
Trial tests for the English language OGE. Preparation for the OGE

Test 1

Relationships with friends and at school

Section 2 (Reading Assignments)

  1. Variety helps socializing
  2. The Net socializing
  3. Negative socializing
  4. Fears of loneliness
  5. Socializing dominates education
  6. Eager to socialize
  7. Family socializing
  8. Kids need more socializing

A. Most students that don’t have any friends at school get depressed or something because they feel lonely, down, and that nobody wants to talk to them. They also might get those phobia things, like for instance, being insecure when talking to someone, or people, for one of the “first” times. So therefore, when a teacher calls them, they might feel uncomfortable with answering. They also might have stuff going through their heads and can’t focus on a test, worksheet, or whatever class assignment.

IN. In many instances, the failure to socialize may be a key factor in qualifying for special education. It is one of the triad of feature for a diagnosis of autism, for example. Special education has a very strong emphasis on inclusion, which in significant part provides for increased social interaction. Learning how to get by in society is an absolutely key component to education, irrespective of whether it is the subject of a performance test.

WITH. In order to get through school properly you need to be able to socialize. It is especially important for little children. That’s why in my early childhood education course we are learning that developing ways of having healthy social interactions is so important for children.

D. Various societies have varied socializing skills among their members. It does not mean that one culture is superior to others. It just depends on the way that the under civilization study has progressed. A civilization which has cultivated its young generation with a common set of rules and a uniform educational system is more likely to be at harmony. But on the other hand in the United States of America each minor community brings its culture, its ethnicity and their customs. Having so many socializing influences makes the society more tolerant.

E. My boyfriend used to go out clubbing all the time. But I’m an introvert and I can’t stand that way of easy living. I told him how it made me feel but he says he wants to start going out more, he says socializing is part of his path in life. I asked him what it would be like if we had our own place, he said he would be working all day and then out socializing every night except for the weekends, then he would spend it with me, this is what he would be like if we lived together.

F. Every time I use Myspace, Facebook or Bebo, I have a chance to socialize. I use these websites to talk to old friends and make new friends, but the thing is I never ever get that chance to meet a friend, it would be cool to try that, but I don't know what socializing websites guarantee that, I would like a safe teen site, where I can meet and make cool mates.

G. There are two types of socializing, depending on the nature of factors that influence them. One is positive when a person learns through good and happy experiences. Parents teaching their children from their experiences, learning from books or from peers are some examples of positive socializing. Positive socializing can take on the form of natural socializing and planned socializing.

I have a problem socializing with girls

I try to follow the rule ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’. But the thing I’ve realized is that a lot less seems to bother me than bothers girls. If a girl told me something like ‘I really like you but you’re in a dead end job and I am accustomed to a more expensive lifestyle therefore I wouldn’t compromise.’ I would just say okay.

I don’t know, but the way I am, I prefer if people tell me the truth like that so at least I know what’s wrong and maybe I can do better next time. However with girls I noticed telling the truth gets me hated. Girls call me rude and everything. I started lying to girls in college recently and I managed to get back relations pretty easily so I can imagine why lots of guys do it.
The interesting thing is the girls seem to suspect that I’m lying but they still smile and go along with it anyway. Telling girls what they want to hear gets me much further than I used to get. I always had difficulty lying to people because of my morals but these results are astonishing. Women always shun me for telling the cold hard truth so I didn’t know what to do. So I just started doing what got results.

A 7 The guy tries to follow his own rule.

A 8 Girls don’t worry much about many things as the guy thinks.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 9 Many girls told him that they prefer a more expensive lifestyle.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 10 If a girl explains her choice to date or not, the guy just submits.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 11 The guy likes being told what the real matter is.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 12 All girls like the truth about them as the guy finds it.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 13 Girls find the guy rude as he tells openly his opinion.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 14 Telling lies makes all business with girls easier according to the guy’s opinion.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Section 3 (tasks on grammar and vocabulary)

AT 10

AT 11

AT 12

People these days don't have timeto meet people, but they still _____ to have friends or even dates. The trendy new option is _____ a Partner for the day, evening or even for the weekend _____ to ding invitations or to get together to office. You may also spend the whole nights out and even take a trip abroad for the week-end or _____.

