
Prophecies and curses will overtake Barack Obama. What does the prophecy “The 44th President of the United States will be the last” mean? The 44th President of America will be the last

meet those who didn't know :)

We can already congratulate you on your victory -

I did it very first at 7 am... :)

and it doesn’t matter how the “independent electors” bend

Nothing depends on them anymore!

America was cut almost in half... but no!

and you can argue for a long time and even cry... like Clinton supporters...

which won't even come out with the traditional word

and now I remember the cartoon The Simpsons from 2000...

I’m in a state of shock myself... my grandson looked and I saw... I didn’t even have lunch... I watched it a couple of times!

Well, the story about VVP signing a decree appointing Trump as President of the United States...

unless Mikefal just wrote on his Twitter!

So the helpful soothsayers have cheered up...

once again rewriting my forecasts about the “last 44th President of the United States”

Back in the 16th century, a Russian predictor wrote that the current US president would be very different from his predecessors and would be fatal for the country, astrologer Pavel Globa told Life.

According to Vasily Nemchin, it was the Russian Nostradamus of the 16th century, and he just said what is attributed to Grandma Vanga about the forty-fourth President of the United States. It said that each ruler who would rule over the other side of the Atlantic Ocean would have a reign of 4 years, and their number would be forty-four. This was said by Vasily Nemchin. Now in America they are just electing the forty-fourth president, and not the forty-fifth, as they believe.

The fact is that Howard Cleveland, the same one who unveiled the Statue of Liberty in New York, was simultaneously the twenty-second and twenty-fourth president of the United States, this was at the end of the 19th century.

Twenty-second (1885-1889) - Grover Cleveland (Stephen G. Cleveland).

Therefore, the next president, Donald Trump, will be the forty-fourth, and it has been described that he will be fatal, he will take the country along some crooked path, he will lead it into the abyss and he will be completely different from all the previous ones. Absolutely different - this was predicted by Vasily Nemchin at the beginning of the 16th century, - said the astrologer.

OH MIRACLE! And the fact that they told us about Obama 44 for 8 years... what was that???

Photos of all 43 US presidents

Globa also told what awaits Russia in the coming years. According to forecasts, by 2024 the country will experience a real demographic explosion.

We live and live normally under our president, God bless him. We will grow, I am absolutely sure that by 2024 we, as it is fashionable to say, will have completely risen from our knees, we are expecting a demographic explosion similar to what happened at the end of the 18th century under Catherine II,” he explained.

(deflection counted)

On November 8, the United States is holding general elections, which will determine the name of the country's new president. The Democratic candidate is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Republican candidate is billionaire Donald Trump.

The elections are over, but the prostitutes remain...

and not only in all kinds of Ukraine

although they are dearer and closer to us... than other various frog-overseas

And in order not to get into trouble again - here are the politicians... so that they know what all the children of America (who do well in school) know:

All American presidents in order.

The first (reign date 1789-1797) is George Washington.

Second (1797-1801) - John Adams (John Adams).

Third (1801-1809) - Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson).

Fourth (1809-1817) - James Madison (James Madison).

Fifth (1817-1825) - James Monroe (James Monroe).

Sixth (1825-1829) - John Quincy Adams (John K. Adams).

Seventh (1829-1837) – Andrew Jackson (Andrew Jackson).

Tenth (1841-1845) - John Tyler (John Tyler).

Eleventh (1845-1849) - James Knox Polk (James K. Polk).

Twelfth (1849-1850) – Zachary Taylor (Zachary Taylor).

Thirteenth (1850-1853) – Millard Fillmore (Billion Fillmore).

Fourteenth (1853-1857) - Franklin Pierce (Franklin Pierce).

Fifteenth (1857-1861) - James Buchanan (James Buchanan).

Sixteenth (1861-1865) - Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln).

Seventeenth (1865-1875) - Andrew Johnson (Andrew Johnson).

Eighteenth (1869-1877) - Ulysses Simpson Grant (Ulysses S. Grant).

