
Presentation on the topic "hardening". Presentation for a biology lesson on the topic “hardening the body” Presentation for children about hardening the body

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Hardening is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects on the human body of various natural factors: air, water, sun, low and high temperatures (relative to body temperature) and low atmospheric pressure. The goal is to increase the functional reserves of the body and its resistance to the adverse effects of these factors.

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Air baths

Air baths are one of the methods of hardening (air hardening), when freely moving air acts on a partially or completely naked body. The healing power of fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances beneficial to the body. The main factor affecting humans is air temperature.

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It is well known that sun hardening increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors. With moderate exposure to sunbathing, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, hemoglobin levels increase, and the functioning of the circulatory system is normalized.

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Water procedures

Water procedures are hygienic and health procedures that involve the external use of water.

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Rubbing is the initial stage of hardening with water. For several days, wipe with a towel, sponge, or just a hand moistened with water. At first they rub themselves only up to the waist, then they move on to rubbing the whole body. Rubbing is carried out in the direction of blood and lymph flow - from the periphery to the center.

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Dousing is characterized by the action of low temperature water, low pressure of the jet falling on the surface of the body. This dramatically increases the effect of irritation, so dousing is contraindicated for people with increased excitability and the elderly.

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Dush is an even more energetic water procedure. Due to the mechanical irritation of falling water, the shower causes a strong local and general reaction of the body. For hardening, use a shower with a medium jet force - in the form of a fan or rain.

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Sea swimming (cold water swimming)

Swimming in open water is one of the most effective ways of hardening. The temperature regime is combined with simultaneous exposure of the body surface to air and sunlight. Swimming, in addition, has great health benefits, promotes the harmonious development of the body, strengthens the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and forms very important motor skills.

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Hardening with water. Presentation by Ivanova L.Yu. GKVOU Center for Education at Correctional Institutions of the Samara Region

Water hardening methods Rubbing is easily accessible and is carried out using a terry towel, sponge or mitten soaked in water. First they wipe the neck, chest, then the back and stomach. After this, wipe dry with a towel and rub until noticeable redness occurs.

Water hardening methods Pouring. Using water from a watering can or hand shower, start pouring water over yourself from the back of your feet to your neck. After this, pour yourself from behind for two minutes, pouring over your neck, back, and buttocks. After this, pour over the chest and stomach, and then the hands. If necessary, you can combine dousing with rubbing the body with a special mitten. Pouring the shoulders and neck has a very good relaxing effect. To do this, you don’t even need to completely undress, undress to the waist, bend over the bathtub and splash yourself with warm water for a couple of minutes. For headaches, head dousing is used.

Water hardening methods Shower. This is a hardening procedure that has a stronger effect on the body. For beginners, the water temperature should be maintained at about 30°C, the duration of exposure should be no more than a minute.

Water hardening methods Bathing. This is a very popular hardening procedure, familiar to everyone since childhood. It is best to swim in open reservoirs and start in the warm season, when the water has already warmed up enough.

Winter swimming. Winter swimming is not only a method of hardening, but also a method that helps improve the energy of the human body. It empowers the entire body. As a result of observations of people who engage in winter swimming, it was found that the incidence of colds is 60 times less than in ordinary people, and diseases of other nature are 30 times less.

Bathing for Epiphany. Winter swimming, as a method of hardening, also has a close connection with church holidays, for example with baptism, at which people, by plunging into the water, wash away all their sins. In medicine, this method of hardening was first described in 1886.

Pros and cons of winter swimming. The benefits include strengthening the immune system, improving skin condition and blood circulation. In addition, during winter swimming, the so-called joy hormones are released, which leads to an improvement in mood; if any pain syndromes were observed, they also disappear. Contraindications to winter swimming are diseases such as tuberculosis, allergies to cold, damage to the cerebral and coronary vessels, as well as kidney diseases and gynecological diseases. In addition, it is not recommended to accustom a child to winter swimming, since this is severe hormonal stress for a growing organism.

Porfiry Ivanov One of the popularizers of cold hardening in our country was Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, whose example in his life showed the possibility of harmonious fusion with nature in all its manifestations. Even in the most severe frosts, he walked around in only shorts and barefoot, swam many times a day in winter in natural reservoirs or doused himself with water from wells, and spent the night without clothes in the snow.

Hardening children. Hardening children can be considered the most basic preventive measure against colds and a method of strengthening the immune system. It is recommended to begin hardening activities from infancy and continue throughout life, but only if the child’s body is completely healthy.