Men and ______ are using our services as it is an easer andsafer way of getting a perfect Partner without _____ time. All our Partners or normal people that _____ and qualified through our professional staff before we add them to our portfolio. People ____ Perfect Partner Time Jobs UK for many years not only for their looks but for their intelligence, good manners and sense of humor. You are sure to have the _________ time possible with us.
















Every child comes into this world like wet clay, completely without any habits and ______ patterns. Socializing is the process by which a child makes himself and learns the process of _________ and surviving in society. There are various key factors that influence this process – the family, the peers, the school, society and ______ beliefs. The first point of contact to the child and also the most ______ factor is always the family.

The ethics and behavior that is followed at home is always copied ________ by the child. Parents are generally role models for children. Hence the socializing skills are passed on in most cases to the offspring. Elder children are also a source of influence. It is because of this reason that in the joint family system that existed previously in India, the ____ were always better adjusted to society.







Section 4 (Writing Assignments)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Joe.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Section 3

Task B4-B12

B4 – would like; B5 – to hire; B6 – to escort; B7 – longer; B8 – women; B9 – spending; B10 - are taught; B11 – have been choosing; B12 – best.

Tasks B13-B18

B13 – behavioral; B14 – interacting; B15 – religious; B16 – important; B17 – unconsciously; B18 – children.

Section 4

Task C1

Hello Joe,

I am glad to receive your letter as it’s been a long time you wrote to me. You mentioned your new school. It’s nice to have everything new as you have a chance to turn over a new leaf in your life. But remember what ever you do that’ll build your new reputation. You should try to do your best at your studies even if you had problems in your old school.

You have also asked about my school. I go to a day school. We have a class of twenty two pupils and some of them are my friends. I like my school as we have interesting lessons and the teachers are also very professional.


The manual includes test tasks for the oral part of the OGE in a new format.

The topics of the assignments correspond to the OGE codifier: Family life. Appearance. Hobbies. Purchases. Emailing. School life. Occupations. Traditions. Sightseeing. Famous people. Traveling. Technological progress. Global problems. Mass media. Health.

OGE 2015. English language. Grammar and vocabulary

6 files containing a set of tasks on grammar and vocabulary that were presented in the exam in 2015.

A textbook for preparing for the State Examination in English: grammar and vocabulary: Level A2

A textbook for preparing for the State Examination in English: grammar and vocabulary. Level A2" will allow you to start preparing for successfully passing the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in English as early as grades 6-7. The online resource gives students the opportunity to further practice completing lexical and grammatical tasks.

A textbook for preparing for the State Examination in English: grammar and vocabulary + Photocopiable Tests

“A textbook for preparing for the State Examination in English: Grammar and Vocabulary” will help students prepare to take the English language exam in the format of the state (final) certification for 9th grade graduates. The manual can be successfully used as an initial stage of preparation for passing the final exam (USE), as well as for preparing for passing English language exams at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Proficiency, for example, the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) exam.

Diagnostic work to assess the quality of education, grade 9

The collection offers diagnostic work on the English language for the 9th grade of secondary schools, with the help of which you can monitor the level of mastery by 9th grade students of the subject content of the English language course in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and identify content elements that cause the greatest difficulties for students.

Presentation-simulator of the oral part of the OGE in English

Interactive simulator

is a presentation that helps you prepare for the oral part of the OGE in English. The presentation reflects all the main tasks present in the oral part of the OGE, and there is a time indicator.

Tests to prepare for the State Examination in English

Main characteristics

20 tests in OGE format;

Advice for students on completing test tasks in the “Listening”, “Speaking”, “Reading” and “Writing” sections;

Exercises to consolidate grammatical and lexical material, including repetition of tense forms of the verb, as well as means and methods of word formation;

scheme for organizing a personal letter;

Description of the exam format;

Free audio files here;

The PET Practice Online online resource contains 8 thematic sections, each of which includes 16 tasks and exercises on grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and writing in the format of the international exam Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET)

OGE-2016. English language. 10 practice versions of exam papers

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 10 standard options for exam papers, is offered to graduates of 9th grade of general education organizations.

