
April 22 what a stone. Zodiac stones: Cancer, Leo and Virgo (July, August, September). Which ones should you not wear?

Zodiac stones of July In July, the Sun passes through the second and third decades of Cancer and the first decade of Leo. The second decade of Cancer (July 2-11) forms a complex,...

Zodiac stones for July

In July, the Sun passes through the second and third decades of Cancer and the first decade of Leo.

ZODIAC STONES - Second decade of Cancer (July 2-11)

forms a complex, contradictory character.

The constant bifurcation of this decade gave the world such original talents as the writer F. Kafka, the artist M. Chagall, the actress Gina Lollobrigida, the religious reformer J. Calvin, the physicist P. Kapitsa, the ice conqueror M. Isakova.

Cancers of the second decade are shown a stone of harmony - amethyst, which brings happiness to selfless and selfless people. For those who have a high goal in mind, opal is suitable, as it supports the owner’s talents, as if feeding him with a high voltage current. An emerald is also good, which is recommended to be worn in a silver ring on the little finger of the left hand.

ZODIAC STONES - Third decade of Cancer (July 12-22)

This is a proud character, facing the vicissitudes of fate courageously and firmly, without asking anyone for help. It is difficult to enter into friendships. People of this type are dreamy, restless natures, giving a deceptive impression of gentleness. They are endowed with a peculiar hypnotizing charm, most strongly manifested in their gaze. It attracts many people so much that they then require effort to free themselves from the spell and restore their individuality. Cancers born in the third decade earn money relatively easily and spend it with proud carelessness. They attach great importance to their appearance. Women of this type are somewhat irritable, but passionate; Married people are usually happy, and they are also lucky at cards. The least favorable period of the year for Cancer in the third decade is July 20-30. The combination of dreaminess and practicality in this decade gave birth to Rembrandt, Corot and Modigliani in art, in poetry - V. Mayakovsky and E. Yevtushenko, in technology - aircraft designer O. P. Sukhoi, in polar explorations R. Amundsen and I. P. Mazuruk, in politics - L.B. Kameneva and A.A. Gromyko, in sports - handball player Nina Lobova and gymnast Sofya Muratova.

Cancers of the third decade are consonant with the moonstone, which enhances intuition, excites memories, and imparts prudence. Rhinestone and cat's eye also suit them.

ZODIAC STONES - First decade of Leo (July 23-August 2)

represents an intelligent but restless character. Leos of the first decade are subject to contradictory impulses and easily rush from one extreme to another, everywhere showing firmness and inflexibility. They are in dire need of attention and affection. They are not averse to risk, they tend to get carried away by chimeras, but, fortunately, at the last moment prudence stops them. Capable of both gentleness and despotism. They often have literary talent. They take care of their offspring and make a will in advance. Women are strong-willed, ambitious, energetic, able to shape their destiny with their own hands. They have a vocation for medical practice. The least favorable period of the year for Leo in the first ten days is February. They found a way out for the deep adventurism of their souls in the literary work of A. Dumas the Father and B. Shaw, in business - Henry Ford, in life - Denis Davydov, in chess - Lyudmila Rudenko, in cinema and theater - V.V. Maksimov and N. K. Cherkasov, in sports - discus thrower Tamara Danilova.

For the first ten days of Leo, the Sun stone is recommended - a diamond, which attracts happiness and success in enterprises to the owner. Activating jewelry stones are also suitable - ruby, sapphire, amber, tiger's eye. Reasonable representatives of this psychotype will not be harmed by carnelian.

Zodiac stones for August

In August, the Sun passes through the second and third decades of the sign of Leo and the first decade of the sign of Virgo.

ZODIAC STONES - Second decade of Leo (August 3-12)

represented by generous, scrupulous, reasonable people. They are eloquent, often capable of drawing and arithmetic. Both in life and in thinking they know how to remove all unnecessary things, all useless details. In art they love classicism and reject baroque. They often make wonderful collections. If funds allow, don’t mind throwing a grand reception. Women try to be at the forefront of fashion. Possessing a passionate soul and developed intellect, Leos of the second decade are constantly faced with a dilemma: give free rein to their passions or follow the advice of reason. They often transform their sexuality into creativity, sublimate it through art and theater. Men often don’t get married for a long time. A distinctive feature of this decade is the desire for success, but not for petty gain, but for the sake of glory. The main weakness of this character is also rooted here - excessive conceit. This decade is represented by original creative talents, including the physicist E. Schrödinger, composer V. I. Lebedev-Kumach, artist A. M. Vasnetsov, writers Guy de Maupassant and M. M. Zoshchenko, civil war hero O. Dundich, fencer Olga Knyazeva.

To support ambitious aspirations for Leos of the second decade, pomegranate is recommended, which gives energy in achieving the goal and activates blood circulation. For those who do not set themselves global goals, it is safer to wear amber or golden topaz. Both stones harmonize character and smooth out its sharp corners.

ZODIAC STONES - Third decade of Leo (August 13-22).

