
Padre Pio predictions cheat online. Padre Pio's predictions are prophecies about Russia and the end of the world. Padre Pio called a killer country that will take the lives of all humanity on the “day of judgment”

The Italian priest Father Pio (in the world - Francesco Forgione) was canonized for several years. His life was filled with miracles that surprise even specialists in the study of the lives of saints. In the 1950s, the future opened up for the priest. Thus, he predicted the tragedy of September 11, 2001 in New York and a number of subsequent terrorist attacks around the world.

Francesco was born on May 25, 1887 in the village of Petrelcina in the province of Benevento, which was located in the Campania region in southern Italy. According to the account, he was the fifth child in the family of a farmer, however, of the eight children of Grazio and Maria Giuseppa Forgione, three died in infancy.

At the age of five, the boy fell ill with tuberculosis. He recovered, while many were dying from this disease. As confessor Francesco, Father Agostino, testifies, after this little Forgione began to have religious visions. He talked with his Guardian Angel, the Madonna and Jesus himself... The child did not see anything strange in this, it seemed to him that this was how it should be...

At the age of ten, Francesco firmly decided to become a monk. After six years of study and a series of trials, he took monastic vows. It happened on January 27, 1907. And on August 10, 1910, Brother Pio was ordained a priest in the Cathedral of Benevento. Due to poor health, Forgione almost never left the walls of the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo until the end of his life.

Perhaps the most significant event in the life of Father Pio occurred in September 1918. This is how he describes his experience in a letter to one of his spiritual fathers: “It was the morning of the twentieth of September. I was praying in the choir after Holy Mass, when suddenly an unexpected state, like a sweet dream, overtook me. All my insides, feelings, as well as the powers of my soul, were covered in indescribable peace.

There was a deep silence around me and within me; then everything happened in an instant. I saw in front of me a mysterious figure, similar to which I saw on August 5th. The difference was that blood was dripping from her arms and legs. The vision scared me; it is impossible to describe what I felt at that moment. It seemed to me that I was dying. And I would have died if God had not intervened and supported my sinking heart, which was about to break out of my chest. The vision disappeared and I realized that my hands, feet and side were pierced and bleeding ... "

The monk prayed for a long time to get rid of his wounds. Over time, the stigmata became invisible, but every Friday, as well as during Holy Week, they invariably bled. The stigmata disappeared only shortly before the death of Padre Pio.

More than once Padre Pio had to perform miraculous healings. One of the most incredible cases happened with a little girl named Vera Maria Calandra. Due to congenital defects of the kidneys and ureters, her bladder was removed. Doctors did not guarantee that she would live long after this operation. The mother of Vera Maria with her two daughters went to San Giovanni Rotondo, where the padre laid his hands with stigmata on the heads of the girls during the service. Four days later, Signora Calandra showed Vera Maria to the doctors. It turned out that a new one began to grow in place of the removed bladder! Before this, medicine did not know such cases.

In the 1950s, the future opened up for the priest. He saw pictures of future events and realized that all the troubles of humanity are either God’s punishment or a test... The padre carefully recorded his experiences - however, in an allegorical form reminiscent of the Holy Scriptures.

At the beginning of the 21st century, researchers were surprised to discover that surges in terrorism around the world were completely consistent with Padre Pio's predictions. Thus, they mentioned the New York tragedy of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent series of terrorist attacks. Countries affected by them will begin to unite against terrorism, wrote Francesco Forgione. A special role is assigned to the “banking power” of Switzerland: economic and political unrest will begin there.

On September 22, 1968, Father Pio celebrated his last Mass, and on the night of September 23, he passed away from this life. Only more than 20 years later, on May 2, 1999, the church finally proclaimed him Blessed, although many ordinary Italians had long considered him a saint.

To elevate a person to the rank of saint, according to Catholic canons, one must wait for another miracle: this is a sign that the Lord agrees with such a decision. And a miracle happened! In January 2000, an eight-year-old Italian boy was completely cured of a severe form of meningitis. The day before, on the evening of January 20, he dreamed of a monk, whom they recognized as Padre Pio by description. The canonization of Francesco Forgione took place on June 16, 2002.

Irina Shlionskaya

29-06-2017, 19:38

Man is an extremely strange creature. On the one hand, we are all fighting for life, enduring hardships in order to survive as long as possible, to be able to see the sun, breathe and have our hearts beat. On the other hand, people are constantly looking for an end to their own existence. Predictions of all sorts of catastrophes or even the Apocalypse have been multiplying exponentially for a long time: humanity cannot believe that thousands of generations will still live happily ever after.

Either they see some kind of danger in space, mistaking every stone flying past the planet for one that will suddenly slow down, fall and destroy everything, then their own volcanoes are suspected of the possibility of super-powerful explosions, because of which the whole Earth will become like Pompeii. People are much more inclined to believe in bad things than in good things, which is why it is not surprising that new versions of disasters are so popular. Moreover, they are beneficial for the economy: in fear, people buy more of everything “in reserve,” especially things that will not spoil for a long time. The situation with salt or canned food from almost the times of the Soviet Union is almost anecdotal. The real end of the world awaits humanity after about one and a half billion years, when the Sun can swallow us up, and then there is a possibility that the planet will somehow be saved. This has long been proven by the luminaries of astronomy. Nevertheless, the versions keep multiplying and multiplying. Some of them are scientific, and some are religious, based on the predictions of various priests.

Here, however, it is worth clarifying one interesting detail - according to the covenants, in particular, of the Christian church, a person cannot know the time of his death, only God knows about this. All omens for the Apocalypse, if any, will never appear from the lips of just anyone. These should be special signs that everyone will see. Against this background, the predictions of Christian priests, which for some reason arise very often, seem either to be a complete deception, or a highly twisted interpretation of the words of the confessors. True adherents of this religion will never go against its main dogmas, much less such serious and ancient ones. However, there are predictions, and there are even those who are able to believe in them.

Below is the story of one of those who spoke about terrible cataclysms, being precisely a Christian priest - Francesco Forgione. No one will confirm whether the confessor really spoke about the future of humanity, violating religious dogmas, so whether you should listen to this is up to you to decide for yourself. Francesco Forgione was born in 1887. Thanks to his deeply pious mother, at the age of six he became so imbued with the theme of religion that he joined the order of Capuchin monks. There he was renamed Pio. After some time, Francesco serves in the church as an altar boy, but due to his poor health it is difficult for him to engage in full-fledged church education. Actually, for the same reason he did not go to the First World War.

