
Zhanna: history of the name, its meaning. The name Zhanna is the character of the owner. Zhanna's name day, congratulations to Zhanna Stewardess Zhanna

How often in everyday life have you come across the name Zhanna, the meaning of which is not as easy to decipher as it might seem at first glance? Indeed, as a rule, no associations arise. And the etymology of the word cannot be immediately traced.

Nevertheless, this article will try to tell as much as possible about the name Zhanna. The meaning of the name and the fate of this woman are amazing and unusual. Let’s not ignore the character of this representative of the fair half of humanity.

Zhanna: the meaning of the name, the character of the owner

The general description suggests that this woman is very feminine and attractive. She needs to constantly show herself, to be among people, as they say, in the thick of things. As a rule, Zhanna's femininity is enhanced by her soft and easy-going character. Such women love praise very much. They are good housewives and caring mothers. In most cases, they are not touchy and not greedy.

Zhanna, the meaning of her name, whose character and fate are very interesting, is an excellent homemaker. Her priority is always and in any situation family.

She is, as a rule, a humanitarian by mentality and has a high sense of purpose, so she can work as a doctor, tour guide, teacher, psychologist, etc.

But Zhanna’s best place is to be the wife of a strong and promising husband, an ideal mother of several children at once.

Day Angel

This representative of the fair half of humanity celebrates her name day at the height of summer, namely on July 7th. It should be noted that in the calendar the name Zhanna, the meaning of which is usually difficult to interpret, is absent. True, it has been noticed that women with this name celebrate their name days, as a rule, on Midsummer's Day. Why then? In fact, this is a variant of the old and very beautiful name John, which has Hebrew roots and is written as Yochanan, which translates as “God is merciful.”

Positive and negative traits

The name Zhanna, the origin and meaning of which we found out in the previous section of this article, largely determines the main character traits of its owner.

Positive traits lie in her heightened sense of justice and mental independence, calm temperament and simultaneous impulsiveness.

Jeanne, as a rule, are extremely kind and sympathetic people who are not afraid to meet difficulties. But at the same time, such women avoid conflicts with all their might, although they will not simply give in in an argument.

Among the negative traits of the name Zhanna are overly sensitive pride, strongly restrained sensitivity to harshness and rude behavior. Even a small insult greatly hurts Zhanna’s pride; shouting at her is generally contraindicated. Experts say that behind these negative traits is the desire to prove one’s own importance to everyone, including oneself,

Business and career

The meaning of the name Zhanna is more or less clear. What fate awaits this representative of the fair half of humanity? Let's try to figure it out.

First of all, we note that such a woman can boast of a rare combination of creative abilities, increased emotionality and at the same time firmness in achieving her goals.

These girls prefer teamwork and are very successful in leadership positions. As a rule, Zhannes best realize their talents in the social sphere. They are careful in business, but they have to save money slowly.

Financial losses are possible in their lives, especially in older age, or due to unlucky relatives or close people, whom they, of course, strive to help with all their might.

What to pay attention to in terms of health?

What else does the name Zhanna mean to its owner? The meaning of the name and the fate of such a person cannot but arouse interest. Moreover, this manifests itself from the very first years of life.

The girl is growing up as an active child; she even begins to walk relatively early. At the same time, the baby is prone to various diseases. In childhood, girls with this name suffer from diathesis, dermatitis, and chickenpox. Much also depends on the month in which the baby was born. For example, “February” ones get sick more often in the summer, especially with sore throat and whooping cough, tonsillitis and other similar diseases.

Little Zhanna loves to be around adults. The company of their parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents is closer to them than the company of their peers. However, adults should pay attention to the fact that such girls should under no circumstances be allowed to go to bed late, otherwise a weakened nervous system will definitely make itself felt.

In addition, Zhanna is sensitive to raised voices and shouts directed at herself, and often suffers from poor appetite, especially for girls born in March. If you treat a girl too roughly, she will grow up nervous, angry and very irritable.

