
What does the law of negation of negation express? Basic laws of dialectics: the law of the negation of the negation The law of the negation of the negation. Founder of the law of double negation

the transition that occurs in the process of self-development, self-organization, self-improvement of a thing from one of its states to another with the preservation of everything positive that was in the original one; this law reflects the direction of development, i.e. everything develops along a spiral expanding from turn to turn. This is the connection between the past and the future through the present. This law is a separate moment (form of manifestation) of the law of development of a measure.

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Law of the negation of negation (law of dialectical synthesis)

one of the basic laws of dialectics, characterizing the direction, form and result of the development process, the unity of progression and continuity in development, the emergence of the new and the relative repetition of some aspects of the old. According to this law, development is carried out in cycles, each of which consists of three stages: the initial state of the object, its transformation into its opposite (negation), the transformation of the opposite into its opposite (negation of negation).

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one of the laws of dialectics, characterizing the process of development, the unity of progression and continuity in development, the emergence of the new with the relative repetition of some aspects of the old. Formulated by Hegel, who applied it only to the development of thinking. According to him, development is carried out in cycles, each consisting of three stages: the initial position (thesis), the transformation of this position into its opposite (antithesis) and the transformation of this opposite into its opposite (synthesis). The sequence of cycles can be represented in the form of a spiral: development, as it were, repeats the steps already passed, but at a higher level. If the thesis is “removed” (i.e., negated as a whole while preserving everything valuable from the previous stage) in the antithesis, then the antithesis is removed by synthesis. The law expresses continuity, spiral development, the connection between old and new and progressive development. Spirality and triad are forms of manifestation of this law.

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one of the main laws of dialectics. First formulated in Hegel's idealistic system. O. o. h. expresses continuity, spiral development, the connection of the new with the old, a kind of repetition at the highest stage of development of certain properties of a number of lower stages, justifies the progressive nature of development. In dialectics, the category of negation means the transformation of one object into another with the simultaneous transition of the first to the position of a subordinate and transformed element within the second, which is called sublation. This opens up space for further development and acts as a moment of connection with the retention of all the positive content of the completed steps. Dialectical negation is generated by the internal laws of a phenomenon and acts as self-denial. From the essence of dialectical negation follows the peculiarity of development, expressed by double negation, or negation of negation. The self-development of an object is caused by its internal contradictions (the law of unity and the struggle of opposites), the presence of its own negation. The contradiction is resolved in the movement of the object (and cognition), which means the emergence of a “third” in relation to two opposites. And since they not only exclude, but also interpenetrate each other, the “third” is such a negation, which at the same time acts as preservation (Sublation). “...Negation is precisely (considered from the side of form) the driving principle of all development: division into opposites, their struggle and resolution, and (in history partly, in thinking completely) on the basis of acquired experience the original starting point is again achieved, but at a higher level” (Marx K., Engels F. T. 20. P. 640-641). The conditions and prerequisites that gave rise to the object do not disappear with its development, but are reproduced by it, forming a “return to the supposedly old” (Lenin). And in thinking this is expressed through the negation of negation, through a deeper understanding at a new stage of development of the theory of the already achieved moments of truth. From the principle of the unity of dialectics, logic, and theory of knowledge, it follows that only through the study of O. o. h. As a law of practical and theoretical activity, its universality can be meaningfully interpreted. Since the basis of human relations to the outside world is practice, its characteristics also determine the theoretical (cognitive) attitude. It consists in the fact that the reproduction of a developing object is carried out only in the history of its knowledge, through theories and concepts that dialectically deny each other. The presence in an object (and in theory) of the possibility of its own negation is revealed through activity, outside of which it is incomprehensible. Knowledge at each stage of its development is one-sided, that is, it reveals the universal definitions of an object through its reproduction in a special form. This contradiction is resolved in activity, the moment of which is knowledge, since it is constantly objectified in the products of human labor and just as constantly deobjectified (Objectification and disobjectification). In this movement, the development of knowledge as universal occurs, the negation of one theory of another, the laws of motion of the objective world are revealed as the negation of one of its states of another. It also contains an explanation of the fact that the denied state is not discarded, but is preserved in a transformed form. After all, a one-sided approach to an object also reveals something enduring in it that is preserved in the course of negation. Therefore, the development of a scientific theory is possible only if the positive content of the rejected knowledge is preserved and included in the new theory. In natural science, this relationship between the old and new theories is expressed in accordance with the principle. In this way the own dialectic of the objective world is revealed. That's why O. o. h. acts both as a law of knowledge and as a law of the objective world.

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one of the main laws of dialectics, characterizing the direction of the development process, the unity of progression and continuity in development, the emergence of the new and the relative repetition of certain moments of the old. It was first formulated by Hegel, although Dept. The features of this law (the dialectical nature of negation, the role of continuity in development, the nonlinear nature of the direction of development) were also recorded in the previous history of philosophy. In the system of Hegelian dialectics, development is the emergence of logical. Contradictions and its removal; in this sense, it is the origin of internal. denial of the previous stage, and then the denial of this denial. Since the negation of a previous negation occurs through sublation, it is always, in a certain sense, a restoration of what was previously denied, a return to an already passed stage of development. However, this is not a simple return to the starting point, but “... a new concept, but a higher, more fluent concept than the previous one, for it was enriched by its negation or opposition; it, therefore, contains the previous concept, but contains more, in itself more than just it, and there is the unity of it and its opposite" (Hegel G., Science of Logic, vol. 1, M., 1970 , p. 108). In Hegel O. o. h. It turns out, therefore, to be a universal form of bifurcation of the one and the transition of opposites into each other, i.e., a universal manifestation of the law of unity and struggle of opposites. Reducing O. o. h, to the development of concepts, Hegel exaggerated the meaning of the triad as a form of action of this law; he sought to “subsume” all processes of change and development under it.

