
The Plan of Solomon, the Freemasons, and the Age of Aquarius. Solomon's plan for acquiring wisdom



I couldn’t ignore this important topic, because it is a good precursor to the next post from the “Triumph of Reason” series. Andrey Devyatov is a very non-random figure who has appeared on our horizon. I carefully watched a few more of his videos after the one I posted recently, and I can say: what he offers is not just serious analytics based on incoming information - it’s deep synthesis analytics (that’s what I would call it), which is completely absent from all modern political and military experts. The point here is that Devyatov uses in his constructions layers of ancient spiritual motivations that make Sacred history a living participant and platform for all modern political events without exception.

I won’t post links to his videos; if you want, they can easily be found on the Internet. He, as if jokingly, calls himself a crypto-Jew; further, he is a military sinologist and intelligence officer - a very explosive mixture, in which the most defining ingredient is the first of the above.
Therefore, I must warn you that the video with the speeches of this person, who shares his scheme of perception and assessment of world processes, is a very difficult thing and for some even dangerous. The fact that this is not our man and, moreover, our adversary, is obvious to me. Therefore, when listening to his speeches, I ask you not to enter into his flow, but always keep your distance from him as a person. This is a very smart and enlightened, and therefore extremely dangerous person. What is the main weapon in his arsenal? The answer will be paradoxical - TRUTH. The thing is that the time has come when LIES began to use the TRUTH as their most important trump card, and this man is a clear confirmation of this. He sets out sacred things... explains to the common people the hidden behind the scenes of big world politics at all times... What! And this, of course, can easily bribe a simple listener, admitted into the holy of holies by this imposing and such a competent specialist. This in itself is unheard of! This person is a priest of a high level of initiation who has been allowed to open up for today. That is, we are already at the finish line and our enemy will squeeze out the last of his strength.

How to explain the technique of presenting the TRUTH. What is the easiest thing to enter into a person’s consciousness? Is it true. After all, it is, as a rule, obvious and easily provable. It’s so cool when they tear off their masks and cloaks and reveal the whole scenario to you! And you, looking closer, see that everything is so... And the person who presents this truth becomes almost your friend and executor. You shouldn't fall for it. Therefore, I ask you to use the fruits of this historical synthesis, but without connecting them in any way with the supplier himself, who at one fine moment will simply swap the cubes of this truthful scheme and the bright corridor will turn into a path leading to destruction, and the people who trusted this guide will find themselves locked in the labyrinth of his truthful logical constructions, but already turned in the opposite direction.

And lastly, in the text below you will not find what I was talking about, for this you will have to listen to his videos, and this text is a seed.

Daniel's Heavenly Prophecy

Strategic planning for a 3000-year perspective refers to that part of intelligence activity that is guided not by sources of initial data of the situation and not by inferences regarding trends in the development of events, but is possible only with the support of revelation (eureka!); calculation of reference and signal waves - cosmic foundations - the driving forces of the fundamental processes of history; and most importantly, sacred knowledge of the cause-and-effect relationships of the universe in volume.
Reverse development of the order and duration of strategic events of the historical process, which are not a direct consequence of someone’s decisions, requires building a model of changes in the dynamics of the addition of energies of historical waves of different periods and identifying the primary source of the historical forecast from the authors of the strategic plan on the scale of globalism, but not at all sophisticated analyzing piles of information garbage.
An assessment of the intelligence signs that emerged during the implementation of Solomon’s Plan allows us to believe that the Book of the Prophet Daniel lies as the main support in the primary sources of the strategic planning of the Chaldean sages. The text of the book was written by the prophet himself, who lived during the “Babylonian captivity” of the Jews at the court of Nebuchadnezzar two and a half thousand years ago (in the 6th century BC).