Those born during this period are multi-talented, multifaceted people. The character is contradictory. Ambitious aspirations are combined with idealism and an attraction to beauty. The subtlety of feelings forms a range of almost imperceptible mood transitions, although optimism dominates. The cult of strength coexists with tenderness, authority with intelligence. The opposite sex plays a big role in the lives of representatives of this decade. They easily adapt to any environment, know how to take advantage of opportunities and, for the most part, succeed in life, although any success comes to them through hard work. The weaknesses of this character are the excessive ease of changing opinions depending on the situation, the strong dependence of mood on the attitude of others towards him (he is painfully sensitive to inattention, non-commitment, not to mention neglect) and increased sexuality, demandingness in love, often leading to remarriage. This decade is rich in prominent government and military figures, of which we name Napoleon, Admiral D.N. Senyavin, Marshal S.S. Biryuzov, the legendary English intelligence officer, Colonel T. Lawrence. The socially active qualities of Lviv in the third decade are represented by the professional revolutionary V. A. Shelgunov. Tactical and strategic abilities combined with the will to win are well expressed in the works of chess players M. M. Botvinnik and Olga Rubtsova. The dramatization of reality characteristic of this type is illustrated by the works of writers Leonid Andreev and Ray Bradbury. The tenderness and sophistication of this psychotype are expressed in the paintings of J.-P. A dream, and a wealth of shades of feelings - in the music of C. Debussy.

Representatives of this decade, who cherish far-reaching plans, are recommended to use ruby, which strengthens will and determination and promotes rapid restoration of strength. For those who prefer the harmony of life, emerald is suitable, smoothing out emotionality and eliminating the sexual imperative. Also good are golden topaz, tiger's eye and heliolite (sunstone), which improve mood.

ZODIAC STONES - First decade of Virgo (August 23-September 1).

This is an outwardly calm, thorough, prudent type of people, in whose souls, however, passions can rage, which creates internal tension and the need to monitor their nervous system. They have developed intelligence and the ability to set large-scale tasks. In art they gravitate toward classicism. In everyday life they are economical, practical, cautious and often miss good opportunities. Endowed with high intuition, they understand this, which makes them dissatisfied with themselves, often reflected in their facial expressions. A developed sense of duty, self-esteem and responsibility forms from the representatives of the first decade of Virgo the so-called type of Olympians - bearers of the highest idea. Many from this decade were given the gift of healing - spiritual and physical. The decade is richly represented by doctors, psychologists and teachers. This psychotype needs to overcome pessimism and craving for a sedentary life. The life philosophy of the first decade of Virgo is represented by I.V. Goethe and Leo Tolstoy, classicism in art by David and Ingres, and in poetry by Ivan Franko. The systematic thinking inherent in this type is clearly expressed in Hegel. An excellent example of the combination of art and pedagogy is Natalia Sats. The romantic side of this nature is reflected in the work of the writer Alexander Green.

Virgos of the first decade are shown stones of activating yellow and golden tones, preferably spotted, with specks, for example, jasper, heliotrope, yellow agate, which increase vitality and determination. Yellow sapphire and golden topaz are also harmonious with this psychotype.

Of the jewelry stones mentioned in this article, we will describe aventurine, heliotrope and heliolite.


1) Natural: translucent dense quartzite of white, pink, orange, cherry or green color with multi-colored inclusions of mica, hematite or with thin cracks filled with iron oxides and forming a beautiful pattern. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, aventurine was popular in Russia in the form of inserts into small items - rings, earrings, cufflinks, brooches. Aventurine from yellow to red-brown color was mined in the Southern Urals. Green stone (from an admixture of chromium compounds) comes from India, the USA and China and is valued no less than the best varieties of jade. As a talisman, it creates a joyful, happy mood, maintains good spirits and gives clarity of thinking. There is no information about the use of aventurine as an amulet.

2) Glass imitation with the addition of oxides of copper and iron (red-brown aventurine), chromium (green), cobalt (blue). The blue color can reach black in density with blue or green sparks. The secret of making glass aventurine was known back in Ancient Egypt, then lost and accidentally found again in the 18th century by Italian glassmakers. Since the 19th century, aventurine glass was also produced in Russia, at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. The magical properties of natural stone are transferred to its imitation.

3) Sometimes samples of zeolites with embedded crystals of native copper are called aventurine. Zeolites - aluminosilicates of alkaline and alkaline earth elements - are porous natural formations that undoubtedly have magical properties, unfortunately, not yet explored. They, like a sponge, absorb water, very selectively absorb organic substances, in crushed form they are used in animal husbandry as a therapeutic and stimulating drug, when added to the soil they increase its fertility, are very useful for feeding fish and for purifying drinking water (the degree of purification reaches 99 percent). Vegetables grown on zeolite soils are stored better. In the USA, they are used to neutralize waste from nuclear power plants, since they effectively retain cesium and strontium.


- chalcedony, or jasper, is dark green with red or yellow spots. The pattern of these spots greatly excites the imagination; some people see whole pictures in their stone. Heliotrope awakens energy in its owner, which is why it is considered a military talisman. It attracts attention to the owner and brings happiness in war. Not used for healing. Rings and bracelets with heliotrope are put on by spellcasters when they begin their work. The bearer of this stone needs to be very careful in his expressions, since this is a stone of verbal magic, and the owner, swearing at someone, can unwittingly cause harm to the recipient in the form of an “evil eye.”


