
Chicken flatbread recipe. Cheese flatbreads with chicken breast recipe. Cheese flatbread with chicken Recipe

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You have a piece of chicken and cheese in the refrigerator, and you really want something tasty and unusual. Try making flatbreads with chicken and cheese. They are easy to prepare, and the result is a very tasty dish. With this dish you will kill two birds with one stone: you will use stale food that no one wants to eat anymore, and prepare a delicious and quick dinner that all family members will enjoy.

Cooking flatbreads with chicken and cheese

To prepare this dish I use the following products:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 cups flour
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • chicken meat
  • 1 medium sized tomato
  • bulb
  • a little tomato paste (optional)
  • 100 g grated hard cheese
  1. First of all, I prepare the flatbreads: mix all the ingredients, mix the dough well until smooth. I leave it to rest for 20 minutes.
  2. I roll out the dough thinly on a floured table. I take enough dough so that the cake is the size of the frying pan.
  3. I fry the flatbreads in a dry, well-heated frying pan without adding any fat. Fry for 30 seconds on each side.
  4. Prepare the filling: fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. I cut the tomato into thin slices and add it to the onion. I cut the chicken meat into small pieces and add it to the frying pan with the tomatoes and onions. I stir and keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. If I wish, I add tomato paste to the whole mass, but I often cook without it.
  5. I sprinkle grated cheese over the entire surface of the flatbread, and only half the filling. I cover with the other half. Place it on a heated frying pan and fry on each side without adding oil. I keep it on each side for about a minute.

Tasty and aromatic flatbreads are ready, while they are hot, quickly invite everyone to the table. We listen to words of gratitude

You can make tortillas with cheese not only with chicken, but also with other fillings, for example, ham. An example of how to prepare such a dish can be seen in this video.

Regards, Anna.

Step-by-step recipes for making flatbreads with chicken, cream, pineapple, kefir and potatoes

2018-05-27 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

10 gr.

14 gr.


26 gr.

264 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Chicken Flatbread Recipe

If you don't feel like fiddling with pie recipes, here are quick scones. In this version they are snack bars - with chicken. For the filling, poultry meat is taken chilled, in the form of minced meat, smoked or boiled. The dough is made with yeast, soda or baking powder. This way the chicken tortillas turn out tender and very appetizing!


  • 0.65 kg wheat flour;
  • 0.1 l milk;
  • the same amount of sunflower oil (+ about 100 ml more for frying);
  • a teaspoon each of salt and sugar;
  • one egg;
  • a tablespoon of yeast - dry;
  • 0.6 kg minced chicken;
  • large onion;
  • 4-5 champignons;
  • a piece of butter.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken flatbreads

Dilute sunflower oil (100 ml) in milk. Add salt and sugar, yeast. And also beat in the egg. Beat the mass with a whisk or just a fork. Add about a third of the flour. Mix thoroughly. Now you can use a mixer, but use the first speed.

Pour the remaining flour onto the table. Place the yeast mixture in it. Using quick movements, bring the dough from the edges to the center. Knead the dough until smooth. Place in a clean and dry cup. Leave under the towel for half an hour.

During this time, prepare the filling for the tortillas. Peel the onion and rinse. Cut finely. Rinse the mushrooms and chop finely.

Pour some sunflower oil into the frying pan and add butter. Warm it up. Add minced chicken. If the pan is properly heated, the oil will begin to sizzle a little. After a couple of minutes, add onions and mushrooms. But don't bother yet. Wait another 5-6 minutes. Stir. Then fry over low heat. The ingredients should be almost ready. Add some salt and stir. Place on a plate to cool.

Place the yeast dough on the table or wide cutting board. Divide into approximately equal pieces. Roll each into a ball using bent palms. Roll out the flatbreads. Place a little filling in the center of each. Collect the cake with a bag. Pinch at the top. Place it again so that the tuck is in the center. Use a rolling pin to press down slightly to give the product a flattened appearance. So blind all the blanks.

