
Actresses who have children. Celebrity couples who broke up due to lack of children. Expanded list of celebrities without children

Childfree is a fashionable word and has long entered our everyday life. No children - no problems. And there are quite a lot of reasons why women do not want to give birth, and men do not want to become fathers. But no matter what anyone says, childless marriages are doomed to failure. We remembered those celebrity couples who broke up because the spouses did not dare (or did not succeed) to have a child.

At one time, the acting family of the Bezrukovs tried all possible ways to have children. Irina and Sergei went through many clinics and, according to rumors, even turned to alternative medicine (they made a pilgrimage to the East). But nothing worked out. They say that this was the reason for their divorce, which they did not even dare to comment on for a long time. Moreover, information about the actor’s illegitimate children appeared on the Internet. Whether this is true or not, no one really knows, but Bezrukov even filed a lawsuit against the publication that published this secret secret. Irina had a son from her first marriage with Igor Livanov. True, by a tragic accident the guy died. And now the actress is starting life from scratch.

Irina and Sergey Bezrukova

By the way, Bezrukova at one time abandoned the idea of ​​raising an adopted child.

The first thing I think about is the genetics of this child. About what he would have to endure, Bezrukova admitted in an interview with one publication. - I know that 80 percent of such children have bad heredity, and I want a good child.

Maybe now her views will change?

The famous actress was married three times. Leah's first husband was an actor from the Maly Theater Valery Nosik, with whom she worked at the Youth Theater. But Valery and Leah did not have children, which was one of the reasons for the divorce. Then there was another not very successful marriage. And in 2001, Akhedzhakova married a Moscow photographer Vladimir Persiyaninov. In one of the interviews, the actress said that her husband is the man she has been looking for all her life. The only thing the actress regrets is that she doesn’t have children.

Liya Akhedzhakova and her first husband Valery Nosik

Irina Leonova lived with Igor Petrenko for four years. All this time, the actress could not get pregnant. This was the reason for their divorce.

Irina Leonova and Igor Petrenko

However, pretty soon the former spouses found their happiness with others. So, Petrenko married Ekaterina Klimova. And Irina married Evgeniy Tsyganov. Yesterday it became known that Leonova gave birth to her husband’s seventh child. The girl was named Vera. And everything would be fine, only the not-happy father left the family, and what will happen next is the main celebrity gossip of this season.

Igor Petrenko, Ekaterina Klimova and children

Vitaly and Anna Gogunsky

Anna met Vitaly when she was only 18 years old, and she did not immediately believe in the seriousness of the intentions of the famous actor, who had already starred in the series “ Univer" But Gogunsky managed to persevere, and he won the girl’s heart. And they began to live happily, but, alas, not for long. Anna did not want to give birth to Vitaly’s children.

Vitaly Gogunsky with Anna, his second wife

Therefore, Vitaly increasingly spent time with his ex-wife Irina Mairko and their common daughter Milana. As a result, Anna received a divorce and a maiden name, and Gogunsky is making every effort to return to her first family.

Vitaly Gogunsky with his daughter Milana and Irina, his first wife

These Russian stars have more than once been accused of being pregnant, asked the girls about their attitude towards children, and simply hurled at them the phrase “they’re so old, it’s time.” But what do childless actresses, singers and TV presenters really think about having babies?

Svetlana Khodchenkova (33 years old)

Almost a year ago, fans and the press suspected that the actress was in an interesting position. The reason for the gossip was, as often happens, a girl’s loose outfit at one of the events, which hid her belly from prying eyes. Svetlana’s engagement to businessman Georgy Petrishin added fuel to the fire - what if the lovers want to get married just before the baby arrives? But Khodchenkova dispelled all doubts by writing the following on her microblog: “Dear friends! Information about my “interesting situation” appeared in the press. So, this is not true! As soon as I have news for you, I will definitely share it with you! Take care of yourself and your loved ones". And a few months later Khodchenkova was on the eve of the wedding.

As Svetlana herself says, she has long been ready for married life and motherhood. However, the girl is not going to give up her career and cinema - she just doesn’t understand why sacrifice anything. “Today it is quite possible to combine everything without harming yourself and the child. If I imagine myself as a mother, it’s with some kind of fashionable gadget in which you can see how sweetly the baby snores while the mother listens to the explanation of the scene behind the scenes,” the artist said in an interview. About 5 years ago, the star would not have been ready to give up everything for maternity leave, but now she has about fifty works under her belt, so she is capable of leaving the stage and set for a while for the sake of giving birth. Easily!