In materialistic dialectics O. o. h. is considered as the law of development of nature, society and thinking. If the law of unity and struggle of opposites reveals the source of development, and the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones is the mechanism of development, then O. o. h. expresses development in its direction, form and result. Action of O. o. h. is fully revealed only in a holistic, relatively completed process of development, through a chain of interconnected transitions, when it is possible to record a more or less complete (in terms of the direction of development) result. At each department stage, this law is usually revealed only as a tendency.

Basic the categories characterizing this law are negation, continuity, development. In revealing the contents of O. o, z. Ch. The concept of dialectic plays a role. denial. Without the denial of the old, the birth and maturation of the new is possible, and therefore the process of development is impossible. According to O. o. h., development is carried out in cycles, each of which consists of three stages: the initial state of the object; its transformation into its opposite, i.e. negation; turning this opposite into its opposite.

If flat evolutionism, characteristic of right-wing revisionism, does not recognize O. o. c., then metaphysically thinking philosophers consider negation as discarding, destroying the old. In, I. Lenin wrote that dialectics contains “not bare negation, not wasted negation..., but negation as a moment of connection, as a moment of development, with the retention of the positive...” (PSS, vol. 29, p. 207), which constitutes “continuity in the discontinuous,” continuity in development. O. o. 8. characterizes “... the repetition at the highest stage of well-known features, properties... of the lower and... a return supposedly to the old...” (ibid., p. 203). A brilliant example of the analysis of such dialectical negation is given by Marx in the 24th chapter of the 1st volume of Capital (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Works, vol. 23, pp. 770-73), exploring the movement of property from pre-capitalist to socialist forms. The transition to socialism from private ownership. relations that replaced primitive communal property, with this so-called time. means not only a return “supposedly to the old,” i.e., a repetition of certain essential moments of it on a different, more highly developed basis, but also a transition to a new cycle with significantly different internal ones. contradictions and laws of motion.

The sequence of cycles that makes up the development chain can be figuratively represented as a spiral. “Development, as if repeating stages already passed, but repeating them differently, on a higher base (“negation of the negation”), development, so to speak, in a spiral, and not in a straight line” (Lenin V.I., PSS, t 26, p. 55). With this image, each cycle appears as a turn in development, and the spiral itself appears as a chain of cycles. Although the spiral is only an image expressing the connection between two or more points in the process of development, this image successfully captures the general direction of development carried out in accordance with O. o. h.: ​​the return to what has already been passed is not complete, development does not repeat the laid paths, but finds new ones, in accordance with changes in external conditions. and internal conditions; the repetition of known features and properties that already took place at previous stages is always the more relative, the more complex the development process.

Spirality characterizes not only the form of the development process, but also the pace of this process: with each new turn of the spiral, more and more is overcome. path, so we can say that the development process is associated with an acceleration of the pace, with a continuous change in internal. time scale of the developing system. This pattern is found both in the development of society and nature, and in the development of science. knowledge.

