
Nona Gaprindashvili: biography of a chess player. Nona Gaprindashvili. Sports biography Important career milestones

, Zugdidi, Georgian SSR) - Soviet and Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (); fifth world champion in chess history (1962-1978), the first international grandmaster among women () and the first woman to be awarded the title of international grandmaster among men (). Five-time USSR champion. Chairman of the Women's Commission of FIDE (International Chess Federation, 1980-1986). The first winner of the Chess Oscar prize (). President of the National Olympic Committee of Georgia (-1996).

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March 2362
March 2299


Nona was taught to play chess by her older brothers when she was 5 years old. From the age of 12 she studied chess at the Tbilisi Palace of Pioneers under the guidance of the experienced coach Vakhtang Karseladze (1919-1966), who is called the founder of the Georgian women's chess school. At the age of 15 she became the champion of Tbilisi and Georgia.

At the age of 19, she won the right to participate in the candidates’ tournament in Vrnjacka Banja (Yugoslavia), where she confidently took first place, scoring 13 points out of 16 possible and two points ahead of the second prize-winner.

For achievements in the field of chess she was awarded the Order of Lenin () and the Order of the Badge of Honor (), and the medal “For Labor Distinction” ().

The first woman to be awarded the title of grandmaster among men (1978). He has been playing chess since he was 5 years old. She studied at the Tbilisi Palace of Pioneers under the guidance of V. Karseladze.

At the age of 14 - 2nd prize-winner of the Tbilisi Championship, at 15 - champion of Georgia. In the 20th national championship (1960) she took 4th place and received the right to participate in the candidates tournament (1961), winning which she met in the match for the world champion title with E. Bykova and won it - 9:2 (+7–0=4) , becoming, like V. Menchik, world champion at the age of 21. In subsequent years she successfully defended her title. Three times against A. Kushnir: Riga, 1965 – 8.5:4.5 (+7–3=3), Tbilisi – Moscow, 1969 – 8.5:4.5 (+6–2=5), Riga, 1972 – 8.5:7.5 (+5–4=7), then against N. Alexandria – Pitsunda – Tbilisi, 1975 – 8.5:3.5 (+8–3=1). However, in 1978 she lost the match for the world champion title to M. Chiburdanidze in Pitsunda - 6.5:8.5 (+2–4=9). After that, she participated in the candidates’ matches - in 1980 she defeated N. Gurieli (+5–2=2) and tied with N. Ioseliani (+3–3=8), but lost to her on additional indicators. In the next cycle, she won the interzonal tournament in Bad Kissingen (1982), but in 1983 she lost to I. Levitina (+4–6=8). The last time she played in the Candidates Tournament (Tskhaltubo, 1988) and took only 7th place.

Gaprindashvili is a 5-time champion of the USSR (1964, 1974–1974, 1981, 1983, 1985), a two-time winner of the European Champions Cup (1969, 1972), a 10-time winner of the Women’s Chess Olympiad (1963–1986) as a member of the USSR national team. She won about 20 women's international tournaments and successfully competed in men's competitions: Hastings, 1963-1964 (side tournament) - 1-2, Lone Pine 1977 (US Open) - 1-4, Reggio Emilia - 1 , Wijk aan Zee, 1987 (2nd tournament) – 1–3.

Gaprindashvili has raised the level of women's chess, showing herself to be a universal chess player - equally strong in both tactical complications and maneuverable positional play.

“In my deep conviction, Nona Gaprindashvili is significantly superior to the famous Vera Menchik. Gaprindashvili's game is much more versatile and brighter. She is a chess player with a wide range of skills and great creative potential” (M. Euwe).

Good day, dear friend!

The popularity of women's chess, of course, cannot be compared with men's. I suspect that rarely does anyone know the names of all the world champions. However, Nona Gaprindashvili is hardly among the “unknowns”. There are several reasons for this.

Nona Terentyevna “sat on the throne” for 16 years (62-78 years). Agree, the period is more than respectable.

She was the first to start playing “men’s chess.” Max Euwe wrote:

“In my deep conviction, Nona Gaprindashvili is superior to the famous one. Gaprindashvili's game is much more versatile and brighter. She is a versatile chess player with great creative potential.”

She was a symbol of women's chess in the 60s and 70s. Significantly raising their authority and popularity.


Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili native of Zugdidi, Georgia. She was born in 1941. There were five children in the family, Nona the youngest. It was thanks to her brothers and sisters that the girl got involved in chess and took her first steps.

