
Fortune telling from the point of view of modern psychology. The whole truth about fortune telling Where we see the future

It would be a stretch to call this fortune-telling on tarot cards such; it is rather a psychological test of your current state of mind. In this fortune telling, you will have to find out your current attitude towards others, yourself, see your strengths and weaknesses and, based on this, act in the future. In this psychological context, fortune telling “Integration of the Self” is a kind of tool for understanding one’s inner world.

A journey through the major arcana of tarot cards should be considered from the perspective of psychological associations as a path of personal growth in a given period of time. During the alignment, the person’s subconscious “I” first appears and is separated from consciousness, in order to then be understood and re-integrated into the personality.

For this fortune telling, you will only need the major arcana of the tarot deck, which symbolize the main archetypes of the human personality. To begin fortune telling, shuffle and place the selected 22 cards face down in front of you in an upright position so that you can see which arcana lie in front of you. Carefully study the cards shown in front of you. Think about which card you intuitively dislike the most and remove it from the layout. Then choose the one that you think is most attractive to you and place it next to it. Between them you need to put a card, which, based on your feelings, may be intermediate between the two selected cards, a kind of bridge between them.

The first card chosen will symbolize your subconscious, so to speak, hidden “I”, that is, that part of your psychological portrait that is most unpleasant to you. The second card is a symbol of your consciousness, a positive understanding of yourself and what you are trying to achieve. Both of these archetypes exist in your subconscious, and you will have to learn to find common language with them. The third card, the connecting card, represents the essence of the integration of these two archetypes, through which you will come to inner harmony and integrity.

At all times, people have sought to look into their future. A large number of methods of fortune telling have been invented. And the topic of fortune telling itself is becoming more and more popular over time. In the modern world, there is even ONLINE fortune telling.

How do psychologists feel about this?

As you know, a person creates his own destiny and forges his own happiness with his own hands. And at the same time, he always has unlimited freedom of choice - what to do, what to choose, and we make such a choice every hour. What we choose in a given situation depends only on us. This is the beauty of life, that we can be full masters of our destiny and create it with our own hands. Fortune telling for most people is mostly entertainment. Others are extremely skeptical about this, considering it another deception. But there are also those who cannot make important decisions without checking their fate with the coffee grounds by looking at the bottom of the coffee cup. In the depths of every person’s consciousness lies the desire to know: about his future, about what is connected with his destiny. A person strives to study himself, his secret capabilities and desires with the help of outside forces.

Coffee serves as a tune-up for our intuition. Peering at the figures that appear on the coffee grounds, the fortuneteller tunes in to the person or situation being divined. By looking at a fancy coffee ornament, the fortuneteller, with the help of his intuition, penetrates deeply into the essence of what he is fortune-telling. And it gives absolutely correct information. For our intuition there is neither space nor time. Anything and everything is available to her. To see the meaning of a person’s fate, his present or future, you need to perceive the picture holistically and comprehensively.
Of great importance for the formation of predictive symbols is the present state of mind of the person turning over the cup with the remains of coffee on the saucer, his emotional mood and perception.

Is it possible to guess ethically and sinlessly? Without harming the human psyche? Yes, you can.

The first thing to remember when fortune telling is that a person chooses and creates the future only himself. Penetrating into a situation with the help of the gift of insight, you can objectively describe the situation to a person from the outside. To suggest what other participants in the situation think and feel, what the person does not understand and what in his behavior leads to problems.

You can also suggest all possible ways out and solutions to the situation. But at the same time, always remember one thing: NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE WHAT WILL HAPPEN. A MAN MUST CHOOSE AND CREATE HIS OWN FATE ONLY BY HIMSELF. IN NO EVENT CAN YOU PROGRAM A PERSON IN ADVANCE FOR ANY DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITUATION.

Sinless, ethical fortune-telling is more likely not even fortune-telling, but psychological consultation. Its advantage over a regular consultation is that intuitive tuning and insight into the essence of phenomena provide complete information about the situation and all its participants. This is usually what psychologists lack when analyzing problems...

Guessing can and should be done ethically.

Divination- from the point of view of a clinical psychologist -

This is a way to cope with your anxiety about the uncertain future Here and Now.


A person ALWAYS feels anxious about the Future.

The only question is how much.

  • Normally, people experience severe anxiety situationally and quite rarely.
  • In pathology, he is very worried almost every minute.