Each option includes tasks of different types and levels of difficulty for all sections of the English language course.

At the end of the book there are texts for listening and answers to all the proposed tasks.

OGE (GIA-9) 2015. English language. Workshop

This manual is aimed at preparing students to successfully pass the English language exam for the basic school course (GIA-9). The proposed manual contains information about the structure and content of the OGE in English. The manual offers five complete versions of the examination paper in the OGE format. The materials in the manual can be used in classes under the guidance of a teacher, as well as during independent preparation for the exam. The proposed tasks allow you to check and assess the level of readiness for the OGE, and determine the strengths and weaknesses of your preparation.

The manual is intended for English teachers and methodologists, students in grades 8-9 of schools and all those who are studying and preparing for the OGE in English.

OGE 2016. English language. Typical test tasks

This manual is aimed at preparing students to successfully pass the OGE in English for the basic school course in 2016. The proposed manual contains information about the structure and content of the OGE in English.

The manual offers five complete versions of the examination paper in the OGE format. The materials in the manual can be used in classes under the guidance of a teacher, as well as during independent preparation for the exam.

English language. A set of materials for preparing students

The collection contains 5 CMM options for preparing students 9 classes for the state final certification - the main state exam (OSE) in English. The options are aimed at practicing all types of tasks tested in the exam - in the sections of listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing and speaking. The collection also includes criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer, specifications for CMMs, recommendations for conducting the exam, and a 2015 codifier. The collection is intended for students in grade 9 of various types of schools, and can also be used for independent preparation for the OGE in English.

Using an online trainer helps you complete the following tasks:

1. Training reading techniques to complete task 1 is carried out by recording and listening to your answer. The student is offered an unlimited number of attempts to complete the task. To achieve a better result, the student is given the opportunity to repeatedly listen to an audio recording of a text reading sample.

2. Training of dialogical speech skills to complete task 2 of the Oral part of the OGE. Students record their answers, listen to them, and re-record if necessary. Additional practice provides an opportunity to improve your answers to questions included in the telephone survey.

3. Training of monologue speaking skills necessary to complete task 3 of the Oral part of the OGE. After recording and listening to his answer, the student has the opportunity to record again and send the best of the recorded answer options to the teacher for checking.

4. Relieving psychological stress when working with a computer during an exam.

Please note that before each task, detailed instructions are given on how to use the online simulator, as well as requirements for completing the task, assessment criteria and a sample answer.

A textbook for preparing for the OGE in English: Speaking

A book for preparing for the Oral part of the OGE and the Unified State Exam in English, which includes more than 500 tasks, an online trainer for the Oral part and videos with examples of performing communicative tasks.

(SB, TV, audio, video)

Or even “OGE in English” evokes incredible fear and horror. Do you know why this happens? From ignorance, I assure you. Therefore, today we will put everything on the shelves.

The OGE is a very simple exam if you start preparing for it in advance. One of my students easily passed it with 67 points out of 70. The preparation lasted a year - 2 hour lessons a week. The main thing is to regularly perform standard tasks and analyze your mistakes. As well as constant reading and listening to audio in English. By the way, you can test yourself by completing tasks from and - in these articles I describe and analyze them in detail.

And now about the structure and requirements...

What is OGE (GIA)?

Every year, 9th grade graduates take 2 mandatory and 2 additional exams in order to either enter other educational institutions or continue further specialized education at school. At the moment, passing the English language test at the OGE is not mandatory - which is about to change. By the way, more and more schoolchildren are taking it as an elective subject.

  • The minimum score is 20 and the maximum is 70.
  • Completion time is 90 minutes, not including 6 minutes of oral speech.

What changed

There were no significant changes to the test in 2017. However, in accordance with official data - the oral part was brought into line with the oral part of the Unified State Exam - there are now 3 tasks.