This conclusion is also suggested by the direct instructions of the performers, including the gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. In the words of Jesus of Nazareth: “Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Matt. 5:17). Moreover, further Jesus Christ accurately points to the prophecy of the “abomination of desolation” of the sanctuary by the prophet Daniel (Matthew 24:15-16). And in the 17th century. “Notes on the Book of the Prophet Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John" in his own mathematical version of the interpretation of biblical chronology was made by Sir Isaac Newton.
The indisputable dogmatic continuity of the 3000-year-old Plan of Solomon, the bearers of which is the institution of ideological commissars - Kabbalists, who receive secret knowledge through a direct chain of initiation of only the chosen ones, boils down to the following: While waiting for the arrival of cosmic energies of the constellation Aquarius on Earth (when the time comes for the discovery of the secrets of existence all over the world) the countries and peoples of biblical civilization must go through 125 steps in the ascent of the human soul to the awareness of the other - invisible - side of existence. On the path of this ascent, the level of people's aspirations changes: 1st level is food and sex; 2nd - wealth and money; 3rd - honor and glory; 4th - knowledge; 5th - the meaning of existence. Not all people will have the desire to reach the fifth level of aspiration, but a critical mass will develop, presumably associated with the transcendental number of the “golden section” Phi: It is greater than or equal to 1,618,033 people.

At the fifth level of ascension, the border between life and death will disappear, the soul will begin to identify itself with eternity, the knowledge of science will open subtle fields and the invisible world will become visible. Here the meaning of human life will be revealed in likening oneself not to the creature, but to the creator. And the state of the creator is not the receipt of benefits, but the disinterested giving of energy capable of doing work for the common good.
Feeling the invisible higher world, the idea of ​​time and space will change, and then the souls of ordinary people will open a sleeping sixth sense - a circuit of connection to the higher spheres. Modern philosophy calls this leap in the development of earthly civilization an “anthropological turn,” which, according to scientists, should take place in the middle of the 21st century. According to Newton’s calculations, this turn (the end of “this century”) will occur no later than 2060. According to the interpretation of the Book of the Prophet Daniel - in 2040. And according to the traditional Chinese cyclical calendar, “Sali” is exactly in 2044.
The idea of ​​going through the path of correcting people’s aspirations is connected with the peaceful acquisition by the spiritual government of the world of power over the “hearts” of both decision makers and the behavior of the broad masses. The way to gain power over “hearts,” known to the “Chaldean sages” from secret tradition, is the clever combination of “the gold of the world” with an attractive idea. This is the “alchemy of power” in the hands of spiritual-order structures, created at the instigation of the “Chaldean sages” within non-Jewish peoples, to fulfill Solomon’s Plan. Control of the gold of the world by the planner was decided by the hands of the financial international of the Jews (banking houses of the Baruchs, Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.). It is impossible to control ideas completely.
Since the driving force has a point of application and a vector, the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem became a symbol of the connection of the spiritual government of the world to the contour of the higher spheres and, accordingly, the worldwide conceptual power over the desires of people (the point is the sanctuary of the temple, the vector is to heaven). The construction business is connected with measurements - geometry - and the work of masons, therefore the auxiliary structures for the implementation of Solomon's Plan in the 18th century were called Freemasons (French Freemasons).
The first lodges (meeting places) arose in England in the form of secret organizations with mystical rituals, led by great masters - grandmasters. The symbols of massonery are the attributes of builders: an apron, a trowel, a hammer, a ruler and a plumb line for a mason, plus measuring instruments for the circle of the sky and the square of the earth - the compass and square of the “Great Architect of the Universe” or “Geometer” (G). Nowadays, Masonic lodges created throughout the world consider their secret work as the erection of a symbolic temple of virtue: the earthly Eden (biblical Garden of Eden) in the kingdom of Astraea (the goddess of justice). Their motto is: freedom - equality - brotherhood. The emblem of worldwide Freemasonry is a triangle with the all-seeing eye of the “King of the Worlds” instead of the Christian crucifixion cross and the five-pointed star of Solomon (where there is no angle of reason independent of the Chaldean sages).

Freemasons deny racial, national and religious exclusivity, preaching the ideal brotherhood of people united by theism (worldview), common moral views (everything is permissible in eating the fruits of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) and the duty of mutual assistance among initiates (solidarity). From the Anglo-Saxon (retain a mystical basis) and Romanesque (free-thinking bourgeois) branches of Freemasonry, on the German basis of deism (the worldview of equality in law), the Illuminati (enlightened ones) emerged and settled in the USA in 1776. Illuminati Liberty Charter: "Declaration of the Rights of Man." Their order: Separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. Their motto: “Out of different things, one thing.” However, now the idea of ​​democracy has already passed the stage, changes are coming faster and faster, and in order to complete the Plan of Solomon on time, things are moving towards an enlightened dictatorship (with the name Antichrist).
The immediate task of the Masonic International was to seize political influence in the form of liberal democracy and re-educate society on the basis of scientific knowledge, free from any religious dogma. The means of influence were the popularization of science, mass art and mass information.
The ultimate ideal of Freemasonry is the triumph of Solomon's Plan on a global scale with the elimination of religious, national and state differences and the creation of the United States of the World under the control of a world government: E PLURIBUS UNUM.

