
Eat and lose weight! Nine fat-burning foods. Karl Lantz Eat and lose weight. Choosing products for health How the glass system for weight loss works

Many diets require excluding your favorite foods from your diet, or call for starvation altogether. But the technique, which was invented by a writer, speaker and a person who is only “for” proper nutrition, on the contrary, suggests losing weight without compromising your health. Another big plus is that you don’t have to limit yourself in consuming your favorite foods.

History and features of the Tim Ferriss diet

Tim Ferriss argues that there is no need to count the number of calories you eat because the number does not correspond to the number of calories your body absorbs. Instead, the author of the diet calls for paying attention to the glycemic index (GI).

The main rule is to eat foods that contain low amounts of GI. The most convenient way is to carry a glycemic index table with you. But if there is no opportunity or desire, then you should pay attention to the recommendations regarding the choice of those same products.

Products containing white carbohydrates should be minimized or completely avoided. You need to exclude sugar, pasta, foods containing sugar, rice, bread, corn and potatoes. Ferris insists on eliminating carbonated alcoholic drinks, as well as fruits with a high sugar content. Instead, you should give preference to salads made from vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, which are sources of protein. You can also eat red meat, but not often and in small quantities.

An important rule of the meal is not to overeat; you should get up from the table feeling slightly hungry, but not with a full stomach. After 6 pm you cannot eat, you are only allowed to drink a glass of kefir. You should eat in small portions, but five times a day, with three main meals and two snacks.

The author of the diet advises eating monotonously, namely, choosing three foods with a low glycemic index and making them the basis of your daily diet. Tim Ferriss himself chose beans, chicken and asparagus. You don’t have to copy his food, but the main thing is to be present:

  • fish;
  • bird;
  • the beef is not red;
  • eggs;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • vegetables;
  • various greens.

It is recommended to consume vegetables that grow in our countries, and not those brought from abroad. Doctors and all nutritionists think the same. Tim prefers cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, white cabbage, lettuce and broccoli. It is not advisable to consume fruits because they contain sugar and glucose. It is better to eat avocado or tomato instead of fruit.

A big plus for a person losing weight is that once a week, all day long, he can eat whatever he wants and even in any quantity, even those dishes that are strictly prohibited. Nutritionists are supporters of this method, and the author himself assures that such a surge in calories is beneficial for metabolism. According to numerous reviews from people, it became known that after such a day the kilograms do not increase.

The first meal should be an hour after waking up, and on an empty stomach it is advisable to drink a glass of clean water to cleanse the body. It is better to have two eggs and a product containing protein for breakfast. It is not advisable to fry the dishes, but if you really want to, you can lightly fry them in olive oil. You can also take special vitamins, but you need to make sure that they do not contain too much iron. In general, Tim has a positive attitude towards vitamins and dietary supplements, since they have a positive effect on the human body. The best supplements are green tea capsules and garlic tablets.

Tim Ferriss's diet is not fast, it takes about 2 kilograms in two weeks, but the duration can be any. As soon as a person reaches the desired goal, the diet can be ended.

More Ferris Diet Options

The author of the diet offers several more options for methods that can be translated into reality. If you want to lose weight quickly, and also don’t have time to prepare meals, you can only eat raw vegetables and fruits. The total daily amount is two kilograms. But products should be chosen depending on your skin type. With a mixed type, you can eat whatever your heart desires, and those with oily skin should give preference to sour and unripe fruits. Those with dry skin will benefit from red and sweet fruits and vegetables.

The second option is banal hardening. Before presenting such a method to people, he tested it on himself. The peculiarity of this diet is to strengthen the body through hardening. After waking up, he took a cold shower, and during the day he ate only cold food and drank cold drinks. The body cools down, and in order to warm up on its own, it spends a lot of calories, and naturally the weight goes off.

How to eat on the Tim Ferriss diet?

You can create a menu for every day yourself, depending on your taste preferences, referring to permitted and prohibited foods. Approximately the day should go like this:

8.00 – omelet, made from two eggs, tomatoes and cheese; vegetables stewed in a frying pan.