Now it has become convenient and profitable to purchase textbooks and preparation aids via the Internet. You can always find what you need there and get it quickly. Reliable and time-tested stores:

Exam structure

  • Listening.

You will have to cope with three sections of the test. In the first part you need to match 4 dialogues with the answers. Remember that one of them is redundant. The second task is very similar to the first, only now it will be whole expressions. The third task is a dialogue and 6 questions, the answer to which you will have to choose from the proposed options.

  • Reading.

Once you have mastered the listening, you move on to the reading section. There are two texts waiting for you there. If in the first you need to select headings for paragraphs, then in the second you need to answer questions about the text.

  • Grammar.

There are 15 sentences waiting for you where you will need to fill in the blanks with the given word. But the difficulty is that words will have to be inserted in accordance with different rules. These can be tenses, conditional mood, degrees of comparison, and even word formation.

  • Letter.

What you need to do is write a letter to a friend. Of course, it’s not easy to write something “out of the blue.” You have three questions that you must answer, as well as a length limit of 100-120 characters.

  • Oral speech.

Remember, my dears, that I constantly update current materials to help you better cope with any tests, and I am also ready to answer any of your questions. Leave your comments with questions and I will answer right away.

A question that almost all English tutors ask or have asked themselves. Today I will tell you how I answered it to myself several years ago. And I’ll add some advice from myself in the present.

But first, a little about the exams themselves.

OGE and Unified State Exam

The OGE exam is intended for those graduating from the 9th grade and is designed for the Pre-Intermediate level of language proficiency (corresponds to A2 and B1 on the CEFR scale, the OGE contains tasks of both levels).

The Unified State Examination is taken by 11th grade graduates; the required level of knowledge of English to successfully pass it is Upper-Intermediate (there are both basic level tasks (A2) and tasks of increased complexity (B2)). That is, approximately the level of the FCE exam.

But if you decide on the OGE or Unified State Exam option, you will notice several difficulties and differences from international exams, like the FCE:

  • not all tasks correspond to the stated level. This year, on the Unified State Exam, the text of task 3 in the “Reading” section was at the Advanced level (C1).
  • your logic of reasoning may not coincide with the logic of the test authors. In some tasks, the correct answer may contradict common sense (this especially applies to task 3 from the “Listening” and “Reading” sections).

You can learn more about these exams and how to prepare for them in the following ways:

  • Take training courses.
  • Get advice from an experienced tutor, or better yet an expert.
  • Find out and read everything yourself.

I won’t comment on the first two methods; I’ll focus on the last one, since most tutors follow this path.


On your own, in my opinion, it is effective to organize your exam preparation work as follows:

  1. Solve the demo version of the exam and test yourself using the keys.
  2. Review tasks with errors and think about what needs to be repeated to avoid them.
  3. Read information about exams on the FIPI website, especially the codifier and methodological recommendations.
  4. You can familiarize yourself with the available textbooks on the OGE and the Unified State Exam, and preparation plans (you can find them in this blog in the relevant sections).

You have to keep your eyes open with textbooks. Many study guides are rushed out before the start of the school year and may contain errors or incorrect information about the exam. For example, when I started preparing for the Unified State Exam, I followed the recommendations from Muzlanova’s textbook on the right, here is one of them: “When you start the answer in Task 2 of the Oral Part, start it the way you would start in a real situation: Hello, I'm going to visit your hotel but I would like to ask a few questions first.” If you follow this advice, the exam will not have enough time to ask the first question because the student is under time pressure and will lose a point.

As practice has shown, the manuals of Verbitskaya and Solovova can be trusted. The rest - “trust, but check.”

We take a student

You have learned everything you need, you can advertise and look for students.

In the announcement, you can admit that you haven’t prepared for these exams yet, but you know everything about them. But this will reduce the likelihood that clients will contact you. Or you don’t have to mention it if they don’t ask you directly. And set the price for preparation below the average price tag. What to choose is up to you.

What to do at the first meeting?

My first lesson is orientation. It goes like this:

  1. Introduction and story about the purpose of the lesson.
  2. Conversation in English about this and that.
  3. Grammar test.
  4. Conversation with parents and student.