Pour some oil into a wide frying pan. Heat on fire. Lay out the tortillas. If the pan is wide enough, you can fry 3-4 tortillas at a time. Only if the cakes are not large in diameter. Cook the product on both sides until a golden brown crust forms.

Since the oil begins to burn when frying for a long time, do not add a lot of it at once. It’s better to add more each time you put a new portion of semi-finished flatbread in the pan.

Option 2: Quick recipe for creamy chicken flatbreads

To quickly please yourself and your loved ones with delicious and soft flatbreads, use the cream dough recipe. And so that you don’t have to fuss with the filling for a long time, take smoked chicken breast.


  • 0.2 liters of liquid cream;
  • 0.42 kg wheat flour;
  • one egg;
  • the same amount of salt;
  • a little dried garlic;
  • a pinch of dry basil;
  • a pinch of sweet paprika;
  • one smoked chicken breast;
  • for frying oil.

How to quickly cook tortillas with chicken

Make the filling. Remove the smoked breast from skin, bones and cartilage. Finely chop the pulp with a knife. Mix with dry seasonings - garlic, basil and sweet paprika. According to your taste, you can choose something else - spice collections.

In a bowl, beat the egg until it turns into a liquid homogeneous mass. Pour in the cream. Add soda and salt. Add some of the flour. Mix well. Pour the flour onto the table and pour the dough into it. Mix by hand until the dough forms a homogeneous ball.

Using a knife, divide the dough into several parts, like pies. Roll each into a ball. Use your fingers to form them into flat cakes. Place the filling. Form each filled flatbread like a pie. But round in shape. Here you can use a rolling pin - roll it a little, giving it a flattened shape.

To cook, heat a frying pan with oil. Fry all the tortillas on it. It is better to turn over with two forks. This way the oil will not splash in all directions.

It is better to immediately place fried chicken tortillas on layers of paper towel. This removes all excess fat. And baked goods become less caloric.

Option 3: Chicken flatbreads with kefir dough

Kefir dough is quite popular among recipes for various flatbreads. It is ideal for frying in a pan. Bakes perfectly, remains tender and soft.


  • 0.25 l of kefir (yogurt or fermented baked milk);
  • 0.1 kg cheese;
  • 0.32 kg wheat flour;
  • baking soda on the tip of a knife;
  • 0.2 kg chilled minced chicken;
  • a third of a dessert spoon of salt;
  • for cooking butter.

How to cook

Grate some hard cheese into a cup. Add kefir and soda. Add chilled minced chicken. Add some salt. Stir.

Add flour. Knead the dough with your hands. This makes it easier to feel that a lump of unmixed flour has formed somewhere. There should not be such areas in the test.

Using a tablespoon or teaspoon, divide the lump of dough into pieces. Depending on the tool you choose, the finished cakes will come out smaller or larger. Form each piece into a ball. Flatten them slightly with your hands; no rolling pin is required here. But do not make semi-finished products thick, otherwise the minced meat inside may remain raw after frying.

Heat the oils in a frying pan. Fry the flatbreads like pancakes - on both sides until golden brown. During baking over low heat, the products will rise a little more and become fluffy.

It is easy to prepare such baked goods not only in a frying pan, but also in a slow cooker or in the oven.

Option 4: Chicken and Canned Pineapple Flatbreads

The combination of chicken and canned pineapple is always a winner in fried and baked dishes. This filling is also suitable for homemade flatbreads. Modeling them will take a little longer than other recipes. However, the result will be baked goods for any occasion - for a regular lunch or a holiday.


  • 0.15 l of water;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • spoon of dry quick yeast;
  • one egg;
  • 3.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 0.3 kg chicken fillet;
  • 2-3 rings of canned pineapple;
  • salt to taste;
  • a little cream.

Step by step recipe

Boil chicken fillet until soft. Remove from broth. Chop finely. Also chop canned pineapples. Mix these two ingredients. Add a little salt and set aside for now.