, or sunstone, is a type of feldspar (orthoclase) with a golden sparkling tint, when illuminated it gives bright highlights of orange-red, crimson and yellow tones. It is sometimes called aventurine spar for this effect. Like a talisman, it awakens imagination, gives birth to the ability for mystical revelations, and sometimes pushes us to unexpected actions, facilitating the breakthrough of impressions from the depths of the subconscious through the censorship of reason. In older people, it kindles the fire of youth for a short period. Particularly active in the vicinity of jade. How an amulet heals nervous disorders and improves skin color.


- varieties of quartz, pierced with needle-shaped crystals of other minerals, creating a play of light and the impression of an iris. There are cat's eyes, lion's, falcon's, and tiger's. Zebra eye is a partially oxidized falcon eye (brown stripes are visible along with blue and blue). A hawk's eye is the same as a falcon's. Bull's, wolf's and fish's eyes are not classified as ocular quartz. As talismans, eye quartz sharpens intuition and gives rise to a premonition of trouble. When danger approaches, rings with these stones begin to feel on your hand - they get in the way, they become heavy. As amulets, eye quartz is a typical amulets, they preserve health and protect against attacks by enemies. The cat's eye protects best in love, the tiger's eye protects in economic activity, and the falcon's eye protects best in the fight against the enemy. And now about the “eyes” in a little more detail.


- quartz overgrown with olive-green rutile needles. As a talisman increases prudence. How an amulet preserves love and protects against betrayal.


- the same cat's eye, but the rutile needles in it did not oxidize, as in a cat's eye, but retained their original blue or blue-green color. As a talisman, it increases reaction speed and attentiveness to the environment. How an amulet protects against blows in the fight against the enemy.

TIGER'S EYE - a cat's eye in which the needles, when oxidized, have taken on a golden yellow or rusty red color. As a talisman, it enhances the ability to concentrate, strengthens common sense, and stimulates teaching abilities. Directs the owner to essential matters in a timely manner. Helps a woman become a good housewife. How an amulet protects against the treachery of competitors and the torment of unfounded jealousy.


- chalcedony of dark shades of red - carnelian, which lacks orange shades. Similar in magical properties to carnelian. How a talisman attracts the hearts of fans to a woman. How an amulet saves you from melancholy and outbursts of blind anger. Strengthens vision. Helps in litigation.


- orange, red-orange, to deep color chalcedony (hidden-crystalline, fine-fibered variety of quartz). Dark samples of carnelian are almost indistinguishable from brown-red carnelian and red-brown sarder. Carnelian, in fact, is a dark carnelian. A weakly radioactive stone that requires a gold frame. Love talisman, arouses passion. Improves mood, promotes well-being; being embedded in a bracelet, it helps wrestlers. As an amulet, it protects against quarrels and disputes, pacifies fevers and nervous diseases, strengthens teeth, regulates menstruation, and is bactericidal. Protects from evil spells and lightning. A carnelian necklace is worn for diseases of the thyroid gland. When placed on the eyelids of closed eyes, it helps with headaches. It is useful for women to keep carnelian in their mouth during childbirth.


- sodium and calcium aluminum borosilicate, containing manganese (pink, red), iron (blue), chromium (green) ions as color carriers. Sometimes it is multi-colored in layers. Colored tourmalines have their own names: crimson - apirite, colorless - achront, pink, red - rubellite, blue - indigolite, green - verdelite, black - scherl. Tourmaline that changes color when moving from daylight to artificial light is called chameleonite. A characteristic feature of tourmaline is its ability to attract cigarette ash (for which the Dutch call it an ash attractor). Crimson tourmaline is a talisman for artists; it gives recognition and creative strength. Green - absorbs excess energy. It can only be worn until the age of 35. Black tourmaline is a witches stone. As an amulet, tourmalines of all types preserve youth and strength in a person. The most valuable are red tourmalines. They decorate icon frames, church vessels, and royal regalia.

Zodiac stones for September

In September, the Sun passes through the second and third decades of the sign of Virgo and the first decade of the sign of Libra.

ZODIAC STONES - Second decade of Virgo (September 2-12)