Nineteenth (1877-1881) - Rutherford Birchard Hayes (Rutherford B. Hayes).

The Twentieth (1881) – James Garfield (James A. Garfield).

Twenty-first (1881-1885) - Chester Alan Arthur (Chester A. Arthur).

Twenty-second (1885-1889) - Grover Cleveland (Stephen G. Cleveland).

Twenty-third (1889-1893) - Benjamin Harrison (Benjamin Harrison).

Twenty-fourth (1893-1897 second time) - Grover Cleveland (Steven Grover Cleveland).

Twenty-fifth (1897-1901) - William McKinley (William McKinley Jr.).

Twenty-sixth (1901-1909) - Theodore Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt).

Twenty-seventh (1909-1913) - William Howard Taft (William Howard Taft).

Twenty-eighth (1913-1921) - Woodrow Wilson (Thomas W. Wilson).

Twenty-ninth (1921-1923) - Warren Gamaliel Harding (Warren Gamaliel Harding).

Thirtieth (1923-1929) - Calvin Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge).

Thirty-first (1929-1933) – Herbert Hoover (Herbert Hoover).

Thirty-second (1933-1945) - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Thirty-third (1945-1953) - Harry Shipp Truman (Harry Es Truman).

Thirty-fourth (1953-1961) - Dwight David Eisenhower (Dwight D. Eisenhower).

Thirty-fifth (1961-1963) - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (John F. Kennedy).

Thirty-sixth (1963-1969) - Lyndon Baines Johnson (Lyndon B. Johnson).

Thirty-seventh (1969-1974) – Richard Milhous Nixon (Richard M. Nixon).

Thirty-eighth (1974-1977) - Gerald Rudolph Ford (Gerald R. Ford Jr.).

Thirty-ninth (1977-1981) – Jimmy Carter (Jimmy Carter).

Fortieth (1981-1989) - Ronald Regan (Ronald Reagan).

Forty-first (1989-1993) - George Herbert Walker Bush (George G. W. Bush).

Forty-second (1993-2001) – William Jefferson Clinton (William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton).

Forty-third (2001-2009) – George Walker Bush (George W. Bush Jr.).

Forty-fourth (2009-present) – Barack Hussein Obama (Barack H. Obama Jr.).

a total of 43 presidents... 58 times for a period of 4 years (still with the first question!)


On the last night of the election campaign overseas,I decided to collect well-known prophecies about the Last President..


"Big problems will come from overseas when the 44th 'black man' is in power."

His prophecy about the 44th president is known from the words of Pavel Globa * (P.G. is perhaps the only one who saw certain manuscripts. During the so-called “perestroika”, Pavel Globa, according to a number of researchers, actually came into the hands of some documents, presumably letters from the prophet Abel, in which he wrote that - something about the future. Perhaps Globa, read by Abel, put it into Nemchin’s mouth. Or he still read Nemchin’s book - see footnote).

But, one way or another, the “last 44” is not directly mentioned here!

Ranyo NERO:

“The power on the shores of two oceans (option: between two oceans) will be the strongest on earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last.”


(back in the seventies of the last century she spoke about the collapse of the USA)

“A “black man” will come to the White House. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. Perhaps it will even break up into southern and northern states.”


Edgar Cayce, who is called the “sleeping prophet,” also spoke of the 44th President of the United States as the last, but allegorically (I have never seen the quote). About this allegorical prophecy (when The "sleeping prophet" was shown only 44 historical halls) at the very beginning of the video Alexey Penzensky says:

I have not seen such predictions from Nostradamus, but he has not yet been read correctly.


Having known about these prophecies for a long time, I thought about what reasons could lead to the fact that the 44th will be the last:

1) The USA will cease to exist as a separate state, because THREE countries (America, Canada and Mexico) will unite into the North American Union (similar to the EU). And just as AMEROS can replace the dollar, the Canadian dollar and the peso, the office of the American President will be abolished? But in the EU countries, each country still has its own president...