Mix an egg, a little salt and sugar into warm water. Add yeast. Knead the dough together with the flour. Wrap it in cling film. Leave in a warm place on the table for 30-40 minutes. If the air in the kitchen is below 27˚C, the dough will take longer to rise.

Then release the dough from the film. Form into a sausage. Cut it into small pieces. Form each into flat cakes. Make small round pies with the filling. Press them in your hands so that a flat cake comes out.

Place a layer of baking paper on a wide baking sheet. Distribute the products on it at a short distance. Lubricate the pieces with warm cream.

Leave on the table for 10-12 minutes. In the meantime, turn on the oven to preheat to 180˚C. Send the tortillas there. After 15 minutes, increase to 200˚C. Place the baked products on a plate and serve.

As an addition, you can add a little grated cheese, a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream to the filling. If desired, add some fresh or dried herbs to the chicken and pineapples.

Option 5: Tortillas with chicken and potatoes in a frying pan

Chicken Potato Cakes are a super quick bake. No need to knead the dough or fuss with flour. It is enough to take raw potatoes. But work with it quickly, otherwise the tubers will begin to darken.


  • 0.35 kg potatoes (peeled);
  • 0.3 kg chicken fillet;
  • 0.5 onions (or some green onions);
  • 30-40 g hard cheese;
  • egg yolk;
  • a couple of pinches of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • the same amount of spices “For chicken”;
  • for frying sunflower oil.

How to cook

Peel the potatoes. Rinse. Place in cold water for now.

Twist the chicken fillet into the minced meat. You can make small minced meat or minced meat. Also pass the onion through a meat grinder.

Grate the cheese through a grater. Add to chicken and onions. Add egg yolk, salt and spices. Stir.

Wipe off moisture from potatoes with paper towels. Rub quickly through a grater. Stir into the ground chicken base along with the flour.

Immediately set the pan to heat with oil. At this time, form the cakes. Pinch off the minced meat, roll it into a ball in your hands, and flatten it. Place in the pan. So fill the entire pan. You will have to fry the cakes in several batches. Cook over moderate heat until golden brown.

To cook flatbreads in a frying pan faster, you can use two wide frying pans at once. This way, all the minced meat will go away in one go, and very soon you will have ruddy, fragrant flatbreads on the table!

Bon appetit!

CHICKEN FLATTY FILLED WITH MUSHROOMS “One is not enough, but two is too much”

Have you ever had a time when you have minced meat, but you want to cook something more than just cutlets. But at the same time, there is simply no time for delights, and especially food...
But at the same time, there is a way out - to prepare “unusual” flatbreads, with some kind of filling, and even better - with mushrooms... They turn out to be quite large - one is enough to satisfy your hunger.

Chicken goes well with mushrooms, so even the most picky members of your household will like these flatbreads. The presence of carrots in the minced meat makes the cakes juicy and adds color. The result is a rather nice and very tasty dish, which can easily be prepared for dinner on one of the weekends when the whole family gets together.

Required ingredients.

600 grams of chicken fillet,
2 onions,
1 large carrot,
200 grams of fresh mushrooms,
200 grams of white bread,
3/4 cup milk,
1 egg,
vegetable oil,
salt pepper.

Cooking method.

Finely chop one onion. Cut the mushrooms (I used champignons) into arbitrary pieces.

Fry the onions and mushrooms in vegetable oil until tender, add salt and place in a bowl. The filling is ready.

Finely chop the second onion. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil until tender, add salt.

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces. Soak the bread in milk.

In a blender, grind chicken fillet, onions and carrots, bread, 1 egg (if you don’t have a blender, you can use a meat grinder). Salt and pepper. The minced meat is ready.

Form the minced meat into flat cakes. Place a little filling in the middle of each, cover with a second flatbread and seal the edges.

Fry the flatbreads on both sides in vegetable oil. Place the finished flatbreads in a frying pan with a small amount of water on the bottom and simmer over low heat for 7-9 minutes.