is under the patronage of Saturn and Venus and is represented by courageous, beautiful people, distinguished by self-discipline, a strong sense of justice and self-esteem, and a desire to prove themselves. They tend to be interested in literature and the arts and often have abilities in these areas. These are leaders who accept responsibility and do not stoop to reproach if something does not go as they plan. In love they are shy and reserved; calling their feelings out, forcing them to open their treasury of tenderness and affection is very, very difficult. They hide their soul behind a façade of self-confidence, firmness, perhaps even audacity. Women have excellent spiritual qualities, but are prone to melancholy, headaches and easily fall into despair when faced with human injustice. Both sexes spend money sparingly and are not tempted by any speculation. This psychotype does not combine well with representatives of the first decade of Taurus (April 21-May 1). The weak points of the character of Virgos of the second decade are an excessive missionary spirit, the desire to promote their ideas without taking into account the situation, a touch of didacticism and moralizing and the eternal struggle of the mind with the heart, clashes between the demands of the idea and humanism, leading to inconsistency. The purposefulness and spirit of missionary work are well illustrated by the life path of Leo Tolstoy. Inner charm combined with courage and restraint is expressed in cosmonauts G. S. Titov, A. G. Nikolaev and figure skater Irina Rodnina. Ingenuity and a sense of form gave excellent results in the work of rocket engine designer V.P. Glushko and aircraft designer S.A. Lavochkin. Artistic talents were represented in this decade by pianist L. Oborin, singer I. Kobzon, theater and film artists Tatyana Doronina, I. f. Pereverzev, E. P. Leonov. The range of literary self-expression of this decade is wide: the classic A. I. Kuprin, the science fiction writer S. Lem, the socially oriented A. M. Adamovich. The complexity and contradictions of this nature are reflected in the music of the Czech composer A. Dvorik and the Soviet composer B. A. Tchaikovsky.

For Virgos of the second decade, eye stones are recommended, especially tiger eye, which enhances the ability to concentrate, pedagogical abilities and practical common sense, which in interaction directs the energy of the owners of the stone to significant, important matters, distracting him from everyday trifles. Emerald and red jasper are also consonant with this character.

ZODIAC STONES - Third decade of Virgo (September 13-23),

led by Venus and Mercury, forms a flexible, optimistic character that preserves youth for a long time. These are people who are well aware of what they want, and at the same time outwardly pleasant, polite, and ready to help. They make extensive use of useful connections and know how to organize their lives. They are characterized by keen powers of observation, love of detail, and interest in biology, biochemistry, and medicine. They have good political sense and organizational skills, but are bad at taking a joke. Sometimes their crystal logical mind leads them into the jungle of despotic authoritarianism, even to the point of fanaticism. Very often, Virgos of the third decade combine their profession with active social activities. In people of this decade, from childhood it is necessary to cultivate sensitivity, the ability to empathize, sharpen the sense of moral responsibility, and smooth out selfishness. Women are much softer than men, kind, scrupulous, but fickle and proud. When irritated, they are capable of insults, but, having calmed down, they repent and try to make amends. In love, both sexes give a lot to their partner, are sexually liberated, tireless and without prejudice. They are very attached to their loved ones. Divorce is almost unthinkable for them; they will try to get along with the most difficult partner. It is better for them to avoid Pisces in the third decade (March 12-20). The versatile abilities of this psychotype, colored by the desire for systematization, reflect the activities of the philosopher-inventor K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the chemist A. M. Butlerov, and the commander M. I. Kutuzov. A hidden tendency towards adventurism is manifested in the works of F. Cooper and Agatha Christie. The combination of profession with social activities is shown by doctors S. P. Botkin and N. A. Semashko. An illustration of how ideologicalism is transformed into fanaticism can be seen in the lives of the Florentine D. Savonarola and the Russian revolutionary Sofia Perovskaya. The third decade of Virgo is richly represented by artistic talents: M. N. Bernes, K. Yu. Lavrov, M. M. Tarkhanov, R. D. Nifontova, V. N. Pashennaya, Sophia Loren and Romy Schneider. Virgos of the third decade are recommended to wear “softening” stones - emerald, golden topaz, yellow sapphire. Pearls, malachite, chrysolite and chrysoprase are also suitable for them.

ZODIAC STONES - First decade of Libra (September 24-October 2).

Those born during this period have a soft, calm character and high vitality, even adventurism. They are distinguished by goodwill and a well-developed imagination. Many have expressed legal and mathematical abilities, an interest in antiquities and ancient books. They do not try to get ahead, are moderate in pleasures, gravitate towards a measured life and are distinguished by longevity. These are adherents of justice, sensitive to all distortions in society. Libras of the first decade are quite realistic and practical, they spend money wisely and do not strive to obtain it at any cost. In love, harmony is valued, emotions are controlled by reason. Women are very attractive, idealistic, balanced, but independent and cannot stand the pressure of their husband’s power over them. Libras in the first decade do not understand well those born in the second decade of Capricorn (January 1-10). The decade is rich in representatives of the creative intelligentsia. The writers are represented by S. T. Aksakov, K. F. Ryleev, D. V. Venevitinov. Composers - M. Oginsky, D. D. Shostakovich, D. Gershwin. The art of dance - Olga Lepeshinskaya, theater and film art - Lydia Fedoseeva, Alla Demidova, M. Mastroianni. There is a galaxy of film directors here - M. Antonioni, S. Kramer, S. F. Bondarchuk. Science is represented by physiologist I. P. Pavlov, mathematician M. V. Ostrogradsky, and physicist E. Fermi.

Libras of the first decade are shown stones that develop and support creative activity, imagination and courage of quest - crimson tourmaline, a talisman of artists, smoky stones - rauchtopaz, smoky topaz, stimulating intelligence, pink coral, enhancing the gift of foresight, white marble and quartz.