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one of the main laws of development of nature, society and thinking. According to this law, development consists of certain factors. cycles, within the framework of which the contradictions inherent in each of them are resolved. Specific the method and at the same time the content of the transition from one stage of development to another within the framework of such a cycle is negation, and the chain of negations, interconnected in a special way, forms the content of development. O. o. h. reveals the role of each negation in development, the connection between them, as well as the result of double negation - basic. trend, direction of development. O. o. h. was first formulated by Hegel, although Dept. The features of this law (the dialectical nature of negation, the important role of continuity in development, the nonlinear nature of the direction of development) were also recorded in the previous history of philosophy. In the system of Hegelian dialectics, development is the emergence of logical. contradictions and its removal in the future; in this sense, it is the origin of internal. negation of the previous stage, and then the negation of this negation, the removal of the negative (see Hegel, Soch., vol. 6, M., 1939, pp. 309–10). Since the negation of a previous negation occurs through sublation, it is always, in a certain sense, a restoration of what was negated, a return to an already passed stage of development. However, this is not a simple return to the starting point, but “... a new concept, but a higher, richer concept than the previous one, for it was enriched by its negation or opposition; it, therefore, contains the old concept, but contains in more than just this concept, and there is the unity of it and its opposite" (ibid., vol. 5, M., 1937, p. 33). O. o. h. It turns out, therefore, to be a universal form of the bifurcation of the one and the transition of opposites into each other or, in other words, a universal manifestation of the law of unity and struggle of opposites on the part of its form. Hegel’s important merit also consisted in substantiating the fact that the result of development synthesizes in itself a whole series of resolved contradictions, and not k.-l. one of them. At the same time, the general limitations of Hegelian dialectics were also reflected in his understanding of O. o. z.: Hegel exaggerated the meaning of the triad as a form of action of O. o. Z., sought to “subsume” all processes of change and development under it (see, for example, his discussion of elasticity - ibid., vol. 2, M.–L., 1934, p. 180); the main thing is that O. o. h. Hegel has a law of development of the abs. spirit, in relation to the world acting as something imposed on it from the outside. In materialistic dialectics O. O. h. is considered as the law of development of the phenomena of the material world themselves and its reflection in knowledge. Moreover, if the law of unity and struggle of opposites reveals the source of development, and the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones reveals the mechanism of development, then O. o. h. captures development in its direction, form and result. In accordance with this, the unity and struggle of opposites, the transition of quantity into quality can be characterized as a definition. the development process as a whole and its parts. components, stages. The specificity of O. o. h. is that its action is fully revealed only in a holistic, relatively completed process of development, through a chain of interconnected transitions, when it is possible to record a more or less complete (in terms of the direction of development) its result. At each department stage, this law is usually revealed only as a tendency, and therefore is not always complete and obvious. In disclosing the contents of O. o. h. Ch. The concept of dialectic plays a role. negation, taking into account the moment of connection between the new and the old, the existence of continuity. In the form of O. o. h. this connection is expressed most deeply and appears as “... a repetition in a higher stage of well-known traits, properties, etc. of a lower one and... a return supposedly to the old...” (Lenin V.I., Soch., vol. 38, p. 214–15). “A return supposedly to the old” expresses, first of all, the fact that in definition. chain of development, as the source of this latter, a certain swarm of basic functions. a contradiction that finds only partial resolution at each stage of the process. And since the effect of this contradiction remains at different stages, the basis for repeating the well-known features of the previous stage is also preserved; since the contradiction moves and unfolds, the process appears precisely as a process of development, and not a simple reproduction of previously experienced states. Negation (or even a certain chain of sequential negations) takes place in every process of change; double negation in such processes can lead to the reproduction of the initial state of the object. Formally, O. o. can be “attached” to such a process. z., however, in essence such an application would deprive this law of deep dialecticality. meaning: by “denying” water, you can get steam or ice, and “negating” these latter will again give water. But in this and other similar cases there is no development, and therefore O. o. is not applicable to them. h. It is precisely taking into account the character of O. o. h. as a law of development, Lenin speaks of a return to the old. A brilliant example of an analysis of this kind of return is given by Marx in the 24th chapter of the 1st volume of Capital (see. K. Marx and F. Engels, Works, 2nd ed., vol. 23, p. 770–73), exploring the movement of property from pre-capitalist to socialist. forms. Marx's analysis covers the holistic process of development, within the framework of which the contradiction between the nature of production and forms of ownership arises and is resolved. The transition to socialism from this point of view. means not only a return supposedly to the old, i.e. repetition of some of its essential moments on a different, much more highly developed basis, but also the completion of the definition. development cycle, transition to a new cycle with significantly different internal. contradictions and laws of motion. The sequence of cycles that makes up the chain of development can be figuratively represented in the form of a spiral: “...Development through contradiction, or the negation of negation, is a spiral form of development” (F. Engels, ibid., vol. 20, p. 343). “Development, as if repeating steps already passed, but repeating them differently, on a higher base (“negation of the negation”), development, so to speak, in a spiral, and not in a straight line” (Lenin V.I., Works, vol. 21, p. 38). With such an image, each cycle appears as a turn in development, and the spiral itself appears as a turn above the turns, i.e. chain of cycles. Although the spiral is only an image expressing the connection between two or more points in the process of development, this image successfully captures the general direction of development carried out in accordance with O. o. h.: ​​return to what has already been covered is not complete; development does not repeat the laid paths, but finds new ones, consistent with changes in external and internal ones. conditions; the repetition of well-known features, properties that already took place at previous stages, is always the more relative, approximate, the more complex the development process. In principle, development can be represented both as a closed curve and as a straight line. Such ideas are widespread in the history of philosophy. and sociologist. thoughts (the “world year” of the Pythagoreans, the idea of ​​cyclicity in Empedocles, the French materialists of the 18th century, the modern English historian and sociologist Toynbee, etc.). O. o. h. overcomes the one-sidedness of both of these approaches, contrasting them with an understanding of development as a spiral process. Spirality characterizes not only the form of the development process, but also the pace of this process: with each new turn of the spiral, more and more is overcome. path, so we can say that the development process is always associated with an acceleration of the pace, with a continuous change in internal. time scale of the developing system. This pattern is found both in the development of society and nature, and in the development of science. knowledge. The history of science shows that cognition is also subject in its development to the action of scientific knowledge. h. However, here it is especially important to take into account the fact that O. o. h. is found only in holistic development processes. One of the specific forms of manifestation of O. o. h. in scientific cognition is the correspondence principle. With t.zr. specifics of the action of O. o. h. in society development of the greatest scientific. and practical It is important to identify the features of the form of social progress under communist conditions. formations. If under capitalism the indirectness of development is aggravated by the presence of class antagonisms, which inhibit the transition to the second negation, then under socialism the time spent on the implementation of the full cycle of development of a particular phenomenon, i.e. double negation tends to be reduced to the limits of the objectively necessary minimum. Dr. feature of the second negation in the development of antagonistic. formations is that here it, as a rule, is carried out outside the boundaries of the formation in which the first negation was carried out. This is one of the chapters. reasons for the one-sidedness of progress in conditions of class antagonisms. The communist formation itself acts as the negation of the negation and removes the shackles of one-sidedness from societies. progress. O. o. h. has been and is being attacked by various critics of Marxism. Some of them identify Marx’s and Hegel’s understanding of this law and, on this basis, try to attribute Marx’s interpretation of O. o. h. as a simple tool for constructing evidence (Dühring, Mikhailovsky). Others (for example, Merleau-Ponty) strictly connect O. o. h. with Hegel’s teleology and attribute Marx’s view of communism as the end of history or try to find a contradiction in his concept of progress (A. Niel). This kind of “criticism” does not take into account that materialism. dialectics does not absolutize the removal of contradiction, but understands it as the replacement of one contradiction with another, i.e. as a relative withdrawal. Lit.: Kedrov B. M., On repeatability in the process of development, M., 1961; Moroz K.V., The Law of Negation of Negation, M., 1957; Vorobiev?. ?., Law of negation of negation, M., 1958; Rutkevich M. N., On the essence of the law of negation of negation and the scope of its action, "FN" (NDVSh), 1958, No. 4; Lebedev S.P., On the question of the content of the law of negation of negation, "VF", 1958, No. 7; Melyukhin S.T., On the dialectics of inorganic development. nature, M., 1960; Borjanu K., O scientific. the nature of the concept of progress, in: Problems of Philosophy, trans. from Romania, M., 1960; Bagirov Z., The Law of Negation of Negation, Baku, 1960; Morozov V.D., The Law of Negation of Negation, Minsk, 1960; Domrachev G., Efimov S., Timofeeva?., Law of negation of negation, M., 1961. See also lit. at Art. Progress, Development, Compliance principle. I. Isaev (Khabarovsk), B. Semenchev (Moscow), S. Shalyutin (Kurgan), A. Minasyan (Rostov-on-Don).