10.00 – vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

13.00 – chicken or beef fillet baked with beans.

15.00 – mashed potatoes and a handful of beans.

18.00 – boiled chicken or beef; vegetable stew.

What are the pros and cons of the Tim Ferriss Diet?

Every diet is different in some way from every other diet, so each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now we are talking about the Tim Ferriss method, the advantages are listed below:

  • Tim Ferriss' diet does not force you to starve, but rather the opposite, you can cook a variety of dishes and eat normally, while losing weight;
  • Compared to other methods, where it is necessary to constantly count calories, this diet allows you to rest once a week and eat what you want, and this is easier both psychologically and physically;
  • the author does not prohibit drinking alcohol; a glass of wine a day will not worsen the final result;
  • The diet is well suited for those who are used to leading an active lifestyle; if you create a menu correctly, you will have enough protein every day, which is responsible for muscle elasticity.

Now about the cons:;

  • lactation period;
  • childhood;
  • elderly age.
  • The Tim Ferriss diet is aimed at proper nutrition, because if you start eating a balanced diet, as well as in fractional portions, your metabolism will improve, all your organs will begin to function properly, and you will lose extra pounds. Before you decide to go on a diet, you should familiarize yourself with all the rules and contraindications in order to avoid consequences.

    Mila Gritsenko's diet has helped many girls, let's take a closer look at it

    Star weight loss trainer Mila Gritsenko

    Mila Gritsenko is a young Ukrainian from Kyiv who, at the age of twenty, created a weight loss studio and published her own book about the healthy eating regimen “Eat and Lose Weight” system - the 10-glass diet, and also devotes a lot of time to her weight loss courses in Russia and Ukraine.
    Mila's height is 157 cm, and her weight ranges from 46-50 kg, but this was not always the case. Since childhood, she grew up as an overweight child and for the first time her desire to lose weight was spurred by her first unrequited teenage love, which led to the girl starting to try to lose weight using well-known diets and techniques, but unfortunately all attempts were unsuccessful.

    Mila Gritsenko's weight loss

    This is what Mila Gritsenko looks like now

    After Mila grew up and started a family, her postpartum weight was as much as 82 kg, and then she again decided to go on a diet and lose excess weight in order to feel confident with her beloved husband. But this time she took weight loss very seriously and focused on healthy eating and exercise, which provided her with excellent results. In just 5 months, she managed to lose 36 kg!

    Weight loss system

    Basic principles of the diet

    1. Eat 5 times a day.
    2. Do not eat flour products.
    3. Maintain a drinking regime (1.5-2 liters of water).
    4. Drink 1 glass of water 15 minutes before meals and on an empty stomach.
    5. Don't eat after 6 pm.
    6. Drink alcoholic beverages extremely rarely, avoid smoking and unhealthy foods (chips, soda, preservatives).
    7. Move a lot, play sports and fitness!

    Important points when losing weight

    Prohibited Products

    List of prohibited foods in the diet from Mila Gritsenko – white sugar, snacks, buns and any pastries, cakes, fast food, soda, fatty meats, vegetable oils like palm, fried foods, sausages. Salt intake – reduce.


    You need to eat 5 times a day. Breakfast from 7 to 10 o'clock no more than 250 grams (125 g of proteins and 125 g of carbohydrates), snack 10-12 o'clock - 150 grams, lunch 12-14 o'clock - 220 grams (110 g of proteins and 110 g of carbohydrates), snack 14- 16:00 – 100 grams and dinner 17-18:00 – 200 grams (100 g of proteins and 100 g of carbohydrates). After 14:00 you should not eat fruits and fresh juices, beets, corn, cereals and potatoes, bread, pasta. Of course, the list of products depends on your initial weight. You should avoid pasta and potatoes altogether, but if you cannot live without them, then eat them rarely.

    What to eat

    For a snack, you can prepare a vegetable salad, fruit, kefir, cottage cheese, drink fresh juice, tea or coffee with milk, nuts (no more than 15 pieces), no more than 30 grams of dried fruits, dark chocolate, marshmallows and marmalade (but not with white sugar) .
    If after dinner you still really want to eat, you can prepare 100 grams of cottage cheese with honey or vegetable salad, seafood (without sauces), grapefruit, protein omelet, baked apple with honey, tea with milk and honey, berries, watermelon or melon.