The main task of the first meeting is to understand the approximate level of the student and tell parents and the student himself how to work with him. After a conversation and a short test, it becomes clear who is sitting in front of you. If the goal is to prepare for the Unified State Exam, then you can take it with the Elementary level, but with “Unified State Examination” students it is more difficult:

  • Beginner/Elementary – if the meeting with the student took place in the 11th grade, then it is very difficult to prepare for a decent score. Either you refuse such a client, or you take him on the condition that it is unlikely that you will be able to get him even 60 points. A higher score is a miracle that will happen with great effort of the student/language abilities/good alignment of the stars on the exam day.
  • Pre-Intermediate – it’s possible to prepare for a good score in two years. For one - it’s unlikely; in this case, take it or not – it’s at your discretion.
  • Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate. Here you can take it in 11th grade with peace of mind. With proper effort, 80 points is achievable.

The entire scenario described is correct only if there are minor absences from classes and all homework is completed, otherwise it is difficult to make any predictions.

If both the client and I are satisfied with everything, I let them take home the option of the OGE/USE in order to have an idea of ​​the strengths and weaknesses.


Based on the initial data and what needs to be done, we sketch out a preparation plan. We will definitely save the trial version of the exam that we wrote at the very beginning, so that later we can see the trajectory of movement for the better or for the worse.

Every school holiday I give students a version of the exam to solve so they can see the results of their work. We discuss the results with the student and his parents.

If a student is “freeloader,” I keep a record of unfinished assignments and missed classes to clearly show why we achieve so little and the coveted grade keeps eluding us.

P.S. An analysis of exam tasks with an explanation of the strategy for completing them can be read in the corresponding section on and.
You can also familiarize yourself with my preparation for each exam.

In a foreign language - one of the selective exams for ninth graders. Many high school graduates choose an exam in this subject, because the prospect of getting into a specialized linguistic class is quite tempting. Well, the future associated with the use of a foreign language as a professional tool provides a chance to ensure good earnings and a decent standard of living.

Among all the foreign languages ​​studied by modern schoolchildren, English holds the palm. This is not surprising, since it is recognized as the language of international business and diplomatic communication. Practice shows that passing the OGE in this subject is not so easy - for a good grade, it is not enough to memorize the basic rules and language norms.

In addition to passing the written exam, students in 2018 will demonstrate their listening skills as well as their ability to speak English. In addition to preparing on your own and working with a tutor, you should also study the features and structure of the ticket, understand how points will be awarded, and also find out what innovations may await you in the 2018 KIMs!

Demo version of OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in English

Rosobrnadzor has already announced the approximate OGE schedule for 2018. Schoolchildren will take a foreign language (including English) on the following dates:

  • Early delivery of a foreign language is scheduled for April 28 (Saturday). The reserve day will be April 30, 2018 (Tuesday);
  • The main OGE will take place on May 25 (Friday). The reserve day for the main OGE will be June 20, 2018 (Wednesday);
  • The additional day for passing a foreign language will be September 14 (Friday). Booked September 21, 2018 (Friday) as a reserve.

Changes in the OGE in English

In 2018, English language tickets remained unchanged in terms of structure and content. The subject commission reports that the only innovation was a change in the criteria by which task number 33 (writing a personal letter) will be assessed.

What is included in the KIM OGE in English?

The main purpose of the exam is to test the ability of ninth-graders to communicate in English. The commission will test your skills in understanding spoken language, speaking, reading and writing in English. It is the OGE that will determine whether the student is ready to study in high school, and will also identify students who can be recommended for grades 10-11 with a linguistic focus. The ticket structure can be divided into two parts:

  • written part – sections of the ticket from the first to the fourth. Students will demonstrate their ability to perceive speech by ear (listening), as well as demonstrate their reading skills in English, the ability to write and use lexical and grammatical skills. The maximum points that can be scored for this part of the CMM is 55;
  • oral part - consists of one section, which includes tasks from the speaking part. The maximum you can get for the verbal part of the ticket is 15 points.