In 1916 he was taken to the Apulian monastery, where he lived his entire life. Since 1918, stigmata began to appear on his body - wounds that appeared on their own, bleeding and repeating the injuries of Jesus Christ shortly before his death. Although the pain was very strong, the confessor endured, constantly working and praying, trying to help everyone as best he could. It is interesting that the Apulians talked about his ability to see right through a person; Father Pio felt very well when he was being lied to. If someone confessed, telling a lie, the priest understood this insincerity and interrupted everything. The doctors who examined his wounds admitted that the blood there was very strange, with a sweet, floral smell that could not be explained scientifically. In addition, the confessor knew how to heal. He prayed for seriously ill people, and it became better before his eyes. For example, thanks to him, the sight of a girl who had lost her pupils was restored, and then the meningitis of a nine-year-old boy went away.

When the priest died in 1968, all the terrible wounds on his body disappeared. In 2011, after analyzing all the miracles performed by this man, the Catholic Church canonized him. There was also information about prophecies allegedly made by Father Pio. In particular, according to some media reports, he said one of them in 1957. It was said there that Jesus Christ would come to Earth again. The text notes that when this happens, it will be winter, very cold, real frost. In addition, darkness will come, terrible earthquakes will shake the Earth, and lightning and thunderstorms will burn everything that is sinful. What they do not destroy will be swept away by a strong wind, and there will be “smoking gases” in the air. If you look from a chemical point of view, then most likely we mean carbon monoxide (most of all), which appears during combustion, sulfur oxide and chlorine. In addition, all rivers and lakes will overflow their banks.

There is no information when this will happen. There is only information supposedly about how not to fall under God's punishment. As soon as you feel the first signs, you should close yourself in your own home and spend time exclusively in prayer. All this will begin as a whole church crisis, when people completely stop believing in God. Then one European state will suddenly unleash hostility, which will awaken the onset of the Apocalypse. There will be riots, famine and terrible diseases. At the same time, for an unknown reason, cataclysms will not affect Scotland, Augsburg, Reisen, Vienna and the territories south of the Danube River.

Lika Kharkovskaya - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

Father Pio - Capuchin monk, one of the most popular ascetics of the 20th century among the people of God, a zealous shepherd, mentor and confessor, who was credited with the gift of miracles and clairvoyance.

Francesco (his baptismal name) was born in the town of Pietrelcina in the province of Campania in southwestern Italy in 1887, the fourth child in a family of eight children. He was born so weak that his parents asked to be baptized 12 hours after birth, not expecting him to survive. Health problems constantly haunted him in the future. But from an early age, Francesco showed an extreme inclination towards spiritual life: he was constantly a minister (altar boy) in his parish church, and dreamed of becoming a monk and priest. Quite early, mystical visions began to visit him: the Lord Jesus, His Most Pure Mother, his Guardian Angel and some saints. These visions continued to occur throughout his life, so that Father Pio could talk with the celestials face to face. On the other hand, he also had frightening visions of Satan and his army, entire hordes of demons, with whom he entered into direct battle, causing him severe wounds and suffering.

In 1903, Francesco became a novice in the Capuchin Franciscan Order, and in 1907 he took his perpetual monastic vows, taking the name “Pius” in honor of the patron saint of Pietrelcina, St. Pope Pius V. In 1910 he was ordained.
But due to poor health, he could not perform the ministry that his fellow Capuchin priests usually performed, and he was continually sent home for treatment. Until 1916, he mostly lived in Pietrelcina, only returning to the monastery from time to time. During the First World War, they tried to draft him into the army several times, but he was soon demobilized for health reasons.
However, in 1916, he ended up in a small monastery in the mountain village of San Giovanni Rotondo in the province of Apulia in southeastern Italy, and in this monastery he spent more than 50 years, until his death, being in it almost without leaving, except short absences caused by conscription into the army.

On Friday, September 20, 1918, during fervent prayer before the Crucifixion, stigmata, i.e. wounds at the locations of the wounds of the crucified Christ, which bled heavily and caused severe suffering to their wearer. They remained with Father Pio throughout his life, and he wore special bandages on his arms. The wounds were fully opened during Father Pio's celebration of the Mass, first of all, at the moment of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts, so that each Mass celebrated became for him a personal ascent to Calvary, not only in the spiritual, but also in the physical sense. The stigmata of Father Pio were repeatedly examined and examined by independent doctors, but they were never able to come to any conclusion regarding their origin and nature.
As for the church authorities (and the situation with Father Pio became known even to the Holy See), their attitude was initially characterized by extreme caution and even distrust. From 1923 to 1933, Padre Pio was prohibited from publicly celebrating Mass and receiving confession, and he was secluded in his own monastery cell. Later, Pope Pius XI, who imposed this ban, would comment on this: “I was not ill-disposed towards Padre Pio, I was ill-informed.”

But eventually the ban was lifted, and mass pilgrimages began to the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo. Believers had no doubt about the miraculous gift of Father Pio, stories about which spread widely not only in Italy, but also in many other countries of the world. The queue for confession to Father Pio was several days, and he spent up to 19 hours a day in the confessional. In addition, he communicated in absentia by correspondence with many people who asked him for spiritual advice. The name of Father Pio is also associated with several high-profile appeals to Christ by a number of well-known freemasons and atheists in Italy. In these and other cases, conversion, repentance, and a change in the lifestyle of those who had contact with Padre Pio were associated with his inherent gift of insight, the ability to read in the hearts of people, understand their inner state, and know their secret thoughts.
In 1940, Father Pio and several of his close associates announced a project to open a hospital in San Giovanni Rotondo for the poorest and most needy, financed by pilgrims. This hospital, called the “House for the Relief of Suffering,” was opened in 1956, and it was this hospital that Padre Pio considered the main work of his life.

Father Pio reposed in the Lord on September 22, 1968, and immediately after death the stigmata on his body disappeared, and the body itself did not undergo the process of decomposition.
Pope Paul VI summed up his life as follows: “See how he was surrounded by glory! How many followers he found all over the world. Why? Maybe he was a philosopher or scientist? Not at all. He simply humbly celebrated Mass and confessed from morning to evening. How else can you determine who he was? The Lord Jesus marked him with His stigmata.”

In addition to the stigmata, the following supernatural abilities were attributed to Father Pio:
- Bilocation, i.e. the ability to be present in different places at the same time and instantly move from one place to another.
- Predictions of the future.
— The ability to “see” the whole life of the person confessing or the person who came to him for a conversation, an instant and unmistakable determination of his sincerity.
- The ability to make your presence felt with the help of a pleasant floral scent to familiar people who could be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away.
- Miraculous healings. For example, the case of the girl Gemma di Giorgi, who was born without pupils, but gained the ability to see after visiting Father Pio. Or the case of healing from terminal cancer of the atheist doctor Francesco Richardi, who eventually turned to Christ.
— Mystical battles with Satan and demons that Padre Pio fought at night in his cell.

