
Requirements for documents in the field of standardization. Standards in publishing Additional state standards


Editorial and proofreading is the totality of all corrections and changes made during the process of editing and proofreading to the author's original publication (book, article, etc.).



Editorial edits involve improving composition, style, spelling and punctuation, etc. and include:

– editing-contraction, intended to reduce the text to the planned size (naturally, with the consent of the author and without loss of ideological content);

– editing and processing undertaken by the editor in order to improve the composition, structure of the work, eliminate stylistic, logical and other errors and shortcomings;

– editing and alteration, undertaken when it is necessary to radically change the text.

Types of editing used in the publishing process - literary, semantic, stylistic, scientific and/or special, artistic, technical.

If you need a competent, coherent, logical, correctly structured text, use the services: “Literary editing”, “Semantic editing”, “Stylistic editing”, “Scientific or special editing”!

1.Literary editing service involves the correction of lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic errors, in this case not only the correction of individual errors is carried out, but also the reworking of entire fragments of text, the restructuring of sentences, the removal of unnecessary repetitions, the elimination of ambiguity, etc., so that the form of the text best suits its content. An important part of the work of editing a book is the creation (if necessary) of a reference apparatus, including a preface, afterword, book annotation, comments, notes, as well as various indexes - subject, alphabetical, nominal, abbreviations, table of contents. The presence of indexes in the book indicates the culture of the publication.

2. If you need to improve the structure of the text, build or rebuild the logic of presentation, then we suggest using service "Meaning editing" . During the process, the editor first determines the future structure of the text and then performs semantic editing, following the chosen structure.

3. Stylistic editing service. This type of work involves bringing the author's text to a single style or changing the existing style. In stylistic editing, work is carried out specifically on the style of the text, in contrast to literary editing, in which the author's style remains unchanged. All changes that relate to stylistic improvements are proposed in the form of notes so that the Author can make the final decision!

4. Scientific or Special Editing Service. Performed when more careful editing is required in terms of professional or scientific subtleties or the specifics of the text. Important elements of scientific editing are editing tables, formulas, technical illustrations, diagrams, graphs, correct, in accordance with international and domestic standards, designation of physical quantities, symbols, etc. Of particular importance in this process is the use of scientific documentation, information in the text publications, state standards and other regulatory documents. Of particular importance in this type of work is the creation of a reference apparatus for the publication. Scientific or special editing is done before or after literary editing, and sometimes in the middle of this process. This type of editing is carried out by a scientific editor working in our publishing house or invited to perform this work. The surname and initials of the scientific and special editor must be included in the final information of the book.

5. “Art editing” service provides for the artistic design of the work. The form of the publication, its appearance, attractiveness, convenience and comfort of perception of its components and elements, first of all, contribute to interest in the work, the content of which is still unknown to the reader.

If you want to receive a professionally and aesthetically designed book, we suggest using the “Artistic editing"!

At this stage of preparation of the publication, the art editor, TOGETHER WITH THE AUTHOR and LEADING EDITOR, resolves issues related to the placement, nature and number of illustrations, design of the cover, title page, endpaper (a sheet of paper placed between the binding and the title page).

If the publication is extensively illustrated, a design design will be required. It is very important to create a design style and the interconnectedness of its parts. In this project, based on data on the type of publication, genre of the published work, readership, volume, circulation and composition of illustrations, decisions are developed on methods and forms of illustrations, production of printing forms, bookbinding works. The project includes the selection of materials for publication (paper, cardboard, fabrics, etc.).

Art editor(designer, graphic designer) creates a design project and organizes its coordination with other specialists of the publishing house. Edits illustrations and performs some types of design work independently. Works in direct contact with the technical editor.

6. Service "Technical editing".

Technical editing, as a rule, is the final stage in preparing a layout.

If you want to be sure that the layout of the publication does not contain structural and technical errors, use the “Technical Editing” service!

Format selection depends on the type of publication and the functional purpose of the book. A collection of poems, a textbook, a scientific monograph, a souvenir publication, a geographical atlas or an album of reproductions from an art gallery, of course, should have a different format. The technological capabilities of the printing house and easy-to-read line length are of great importance.

Font selection is also related to the purpose of the book, compliance with its content, aesthetic and hygienic requirements. Along with the choice of typeface, depending on the genre and style of the work, the selection of point size is important. For ease of reading, the preferred size is no less than 9 and no more than 14, and the line length is 50-55 characters. The normal arrangement of characters and words in a line, normal (not too narrow, but not sparse) spaces between characters and between words are also important.

