
Metochions of the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage. Temple of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo Novoyasenevskaya Church

Moscow Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo Moscow Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo, Moscow courtyard of Optina Pustyn, within the boundaries of the Moscow diocese

The first known mention of the village of Yasenevo dates back to the 14th century. In all documents the property is mentioned as a village, which means there was a temple in it. Thus, the history of the church and its parish goes back no less than 7 centuries.

The first historical information and documents describing the church date back to the beginning of the 17th century, when Yasenevo was a palace village. It attracted the attention of Patriarch Filaret (Romanov). By decision of the Patriarch, the construction of a new wooden church in the name of Sts. began here. mcc. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Two years later, the church was listed among the “new arrivals.”

F. Lopukhin repeatedly, starting from the city, submitted petitions for the construction of a new stone church in his patrimony, the village of Yasenevo, instead of a wooden church, which “has fallen into disrepair and it is impossible to serve in it.” During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, on March 13, by decree of Her Imperial Majesty and by determination of the Moscow Spiritual Consistory, it was ordered that the Pekhryanskoe spiritual board, under the jurisdiction of which was the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, be established. “send a decree: order the wooden church in the specified village to be inspected”, and if “according to the testimony it will appear that it is truly dilapidated and it is impossible to serve in it, then instead of that dilapidated church in the vicinity and in the same place, let us build a stone church, like other holy churches, with the altar to the east, and having built it with holy icons painted according to the ancient It is the custom of the Orthodox Eastern Church: to decorate with all other church splendors and prepare them in a manner appropriate for consecration, so that there is no shortage of anything. When this church is built and is satisfied with all the needs and is completely ready for consecration, then describe everything in it separately and dilapidated The church will be abolished after the consecration of this stone church..."

The new (currently existing) temple was built in the Elizabethan Baroque style and consecrated in the name of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul. The consecration of the temple took place in - gg. The old wooden church of the icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign" was dismantled due to its disrepair.

The name of Prince Sergei Ivanovich Gagarin is associated with the Yasenevsky Church acquiring its present appearance. Initially, the stone temple consisted of one (current eastern) cube-shaped volume of a cold central aisle. It was a pillarless cubic church of a centric composition with an 8-sided drum, cut through by 8 windows, and topped with a dome. The next step in the history of the construction of the temple was its two-stage reconstruction.

As a result of the reconstruction of the 1980s, the Church of Peter and Paul acquired an appearance that has remained to this day. The architecture of the temple was brought to the type of three-part axial symmetrical composition “temple-narthex-belltower”, the most common among temples erected in the patrimonial possessions of Russia during the Classical era.

In its final form, the temple had 3 altars: the central one in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (the antimension was consecrated on February 26), the southern one in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh (the antimension was consecrated by St. Philaret (Drozdov)) on October 20, a particle of St. whose relics are now in the church), and the northern one in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara (the antimension was consecrated by Bishop Nicholas of Dmitrov in the city).

In the 1930s, the temple was closed and it began to be used as a state farm warehouse. The painting of the temple, dating back to the first half of the 19th century, has not been preserved.


  • Particles of relics app. Andrew the First-Called, Luke and the First Hour. Stefan; equal to Mary Magdalene; right Lazarus of the Four Days; Vmch. Panteleimon the Healer; vmcc. Barbara and Catherine; prmtst. led book Elizabeth and others Barbarians; martyr

Yasenevo is a former village that became part of Moscow in 1960. It was located on the territory of the modern Yasenevo district, in the South-Western Administrative District.

Yasenevo was first mentioned in documents in the 14th century as the possession of Prince Ivan Kalita “the village of Yasinovo”.

On the territory of the modern Yasenevo district there were historically 4 settlements: Uzkoe, Yasenevo, Bolshoye Golubino and Maloe Golubino. Of the noble estates located in them, two have partially survived: Uzkoye and Yasenevo. The main street of the village of Yasenevo was located approximately along the route of modern Paustovsky Street.

The town of Yasenevo has long attracted the most distinguished persons and religious figures. And the fact that a beautiful temple in the name of Peter and Paul grew up in this village, which today is about 7 centuries old, was a pattern.

The Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo was consecrated in honor of the holy apostles in 1753. But this does not mean that there was no church here before. The village of Yasinovo was indicated in the will of Ivan Kalita in 1331 as part of the inheritance of his son Andrei.