    Which cereals to choose

    Let's go through the cereals separately. Rice – only brown, black or basmati. It is important not to cook buckwheat: this way, 90% of the beneficial microelements are lost; it is better to simply pour warm water over it overnight. The most harmful cereals are semolina and white unpolished rice. The healthiest cereals are oatmeal, flaxseed, barley, buckwheat, chickpeas, peas, and lentils.

    What to choose from dairy products

    There is a stereotype that you can lose weight by switching to low-fat dairy products. Mila Gritsenko is categorically against it. Excluding the right fats from your diet can lead to exhaustion and premature aging. Healthy fats are responsible for the beauty of skin, hair, nails, and also for brain activity. Therefore, do not exclude dairy products up to 9% fat from your diet, and do not forget about fatty fish - for example, salmon. But the closer to night, the lower the percentage of fat content should be.

    What about sauces and spices?

    Forget store-bought sauces . Do it yourself. Homemade mayonnaise, for example, can be made from mustard, garlic and natural yogurt. Marinades greatly slow down metabolic processes. Therefore, marinate simply - in kefir or mustard with honey. Ginger is a very useful spice; it speeds up metabolic processes and is useful for losing weight. Turmeric cleanses the body well.

    Before you buy something in a store, read the ingredients carefully. Natural and healthy products cannot be stored for a long time - they do not contain preservatives. The simpler the composition and the shorter the shelf life, the better.

    What drinks are suitable for a diet?

    It is important to drink correctly. Remember that tea or coffee is already a snack. It is not advisable to drink with food during meals; wait 30-40 minutes. Freshy Mila recommends diluting with water - 100-150 ml of water for 1 orange. Coffee can be up to 3 cups per day. Green and white teas are healthy, you can drink 3 cups of them a day. The most beneficial are herbal teas. You can drink them as much as you like and it is better to brew them with warm water. Water is the most important drink; it is important to drink at least 2 liters of it. Be sure to be at room temperature, maybe with lemon. The pH level should be at least 7, ideally 8 or 9. It is useful to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up and have breakfast 20 minutes later.
    It is also recommended to drink Sassi water in the first week of losing weight and on the fasting day: take one cucumber, a piece of ginger, lemon and mint for 2 liters of water. Grind everything and leave overnight. This drink will remove excess water from the body and burn fat, remove waste and toxins.

    How much water should you drink?

    Fasting day

    A fasting day in the diet from Mila Gritsenko is once a week. It can be made with buckwheat or kefir, but the lightest, most satisfying and gentle ones are made with cottage cheese, fish, meat (preferably turkey, chicken), and seafood. They can be baked, boiled, stewed in water or steamed, or in a slow cooker with a minimum amount of salt and without sauces or marinades.

    Fitness and sports

    Strength training is contraindicated when losing weight in the first 2-3 months, especially if there is a lot of excess weight. It’s better to just walk for half an hour, do Pilates, step aerobics, water aerobics, stretching, and run on the track. Cardio training will speed up fat burning, especially after 15 minutes of exercise. The power ones can be turned on after 3 months and gradually increase the working weight. Then your new beautiful figure will begin to emerge. The ideal training duration is no more than 40 minutes, no more than 3 times a week.

    Sample menu and recipes

    Drink 8-12 glasses of water daily (other drinks do not count). In the morning, after waking up, you need to drink 1 glass, and after eating, no earlier than 30-40 minutes later. On all days of the diet, second breakfast and afternoon snack are similar, alternate foods at your discretion and decide for yourself what to eat. This could be: cottage cheese - 100 g, half a glass of kefir, nuts - 10 pcs., fruit or vegetable - 1 pc. Complete your snack with two glasses of water. Dinner, with the exception of fasting days, should consist of 100 grams of protein and the same amount of vegetables.