Chicken flatbreads stuffed with mushrooms are ready.

These are quite tasty flatbreads; the dough is very soft.

Recipe ingredients

  • Filling:
  • 300 gr. smoked chicken breast,
  • 250 gr. hard cheese,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 tomatoes (250 gr.),
  • green onions,
  • ground black pepper - to taste.
  • For the test:
  • 330 gr. flour (2 cups),
  • 300 ml. water,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil,
  • a pinch of salt.

Custard flatbreads with chicken breast and hard cheese recipe with photos step by step.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the dough for the flatbreads:

Boil water, add a pinch of salt while boiling.

Turn off the heat, add vegetable oil, stir.

Without allowing the water to cool for even a minute, pour boiling water over the flour. Pour boiling water in a small stream, stirring all the time with a spoon.

Knead the dough first with a spoon, then with your hand until the dough has absorbed all the flour.

Knead carefully so as not to burn your hand.

Cover the finished dough with a towel and let cool (the dough should be slightly warm).

While the dough is cooling, prepare the filling for the flatbreads:

Finely chop the green onions.

Cut the chicken breast, remove the bones and cut into cubes.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Combine chicken breast, green onions and tomatoes, pepper to taste, stir.

Add two eggs and mix well. With eggs, the flatbreads are more satisfying, and the eggs do not allow our filling to crumble, they hold it together.

Then add hard cheese and mix well.

The resulting filling must be used immediately so that it does not have time to release the juice. If suddenly your filling releases juice, don’t worry, scoop the filling into a tablespoon and leave the juice in the bowl.

Divide the filling into 11 equal parts. I just take and divide the filling with a tablespoon.

Once the dough has cooled, but is still slightly warm, roll it out into a sausage shape on a floured surface.

Divide the resulting sausage into 10 equal parts, but we will get 11 flatbreads; we will cut off the edge of each formed flatbread, as a result of which we will get the 11th flatbread.

Now let's form the cakes:

Roll out a piece of dough with a rolling pin, thinly (approximately 2 mm thick),

taking into account that the cake does not burst under the pressure of the filling.

Place the filling in the center of each tortilla, spreading it so that it does not reach the edge of the tortilla by about 1 cm.

Fold the flatbread in half and seal the edges well. I pinch them with a tablespoon, dip the spoon in flour, and then press it onto the board with the spoon. They then lag well behind the board.

The edge of the cake is not beautiful; in order for it to be beautiful, even and neat, it needs to be trimmed.

I take a pizza cutter and trim the edge of the flatbread.

I don’t throw away the cut dough, I fold it and this way we get the 11th flatbread.

Place the flatbreads in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and, without covering, fry them over high heat until golden brown.

Turn the tortillas over carefully so as not to damage them.


Recipe: Cheese flatbreads – with chicken fillet, fried in a frying pan

chicken breast – 1 piece;

hard cheese – 300 gr;

kefir 2.5% – 200 g;

baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon;

salt – 0.5 teaspoon;

sugar – 0.25 teaspoon

They are not difficult to make, as in principle all my recipes are.

Mix everything, you get this filling for flatbreads

Now we make the dough. Mix 200 grams of kefir with salt, sugar and soda. Add 200 grams of grated cheese and 400 grams of flour

Using your hands, gently knead the dough for about 10 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands. You can sometimes sprinkle it with a little flour. This is how my beloved son did it:

Sprinkle the table with flour, roll the dough into a roll and divide into 4 parts

Each part will make one flatbread. Roll out 1/4 of the piece into a layer of medium thickness and put our filling in the middle

Fold into an envelope

Turn over and roll out again into an even cake. The size of the cake should not be larger than the size of the frying pan in which you plan to fry

Fry on both sides in a frying pan

They make excellent flatbreads, the main thing is not to overcook them)


Cheese flatbreads

Many recipes from cuisines around the world use cheese, the oldest product on earth. Protein and calcium included in its composition are important for the human body.