Hardening with hot water. For those who experience discomfort when skin comes into contact with cold water, there is also the possibility of hardening, only with hot water. The essence of the method is quite simple: the body is wiped with a sponge (towel) generously soaked in warm or even hot water. Now the fun begins, water begins to evaporate from the surface of the body and cool it. However, be careful! As the water temperature increases, the intensity of moisture evaporation increases, and hence the cooling of the body. As with the gradual decrease in temperature when hardening the body with cold water, the temperature should also be increased gradually when hardening with hot water. This method of hardening affects the body in the same way as a contrast shower.

Water hardening rules. The first and basic rule of water hardening is gradualism. The intensity of hardening procedures should be increased gradually. And at the same time, you should not unnecessarily slow down the effect of cold on the body; it should be strong enough for the body to begin to react. The second rule of hardening the body with water is systematicity. In addition, it is better to harden your body more often and briefly than rarely and for a long time, which can lead to the opposite effect. If you stop hardening procedures for 2-3 months, the body's resistance to cold will disappear without a trace. The third rule is to focus on the characteristics of your body. Be sure to consider your own body’s attitude toward cold irritation. The fourth rule of hardening is multifactorial. To achieve the best effect from hardening, you should combine different hardening methods: shower, dousing, bathing, hardening with the sun and air.

Take care of your health, it is your private property.

Natalia Ivanova
Presentation on hardening preschoolers

1slide. If you want to be healthy - toughen up!

The impression many parents have of preschool institution, when their baby enters a completely new environment, where transmission of infection from one person to another is most likely, often associated with anxiety about possible diseases, because the body preschooler forced to adapt to many changes in his life at once life: peer society, changes in diet and daily routine, and others.

One of the criteria for the effectiveness of our work is high child attendance and low morbidity. The educational program of our organization presents a system hardening activities, which can significantly reduce the level of general morbidity and prevent the occurrence of colds in groups. Let's figure out why and how we conduct hardening.

Hardening is a set of measures aimed at improving a person’s health, normalizing his thermoregulation, which leads to a significant increase in the level of resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Procedures carried out for the purpose of healing in groups are also aimed at raising the level of immunity, and these methods should be carried out taking into account the age of the baby and his state of health.

Hardening techniques have an extremely positive effect on physical health preschooler, because they allow you to increase the body’s defenses and prevent the occurrence and development of all kinds of diseases transmitted to each other.

You cannot place too many demands on an unprepared body; it may not be able to cope with them. Compliance with the principle of gradualism is especially important for children, since the child’s body does not yet have much resistance. To have an effect hardening it is necessary to gradually increase the load.

You cannot interrupt ongoing activities. But systematicity is needed not only in holding this or that special event. If all the events are held, but the children do not go out for walks enough, dress too warmly, not in accordance with the weather, then hardening cannot be considered complete. Hardening should be carried out systematically, preferably from a very young age and continue throughout preschool period. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

There are children who are sensitive, more gentle means are used for them. hardening or more gradually, carefully, but completely abandon funds hardening is impractical. Children should take an active part in hardening activities, know the order in which they are carried out.

Children's interest is important. The personal example of adults is also important meaning: if adults themselves are afraid of the cold and don’t like walking, they are unlikely to be able to raise children hardened.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Before you start hardening, it is necessary to carefully study the physical and mental development of each child. Based on medical examination data, pedagogical observations, and information received from parents, it is necessary to draw up recommendations for each child and include them in the health sheet, which indicates not only health groups, but also medical groups.

Children's active and positive attitude towards hardening procedures.

results hardening largely depend on how the children treat him. Fear of procedures, and especially their forced implementation, will not contribute to their positive effects on the body.

5 slide. Start off hardening is possible, if this event is approved by the attending physician. Under no circumstances should sick children be involved in training.

Program hardening includes water, air, solar procedures, work with mechanical and other irritants. Teachers introduce parents to the methodology hardening, give recommendations on hardening a child at home. The intensity of the procedures should only increase. That is, educators must expand the area of ​​influence, "aggressiveness" (temperature, etc.). In particular, the water temperature should decrease every few days by two to three degrees.

It is important to control the children's response. They should feel comfortable and not cry. If a child missed more than ten days of classes due to illness or some other reason, then the procedure should be started from the initial level.

Hardening carried out in accordance with age, for example, at an older age it is possible to carry out more activities, as well as procedures for hardening can be carried out for a longer period of time.

Careful monitoring of your well-being! – preschoolers They cannot always clearly articulate their condition in words, so adult supervision when carrying out health improvement activities is mandatory.