It was the reputation of a miracle worker, firmly associated with the name of Padre Pio, that contributed to the fact that the process of his canonization was very slow and was fraught with many difficulties. The beatification process was initiated in 1982, but it was not until 1990 that Father Pio received the title of "servant of God", although such a title is usually given
candidate for the blessed immediately. In 1997, he received the title of “Venerable” and, finally, in 1999, Pope John Paul II declared him blessed, and on June 16, 2002, he was canonized.
In 2008, the relics of Padre Pio were exhumed, and therefore their incorruptibility was once again confirmed. Since March 2013, they have been permanently kept in a transparent sarcophagus in the chapel of the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo, and many pilgrims from all over the world come to venerate them.


He belonged to the Capuchin order. Until the end of his days he lived in a monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo. On September 5, 1918, while praying before the crucifixion of Christ, stigmata appeared on his side, feet and hands. Died in 1968. He claimed that on January 15, 1957, he received a Message from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is its content:

I will come to this globe overloaded with sin with the howl of thunder.

I'll come on a frosty winter night. Rapidly rising winds will herald great confusion on the earth, which will tremble from strong shocks. Lightning and thunderstorms from fiery clouds will ignite and turn into ashes everything that had a connection with sin and everything that somehow came into contact with it. All this will be destroyed. The air will be oversaturated with smoking gases. Choking smoke and gusts of wind will sweep away and destroy everything. Beautiful buildings will turn into ruins.

The hour of My coming is near. Before the coming there will be Mercy and at the same time firm and terrible punishment. My Angels sent to carry out this task will be armed with swords. Their attention will first of all be directed against those who do not believe and scoff at the message of God. From the clouds there will appear many fiery jets falling throughout the Earth. Bad weather, storms, thunderstorms, floods, earthquakes will occur in different countries one after another. The fiery rain will fall tirelessly. It will start on a very cold night. This, first of all, will be proof of the existence of God.

So that you prepare for this, I will give you signs: the night will be very frosty, there will be a noisy wind, and after a while you will hear thunder. Then close the doors and windows, do not talk to anyone except those in the house. When the earthquake begins, do not look outside, for the wrath of My Father is worthy of respect. Whoever does not hear this advice will die instantly, because his heart cannot bear this sight.

On the third night the fire will stop, the earthquakes will stop, and the next day the sun will shine. Angels will descend to earth in human forms and bring with them the spirit of peace.

The punishment that will descend cannot be compared with any other that God has allowed since the beginning of the creation of the world. A third of the people will die.

That short time should be used diligently, not succumbing to evil, nor giving in to it. Your task and responsibility will be to point out the impending danger, then there will be no excuses, do not say that you did not know about it. The sky waits and warns for a long time, but people neglect it.

When it is late, a large rock will emerge from the whiteout during the night - a night without a declaration of war. From Bucharest to Nuremberg and from Dresden to Berlin the lines will be occupied by troops. The third line will run from the Ruhr basin to Kaliningrad. Then black and gray birds will fly from the south with such power that they will change heaven and earth. The main headquarters of the troops? Kirsberg near Bonn. The first bomb will fall on a church near the Bavarian Forest. Everything will be destroyed and no one will be able to avoid it. Over there, tanks are driving through huts and houses, people are sitting in this vehicle, but their bodies are hanging, they are dead, everyone around them has black faces. Cities and villages will be destroyed as a result of floods. Southern England and its northern coast will disappear, Scotland will survive. In the west, the land will disappear, and new lands will appear.

New York and Marseille will perish. Paris will be two-thirds destroyed. Raisten, Augsburg, Vienna will be retained. Augsburg and the countries south of the Danube will not feel the consequences of the war. Whoever looks towards destruction will die; his heart will not withstand this terrible sight. More people will die in one night than in two world wars. Then faith will become stronger. Two years after this horror, the golden time will come.

Translation by Arthur Turkot from the site ]]>http://www.tajemniczyswiat.ija.pl]]>

Taken from here]]>http://www.rusprav.org/2006/new/131.htm]]>

Some predictions contain information about the use of nuclear weapons during the upcoming battles of the Third World War. It is likely that in future wars only tactical nuclear weapons, neutron bombs, chemical and bacteriological weapons will be used to a limited extent. The use of new types of weapons cannot be ruled out. Based on most predictions, a total nuclear war will not occur. Otherwise, humanity will not survive.

It is possible that during global earthquakes and cataclysms caused by a neutron star, the most complex technologies for producing nuclear charges will be lost, as well as the passwords and programs of the atomic bomb activation system. The second option is that the warring parties will be afraid to use thermonuclear weapons, since a retaliatory strike will follow immediately.

I will cite the predictions of some prophets and clairvoyants, which speak of the use of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons during future battles.

Prediction Phrygian Sibyl: “And fiery swords fly from the sky to the earth, and the night flame of the flash, sparkling, crashes into the middle of the fighting men. And in those days, from the hand of the Immortal God, the mother earth and fish in the depths of the sea will tremble, enemy cities will fall apart, because they did not know the law of the almighty God... Then God will judge everyone with war, and sword, and fire, and flood after a downpour that will swallow everything, and brimstone will fall from the sky and a devastating hail of stones; death will pass through the animals, and then they will all recognize the Immortal God, who thus carries out his judgment. Screams and screams will spread across the endless land from the lips of dying men. Speechless, they all bathe in blood; the earth itself drinks the blood of the dying; wild animals are nourished by their meat.”

In the book Prophet Ezra, which is sometimes called the Old Testament Apocalypse, describes episodes of the upcoming war: “And the clouds (planes) will rise, great and strong, full of ferocity... and will rain down on every place... a terrible star, fire and hail, flying swords (missiles).” (3 Rides 15, 40-41).

Holy Apostle John the Theologian wrote in his Apocalypse a prophecy about a worldwide war before the end of the world: “The sixth angel sounded, and I heard one voice from the four horns of the golden altar that stood before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet: release the four angels bound by the great river Euphrates. And four Angels were released, prepared for an hour and a day, and a month and a year, in order to kill the third part of people. The number of cavalry troops was two thousand (two hundred million - Author's note); and I heard his number. So I saw in a vision horses and their riders, who had armor of fire, hyacinth and sulfur on them; The heads of the horses were like the heads of lions, and fire, smoke and brimstone came out of their mouths. From these three plagues, from the fire, smoke and brimstone coming out of their mouths, the third part of the people died; for the strength of the horses was in their mouth and in their tails; and their tails were like snakes, and had heads, and with them they did harm” (Rev. 9:15-19). He is probably describing modern military equipment (tanks that breathe fire).