2. The concept of “negation of negation”.

3. The essence of the law of negation of negation.

1. This is a law that indicates the direction of development - development from simple to complex, from lower to higher does not proceed linearly, but by transitioning into its opposite, through emergence and destruction, as a result of which development acquires spiral shape.

If the law of dialectical contradiction reveals the internal side of development, and the law of quantitative and qualitative changes reveals the external side of the form of development, then law of negation of negation– the unity of the internal and external sides, their synthesis.

It expresses the trend of development, form and how the connection and historical continuity between the new and the old is realized. Without the negation of the old, the emergence of a more perfect new is impossible.

Eat metaphysical and dialectical understanding of negation.

Metaphysical – destructive denial, after which development is impossible.

Dialectical negation preserves in the old what can serve the new, that is, the destruction of the old and the preservation of the positive. What exactly arises, what is preserved as positive, and what is destroyed depends on the specific system and conditions of development.

There are no unambiguous negations; any negation is multi-valued: in one respect it is progressive, in another it is regressive, and in a third it can be neutral to both progress and regress.

Each denial must be considered from 3 sides:

in relation to the previous state;

in relation to changes in other elements or the system;

in relation to the entire holistic self-developing system.

We are interested in negations associated with progressive, progressive development, which presuppose the possibility of further development, the possibility of a new negation, as a moment of connection with the positive of the old system, negation as an affirmation of the new.


1. Dialectical negation is the abolition of one material system by another.

2. It is carried out not in the course of the formation and development of contradictions, but in the course of their resolution, not through quantitative changes, but through qualitative changes, not in the course of evolutionary development, but in the course of revolutionary transformation.

3. Dialectical negation is not naked destruction, but the negation in the old only of that which no longer corresponds to the given conditions and the retention of everything positive and its transference to the core, as the basis for further development.

4. Dialectical negation expresses the moment of continuity of being, the moment of connection between the old and the new, and therefore continuity in development.

5. The specific content of dialectical negation is the universal connection of the lower with the higher, which is realized through the preservation and further development in the new of all the positive content that was in the old.

2. Concept "negations of negations"

Any phenomenon is the result of the negation of previous phenomena and contains the possibility of its own negation, that is, this negation is removed by a new one; the new develops, becomes old, is removed by the new, etc.

What is the connection between the first and subsequent negation?

What new does the second negation provide compared to the old one?

What pattern operates in the general chain of alternating negations?

The negation of the negation is universal:

Grain Plant Grain

Butterfly Larva Butterfly

The plant denies the grain, new grains deny the plant and act as denial of denial. The first and second negations act as an ascending development.

Hegel put it this way:

Thesis (original) – second stage;

Antithesis – in relation to the first (thesis) acts as negation;

Synthesis ( third stage ) – is the negation of the second stage (synthesis), and in relation to the first it acts as denial of denial. Here, as it were, a return to the old, and at the same time, the third stage of a certain development cycle is also the first stage of a new development cycle, a new triad. Negation and continuity are interconnected as dialectical opposites, which together form a single process of becoming.

It is as if a repetition of what has been covered in progressive development is called law of negation of negation ( the law was formulated by Hegel ).

3. Essence This law is that at the highest stage of development it is as if a return to the old, as if a repetition of certain features, properties, which took place at any stage of development, subsequently lost and regained, but in a changed form (in philosophy - the development of materialism - natural elemental - metaphysical materialism - dialectical materialism - repetition of ancient materialism only in a general form).

· for the law of negation of negation to operate, not just any, not every change must occur, but strictly defined, at which development occurs.

· an important feature of this law is that it does not express a simple repetition of the features and characteristics of the old in the new, but the approval of a qualitatively new education, richer in content and higher in form.

· negation of negation acts as retention, as a synthesis of everything positive that was in the first two phases of development. Synthesis in negation represents the “removal” of previous phases and a new higher quality formation. This is both the final phase in the development of the process and a new starting point for further development.

· negation of negation expresses progressive development - ascent from simple to complex (there is a deviation, but in principle it is so).

Form development of law – spiral.

This form was not taken by chance. It clearly covers such aspects of dialectical development as:


repetition and progression; irreversibility; the irresistibility of the new in development.