And now a little about jewelry stones.


- silicon dioxide hydrogel with variable water content; opalescence gives it mystery and anxiety. "The Stone of False Hopes." As a talisman, opal supports the talents of its owners (good and evil) and awakens the gift of foresight. It keeps some from base passions and whims, others pushes them to forbidden pleasures, and is capable of doing this with the same owner, for opal is a catalyst for impermanence. The opal bearer must devote himself entirely to one single goal, otherwise he will become a toy in the hands of fate. Opal attracts the idle soul to black magic, gives rise to evil suspicions, sows discord, and darkens the mind with fear of the dark. White opal helps a person who has focused his energies in the social or artistic sphere. It also supports people who decide to devote themselves to caring for the seriously and mentally ill. It often plays a big role in the lives of musicians and composers. Jasper opal brings modesty and humility to the owner. Maximum activity of opals of all types occurs in October. Black opal is recommended only for Scorpio, who has devoted himself to one passion and is able to cope with the power of this stone. As an amulet, opal calms the nerves, protects against melancholy and infection, heals heart disease, prevents fainting, improves visual acuity, and promotes large families. Fire opal protects against natural disasters.

Let us briefly characterize a person born under the sign of Capricorn in order to understand which gemstones are best suited for Capricorn? Firstly, according to the Zodiac, this sign belongs to the earth element. This means that representatives of this sign are distinguished by their determination and steadfastly overcome life’s difficulties. They are not afraid of loneliness and know how to take responsibility. They do not know how to forgive others' mistakes and have difficulty communicating due to their secrecy.
Secondly, he is a very purposeful person who sets goals and persistently achieves them. Finds a suitable career ladder and immediately climbs it until he reaches the top. Selfishness manifests itself in relation to work, but Capricorns are generous and responsive to their friends and loved ones.
There are two types of Capricorns: workaholics and “commanders”. With the first, everything is clear - they work and only work, achieving their goals. The latter prefer to lead and it does not matter to them who will be subordinate to them: enterprise employees, relatives or family members, or perhaps members of a public organization, parents in the class in which the child is studying, or gardeners.
Weaknesses are a kind of boringness that goes away with age, they take cruel or aggressive revenge if betrayed, they like to take risks, and are more than compensated for by positive ones - persistence in achieving their goals, patience and willpower, trained from year to year, careful attitude to the traditional way of life, family values ​​and stability in everything.

First, about the stones that are suitable for all Capricorns according to the horoscope (December 22 – January 21).

Talismans and amulets of Capricorns

Tourmaline is the stone of all business people born under this sign. Tourmaline helps with concentration and clarity of thinking.

Jet - this mineral will help persistent, but at times impulsive Capricorns, comprehend the wisdom of their ancestors.
– a mineral for overcoming boredom for those who have it and depression for everyone else.
– for those who strive for power and material well-being. Ruby will protect its owner from envy and anger, promotes confidence, respect in the team and well-being in the family.
Malachite is especially suitable for those involved in scientific research. This mineral increases spiritual strength.
Hyacinth - helps strengthen all positive character traits, such as determination, perseverance, patience. Hyacinth gives strength and vigor in difficult times.
– indispensable as a talisman for representatives of this sign. For them, jade is a mineral of change; it will suggest the right decision and the right path in life. If the mineral has become darker, it means that its owner has lost his way.
Onyx is a powerful amulet for attracting good luck and success. Onyx will help you strengthen your nerves, get rid of insomnia or anxiety.

Jet Ruby
Malachite Red hyacinth Nephritis

Zircon - will help develop intuition, and also gives self-confidence and optimism.

Which stone suits Capricorn by exact date of birth?

In the first decade (December 22 – January 1), Jupiter influences, so people of the Capricorn sign born at this time are self-confident and have their own opinion on everything. Their gems are agate, amethyst, rock crystal, serpentine, malachite, tiger's eye and bloody jasper. According to birthdays, astrologers recommend the following minerals:
22.12. – almandine
23.12. –
24.12. –
25.12. –
26.12. –
27.12. – coil
28.12. –
29.12. —
30.12. – amazonite
31.12. – chrysoberyl
01.01. - Hawkeye

Those born in the second decade of the sign (02.01. – 12.01.) are distinguished by their desire for leadership and the ability to captivate people; their co-ruling planet is Venus. Their character is characterized by inconsistency; if a person fails to find his goal, then he becomes a boring melancholic. In order to overcome skepticism and pessimism, onyx, sardonyx, opal, and chrysoprase will help them. By birthday these are the following gems:
02.01. –
03.01. – onyx
04.01. – rhodonite
05.01. – pearls
06.01. –
07.01. –
08.01. –
09.01. –
10.01. – zircon
11.01. – heliotrope
12.01. –

In the third decade (13.01.-21.01) the patron is the Sun, and people born during this period lack energy. And although they love and know how to work, due to a lack of energy, they may experience sadness and even despondency. Gems for them should play the role of recharging energy and will cope with it perfectly: alexandrite, hyacinth, opal, ruby, tourmaline, zircon. And an individual stone for Capricorn according to his birthday:
13.01. – onyx
14.01. – rhodonite
15.01. – jet
16.01. – onyx
17.01. –
18.01. –
19.01. - A
20.01. – spinel
21.01. - hyacinth

Capricorn birthstone - women

The main gems for beautiful representatives of the sign are: agate, garnet, rock crystal, sardonyx.