Important selecting a typing method: maintaining graphical completeness of lines or otherwise, using hyphens, creating equality between word spaces, single-column and multi-column typing .

In the course of performing this type of editorial services, work is carried out on the creation and placement of texts located on the cover, flyleaf, dust jacket, title page, captions, footers, and table of contents.

Technical editing is carried out simultaneously or in parallel with artistic editing.

7. Editing regular texts.
After our editing, your text will flawlessly convey the author’s thoughts, and will also be literate from the point of view of the Russian language.


1. Adaptation of translations.

We carry out literary adaptation of translations from any languages ​​and ensure the adaptation of texts to modern Russian reality!

The translation should read like a text written in Russian. But in any case, there remains a certain number of untranslatable units (words, phraseological units, and sometimes entire phrases), that is, those for which there is no equivalent in the Russian language. You can get out of the situation in different ways.

In free translation, social or cultural realities in the source text are replaced by corresponding realities in the translation. As a result of this, objects, facts and events mentioned in the translated text become understandable to the Russian audience. A word or expression that is not in Russian can be borrowed from the source language without changes.

Another way is to transcribe an untranslatable word, that is, to translate its significant parts separately. Sometimes you can resort to descriptive translation and replace one word of the source text with a group of words or an entire phrase in the target language.

In addition, realities that are incomprehensible to the Russian reader can be interpreted in the notes. They may also explain puns.

If a legal document (such as a contract) is being translated, it is extremely important to ensure that all terms used are adequately translated. Only in this case can you count on the document being recognized as valid in another country.

Adaptation of translations may be required in different situations - when retelling a serious work of fiction for children or a special text for non-specialists. But when adapting, it is always necessary to solve two problems: firstly, not to deviate from the original, preserving its content and style, and secondly, to make the translated text truly accessible to the Russian reader.

2. Rewriting texts.

If you want the translated text to be literate and easy to read, use the services of a rewriting editor!

Rewriting, or rewriting (English. rewriting - rewriting) is a serious change to the source text. During the rewriting process, the editor rewrites the source text, preserving its meaning. Most often, rewriting is used in the preparation of regularly recurring documents, such as annual reports and certificates of company activity.

The main task of the rewriter is to create a unique text based on available materials. First of all, we are talking about lexical changes in the source text. However, rewriting is not limited to simply retelling the text, replacing individual words with synonyms or rearranging paragraphs. Most often, the original article is simplified by excluding from it elements (words, phrases, sentences) that do not carry a semantic load. The document obtained as a result of rewriting is usually smaller in volume than the original document. At the same time, compliance with the content of the original is certainly preserved.

During rewriting, the editor relies on the main ideas and supporting words of the original text. The presentation of information becomes clearer, more logical and concise. From this point of view, rewriting is somewhat close to abstracting.

We can say that rewriting helps the reader not to drown in a sea of ​​information.

At the same time, the source material can be supplemented with expert comments (they are included in a separate part of the text). If the rewriter is an expert in the field to which the edited text relates, he can add his own commentary.

It is important that the text obtained as a result of rewriting is truly new (and is perceived as new not only by readers, but also by Internet search engines).

The editor-rewriter fulfills the technical task given to him, maintaining the subject of the document, maintaining the style, and keeping within the prescribed volume.

Rewriting plays a particularly important role in filling an Internet site - after all, each site must contain unique content (primarily, this applies to news blogs). Rewriting is also indispensable when conducting advertising campaigns (when the same advertising article is placed in several versions on different sites).


Proofreading (from lat.сorrektura - correction, improvement) is a stage of the production process of publishing books, newspapers, magazines and other printed materials, at which various errors and shortcomings made during editing and typesetting are eliminated.

Proofreading - an important publishing process designed to eliminate errors, typos, misprints and other shortcomings that reduce the perception of the text in the finished, published edition.

Work on proofreading the same work is carried out in several stages: first on the manuscript, then, after typing, on the proof proofs and, finally, after printing - in order to identify and, if possible, eliminate errors before the book is published.

Proofreading is divided according to the nature and methods of its execution:

– editing and proofreading, during which technical errors are corrected by careful reading;

– editing-reconciliation to check corrections in layout sheets, carried out by both end-to-end reading of proof prints and line-by-line reading;

– proofreading performed by two proofreaders, one of whom reads the original text aloud, and the other monitors the corrections and reports each of them to the second proofreader in order to eliminate omissions in the editing and inconsistencies with the original;

- a summary produced in a printing house for the purpose of compiling all types of edits and monitoring the correctness of lines, stripes, printed sheets in general, and paper.