Franciscan monk's prediction Ranyo Nero("Black spider"). In 1972, in one of the monasteries in Bologna, a manuscript was found, the so-called “Eternal Book,” which forecasts the development of our civilization up to 6323 inclusive. In 1981 and 1984 In Italy, a book by B. Basher was published with the texts of the manuscript by R. Nero with detailed comments. Prophecies about a war during which thermonuclear weapons will be used.

1. There will be a constant struggle between three big religions - the religion of Christ, the green religion ( Islam), the religion of the Sun and fire professed by the peoples of Arabia and Persia ( Zoroastrianism).

2. Two terrible poisonous mushrooms will rise above two cities. There will be seven such mushrooms in total. We are probably talking about the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Humanity has to survive five more “poisonous mushrooms.”

Perhaps the explosion of atomic bombs during a future won on the territory of France or Italy is reported Michelle Nostradamus in the sixth century (quatrain 97).

At 45 degrees the sky will light up,

The fire will approach the large new city.

The outstretched flame will instantly rise.

When they want to test the Normans.

At 45 degrees– France is located at this latitude (climate).

Big new city– name not identified. In most cases the prophet applies this phrase to Naples.

Instantly the outstretched flame will rise– the use of nuclear weapons on the territory of Italy or France (“ when they want to test the Normans»).

Normandy- a historical region in northwestern France.

At sunrise they will see a great flame,

The noise and thunder will stretch to the North.

Inside the circle there is death, screams are heard,

They will face death by sword, fire and hunger.

Big flame- possibly the use of thermonuclear weapons in unknown territory.

Inside the circle- epicenter of the explosion.

Noise and thunder will stretch to the North– usually Nostradamus thus designated countries located north of France or Russia.

Invasion of the aggressor after a bomb or missile strike. Numerous casualties of the war and, as a consequence, famine.

In the year when Saturn and Mars both (will be) combusted,

The air is very dry, a long meteor.

Hidden fires burned out a large space,

Little rain, hot wind, wars, invasions.

1. The conjunction of Saturn and Mars will occur on July 28, 2064. Combust is a term used in astrology to denote a close conjunction of planets within 3 degrees.

2. 4. Drought in the country or on the entire planet. Wars.

3. Hidden fires burned out a large area - perhaps a war with the use of thermonuclear weapons.

In the prediction of St. Giovanni Rotondo(1918-1968), a monk of the Capuchin Order, probably refers to the use of neutron bombs during the Third World War. “When it is too late, a large rock will emerge from the whiteout during the night - a night without a declaration of war. From Bucharest to Nuremberg and from Dresden to Berlin, the borders will be occupied by troops. The third line will run from the Ruhr basin to Kaliningrad. Then black and gray birds will fly from the south with such power that they will change heaven and earth ( Islamic air raid- Approx. author.). The main headquarters of the troops in Kiersberg, near Bonn. The first bomb will fall on a church near the Bavarian Forest. Everything will be destroyed and no one will be able to avoid it. Over there, tanks are driving through huts and houses, people are sitting in this vehicle, but their bodies are hanging, they are dead, everyone around them has black faces. Cities and villages will be destroyed as a result of floods. Southern England and its northern coast will disappear, Scotland will survive. In the west, the land will disappear, and new lands will appear.

New York and Marseille will perish. Paris will be two-thirds destroyed. Raisten, Augsburg, Vienna will be retained. Augsburg and the countries south of the Danube will not feel the consequences of the war. Whoever looks towards destruction will die; his heart will not withstand this terrible sight. More people will die in one night than in two world wars.

Bartholomew Holzhauser(1613-1658), in his predictions of the events of a future war, possibly describes the use of missiles and nuclear weapons during hostilities: “After the world war there will come a new period in which two powerful ones will meet. The dispute between these two would begin in the second half of the twentieth century. It will topple mountains and throw silt out of rivers. Great changes will occur, such as no mortal man expected. Heaven and Hell will confront each other in this struggle, the old states will perish and light and darkness will go against each other with swords, but these will be swords of a different kind. With these swords it will be possible to cut the skies and split the earth. A great cry will pass through all of humanity, and only a small part of people will survive the storm, pestilence and horror. And none of these two opponents will win or be defeated. And both mighty ones will fall to the ground, and a new humanity will appear...”

Pastor Bartholomeus- a priest and professor of theology, who predicted the date of the start of the revolution in France, the rise to power of Hitler, two world wars, prophesied back in 1642: “Great changes are about to happen, which no mortal expects. All the forces of heaven and hell will come together against each other in mortal combat. Ancient states will perish, and light and darkness will point swords at each other. But these swords will be of unusual shape. These swords will probably pierce the heavens and destroy the Earth. Great sadness will engulf all humanity, and only a handful of people will be able to survive the terrible time of upheaval and fear.”

Sibyl Michalda((? - 1658), a soothsayer from Bohemia. An orphan, she traveled with gypsies in the Holy Land, the East, Italy. In her old age she lived in Prague. The prophecies were made in a state of trance and written down by her gardener. Perhaps the Sibyl’s predictions speak of war in the Czech Republic, during which thermonuclear weapons will be used: "People are arrogant. They want to surpass God. With an evil heart, they will grow a mushroom, the seeds of which will be thrown from the sky to the earth. The fear will be great, it will reach the clouds, and the mushroom will obscure large areas. But the mushroom is poisonous, and thousands will die a painful death... Your reign will still continue, my beloved Prague, but soon your hour will strike. A dragon will come from the East, even to look at which will be scary...

New religions will come, and where today stands the statue of Saint Wenzel, a high tower will crown a new temple. This tower will be magnificent, built of gold and silver.

Dark times are here again. In a year in which two fives go through (intersect with) nineteen(s) on St. Veronica's Day (February 4), humanity will cry out in horror to the world and the end of Prague will undoubtedly happen. The earth will be raped and God will begin the Last Judgment.

Nothing previous can be compared to this. A dragon will come from the east and it looks huge. Deadly lightning will shoot from his 9 tongues and 99 eyes and poisonous breath will come from his open mouth. Prague, my dear Prague, you will find a unique but terrible end. This breath decomposes your sidewalks, warm and beautiful. People will be shocked. Thousands of people will lie down and rest in peace with terribly distorted faces and freeze despite the warmth. The end is near. Yellow dusty clouds and toxic dust will suffocate humans and animals. There is fire everywhere in the city. The earth trembles, deep chasms open and suck in the living and the dead. Cemeteries open and skeletons laugh a terrible laugh. Everything is drowning in the black depths.