Ravshana Kurkova (36 years old)

When people find out that Ravshana is 36 years old, they are sincerely surprised. And almost immediately they begin to take an interest in her personal life and the presence of children. The actress says that fans ask her similar questions on social networks, blaming her for the absence of a son or daughter. “I’m surprised when people write comments on social networks like: “You’re already 35 years old, isn’t it time to give birth?” You cannot blame a woman for not yet becoming a mother. It's painful, disgusting, stupid and tactless. She is not necessarily a careerist or childfree. I love children, it’s just that this miracle hasn’t happened to me yet.”

A girl really wants to give birth to a child and considers the birth of a baby in common with a man to be much more important than an official marriage and a stamp in her passport. But so far, the artist’s personal life is not so smooth. In the spring, she became the general director of Glavkino, Ilya Bachurin, after a four-year romance.

Olga Buzova (30 years old)

The TV presenter constantly shares pictures from parties, training, filming and premieres on her microblog. It would seem that Olga does not even think about children. But that's not true. Without hiding her views, Buzova discussed the issue of childbirth in several interviews. Now fans know that the blonde star and her husband bought a house where they are arranging everything so that future children will be comfortable; that she always dreamed of marrying her only one and having children from only one man. Buzova already has a ring on her ring finger, so a daughter or son is the next step. And on one of the TV shows, Olga said that sometimes she and Tarasov simply physically do not have enough time to procreate - the spouses practically do not sleep together.

The issue of having a child is a very sensitive topic for the Dom-2 graduate. On this basis, she even... The girl posted a photo on her Instagram with a baby in her arms, but instead of admiring comments she saw angry words due to the absence of her own children. The TV presenter responded sharply to the rudeness: “People, wake up!!! Come to your senses!!! What are you writing??? Which place do you think??? Where is your upbringing? I posted a photo with our friends and the baby, and away we go... they get dogs and animals!!! And only my husband and I can decide what it’s time for us, who, and when!!! live your life. My life my rules".

Elka (34 years old)

The singer with an unusual pseudonym speaks somewhat vaguely about children. According to the singer, it’s not so difficult to be a star mother, the main thing is to set your priorities correctly: “Now I’m incredibly interested in everything that happens to me, this crazy rhythm of life. But as soon as I understand that the time has come for “H” and that I am a mother, my family will be at the forefront. I’m sure I’ll find time for everything.” The singer does not say that she already wants or plans to give birth to a daughter or son, avoiding straightforward stories about her personal life. Moreover, the singer mentioned that she has a somewhat strange relationship with children and does not feel delighted at the sight of babies.

By the way, Elka was also credited with pregnancy a couple of years ago because of her outfit at the Big Love Show concert: a red dress hugged her rounded belly, although the artist always kept herself in good shape. The rumors were refuted, and then new ones arose - about the singer’s divorce from her husband Sergei Astakhov. The singer again did not comment on what was happening, but appeared at events without her companion.

Lena Letuchaya (37 years old)

The ex-host of “Revizzorro”, let’s say, is not new to love: she was offered marriage proposals, some relationships with men lasted 5-6 years. Elena could already be a mother and wife, but so that the bonds of marriage would not become shackles, she chose a career and travel. The girl is sure that at 25-30 years old she would not have become the best mother.

And in interviews of recent years, Letuchaya speaks about offspring in a completely different way. “Only recently did I begin to feel that I would like to have a child - female maturity has appeared, probably.” Not only maturity appeared, but also that same person nearby: most recently for her lover, Yuri Anashenkov. The man has two children from his previous marriage; Elena assures that she treats the children of her chosen one with love and tenderness.

The presenter not only wants to give birth to a child, but would like to become a mother of many children, if women’s health allowed it. All that remains is to wish Elena only the fulfillment of her dreams. And who knows, perhaps it is Flying that we will soon congratulate not only on her marriage, but also on the long-awaited addition to the family.