Correct completion of all CMM tasks gives the opportunity to receive 70 points.

Speaking will require not only knowledge of the rules, but also the ability to maintain a dialogue

In most tasks (namely, thirty-two), the student will be able to give a short answer to the question posed by establishing correspondences for sets, choosing the correct answer from the list provided, filling in gaps in the text, or converting words into the correct lexical form. Tasks with a detailed answer include writing a personal letter, reading aloud a passage of a popular science text, conducting a dialogue with the teacher and a monologue on a given topic. The entire ticket can be structurally divided into the following parts:

  • listening - includes tasks based on phrases used in everyday communication, informational texts and advertisements. Each fragment lasts about one and a half to two minutes and is played twice. The complexity of the tasks is identical to the language level A2;
  • reading - tasks are based on texts of a pragmatic, popular science, journalistic and artistic nature. The volume of the fragment ranges from 220 to 600 words. The complexity of the tasks corresponds to the language level A2;
  • grammar and vocabulary - tasks that will test the depth of understanding of school material and the ability to operate with it;
  • personal letter – writing a text of at least 100-120 words. Letters containing less than 90 words will not be assessed according to other criteria - the student will immediately receive 0 points for the entire assignment. It is no less dangerous to write a letter that is too long - if it contains more than 132 words, the commission will check only the first 120 words in the work, and will ignore the rest;
  • speaking – tasks involving the use of several types of vocabulary. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to use social and everyday vocabulary (talk about leisure time, relationships with friends, hobbies, prominent cultural or scientific figures, environmental problems, etc.), as well as vocabulary from the educational and work sphere (dialogue is possible about choosing a future profession or the role of a foreign language in different areas of our lives).

Regulations and features of the exam

The student will have to complete the tasks from the first four sections in 120 minutes. In this case, the specialized commission recommends distributing time as follows:

  • 30 minutes – listening (section 1);
  • 30 minutes – for tasks testing reading skills (section 2);
  • 30 minutes – to identify skills in grammar and vocabulary (section 3);
  • 30 minutes to write a personal letter and test other written English skills (section 4).

15 minutes will be allotted for speaking.

Any textbooks and reference materials will have to be passed before the start of the OGE

Students are not allowed to bring additional materials and items to the OGE that are not related to the exam. You will only be allowed to take a pen with you. All other materials and equipment are provided by Rosobrnadzor - the classrooms will be equipped with technical means to ensure the playback of audio recordings, and the speaking classes will be equipped with computer equipment, programs for recording sound and microphones necessary to record the student’s answers.

How do raw scores translate into grades?

The exam scores will be transferred to the usual school grading system. The translation scale looks like this:

  • from 0 to 28 points – “unsatisfactory”;
  • from 29 to 45 points are translated into “satisfactory” and will allow you to receive a certificate;
  • from 46 to 58 points means that the student will receive “good”;
  • from 59 to 70 points are identical to the “excellent” rating.

When assigning students to specialized linguistic classes or entering specialized lyceums, students who score 56 points and above have priority.

Preparation for the OGE in English

Remember: none of the foreign languages, including English, can be passed right away! Only long-term and competent preparation for the OGE will give a chance to successfully pass this test. First, identify possible gaps in knowledge - for this you need to download and work through demo versions of CMMs published by FIPI. Demo versions of tests, listening files and a requirements codifier can be found at the beginning of the article.

Do not forget that knowledge of the rules of the English language is absolutely useless if it is not supported by the ability to perceive speech by ear and speak a foreign language. To prepare for listening, regularly listen to audio books and English-language music, watch movies and television series with original dubbing (it’s better not to watch videos with subtitles - a line with words will distract your attention from listening to the speech of the characters).

Spend enough time preparing for the OGE - you should start in September

Speaking is another problem for 9th grade graduates. Vocabulary, grammar and writing usually bring students good points, but when conducting a dialogue or monologue, many are lost. To practice speaking, you should play out everyday scenes in your head, conduct small dialogues with friends, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers, and also describe in English the situations that just happened to you in the cinema, supermarkets and buses.

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