Knowledge of this law helps to assess changes, especially in society, and provides objective criteria for such assessment.

If we talk about the significance of dialectics in general for knowledge and practical activity, then it consists in the fact that a person should not avoid contradictions, but identify them, try to resolve them, try to be an optimist and remember: there is nothing settled in the world and if life does not suit you , try to change it, and therefore your life has meaning!


Dialectics is one of the branches of philosophy where a theoretical picture of the development of the world is formed. Dialectics is a philosophical doctrine of universals (universal connections of existence and development of all things), a philosophical theory of development, a way of thinking in which the world around a person is perceived as a single and dynamic whole.

There is objective dialectics - the processes of interaction and development in the external world and subjective dialectics - the reflection of these processes in a person’s consciousness, this is the movement of his thoughts and ideas.

The main questions of dialectics are: what is development? Why is this happening? How does it proceed? Where is development heading?

At the end of the twentieth century, based on discoveries in mathematics, cybernetics, chemistry, and biology, a new concept of interdisciplinary scientific research emerged - synergetics(coordinated, joint). These ideas were put forward by Belgian scientists led by Prigozhin, in Russia - Samarsky, Kurdyumov and others.

Synergetics studies the general patterns of self-organization processes of open systems. An open system is one that constantly interacts with the environment, exchanges matter, energy, and information. In any open system, processes of self-organization occur, i.e. organization, which is due to internal reasons. Interacting with the environment, this stable system under certain conditions begins to change - it becomes unstable and can be subject to random deviations (fluctuations). Fluctuations weaken the structure and lead to changes in the system as a whole. A new stable structure emerges. Random deviations and fluctuations lead to a nonlinear development process, i.e. the system can develop along one of many possible paths, form one of many possible structures.

THAT. a new stable (equilibrium) system is formed from instability as a result of the action of chance. Instability breeds stability. From chaos comes order. The system is self-organizing.

Randomness plays an important role in open nonlinear systems.

It has a decisive influence on the process of self-organization of the system and determines the direction of its development. This is an essential characteristic of nonlinear, multivariate development and opens up many paths of evolution. Chance complements necessity; under certain conditions, it can be the cause of fundamental changes, a transition to a new qualitative state. These can be disasters in nature and society.

Synergetics complements and clarifies a number of dialectic provisions. Interprets concepts such as self-development, order and disorder, stability and instability in a new way. Here the development is not unilinear, unidirectional, associated with necessity, but development, which contains the possibility of choosing one of many paths, a choice that is determined by chance. In synergetics, instability and chaos are not something destructive, a deviation from the main path of development, but act as a necessary stage, constructive principles that lead to the organization of new, more complex systems. Considering the progress of self-organization, stages of development, the role of accidents - synergetics creates conditions for the creation of a universal concept of global evolution, as well as evolution in the Universe. It forms a general research paradigm, expands and deepens the dialectical concept of development.

The patterns discovered by synergetics indicate that the management of complex systems is effective if it is consistent with the internal processes of self-organization. Even a weak coordination (i.e., resonant) influence is more effective than a strong, but not coordinated influence on the system, which leads to negative consequences. Nature must not be conquered, but rather we must live in harmony with it and learn to resonate. The same should be done in economics, politics, culture, and social relations.

Related information.

The law of negation of negation is a kind of continuation and completion of the core of dialectics. Its general meaning lies in the idea that any dialectical development naturally passes through three stages, which can be conventionally designated as position, negation and negation of negation. Hegel gave a now classic example (more figurative than theoretically significant) of the negation of the negation: a grain that is negated by the plant that grows from it, which in turn is negated by new grains. The action of the law of negation of negation is clearly expressed in an integral historical process: the development of society begins with the social nature of labor and public property (primitive communal system), is negated by a series of antagonistic formations based on the private nature of labor and private property, which are negated by the communist formation with its social the nature of labor and social property, immeasurably more complex than in a primitive primitive society.

The law was originally formulated by Hegel, who considered it as a universal law of dialectics. In materialist dialectics, the law of negation of negation received a new interpretation on the basis of materialism and was also considered by the classics of Marxism as universal. In Soviet philosophical science, a long discussion has not yet been completed between those who support the recognition of the universality of the law and those who challenge such an interpretation of it 1 . Basic elements of the law

Negation. The most important category of the law is negation, understood as the struggle of the new with the old, the higher with the lower. This, therefore, is not a completely new category of dialectics, in relation to those already considered, but a category of contradiction, considered in a special aspect. The struggle between the new and the old exists in various forms associated with antagonistic, non-antagonistic and other forms of contradictions. Denial is a contradiction that unfolds in three stages of development.

Continuity in development. The opposite of denial is continuity. Development is not a negation of everything that preceded; it preserves a significant part of the accumulated positive content of the previous stage, eliminating everything that is obsolete, outdated, and does not correspond to the needs of development. In this regard, dialectical negation is distinguished from “waste”, excessive negation. The grain can germinate and produce a new plant, but it can also be simply destroyed. In the process of socialist transformations, something that should have been preserved and developed may be lost. Mistakes of this kind were made during the course of socialist construction in our country: the “wasteful” denial of commodity-money relations, the nihilistic rejection of certain cultural trends, the hasty breakdown of small peasant farming, etc. Lenin, in a speech at the III All-Russian Congress of the Youth Union, warned against underestimating the cultural achievements of the past, and expressed a deep and well-founded formula for attitude towards world culture. “You can become a communist only,” said Lenin, “when you enrich your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has produced” 1 . However, as we know, much was subsequently done not according to Lenin, in contradiction with the theory of Marxism. In recent years, a new version of an old mistake has emerged - the denial of the positive achievements of Soviet society.