The working body for carrying out the plan of admonition at different times was different social forces from crusaders to terrorists, while in order to correct the Jews, “the dry branches of the tree of Israel” were mercilessly cut off.
With the advent of the era of Aquarius at the beginning of the 21st century, the liberal state of democratic choice also became an obstacle to the final correction of lawlessness (for the Illuminati, correction takes the form of superhuman “transhumanism”).
Russia should become the place for creating a model for delivering people from injustice in accordance with the law of the Universe. So at the World Kabbalah Congress in Tel Aviv (February 2008) it was directly said “that Russia is predetermined to play a central role. The West is frozen, but in Russia spirituality has always played a special role. The sensuality of the Russian person makes him inclined to comprehend Kabbalah. The future will be such that Russia will attract high society and abundance will arise here, excellent relations will be created between people and government.”

From the point of view of the Aryan peoples, whom the Jews call goyim, the Jews are not a people like others. Aryans are struck by certain specific features of Jews: lack of conscience (for a Jew, words such as remorse are simply meaningless); lack of shame, justice, humanity, kindness, compassion; tendency to lie; unnatural greed; hypocrisy; craving for cheating; penchant for crime; parasitism; bloodthirstiness, limitless desire for power; an unlimited desire for wealth, which cannot really be used by them; contempt and hatred for other peoples; lack of a sense of homeland in any country of residence; craving for sexual perversion; craving for perverted forms of art.

All this can be expressed in one word - inhumanity. What causes these features?

One people entered the Sinai desert, and another came out. And it was not people who came out, all the people died in the desert. Modified people emerged from the desert, so to speak, “biorobots” with a programmed algorithm of behavior. What did Moses do to the Jews during these 40 years? Several hypotheses can be made about this. However, regardless of any hypotheses, the Bible gives the following facts:

All the Jews who entered the Sinai desert did not come out of it and died in it or were killed by the Levites (a caste from the clan of Levi);

A new people emerged from the desert with a new algorithm of thinking and behavior;

The Jews felt that Moses was up to no good for them, and constantly rebelled against him; the upper caste, the Levites, constantly massacred the disobedient;

God did not show his face to Moses; the first tablets of the covenant were broken by Moses, and then God took the trouble to engrave them again. When Moses turned to God to show him his face, he refused. There was another case when Moses asked God to show his face: “Moses said to God: “Show me your glory.” And the Lord said (to Moses): I will make all my glory known before thee, and will proclaim the name of Jehovah before thee; and I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have mercy on whom I have pity. And then he said: You cannot see my face, because a person cannot see me and live. And the Lord said: This is my place: stand on this rock; When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with my hand until I pass through; and when I remove my hand, you will see me from behind, but my face will not be visible (to you)” (Exodus, chapter 33, verses 18-23). (This passage from “holy scripture” should be read especially thoughtfully by anyone who humbly listens to the rantings of religious preachers about the biblical God). Let us remember that the face of Satan is terrible and man cannot bear it. That is why Satan did not show his face to Moses, and that is why Moses carried out his covenants; (“No one has ever seen God,” Gospel of John, chapter 1, stanza 18). It is appropriate to add here that the Jewish god generally does not like curiosity about his person and has repeatedly declared that anyone who sees his face will die. And he struck down the inhabitants of Bethshemesh, because they looked into the ark of the Lord, and killed fifty thousand and seventy of the people; and the people wept, for the Lord had struck the people with a great defeat (1 Kings chapter 6, verse 19).

In the desert, Moses created a structure for governing the Jews in the form of a four-tier rabbinate, with himself above them. Moreover, only a Levite, a representative of the family of Levi, could become a rabbi (shepherd of the Jews).