Celebrities have to pose in front of cameras almost every day. But the most expensive pictures are taken not on the red carpet, but in real life. And stars walking with their children look much nicer than those whom the paparazzi caught in a state of alcoholic or even drug intoxication, although the latter sometimes receive more “fame.”

However, Eva Mendes has repeatedly declared that children are a complete headache, and marriage is archaic. Cameron Diaz also held similar views. But... Eva recently gave birth to a daughter, and Cameron is preparing to become a mother and is married to Benji Madden - even the most inveterate bachelorettes can give up. But definitely not all.

Kim Cattrall

A charming blonde at the age of 30 decided to give up motherhood. By the way, out of protest against social pressure. Just at this period of life, when many girls are faced with an avalanche of questions about children, Kim, without a man nearby, seriously thought: is it so important to give birth to a child and raise him alone so that her friends stop bothering her with questions?

And Cattrall took the path of resistance to society. She was married three times, had affairs, but never decided to have children:

“I am a woman who has no children and will never sit still. Childless means that a woman is not complete if she has not given birth. Even though I don't have biological children, I can still call myself a mother. I have many students - young actors and actresses, as well as nephews and nieces close to me."

By the way, even now Kim continues to defend the right of a woman to decide for herself whether to be a mother or not. And Cattrall considers the term “childless” derogatory. In order to show maternal feelings, you do not need to be recorded in some document as a mother.

Kathy Bates

The star of the films “Misery” and “Titanic” was the third child in the family of an engineer and a housewife. Katie is now 67 and has no children. The actress speaks little on this topic. Perhaps she became infertile after suffering from an illness - ovarian cancer.

Dita Von Teese

The burlesque queen enjoys life and is in no hurry to have children. There are at least two reasons: she loves her job too much and adores her body:

“I used to think that by the age of 28 I would be married and retired. I couldn’t even imagine then that my career would be in full swing. If I got pregnant, I would reconsider my views, but even if this does not happen, I will not stop considering myself a woman."

However, even those men whom Dita chooses are too specific to be imagined as the father of the family.

Renee Zellweger

The actress's life is reminiscent of Bridget Jones's. She has dozens of unsuccessful novels to her name. However, 46-year-old Renee believes she has found her Mark Darcy in Doyle Bramhall II. The actress spends all her free time with him. In one of the interviews, Renee even admitted that she was ready to start a family and children, perhaps adopt a child with Doyle.

George Clooney

Not long ago, Hollywood's avid bachelor changed his status. Amal Alamuddin was able to woo the heartthrob; after her wedding, the topic of her pregnancy was actively discussed online. But all this turned out to be just another journalistic canard.

It turned out that Clooney does not at all strive for the role of a father, although he gets along well with his nephews and sincerely rejoices at their successes. However, when visiting close friends - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - George always feels uneasy. The actor admitted that he is annoyed by the noisy children of the star couple. Let's hope that Clooney will soon add "having children" to his list of priorities.

Liza Minnelli

The 69-year-old actress and singer had a bunch of lovers, including Charles Aznavour, Jean-Claude Brialy, Mikhail Baryshnikov and others. She was married four times, but not a single marriage gave her a child.

They say that she was pregnant, but she had an unsuccessful operation, after which she had to forget about the children forever. In addition, Lisa’s own psychological problems probably had an effect. Or maybe it’s the fact that due to constant depression and drug problems with Judy Garland, her mother, Lisa had to take care of her young brother and sister.

Helen Mirren

The Oscar-winning actress was a bachelor until she was 52. However, her lover Taylor Haford, after 12 years of dating, finally brought the star to the altar. But the couple still does not have children, and they are unlikely to have any, since Helen states that she has never put family happiness above her career.

And the lack of offspring does not bother the celebrity. She admits:

“The very thought of children disgusts me”

Ever since school, childbirth has seemed like a complete nightmare to her, in which she has no intention of participating.

Jennifer Aniston

They say that during her marriage to Pitt, Jenny had two miscarriages. Perhaps the fear of losing another child is the reason why she has not yet become a mother.

“I don’t like the pressure that people put on me as a woman, saying that I’m a failure because I don’t have offspring. I don't think that's fair."

However, Jen has everything ahead, it’s not for nothing that she didn’t marry Justin Peru for so long. Perhaps this was a test for the groom? And now that Aniston has given her consent, the issue of children may arise again. As long as the actress’s health is all right.