Progressive nature of development. Denial of the old and continuity are two opposing elements of development that form progressive nature of development. The law of the negation of negation, in contrast to the two laws of dialectics, explicitly indicates the direction of development from lower to higher. Each subsequent stage of development is considered in dialectics as higher and more complex than the previous one.

Why new


Expressing the progressive nature of development, the law of negation of negation includes, as one of the “components”, law of the irresistibility of the new, higher. Anything new, appearing initially in the form of weak shoots, ultimately establishes itself in life and wins. The germs of the future socialist way of life, represented in the form of cooperative factories of workers, arose already in the 40s. XIX century, despite the fierce competition from large capitalist enterprises, they have not only survived in capitalist countries to this day, but now constitute a significant part of enterprises. (True, while occupying 45% of the working population in Western European countries, they provide only 2.5% of national income). Despite all the difficulties and mistakes made during socialist construction in our country, the idea of ​​socialism is irresistible, since it expresses the objective needs of social progress.

The new is irresistible because it is more complex, higher. However, this statement is not enough, because it is necessary to further answer the question why the complex must to conquer the simpler, the lower? From some positions, for example, the II law of thermodynamics, it should be recognized that the complex, the higher, is less probable than the simple. The establishment of complexity in nature is energetically much more “expensive” than the transition to simpler, equilibrium states. However, the whole picture of the world shows us the obvious triumph of too expensive progress, movement from lower to higher. Therefore, in modern science, the idea of ​​the existence in nature and society of a tendency opposite to the second law of thermodynamics is increasingly firmly established. self-organization trends. However, self-organization is a side of the development process that is far from exhaustive of development as a whole. Modern research on self-organization (synergetics) has essentially rediscovered, in a concrete scientific form, the fundamental idea of ​​dialectics - the idea of ​​self-development. The idea of ​​self-organization finds its explanation in the dialectical-materialist theory of development. The "ultimate" answer to the question why is new irresistible? we considered earlier in a slightly different form.

Triad, or three-stage nature of development. The greatest intensity of discussions about the universality or non-universality of the law of negation of negation is associated with triadic development. Why does development have to go through exactly three stages? Where does this “kabbalistic” number three come from? Many researchers believe that denial is not limited to three stages and can go through any number of them. In fact, the history of mankind in its periodization, it would seem, very rarely reveals this mysterious number “three”. The development of society goes through five major stages associated with five socio-economic formations. Therefore, historical science uses a very multi-stage periodization of the historical process.

Denial of the three-stage nature of development means denial of the universality of the law under consideration. This law provides us with another excellent case that allows us to understand the specifics of the concept of development, the specifics of philosophical thinking in general, and the inapplicability of ordinary common sense to explaining development.

In philosophical science, Hegel's absolutization of the triadic development was criticized, but this criticism was often superficial. In Hegel's philosophy, as already mentioned, the last gigantic in scope attempt was made to subordinate private scientific knowledge to the logic of philosophy, to philosophical schemes. Considering any natural and social processes, Hegel sought to fit them into a rigid scheme of triads: all private processes had to go through three stages of development. So, in nature these were the stages of mechanics, physics and organics. Hegel's fundamental mistake was that private, special, he completely adjusted it to logic universal, essentially denying the specificity of the particular. The mistake of the authors who dispute the universality of the law lies, in our opinion, in the fact that they also try to discover triads in specific private processes, and when it turns out that the number of such steps is very rarely equal to three, they conclude that the law of the negation of negation is not universal.

The law of negation of negation operates not in private processes, but in deep dialectical essence development, expressed “on the surface” of development in a varying number of private stages. It was already said above that development cannot be detected using a simple “frequency” approach, the method of simple induction. It manifests itself only in large integral intervals of processes. To discover the effect of the law of negation of negation, it is necessary to theoretically abstract sufficiently large and holistic phenomena that have a holistic essence. It would be naive to look for “triads” in the movement of a pendulum, the operation of a tractor, individual actions and individual social events. However, if we consider large areas of reality that have their own integral essences, for example, man, human society, then in the deep logic of their historical development the logic of the negation of negation is clearly revealed.

All five socio-economic formations, with all the diversity of their transitional forms and various stages, fit into three major stages of development of human essence, human society. The primitive communal formation with the initial primitive social character of labor and property is the first historical stage of human development, expressing the real essence of man - his social nature. The character of primitive society here coincides with the essence of man as a social being, but represents only a primitive, simplest stage in the development of this essence. The three subsequent antagonistic socio-economic formations constitute the second, higher stage of development of human essence. They are based on the private nature of labor and property, that is, they express the subordinate side of the social essence of man - the individuality of man. At the second stage of the historical development of human essence, the individual, the special in human essence, thus comes to the fore, subordinating the main, integral side of human essence - its social character. Hegel deeply noticed that the stage of negation has a narrower (special) character than the first and last stages of development. Antagonistic societies, including capitalism, therefore, deform the human essence and, in a certain sense, place the particular above the universal human essence.