Let us note that even before the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, their legendary Joseph married not just an Egyptian woman, but Asenath, the daughter of the priest of Iliopolis, and she gave birth to two sons from him (Genesis 41:50). That is, the descendants of Joseph are half-Jews, half-Egyptians and, most importantly, descendants of occult priests - servants of the cult of the god Amon. King Solomon (Heber by nationality) also became related to Pharaoh (1 Kings 3:1), and his descendants from Pharaoh’s daughter cannot be considered Jews and belonged to the clans of Egyptian priests.

Having gone into the desert with Moses, these descendants of the occult priests, naturally, did not cease to remain servants of their cult and played their game in this Sinai “campaign”. They stood above the Levites and Moses, but their activities were hidden and secret, like all occultists. And even earlier, during the 7 years of famine, Joseph completely enslaved the Egyptians, took away all their property and created the world’s first completely totalitarian state (pure communism), where all property was controlled by a narrow caste of priests (Genesis 47:20-21). Moses disappeared somewhere without a trace, and his grave is nowhere to be found. And information about his future fate is closed.

No matter how we look at Sinai history, let's think about who could really be the master of the newly created religion - Judaism? The only contenders are the descendants of the occult priests of the god Amon. They, striving for world domination, not only created a new religion, but also for the first time in history developed and introduced into this religion a method of seizing power using a cold information war. Such wars have become incomprehensible and invisible to the common population. That is why this narrow occult group still dominates the Christian world and has already come close to world domination.

Note that Moses was taken away by the daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh as a child. In the Bible, this choice is presented as random - the daughter of Pharaoh allegedly accidentally found Moses. This interpretation is for the naive. It is basically impossible to get into the pharaoh's family by accident. Moses was raised in the family of Pharaoh. He received a priestly education and priestly upbringing. He was made an initiate. For a random person this is absolutely impossible. Moses was purposefully selected and purposefully trained for a specific mission.

Sigmund Freud, in his work “Moses the Man and Monotheistic Religion,” points to the Egyptian origin of the name Moses. Freud's research allows him to conclude that Moses is a high-born Egyptian, a priest initiated into all the wisdom of the Egyptian priests. Freud considers the Levites to be either Egyptians or half-breeds and definitely “Moses’ people,” his apparatus.

Most likely, the Levites are the descendants of occult priests from Joseph (although this can only be guessed at).

After the Sinai campaign and the introduction of new Jews into Palestine, Jerusalem became the external representation of the hierarchy of the servants of Amun. Moreover, the significance of Jerusalem was much higher than the significance of the historical center - the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes (Heliopolis), since Thebes stood on the outskirts of the world, and Jerusalem was at that time one of the main centers of transit trade and information routes of the Mediterranean civilization.

Ideological and political long-term planning for many millennia is attributed to the Israeli king Solomon. Solomon's plan was drawn up for 3000 years. The ultimate goal of this plan is the conquest of the Levites and their occult masters of world domination by the year 2000, according to modern chronology, before the beginning of the new Age of Aquarius, unfavorable for these Satanists.

What is this Jewish (Satanic) algorithm of behavior that is embedded in Jews as a result of the Sinai experiment? We have already looked at the Talmud and the Bible. There a general mentality is set and a general program of behavior for the Jews - the children of the devil - is laid down. This general algorithm of Jewish behavior is detailed and developed in relation to time. Over time, more detailed and specific options for the actions of the Jews appear. One of the most sensational variants of this behavior is the world famous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. Let's look at a later and less well-known document, which is a further development of the same general algorithm for the behavior of the sons of Moses.

This algorithm was not invented by Jews; Jews are incapable of inventing anything new. Their brains have been warped by the Talmud, the Torah, and the process of circumcision. Jews are just intellectual invalids. This algorithm (or program of action) is introduced into their consciousness through their “shepherds” - rabbis, for whom Jews are just a herd of biorobots. Let us note in passing that the Levitical rabbis are not just an elite of Jews. These are their shepherds, people are genetically different. People of a different genotype. Levites are descendants of occult ancient Egyptian priests. And it is useless to appeal to their conscience. They know who they are and who they serve. And they serve Lucifer, Satan, the devil.