When making proofreading corrections of all types, proofreading marks (original marking marks) are used in accordance with the current standard - “GOST 7.62-90. Signs for marking originals and correcting proofs and proofs. General requirements".

There are various types of proofreading marks - substitution marks (letters, words, lines), insertions, deletions, rearrangements, signs for rearranging set elements, signs for increasing, decreasing, introducing, aligning and destroying spaces, signs for font selections and changes, signs for canceling corrections made.

1. “Proofreading in MS Word” service.

If you want to be sure that the original texts do not contain errors, use the “Proofreading in MS Word” service!

“Proofreading in MS Word” is carried out in review mode - you have the opportunity to see all the corrections that the proofreader made to the source text.

2. “Proofreading in PDF” service.

If you want to be sure that the typed texts do not contain errors, use the “Proofreading in PDF” service!

“Proofreading in PDF” is performed in the form of comments to the text.

After receiving the file from the proofreader, you need to make all changes to the layout yourself.

To be 100% sure that all edits have been made, we recommend using "Final proofreading" service .

3. “Final proofreading, reconciliation” service.

If you plan to transfer the proofreading edits to the layout, use the “Final Proofreading” service!

Final proofreading and verification is the final stage of work on the text. As a rule, final reconciliation is required for documents that will be printed.

It will allow you to avoid mistakes that may arise during the work of a designer or layout designer.

Final proofreading is carried out for documents that were previously corrected by our Publishing House.

4. “Single proofreading” service.

If you want to be sure that the texts do not contain errors, use the “Single proofreading” service!

“Single proofreading” is the fastest type of editing; after single editing, the texts will be 90-95% free of errors.

5. “Double proofreading” service.

If you want to be sure that the texts do not contain errors, use “Double proofreading” service!

“Double proofreading” is the gold standard of proofreading. Your text will be proofread by two proofreaders. After double proofreading, the text will be 98% free of errors.

When ordering the “Editing” service, the “Proofreading” service is performed free of charge!

If you want your book to be of high quality, then proofreading services are what you need!

Our proofreaders and editors are professionals in their field and will complete the work efficiently and on time!


If your texts contain a lot of facts and you want to be sure of their reliability, use the “Fact-checking, fact checking” service!

The “Fact checking, fact checking” service is especially relevant if the facts in the texts are of great importance to you. For example, if you cover the stages of a company’s development (in annual responses and presentations) or use facts as an evidence base.

The editors will check the spelling of names and professions of the persons mentioned, dates, titles, etc. However, keep in mind that many sources on the Internet may be unreliable and at least three first-person confirmations are searched for each fact.

To use the “Fact-checking, fact checking” service, you must enter into an agreement with us and provide the source texts for verification, attaching to them, if possible, a list of reliable sources that can be used to check the facts.

The cost of all types of text editing and proofreading is indicated on the page:

The operating procedure is indicated on the page:


The proofreading rate is up to 80,000 characters with spaces per day.

The editing norm is up to 30,000 characters with spaces per day.

When independently assessing the timing, please take into account the possible queue of orders.

For editing, the deadline for the initial proofreading of the text is indicated. After the first editing, the text is sent to the author for approval of the edits and removal of questions, then returns to the publishing house to prepare a clean final edition. It is impossible to foresee the timing of these stages, because they depend on the efficiency and accuracy of the authors’ responses.

Text volume.

The volume of text is calculated in characters with spaces.

You can find out how many characters are in your text like this:

– Word 2003 – Tools > Statistics > Characters (with spaces);

– Word 2007, 2010 and 2013 – Review > Statistics > Characters (with spaces).