As you know, in the old days a village was distinguished from a village by the presence of a church (there were no churches in villages). Consequently, the church in Yasenevo existed back in the 14th century.

The town was owned by Prince Vasily II, nicknamed the Dark, and his three sons. Then Yasenevo passed to the tsars and was owned by Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov, Alexei Mikhailovich and, finally, Peter I.

Over time, the village of Yasenevo grows and becomes richer and, for good reason, becomes an enviable inheritance (numerous documents prove that at that time it was almost the largest place for the then Moscow region).

When Peter I married Evdokia Lopukhina, it was Yasenevo that he presented to her father as a gift. Although, in fact, Evdokia’s brother Abraham, and then his son Theodore, became the owner of the village.

Since 1733, Feodor Lopukhin intended to build a new one in stone on the site of the dilapidated wooden church, for which he repeatedly petitioned the queen.

Only in 1751 did Elizaveta Petrovna issue a decree on the construction of the temple.

The new church was consecrated in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul. It was made in the Elizabethan (late) Baroque style.

Nearby they built a magnificent manor house, also in the Baroque style, laid out a park, gardens, and ponds. Yasenevo amazed with its splendor.

The village has seen many famous people. From the beginning of the 19th century. the owners were the princes Gagarins, who were acquainted with writers, artists, philosophers - Denis Davydov, V. Zhukovsky, Pletnev, Odoevsky, Krylov, Vyazemsky, A.S. Pushkin, Tyutchev, Chadayev, Turgenev.

On July 9, 1822, in the church of the village of Yaseneva, the wedding of Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya and Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, the parents of the writer Leo Tolstoy, took place.

The Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo was closed in the 1930s. The local state farm used it for storage.

As a result of the terrible treatment of the building, the wall paintings were completely lost, although the exterior of the church was restored in the 1970s.

In 1997, the Patriarch, by his decree, transferred the Yasenevsky Church of Peter and Paul to the Holy Vvedensky Stavropegic Monastery of Optina Pustyn as a metochion. Now there are buses for pilgrims from here to the Desert.

Priest Daniil Sysoev served in this church from 2001 to 2005. I consider this man one of my earthly Teachers. Father Daniel was shot dead on November 19, 2009 by a Muslim killer right on the altar in his Church of the Apostle Thomas on Kantemirovskaya. And his funeral service was held here, in the Church of Peter and Paul in Yasenevo.

The Peter and Paul Church in Yasenev is located at the address: Moscow, Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, 42 (Novoyasenevskaya metro station).

This temple is one of my three favorite churches in Moscow.

Fais se que dois adviegne que peut.