2) The USA will break up into separate states or regions.

3) Will the Yellowstone volcano erupt or some other cataclysm? or even (God bless!) the Third World War?

4) The next one will not be the president, but the president of the United States? But this last one was rather viewed as a joke - after all, a ruler remains a ruler, no matter what kind of person he is...

5) Circumstances may arise that the 44th will remain for a new term... and over the next 4 years a lot of “water will flow under the bridge”...

In a word, I don’t know what to think about this. Perhaps the formal election will happen (only a few hours left), but then something will happen... We'll see, not long to wait!

P.S. The 45th president, Donald Trump, has been elected... and this, in any case, is the best choice for the world and for Americans, judging by Trump's statements in the election race... However, PROPHECY still has time before the January inauguration! If we live to see Trump’s inauguration, we will have to admit that even a prophecy can be corrected by Higher powers if humanity makes the right choice!


“America destroyed the INDIANS, chained the BLACKS in kaidans, dropped an atom on the JAPANESE, burned the VIETNAMES with napalm, bombed the SERBES with uranium,” carried out an intervention: in GRENADA (1979 - “Flash of Fury”), in PANAMA (1983 - “Just Cause”), in LIBYA (1986 - "Eldorado Canyon"), to IRAQ (1991 - Military operation of the Multinational Force (MNF) with UN sanction), in SOMALIA (1993 - Intervention by the USA and a number of other states with UN sanction), to YUGOSLAVIA (1995 - NATO military operation without UN sanction and 1999 - NATO intervention without UN sanction), in AFGHANISTAN and SUDAN (1998 - Unilateral US military strike), again in AFGHANISTAN (2001 - NATO intervention without UN sanction), in IRAQ ( 2003-2011 - intervention by the United States and a number of allies without issuing sanctions from the UN), again in LIBYA (2011 - NATO intervention with the sanction of the UN Security Council); is waging a proxy war in the Donbass, in Syria, in Yemen (without UN sanction?).. I HOPE THEIR ATROCITIES END HERE!!!


Let's summarize. Where did the United States invade in the 20th-21st centuries:

1901 - entry of troops into Colombia

1902 - to Panama.

1904 - to Korea, Morocco and the Dominican Republic

1905 - intervene in the revolution in Honduras

1905 - to Mexico (helped dictator Porfirio DMaz suppress the uprising)

1905 - to Korea

1906 - Invasion of the Philippines

1906 - 1909 in Cuba during elections

1907 - in Nicaragua

1907 - in the Dominican Republic

1907 - to Honduras from Nicaragua

1908 - to Panama during elections

1910 - Nicaragua. The US sent armed forces to Nicaragua and organized an anti-government plot

In 1910, a junta of pro-American generals was formed

1911 - suppression of the anti-American uprising in the Philippines

1911 - to China

1912 - to Havana (Cuba)

1912 - to Panama during elections

1912 - American troops invade Honduras

1912-1933 - occupation of Nicaragua. Nicaragua has become a colony of the monopoly of the United Fruit Company and other American companies

1914 - to the Dominican Republic, battle with the rebels for Santa Domingo

1914-1918 - series of invasions of Mexico

1914-1934 - Haiti. the occupation lasted 19 years

1916-1924 - 8-year occupation of the Dominican Republic

1917-1933 - military occupation of Cuba, economic protectorate

1917-1918 - participation in the 1st World War

1918-1922 - intervention in Russia. A total of 14 states took part in it

Active support was provided to the territories that separated from Russia - Kolchakia and the Far Eastern Republic

1918-1920 - Panama


1919 - American troops fight on the side of Italy against the Serbs in Dolmatia

1919 - to Honduras during elections

1920 - Guatemala. 2-week intervention

1922 - intervention in Turkey

1922-1927 - to China during the popular uprising

1925 - Panama

1926 - Nicaragua. Invasion

1927-1934 - American troops stationed throughout China

1932 - invasion of El Salvador from the sea. There was an uprising there at that time