Babies with this name, born in November and December, may start smoking in high school, but this is contraindicated for them, since Jeanne has weakened bronchi and lungs.

Those born in December have gynecological diseases and stomach ulcers. The first birth is usually difficult, with large gaps.

As Zhanna ages, the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract decreases, her vision becomes severely weakened, salt deposition in the body and gout occur. For these reasons, in old age, old women have problems with walking.

A woman's personal life

Let's discuss the name Jeanne in more detail, the meaning and sexuality of which are closely related. First of all, it should be noted that this representative of the fair half of humanity knows how to feel her partner. She is truly capable of boundless love for her man. True, much in a relationship depends on her mood. The woman who once received the name Jeanne, the meaning of the name and whose fate are interconnected, today can be affectionate and burning with desire, and tomorrow you will see a rude, unrestrained madam.

Zhanna, who was born in the summer, is most susceptible to sudden mood swings. Such a lady will always be different and will definitely not bore a man. In any case, she is a person of high temperament. In sex, she, as a rule, strives to dominate and loves to lead her partner. However, Zhanna is smart and therefore knows how to do this without humiliating male dignity at the same time. The men next to her always think that they are in charge of the situation. Even if sexual intercourse lasts a long time, this woman is able to force her partner to start all over again.

“Winter” Zhanna is much more proud and straightforward, very demanding of a man, sometimes even expecting the impossible from him, because of this she is often left without a husband, although she is never lonely.

In general, a woman attaches too much importance to sex and considers it necessary for health and mental comfort. But as for the “autumn” Zhanna, she, on the contrary, has quite strict rules, is balanced and too cautious.

The story of one song

We continue to consider the female name Zhanna. The meaning, or rather its sound, is associated by many of our compatriots with the words of the well-known song by Vladimir Presnyakov in the late 90s, which raised the performer to the very top of the hit parade.

However, not everyone knows that this musical composition has a very interesting history. After the next concert, Vladimir had a very long flight, and on the plane he met a certain flight attendant Zhanna. According to the author, all the people around were gloomy, sad, tired, but she walked, smiled like the sun, laughed and gave everyone an amazing mood. During the flight, all the men fell in love with her, so V. Presnyakov decided to dedicate a song to her, the lines of which formed themselves in his head.

Unsurpassed Zhanna

A bright representative of show business is of no small importance for this article. The name Zhanna Aguzarova has become synonymous with shockingness, creative madness and good eccentricity.

From early childhood she had a passion for art. She grew up as an active child, a dreamer and the so-called darling of fate. As an adult, Zhanna Aguzarova becomes famous for her ingenuity, rebellious character and diverse creative abilities. This woman is loving, a genius in everything, according to others, but sometimes “without brakes.”

Meaning of the name Zhanna:"God's mercy" (Hebrew)

Since childhood, Zhanna has been a very stubborn girl. She loves herself very much. She finds a common language with children, makes friends for a long time, and finds true friends. However, friendship does not last long, until it is offended by word or action. As soon as this happens, she will immediately cut off all ties and stop communicating. The offense will always be remembered.

Having already matured, Zhanna becomes a lighter person. It’s no longer so difficult to communicate with her and she won’t remember the insults for so long. She is very witty and can tell a good joke. But if he offends a person, he will try by all means to correct his mistake. Zhanna always has a good reputation in the team. She is considered a good and reliable friend who will always come to the rescue.

She is not particularly picky about men, which is why she always has several marriages. Raises children with the utmost severity.

Professionally, Zhanna has no problems. She often organizes her own business, because she does not like to depend on anyone, but on the contrary, she likes it when they follow her. He always achieves considerable success in his work.

Other forms of the name Zhanna: Ioanna, Zhanneta, Zhannochka.

Amazing appearance
There is charisma and soul -
Our Zhanna is so beautiful
Like the sun, beautiful!

Today we wish
Zhanna has vigor and strength,
So that every ray of sunshine
He brought joy and happiness.