A fireball is coming from Vysehrad, chaos is flying through the air and everyone is screaming, an ocean of fire. Everything that man has created lies in disorder and ashes. Life is swept away. I see only rubble and skeletons. The clouds are slowly floating away. Where the dome once stood, I see a bloody fireball. It's over, Prague, your destiny is over. Strange times, strange people will fill the world. Nobody is truly lucky. Nature will be raped and the human spirit will feel above the universe.

A dragon will come from the East, which will even be scary to look at, because from his ninety-nine eyes multiplied by nine, deadly lightning will dissipate and poisonous air will come out of his mouth.

From Vysehrad a huge fireball moves, stones fly through the air and everything burns dazzlingly in a sea of ​​​​fire. Everything that human zeal has created lies in rubble and ashes; you can only hear the roar of the storm. Life is gone, I can only see stones and corpses. Slowly the clouds disappear, only where the proud cathedral dome once was, I see a blood-red fireball.

While your reign lasts, dear Prague, you will also face your final hour. Prague, my dear Prague, you will rarely find a terrible end. Everything comes to an end. Ten strokes of the last church bell roars in the air. In the city, the walls are torn to pieces, there is a firestorm everywhere. Everything is over! Where are your homes, proud city? Only weeds grow among the poisonous dust. Is this the harvest that man has sown?”

Anonymous prophecy 1790 (Warsaw): “Many tears will be shed as a result of financial disasters and destruction of property…. Almost the entire world will be turned upside down. People will lose their reason and compassion for their neighbors. Poisonous clouds will appear, and the sun will begin to burn hotter than at the equator. Armies clad in armor will march across the earth; and in the sky there will appear flying ships full of terrible bombs and arrows, and flying stars with sulfur fire, destroying entire cities in an instant... And the day will come when the Lord will judge the living and the dead. Stars and comets will fall from the heavens, the Earth will be set on fire by flashing lightning, and the old world will disappear."

Mitar Tarabić(1829-1899), an illiterate peasant from the Serbian village of Kremna, predicted many future events. In the Balkans, his predictions were called “black prophecies of Tarabić.” Prophecy about a future war: “A fierce war will begin, and it will be hard for the army that flies into the sky, but good luck will accompany those who fight on land and on water. Military leaders will force their scientists to come up with different shells for guns, which, instead of killing people, will explode and plunge them into unconsciousness. Sleepy, they will not be able to fight, and then consciousness will return to them... But when this happens, I don’t know - I’m not allowed to see it!”

“The greatest and the worst will fight the most powerful and furious! In this terrible war, woe will be for those armies that rise into the skies; it will be easier for those fighting on land and water.

The armies in this war will have scientists who will invent strange cannonballs. Exploding, these nuclei, instead of killing, will bewitch all living things - people, armies, livestock. Under the influence of this sorcery, they will sleep instead of fight, but will then regain consciousness.

We won't have to fight this war; others will fight over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky onto Pozega [a city in Croatia]. Only one country, at the very edge of the world, surrounded by large seas the size of our Europe [Australia?], will live in peace and without worries... Not a single cannonball will explode either in it or above it!

Those who hasten and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find refuge there and then will live in abundant prosperity, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars...”

Prophecy of the unknown German monk(17th century), which Ludwig Emmerich published in the collection “Die Zukunft Der Welt” (“The Future World”): “The twentieth century will be a period of terror and suffering. At this time and beyond, every trouble and evil imaginable will happen. In many countries, princes will rebel against their patrons, citizens against the authorities, children against their parents, pagans against God, entire nations against the established order. Civil wars will break out, during which everything in the world will be turned upside down. The financial crisis and loss of property will generate a lot of tears. Men will be without reason and piety.

Poisoned clouds and rays that burn stronger than the equatorial Sun. Iron armies are marching, flying ships are filled with terrible bombs and arrows. Launched deadly stars and sulfur fire will destroy large cities. This time will be the most vicious, because people will rise up and mutually destroy each other.”

Swiss clairvoyant Emma Kunz(1892 – 1963) warned future generations back in 1938 about the threat of destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere: “Planes will appear, similar to pencils, which will carry people into outer space. In this way, holes will be made in the atmosphere, allowing access to deadly cosmic rays that will exterminate many millions of people.”

Prophecy from Fatima. In 1917, miraculous events took place near the Portuguese village of Fatima. This inconspicuous place has become the world's largest religious center. Over the course of three months, the Virgin Mary appeared to three small children and conveyed through them information about the near future of humanity. She warned of the upcoming revolution in Russia, which would occur in October 1917 and the beginning of World War II. The first two prophecies were published by Catholic servants of God only in 1942 after these events took place. The third prediction of the Virgin Mary is still hidden by church pastors (shepherds) from ordinary people, who are probably considered a flock of sheep. In 1957, the Vatican received a letter from the last surviving witness of the appearance of the Virgin Mary, Sister Lucia, a nun of the monastery in Coimbra, in which she reveals the secret of the third prophecy. But it was never published. Only in 1974 did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger let it slip that Our Lady’s third prediction concerned “the danger looming over the Earth and Christianity.”

In April 1999, Cardinal Carrado Balducci, attending a conference of Italian ufologists, in a private conversation reported part of the prophecies: “It talks about the Third World War, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will use nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people abandon their aggressive intentions and make peace with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the third secret predicts the crisis of the Catholic Church and the special fate of Russia. I can't tell you more."

Padre Pio(1887-1968), famous Italian priest of the Capuchin Order. He conveyed to the commission appointed by the Vatican the following warning from the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ to all humanity: “Pray and repent! Be humble. Much is at risk. People move into the abyss of hell in great fun and joy, as if they were going to a masquerade ball or the wedding of the devil himself. Help me in saving souls. The measure of sin is full. The day of revenge, with its terrifying events, is near. Closer than you can imagine. The world lives in false security. Divine judgment will strike them like a thunderbolt! These godless and evil people must be destroyed without mercy, just like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah in the past. Yes, I tell you that their sinfulness was not as great as your human race is today" (January 23, 1950).

Europe will suffer terrible punishments when the papal throne is empty. Malice, hatred and slander will be provoked by a small people who will be sent to the fire, killing the prince. Seven balls will rise against birds with two heads and with one head...