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Hardening is a complex system of health-improving measures and effects on the body using the healing powers of nature - the sun, air and water. Principles of hardening: 1. Graduality. The body does not immediately adapt to unusual conditions, so the increase in the strength of the irritating effect must occur gradually. 2. Systematicity. Hardening procedures must be applied systematically, they must become a necessity. A break in hardening reduces resistance to hardening influences. 3. Taking into account individual characteristics: age, health status, physical development, living conditions, environment in which you live. 4.A variety of hardening means using cold and thermal procedures of varying intensity.

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Sun hardening Air hardening Water hardening The sun, air and water are OUR BEST FRIENDS!

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1.Increases the tone of the central nervous system; 2. Activates the activity of the endocrine glands; 3.Improves metabolism and blood composition; 4. Promotes the formation of vitamin D in the skin. Recommendations: Use carefully. The first exposure to the sun should not last more than 5-7 minutes. Then each subsequent one can be increased by 3-4 minutes, bringing it to 30 minutes. The best time for sunbathing is in the middle zone from 8 to 12 o'clock, in the south - from 7 to 11 o'clock.

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1. Enhances metabolism 2. Strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Recommendations:

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1. Has a tonic and stimulating effect on the nervous system, blood circulation and breathing. Recommendations: Types of procedures: Wiping; Washing the feet; Gargling; Pouring water; Shower; Swimming in open waters.

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Recommendations: Wipe yourself with a towel or sponge moistened with water, first up to the waist, and then completely; Wipe successively the neck, chest, arms, back, stomach, legs, then wipe them dry and rub the body with a dry towel until reddened as the blood moves towards the heart; The initial temperature of water for wiping in summer is +26..+28 °C, in winter +30..+32 °C.

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Recommendations: Prepare 1 – 2 buckets of water; The initial temperature in summer is +28 °C, in winter +30 °C. Bring the water temperature to +18…+20 °C; Pour water so that it flows evenly over the entire body from head to toe; After the water procedure, rub the body until red; The duration of the procedure is 3 - 4 minutes.

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Contents: 1.What is hardening? 2.Methods of hardening. 3. Pouring. 4. Rubbing. 5. Sunbathing. 6. Air baths. 7. Swimming in open waters. 8. Walking barefoot. 9. Winter swimming. 10. Hardening rules.

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What is hardening? Hardening is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors (low or high temperature) through systematic exposure to these factors. Hardening is based on the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

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The use of hardening procedures has been known to man since ancient times. Hippocrates (ancient Greek physician and reformer of ancient medicine) assigned them a major role in promoting health. In his opinion, cold hardening procedures have a special healing power, and those who keep the body warm acquire soft muscles, weakness of the nerves, fainting and bleeding.

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Pouring. A good hardening method is dousing with cold water. To do this, take 2–3 buckets of cold water at the desired temperature and pour it over the entire body. The main role during dousing is played by temperature irritation of the skin; breathing has a reflexive tonic effect. After dousing, the body must be wiped with a dry towel.

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Rubbing. Rubbing procedure: a towel, sponge or a special cloth mitten is moistened in water and lightly wrung out. Then the hands (in the direction from fingers to shoulders), neck, chest, abdomen, back and legs are sequentially wiped. After this, the body is rubbed with a dry, hard towel until redness and a pleasant feeling of warmth appear.

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Sunbathing. This type of hardening should be taken wisely, otherwise, instead of benefit, they can cause skin burns, overheating of the body, sunstroke, and overexcitation of the nervous system. It is advisable to combine sunbathing with water treatments. After taking it, it is recommended to stay in the shade for 10 - 15 minutes, and then take a shower or swim.

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Air baths. This type is available to everyone at any time of the year. Air acts directly on our body. Skin, leads to a number of biochemical changes in tissue cells, irritates the skin receptors of the nervous system. Air baths are best used outdoors; they are useful to combine with various physical exercises - walking, running, gymnastics.

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Swimming in open waters. The most effective means of hardening is swimming in open water. While swimming, the body is simultaneously exposed to the sun, air and water. Before swimming, be sure to pay attention to the rules of safe behavior when swimming. It is recommended to swim no earlier than 1 – 1.5 hours after eating.

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Walking barefoot. Walking barefoot has been used for centuries to prevent and treat many diseases. Modern science confirms the benefits of going barefoot. At first, walking on fresh snow should last no more than 2–4 minutes. Walking barefoot is a powerful preventive and healing remedy, one of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

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