In order to understand why fortune telling relieves anxiety Here and Now,

Let's consider the structure of anxiety.

Anxiety is a matter of uncertainty and tossing between at least two choices.

  • Yes or no?
  • Love does not love?
  • Will it work or won't it work?

But the final answer to the alarm lies in the Future,

And the bad thing is right now.

What to do?

We need to calm down.

And the only way to calm down is to stop rushing between alternatives.

And you can stop rushing about if you remove one of them.

Therefore, any effective fortune telling scheme is designed to give One Answer.

If a person BELIEVE in any Definite Answer -

he will immediately, Here and Now, feel much better!

And it doesn’t matter that in a month other circumstances will develop and everything may be the other way around.

Now I feel EASIER!

From the point of view of a psychologist, fortune telling is immortal,because it helps overy quickly relieve anxiety from an uncertain futureHere and now.

Based on my faith and experience (and I do not insist on the ultimate truth), the situation with fortune telling looks like this:

Of course, a person chooses many things himself. But there is a certain givenness (you can call it fate), which is still inherent. This is not some kind of plan of events - when to get married, study, what to work for and how many children to have. These are rather those initial inclinations, givens of various kinds, from which many things follow in life. For some reason, we end up in a certain family that raises us in a certain way, we receive certain traumas and certain personal characteristics that stem from this family, which we did not choose (at least consciously). We also have a set of certain talents, which are often innate. We have a certain potential for health or are born with a set of diseases. All this is fate, the given fact with which we came into this world. And we make some of our choices not entirely freely, but based on these innate or acquired characteristics in early childhood. Of course, the older a person is, the more aware he can be and the more he can change. But the “background” that exists sometimes influences us to one degree or another all our lives. For someone who is more aware, the number of such influences decreases with age, because the person learns lessons - works through his traumas, draws conclusions from illnesses, from unsuccessful relationships, rethinks parental experience, accepts himself with his character and appearance. And a less conscious person sometimes remains a hostage to his “starter package” until the end of his days.

In fortune telling you can see 2 things: 1) just this influence of the starting environment, those deep-seated traumas, the tasks that a person has. Even better than cards or runes, this is visible in the natal chart (astrology). Just don’t confuse this with popular horoscopes - the natal chart is very individual and is built only for one person with a specific place, time and date of birth. But cards (for example, Tarot) can also see this fateful influence of the starting environment and the tasks it brings. In other words, in a situation where, for example, a person makes a choice between two life scenarios, you can use cards to show the person what determining influence comes from his destiny, i.e. what his own deep programs are pushing him towards. But he may act differently. It is important to understand that he will be drawn to this, but he must decide for himself whether to follow this influence or not. If he has the strength to resist, he can continue to work on himself. And in other cases, the influence of fate is very harmonious and there is no point in resisting it. So, for example, when a person chooses between two professions, both of which are equally interesting to him, it makes sense to listen to the dictates of fate, because his very talents and inclinations in this area will help him and luck will accompany him. But we must always remember that the dictates of fate are not a verdict, it is only what the “initial data package” inclines us to. There is a maxim in astrology - “the stars incline, but do not determine.” I think this accurately reflects the essence of the relationship between fate and will.

2) You can clearly see what the querent’s subconscious (as the client is called in mantic systems) is more ready for. Conventionally, if a person comes and asks “will I get a divorce or not” or “will we be together or not,” then the cards will show the mantic (the one who makes the layout) what the person himself is more ready for now. That is, the contact of the mantle with the cards simply reveals and actualizes the querent’s subconscious, making his unconscious mood clear to him. Often the unconscious mood and the conscious one do not coincide. In other words, for example, the querent’s subconscious rejects an alliance with a given man or woman, but at the level of consciousness the person strives for an alliance. And then the work of the psychologist begins, without which it is difficult to do here.

The conclusions from such work vary. It happens that a person, with the help of a psychologist, exploring his subconscious, ultimately comes to the same choice that the cards said initially - he does not want to be further with that person, and his conscious “wanting” was dictated by fears (for example, loneliness or fears of spirit of "what will people say"). And it happens that in the unconscious there is some kind of trauma, fear, unconscious rejection, which follows from past negative experiences that were once repressed into the unconscious. And, sometimes, by working through these fears and traumas, you can remove this unconscious rejection. Then the whole person is harmoniously tuned to the conclusion - “to be together”, and the subconscious no longer contradicts the conscious.