There will be a big war in the East and West, which will destroy many people... People will look on powerlessly.

There will be a riot for four years and five months. Famine and plague will take more victims than war...

The time will come when you cannot help but buy and sell. The bread will be assigned and designated. The seas will be the color of blood..."

In 1968, a 90-year-old nun from Norway predicted: “I saw the world as a map, country by country. I saw the events that should happen literally before the coming of Jesus Christ, the end of the time of the Church before humanity befalls a disaster the likes of which people have never experienced. There will be lasting peace shortly before the coming of Jesus Christ. During this period, total armaments will occur in many countries. The Third World War will begin in a way that no one expected. It will begin just before the coming of Jesus Christ. It will be a short war. Everything that I experienced in connection with the past war can be compared to a child’s game. This war will start as normal, but will end with atomic bombs. The air will be so polluted that it will be impossible to breathe. The land will be unusable, the water will be impossible to drink. There will be very few people left. People who will survive from rich countries will try to flee to poor countries that will be less damaged, but they will not be very willing to accept them.”

Prophecy about America: “In this country everything will be destroyed, and the destruction will be great, and the fall will be great, and they will say: “Babylon is fallen, fallen, and there is no helper, for this country has corrupted all countries with its wealth and has brought it closer to its fall.” The smallest country and the most insignificant in My eyes, but it is preparing a great weapon to destroy others. That day and that hour are approaching.”

Austrian clairvoyant Gottfried von Werdenberg about the explosion of a thermonuclear bomb in the United States: “New York is destroyed by several small nuclear explosive devices, one of them could be a small atomic bomb. The main nuclear bomb could be launched by a ship; the rocket flies along a curve and explodes behind a huge building that looks out to the sea. Houses will not collapse immediately. The waves caused by the nuclear explosion will put pressure on all buildings, some leaning a few degrees to the side. As a result, houses will be swept off the ground. If this performance were observed from the side of the lake, it would look as if the skyscrapers were running towards the sea and then slowly sinking into the ground.

Manhattan will be completely leveled. The suburbs of New York will not be affected, only the center of New York will be destroyed. Radio and television in Europe will report this event. It will be reported that the actions of the Americans are disgusting towards the Arabs, but the fact that New York is destroyed is something that has gone too far.”

“The first nuclear weapons will be used in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Many atomic bombs will explode in the sky over the Adriatic, from north to south. The consequences will be severe tidal waves and flooding in these areas. Strong shock waves can be experienced in Austria and Germany.

Nuclear attacks by Eastern forces in the Adriatic and later in the North Sea will serve to destroy enemy ships operating there. There will also be a war in the Balkans, from Albania through Hungary and Bulgaria all the way to Turkey. However, they will ultimately lose all battles."

American Clairvoyant's Vision Raymond Aguilera about nuclear explosions: “During Worship in the Church, I saw another atomic explosion. I saw one in Paris, then I saw another one somewhere else. There will probably be two. That other one that I saw, the Lord revealed that it would be at Dunkirk. I don't have the slightest idea where it is yet, but I saw it happen. ( Dunkirk is a port city in France, in the Pas de Calais Strait– Approx. author).

“When three strikes, the Bomb will explode in the city of Paris. When the time of the impending Uprising is close, the Bomb will explode at 3 o'clock, Paris time, on the day of the big storm. The wind and rain will howl, lightning will strike. The city will be completely in ruins at exactly 3:03. The lives of many will be lost because the Officials thought they were safe from the Madman who would deceive the city... and the Beast would triumph over Paris with the Bomb at 3 o'clock, on the day of the storm, when the City and the World would least expect it.

I don’t know, maybe this is the evening of Visions. I just saw another atomic explosion with a very tall mushroom cloud. I can still see the ground shaking and the flash. This is incredible! I don't know where it happened. I just heard a voice say "sand dunes" but I have no idea where that is. "Sand Dunes". God, this is all weird.

During prayer, the Lord showed me an atomic explosion as we approached Rotterdam. I saw 3 atomic bombs that exploded in Rotterdam. As I was leaving Rotterdam, I had a vision of a horse wearing a mask.

While I was praying in church, I saw a bridge in San Francisco and an atomic explosion happened next to the bridge.

Vision June 11, 1992 at 3:20 p.m. I had a vision of three explosions. Big ones, I don’t think they were atomic. The Lord said: « They will be in Bangkok." I think that's it."

American prophet-evangelist A. Allen(1968) about nuclear war in North America: “White fumes covered the entire central United States. What kind of steam was that? Perhaps this is how God showed biological and chemical weapons that can destroy many people in a matter of seconds... Millions of people fell in the streets and cried out in suffering for mercy and help. I heard their terrible coughing, as if their lungs were burned by fire... After that, I saw rocket-like objects appearing from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as from the Gulf of Mexico, like a fish jumping out. They jumped high into the air from different places and headed towards the United States. Other interceptor missiles were launched from US territory, but none of them were able to fulfill their interception function. Having reached a certain height, they turned down and fell to the ground. The rockets that jumped out of the ocean exploded all together. It seemed as if the sound of their explosions would burst my eardrums. Then a huge fireball appeared. The only thing I can compare what I saw in the vision to is the filming of a hydrogen bomb explosion somewhere in the South Pacific after World War II. This vision was so real that I seemed to feel the flame of fire on me.”


  1. In my vision, I was in America. I left the house and began to look for who was talking to me. When I looked, I saw three men dressed identically. Two of them were armed. One of these people came up to me and said, “I woke you up to show you what is about to happen. Come with me". I don’t know where I was, but when we reached a certain place, he said: Let’s stop.” They gave me binoculars and said: “Stop, don’t move, and look. You will see what they say and what they will do in America." I saw a bright light, a dark cloud appeared above it. I saw the President of Russia and a plump man who said he was the President of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I didn't understand. However, I knew that they were from part of the territory controlled by the Russians.
    The Russian President began talking to the Chinese. “I will give you land for your people, but you must liberate Taiwan from the Americans. Don't be afraid, we will attack them from behind." The voice told me: “Look where the Russians are infiltrating America.” I saw the words written: Alaska, Minnesota, Florida. Then, the man spoke again: “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.” The other two presidents said, “We will fight you too.” Each took place that was already planned as the starting point of the attack. All they shook hands and hugged each other. Then they all signed the treaty. One of them said: “We are sure that Korea and Cuba will also be on our side. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America.”
    The Russian President spoke insistently: “Why do we allow ourselves to be dominated by the Americans? Why not rule the world yourself? They must be expelled from Europe! Then I could do what I need with Europe!
    The man standing next to me said: “What you see: they act like friends, and say that they respect the joint agreement. But everything I showed you how it would happen will actually happen. You must tell everyone what is being planned against the Americans.