First coach Vakhtang Karseladze , a person largely thanks to whom women's chess in Georgia reached outstanding heights.

Over time, an experienced, famous coach joined in working with the talented chess player. Mikhail Shishov.

The combined efforts, plus Nona’s talent and determination, yielded a truly amazing result:

At the age of 15 she wins the Georgian championship with the result 15.5 points out of 16 possible .

Career and Title

IN 1961 Gaprindashvili won the right to play in the Candidates Tournament (Vrnjacka Banja) and confidently won it with a result 13 of 16, leaving all competitors far behind.

The series of defeats continued in the world championship match with the then champion Elizaveta Bykova . The ambitious and purposeful contender could no longer be stopped. Game Score 9:2 speaks for itself.

One of the games against E Bykova in this match:

E. Bykova - N. Gaprindashvili , Moscow 1962, 0:1

So, in 1962 year the world received a new champion - Nona Gaprindashvili. For as long as 16 years.

Only in 1978 Nona Terentyevna resigned as champion, losing to another brilliant representative of Georgian chess Maya Chiburdanidze .

Subsequently, she repeatedly confirmed her high class. Including in men's competitions, winning a number of tournaments.

Nona Terentyevna won interzonal tournaments twice more, in 1982 and 1990.


Nona Terentyevna is the fifth world champion in history. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

  • The first chess player to be awarded the title of international grandmaster among women in 1976 and among men in 1978.
  • Five-time champion of the Soviet Union. Chairman of the Fide Women's Commission in the 80s.
  • The first winner of the Chess Oscar.

President of the National Committee of Georgia in the period 89–96.

She was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Badge of Honor, and the medal For Labor Distinction.


Nona Gaprindashvili’s determination is well characterized by her own phrase:

“I always had this thought inside me: I play because I want to fight only for the highest awards.”

Nona Terentyevna always loved blitz. She especially remembers meetings with:

In general, Tal won in our matches. I resisted and won some games, but the overall score was in his favor. So, I wanted to win the match against him and so I said that I wanted to play with him when he was drunk. He said he didn't mind, and one day I caught him. We were at some reception in England, he drank, and then we started playing blitz.

It was incredible! Drunk, he played blitz so hard that you couldn’t get close! I will never forget this, because his usual game is nothing compared to how he played then!

About playing with men:

Men are definitely ashamed to lose to a chess player, even if she is a world champion. They play with me with full dedication of all their strength, even risking losing the next game due to fatigue... Do you think grandmasters, when meeting a woman at the chessboard, show at least a drop of gallantry? No matter how it is!”

Family and society

Nona Terentyevna takes an active part in the public life of her country. She headed the National Olympic Committee, one of the political parties in Georgia.

Nona always gave priority to her son David. The boy accompanied his mother to competitions and was always nearby.

Today David has his own family and lives in England. And Nona Terentyevna, despite her busy schedule, fulfills the noble role of mother and grandmother with success and pleasure.

Nona Gaprindashvili in the documentary “Tail of the Comet”:

Let us emphasize once again: Nona Gaprindashvili - the first of the fair sex to make women's chess treated without any discounts , irony and sarcasm. She plays truly strongly, versatilely, without succumbing to excessive emotions.

Nona Terentyevna is a true role model for young people. Both as a chess player and as a person with an active lifestyle and love for loved ones.

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Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili (May 3, 1941, Zugdidi) - fifth world champion, international grandmaster among women and among men, Honored Master of Sports.

I learned to play chess with the help of my older brother. She developed a serious interest in the game at the age of twelve.
In 1954 she moved to Tbilisi. She studied at the Palace of Pioneers under the guidance of coach Karseladze. First-class student Nona Gaprindashvili won the title of city champion at 14 years old with a score of 14 points out of 15.Gaprindashvili won 13 games and drew only two (with Manvelova and M. Statnikova).

In 1956 Gaprindashvili won the Georgian women's championship, which was held for the first time in Zugdidi, with an excellent result of 12.5 points out of 15. In the same year, fifteen-year-old Nona Gaprindashvili became the champion of Tbilisi for the first time and won the right to play in the USSR championship for the first time.

At the national championship in Riga (1960) , which was also a zonal tournament of the World Championship, Gaprindashvili took fourth place and received the right to compete in the candidates tournament.