So what is a Jew anyway? In principle, a Jew and a Jew are not the same thing. A Jew is a Jew filled with Judaism. There may, of course, be Jews without Judaism, but, firstly, this is an extreme rarity, and, secondly, we never know what religion a Jew is actually filled with. Therefore, we will not distinguish between the concepts “Jew” and “Jew”.

One Jew said: “Being a Jew is a state of mind.” This is very accurate. What is this, a state of mind? This is a certain system of stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Or, in other words, some general behavior algorithm. Where did this general algorithm of behavior come from? It is obvious that a Jew is a creature whose general algorithm of behavior is set by someone from the outside. Or, in other words, a Jew is a programmed biorobot that does not have global, independent behavior. Or, in other words, a Jew is a person whose independent behavior does not go beyond the general algorithm of behavior set by someone from the outside. The majority of Jews are not aware of their programming.

Strategic planning for a 3000-year perspective refers to that part of intelligence activity that is guided not by sources of initial data of the situation and not by inferences regarding trends in the development of events, but is possible only with the support of revelation (eureka!); calculation of reference and signal waves - cosmic foundations - the driving forces of the fundamental processes of history; and most importantly, sacred knowledge of the cause-and-effect relationships of the universe in volume.

Reverse development of the order and duration of strategic events of the historical process, which are not a direct consequence of someone’s decisions, requires building a model of changes in the dynamics of the addition of energies of historical waves of different periods and identifying the primary source of the historical forecast from the authors of the strategic plan on the scale of globalism, but not at all sophisticated analyzing piles of information garbage.

An assessment of the intelligence signs that emerged during the implementation of Solomon’s Plan allows us to believe that the Book of the Prophet Daniel lies as the main support in the primary sources of the strategic planning of the Chaldean sages. The text of the book was written by the prophet himself, who lived during the “Babylonian captivity” of the Jews at the court of Nebuchadnezzar two and a half thousand years ago (in the 6th century BC).

This conclusion is also suggested by the direct instructions of the performers, including the gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. In the words of Jesus of Nazareth: “Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Matt. 5:17). Moreover, Jesus further accurately points to the prophet Daniel’s prediction of the “abomination of desolation” of the sanctuary (Matthew 24:15-16). And in the 17th century. “Notes on the Book of the Prophet Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John" in his own mathematical version of the interpretation of biblical chronology was made by Sir Isaac Newton.

The indisputable dogmatic continuity of the 3000-year-old Plan of Solomon, the bearers of which is the institution of ideological commissars - Kabbalists, who receive secret knowledge through a direct chain of initiation of only the chosen ones, comes down to the following: While waiting for the arrival of cosmic energies of the constellation Aquarius on Earth (when the time comes for the discovery of the secrets of existence all over the world) countries and peoples of biblical civilization must go through 125 steps in the ascent of the human soul to the awareness of the other - invisible - side of existence. Along the path of this ascent, the level of people’s aspirations changes: 1st level is food and sex; 2nd – wealth and money; 3rd – honor and glory; 4th – knowledge; 5th – the meaning of existence. Not all people will have the desire to reach the fifth level of aspiration, but a critical mass will develop, presumably associated with the transcendental number of the “golden section” Phi: It is greater than or equal to 1,618,033 people.

At the fifth level of ascension, the border between life and death will disappear, the soul will begin to identify itself with eternity, the knowledge of science will open subtle fields and the invisible world will become visible. Here the meaning of human life will be revealed in likening oneself not to the creature, but to the creator. And the state of the creator is not the receipt of benefits, but the disinterested giving of energy capable of doing work for the common good.

Feeling the invisible higher world, the idea of ​​time and space will change, and then the souls of ordinary people will open a sleeping sixth sense - a circuit of connection to the higher spheres. Modern philosophy calls this leap in the development of earthly civilization an “anthropological turn,” which, according to scientists, should take place in the middle of the 21st century. According to Newton’s calculations, this turn (the end of “this century”) will occur no later than 2060. According to the interpretation of the Book of the Prophet Daniel - in 2040. And according to the traditional Chinese cyclical calendar, “Sali” is exactly in 2044.