There are two opposing aspects inherent in the essence of man - public character of human essence as a whole and individuality every single person. A person carries within himself a social, main principle and at the same time is an individual. If the primitive communal system becomes a direct expression of the social human essence, then the three antagonistic formations, placing the individual, the private above the public, deform the human essence. This deformation is expressed in the division of society into classes, the division of mental and physical labor. The essence of the deformation of human nature, as Marx deeply noted, is that the existence and development of some people is achieved through the assimilation of the vital forces of others, through exploitation. “...The development of the abilities of the human race, although it initially occurs at the expense of the majority of human individuals and even entire human classes, will ultimately destroy this antagonism and coincide with the development of each individual...” 1.

The communist formation, based on the social nature of labor and public property, restores the unity of human essence, eliminates its deformations, eliminates exploitation and the division of mental and physical labor. Thus, the social order, the social structure coincides with the actual human essence, which makes society a truly humane, human society. The goal of a communist society is the development of each individual, “ development of the wealth of human nature as an end in itself» 2. Communism is the highest and in this sense “the last form of structure of the human race” 3, capable of endless development.

The law of negation of negation is the law of the contradictory unfolding of an integral essence. It is possible to establish its actual nature, its universality, only by considering holistic and large-scale entities, and not individual fragments of reality.

Some scientists believe that the law of negation of negation operates only in finite processes. However, it is precisely at infinity that this law operates most clearly. Every finite is the result and a kind of negation of the infinite process of development of matter that precedes it; every finite can be born only by infinity. In turn, subsequent infinite development (“second semi-infinity”) acts as a negation of this finite: . Thus, the method of constructing endless development is based on the logic of the negation of the negation. The above abstract scheme of the negation of negation in endless development can be supplemented with a more concrete one, if we take as the finite not an abstract thing, but a person as the result and peak of the endless development of matter, with which a new branch of endless development begins - human history: Ch.

Return supposedly to the old. The next unique element of the law is the repetition of abstract features of the first stage of development at the highest, third, stage, or return supposedly to the old. The essence of the pattern of return to the original becomes clear from the above - the third stage of development represents a return to a holistic essence, a coincidence with the essence that was expressed in its original primitive form at the first stage of development. However, this is a return to the old on a new, higher, more meaningful basis, and not a simple repetition of what has been passed. Communism repeats the most abstract features of “primitive communism” - the social nature of labor and property, however, both labor and property of a communist society are filled with immeasurably greater content associated with gigantically increased productive forces and knowledge, an incomparably more developed human essence.

Is the commonality developing?

Here we should pay attention to one circumstance: from the standpoint of dialectics, the general is not dead and motionless; the abstractly general can hide a content that is completely different in complexity and richness.

Spiral nature of development. The law of negation of negation combines two ideas that at first glance seem mutually exclusive. On the one hand, development reveals progression, an “upward movement,” from lower to higher. On the other hand, there is a circle, a repetition of what has been passed. These two features are expressed by the idea of ​​the spiral nature of development: development is progressive in nature, but at the same time, in a certain sense, it repeats what has been accomplished.

Law of Negation of Negation- one of the basic laws of dialectics. It first arose and was formulated in the idealistic system of G.V.F. Hegel.

The law of the negation of negation is that the new always negates the old, but gradually it itself becomes old and is negated by the newer. The law expresses continuity, the connection of the new with the old, the repetition at the highest stage of development of some properties of the lower stage, and justifies the progressive nature of development.

In dialectics, the category of “negation” means the transformation of one object into another while simultaneously “destructing” the first. But this is the kind of “destruction” that opens up space for further development and retains all the positive content of the stages passed. Dialectical negation generated by the internal laws of the phenomenon, acts as self-negation.

From the essence of dialectical negation follows a developmental feature expressed by double negation, or negation of negation. The self-development of an object is caused by its internal contradictions (the law of unity and struggle of opposites), the presence of its own negation in it. The contradiction is resolved in the movement of the object (and cognition), which means the emergence of a “third” in relation to two opposites.

Only through research Law of negation of negation As a law of practical and theoretical activity, its universality can be meaningfully interpreted. Since the basis of human relations to the outside world is practice, its features also determine the theoretical (cognitive) attitude. It consists in the fact that a developing object is reproduced only in the history of its knowledge, through theories and concepts that dialectically deny each other.

The presence in an object (and in theory) of the possibility of its own negation is revealed through activity, outside of which it is incomprehensible. Knowledge at each stage of its development is one-sided, that is, it reveals the universal definitions of an object through its reproduction in a special form. This contradiction is resolved in activity, the moment of which is knowledge. In this movement, the development of knowledge as universal occurs, the negation of one theory by another, the laws of motion of the objective world are revealed as the negation of one of its states by another.

It also contains an explanation of the fact that the negated state is not discarded, but is preserved in a transformed form. After all, a one-sided approach to an object reveals something enduring in it that is preserved in the course of negation. Therefore, the development of a scientific theory is possible only if all the positive content of the rejected knowledge is preserved and included in the new theory.

In natural science, this relationship between the old and new theories is expressed as a principle. This is how the objective world’s own dialectics is revealed. That is why the law of the negation of negation acts both as a law of knowledge and as a law of the objective world. The law refers to large cycles of development, forming the form of this development in relation to the whole; beyond its framework a new developing whole emerges.

Negation of negation is the process of the emergence of a new state of Mind, which is characterized by an exacerbation of internal contradictions (first negation), resolution of these contradictions (second negation) and the emergence of new content of Mind.

Thus, with the help of these two negations, thinking step by step gradually ascends from simple concepts to complex ones, and Reason gradually increases the complexity of its state and makes a forward movement - this is the essence of Hegel’s dialectical law of negation of negation.