Mylene Farmer

The eccentric Frenchwoman is definitely not one of those who adheres to traditional views on the role of women in society. The 54-year-old singer's children are replaced by two tame monkeys. Mylene’s fear of having her own children began in childhood: her parents forcibly sent her to the hospital to help autistic children.

Patricia Kaas

She grew up in a large family, but never became a mother herself. At first, Patricia believed that to give birth to a child, you need to choose the right moment and free up time for the baby. Recently, there have been rumors that the singer cannot have children, and this was a real blow for her.

However, now Patricia has come to terms with the idea of ​​adoption. But only if he meets a person he can trust.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite

At 52, Ingeborga is beautiful and successful. But, as always, he prefers to hide his personal life, and even likes to invent fables about it in order to set journalists on the wrong trail. The press managed to track down the first two spouses of the actress (actor Arunas Sakalauskas and director Simon Stokes), but nothing is still known about the third husband.

Rumors claim that the reluctance to have children upset many relationships in Dapkunaite’s life. However, the beauty herself only smiles and does not comment on this moment. Who knows, maybe she’s had a couple of children for a long time, we just don’t know anything about them.

Isn’t it worth saying thank you to the 21st century for giving a woman the opportunity to develop as an individual, outside of motherhood. As well as for the fact that any child-free girl can change her mind at the age of forty (like Monica Bellucci) and become a wonderful, caring, loving mother.

The public's interest in the children of celebrities is understandable. People want to make sure that stars are people just like you and me. This curiosity is why celebrities make millions of dollars by posting photos of their newborn babies. However, not everyone likes to show off their life. And not everyone has children.

Naturally, when famous women reach a certain age and still do not have children, the public has certain questions. Why doesn't a woman want to give birth? Perhaps she is infertile, or is giving up motherhood a deliberate step, a kind of strategy on the path to success? In each case, which we will consider below, the reasons are different. But all these women are united by their advanced age and the absence of descendants.

Helen Mirren

She always knew that she would not have children, and she was calm about it. She doesn’t care what others think about this, it’s her choice, it’s fully conscious, and it’s too late to change anything.

Gloria Steinem

She is absolutely happy without children, but does not encourage women to follow her example, despite the fact that she is an ardent feminist. In her opinion, not everyone can sing opera arias, and accordingly, not everyone can be a parent either.

Stevie Nicks

The singer has no children; she consciously abandoned motherhood, preferring to build a successful career. She had no time for diapers, parent-teacher conferences and other worries associated with motherhood.

Oprah Winfrey

According to Oprah herself, if she had children, they would hate their mother. Giving up motherhood is a voluntary and deliberate step of the TV star, but she is being a little disingenuous. It is known that Oprah had a son who died. After that, she decided not to give birth again, but she loves to communicate with children. She created her own academy for girls and considers the students of the institution to be her daughters.

Portia de Rossi and Ellen DeGeners

We grouped these women into one block because they are lesbians and married to each other.

They are constantly asked about when they plan to have children, but women say that they have too many glass objects in the house to allow babies in there. Of course, they joke, their decision is not based on this fact, it is balanced and thoughtful.

Dolly Parton

She is openly glad that she does not have children. However, joy about this did not come immediately; in her youth, the singer dreamed of children and even came up with names for them. However, fate turned out differently, but Dolly is not upset about this, like her husband, with whom she has been together for many years.

Katharine Hepburn

This actress believes that she would be a terrible mother because she is very selfish. She would not tolerate children's whims.

Condoleezza Rice

This lady has neither children nor husband. But she built a brilliant political career and is quite happy with it. She believes that otherwise she would not be so happy.

Betty White

Another career woman. For her, the issue of motherhood was never the main thing.

Lily Tomlin

She admits that if she had chosen another profession, she would definitely have given birth to a child. She was unable to combine acting with motherhood.

Anjelica Huston

She believes that if she gave birth to a child, she could not part with him for a minute. Therefore, the absence of children allows her to live life to the fullest.

Liza Minnelli

She wanted to give birth to a child, but was unable to due to medical reasons. Now Lisa takes care of children with various pathologies. She helps children all over the world, so she doesn’t feel alone.