The following year she wins the candidates tournament in the Yugoslav city of Vrnjacka Banja.

In the world championship match (1962) Nona Gaprindashvili confidently defeated Bykova in Moscow, winning seven games and drawing four. With the rank of chess queen, she performs a lot in team and individual competitions.

Since 1959 Gaprindashvili is a participant in all Spartakiads.

From 1963 to 1986- ten-time winner of the World Olympics, six-time national champion, winner of many international tournaments.

Nona Gaprindashvilidefended her title three times in world championship matches with Alla Kushnir (1965, 1969, 1972) . The champion won the first two matches by four points, the third ended with a score of 8.5:7.5.

In her game against Servati, Nona Gaprindashvili stunned her opponent with a brilliant combination.


In 1975 Gaprindashvili played a world championship match with Nana Alexandria. The first half of the match took place in Pitsunda, and the second in Tbilisi. During the drawing, Gaprindashvili was given the right to be the first to choose one of two beautiful vases. The chosen vase contained a white flower, and the one left for Alexandria contained a dark purple one.

The overall score of the match is 8½:3½ (+8, −3, =1) in favor of Nona Gaprindashvili.

In the sixth match for the chess crown, she loses to Chiburdanidze in a difficult and stubborn match.

The first woman to be awarded the title "USSR Grandmaster of Women's Chess" (1976) .

The first of the Soviet female chess players, Gaprindashvili, plays in men's tournaments. For her success in men's international tournaments, she was awarded the (1978) title of international grandmaster among men.

E The ks-world champion participates in all subsequent cycles of the world championship. Played candidates' matches (1980) with Gurieli and Ioseliani, in 1983- with Levitina.



In 1982 became the first winner of the Chess Oscar prize.

ShThe bold handwriting of the fifth world champion is universal. An active, attacking style, great creative potential, a desire for an uncompromising fight in every game, all these components allowed Nona Gaprindashvili to reign unchallenged on the chess throne for sixteen years.

The brilliant play of the fifth world champion contributed to the great popularization of chess in Georgia. Several generations of Georgian girls have been playing chess since childhood under the guidance of experienced coaches. Many of them achieved brilliant success in the all-Union and world arenas.


    - (b. May 3, 1941 Zugdidi, Georgia), Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (1964); fifth world champion in chess history (1962-78), the first international women's grandmaster (1976) and the first woman to be awarded the title... ...

    - (b. 1941) Georgian chess player, international grandmaster (1976), Honored Master of Sports (1964). World champion (in 1962 78), USSR (1964, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985). President of the National Olympic Committee of Georgia since 1989. First... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna- (b. 3.5.1941, Zugdidi), Soviet chess player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1964), International Master (1961). Graduated from the Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Member of the CPSU since 1966. USSR champion (1964), 3-time world champion... ...

    Gaprindashvili, Nona Terentyevna- GAPRINDASHVILI Nona Terentyevna (born in 1941), Georgian chess player. 5-time world champion (1962-78), 5-time USSR champion (1964, 1973/74, 1981, 1983, 1985). The first woman to be awarded the title of international grandmaster among... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna- (b. 1941), Georgian chess player, international grandmaster (1976), Honored Master of Sports (1964). World champion (in 1962 78), USSR (1964, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985). President of the NOC of Georgia (in 1989 96). The first woman to win a chess... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna- ... Wikipedia

    Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili- Nona Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili (Georgian ნონა გაფრინდაშვილი; born May 3, 1941, Zugdidi, Georgia) Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (1964); fifth world champion in chess history (1962 1978), first international... ... Wikipedia

    GAPRINDASHVILI- Nona Terentyevna (born 1941), Georgian chess player. 5-time world champion (1962-78), 5-time USSR champion (1964, 1973/74, 1981, 1983, 1985). The first woman to be awarded the title of International Grandmaster among men (1978) ... Modern encyclopedia

    Gaprindashvili- (Georgian გაფრინდაშვილი) Georgian surname. Famous speakers: Gaprindashvili, Valerian Ivanovich (1888 1941) Georgian poet, translator. Gaprindashvili, Valerian (chess player) (born 1982) Georgian chess player, grandmaster (2001). Gaprindashvili, Nona ... Wikipedia

    Gaprindashvili- I Gaprindashvili Valerian Ivanovich, Georgian Soviet poet. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow University (1914). The first collection “Twilight” was published in 1919. G. one of the founders... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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