How does it all work? We are used to thinking and using mainly the left hemisphere (logic, analysis, consistency, concrete facts, causes and effects, etc.) But we also have the right hemisphere, which perceives the world integrally, at the level of feelings and images. It does not know division into segments (and analysis is always division), it sees something as a single thing, grasps any object in its integrity. It is the right hemisphere that is involved in fortune telling. Cards are images, symbols, behind which there is a whole semantic system, but in each specific case the intuition of the mantic (the one who tells fortunes) is also important, because each symbol can be interpreted differently depending on the position in the layout and depending on depending on the situation. With prolonged contact with the cards, the mantic learns to feel in what situation this or that interpretation is appropriate. That is, it develops its intuition. It also develops the ability to tune into the querent’s psyche. In NLP, by the way, the same action is called adjusting to the client. This is such a grasping of a person’s state in all its completeness, integrity, depth (that is, including the unconscious, too, and primarily the unconscious, I would say). As a result, the mantic becomes like a conductor who transfers what he sees in the querent’s subconscious to the images of the cards. And the left hemisphere is connected only when, with the help of speech, the mantic tells the querent about what he sees in the cards.

If you approach fortune telling like this, then there is nothing contrary to psychology here. In psychology, we also use projective techniques (toys, drawings, images) to make the client’s subconscious explicit. We also adapt to the client. We work not only with the left hemisphere, but also with the right. The only difference is that in psychology it is not customary to talk about the future, but only about strategies of the possible, and, much more often, about what the client feels and experiences in his now. The undoubted benefit of fortune telling is that sometimes, seeing negative programs in a person’s unconscious, you can help him realize and see it, and then work through it. And then the likelihood of a negative scenario decreases.

Other psychologists with developed intuition sometimes don’t even need maps to see this. Another thing is that from the point of view of the ethics of a psychologist, it is not always worth talking about this “head-on”. But here it is important to clarify the person’s request. To be honest, I have a separate category of clients who pose the question exactly this way - about what could be. And asks to make a schedule. But I do not advertise this activity, because for now I consider myself a student in mantic systems. And gradually I try to combine psychological and mantic knowledge in myself as much as possible. Where the client makes a request for “pure psychology,” I work as a pure psychologist, but it is difficult to silence intuition. And where I see some kind of unconscious negative program, I try to help the client realize it. It turns out that it means the time has come. No - that means, as they say, it’s not fate, and you shouldn’t interfere with its course, but only do what can be done at the psychological level.

In general, it is extremely difficult to separate one from the other, because when, for example, we analyze a repeating relationship scenario (for example, a person lives for 2-3 years and gets divorced or separates, and so on many times, or leaves every time after six months of dating, or is constantly unrequited falls in love), then we can talk about unconscious programs (perfectionism, a person does not go through a crisis of three years, does not realize that relationships need to be built, is looking for an ideal, or considers himself “not good enough” to have a stable and strong relationship, and all this - comes from childhood), but we can also talk about fate. Because fate is these deep programs, fate is the childhood that was given to us. And, accordingly, this is just a matter of terminology and explanations to the client.

It seems to me that a combination of approaches is most effective. A pure mantic or astrologer will not say “what should I do?” - how to work through injuries, how to get rid of accumulated negativity. Only a psychologist can really help with this. On the other hand, if a psychologist works only with the left hemisphere and relies only on analytics, his view of the world is very limited, and he cannot answer the “eternal questions”. Meanwhile, very often clients’ questions relate to topics of faith, meaning, contact with higher powers, etc. And here only the right hemisphere and mantic knowledge can help, as well as any spiritual experience, the experience of contact with the subtle world. And to look for such an experience, to decide whether to go through it or not, is, of course, chosen by the psychologist himself. For some, such tasks are redundant. For some it is completely natural. Apparently, this is also a question of initial givenness in terms of everyone’s abilities and inclinations. In other words, fate)

In recent years, people's interest in various types of fortune-telling systems, astrology has increased significantly, and most people who turn to this kind of help, unfortunately, are inclined to transfer responsibility for their destiny to any forces other than their own. In general, turning to fortune-telling and wanting to know the future, such a person expects a certain scenario in response (naturally positive) and, in fact, you can do nothing, because everything will be fine anyway - this approach to fortune-telling is characteristic of infantile individuals who are not ready to take responsibility for your destiny.

