
How do people speak the same hands equally. Ambidekstria pluses and cons. Ambidekstria - congenital or acquired ability

Each hemispheres of the human brain is responsible for its specific functions. For example, logic works better in those who have more developed left hemisphere. But people with developed right hemispheres have intuition and excellent imagination.

Ambidekstria is engaged in learning such issues. This article will discuss what an ambidexter is, how to become an ambidexter and what advantages it gives an ordinary person.

Definition of the term

So who is an ambidexist? This is an individual who easily writes at once with both hands. A similar method is called "mirror letter".

Ambidekstria is a congenital or acquired development of two hands at once, without a certain accent on the lead. This term appeared in the Middle Ages and originates from the name of warriors who fought equally well with both hands.

What is the connection between hands and hemispheres of the brain? The right-handed person has more developed a left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking, while Levsh has progresses the right hemisphere responsible for intuition and sensuality. The full development of both hemispheres received ambidexters, which are equally well and left and left and right hand.

Ambidstandine brain is called such a state of a person when the right and left hemisphere function simultaneously and at the same time. Such people have wonderful intuition and well-developed logic. Quality data makes them more competitive and distinguish from the majority.

The talented people of this circle include many famous actors, inventors, musicians, etc. Among them, for example, Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Vladimir Dal, Harry Truman, Benjamin Franklin, Tom Cruise, Jimmy Hendrix, Paul McCartney, etc.

To identify the ability to work at once two hemispheres will help a simple test on ambiderestry, which is to watch the rotating figure.

1. The image makes rotation clockwise, which in turn says that the left-handing activity of the brain is occupied by the dominant position. People of this type have the ability to express their thoughts perfectly and have well-developed logic.

2. Rates exclusively counterclockwise, which indicates a greater development of the right hemisphere responsible for figurative thinking, musical skills and intuition.

3. The figure is rotated alternately into each of the parties - this is a pronounced property of ambidexter, when both hemispheres function equally.

Children's deposits

Almost all children are born with the ability at the same time to own both hands, but as they grow up this unique feature due to the imitation of adults and actively reappear by teachers and doctors.

The child is simply imposed on the view that you need to take a handle, a toothbrush or a spoonful with an exceptionally right hand, so over time the skill is well mastered the left finally disappears. However, the level of development of ambidexters is significantly higher compared to conventional children.

An ambidex child may have problems with training. Most often, these children are hyperactive and, as a rule, may suffer the syndrome of lack of attention. Their diffraction does not allow to focus on responsible tasks. Children with such abilities are subject to frequent bolts.

Ambidekstra quickly get tired, they often capricious to help the tired organism to remove the tension, after which they become calm and balanced. Such an excessive manifestation of emotions is a consequence of the active work of the right hemisphere.

For the same reason, the ambidexters can be offended. Most scientists call this phenomenon of nonproles of mental activity. In this case, the output of emotions is simply necessary, because it helps to get rid of the growing mental load. Excellent ways to disperse are walking in the fresh air, dancing, drawing.

The phrase "I am Ambidekster" should not sound like a sentence, because such a child is an absolutely normal person and has unique abilities. If a person appears in the family with such capabilities, then you should not try to move it to enjoy only one hand. On the contrary, encourage the skills of the doubles of such a baby, with approval, feel about its actions and maintain it at the moments of emotional bursts.

Main advantages

Acquired ambidexter is the fruit of persistent classes. Anyone even in adulthood can reincarnate and return the ability to be lost in childhood. According to research by many scientists, the human brain develops approximately sixty years.

If a person has a clear division between both parts of the brain, then closer to sixty it easily uses two hemispheres at once. It is this unique feature that makes it possible to solve difficult tasks faster and more successful than young age.

The key advantages of applying two hands at once are manifested not only in the letter, but can even come in handy in everyday life. Wide use of ambidexter found in sports, drawing and music. Unique talents help better play tennis with two hands at once.

Often players with trained left hand are ahead of their rivals that do not have such skills. It is believed that these abilities of athletes and musicians trained intentionally, because it gives them a lot of advantages over competitors and expands key professional skills.

There are many other advantages of ambidexter. Usually, when damaged by the leading hand, a person loses the ability to make many actions. With ambidextric such a problem does not exist, because a person can easily do anything like one and the other hand.

You can become an ambidextr with various exercises. They are very easy to use and allow you to slowly but confidently achieve the necessary results. If you are right, then you need to regularly develop your left hand.

For example, slowly start writing alphabet. Gradually proceed to writing small phrases. Also for several minutes at the same time both hands try to draw geometric shapes.