– the most suitable agates are bright, saturated colors: yellow or red. Agate bestows health and beauty on its owner and energizes her. In the family, agate promotes peace and understanding, protects against unkind eyes, troubles, quarrels and poverty.
– helps in showing love, gives a good mood to its owner, helps in achieving goals, as it makes her wiser.
– makes its owner more feminine and attractive, as well as sensual and soft. Will tell you who you can trust.
- a symbol of beauty and love. Especially recommended for unmarried girls. This gem will help them fulfill their desires and bring good luck in love. In addition, carnelian calms the nervous system.

Agate Garnet Carnelian

Capricorn Stones - Men

For conservative men, chrysoprase is recommended for success in business. Chrysoprase – gives confidence in one’s abilities and decisiveness when making decisions. Physically, amulets with chrysoprase enhance energy. The magical properties of the mineral are protection from the evil eye and damage, assistance in obtaining well-deserved recognition.
Obsidian is necessary for the development of reaction when making decisions. Obsidian as an amulet gives its owner a positive attitude towards changes taking place, both in the external and internal world.
Almandine - the magical properties of this mineral allow one to overcome anger and at the same time arouse passion, give joy, and drive away sadness.
Rauchtopaz is necessary for creative people, it gives insight, develops superconsciousness and intuition. For all others, rauchtopaz is also suitable. The gem promotes logical thinking and perception of knowledge. It reduces selfishness and fanaticism.
Onyx - it is recommended to use magical properties for those who strive to become a leader or manager. Onyx will reduce arrogance and arrogance, make its owner more open, and protect from troubles and dangers.
– suitable as a talisman against dangers and envy. It is best to wear green or black tourmalines, they provide the best protection to representatives of this zodiac sign.

Astrologers almost unanimously do not recommend that Capricorns wear Cancer gemstones according to the horoscope sign as the opposite sign, that is, white and opaque gems. Any of these minerals will not suit Capricorn: aventurine, beryl, turquoise, pearl, emerald, moonstone, sapphire, peridot, citrine.
– suppresses emotions and energy, which people of this sign don’t have much of anyway.
Pearls - there is a high risk of remaining lonely and not finding happiness in love.
Makes a person even more withdrawn, constantly delving into himself.
- will take away energy, make Capricorn a cynic or a conservative, and will give nothing in return.
– increases stubbornness, makes Capricorns deceitful, which leads to loss of purpose. For representatives of this zodiac sign, citrine is a symbol of passion and vice.

It is possible for each person to find his own talisman stone, which will protect him from various troubles and misfortunes, attracting joy, wealth, success and other positive events into the life of its owner.

Knowing the date of birth of a person, as well as the year of his birth, will help in choosing an amulet stone, and the help of a professional astrologer is often required. But you can try to determine your talisman stone by date of birth and zodiac sign and name yourself. You can read further on how to do this.

In total, there are four main ways to select a patron stone based on the date of birth, namely:

  • taking into account the month of birth;
  • taking into account the number;
  • taking into account the full date represented by day, month and year;
  • taking into account the zodiac sign.

Amulet by month of birth

  • for those born in January - the purchase of jewelry with, and;
  • For those whose birth month is February, products with hyacinths are suitable;
  • if your birth month is March, you should choose rubies and;
  • those born in April are patronized by diamonds, and;
  • for May birthday people - suitable jewelry options with emerald, agate, and;
  • those born in June - buy jewelry with pearls, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony and aquamarine;
  • for July birthday people - rubies, carnelians, turquoise, aventurines and will help improve their lives;
  • those whose birth month is August will receive their magical help from chrysolites, alexandrites, sardonyx, carnelians, rubies and;
  • those born in September should take a closer look at sapphires, sardonyx, peridots, agates and smoky ones;
  • those whose birth month is October are patronized by tourmalines, opals, aquamarines, beryls, and garnets;
  • people born in November should give their choice in favor of topaz, pearls, and chrysolites;
  • December birthday people are patronized by turquoise, heliotropes, rubies, chrysoprase, etc.

Birthday talisman stone

This is the second way to choose your patron mineral, based only on your birth number.