1937 - Nicaragua

1939 - introduction of troops into China

1947-1949 - Greece

1948-1953 - military operations in the Philippines

1950 - Uprising in Puerto Rico suppressed by American troops

1950-1953 - armed intervention in Korea

1958 - Lebanon

1958 - confrontation with Panama

1959 - America sends troops to Laos

1959 - Haiti

1960 - American troops enter Guatemala

1965-1973 - military aggression against Vietnam

1966 - Guatemala

1971-1973 - bombing of Laos

1972 - Nicaragua

1983 - military intervention in Grenada with about 2 thousand marines

1986 - attack on Libya

1988 - to Honduras

1988 - The USS Vincennes, which was in the Persian Gulf, shot down an Iranian plane with 290 passengers on board, including 57 children, with a missile.

1989 - American troops quell unrest in the Virgin Islands

1991 - large-scale military action against Iraq

1992-1994 - occupation of Somalia

1998 - Sudan. The Americans destroy a pharmaceutical plant with a missile attack, claiming that it produces nerve gas.

1999 - Yugoslavia

2001 - invasion of Afghanistan

2003 - bombing of Iraq

2011 - Libya

2013 - Syria

2014 - Ukraine

P.S. When you next hear from the Americans or their Russian and Ukrainian followers something about “aggressive Russia,” present this far from complete list. After all, it contains only the actions of the American armed forces. And how many more military coups there have been (there have been 80 of them over the last 50 years!), assassinations of political leaders and other facts of gross interference in other people’s affairs.

Well, our congratulations to Donald TRUMP! good health and safety! It would be better for the prophecy not to come true than for an eccentric person with good intentions to die!


P. P. S. * True, Globa is trying to be clever here too, forgetting how often he makes mistakes - which, however, does not prevent him from predicting again and again:

In search of answers to the question of what awaits the United States in the future, Globa turned to one of the most reliable, in his opinion, prophetic books - the book of predictions by Vasily Nemchin.

Vasily Nemchin is our Russian Nostradamus, only less promoted. He lived in the 16th century and was not only a seer, but also a doctor, personal physician of Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, father of Ivan the Terrible. Nemchin's prophetic work concerns events 1000 years in advance. So back then, in the 16th century, he mentioned a certain overseas country. Apparently, he is talking about the United States of America.

- And what is written there?

That the 44th ruler of this country will be radically different from all 43. And that this president will lead the country to collapse and a severe economic crisis. I think this is specifically about Hillary Clinton, since if she wins, she will be the first female president in American history. And this, you see, is a cardinal difference[isn’t a black person radically different? - Tamis]. But, in principle, Trump also fits the description of Vasily Nemchin, since he is the only candidate who comes not from the political elite, but from show business[And what kind of “show business” was Reagan from? - Tamis].

— But the United States is electing the 45th president, not the 44th?

Yes, but one president was counted twice: Grover Cleveland, who served two terms in the top job, but intermittently. That is, he was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. Thus, it turns out that there were formally 44 presidents, and 43 people in this position. That is, now the 44th is being elected[president or person? - Tamis].

- And he will lead the United States into the abyss?

- Exactly. The United States is literally facing a second Great Depression.

[However, Globa's count does not coincide with either the count of the other prophets or the count of the Americans themselves. - Tamis]


If only this 44th didn’t go wild on the road... Who would hold it in?!


A banner with Obama and the inscription “Farewell, murderer” appeared in Washington


(for Cleveland was counted twice)


culture art society - Election of the 45th President - 44th last

The United States came into existence as recently as 1776. Just for comparison, the Moscow Bolshoi Theater was founded at the same time. But the state, whose own history does not even go back 250 years, has become a powerful empire. But for how long?

The fact that the United States will sooner or later experience severe upheavals is stated in many predictions. And, it seems, everything should happen under the 44th president. Since George Washington, the United States has been led by 43 people. And then there is Mr. Obama - the 44th President of the United States. But will it be the last?