    Mila advises making the first day of the diet a fasting day. Fasting days can be devoted to both protein and carbohydrate foods. In carbohydrate unloading, you can include and choose one of the products of your choice: 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp, oranges, apples or vegetables. You can also eat pineapples, but the norm will need to be reduced to 1.2 kg. Divide fruits and vegetables into 6 equal parts and eat them throughout the day, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
    Protein loading includes meat, fish or dairy products.

    Choose one of the diet options:

    • Medium fat cottage cheese – 600 grams, 2 liters of water and two glasses of tea without sugar.
    • Low-fat cottage cheese – 600 grams, 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 glasses of rosehip infusion.
    • Two glasses of rosehip infusion and tea, 350 grams of lean meat and some green vegetables.
    • 2 liters of water, 2 cups of rosehip broth, 400 grams of lean fish or meat.

    For breakfast, treat yourself to 100 grams of cottage cheese and fruit, eat 10 grams of nuts and one teaspoon of honey. For lunch, eat 100 grams of dietary pasta and vegetables, also 100 grams. You can add one teaspoon of tomato paste to the pasta.

    For breakfast, prepare a steamed omelet from 2 whites, 1 yolk, 20 grams of cheese, vegetables and some seafood. The serving weight should not exceed 200 grams. For lunch, prepare fish or chicken breast fillet (100 grams) and 100 grams of vegetables.

    On Thursday there will be a curd mixture for breakfast. Prepare it from 100 grams of cottage cheese, two teaspoons of honey and fruit of your choice. For lunch, eat cucumber, squid and eggs (serving weight no more than 200 grams!)

    In the morning, prepare a steam omelet from 3 crab sticks, a yolk and two whites. For lunch, bake chicken fillet marinated in a mixture of kefir, water and chopped herbs. Supplement the chicken with 100 grams of vegetables.

    For breakfast, eat 100 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%, add 2 teaspoons of honey and sour cream to the cottage cheese, add some pieces of fruit. Have lunch with cooked chicken with a sauce of low-fat cottage cheese, herbs and garlic (add to a suitable thickness by diluting with boiled water). As a side dish, eat 100 g of vegetables.


    Dedicate this day again to unloading. Stick to the diet for 1-2 weeks.


    Mila Gritsenko helped Anastasia Denisova lose weight

    Mila on LifeNews TV channel

    Everyone knows that for the sake of a slim figure, you need to give up fatty and fried foods, fast food, foods high in sugar and other unhealthy foods. However, it is not at all necessary to eat only lean chicken breast and steamed vegetables every day.

    The variety of healthy and wholesome recipes is very large, and if you build your diet only from such dishes, your weight will always be normal, your mood will be good, and your figure will be slim.

    We'll tell you about ten low-calorie recipes that you can try. They are not at all difficult to prepare, although the amount of healthy ingredients is impressive. Among them are not only light turkey, vegetables, fish and seafood, but also low-carb natural Greek yogurt, rich in protein and speeds up metabolism.

    Yogurt "Greek TEOS" contains 2 times more protein than other yogurts, is 100% natural and is produced in a traditional way.

    In 2018, TEOS won the Superior Taste Award, a prestigious International tasting competition, for its beneficial composition and quality.

    Broccoli Salad with Greek Yogurt

    One of the easiest broccoli salads is broccoli with natural Greek yogurt. It will definitely please those who watch their figure and health: the approximate calorie content of this dish is 170 kcal per 100 g.

    Broccoli helps remove waste and toxins from the body, has a beneficial effect on digestion and at the same time gives a feeling of fullness due to the large amount of fiber in its composition.

    You will need:

    • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 270 g
    • Finely chopped carrots 60
    • Finely chopped green onions 1 feather
    • Fresh broccoli florets 650 g
    • Apple cider vinegar 60 ml.
    • Garlic powder 2 tsp.
    • Onion powder 1 tsp.
    • Paprika 1 tsp.
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Sunflower seeds, peeled optional

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the broccoli and place in a large bowl. Add carrots and green onions.