That is, a fortuneteller or astrologer must have a high level of awareness so that fortune telling does not turn into a simple interpretation of a probabilistic future, but gives an interpretation of the deep psychological state of the person who has applied and what is important at the moment for a person. That is, identifying the existing potential of the present.

In general, interest in fortune telling and astrology has been known since ancient times, people resorted to interpretations of symbols, signs, cards, dreams, stars, and all this was already formed into the fortune-telling systems known to us - Tarot, I-Ching, Runes. The famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung also studied the above mentioned fortune telling and astrology. He wrote: Tarot cards represent certain archetypal ideas of a different nature, mixed with the usual contents of the stream of the unconscious, thus they can be used in an intuitive method of understanding the flow of life, perhaps even to predict future events, since all the future is based on the events of the present. In this way, these cards are similar to the I Ching, a Chinese method of divination that at least allows you to read the current situation. Man has always felt the need to access the meaning of the current situation through the unconscious, since there is a kind of connection or similarity between the basic situation and the collective unconscious.

Studying astrology as a science, I came to the conclusion that we can say that indeed a person’s character and his inclinations are to a large extent determined by the position and aspect of the planets in his birth chart, that is, from this point of view we can say that everything is fatal and there is little from a person depends. But from another point of view, it is through his actions, deeds and thoughts that a person creates the future in his present, and the present is formed by the actions and thoughts of the past and accepting the fact that everything depends on the person himself, the understanding arises that freedom of choice and will is actually endless . And despite the horoscope and fortune-telling predictions, a person with a strong intention and desire to improve spiritually is able to go beyond the limits of the horoscope. Therefore, fortune telling and horoscope can be very useful for increasing a person’s degree of awareness. That is, by realizing, understanding and accepting their strong and problematic places in the natal chart, a person can work on this, already realizing the origins of the reasons, for example, his explosive nature or deep depression. At first, this kind of understanding may cause internal resistance and a desire to get rid of your own weaknesses, but if you learn to accept your weaknesses not as a personal enemy, but as an ally in accepting yourself, the path to happiness can become much more cheerful and fun. If you approach fortune telling and astrology from the point of view of knowing yourself and your place in the world, you can significantly strengthen your intuition, deepen your understanding of the relationship of everything with everything in and, accordingly, understand yourself as part of a single phenomenal flow of being.

We humans are much more powerful than we think. Not only you, Sir Executor, but everyone in general. Whether we want it or not, each of us is forced to live in the reality that he has chosen for himself. The tragedy is that almost no one makes this choice consciously, so the reality often turns out to be the same...

Max Fry.

Do you remember how, as a child, you lamented that Santa Claus brings gifts at night, and you can’t see him? How exactly did they know that a monster lived under grandma’s bed at night, and that you had to quickly run past so that it didn’t have time to grab your leg?

In each of us, despite adulthood, there still lives that little child who believed in magic.

And when we go to a fortune teller, it is his curiosity and his energy that leads us.

And it is almost impossible to predict how fortune telling will respond in these unconscious mystical layers of the psyche.

Somehow responding to fortune telling, we are more likely to we form our future before we know it. Everything would be fine, but we do not control this process, it unconscious.

When do we most often want to tell fortunes? When anxious or worried. And this means that from streamlined fortune-telling formulations, most likely we will unconsciously catch negative meanings. In my opinion, it’s like meeting a monkey with a grenade - dangerous and unpredictable.

So I avoid any guesswork as much as possible. Although sometimes curiosity is stronger than common sense.

As you know, we go to fortune tellers and fortune tellers when something worries us. And at that moment when we cannot make a choice (for example, to stay or leave), when we doubt, not trusting ourselves (loves - does not love), when we cannot take responsibility for our lives (get this job or no, to have an operation or not, to move or not), that’s when we go to fortune-tellers or tell fortunes ourselves using known methods (using coffee grounds or using online fortune-telling). Indeed, in such moments of uncertainty and anxiety, it is so good to shift responsibility to someone else, and even someone who “knows” what you need and what awaits you. How do fortune tellers know what we need?