The main differences between editing and proofreading:
1. Amount of work.
The proofreader does basic work - eliminates grammatical and punctuation errors and typos, monitors the technical side and attractiveness of the text (authenticity of quotes, terms, presence of footnotes, consistency of the placement of tables and other graphic materials with respect to its content).
The editor is obliged to delve into the content of the work, imbued with the thoughts and feelings of the author. Editing text takes longer than proofreading. For example, an editor would rather rewrite a complex sentence, divide it into two, and slightly change the presentation without losing its meaning. The proofreader's job is to correct typos and errors. It should not significantly change not only the meaning, but also the style of the article.
2. Objectives.
The responsibilities of a proofreader include:
– checking the text’s compliance with the regulatory requirements of the language of presentation;
– correction of incorrect abbreviations, notations and other features of the text;
– checking the presence of the declared components of the text (introduction, tables, etc.);
– final proofreading of the material before its publication.
The editor is obliged:
– check and eliminate stylistic errors in the text;
– ensure the veracity of the information and the appropriateness of the use of terms;
– eliminate logical errors in the content, if necessary, divide it into semantic blocks, sections and subsections;
– increase the information content of the text, that is, remove unnecessary words and expressions, length;
– choose clearer wording and speech structures that will not affect the meaning of the original.
3. Sequence of execution
Editorial editing precedes proofreading. The editor notes and eliminates all shortcomings of the text, corrects its errors and errors.
After making corrections to the clean copy, the proofreader performs proofreading - checks the layout text with the editor's edits.
In general terms, the editor's task is more difficult, since he often has to work with “raw” materials. But this is only at first glance: the proofreader pays no less, and perhaps even more attention to the text, especially at the stage of final proofreading.
Often the editor and proofreader are one person. But this approach to polishing materials increases the burden on those responsible for the cleanliness of articles and their correct writing. Ideally, a whole team of authors, editors and content specialists works on one text. In this case, it will turn out to be as close to ideal as possible.
Area of ​​demand
Organizations that prepare and publish various textual materials in printed or electronic form cannot do without proofreaders. These are publishing houses and editorial offices of books, newspapers and magazines.
Copywriting agencies and studios most often employ specialists who combine the duties of an editor and proofreader. The services of private proofreaders are used by authors who are confident in the semantic and stylistic components of their work.

Why is editing and proofreading of printed materials necessary?
If you have written a book or article and plan to publish it, you need to have the content of your work reviewed by professionals. Even competent authors resort to the services of proofreaders and editors, since for various reasons people tend not to notice their mistakes.
Text checking is also necessary for website owners, because content with an abundance of annoying and accidental mistakes repels readers and raises doubts about the professionalism of the resource. The materials on your site may have quite decent content, but not work due to the presence of errors invisible to your eyes.
Therefore, it is worth submitting articles for review by an editor or at least a proofreader. This way you will insure yourself against absurd embarrassments. This is not as expensive as your reputation and, worse, the dissatisfaction of your target audience.

To discuss details and find out the cost of services, you can:

Requirements for documents in the field of standardization,

prepared for publishing editing

Documents in the field of standardization prepared for publishing editing must meet the requirements stipulated by:

· GOST 1.5-2001 “Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements for construction, presentation, design, content and designation";

· GOST 1.3-2008 “Interstate standardization system. Rules and methods for adopting international and regional standards as interstate standards”;

· GOST R 1.5-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules of construction, presentation, design and notation";

· GOST R 1.7-2008 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules for design and designation when developing based on the application of international standards";

· GOST 7.89-2005 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Original texts from authors and publishers. General requirements";

· PR 50.1. “Preparation of draft national standards of the Russian Federation and draft amendments to them for approval, registration and publication. Amendments to standards and preparation of documents for their cancellation.”

Incoming document control,

submitted for preliminary publishing editing

1. Draft documents in the field of standardization sent for preliminary publishing editing in "are received by the department of printed publications for incoming control and registration.

· to document parameters;

· to the parameters of their set;

· availability of appropriate signatures, visas, and accompanying documentation.

3. The period of incoming control of draft documents received for preliminary editing should not exceed three working days.

4. In case of violations of the rules of construction, presentation, design of the project, as well as the established technical requirements for its presentation, the draft document in the field of standardization is returned to the developer with a covering letter without editorial editing.

5. If the technical requirements for draft documents in the field of standardization are met, the responsible editor of this project is determined, and the project itself is registered in "as accepted for publishing editing."

6. The registered draft document is transferred to the editor supervising it for preliminary publishing editing.

Incoming document control,

submitted for final publishing editing

1. Draft documents in the field of standardization sent for final publishing editing in "are received by the department of printed publications for incoming control and registration.

2. During the process of incoming control (standard control), compliance with the technical requirements of:

· to document parameters;

· to the parameters of their set;

· elements of design and content (table of contents);

· to the completeness and completeness of the draft document;

· availability of appropriate signatures, visas, accompanying documentation,

and also checks whether the developer has made editorial changes to the text, or whether the developer has independently increased (changed) the volume of the document after preliminary editing by including new text parts (tables, figures, etc.).