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  2. No less interesting are Van Rensburg’s visions of the Third World War:

    The war (World War III) will begin around April or May.
    - Russia will attack and advance quickly without any significant resistance all the way to Spain.
    - England will enter into a secret agreement with the Russians and give away Western military secrets. (for fear of being attacked by Russia)
    - America, having learned about the betrayal, will begin to fight the British in Egypt.
    - Within one night, Russia will attack and sweep through Turkey (Iraq) on the way to the Suez region, and Turkey will not offer any resistance.
    - The Russians will collide with the American army in Syria and Palestine (Israel?), where they will be stopped.
    - Palestine will be destroyed during the fighting.
    - This war will be destructive and everyone will be expected to take part in it; more people will die in this war than in the Great War of 1914.
    - The war will be very cruel, fast, destructive and terrible. Many nations will be destroyed by instant air attacks and terrible bombs.
    - Some Arab peoples will side with the Americans. Many oil fields in the Middle East will be engulfed in flames, the Red Army will be defeated by more technologically advanced US weapons.
    - American troops will defeat the Russians in Syria and Palestine, Palestine will be completely destroyed.
    - More blood will be shed in this war than ever before. Weapons of mass destruction will be used, but the worst of all will be the “electric rays”, causing death and destruction, even the earth will be destroyed and only a few will survive.
    - British and American troops in Germany will be completely destroyed. In this war there will be one of the most terrible battles in history - "a large well will be filled with blood"
    - “The Russians will have no time to think”
    - It will seem to most that the Russians in Europe will be able to gain the upper hand, due to which many will be very gloomy and depressed.
    - The Russians will break through to Spain and advance further all the way to Gibraltar, but when they are stopped there they will turn around and attack England from the air, despite the agreement between them. England will be destroyed - “as it was in Germany, where women and children were destroyed, so will it happen to England. It will plunge even deeper into poverty, terrible events will not leave people alone and a rain of incendiary bombs will fall on England, where even bunkers They won't save people."
    - At this moment a miracle will happen: the Spaniards, Americans and Germans will defeat the enemy. German troops will be equipped with secret weapons that were hidden at the end of the Second World War. One German powerful force will come into action that no one expected! The world will say: "God helped the Germans, otherwise how could Germany have done it."
    - Russian troops retreat and bombard England, despite the treaty.
    - Spain takes possession of Gibraltar.
    - German and American troops defeat the remnants of the Russian army.
    - When these events happen, a person will appear in Germany who will take the reins of government into his own hands. They have been preparing this entry for many years and the weapons that Germany will produce will be of such a kind that many countries will be afraid to attack it. They (the Germans) will also be liberated, get back all their lands in Europe and become so powerful that after the end of the third world war they will sit at the head of the table. The English place will be empty. because it will no longer be a nation.
    - At this moment, Germany will have the opportunity to avenge all its hanged people, after one war.

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  3. Bouvier, Bernhard: What saves the future for Europe. In: Magazine 2000plus, in 2002, Specially 11/171.
    "Irlmaier was at one time a frequent guest of G.'s family in Chiemsee. Then young G. reported that Irlmaier said that there would be a worldwide earthquake. The USA would be affected first of all. In our country, earthquakes would be strongest along the Rhine valley. "However, here" (in Bavaria) it will be possible to feel earthquakes. During the Russian campaign there will still be aftershocks, namely in such a force that both offensive and defensive operations will suffer from this."
    “From his parents, Mr. G. heard the following statements from Irlmayer:
    "Things are moving freely with the war in the Middle East."
    "The spheres of influence and circles of interests of the United States and Russia are colliding: nevertheless, the tension is less."
    "US/Russia Peace Conference in Budapest."
    "The American president is killed, then the vice president immediately declares war on Russia. Almost at the same hour, huge masses of Russian tanks are already rolling along the autobahn near Passau to the west. The residents of Passau are frozen in surprise and horror."
    "In the south, Austrians on both lanes of the Salzburg autobahn are fleeing towards Munich in the tens of thousands in stampede."
    "The Russians are pushing them out of the way with tanks, cars that have blocked the passage through the Autobahn west of Passau and are driving at high speed towards the Rhine."
    “After 3 or 4 days the westerly wind begins to blow and western planes drop a large amount of yellow dust between Salzburg and the Baltic Sea,” under which everything turns black. Nobody survives in Vienna. "
    "The remnants of the Bundeswehr - completely taken by surprise - run away, abandon their weapons, leave panicked trucks and a few tanks ready for use."
    "The city of Denver is cremated from a submarine by missile."
    "The Russians land in Alaska."
    "The second moon is visible in the sky."
    "3 days of darkness. No one survives in Northern Germany."
    "Massive famine after the war, as many did not survive after all this.""

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  4. Visions of the future - 1
    This page lists statements by Alois Irlmaier who spoke of a major war in the future. Konrad Adlmaier received these statements during a discussion with Alois Irlmaier and published them later. In addition, statements are also listed that Konrad Adlmayer did not publish in his book, but indicated orally to a third party. In these statements, Alois Irlmayer showed an almost exact description of a great battle in the future.
    What caused the war?
    "Everything was talking about peace, Shalom! Then it will happen - a new war suddenly broke out in the Middle East, large naval forces lined up hostilely opposite each other in the Mediterranean - the situation escalated. But the real fiery spark will turn into fire in the Balkans: I see "someone big" falling, the bloody dagger lies next to him - then blow after blow follows. :"
    "Two people will kill a third, high-ranking person. They will pay for it from other people. :"
    "The third murder will happen. Then the war will begin. :"
    "One of the killers is a small black man, the other is a little taller, with blond hair. I think this will happen in the Balkans, but I can’t say for sure. :"
    "The year before the war there will be a fertile year with lots of fruits and grain. After the killing of the third, this will suddenly begin: I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot determine the time. The war will begin at sunrise. It will come quickly. Farmers will sit in pubs playing cards while foreign soldiers look in the windows and doors. A completely black army will come from the east, but still it will happen very quickly. I see a three, but I don’t know "whether that means three days or three weeks. She will come from the golden city. The first breakthrough will start in the blue water in the northwest and will come to the Swiss border. Since Regensburg will no longer have bridges over the Danube, they will not come from the south of the blue water."
    ": Then blow after blow will follow. Numerous units will march from the East to Belgrade and advance towards Italy. After this, three armored wedges will immediately advance at lightning speed to the north of the Danube through West Germany towards the Rhine - without prior warning. It will happen like this unexpectedly, the population will flee in panic to the west. Lots of cars will block the roads - if only they would have stayed at home or not used the highways. Anything that would be an obstacle to the rapid advance of tanks on high-speed highways and other highways would be crushed. I don't I see no more bridges over the Danube over Regensburg. Hardly anything will remain of the great city of Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly from the air. :"
    "I see the Earth as a ball in front of me, on which white doves are now flying nearby, a very large number rising from the sand. And then they rain down yellow dust along the line. When the golden city is destroyed, this will happen. Perhaps the yellow line will go to the city on shore. It will be a clear night when they begin to throw it out. The tanks are still moving, but those who sit in these tanks become completely black. Where it falls, nothing will survive, neither trees, nor bushes, nor livestock, nor grass, they will wither and turn black. The houses are still standing. I don't know what it is and that's why I can't say it. It's a long line. Whoever goes through this line will die. Those on one side will not be able to cross to the other side. Then everything on the front line will fall apart. They all need to go north. Everything they have with them, they will leave behind. No one will return: "

