents from the bowl without looking and place it on the table in front of you. Depending on the number and denomination of coins in front of you, you can make a prediction about your financial well-being in the future.

  • 1 kopeck - Challenges and a possible shortage of funds await you ahead, learn to save money.
  • 5 kopecks - To get rich, you need to carefully monitor your expenses.
  • 10 kopecks - No serious financial income is expected in the near future.
  • 50 kopecks - A sign of average income, as well as help; it is likely that in the near future one of your relatives or friends will need money.
  • 1 ruble - You will have financial income, but you can spend it on gifts or holidays.
  • 2 rubles - Soon you will unexpectedly receive a small but pleasant profit; if you invest this money in a business, then in the future it will give a very good income.
  • 5 rubles - It is likely that you will soon receive serious income, this may be due to a promotion on the career ladder or an unexpected win (successful sale of something).
  • 10 rubles - The largest coin, which indicates that your financial situation will soon change dramatically; you will have numerous and large cash receipts related to work or business. At the same time, if you took out only this one coin, then the financial income will be large, but short-lived, and you need to use it wisely.

If you haven’t pulled out a single coin, don’t be too upset, this is not a bad sign at all, it simply indicates that your monetary situation will not change in the near future. There is also a possibility that the fortune telling did not take place at all. In any case, you should repeat the ritual in a month, on the next new moon.

The most favorable situation is considered to be when the performer managed to pull out more than half of all the coins in the bowl onto the table. This means that in the near future he will receive serious financial income from various sources.

We can say that if you pulled out a lot of coins, then soon you will literally attract wealth to yourself. You've probably met or heard about such people who make a profit no matter what they do. In this case, you can be congratulated, you really have the opportunity to get rich. The main thing is to use it correctly.

How to find out whether your planned business will bring profit? When will I become rich? What can enrich me? Fortune telling with money will help answer all these questions. Financial issues have always worried people. To satisfy their curiosity, they used to go to sorcerers and magicians. These days you can do it yourself, at home. So how can you find out about your future financial situation?

There are many money fortune telling using playing cards. The first fortune telling will reveal to you the truth about your financial situation in the near future. Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle and lay out a row of nine cards. Take cards from the deck in random order. After that, look at what fell out. Or rather, on the suits of the dropped cards. If most of them are clubs, then expect significant profits in the near future. If there are a lot of spades, then there will be no increase in your wallet. Moreover, be careful with your money; it is likely that you will face expenses and losses. If you get a lot of cards of the heart suit, your financial situation will remain the same, nothing will change in the near future. Many cards of the diamond suit are a sign that both losses and gains await you ahead.

The next fortune telling will reveal to you the secrets of your future financial situation. Take several coins of different denominations: 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles. Place them in a bag full of any cereal. There should be so much grain that it completely covers all the coins. Shake the entire contents of the bag thoroughly and place it under your bed. This fortune telling is best done before bed. The next morning, take the bag out from under the bed and, with your eyes closed, take a full handful of cereal from there with your left hand. Look what you got with the cereal. The coin you pulled out will reveal the secret of your future financial situation.

10 kopecks means that you should not expect profit in the near future. Moreover, it is likely that your wallet may be empty from unexpected expenses. Be more careful with your money and try to spend less.

50 kopecks is a sign that soon you will have to help financially someone close to you. Be prepared for this; you should not refuse someone in need in difficult times.

1 ruble is a sign that very soon a very large acquisition awaits you, which you have been planning for a long time.

2 rubles is a sign that you will receive an unexpected profit. It won't be that big, but it will be nice. It is quite possible that your debts will be repaid or you will accidentally find money.

5 rubles is a harbinger that you will be very lucky in the near future. You will attract money. Expect your income to increase. Most likely, this will be related to a promotion, opening your own business, winning the lottery, or selling real estate.

10 rubles is the most favorable outcome of fortune telling for future profits. If you got this coin, then in the near future you will be able to increase your income, and it will continue to grow rapidly. The business from which you expect profit will go well.

If you haven't drawn a single coin, don't be upset. It is quite possible that your financial situation will not change in the near future. In this case, try repeating this fortune telling in a week or month.

There are many other fortune telling for money. You can find out about the likelihood of making a profit in different ways: using rune fortune telling or Tarot fortune telling. In order to find out the truth about the future, fortune telling methods are not particularly important. What is more important is the attitude and focus on the process. This is the most important guarantee of accurate prediction.