3. The period of incoming control of draft documents received for final editing should not exceed three working days.

4. In case of violations of the rules of construction, presentation, design of the draft document, as well as an increase (change) by the developer in the volume of the document by more than 20% after preliminary editing by including new text parts (tables, figures, etc.), the draft document in the field of standardization is returned to the developer with a covering letter without any editorial editing. In the future, the draft standard may be submitted for preliminary editing again as a new draft.

5. If the requirements for draft documents in the field of standardization are met, the document is registered and transferred to the editor supervising it (as a rule, the editor who performed the preliminary editing) for final publishing editing.

Performing pre-publishing editing

1. At the stage of preliminary publishing editing of a draft document in the field of standardization, the editor ensures its compliance with the substantive requirements of the main documents of the national standardization system, including the reliability and compliance with the correct spelling and location:

· elements of design and content (table of contents);

· design and presentation of tables;


· drawings, formulas, drawings and other visual elements;

2. Upon completion of preliminary publishing editing, editorial changes to the draft document in the field of standardization are agreed upon with the developer, after which the draft document is submitted for registration of the completion of preliminary publishing editing and transmission with a cover letter to the developer.

3. The duration of preliminary publishing editing is determined in working days as the difference between the date of registration of the fact of its completion (the date of sending the draft document) and the date of registration of the fact of its beginning (the date of receipt of the draft document).

4. The deadlines for performing preliminary publishing editing are established by the relevant Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

5. Acceptance and sending of draft documents in the field of standardization without cover letters and without completing the procedures for their registration is not allowed.

Performing final editorial editing

1. At the stage of final publishing editing of a draft document in the field of standardization, the editor ensures:

· checking the accounting of mutually agreed (during preliminary editing) editorial changes made by the developer to the text of the draft document;

· a complete editorial check of the text, taking into account the changes made;

· final approval of editorial changes with the developer;

· certification of a draft document in the field of standardization that has undergone final publishing editing with the stamp “To type” on each sheet of the copy received for final editing.

2. Upon completion of final publishing editing, the draft document is submitted for registration of the completion of final publishing editing.

3. A registered copy of the draft document with the stamp “To be typed” and a draft with editorial corrections, endorsed by the editor, with a covering letter are transferred to the developer.

4. The duration of the final publishing editing is determined in working days as the difference between the date of registration of the fact of its completion (the date of sending the draft document) and the date of registration of the fact of its beginning (the date of receipt of the draft document).

5. The deadlines for completing the final publishing editing are established by the relevant Administrative Regulations of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

7. Acceptance and sending of draft documents in the field of standardization without cover letters and without completing the procedures for their registration is not allowed.

Compiled by

A. A. Dzhigo, S. Yu. Kalinin


"Publishing house "University Book" 2009

UDC 655(084.74)

Reviewer- Candidate of Historical Sciences, teacher at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts, head of the NPO of State Bibliography, member of the RBA, scientific secretary of the Association of Book Chambers K. M. Sukhorukov

Basic publishing standards: [collection] / comp. O-75 A. A. Dzhigo, S. Yu. Kalinin. - M.: Publishing House "University Book", 2009. - 326 p.

ISBN 978-5-9792-0008-8

The collection includes 13 state (of which 9 have interstate status) standards. They determine the requirements for the design of publications in traditional and electronic forms, contain a list of necessary and sufficient information and the procedure for their presentation in publishing products, and also regulate the requirements for the information and bibliographic apparatus of publications.

Addressed to employees of publishing houses, printing enterprises, libraries, it will be especially interesting to employees of publishing departments of universities. The collection will also serve as a visual teaching aid for students studying in the specialties “Publishing” and “Book Distribution”.

UDC 655(084.74)

Dzhigo A. A., Kalinin S. Yu.,

compilation, 2009

Design, original layout.

ISBN 978-5-9792-0008-8 Publishing House "University Book", 2009

From the compilers………………………………………………………………………………..4




General requirements and rules for drawing up…………………................9


General requirements................................................ ................................102


NUMBERING OF SERIAL EDITIONS....................................................109


Terms and Definitions............................................... ........................112


General requirements and drafting rules....................................................145




General requirements and rules of compilation...................................................159


Main types and output information................................................................ ...201


General requirements and rules of registration...................................................217


TO THE PUBLISHING ANNOTATION.................................................... ...222


General requirements and rules of registration...................................................226


Terms and Definitions............................................... ...................237


General requirements and rules of registration……………………...274



Usage and publishing ................................................320


The clarity and efficiency of management of publishing activities, the protection of consumer interests, the efficiency and quality of editorial and publishing processes, the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of information about publications, the comparability of the characteristics of Russian products with international criteria depend on compliance with the requirements of the standards. The collection of the most important regulatory and technical documents that define the rules for preparing publications for release serves precisely this purpose. On July 1, 2003, the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” came into force, which radically changed the principles of standardization. In relation to publishing, technical regulation is carried out taking into account the use of uniform rules for establishing requirements for publishing products, the processes of their production, operation, storage and sale.