Congratulations, Zhannochka, on your holiday!
And I wish you all the best:
And good health, and earthly love,
So that everything goes well in the family, there is peace and tranquility.
Be happy in everything, go through life with a song
And keep a beautiful dream in your heart.

Dear Zhannochka, congratulations on your wonderful and joyful day. May your life be bright and happy, may fate give true love and true goodness, may peace and comfort always reign in your home, may there always be celebration and joy in your soul.

I wish you, Zhannochka, now,
Great happiness, sweet moments,
May you always shine like a diamond,
I wish you many bright impressions!

Let the most desired things come true,
May your soul be full of joy!
Let your heart overflow with happiness,
May you be in love with your life!

May good luck tirelessly
Helps and invigorates
May you, beautiful Zhanna
God will protect you from sadness

Let success decorate
Every moment and every day,
Let friends just surround you,
And peace reigns in the soul!

Tender and strong
Fashionable and stylish,
Rich in kindness,
You are a winged muse.
Everything you have comes from God:
Long journey of life
Palms full of happiness,
If there is sadness, then make-believe,
If joy is from the heart.
Keep your congratulations and poem.
Be loved and desired!
Congratulations, Zhanna!

I wish for Zhanna
Pleasure in everything
Pockets full of money
And the whole house is full of fun.

For men to fall
And flowers at your feet,
And they gave limousines,
Sable and pearls!

Congratulations, Zhanna,
Be happy dear
Joy, goodness and peace
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Let them always warm your heart
Tenderness, affection and love,
And may good luck cover you
You with a warm wave.

Let your wishes come true
Everything you want will happen
Move towards your cherished goal,
Make your dreams come true.

Congratulations to dear Zhanna
I'm sending you flying
Let among hundreds of wishes
My greetings will find you.

I wish you to be happy
You had a destiny
So that she doesn't regret it
Tenderness, love, kindness.

To generously give affection,
I didn’t skimp on luck,
I wish life
Yours has turned into a fairy tale.

Dear Zhanna,
How desirable you are!
Patient like an angel
Like spring, beautiful.
Let life be logical
Calm, harmonious.
Let love warm you up
And the heart only becomes kinder.
Happy holiday, dear.
I just wish you heaven!

I wish you only good things,
And let trouble not come to your house,
You, Zhanna, are always strong,
So let him not let you down further.

I'm lucky in every field,
Let the prosperity be excellent,
And may he find you in love,
Your prince is handsome and decent!

In its untouched beauty,
You control millions
And in the heavenly heights
You shine brightly from the sky!

Congratulations: 37 in verse, 8 in prose.

Short form of the name Zhanna. Zhanka, Zhannochka, Zhanusya, Zhanin, Zhannin, Zhanette, Zhanelle, Zhana, Nana, Gianna, Jana, Jenna, Dzhuana, Dzhuanet, Jonet.
Synonyms for the name Zhanna. Joanna, Joan, Joanna, Juana, Juana, Yoana, Jeanette, Yuhanna, Johnet, Giovannina, Zheann, Zhean, Zheanna, Zheana.
Nationality. The name Zhanna is Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic.

Origin and meaning of the name Zhanna. The name Zhanna is a French variation of the name John, which managed to take root in Russia. Translated from Hebrew, this name means “mercy of God,” “grace,” “gift of the Gods.”

In France, the name Jeanne comes from the name Jean, an analogue of the name Ivan. The name Zhanna is consonant with another name - Yana, which is also a variant of the name John.

The female names Jane, Jean, Joan became derivative and independent names from the name Jeanne. The affectionate term Jenna is also a name in its own right.

Character and destiny. Since childhood, Zhanna has had a lot of stubbornness. Her persistent personality gives no rest to anyone. She never questions her opinion, and no one has the right to argue with her. Zhanna knows how to be resourceful and witty, and can also become irresistible, however, she uses this very rarely. She does not tolerate gossip and empty talk. Zhanna always has a high opinion of herself, which rarely corresponds to reality. She always reacts quickly and acts decisively.