Since February 1997, the Church of the Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo has been the Moscow metochion of the Holy Vvedensky Stavropegic Monastery of Optina Pustyn.
The history of the temple in Yasenevo dates back to ancient times. The first known mention of the village dates back to the 14th century. In all documents the property is mentioned as a village, which means there was a temple in it. Thus, the history of the church and its parish goes back no less than 7 centuries.
The first historical information and documents describing the church date back to the beginning of the 17th century, when Yasenevo still remained a palace village. It attracted the attention of Patriarch Filaret (Romanov), the father of Mikhail Feodorovich, newly elected to the kingdom. By decision of the Patriarch in 1626, a wooden church was built here in the name of Sts. mcc. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, in 1674 a new two-story Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected next to the old one.
The current building of the temple was erected in 1751-1753 in the Elizabethan (late) Baroque style and consecrated in the name of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul. The owner of the village was then Feodor Abrahamovich Lopukhin 1767, grandson of the boyar Fedor (Illarion) Abramovich Lopukhin, father-in-law of Tsar Peter I, son of Abram Fedorovich Lopukhin, executed on November 9, 1718 in the case of Tsarevich Alexei, under him the Yasenevo estate was built near the temple and a park was laid out. with alleys and ponds.
On July 9, 1822, in the church of the village of Yaseneva, the wedding of Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya and Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, the parents of the writer Leo Tolstoy, took place.
During the period of Yasenev's ownership by Prince Sergei Ivanovich Gagarin, the temple was reconstructed. In 1832, a warm side chapel was added to it in honor of St. VMC. Varvara (the heavenly patroness of the prince's wife) and the bell tower. In 1860-1865 another reconstruction was carried out, correcting the identified shortcomings of the previous one. As a result, the Church of Peter and Paul acquired an appearance that has survived to this day: the architecture of the temple was brought to the type of three-part axial symmetrical composition “temple-narthex-belltower”, the most common among Russian churches of the Classical era.
The temple had 3 altars: the central one in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (the antimension was consecrated on February 26, 1826), the southern one in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh (the antimension was consecrated by St. Philaret (Drozdov) on October 20, 1861), and the northern one in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara (the antimension was consecrated Bishop Nikolai of Dmitrov in 1832).
In the 1930s, the temple, which by that time was already used as a state farm warehouse, was closed (the painting of the temple has not been preserved). In 1973-1976 it was externally restored, crosses were erected on the temple and bell tower. Moreover, the entire territory of the temple, enclosed by a fence, belonged to the auto repair base and its warehouses.
In 1989, the church and the clergy house were transferred to the Orthodox community; a parish was established. The first rector of the temple was Archpriest Alexander Toropov.
Since February 1997, the temple has been transferred to the Moscow courtyard of the Vvedensky stauropegial monastery of Optina Pustyn.
On November 23, 2009, the funeral service for priest Daniil Sysoev, who was killed on November 20, took place in the church. The funeral service was led by Archbishop Arseny of Istra. At the end of the funeral service, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' performed a funeral litany at the tomb of the deceased.
Divine services in the church are held daily according to the following schedule: on Saturday All-night vigil at 17:00, on Sunday and the Twelfth Feasts there are two Liturgies: early - at 7:00 (hours and confession at 6:30), late - at 10:00 (hours and confession at 9:30), on Sunday evening, at 17:00 - a prayer service for the sick with an akathist chanted, at the end - a Sunday conversation about the foundations of the Orthodox faith. On Monday at 7:30 - Matins, hours, Liturgy. On other days: Liturgy - at 8:00 (hours and confession at 7:30), evening service - at 17:00.
The church has a Sunday school, a brotherhood for helping prisoners, a patronage service, and a library of Orthodox literature. A children's choir participates in festive services. In the nearby (metro station "Konkovo") nursing home (Pension No. 6 for Labor Veterans) there is a registered Church of the Resurrection of Christ, in which since 1997 the priests of the Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul in Yasenevo hold divine services weekly. On the territory of the Temple, from 9:00 to 19:00, the Monastery and Church shops are open daily.
Abbot - Hegumen Melchizedek (Artyukhin)
Priest Nikolai Nenarokov
Hieromonk Zosima (Vetrov)
Priest Alexy Sysoev
Priest Alexander Mishin
Priest Alexy Ishkov
Deacon Gennady Kondrashov

The Sunday school at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo has existed since 1997. The main task of the school is to promote the spiritual development of students through the formation of an Orthodox worldview in them.

Sunday school is the initial form of religious education, through which the will to save the soul is awakened and cultivated in children, and an Orthodox worldview is formed. This is done by introducing children to the basic principles of the Christian faith, morality and culture. Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren study the main events of the Old and New Testaments, the history of the great holidays of the church year. Get acquainted with Church Slavonic literacy. In high school, the Holy Scriptures and moral commandments are studied more deeply. There is an acquaintance with Orthodox worship and iconography. The main task of high school is to develop the ability to think independently and evaluate events from an Orthodox point of view.

Children's Liturgy

In our Sunday school, once a month children's Liturgy is practiced, when all the necessary services for the performance of worship are performed by the children themselves (except for the sacred service, of course). Their parents become parishioners. Uniting, joint activity of children and parents in the bosom of the church - this is the way to form a full-fledged parish, where the church family and the home family are closely connected with each other.


Pilgrimage is one of the most important components of the spiritual education of children. During pilgrimage trips, children have a unique opportunity to venerate great Orthodox shrines, learn a lot of new and interesting things, and become familiar with Russian culture and tradition. The guys visited New Jerusalem, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and other Orthodox shrines.

Children's choir

In Sunday School classes, children learn the basics of church singing. The choir participates in children's and holiday Liturgies in our church, performs at concerts in the Veterans' House, and takes part in Sunday school festivals and parish holidays.

Archpriest Sergius Ishkov is the spiritual director of the Sunday school.

Subjects studied:

    New Testament

    God's Law

    Fundamentals of Orthodox dogma.

    Worship and Sacraments

    History of the Christian Church

    Church Slavonic language

    Fundamentals of Christian Morality

  • Comparative theology

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