Along with interstate and state standards, a large role in regulatory support is given to technical regulations, certificates, and declarations of conformity for individual processes of book publishing and book distribution. According to this Federal Law, standardization is defined as “the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products...” (Article 1). With the introduction of the Law, the status of standards included in the system of standards for information, library and publishing (SIBID) is preserved. Based on existing experience, studying a number of fundamental sources of international and foreign practice, and collegial scientific consideration of this problem, the main groups of standardization objects for SIBID have been identified: terminology; information data (imprint, bibliographic description, structure of bibliographic record, international standard numbering, etc.); information carriers; technological processes. SIBID standards make it possible to combine information bases of representatives of bibliography, librarianship, computer science and publishing. This is the simplest and cheapest way of cross-industry integration and cooperation, as well as the formation of information links between publishers and consumers.

Today, the SIBID system ensures the unification of the design of documents issued in the country and the preparation of information about them on a wide variety of media. The standards of this system are prepared on the basis of similar international rules and standards of the International Organization for Standardization, taking into account domestic practice. They create a sufficient regulatory and methodological basis for the equal participation of Russian manufacturers of publishing products in the global information community.

Of the 79 state SIBID standards, the collection includes only 13 state (of which 9 have the status of interstate) standards. They determine the requirements for the design of publications in traditional and electronic forms, contain a list of necessary and sufficient information and the procedure for their presentation in publishing products, and also regulate the requirements for the information and bibliographic apparatus of the publications themselves.

Here is a brief description of the SIBID state standards included in the collection

GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation" includes the methodological basis for compiling a bibliographic description of any text types of published and unpublished documents: a set of areas and elements of a bibliographic description, the sequence of their arrangement, the use of prescribed punctuation. GOST 7.9-95 “Abstract and abstract. General requirements" contains basic provisions for the preparation of abstracts and annotations. Determines the requirements for their structure, volume, presentation of material, presentation of formulas, units of measurement, names, geographical names, names of institutions, organizations and companies.

GOST 7.56-2002 “Publications. International Standard Serial Numbering" regulates the method of identification of serial publications and determines the structure, form of presentation and procedure for assigning the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

GOST 7.60-2003 “Publications. Main types. Terms and Definitions" establishes legally recognized terms and definitions for publications of the main types and types, distinguished according to the following criteria: periodicity, composition of the main text of the publication, iconic nature of information, intended purpose, reader's address, degree of analytical and synthetic processing of information, material design, volume , structure, nature of information, originality of content.

GOST 7.80-2000 “Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules of compilation" applies to the main types of headings used in bibliographic records, contains a set of information, the sequence of their presentation, and the use of conventional delimiters.

GOST 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation” establishes methodological principles for compiling a bibliographic description of an electronic document: a set of areas and elements, the sequence of their presentation, filling and method of presentation.

GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Basic types and output information” determines the type characteristics of electronic publications, the composition of output information, the sequence and location of their location in the electronic publication.

GOST 7.84-2002 “Publications. Covers and bindings. General requirements and design rules" regulates the methodology for presenting output information on the binding cover (cover) and its spine. GOST 7.86-2005 “Publications. General requirements for a publishing annotation" includes information about the features of annotating publications that have different purposes and readership, allowing the annotator to focus on those features of the content of the publication that should be reflected in the publishing annotation.

GOST R 7.0.1-2003 “Publications. Copyright protection sign. General Requirements" contains requirements for the composition and form of presentation of the copyright protection mark placed in books, serial publications, music, cartographic, pictorial publications, audio and video publications, and electronic publications.

GOST R 7.0.3-2006 “Publications. Essential elements. Terms and Definitions" establishes the terms and definitions of the main elements of a publication necessary for its publishing and bookselling characteristics, bibliographic identification and statistical recording.

GOST R 7.0.4-2006 “Publications. Imprint" determines the composition of the imprint, the sequence and location of their location in various types of publications. Samples of the design of title pages of publications, their backs, end strips and last pages are given.