Kim Cattrall

Kim believes that children would bring chaos into her life. Yes, when they are small it is very cute, but growing up offspring are a real headache for her. She says that she will definitely become a mother in her next life.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron answers questions about children evasively. She believes that she is not ready to take on such responsibility, because she needs to take care of a child not for a couple of days, but for at least 18 years. No days off or breaks. The actress believes that without children it is easier for her to solve her problems. She is completely immersed in her career and asks not to bother her with any more questions on this topic.

Zooey Deschanel

There are rumors that Zoe secretly gave birth to a child last year, but she herself does not acknowledge this fact and generally suppresses any attempts by journalists to develop this topic. Zoe believes that this is a personal matter for everyone, and a person is not obligated to answer all questions.

Chelsea Handler

She is ready to be an aunt, a godmother, anyone, just not a mother. She claims that she does not have time to raise children, and it makes no sense to trust them to a nanny.

Jennifer Aniston

Being married to the sexiest actor in Hollywood, Brad Pitt, Jennifer was never able to give him a child. However, the actress does not lose hope and is confident that someday she will definitely become a mother, but in the meantime she actively refutes all sorts of rumors about her pregnancy, which appear in the Western press almost every week.

Ashley Judd

Her position is quite original. She believes that it is unconscionable to reproduce while children in other countries are starving. After all, it is better to take care of someone who has already been born, regardless of the degree of relationship. She is ready to give her love to all the children on the planet - the orphaned, the sick, the abandoned. In her opinion, only selfish people can concentrate on their own children. This is how she reasoned in her youth, and her position has not changed to this day.

Jennifer Westfeld

She could not have imagined before that at such an advanced age she would not be able to have children. However, many other events happened in her life that she did not expect. Jennifer believes that she still has time to experience the joy of motherhood, despite the fact that she is already 47 years old.

Elizabeth Gilbert

She divides all women into 3 categories. The first includes those who were born for motherhood, the second includes those who love other people’s children, but does not want to give birth to their own, and the third includes those who should not be allowed anywhere near their children. It is important for everyone to understand which category they belong to. She considers herself to be in the second category and believes that she will never change her opinion. She is absolutely happy and satisfied with the current state of things.

Candace Bushnell

For her, a child is her career. She devotes her entire life to writing and is not ready to change anything. She made her choice in her youth and does not regret it.

Dita Von Teese

She considers her sisters and husband to be her children. She was “lucky” to marry a man who couldn’t even take care of himself, let alone his children. But Dita does not consider her life incomplete at all, she is the same person as others.

Marisa Tomei

She does not recognize the institution of marriage and does not understand why a woman must give birth in order to be considered complete.

Margaret Cho

The female comedian approaches the issue of motherhood with her usual humor. She believes that her past will negatively affect her children. After all, Margaret “had the honor” of working in the sex industry. Perhaps this is not the main reason for her refusal to become a mother, but this is exactly the official version. Believing her or not is a personal matter.

Childless celebrities do well with their status, but if they had offspring, they might be even happier.