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  5. Visions of the future - 2
    “Planes will drop yellow powder between the Black Sea and the North Sea. This creates a strip of death, in a straight line from the Black Sea to the North Sea, half the width of Bavaria. In this zone, grass can no longer grow, not to mention human life. Russian supplies are interrupted :"
    "Flocks of pigeons rise from the sands. Two flocks reach the battlefield from west to southwest: The squadrons turn north and cut off the path of the third army. From the east there are many tracks from the tracks. But everyone on the tracks is already dead, although the transport continues to roll to gradually stop automatically. Here the pilots also drop their small black boxes. They explode before they reach the ground and spread yellow or green smoke or dust. Anything that comes into contact with it will die, whether it is a person, an animal or a plant. For one year not a single organism can enter this area, otherwise it will expose itself to enormous mortal danger. On the Rhine, the attack is finally repulsed. Of the three advanced units, not a single soldier returns home: "
    "These boxes are diabolical. When they explode, yellow and green dust or smoke appears, everything that comes into contact with it dies, whether it is a person, an animal or a plant. People turn completely black and the meat falls off the bones, such a strong poison."
    ": Due to a natural disaster or something similar, the Russians will suddenly deviate north. The final battle will begin near Cologne. :"
    ": On the Rhine I see a crescent that wants to swallow everything. The horns of the sickle want to connect. What does this mean, I don’t know. :"
    "Then they fly north. In the center is the limit, nothing lives here anymore, neither people, nor animals, nor grass. They fly further north, where the third advance group entered, and cut off everything. So, they will all be killed, none of these three armies will ever return home: But then I see someone flying, coming from the east, throwing something into the big water, so something strange will happen. The water will rise as high as the tower and fall, then everything will flood. There will be an earthquake and half of the big island will drown. All the action will not last long, I see three lines - three days, three weeks, three months, I don’t know exactly, but it will not last long! "
    "One plane coming from the east will drop something into the big water. Then the water will rise as high as a tower and fall. Everything will be flooded. There will be an earthquake. The southern part of England will slide into the water. Three large cities will be destroyed: one will be destroyed water, the second is so deep in the sea that only church towers can be seen and the third will collapse."

    Visions of the future - 3
    "January will be so warm sometimes that mosquitoes will dance. It may be that we will already reach a time when there will be no normal winter at all as we know it now."
    ":During the war there will be great darkness, which will last 72 hours." "It will become dark during the day during the war. Then a hailstorm consisting of lightning and thunder will break out, and an earthquake will shake the earth. Please do not leave the house at this time. Do not light the light, except for the light of a candle, there is no electricity. Whoever inhales dust, will start convulsing and die. Do not open the windows, cover them completely with black paper. All open water will become poisonous and also all open food that is not in closed boxes. Also do not store food behind glass because it will not cover it completely. Death from dust will spread outside, many people will die. After 72 hours it will all be over. But still: Don't leave the house, don't look out the window and keep a candle burning. And pray. More people will die in one night than in two world wars before."
    ": Do not open the windows for 72 hours. There will be so little water in the rivers that you can easily ford them. Livestock will die, the grass will turn yellow and dry, dead people will turn completely yellow and black. The wind will carry the clouds of death to the east."
    ": The city with the iron tower will become a victim of its people. They will set everything on fire. There is a revolution, and everywhere is restless. The shores of the islands will drown because the waters are too wild. I see large holes in the sea that will be filled when the huge waves return. A beautiful city near "The blue sea will be almost completely submerged in the sea and in the mud and sand that the sea throws up. I see three cities drowning in the south, in the northwest and in the west."
    "A big city with a tall iron tower on fire. But this was done by their own people, not by those who came from the east. And I can definitely see that the city is razed to the ground. And Italy is also uneasy. They will kill many people there and the Roman The Pope is fleeing, but many priests will be killed, many churches will be destroyed."
    "Revolution and civil war will break out in Russia. There are so many corpses that it is no longer possible to remove them from the roads. The cross will again be held in high esteem. The Russian people will again believe in God. One of the great leaders of the party will commit suicide and great guilt will be washed away with blood. I see "a red mass mixed with yellow faces, this is a general uprising and terrible murders. Then they sing Easter songs and burn candles in front of the holy icons. Through the prayers of Christianity, the hellish monster will die; also the youth will again believe in the intercession of the Mother of God."
    "After the victory, the fleeing Pope will crown the emperor. How long this will last, I do not know. I see three nines. The third nine will bring peace. If all this happens, some of the inhabitants will die and people will fear God again. Laws that bring death to children will become invalid after purification. Then there will be peace. Good time. I see three shining crowns and a skinny old man will be our King. Also the very old crown in the south will be held in high esteem again."
    "do not be deceived by the events that are taking place in Europe: This is a great illusion! Russia will not be transformed until Russia is the scourge of all nations. Russia is the instrument that the Eternal Father will use to punish the world :
    Russia will invade the West, and at the same time China will enter Asia.

    My words will be twisted by church leaders and priests; they will do this in order to confuse and confuse our children.
    and make them believe that peace has come to the whole world, and that Russia has transformed itself. - But this is not so!
    The world is in great danger. If the world does not transform, then everyone will be plunged into a bloodthirsty war.
    The changes that are taking place in Eastern Europe will not lead to peace!"
    (From the book by Helmut Waldmann)

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  6. Yes, thousands of such “predictions” can be written. Only now we will never know whether there were real ones among the sea of ​​fake ones, which are written in hindsight by all sorts of clever people.

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