Since the development of world reality, according to Hegel, is the development of the Absolute Idea, then, thus, the development of world reality is the result of internal, one’s own self-development, the self-movement of the Absolute Mind, which occurs cyclically, that is, in the same type of stages and phases.

The main stages in the development of world reality according to Hegel are its three main stages:

1. Thesis. At this stage, there is a positing, the formation of a certain established reality and its approval as an initial reality.

2. Antithesis. At this stage, there is a contradiction of the initial givenness to itself, that is, its denial of itself by itself in the form of the growth within it of a certain contradiction that denies its current state and requires movement towards a new state, that is, towards its resolution.

3. Synthesis. The stage of synthesis is the removal, resolution of the internal contradiction of the original given, that is, the negation of its first negation due to the formation of a new state from this given.

Thus, a new state of givenness grows out of its old state, overcoming the disharmony of some existing internal contradiction, and therefore any new state is always more harmonious than the state that it denied.

If we talk about the mind, then this harmony will be expressed in a greater degree of approach to the truth, and if we talk about material phenomena, then this harmony will be expressed in a greater degree of approach to the goal set by the Absolute Idea at the end of the development of the world.

Since development is a non-stop process due to the constant formation of internal contradictions, the synthesis stage in this process dialectically turns into the thesis stage, and everything starts from the beginning.

Thus, development according to Hegel cannot be interpreted as a certain sequence of states of reality, increasing linearly upward, because the synthesis turning into a thesis is a return of reality to its original state, even in a more perfect and newer quality.

Therefore, development, according to Hegel, is carried out in a spiral - in a constant return, after its double negation, to the initial position, which is already at a slightly higher level of its development.

The progressive path of development, that is, its direction from lower to higher, is ensured by the fact that each stage of development is richer, more complex and more harmonious in content. This occurs due to the fact that Hegel’s negation itself is dialectical and not metaphysical in nature. What is the essence of the difference between metaphysical negation and dialectical, Hegelian negation?

It is that:

Negation in metaphysics is the act of discarding and finally eliminating the old. Negation in metaphysics is the act of the appearance of the new, asserting itself in place of the old simply by the fact of simply replacing it with itself;

In dialectics, negation is understood as the transition of the old to a new state while preserving all the best that was in it.

Thus, with double negation, there is a constant transfer of the best found in the old into the new. This is how an ever-expanding spiral of development of reality is formed, which constantly discovers a contradiction in itself, denies itself, and then denies this denial, resolving the discovered contradiction, and acquires at each of these stages more and more complicated and progressive content.

In general, the dialectical understanding of negation proceeds from the fact that the new does not completely destroy the old, but retains for itself all the best that was in it, processes it, raises it to a new, higher level. That is, the double denial of reality requires each time some kind of progressive innovation, which determines the progressive nature of the entire development of reality.

To summarize the main meaning of the law of negation of negation, we can say that:

As a result of the first negation, one or another contradiction is first discovered and then resolved by the second negation;

As a result of this, the old is destroyed and the new is established;

With the emergence of a new development does not stop, since every new thing does not remain forever frozen new, but a new contradiction is formed in it, that is, negation begins again, etc.;

Development thus appears as a countless number of successive negations, as an endless replacement, the overcoming of the old by the new, the lower by the higher;

Since the new, while denying the old, preserves and develops its positive features, development acquires a progressive character;

Development proceeds in a spiral with the repetition in its new higher stages of individual aspects and features of its lower stages.

Hegel's law of negation of negation, related to the idealistic concept of world development, was used by the philosophical movement of dialectical materialism to form a materialist concept of the development of reality.

From the point of view of the founders of dialectical materialism, Marx and Engels, negation is an integral moment in the development of material reality itself. The development of the earth's crust, for example, went through a series of geological eras, where each new era arose on the basis of the previous one, that is, the new denied the old. In the organic world, each new species of plant or animal, arising on the basis of the old, is at the same time its negation. The history of society is also a chain of negations of old social orders by new ones: primitive society - slave-owning, slave-owning - feudal, feudalism - capitalism.

Negation is also inherent in the development of knowledge and science, since each new scientific theory denies the old one. At the same time, the connection between the old and the new is preserved, and the best of the old is preserved in the new. Thus, higher organisms, denying the lower ones on the basis of which they arose, retained their inherent cellular structure. The new social system, while denying the old one, preserves its economic base, the achievements of science, technology, and culture. In cognition, in science, new knowledge is also based on the best of what was achieved at previous stages of cognition and scientific research.

Thus, in materialist dialectics, the law of negation of negation is considered as the law of development of nature, society and thinking, determined by the internal properties of matter


To summarize and summarize the above, the law of negation of negation can be defined as the law of dialectics, expressing a specific form of movement generated by the struggle of opposites. This definition indicates only the essence or core of the law, but to fully determine the essence it is also necessary to take into account the specific form of development through contradiction.

A complete definition must contain an indication that this development is step-by-step in nature, that within each stage it includes a division into opposites, their struggle and the removal of contradictions, that the generation and removal of contradictions is carried out naturally, on the basis of special mechanisms of self-negation and synthesis that this special form of development combines variability and continuity, progression and partial reproduction of elements of the past, straightforwardness and a supposed return to initial states. The list of these moments in their interrelation with each other and in their dependence on the initial thesis, on the struggle of opposing sides constitutes the complete content of the law of negation of negation.

Thus, the law of the negation of negation is the law of the contradictory unfolding of an integral essence. It is possible to establish its actual nature, its universality, only by considering holistic and large-scale entities, and not individual fragments of reality.

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