GOST R 7.0.53-2007 “Publications. International standard book numbering. Use and Publishing Design" covers the method of identifying books and establishes the structure, form of writing, and location in the book of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

The texts of the standards are given in an abbreviated version. Only the main, substantive part of the standards is published. Information about the developers, adoption, voting procedure, and other accompanying materials are omitted. The examples in the standards have been updated taking into account the latest adopted regulatory documents. It was important for the compilers to provide publishers with professional, regulatory information needed in their daily work. The collection does not include Section 2 “Normative references”, which is included in each standard and contains an almost constantly repeating list of standards.

The texts of the standards in the collection are arranged in increasing order of their digital designations: the texts of interstate standards are given first, and then the state (Russian) standards. For questions regarding the application of standards in publishing, you can contact 8-499-766-00-92.

Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation” established uniform requirements for the production, operation, storage and sale of publishing products. According to the law, the status of SIBID* standards, created with the aim of unifying the design of publications and preparing information about them on a variety of media, has been preserved.

*System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing

IN This SIBID includes 79 standards, nine of them have interstate status. They were prepared based on the rules and principles of the International Organization for Standardization, taking into account Russian practice.

The most relevant for workers in the publishing industry are:

· GOST 7.60 - 2003 “Publications. Main types. Terms and Definitions";

· GOST 7.80 - 2000 “Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules of compilation";

· GOST 7.1 - 2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation";

· GOST 7.82 - 2001 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules of compilation";

· GOST 7.56 - 2002 “Publications. International standard numbering of serial publications";

· GOST 7.84 - 2002 “Publications. Covers and bindings. General requirements and rules of registration";

· GOST R7.04 - 2006 “Publications. Imprint";

· GOST R7.0.53 - 2007 “Publications. International standard book numbering. Use and publishing”, etc.

A complete list of standards required when preparing publications for publication is presented in the following books.

1. Basic standards for publishing: collection. / comp.: A.A. Dzhigo, S.Yu. Kalinin. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing House "University Book", 2010. - 368 p.

2. Kalinin S.Yu. Imprint and reference and bibliographic apparatus of the publication / 5th ed., revised. and extension - M.: Publishing house “University Book: ANO “SHKIMB”, 2010. - 256 p.

Working as an expert at exhibitions, I very often came across books published without complying with GOST standards: the type of publication was not determined (or incorrectly determined), there was no UDC and LBC, no author's mark, ISBN number and other data important for the reader and book workers.

Issues of typology of publications have been relevant for decades and often cause controversy. There are especially many disagreements regarding the classification of educational publications, but this is the field of activity of scientists. For us, practitioners, there is GOST 7.60 - 2003 “Publications. Main types. Terms and Definitions” and we are obliged to follow this document. However, the books that you find in libraries indicate the opposite.

For example, such a type of publication as a “collective monograph” appeared. Its origin is clear. If a book has many authors, then it is a collective, which means it is no longer “mono-,” but to say “poly-” is unusual. So the book becomes a “collective monograph”. In GOST 7.60 - 2003, along with a collection of scientific papers, materials (thesis, reports) of conferences, preprints, abstracts, etc., there is a type of scientific publication designated by the word “monograph”. “Mono-” implies the publication of materials containing a complete and comprehensive study of one problem or topic, owned by one or more authors. The products of ZAO Publishing House Radiotekhnika that I discovered demonstrate disregard for this instruction and provide a clear example of how books should not be published (see.drawing).

I won't talk about the cover, let it be called design. But I would like to bring to your attention the back of the title page - there are not minor flaws here, but complete disgrace.

Traditionally, the back of the title page is the location of a number of output information or the back side of the title page, on which some elements of this information are presented (GOST R7.03. - 2006). Requirements for the composition of the output information, their design and order of arrangement are established by GOST R 7.04 - 2006. The main rule for the editor (publisher): the information given on the cover, title page, its back and end page must be identical and comply with GOST standards.

Let's look at such an element as the author's mark. In this book it is “P15”, although neither in the title nor among the authors there is a word starting with the letter “P”, only one of the editors is Perov. How is a copyright mark assigned? In the book by L.B. Khavkina “Elastic tables of copyright marks for the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet (M., 1993) in the section “Rules for determining the copyright mark and explanations for them” says: “The copyright mark is determined by the first element of the bibliographic record. Usually they are the surname of the individual author, the title of the work of an anonymous or collective author, and less often - the name of the collective author.” In addition to this most authoritative publication, there is GOST R 7.0.4 - 2006 “Publications. Imprint. General requirements and rules of registration" and explanations thereto, set out in the book by the leading researcher of the Russian Book Chamber S.Yu. Kalinin “Imprint information and reference and bibliographic apparatus of the publication” (Moscow, 2010). On page 68 we read: “The author’s mark is located under the first digit of the BBK index. The author's mark encodes the surname of the author of the book (the first author of a book created by no more than three co-authors) or the first word of the title of the book (if there are more than three co-authors or the publication is published under the title)..." No other sources indicate that the author's mark can be affixed by the editor's last name. This “innovation” is a serious miscalculation of the publishing house.