Look for future scenarios in your unconscious

In fact, all the necessary information is in our unconscious. And fortune tellers, using various cards, signs, numbers, and the location of stars, read the current situation precisely thanks to us. We ourselves know perfectly well what we want, what we dream about, but without access to the unconscious we cannot determine the dominant part.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that fortune tellers receive this or that information, and then interpret it in their own way, thus imposing on us this or that strategy, a certain plan for our life. And it’s good if it’s a positive situation, but often we are programmed for negative consequences.

Sand games design future castles

In psychology, approximately the same scheme of work is used. Using projective techniques, drawings, photographs, and playing with sand, we project our current needs, our resources and weaknesses. Only the client himself interprets the received images, investing in the interpretation those special meanings that only he himself can know. At the same time, the psychologist does not impose his vision of the problem; he supports the patient in finding a solution to the current situation and in searching for alternative solutions.

Do an experiment. Take a look around. Choose one item that you like best. Now try to describe this object or thing in the first person. Now try to tell how this object lives and what awaits you in the future. And if you want to tell your fortune, then do it as psychologists suggest.

Since ancient times, man has been interested in the future. At a time when humanity did not yet have sufficient knowledge about the world around us, various methods of fortune telling arose. Centuries have passed, we now know much more about the world around us, but fortune telling is still popular. Almost every woman has told fortunes with cards or coffee at least once in her life. So what is fortune telling and how should you approach it?

Consciousness and subconsciousness

Any fortune telling is a dialogue with the subconscious. The fact is that all our mental activity is the work of two brothers - consciousness and subconscious. The conscious mind evaluates the current situation and decides what to do, while the subconscious simply remembers everything and takes automatic actions. But for actions to become automatic, conscious activity is first required, and only when these actions become routine, familiar, like brushing your teeth in the morning, do they become embedded in the subconscious, and we stop thinking about how to perform them. And even vice versa, if we think, then everything will happen long and difficult.

Special states of consciousness

Even in ancient times, Russian priests noticed that the human psyche works more efficiently in special altered states of consciousness, which manifest themselves, first of all, by the automatism of the actions performed. This phenomenon was actively used in the training of soldiers. In the process of preparation, they began to do everything automatically, and therefore lost the ability to be slow, all reactions became instantaneous, since they occurred at the level of the subconscious, which does not think, does not evaluate, but produces ready-made patterns of behavior in a given situation. At the same time, the person is little aware of what he is doing.

How does a fortune teller work?

It is on this phenomenon that all fortune telling is based. Any fortune teller is an excellent psychologist on a subconscious level. But in order to achieve this, you need experience. Your appearance and speech already tell her a lot, she doesn’t even think about it, she just knows and that’s it - this subconscious mind gives her ready-made selected templates. Moreover, all this happens in an altered state of consciousness of both the fortune teller and the client.

In order for a fortune teller to enter such a state, some simple rhythmic action is enough, for example, shaking his head. If such an action accompanies each fortune telling session, it will become a signal of entering a trance. This state is necessary in order to reduce the control of consciousness and bring the subconscious to the surface.

Participation in client fortune telling

The client also enters a state of light trance under the influence of the rhythm of the fortune teller’s actions, possibly the monotony of speech, as well as due to a special technique - generalization of divinations.

Probably many have noticed that fortune tellers speak in general, streamlined phrases. If one or another symbol appears, it can be interpreted in different ways. The fortune teller’s task is to outline this symbol in general terms, but the client himself must specify it. There is no fraud in this; the fortune teller helps the client bring the problem to the surface, see it and solve it on a subconscious level.

We guess to ourselves

Is it possible to guess for yourself? Of course, it is possible, and based on anything, even by inventing your own fortune telling system. But there is one indispensable condition: you must know this system at the subconscious level, i.e. use it just like a toothbrush without thinking about your actions. And then you will be able to get anything you want from your subconscious. This is not given right away; you need the skill of systematically using this system.

We tell our own fortunes using runes

Runes are 24 ancient signs, which, together with the 25th, pure rune, make up the Futhark - the runic alphabet. The alphabet in this case does not act in its usual capacity, but as a set of magical symbols. It’s absolutely certain that you won’t succeed right away. You must first study the meaning of the symbols very well and put them into your subconscious so that at one glance at the symbol you see the current situation through it as through a prism. This comes only with practice, but it is worth it: you will be able to consult runes in any situation. The motto of the runes is: know yourself.

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