  • if you were born on the first, tenth, nineteenth and twenty-eighth, corals, opals, topazes and rubies will be suitable amulets for you;
  • those born on the second, eleventh, twentieth and twenty-ninth numbers should count on the mystical support of the cat's eye, opal, pearls and tiger's eye;
  • for birthday people on the third, twelfth, twenty-first and thirtieth numbers - amethysts, emeralds, corals and topazes are the patron gems;
  • if you celebrate your birthday on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st, aquamarines, diamonds, garnets, opals and sapphires will help you harmonize your life;
  • those born on the fifth, fourteenth and twenty-third days should wear jewelry with diamonds, light sapphires and zircons;
  • those celebrating their birth on the sixth, fifteenth and twenty-fourth are patronized by aquamarines, beryls, emeralds, green opals and;
  • for those who celebrate birth on the seventh, sixteenth and twenty-fifth, pearls, moonstones and tiger-eyed opals will provide the greatest help;
  • birthday people on the eighth, seventeenth and twenty-sixth should stick to lapis lazuli, opals and sapphires;
  • those born on the ninth, eighteenth and twenty-seventh will benefit from garnets, corals, rubies and red opals.

Talisman stone by date of birth

It has long been no secret to anyone that numbers have a huge impact on a person’s life. And, of course, the most important number is the date of birth. At the same time, it is important to consider not the combination of numbers itself, but to reduce them to a single digit number. Next we will look at how to do this.

2+6+1+2+1+9+9+4 = 34. This results in a two-digit number that needs to be converted into a single-digit number: 34 = 3+4 = 7. This means your birth number is seven.

Each of the numbers from 0 to 9 is protected by certain precious or semi-precious minerals.

  • for “units” - invigorating aventurines are suitable, as well as carnelian, which gives an ardent mutual feeling;
  • “two” - pearls will help them fully express their inner potential, and thanks to the moonstone () such people will become more self-confident;
  • for “threes” - jewelry with turquoise and chrysolite is suitable (for a great mood);
  • “fours” - it is worth purchasing sapphires and jades to protect yourself from evil and become more fortunate;
  • “A”s - can safely rely on emeralds that charge them with wisdom and tiger eyes that relieve pathological jealousy;
  • “Sixes” - suitable for products with agates that can protect against ill-wishers, as well as;
  • “sevens” - will help them stay cool, and rubies will give them the necessary vitality;
  • “eights” - onyx will be able to help make the right choice, and grenades will strengthen warm, friendly feelings;
  • for “nines” - topaz (protects from harm) and rock crystal crystals (give wisdom and save from passions) are suitable;
  • “zero” - it occurs in very rare cases, but still occurs. Zero symbolizes emptiness, mystery and limitless space.

The patron precious stones of those people who correspond to zero will be extremely rare red diamonds. They have absorbed the properties of diamonds and rubies and will make their owner more courageous, protect them from damage and serious pathologies, and also make them more successful in life. Rare ones that reveal magical abilities and majorites that bestow love and family happiness are also suitable for these people.

Amulet according to zodiac sign

Each zodiac constellation has its own talisman stones.

  • for Aries - diamonds, amethysts, garnets, pearls, rubies and chrysolites are most suitable;
  • Taurus - they can find mystical support using emeralds, onyxes, rubies, sapphires and topazes;
  • Gemini - it is recommended to use jewelry with amethysts, pearls, emeralds, sapphire, topaz, peridot and citrine;
  • Cancers - can count on the patronage of amethysts, pearls, emeralds, rubies, topazes and chrysolites;
  • Leo - astrologically they correspond to garnets, emeralds, rubies, topazes, peridots and citrines;
  • Virgos - you should pay attention to jewelry with diamonds, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Libra - they are magically helped by jewelry with diamond, amethyst, emerald, peridot and citrine;
  • Scorpios - can count on the patronage of amethysts, garnets, rubies, sapphires and topazes;
  • Sagittarius – need the mystical support of amethysts, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, topazes and chrysolites;
  • – astrologers recommend purchasing jewelry with amethyst, garnet, and ruby;
  • Aquarians - must use the magic of amethysts, garnets, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and citrines;
  • Pisces – it is recommended to wear amethysts, aquamarines, pearls, sapphires and peridots.

Diamonds symbolize innocence, fortitude and courage, and help solve problems.

Emeralds are personified with happy love and make a person more successful in life.

Sapphires symbolize fidelity, chastity and modesty, and can attract happiness and joy into your life.

Rubies are associated with power and passionate love.

Pearls symbolize love and devotion.

Aquamarines are the gems of “lovers”, capable of protecting family happiness, attracting good luck to a person’s life.

Amethysts symbolize peace of mind.

Topaz - personified with eternal friendship.

Garnets symbolize stability.

Chrysolites act as amulets stones that bring calm and balance.

Rauchtopazes - these mystical gems will relieve a person from pain and stress factors, they also calm the nervous system.

Citrines are responsible for good luck and good mood.

You can learn more useful information from the following video:

Women born in the height of summer (June 22 - July 22) are under the Sign of Cancer, the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Being under the protection of Water, Cancer women have mystery, naivety and femininity. And their abode, the Moon, gave them reliable instincts and a developed imagination.

Cancers, by their nature, are distinguished by their determination and vitality. Properly selected stones will help improve these positive features and acquire new ones, as well as overcome shortcomings. In this article you will find out which stones are suitable for Cancer women according to their horoscope and date of birth.


Main stones for Cancers:


An ancient symbol of marriage and fertility. Due to its extraordinary beauty, natural pearls, in addition to their mental effects, relax the eyesight and calm the nervous system.