    2. Mix yogurt with vinegar, salt, pepper and seasonings. Stir.

    3. Add the resulting sauce to the vegetables and mix thoroughly. Add a few tablespoons of sunflower seeds if desired.

    4. Cover the bowl with the salad, put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and only then serve.

    Chicken baked in Ranch sauce with Greek yogurt

    Chicken breast is a dietary meat with a high amount of easily digestible protein and an impressively small (about 2 g per 100 g of product) amount of fat.

    One of the best ways to prepare a healthy chicken dish is to bake it in the oven. This Chicken Baked with Ranch Dressing and Greek Yogurt has only 250 calories.

    The famous Ranch sauce is traditionally prepared on the basis of high-calorie mayonnaise. We suggest changing the recipe slightly by adding natural low-calorie Greek yogurt, rich in protein, instead of mayonnaise.

    You will need:

    • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 100 g.
    • Kefir 60 ml.
    • Garlic powder 1 tsp.
    • Chicken breast 2 pcs.
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Mustard 1 tsp.
    • Italian herbs (seasoning) 2 tsp.
    • Shredded Cheddar Cheese 55

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix Greek yogurt with kefir, garlic powder, herbs, mustard, salt and pepper.

    2. Place chicken breasts in a bowl with sauce. cover and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    3. Set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees and prepare a baking dish by greasing it with oil.

    4. After placing the chicken breasts in the sauce on a baking sheet, sprinkle them with grated cheese.

    5. Bake the breasts until done, about 25-30 minutes.

    6. Serve the dish immediately, garnishing it with fresh herbs if desired.

    Beef spring rolls with carrots and broccoli

    Spring rolls are the most popular summer snack, which you can easily prepare. In addition, this dish itself is quite filling, although our recipe contains only 280 calories.

    Beef, taken as the basis for this easy recipe, is considered one of the most valuable, healthy and dietary types of meat. Its main benefits are a large amount of nutritious protein, as well as the ability to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood and strengthen bones and muscles.

    You will need:

    • Lean beef 480 g
    • Carrots 200 g.
    • Broccoli 200 g.
    • Leaf lettuce 8-10 large sheets
    • Curdled milk 400 ml.
    • 20
    • Fresh cilantro, finely chopped 20
    • Garlic 4 cloves
    • Lemon 1 pc.
    • Salt, pepper to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the beef into thin slices across the grain.

    2. Prepare the sauce: mix curdled milk with cilantro, mint and lemon juice.

    3. Season the beef with salt and pepper and marinate for 30 minutes in 1/2 of the sauce.

    4. After disassembling the broccoli into small florets, cut it into strips.

    5. Scald broccoli, carrots and lettuce leaves with boiling water to soften them, then dry them.

    6. In a hot frying pan or grill, fry the meat on both sides without oil and, after removing from the heat and letting it stand for a few minutes, cut into strips.

    7. Form the dish: place vegetables with beef in the center of each lettuce leaf and roll into tight rolls, then cut them crosswise.

    8· Serve the finished spring rolls with the remaining buttermilk sauce.

    Grilled eggplant with cayenne pepper and tomatoes

    An ideal dish for vegetable lovers: an original recipe for healthy eggplants, “fitting” in only 200 calories.

    Eggplants themselves have a very low calorie content combined with high nutritional value: thanks to the large amount of fiber, this product is used in the menu of many diets, since the coarse fiber helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

    You will need:

    • Eggplants, cut in half lengthwise 900 g
    • Olive oil 5 tbsp. l.
    • Ground coriander 1 tsp.
    • Cayenne pepper 1.5 tsp.
    • Fresh mint, finely chopped 13-15 leaves
    • Small fresh chili, finely chopped 3 pcs.
    • Lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
    • Red vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
    • Cherry tomatoes, cut in half 250 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Preheat the grill or oven, preparing a baking dish. Coat the eggplants with oil using a brush, sprinkle with coriander, pepper and salt.

    2. Bake the eggplants for about 15 minutes until they are soft.

    3. While the eggplants are baking, combine the herbs, lemon juice, vinegar, remaining olive oil, salt and cherry tomatoes in a bowl.