Further, the academic degrees of the members of the editorial board are abbreviated incorrectly and differently on one page; For some reason there is only one reviewer. The abstract also leaves much to be desired, stating that the book “reflects questions” and “shows questions.” In fact, this is the most ordinary collection of scientific papers based on the results of the conference. Look at the text from the publisher, which seems to combine all the materials under the definition of “collective monograph”. Is it possible to present the work of famous scientists this way?

I started looking up information about this book on the Internet. It was published under the editorship of Dr. Tech. Sciences A.I. Petrov and Dr. Tech. Sciences I.B. Vlasova. All the information given by the publisher matches, except for the name of one of the editors. In this field (radio navigation technologies), the names of scientists A.I. are widely known. Perova, V.N. Kharisova, I.B. Vlasova and others. But not A.I. Petrova. Thus, for the reader, the description of the book on the Internet is a false path.

In addition to the listed shortcomings, the book lacks one more international standard book number (GOST R7.0.53 - 2007). There should be two ISBNs: one for a series with a general title (“Radio communications and radio navigation”), the other for a separate issue (issue 3 “Radio navigation technologies”).

So a book was published with a lot of, to put it mildly, violations. The reason is disregard for GOSTs and industry standards, and other regulatory documents. The suffering link is authors, librarians, book distributors...

Another important question: how to determine what a book (publication) is? I believe that these are synonyms, although many book specialists distinguish between the two concepts. There is such a definition: a book (publication) is the work of the author plus the publishing apparatus. The apparatus of a publication is a complex of textual (in some cases non-textual) elements containing information of a search, reference, scientific or explanatory nature that contributes to the understanding of the main text of the work, facilitates the use of the publication, and helps statistical, library and bibliographic and information services.

Of course, the main thing in a work is the content. But this is not yet a full-fledged book designed to serve the reader. It is necessary to develop a publishing apparatus, and in each case its own.

To combine all elements of the book system into a functional and compositional whole, the editor needs to:

1) evaluate the work and all elements presented by the author, i.e. make editorial analysis;

2) form a publication apparatus and work on all its elements;

3) perform literary editing of the work (edit the manuscript);

4) develop the artistic design of the book and its material structure (preferably together with a designer).

Based on their functional purpose, there are three groups of publishing apparatus elements:

· distinctive elements - output information (in accordance with GOST R 7.04 - 2006);

· reference and search - table of contents (contents), column numbers, footers, auxiliary indexes. These elements serve for orientation in the text and search for necessary materials;

· supplementary and explanatory: epigraph, dedication, preface, introductory article (introductory, dictionary, reference), afterword, summary, notes and comments, bibliographic lists, links, footnotes, lists of abbreviations, appendices.

All elements of the publishing apparatus have their place in the book as a single system and are subject to certain GOSTs.

It’s no secret that raw, low-quality manuscripts sometimes land on the editor’s desk. The reasons are known: the teacher is obliged to provide his discipline with educational materials and he does this as best he can. The author is not required to know publishing standards - that is the responsibility of the editor. The latter must supplement the author's text of the educational book with a reference apparatus developed specifically for this publication. Only if the author and editor work together and are aware of their responsibility to students, colleagues, and science can a high-quality, in-demand educational book be produced. For her, what is important is the clarity of the text, the simplicity and brightness of the expression of thoughts, clarity, and the sequence of presentation of the material from simple to complex.

The editor must know how to correctly design the cover, title pages with imprint information, distinguish between preface and introduction, conclusion and afterword, table of contents and content. He must be able to compose a book summary, various indexes and bibliographic lists, correctly place references and footnotes, and other elements of the publication’s reference apparatus.

For effective independent work of students, a didactic apparatus is extremely necessary. Questions, examples, exercises, tests, abstracts, diagrams make it easier to understand, assimilate and remember educational material.

So, to get a high-quality book, you need very little: to develop a convenient one that facilitates access to the content, that is consistent with the goals of the publication, that is typologically justified, i.e. functional, book system and rely on publishing standards, which contain answers to all questions of editors and other workers in the publishing industry.

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