It seems that everything is going that way. There already Yellowstone volcano woke up, earthquakes became more frequent, and drought acquired catastrophic proportions. If we add to this economic problems and possible social explosions, then the apocalypse scenario is ready. What exactly does the prophecy say about this?

From Ragno Nero's predictions

The first person who may have mentioned the 44th President of the United States was a medieval soothsayer who called himself Ragno Nero (Black Spider). In his “Eternal Book,” found in 1972 in one of the Bologna monasteries, there seem to be the following lines:

It’s difficult to say how reliable this prediction is, and here’s why:

Many researchers consider even the manuscript itself to be a fake. We only know that it was written no later than the 17th century, and Ragno Nero lived in the 14th or 15th century. It is possible that the monks corrected the manuscript after the death of the Black Spider.

Few people have seen the manuscript itself. And even more so, no one bothered to scan the “Eternal Book” in the original. The only source is the book Le profezie del Ragno Nero or Ranyo Nero's Predictions, written by Baschera Renzo in 1981. Maybe he came up with it all.

The book was last reprinted in 1984. But what is available now does not include all the prophecies, and the 44th president is not mentioned there. But there is this: in 1776 (the year of the founding of the USA) there will be Un tappeto di Stelle - “The Carpet of the Stars”, and in 2016 (the year of the next elections) Le stelle verranno cambiate - “The Stars will be changed”.

Predictions by Vasily Nemchin

Another prophecy on the same topic is attributed to an astrologer who (according to various sources) lived in the 14th, 15th, or even 17th centuries. He also wrote a big book of predictions, which seems to contain something about the USA. Nemchin, however, did not talk about the 44th president as the last, he only said that:

But there are a few inconsistencies here too:

Even the very fact of the existence of Vasily Nemchin raises doubts. Who knows anything about him? Pavel Globa, who discovered a book of his predictions in the monastery archives in Polotsk in 1989? So he could have lied. There are no other sources that Nemchin is a historical figure.

The book itself has disappeared somewhere. As a result, we read all of Nemchin’s prophecies in the retelling of the same Globa (he, it seems, managed to make some extracts), but can we take his word for it? Even if such a book existed, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the “translation”.

Finally, this particular phrase is not even in the version that Pavel Globa offers us. Most likely, this is an ordinary fake. Many generally write that “the 44th President of the United States will drag the country into an adventure, and the state will collapse,” and refer to Vasily Nemchin.

Edgar Cayce - predictions about the USA

The famous “sleeping prophet” really predicted severe cataclysms for America (and not only for it). But he did not mention that they would happen under the 44th president, although such words are often attributed to him. Here are the real predictions of Edgar Cayce - fragments from the book Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet (N.Y., 1967):

Rough translation: "Many areas of the East Coast will be destroyed, as will the West Coast and central United States."

Rough translation: “In the coming years, new lands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And the current coastline will run along the ocean floor. The coastal areas east of New York City and New York City itself will largely disappear. This will happen in another generation, while the southern regions of Carolina and Georgia will disappear much earlier.”

These fragments are taken from page 42. The book is on the Internet, so it’s easy to check. In general, it will be necessary to translate Edgar Cayce's predictions and post it on NeFacto. After all, much of what the “sleeping prophet” predicted in the thirties and forties of the last century is already beginning to come true.

What Vanga said about the 44th President of the United States

There is another prophecy, possibly made by a Bulgarian seer in 1979. This prediction is too well known to be cast into doubt right away. Thousands of users on different resources repeat her words:

But it has not yet been possible to find documentary sources confirming the authenticity of the prophecy. The authors of the videos refer to “unique footage from private archives, the existence of which no one knew, but they found it.” And the authors of the texts mention publications of researchers who are also nowhere to be found.

Vanga said that the 44th President of the United States would be the last long before current events. A long time ago, a mysterious blind clairvoyant said that he would be black and predicted an extremely unenviable future for America, caused by its deceitful ambitions and greed.