    4. Serve the eggplants hot, arranging them on a platter and topping them with the cherry tomato mixture.

    Tender Cole Slaw with Greek yogurt

    The legendary Cole Slow is an American invention. Its main highlight is the delicate sauce, which gives the dish a unique creamy and soft taste.

    We suggest making this salad even healthier by dressing it with traditional Greek yogurt. The finished dish contains only 100 calories.

    For this recipe, you can use a ready-made Cole Slow mixture, which is sold in supermarkets, or you can prepare it yourself from fresh vegetables - shredded white and red cabbage (250 g), carrots (100 g) and green apples (100 g).

    You will need:

    • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 150 g.
    • Apple cider vinegar 3.5 tbsp. l.
    • Brown sugar 3 tbsp. l.
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Cole Slow Salad Mix 450 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. In a bowl, mix yogurt with vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.

    2. Place all the vegetables in a large bowl and season with the resulting sauce. Stir.

    Spicy shrimp salad

    Shrimp make excellent light salads: here, for example, is the original recipe for one of them. The bright, piquant flavor comes from hot Tabasco sauce and lemon juice, as well as tart celery.

    This shrimp salad contains approximately 230 calories, which means that the dish will appeal to anyone who does not want to gain extra pounds.

    You will need:

    • Ripe tomatoes 4 pcs.
    • Horseradish sauce 3 tbsp. l.
    • Brown sugar 2 tsp.
    • Lemon juice 3 tbsp. l.
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Hot Tabasco sauce 1 tsp.
    • Celery stalks, cut into large pieces 4 things.
    • Large boiled shrimp 450 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Place a sieve over a large bowl and remove the sliced ​​tomatoes. Place the pieces themselves on the plates in which you will serve the dish, and save the juice remaining in the bowl.

    2. Make the sauce: Add the horseradish sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice, hot sauce, salt and pepper to the bowl with the tomato juice. Mix well.

    3. Form portions on dishes: add pieces of celery to the tomatoes, then shrimp. Season with sauce and garnish with celery greens if desired.

    Potato cutlets with zucchini on Greek yogurt

    These Greek Yogurt Zucchini Potato Cutlets are a vegetarian's dream. Light (about 190 calories), summery and juicy, these cutlets are ideal for both lunch and a healthy dinner.

    This dish will only benefit your figure because it is low-calorie and very balanced: eggs and natural Greek yogurt contain a lot of easily digestible protein, vegetables contain fiber and vitamins, and olive oil contains healthy fats.

    You will need:

    • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 3 tbsp. l.
    • Potatoes 2 pcs.
    • Zucchini 3 pcs.
    • Egg 1 pc.
    • Salt, pepper to taste
    • Flour
    • Olive oil

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the potatoes and dry them thoroughly, then grate them on a fine grater. Do the same with the zucchini.

    2. Mix vegetables with egg and yogurt.

    3. Add a little flour to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly with a fork until smooth.

    4. In a frying pan with heated olive oil, start frying small cutlets, forming them with a spatula.

    5. Fry the pots on both sides until brown and place on a plate lined with a paper napkin to absorb excess oil.

    6. Serve the vegetable cutlets after cooling slightly. If desired, you can serve them with a Greek yogurt sauce mixed with finely chopped fresh herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro).

    Grilled chicken with herbs and lemon juice

    Another deliciously simple recipe with diet chicken for only 250 calories.

    Fresh and aromatic herbs are the “secret” ingredients that turn this dish into a real culinary masterpiece. Serve grilled chicken with herbs and lemon juice for a dinner party, or just make it for lunch.

    You will need:

    • Chicken drumsticks, peeled 450 g.
    • Vegetable oil 2 tsp..
    • Fish sauce 1-3 tsp.
    • Lemon juice 1/4 tbsp.
    • Garlic, finely chopped 1 clove
    • Brown sugar 1/2 tsp.
    • Hot chili sauce 1/2 tsp.
    • Small cabbage 1 head of cabbage
    • Medium chopped red onion 1 PC.
    • Lettuce to taste
    • Cilantro to taste
    • Fresh mint leaves taste
    • Salt, pepper to taste

    Cooking method:

    If you haven't made cold soup all summer, you can start with this recipe for Green Soup with Apples, Dill and Greek Yogurt.