For married women, this gemstone, placed in a silver item, will be an excellent amulet and will bring peace of mind. Another task of pearls is to help build relationships. And not only family ones, it will help you learn how to talk and negotiate with business partners, employees, and friends.


It is rightfully a stone that is a source of optimism and vigor. The stone is simply irreplaceable for Cancers, who, due to their zodiac sign, very often feel sad and give in to melancholy. Emerald, like a magnet, attracts and fills a woman with energy.

It is also called the “stone of hope.” It should be worn either in a ring on the left hand, or in paired jewelry (earrings, rings for two, etc.).

Moon rock

Ideal for Cancer women. As a symbol of peace and harmony, it will help overcome depression and restore inner peace. He also develops intuition and a penchant for esotericism.

It will help you find your soulmate and bring variety back into your relationship. It can be placed in a silver frame and worn during the full moon. Also, the magical abilities of the stone are revealed during the waxing Moon.

Note! If you wear a moonstone during the waning moon, it will have a negative effect on the owner.

Now let's look at other, no less strong minerals:

It is rightfully a symbol of fidelity.


Will protect a woman from betrayal. It is best to wear it in a necklace.

Thanks to powerful energy disgraced Cancer will be able to achieve all its goals, for which it is one of the best amulets in career and business. You can place this natural mineral in a ring.


Green amethyst or praseolite will help the owner learn to trust people and control her emotions, all you need to do is carry a piece with you.


It is called a stone of luck, which can help you achieve unprecedented success in any new or old business. Beryl reveals its full potential in rings.

Beryl ring

These are the most effective stones that suit Cancer according to the horoscope. Now you will know which stones you should wear depending on your date of birth.

Best by date of birth

June 21 - July 1


The patron saint of Cancers in the first decade is the Moon, due to which they are affectionate and sensitive. Such women often win everyone's sympathy.

The following stones will not interfere with them:

  1. Cornelian will draw the attention of others to the best features of the owner.
  2. For inner peace and balance it is necessary Moonstone. He will also teach you to be critical of the opinions of others and to become more successful in a creative environment.
  3. It will become a real amulet against ill-wishers, which will also add self-confidence.
  4. Is your relationship lacking sincerity and tenderness? will bring happiness and mutual understanding to the family.
  5. Rhinestone will help Cancer women of the first third to focus on an important matter, and will also lead to their goal.

July 2 – July 11


Cancer women of the second decade are strong and stubborn in the good sense of the word. Sometimes they are very cynical, but this does not prevent them from reaching heights. They are very passionate about everything that is shrouded in secrets. For example, exploring the world.

We present a list of stones useful for them:

  1. Chrysoprase and heliotrope will help calm inner doubts and struggles.
  2. If you have a difficult choice, it will help not to rush pearl. He will also protect from and strengthen the marriage.
  3. It will help you escape from the oppression of disappointments and resentments. turquoise, which also attracts wealth.
  4. very relevant for Cancer women, as it does not allow the hostess to forget and unconsciously plunge into dreams.
  5. Will help you come to a compromise and nip any quarrels in the bud sardonyx.

July 12 – July 22


For dreamers and romantics, Cancer women of the 3rd decade, their lives are often spoiled by the inability to refuse.

They need matching stones:

  1. Help you become independent tourmaline and cat's eye.
  2. WITH emerald your body will work better, and nightmares and insomnia will remain only in your memory. It also heals wounds in the soul well, helps to endure failures and gives wisdom.
  3. It will be an excellent amulet in financial matters. He will drive away groundless doubts and complexes.
  4. For a successful vacation, take with you, which is also capable of bringing happiness to the family and will become a kind of “Lie Detector” for Cancer.
  5. Luck and determination bestow beryl.

Talismans and amulets

Ring with chalcedony

The following are suitable as talismans:

  1. A ring on the little finger will be an excellent amulet against attacks of anger and attacks of melancholy.
  2. For successful creative nature amethyst in a ring will be the best gift. And for a woman who has just started to climb the career ladder, it is better to give this mineral in a pendant with turquoise. It is also capable of protecting the owner from bad thoughts, because it is not for nothing that it is called the “stone of purity and purity.”
  3. Agate, placed in a necklace, or an amulet with it will give a woman confidence and courage.
  4. Has a similar function heliotrope. If worn in earrings, it will give the wearer courage and help overcome difficulties along the way.

Interesting! Cancer women wearing a ring with chalcedony speak of its ability to win the hearts of men. This mineral is quite powerful, which is why it must be removed periodically.

These are the most common stones that suit Cancer women. But there are many others. How can you distinguish a stone that will have a positive effect from a vampire stone that will suck all your strength out of you and bring many ailments?

Everything is very clear, you just need to choose them correctly.

How to choose?

Before purchasing a stone, think about how it will look in water. Ideal stones will shimmer and change shade. But there is an exception to every rule: for example, black pearls will be a good amulet for Cancer, but on condition that the girl feels comfortable with it.

But you should avoid flashy, bright stones, mainly warm colors (yellow, red, black, gold). They will have a noticeable negative effect on the Cancer woman.

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