Remember that it is not difficult to become an ambidextric when properly selected and dosed portions of exercises. The main thing is to do it systematically, and not from time to time. After becoming an ambidexter, you receive explicit advantages over your competitors, it is especially true for people of creative professions and athletes. Posted by: Ekaterina Volkov

Often in the media can be heard about amazing people - ambidexters. In mentioned plots and stories, these people are striking their abilities, remember and motivate try to do the same as they.

Ambidekstro is a person who can simultaneously write with two hands. In this case, the number of words may be different. This may be completely different suggestions.

Many people do not know about such their own characteristics. Therefore, you can also be such a unique person. So check if you are an ambidexter?

Everything can change literally in one day. Especially if you do not sit back.
Meg Jay. Important years: Why not to postpone life for later

Ambides - who is it?

Ambides is a person who can perform actions for a certain time, without discomfort and efforts with both hands. Scientists believe that such a feature can be both congenital and acquired.

Many people are interested, and is it possible to become an ambidexter? Of course you can, at least a chance and remains small. The main thing is to work on the development of its hemispheres of the brain. This psychological characteristic of a person can change independently.

To understand how to correctly improve yourself, it is necessary to know the essence of the concept of "Ambidktia". Many know the expression "leading hand". In other words, each person has more active than the other.
IN modern world More people who often enjoy your right hand (eat, keep objects, write).

According to statistical data, it is known that the left is much less. But many believe that a large number of such people was rejected in childhood. They were forced to use the right hand as a lead.

Specialists argue that the leading hand is a visual manifestation of a more developed hemisphere. The left-hander is more developed right hemisphere responsible for intuitive, emotional filling around the surrounding, integrity of perception, associative thinking, the perception of music and shades. And the right hander is left responsible for the logic. They have the abilities for good caligraphy and reading, memorizing accurate information and foreign languages.

Ambidekstria - what is it?

In determining this concept, it is said that there is a small percentage of people who cannot be distinguished by the main "working" hand.

AmberCTPs - a rather rare phenomenon, which is characterized by the same development of both hemispheres of the brain. It is manifested in the same functionality of both hands.

Ambidekstra people well fulfill all the tasks of both right and left hand. Both brain hemispheres of such people are equally developed.

Some geneticists believe that the gene is responsible for LRRTM1But so far this fact is not proven. For such people, the following features are characterized:

  • identical accuracy of actions performed for the same time interval;
  • this skill can be purchased by performing exercises, and you can already be born already with him.

Ambidekstria - congenital or acquired ability?

Many scientists believe that all newborn children are ambidexters. What does it mean? Just up to 4 years of age, the kids are actively used for various purposes both left and right hand. A person grows in society with the established rules and norms, and its abilities are constantly sent to the right direction.

We were taught to all with early yearsWhat to keep a spoon, write and draw your right hand. With the adulthood, the skills of using the left hand in the work gradually fade.

All sane people understand that both hemispheres should be harmoniously developed. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the development of the work of each hemisphere, and for this you need to know how to become an ambidextre.

Ambidekstria development techniques

There are many methods that allow you to develop an AMBIDCCT. They are developing psychologists, scientists, athletes. But not everyone wants to use these features in good use.

All the famous shooting of two pistols, duel, does not lead to good. Yes, and the ability of the boxer "Work" simultaneously with two fists cannot be called proper and honest.

But teachers who do with children preschool age, They argue that kids often use both hands. Defined with the choice of the leading hand, they later. Often, parents or educators in kindergartens are influenced by this choice. Indeed, relatively recently all ambidexters and left-handed. Of course, the child experienced discomfort in such a situation, but over time everything changed.

Now approaches have changed. Children with adhesives of ambidexters are in every way encourage, help and maintain, different ways Trying to stimulate the development of both hemispheres of the brain.

The master's eye will make more than both hands.
Benjamin Franklin

In addition, experts recommend doing some exercises to true right-handers to develop the second hand. Tasks at first glance are simple, but for some very complex in performance. It is necessary to wear a doll, draw pencils or tassel, build cubes, play with a typewriter. After you can proceed to more complex exercises - writing, changing each hand in turn.

Remember, the main thing is a systematic and regular approach. Permanent classes for the development of the second hand. Successful success.

Adults can also develop such abilities. You can perform routine cases associated with shallow motility: combing, brushing your teeth.

You can also calculate how many fingers on each hand are involved when typing on the keyboard. Often, right-handers use 1-2 fingers on her left hand. You can not only develop the second hemisphere, but also to improve the text set. It is enough to open a special program and train in the proper formulation of the brush on the keyboard. On such sites, it is also clearly shown how to properly move the brush and which fingers should be hit by one or another keys.

Now you know how to develop ambidextra. We go further ...

Benefits of the ability

All people can be divided into left-handers, right-handers and ambidexters. The latter are rare enough. The harmonious development of two hemispheres contributes to the combination of logic and the ability to assess the situation as a whole. Intuitive perception allows you to make the right actions in emergency situations.