    You will appreciate the benefits of this lowest-calorie dish in our selection (about 60 calories per 100 g): vitamin-rich apples and dill in combination with original Greek yogurt will strengthen your immune system and take care of your figure.

    You will need:

    • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 150 g.
    • Green sour apple 1/2 pcs.
    • Cucumber 350 g.
    • Dill, finely chopped 15
    • Lettuce 15 g.
    • Spinach leaves 30 g.
    • Fresh mint leaves 10 pieces.
    • Fresh parsley, finely chopped

      Baked salmon in BBQ sauce with Brussels sprouts

      Even though this hearty dish contains 280 calories per 100 g, it will do your figure nothing but good.

      One of the healthiest fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, is baked in the oven, which allows you to preserve these and other beneficial properties, and Brussels sprouts perfectly complement the dish with vitamins A, B and C, potassium, which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, and also amino acids and enzymes.

      You will need:

      • Brown sugar 2 tsp.
      • Garlic powder 1 tsp.
      • Onion powder 1 tsp.
      • Paprika 1 tsp.
      • Brussels sprouts 560 g
      • Salmon fillet 4 pcs. 200 g each
      • Chives to taste
      • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.\
      • Salt, pepper to taste

      Cooking method:

      1. Set the oven to preheat at 220 degrees and prepare a baking dish by covering it with foil.

      2. In a small bowl, combine sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika and olive oil.

      3. Place the Brussels sprouts on a baking dish, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

      4. While the cabbage is baking, brush the salmon fillets with the seasoning mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.

      5. Turn the Brussels sprouts over and add the salmon fillets to the pan. Bake the fish and cabbage for about 15 minutes until the salmon is done.

      6. Serve the dish immediately, sprinkled with finely chopped chives if desired.

    Almost every one of us has thought about losing weight at least once. Usually this moment comes in the summer, when you especially want to get in shape. And the first thing we are accustomed to is diet, in our time you just need to type this word into a search engine and all that remains is to choose the one that you like (or on which Lida from the fifth entrance lost 20 kg). In general, I don’t want to write my PROS and CONS of diets, but the fact that after them you need to stick to a special diet so as not to gain everything back is 100%. So why not, instead of all this, start with this special diet, which will become your lifestyle, the basis of nutrition.

    My maximum weight reached 65 kg (height 160-162), but my usual weight was 59-60. Of course, these numbers didn’t suit me, I tried to lose weight in stupid different ways.

    My mistakes:

    1. Do not eat after 18:00(then you start eating after 22:00, when you can no longer endure the chorus of your rumbling stomach).

    Not eating after 18:00 applies only to those who go to bed at 20:00-21:00, and in our time there are few of them. You need to eat light food 2-3 hours before bedtime (lightness is not in terms of weight :)), further on there will be menu explanations).

    2. Counted calories. This is generally insanity, considering that for 500 kcal you can eat Snickers or have a full lunch of porridge, meat, and vegetables. It is important not only to maintain the correct calorie range, but also to find the harmony of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also to know when and what foods to eat.

    3. Do not eat more than 1200 kcal per day. Considering that this is the minimum that our body requires, these calories are catastrophically few if you perform at least some movements during the day (even calories are spent on digesting food).

    4. I didn't drink water at all. I’m not a fan of drinking 1.5 - 2 liters of water a day, but I haven’t drank water at all before. I drank a cup of tea a day, coffee - that was enough for me, sometimes a sip of sweet soda and that’s it. But the body needs ordinary plain still water, and sometimes we generally confuse the feeling of hunger with the desire to drink water. In general, there are many nuances for this: do not wash down your food, do not drink after, start the day with a glass of water, the norm for the amount of water - this is all individual and there cannot be any standards here. Although starting my day with water is a habit.

    These are my personal mistakes! For a couple more days I tried to eat almost nothing, but it became bad and I couldn’t do it for a long time. Naturally, the weight remained the same and I understood that something was clearly wrong.