As for career, Zhanna is more inclined to look for work in the field of exact sciences. She feels especially confident in a team consisting only of men. Often moves up the career ladder, reaching an insignificant, but still leadership position. When choosing a place of work, Zhanna prefers only “male” professions.

A woman with this name is sensual and impulsive, she is ready to do any recklessness for the sake of love, but she can also be balanced and prudent, adhering to strict rules. As a rule, her desires are determined by the mood in which she is at a certain moment. Zhanna is temperamental and strives to dominate in any relationship. She is not trying to get married quickly; first she must get a specialty and work for some time, achieving certain results in her career.

In family life, Zhanna often takes the position of leader. Thanks to her energy and good intuition, her husband can completely rely on her. She manages the conflicts that arise in the family with an “iron hand”, whenever possible suppressing them when they have barely arisen. Because of this, the family, as a rule, does not break up. The same mood plays an important role in housekeeping. Zhanna prefers to show reasonable rigor in raising children, clearly distributing responsibilities in this regard between herself and her husband.

She usually considers the kindness shown by people around her to be a weakness and tries to use it as much as possible to achieve her goals. It happens that Zhanna acts without absolutely understanding or taking into account the interests of other people, and this is usually perceived by them as aggressiveness and ingratitude on her part. She does not forgive insults, although she strives to maintain relationships with everyone.

Popularity. The name Zhanna is not popular and is not included in the ranking of 100 popular names in Russia. Interest in the name arose in the 1960s, when the beautiful actress Zhanna Prokhorenko appeared on USSR television screens, starring in one of the most famous war films of those years, “The Ballad of a Soldier.”

In the next decade, interest in this name was maintained by the lead singer of the VIA “Good Fellows” Zhanna Bichevskaya; for another 10 years, rock singer Zhanna Aguzarova did not let everyone forget that such a name exists, because it was during this period that the group’s fame flourished “ Bravo”, where Zhanna was a vocalist.

Opera singer Zhanna Dombrovskaya, Luc Besson's film of the late 90s about Joan of Arc, singer Zhanna Friske - all this supported interest in the name, but it was no longer so big, so the name left the 50th position and is today considered quite a rare name.