The features of the ambidexters are also the fact that they have a clear, beautiful speech, supplemented with emotional and figurative filling. Such a combination makes believe the speaker. Therefore, the world knows many famous ambidexters.

It should also be remembered about the fine perception of paints and musical chance. Therefore, often such people are engaged in creativity. They can quickly get used to the role, feeling and understood their character, while simultaneously analyzing his actions and actions.

Ambidekstras are called people who have both hemispheres in approximately equal parts. They are successful, referential.

Cons of ambidextrics

People with developed both hemispheres face with problems.

Some scientists believe that Geen LRRTM1 can also indicate a tendency to develop sazofind. But this is an assumption.
Many believe that the children of ambidexters begin to speak late. But this fact is not proven.

Studies have also shown that the simultaneous functioning of the hemispheres of the brain can cause an inattention of an ambiderext of the child. "Syndrome lack of attention" arises due to inability to focus on one occupation. Therefore, such children are often tired, they have headed boots. They are constantly crying, irritable. Such emotionality indicates the active activities of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Podral, this emotional activity faces rationality and logic. As a result, the teenager in multiple power feels internal conflicts, the impermanence of peace, judgments, elections.

Why is that? The older the child becomes, the more the hemisphere of his brain is "tired" from simultaneous work. After all, they evaluate the world around differently. But vital energy AmbidkcTP allows to reduce excessive tension by travel and sports.
So people are important to choose the right profession. It will help dump surplus experiences.

Famous and famous ambidexters

In fact, we know a lot of great ambidexters.
  1. Guy Julius Caesar. Probably everyone knows that he is the most famous representative among ambidexters.
    It is rather an exception to the rules. After all, for men, the execution of several tasks at the same time - a rarity. They can do a lot of things, but gradually, because it is necessary to pay all your attention to only one.
  2. Nikolay Tesla, Nobel laureate, was also an ambidextr.
    It is this feature that caused them important studies with electrical current and magnetic fields.
  3. Maria Sharapova - Ambidekstr, it can actively play both left and right hand.
  4. Til Lindemann. Multi-processalist is part of the Rammstein group.
  5. Tom Cruise. It is his ambidextric that allows him to quickly build in new roles on the set.
  6. Anna Odintova. The participant of the show "Amazing people", which struck everyone with their abilities of simultaneous letters with both hands, as well as excellent memory.
  7. Leonardo da Vinci, artist. Drew both hands at the same time and synchronously.
  8. Also, many media report that Putin - Ambidekstr.

Ambidex Test "Rotating Girl"

At this stage of reading the article, everyone will ask himself a question: "Would any abilities hide in me?". It just just check. There are several ways.

The most popular is an ambidexter test " Rotating girl":

The first stage of this test is relaxation. It is necessary for 2 minutes to relax and view a special video, which will show whether you are an ambidextr.

Rotating girl "allows you to draw conclusions, what hemispheres are developed with you. Please take attention, in which direction it turns:

  • clockwise-Rimtito left hemisphere;
  • counterclockwise - right hemisphere.
  • in different directions, alternately means you can be an ambidextr.
Well, how did you check yourself? Are you an ambidexist?

Another way to determine signs of ambidexter

It is enough to take a conventional white sheet of paper and 2 knobs. You must try to simultaneously write the same word with two hands. The direction of the word value does not have.

Immediately this is hardly done. But if in a minute of the effort you will see a good result, it means you are an ambidexist.


Ambidekster is a person who can achieve great success in life. For modern parents, it is important to see this feature in the child and develop it. Remember also that such kids are quite emotional. They always need to provide time to relax.

And what do you think it is necessary to develop the abilities of both hemispheres of a child's brain from an early age? Or may everything go to your man?

Ambides is a person who is not inhabited by the allocation of a leading hand to perform activities, the functioning of both hands is developed equally, the actions are performed with the same force, speed and accuracy. Separate innate ambidexters and those who have acquired this quality in the process of intentional skill training. When observing the connection of the leading hand with the peculiarities of the development of the brain, the predominance of the development of the left hemisphere (logical) in the right-handers, and the right (intuitive-sensitive) - in the left-hander was revealed. To schematically deal with the concept of an ambidexist, who can offer a statement that the ambidexters call people with the same and harmoniously developed both hemispheres. The coordinated work of intuitive vision and logical analysis gives such people certain advantages compared to the majority.

At birth, any child owns both hands, and only subsequently the educational system and instructions of parents learns to perform actions with a certain hand, the level of ownership of both hands, which show the children of ambidexters, significantly exceeds the indicators of ordinary children.