In the article:

The 44th US President will be the last - Vanga

The USA was far from Bulgaria, where the famous seer Vanga was born and lived. However, America worried her no less than Russia, which she sympathized with. Many of her prophecies concern the future of the United States. Some prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant are difficult to interpret, because she did not know words such as “default”, and tried to describe them with more familiar synonyms. But, despite this fact, few people question the veracity of what Vanga said.

The famous seer Vanga claimed that the 44th President of the United States would be the last in American history. It is after his reign that the United States will face a sad fate. Vanga's words about the last US president were carefully studied Professor Dobriyanov, who devoted his life to researching clairvoyant prophecies. The Bulgarian scientist is confident that this prediction will come true, like most others.

Almost everyone who is familiar with this prediction is sure that Vanga’s prediction is specifically about Obama, the current President of the United States. From her words, it was recorded that in 2009 a “black man” would come to power over the United States. Vanga lived her whole life in Bulgaria, and besides, she was blind. Therefore, scientist Dobriyanov is sure that this is how she tried to describe the African American that Barack Obama is.

US Presidential Election 2016 - Wang on the future of America

Vanga did not say anything about the president who will come after Barack Obama, or the “black man,” as the seer called him. However, if we take into account Vanga’s predictions about the future of the United States, which will overtake the states after the Obama administration, one can easily guess that the elections can really bring trouble.

As you know, the United States uses an unusual election system, dating back to the 18th century. Americans choose electors, who then determine who will be president. The date for the first phase of elections is set for November 8, and the approver date is December 19, 2016. The last stage of the election is a pure formality, since electors usually vote for the candidate from their party, but with the tactless Trump, not everything is so simple. Many Republicans have dismissed him as a black sheep and, probably, some of the electors may vote for Hillary. If Clinton wins in this way, there will be discontent among the Republicans and there may be popular unrest.

The most unpopular US presidential candidates: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Vanga was sure that the 44th President of the United States would become the last president in the history of the United States. There are several ways to interpret the forecast regarding the future of America. Perhaps she will suffer greatly from a natural disaster, and a temporary government will come to power, which will have to deal with the consequences of the disaster. And the presidential elections will take place later than stated.

Another version is that America is facing an economic crisis, and Barack Obama will be the culprit for this situation in the United States. Perhaps the United States will break up into several separate states, which will bear a completely different name. Therefore, there can be no talk of any presidential elections in the United States in 2016. America will try to delay the crisis, but sooner or later the whole world will learn about the true state of affairs in the States.

America will be dependent on other countries economically and will lose its position on the world political stage. If we remember, it becomes clear that Russia will take a dominant position in the world. America will have to recognize its primacy. According to some other sources, Vanga meant a kind of “spiritual freezing” of Americans that would come as a result of the rule of a black president.

Vanga's student about the last US president

Herald Celente is called the American Nostradamus. He visited the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga, and after this meeting Herald Selente developed the ability to foresee the future on a global scale. He considers himself Vanga's student. It is known that Vanga herself said during her lifetime that she did not take students and could not even imagine how such training should take place. She had no teachers. However, Herald Celente's prophecies come true.

Herald Celente predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 1997 Asian crisis, and the 1987 American stock market crash. If Vanga's student is to be believed, Barack Obama may indeed become the last president of the United States. America faces an unenviable future, and Barack Obama himself faces an early death.

The United States will lose its position in the world due to revolutions, food riots among state residents, and an economic crisis. The latter will cause numerous riots and rallies among residents of American cities. They will have no choice; Americans will be driven to mass protests by hunger and unemployment. The middle class is also impoverished. With low incomes, people will have large debts.

Are Vanga's predictions about Obama coming true?

Every person who regularly watches the news knows about the situation the United States is in now. A country that considers itself a world leader has significant debts and is on the verge of a serious crisis. We can say that Vanga's predictions regarding the future of America are beginning to come true.