    By chance, I subscribed to a girl on Instagram and for about half a year her photos with different options for her menu, as well as weight loss results, loomed in my feed. I looked through it all, the information was involuntarily debugged in my subconscious, although I did not suspect it.

    In general, on May 6, 2014, I clearly set out to lose weight, I was full of motivation and, it turns out, I already had the knowledge. I didn’t start out quite right, in the morning I ate muesli with milk, and maybe buckwheat for dinner, but I still lost weight, since I eliminated most of the food waste (now I had to spend more time in the kitchen, if you want to lose weight, cook for yourself!).

    (If anything, I’m in the photo, I just changed my color).

    Now my sample MENU looks something like this:

    BREAKFAST (various options):

    1) Oatmeal or other favorite porridge (40-60 grams in dry form) in a milk distiller (50 to 50 milk and water, milk up to 2.5% fat), a teaspoon of honey, nuts (the most affordable peanuts, regular seeds, others are possible but, of course, not fried, but dried - a source of healthy fats, quantity: 15-20 grams) + optional fruit or dried fruit, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar;

    2) Oatmeal (the recipe is simple: 3 whites, 1 yolk, 40 grams of dry oatmeal, 50-70 ml of milk, I also add 20 grams of cheese. You can experiment and make a sweet version) + tea/coffee without sugar. You can afford a square of black chocolate (5-8 grams).

    3) Cottage cheese with honey (or cottage cheese muffins: cottage cheese, egg, maybe a little oatmeal, sweetener and bake, I make these in micra).

    4) Omelet with vegetables + a piece of whole grain bread.


    Standard porridge (buckwheat (my favorite!!), wheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.) + meat/fish (I eat any meat, but not fried in oil, stew, fry without oil, boil, bake) + vegetables (or vegetable salad with a spoon of olive/linseed oil, I also add soy sauce).

    I eat soups, but not often, because I’m not much of a fan. I allow potatoes, but not fried in oil, and not often (once or twice a month). Pasta is possible, but made from durum wheat. I also eat legumes, although I didn’t really like them before (chickpeas, beans, beans, etc.).

    DINNER (various options):

    1) Cottage cheese.

    2) Protein omelet with vegetables.

    3) Meat with vegetables.

    4) Fish with vegetables.

    5) Egg whites with vegetables.

    6) Simply healthy salads (dressing: lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, for example).

    7) Isolate (protein) in milk/water (when you don’t feel like eating or are too lazy to cook).

    Those. standard protein + fiber.

    If you ate 2-3 hours before bed, but an hour before bed you feel hungry and you can’t sleep, then you can either eat something else that contains protein, or drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

    SNACK OPTIONS (between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner):

    1) Dried nuts (no more than 50 grams).

    2) Healthy sandwiches (whole grain bread with avocado and salmon, either store-bought bread, or make it yourself (fiber+bran+egg+a little water, bake and you’re done).

    3) Fruit.

    4) Healthy baking (many recipes where unhealthy foods are replaced with healthy ones (for example, wheat flour is replaced with oatmeal, etc.).

    5) Cottage cheese or cottage cheese muffins.

    6) Boiled eggs (no more than 2 yolks per day) with salad.

    Within a month of eating this way, you can see good results (depending on the initial weight, the more weight, the faster you lose weight). Everything that is visually unnecessary goes away immediately. I feel great, especially in the morning (I want to eat easily and immediately), since I don’t get full at night and don’t feel heavy afterwards. Breakfast is a must!! Snacks are made in order to prevent fasting for more than 4 hours. In a month of eating this way (sometimes, but rarely and not at night, I sinned) I lost 5 kg. In 3 months of eating this way, I lost up to 10 kg. The weight has not returned to this day (I currently weigh 54 kg). Now I allow myself more than when I was losing weight, but I adhere to the basic principles. At the time of losing weight, there was no sports, then I started running (the volume in the legs goes away well when running). I also went to the gym for half a year, but in order to tighten my figure, not to lose weight (I can write a review about this with sample exercises and sequence). I also plan to write a post about how to correctly calculate your calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    Thank you all for watching, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer in the comments.

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