Zhanna's name day

Famous people named Zhanna

  • Jeanne Louise Calment ((1875-1997) the oldest person who has ever lived on Earth, whose date of birth and death is precisely known. She lived 122 years and 164 days)
  • Jeanne Barré ((1740-1803) the first woman to circumnavigate the world)
  • Jeanne Evrard ((1893 - 1984) real name
  • Jeanne Chevalier, French violinist and conductor, considered the first female conductor in history)
  • Joan of France, Joan of France ((1464 - 1505) French queen, Catholic saint)
  • Joan of Arc ((c.1412 - 1431) Maid of Orleans, national heroine of France, one of the commanders-in-chief of the French troops in the Hundred Years War)
  • Jeanne Samary (French actress, model for many of Renoir's paintings)
  • Jeanne Paquin ((1869 - 1936) French fashion artist)
  • Saint Jeanne Jugan ((1792 - 1879) Catholic saint, founder of the congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor)
  • Jeanne Moreau (French actress, singer and director, most recognized in the films of New Wave directors)
  • Zhanna Yoo (South Korean pianist)
  • Jeanne Ersch (Swiss philosopher)
  • Jeanne Poisson (favorite of Louis XV, who influenced French state affairs (1721–1764))
  • Jeanne Chantal (French mystic, founder of a female monastic order (1572–1641))
  • Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya (Soviet and Russian pop singer, better known as a performer of Soviet film hits (“Call me, call”, “Fortune Teller” (“What can I say, that’s how people are made”), etc.) Owner of a unique voice range (4 octaves ))
  • Marie Jeanne DuBarry (official mistress of the French King Louis XV)
  • Joanna (Jeanne) of Navarre ((1270 - 1305) French queen, wife of Philip IV the Fair)
  • Joanna (Jeanne) of Burgundy ((1291 - 1330) French queen, wife of Philip V the Long)
  • Joanna (Jeanne) Evreux ((1310 - 1371) French queen, wife of Charles IV the Fair)
  • Joanna (Jeanne) of Auvergne ((1326 - 1360) French queen, wife of John II the Good)
  • Joanna (Jeanne) of Bourbon ((1338 - 1378) French queen, wife of Charles V the Wise)
  • Joanna (Jeanne) of France ((1464 - 1505) French queen, wife of Louis XII, Catholic saint)
  • Zhanna Bolotova (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Zhanna Dombrovskaya (Russian opera singer (soprano))
  • Jeanne Avril ((1868 - 1943) cancan dancer at the Moulin Rouge and famous model for Henri Toulouse-Lautrec)
  • Zhanna Aguzarova (Soviet and Russian singer, former vocalist of the group “Bravo”, who made a solo career. She is known for her outrageousness and extravagance, but owes her success to her voice - very strong, ringing, memorable)
  • Zhanna Bichevskaya (Soviet and Russian singer, People's Artist of Russia, sings songs in the style of "Russian country folk". The singer's repertoire includes several hundred works - songs of spiritual and social content, Russian folk songs, as well as poems by poets of the "Silver Age")
  • Zhanna Vitenzon (Soviet screenwriter-animator; one of the most prolific authors of animated films of the 60-80s of the XX century)
  • Jeanne Duval (was an actress, ballerina and for twenty years the muse of the French poet Charles Baudelaire)
  • Jeanne Anais Castel (also known as Chastel and Anaida Castellan; French opera singer (soprano))
  • Zhanna Aster (Russian and French poet and writer, writing in the traditions of the Silver Age, author-composer and performer of her songs in Russian, French and English, French singer, composer and actress, works in an alternative style of music in Russian)
  • Zhanna Balashova (Russian actress)
  • Zhanna Agalakova (Russian TV presenter, TV journalist)
  • Zhanna Glebova (Soviet singer (soprano), operetta, theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR (1976))
  • Jeanne-Clemence Weil (mother of Marcel Proust, prototype of the mother from his series of books "In Search of Lost Time")
  • Zhanna Vorobyova (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Zhanna Gromova (nee Krivtsun; Russian figure skating coach, Honored Coach of Russia)
  • Zhanna Bolotova (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985))
  • Jeanne de Tourbet, married Countess de Loing (French courtesan, star of the Second Empire and the early decades of the Third Republic)
  • Marie Jeanne Becu (the official favorite of the French king Louis XV, the illegitimate daughter of the tax collector Gomar de Vaubernier. In addition to the surnames of her mother (Becu) and father (Gomar), she also used the pseudonym Lange)
  • Zhanna Kadyrova (Ukrainian artist)
  • Zhanna Kerimtaeva (Soviet and Kazakh film actress)
  • Jeanne des Armoise (sometimes spelled "Jeanne d'Armoise" in Russian texts), unknown person posing as Joan of Arc. Appeared five years after her supposed execution. Debate continues as to whether she was an impostor or a real survivor of the Virgin of France still)
  • Jeanne-Louise Campan ((1752 - 1822) French writer, served at the court of Queen Marie Antoinette)
  • Jeanne Mammen (German artist and graphic artist, major figure in the artistic life of the Weimar Republic)
  • Jeanne Marie Guyon, née Bouvier de la Motte, more often called Madame Guyon ((1648 - 1717) French philosopher, one of the largest representatives of quietism)
  • Zhanna (Zhanneta) Metallidi (Soviet and Russian composer, music teacher, author of chamber works, works for young pianists, as well as manuals on solfeggio and composition)
  • Jeanne-Marie Lanvin ((1867 - 1946) French fashion designer)
  • Zhanna Nikonova (Russian theater and film dubbing actress)
  • Zhanna Friske (Russian pop singer, film actress)
  • Jeanne Hébuterne (French artist, famous model and unofficial wife of the artist Amedeo Modigliani)

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