There was another sign that foreshadowed that the reign of Barack Obama would not be the most successful for the United States. The presidential oath in the United States is pronounced by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the president elected by the people repeats after him. During the inauguration, Barack Obama had to repeat the text of the oath after John Roberts. The latter misspoke, and Barack Obama's oath was pronounced incorrectly. This is what the oath sounds like:

I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear (declare) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, support, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States.

At the very end of the text the phrase “And so help me God” should have been said. But John Roberts said the word “in good faith” instead. Many considered this to be a bad omen. Indeed, many observers of world events can agree that God is clearly not helping America.

I couldn’t sleep at night and again remembered Federico Martelli’s prophecy about the last president of America, which directly concerns the current 44th president of the United States.

You can find old forums on the Internet where this topic was discussed long before it was even possible to talk about it seriously. Thus, a forum dated 2004 (http://forum.lirik.ru/forum/viewtopic.ph p?p=19664#19664) discusses predictions that “the last US president will be the 44th president, and he will be black.” . In 2004, no one could even joke that an African-American would be elected to the presidency of the United States, and such predictions were discussed with a certain amount of humor. Let's talk in more detail about the content of these and other prophecies about the last US president.

In one of the monasteries of the Italian city of Bologna in the 15th century lived the ancient monk-astrologer Federico Martelli. He was nicknamed Ranyu Nero, which translates to “Black Spider.” He wrote down his own prophecies in the “Eternal Book”.

In 1972, archaeologists conducted a radioisotope analysis of this manuscript. He confirmed: the book was, in fact, written in the Middle Ages. In it, researchers were interested in the lines that relate to the current US President, Barack Obama. We quote them verbatim: “The power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last.” In 2008, the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, was elected. The first four-year term of his presidency ended in 2012.

According to Nostradamus, after the arrival of the 44th president, the country will face big changes. Everyone knows that it was the word “change” that became the slogan of the election campaign of the new US President.

In the early 30s, during one of the trances, the “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce mentally found himself on board a ship that could travel in time. UFOnauts showed him the Earth at the beginning of the 21st century.

Cayce saw American and Japanese coastal cities, as well as Northern Europe, lying in ruins and half-submerged. The time travelers explained to Casey that these were not the consequences of the war, but a gigantic natural disaster - movements of the bottom ocean tectonic plates. I note that the western coast of North America stands on one of the longest faults in the earth's crust - the San Andreas, which crosses California from south to north.

The aliens did not name the exact date of the disaster, but made it clear to Edgar that it occurred no earlier than 2000 and no later than 2015, the time of the reign of the 44th President of the United States.

“When the black man wins, America will freeze and fall into the abyss of its greatest crisis. It might even split into northern and southern states.”

Everyone agrees on one thing - Vanga predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be black, and he would be her last.

In 2008, the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, was elected. Re-elections took place on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The presidential inauguration is on January 20, 2013. He will not be nominated for a third term, as US law does not allow it.

Based on this prophecy by Ranyu Nero, I dared to publicly predict on October 20, 2012 the victory of Barack Obama in the November 6 elections.

And so it happened: he remained the 44th president of the United States, and now every second (!) until 2016, the date of the next presidential election, we should expect the end of the prophecy of Ranyu Nero and other prophets about the last one.

(Based on Internet materials)

Illustration from the Internet


Two numbers: the 22nd (1885-1889) and 24th (1893-1897) president of the United States were the same person: Grover Cleveland. So, Barack Obama can well be considered the 43rd, and not the 44th, President of the United States. Black is not necessarily a skin color. It can also be the color of the soul. Wait and see:-)

You can JUSTIFY anything!
Even the urine of the Negro General Powell, who passed it off as a biological weapon to Hussein, which frightened the UN, she filled her pants and allowed Iraq to be driven into the Stone Age! And he was not hanged. But it's a matter of time! They will bring the Russians like in 1945.

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