The idea of ​​going through the path of correcting people’s aspirations is connected with the peaceful acquisition by the spiritual government of the world of power over the “hearts” of both decision makers and the behavior of the broad masses. The way to gain power over “hearts,” known to the “Chaldean sages” from secret tradition, is the clever combination of “the gold of the world” with an attractive idea. This is the “alchemy of power” in the hands of spiritual-order structures, created at the instigation of the “Chaldean sages” within non-Jewish peoples, to fulfill Solomon’s Plan. Control of the gold of the world by the planner was decided by the hands of the financial international of the Jews (banking houses of the Baruchs, Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.). It is impossible to control ideas completely.

Since the driving force has a point of application and a vector, the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem became a symbol of the connection of the spiritual government of the world to the circuit of the higher spheres and, accordingly, the worldwide conceptual power over the desires of people (the point is the sanctuary of the temple, the vector is to heaven). The construction business is associated with measurements - geometry - and the work of masons, therefore the auxiliary structures for the implementation of Solomon's Plan in the 18th century were called Freemasons (French Freemasons).

The first lodges (meeting places) arose in England in the form of secret organizations with mystical rituals, led by great masters - grandmasters. The symbols of massonery are the attributes of builders: an apron, a trowel, a hammer, a ruler and a plumb line for a mason, plus measuring instruments for the circle of the sky and the square of the earth - the compass and square of the “Great Architect of the Universe” or “Geometer” (G). Nowadays, Masonic lodges created throughout the world consider their secret work as the erection of a symbolic temple of virtue: the earthly Eden (biblical Garden of Eden) in the kingdom of Astraea (the goddess of justice). Their motto is: freedom - equality - brotherhood. The emblem of worldwide Freemasonry is a triangle with the all-seeing eye of the “King of the Worlds” instead of the Christian crucifixion cross and the five-pointed star of Solomon (where there is no angle of reason independent of the Chaldean sages).

Freemasons deny racial, national and religious exclusivity, preaching the ideal brotherhood of people united by theism (worldview), common moral views (everything is permissible in eating the fruits of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) and the duty of mutual assistance among initiates (solidarity). From the Anglo-Saxon (retain a mystical basis) and Romanesque (free-thinking bourgeois) branches of Freemasonry, on the German basis of deism (the worldview of equality in law), the Illuminati (enlightened ones) emerged and settled in the USA in 1776. Illuminati Liberty Charter: "Declaration of the Rights of Man." Their order: Separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. Their motto: “Out of different things, one thing.” However, now the idea of ​​democracy has already passed the stage, changes are coming faster and faster, and in order to complete the Plan on time, things are moving towards an enlightened dictatorship (with the name Antichrist).

The immediate task of the Masonic International was to seize political influence in the form of liberal democracy and re-educate society on the basis of scientific knowledge, free from any religious dogma. The means of influence were the popularization of science, mass art and mass information.

The ultimate ideal of Freemasonry is the triumph of Solomon's Plan on a global scale with the elimination of religious, national and state differences and the creation of the United States of the World under the control of a world government: E PLURIBUS UNUM.

The working body for carrying out the plan of admonition at different times was different social forces from crusaders to terrorists, while in order to correct the Jews, “the dry branches of the tree of Israel” were mercilessly cut off.

With the advent of the era of Aquarius at the beginning of the 21st century, the liberal state of democratic choice also became an obstacle to the final correction of lawlessness (for the Illuminati, correction takes the form of superhuman “transhumanism”).

Russia should become the place for creating a model for delivering people from injustice in accordance with the law of the Universe. So at the World Kabbalah Congress in Tel Aviv (February 2008) it was directly stated “that Russia is destined for a central role. The West is frozen, but in Russia spirituality has always played a special role. The sensuality of the Russian person makes him inclined to comprehend Kabbalah. The future will be such that Russia will attract high society and abundance will arise here, excellent relations will be created between people and government.”

Solomon's Plan

It has now become obvious that what was once called long-range planning originated at least in ancient Egypt, where the construction of a single pyramid often took the entire life of a pharaoh.

However, this was purely economic planning. A so far unsurpassed example of ideological, political and economic planning is the long-term plan, the drafting of which is attributed to the Israeli king Solomon, the son of King David. The most likely dates for Solomon's reign are 1015-975 BC. X.