If we are talking about magic, then let's look at the topic that is closest to us. This is the theme of the magic of money. The crisis on a global scale has not brought us much grief. Well, just think, in countries far from us the banking system is collapsing. So let her disappear from us too. They have already delayed us with their loans and deposits. However, the crisis in our country has brought us a lot of trouble and trouble: there was nothing left to give out loans, they stopped giving back deposits, prices soared sky-high, and salaries and pensions remained at pre-crisis levels. It is not surprising that people begin to have a panicky fear of the future and an acute longing for the old days, when shares, payments, dividends were not part of our lives, but existed separately from us; when you could get a job at any time, and there was enough money for everything. Perhaps the politicians who dragged our country into the cycle of events are to blame for this. Or perhaps our attitude towards money has changed. We have lost the ability to manage money correctly, and money has changed its attitude towards us.

Money and us

You can check how we feel about money by doing a Tarot card spread. The cards that fall out will tell you what is going wrong in our attitude towards money. Perhaps we think too much about the lack of them, and thereby only exacerbate this lack. Or maybe the word ruble itself comes from the word chop, and we ourselves chop our money. We can't change anything here. We can only perceive the ruble as it is, and think about what way or path to take so that there are more of these rubles. Let's look at the magical Tarot pictures. Here every card is an oracle and a fortune teller. Is it really impossible to increase the funds in our wallet with the help of cards? Of course, it is possible and necessary. But not in that sense, go there and take the money there. There is no such thing in Tarot cards, and cannot be. But what needs to be done for money to become frequent guests with us can be suggested by the money layout, in which both the Major and Minor Arcana are used.

In practical magic, some simple ways to attract money are considered:

  • As a talisman, you can use an irreplaceable nickel, which under no circumstances should be spent. Always carry this amulet with you, and you should not part with it.
  • You can take a handful of coins from a person who has achieved a high position, both morally and materially, and put them in your wallet. Money, accustomed to going to money, will definitely find its way to your wallet. Store these coins separately and do not mix with others. Don't waste them.
  • Clean up your wallet: throw away unnecessary checks, receipts and provide the rightful owners of the wallet with the opportunity to sit comfortably in it. Money should feel comfortable in your wallet, so that when it leaves it, it wants to return quickly.
  • Make a money deal.

So, there are many ways to attract money. And today, more and more often, many people use the latter option.

Secrets of the effectiveness of Tarot readings for money

The presence or lack of money is a situation that can be considered using the “Magic Squares” layout. It was made in ancient times. That is why it is considered one of the oldest and most respected. Magicians of the Renaissance resorted to this arrangement in order to clarify the situation. They considered the square a magical figure that has its own secret symbolism. The square is the personification of stability, matter, well-being. The “Magic Squares” layout is rightfully considered universal. Since it is excellent for describing any situation, both in a specific case and when a person cannot clearly describe the situation, but wants to hear about his entire prospects. When laying out the cards, pay attention to what the Tarot pictures want to convey to you. Choose a significator - a card, the image on which will best match the person who came to clarify the situation, and immediately begin to carry out the layout.

Tarot spread for money " Full bowl» will show the cause of financial difficulties, tell you what to do in the near future to increase your well-being, and also show events and circumstances that will help improve your financial situation.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Layout diagram and meaning of Tarot cards in fortune telling for money “Full Cup”

Card 1 – The main reason for financial difficulties in the present
Card 2 – Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation
Card 3 – What personal qualities or actions are necessary to increase your material wealth
Card 4 – What needs to be done to improve well-being

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

The main reason for financial difficulties in the present

You see the Knight of Pentacles talking about stability and security. This is an atmosphere favorable for fruitful, productive work, satisfaction, and joy from work. Perseverance, endurance, diligence, endurance and endurance. The need to bring valuable, solid ideas to life. Time for action. Trust and responsibility. Methodical, patient, able to quickly bring any task to an end, a mature person, willing to make contacts. Demanding of himself, develops his talents, always collected, traveler, well informed.

Situation, events or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation

The Tower card foreshadows destruction, the collapse of the existing order of things, plans and expectations. Maliciousness from outside. Humiliation, shame, deception. Deprivation of liberty. The collapse of the existing way of life under the pressure of external forces. A break up. Sudden move, flight. Forced disposal of old ballast, which looks like a disaster. Non-recognition of authorities, scandalousness.

What personal qualities or actions are necessary to increase material wealth?

You see the Ten of Pentacles - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth, wisdom, happy well-being, achieved in the absence of haste. The onset of a stable period in life, not overshadowed by financial problems. Success, growth of wealth, inheritance. Prosperous family. Passing on traditions and family values. Complete immersion in your chosen business. Absorption in the prosperity and security of the current moment.

What needs to be done to improve well-being

You have received the Five of Wands, which symbolizes competition, struggle, differences of opinion, a contest of strength. The determination to willingly accept a challenge based on the opportunity to prove oneself. The onset of a tense but promising period in life, requiring you to show all your abilities and endurance, is a test of strength. Gaining life experience. Feuds, conflicts, competition, instability, difficulties with housing, greed, inflated demands.

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