Each of us has tried Adyghe cheese, the benefits of which the long-livers of the North Caucasus can tell a lot about. He has his own legend.

According to the Nart epic, the patron god of domestic animals, the god Amish, saw a girl who saved a herd of animals in a storm. As a gift for this, she received the secret of cheese. And God gave her a new name - Adyif, meaning Light-Handed. So, the cheese prepared according to the recipe of the god Amish was named after her new name.

Italian pride is Parmesan. Tofu, suluguni, brie, mozzarella, feta, blue cheese and many others are recognized all over the world. In fact, there are a lot of varieties of cheese, each of them is imbued with the spirit and history of the country where it is made. They are good as a separate dish. In addition, they are used in vegetable and fruit salads, dressings, when roasting various types of meat, and in baking.

Cheeses are also served with various wines. Roquefort is served with red wines with a bunch of grapes to highlight its taste.

Our kitchen is also rich in recipes with this product; dumplings with cheese alone are worth it! And everyone’s favorite cheesecakes? Are there people who haven’t tasted them at least once in their lives? What about the famous khachapuri? Their filling also includes this product.

To prepare them we will need:

- 150 grams of cheese (1 glass of cheese, grated),

Watch also the video of making cheese scones!

First of all, mix salt, sugar, soda and yogurt in a bowl. Let's mix.

Then add flour.

Grate the hard cheese on a fine grater. Let's add to the main mass. Let's knead a smooth dough.

Form the dough into uniform flat cakes.

Cut the brisket into pieces.

Roll out each piece, place the brisket inside, and seal the edges. Roll it out again with a rolling pin.

Fry the flatbreads in a hot frying pan until golden brown.


Cheese flatbread with chicken Recipe

Good afternoon dear friends!

What housewife doesn't love quick recipes? This simple recipe is one of the quick ones; it won’t take you much time, but will give you a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.

Hot cheese cakes with chicken are very tasty.

Let's cook them together!

For the filling we will need boiled chicken, if you don’t have one, let’s boil the chicken.

We need 450 gr. I boiled chicken breast.

While the chicken was cooking, prepare the dough.

For the test we need

Kefir or sour milk 200 ml,

Salt 1/2 teaspoon

Soda 1/2 teaspoon

Sugar 1/4 teaspoon.

Grate the hard cheese for the dough, we will need 180 g,

For filling 120 gr.

A bunch of fresh herbs - parsley, dill, green onions.

To fry the flatbreads, prepare 60 ml of any vegetable oil.

Preparing the dough

Add salt, soda, sugar, grated cheese, and flour to kefir.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Let the dough rest for a bit.

Now let's start filling our flatbreads.

Cool the chicken after cooking and cut into small pieces.

Combine chicken with cheese and mix.

Finely chop the greens and add to the filling.

Now all that’s left to do is make the stuffed flatbreads and fry them.

Roll out each part one by one on a cutting board and place a couple of spoons of filling in the middle.

We close the flatbread with an envelope: first we bend two opposite sides and then the remaining two.

Roll out the envelope with a rolling pin, doubling the size of the cheese cake.

Let the formed cakes stand for a while and begin frying on both sides.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the flatbreads, carefully turning each one over to the other side. Fry our flatbreads on each side for at least 2 minutes.

Place the flatbreads in a stack on top of each other.

All that remains is to brew fragrant tea or brew aromatic coffee and taste hot cheese cakes with chicken!

Enjoy your meal!

Try making cheese cakes, the recipe is simple and not at all difficult to use.

I like such dishes because the dough does not contain yeast, I try to practically not eat bread or pies with yeast dough.

Although the flatbreads are fried in oil, they do not turn out very oily. I don't like excess oil in the dough.

Just a little bit of salt and sugar is added, this is also very important.

It took me 50 minutes to prepare the dish.

Agree, this is very fast compared to preparing other dishes.

So the choice is yours, my dears!

Cook with love, treat with pleasure!

Have pleasant and delicious dishes on your table!

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