Solomon's plan was drawn up for a period of 3000 years. The ultimate goal of this plan is the conquest of the Jews peaceful through world domination. Solomon was not a Jew. Jews cannot invent anything global; they have no creativity. For the highest Masonic hierarchs, Jews are the same biomass as other peoples.

It is possible that it was for this reason that this Israeli king received his name Solomon or Shlomo in Hebrew, which means “peaceful”, “peace-loving”. Of course, when developing his plan, Solomon took advantage of the many thousands of years of experience of the best priests of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Phenicia.

Solomon (Heber by nationality) entered into an arranged marriage with the daughter of Pharaoh (1 Kings 3:1) precisely for these purposes, that is, for the purpose of access to the experience of the priests. His descendants from the daughter of Pharaoh cannot be considered Jews and belonged to the clans of Egyptian priests. Already in the fourth year of his reign, he began the construction of a temple to the god Yahweh in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. The word "Moria" also has no etymology in Semitic languages. But for all Aryans, “mor” means “death.”

On this mountain the Evus had a cult altar for the slaughter of sacred white roosters and lambs, which they raised especially for this purpose. A holy place is never empty. All over the world, temples of the new faith were, as a rule, built on the foundations of temples of the previous faith. Sometimes even some external old attributes remained untouched, but new ideological content was introduced.

People continued to come to the familiar sacred place, saw many old symbols, heard that the conquerors at first (before the ban) seemed to appeal to the same Reveal as they did. But what the aliens put into this severed hypostasis was not at all what the Yevus-worshippers did.

In the book Joshua 24:8, 11, 13 the following cynical words of his coming from Yahweh are quoted: “And I brought you to the land of the Amors who lived beyond the Jordan; they fought with you, but I delivered them into your hands, and you received their land as an inheritance, and I destroyed them before you ...You crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho. And the inhabitants of Jericho began to fight with you: the Amors, the Frisians, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Gergashs, the Hivites, the Jebuses, but I delivered them into your hands... And I gave you a land for which you did not labor , and cities which you did not build, and you live in them; from vineyards and oil gardens, which you did not plant, you eat fruit."

Despite the fact that the Ebuses were defeated by Joshua, the city of Ebus itself and the fortress on Siyan Mountain did not surrender for a long time. Only David managed to take the city of Ebus, which he renamed Jerusalem. And the fortress on Siyan Mountain withstood an unprecedented 40-year siege and was taken only by Solomon. Since the main city of the Evus became the main city of the Jews after the capture of Palestine, it is natural that the ideology of the buried population, who stood at an incomparably higher cultural level than the Jews, had a huge influence on the latter. The aliens were literally hypnotized by the pragmatic preference for the hypostasis of this world - Reveal. But if the Evus themselves were simply too cheerful and worshiped her lightly and selflessly, then the aliens were enchanted Reality, as a symbol of heaven on earth, and paradise exclusively in the sense of maximum material well-being, the main criterion, the concentrate of which is gold. The ancient Semites, the Canaanites, also perceived the Aryan Reality (Yave, I - in their language), but in a bright sense, ahead of the Jews by 12 centuries. The very transformation of the concept of Yav into the Jewish Yahweh is also interesting: when addressing Yav, the Evus used the vocative case - O, Yahweh! (Compare: God! Son! Father!).

Note that the god of the Jews first revealed his name to Moses. (Exodus 3:14). He called himself Jehovah. In fact, the Jewish god's name was Yahweh, which was a cheating transformation of the hypostasis of this world - Reveal. Jews were forbidden to pronounce this name out loud because the Jewish shepherds were afraid that if the Jews uttered the name Yahweh, the goyim would quickly discover that their “universal one god Yahweh” was just one of the forms of the triune god of the indigenous population of Palestine - the Aryans. Then the “chosenness of God” and other self-praising attributes of the Jews would collapse. Then we would have to recognize the superiority of the Aryans, and especially the Wends. That is why Prince Vladimir, a terry Jew from the housekeeper Malka, and his spiritual followers tried so hard to discredit paganism, the pre-Christian writing of Rus', and declare it a fake "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "The Book of Veles". However, if HF and a fake, it is a hundred times better than all 4 gospels combined. And if this is the original, then it is hundreds of times more valuable than "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

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