12 March 2010, 17:34

Blogger Lipa childfree celebrities. Then a very heated discussion broke out - are these stars really childfree? Are they happy that they don’t have (and perhaps never will have) children? I present to you a selection made by the women's portal Woman.ru about childless and happy celebrities. Perhaps some of them are lying when they say that they are happy without children - it’s up to you to decide. Kim Cattrall Age: 53 years The Sex and the City star doesn't like children, either in real life or on screen. The actress was married three times and divorced the same number of times. In an interview, Kim assures that no man can withstand her filming schedule, and with age she even fell in love with her status as an “eternal bachelor.” “The only thing that annoys me is feeling like an outcast from society,” she told The Oprah Magazine. “Understand, finally, I don’t regret at all that I didn’t become a mother.” I'm a good aunt and I have many friends with children. But after work I want to go home and relax.” Eva Mendes Age: 35 years“Children are not for me,” the Bad Lieutenant star says openly. “Don’t get me wrong, I like these little shits, they’re cute.” But even more I love healthy sleep and a quiet life.” The beautiful actress has been happily married to director George Gargurevich for more than eight years, but has never thought about starting a traditional family. “Nowadays, everywhere you look, everyone is babysitting,” she notes. “Looking at this, I said to myself, this won’t happen to me.” There are many other, more wonderful activities in life that I dream of trying.” Jessica Biel Age: 28 years old“Many of my friends have already started a family and children, so they dream of involving me in this business,” the “Valentine’s Day” star confesses in an interview with the British Marie Clair. “They say that then we will all go to the nursery and to the shops for diapers together.” Well, I do not! This is not for me!" Justin Timberlake also supports his beloved's decision. The couple has been living together for three years, but in an interview they emphasize that “they are not going to have a wedding.” “What’s more, I have enough dogs,” the actress jokes. “I have enough trouble with her alone!” Helen Mirren Age: 64 years This year, the Last Sunday star and her husband, director Taylor Heckford, would have celebrated their silver wedding if they were... married. The actress has always been against marriage, but she is even more opposed to having a child. “I never wanted to become a mother,” she admitted in an interview with The Times. – As a child, I suffered severe psychological trauma from which, I swear, I still cannot recover. I do not and will not have children. The very thought of children is disgusting to me.” The actress recalls watching an educational film about the birth of a child in elementary school. “We were gathered in a shabby school foyer and forced to watch a woman writhe in pain,” says Helen. “When it was all over, the teacher said that ‘having a baby is the most beautiful thing in the world.’ I was shocked and appalled.” Oprah Winfrey Age: 56 years old“Nobody took care of me as a child, and I don’t know how to do it myself,” says the famous TV presenter. – I remember how once I was asked to look after a 4-year-old child. It was then that I decided that I would not have my own children.” For 24 years, Oprah has been in a civil marriage with Stedman Graham and likes to boast that “her children were her students from an academy for girls in South Africa.” “I never had children of my own,” she told Extra TV. “I never even thought about becoming a mother.” However, fate gave me 152 daughters" Renee Zellweger Age: 40 years“Children are voluntary slavery,” says the star of the comedy about the adventures of Bridget Jones. - No, of course, I can sit with my nephews. But the good thing about the role of Aunt Renee is that at any time I can return these little brats back to their parents. And my brother - he can’t even take a shower in peace until the children allow him. They are real tyrants." Renee is deeply convinced that the birth of a child puts an end not only to the career, but also to the freedom of any woman. “I never thought about becoming a mother myself,” the actress said during the David Letterman show. “Motherhood is not what I dream about.” Cameron Diaz Age: 37 years old The star of “Knight and Day” is single, not burdened with children, and doesn’t regret it one bit! “I’m young, enjoying life. And if you think about it, all this happened to me because I don’t have children,” the actress says in an interview with Parade magazine. “I think women are afraid to talk about their unwillingness to have children because they are sure that they will be avoided.” Cameron doesn't say that she doesn't like children - she's always happy to babysit her friends' babies. But the actress does not understand why women must give birth. “We’re already overpopulated on this planet,” she jokes. Mylene Farmer Age: 48 years old“I had one guy (actor Jeff Dahlgren),” recalls the French diva. “He wanted me to give birth to his child.” I'm really fixated on this. But I don't need children. I am my own favorite daughter!” Mylene never hid her attitude towards marriage and children. “My monkeys are enough for me,” she fends off the tiresome questions from journalists (Milen has two monkeys named E.T. and Leon at home). The singer, who earned about $8 million last year, will soon celebrate her 50th birthday, and she has nothing to prove to anyone. Famke Janssen Age: 44 years“I remember my childhood fondly,” the X-Men star tells the American magazine OK!. “I had two sisters who tirelessly nursed dolls. I didn’t play with dolls and even then I said that I didn’t want my own children. This doesn’t mean that I don’t love them, it’s just that motherhood is not for me.” Famke admits that her whole life revolves around her Boston terrier Licorice. “With his appearance, my life was filled with meaning,” she says with tenderness. “Why do I need a child when my dog ​​replaces my best friend, my family, and my children!” Jacqueline Bisset Age: 65 years“Believe it or not, I don’t regret at all that I never became a mother,” says the star of the films “Airport” and “Wild Orchid.” “Moreover, I’m not even tormented by remorse, I’m glad that I lived the life I wanted.” The sex symbol of the 70s had affairs with the most enviable handsome men in Hollywood, but never married anyone. “I am a happy woman,” says the actress. “As for children, it was enough for me to watch my goddaughter Angelina Jolie grow up.”

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