But although this feature seems extremely positive, concomitant moments may be distracted, complexity in the learning process, fast fatigue, increased, excessive emotionality. Rewinding and coercion to fulfill with just one hand will not fix the situation, but only aggravate, the adjustment must be performed at the moment of the splash and with the inherent support, when a person performs successfully tasks with both hands. After all, this is a unique gift that can be developed by trying to compensate for negative concomitant features.

Who is ambidexter

Recently, changes in the formation of human brain activity occur, and quantitative changes are observed. percent relationship Ambidekstra children in relation to those who have one leading system and operations have been developed (the percentage increases in its measurements from units to 10-15%). And if relatively recently it was possible to hear the question "Ambidekstr, who is it?", Now this quality has become familiar, familiar and desired. People who have not received this feature from birth develop the same possession of both hands with the help of exercises, the fulfillment of familiar actions by the other hand and so on. What is characteristic, changes do not remain at the level of simple physical functioning, but affect the processes of cerebral activity and its specifics. Those for whom the leading hand was the right, in the process of training, the development of not only the ability to equal ownership is noted, but also the opening of creative departures that were not even manifested in deep childhood. Lefters also notice how they became more capable of structuring their time and planning further activities, based on the actual analysis, and not an emotional outbreak.

The ambidexist features of his perception of the world cannot describe how something different from the general, most often you can hear "I just don't care how to keep the mouse." But the ambidexter concerns not only the hands, it determines the lack of a leading system relative to any body system - a sight, a push foot, a thin-quality ear, all this is characteristic of people with a decisive modality and not peculiar to the ambidextr. They can always write with the right hand in the notebook, but on the left board, the visual system will be the leading left, and the audial right. Depending on the circumstances or at the request, they will not be difficult to change the hand (leg, eye) and continue the performance of work with the same quality.

Due to the cross work of both hemispheres, the ambidexist features of its worldview can be denoted as knowledge, without information, intuitive guesses. Thin feeling of peace and magnificent logic skills help analyze and read information for a split second, due to this combination it seems that such people see the future and draw information from the space.

Ambidekstria looks like a special vision of the world, because there is where only one component (or feelings, or reasoning) is familiar to obedient to observe (or reasoning), an ambidexist is perceived by a whole complex of concepts. Since our world is cleaved, and we continue to do everything possible for the further non-crossing of feelings and thinking on the same plane, to realize what psycho-emotional and nerve overload is experiencing a person who perceives the picture is more holistic and at the same time quite difficult. Ambidekstria is not only a gift, but also a curse.

Ambidekstria pros and cons

The attitude to ambidexter is rather diverse, initially, in identifying children with two-case development, such a category was considered defective, and violations were noted in development. At the moment, such a point of view is recognized as erroneous, and the ambidexter is considered a variant of normal development.

Of course, the primitive opportunities caused by ambiderekstradi can open ample opportunities for development, but by itself the same development of two hemispheres does not give a guarantee, just as it does not give it to this or that leading hemisphere. A person can perfectly perform work with both hands, while it is quite mediocre and not to manifest any talents, just as in the development of any of the hemispheres, the likelihood of specific achievements does not increase. In any case, the situation depends on the personal abilities of a person and their efforts. Although with all other identical source data and the same applied efforts in the aid of development, the ambidexist has a large chance for the development and sale of talents.

The advantages of the development of this skill can be widely useful in solving domestic issues, during sports and sports competitions (the uniqueness of some athletes is in the ability to wrap at once with two hands). To solve intellectual tasks, there are also additional bonuses, since the brain skill to switch to the ease between the hemispheres in its work allows you to find non-standard solutions, and helps to maintain intellectual-meal functions in preservation to deep old age.

The work of the brain, with a variable switching between hemispheres, and sometimes with their simultaneous work allows a person to increase the volume of long-term, increase the speed and quality of perception and processing information. This feature of the psyche makes it possible to develop multitasciability, the child an ambidexter can easily think over several problems, which was previously found extremely rarely and accompanied the genius of the individual. Potentially, the ambidexist is capable of new scientific discoveries much more than the rest.

But there are also negative moments of such features that are associated with the choice of hands for the letter or performing another skill. If you get into a standard public school with its canonical education system, the child an ambidexter is rather criticized and emotional pressure than support in the development of its features. Due to the atypical method of absorption and transformation of information, the feeling of mental underdevelopment or presence of deviations may arise. With a competent approach, it turns out that it is worth a little to change the system of learning and such a child who was previously considered lagging, shows the results exceeding average.

It is worth noting the emotional psychological features that manifest themselves in children and adolescence. It may be observed, imbalance of an emotional background and inability to restrain emotions. The point is not in the character, but in the peculiarities of the operation of the central nervous system, which, due to the activity of both hemispheres, is experiencing some overload. Also, the emotional sphere remains constantly included, i.e. In those moments, when people with the lead hemisphere can disconnect from the experiences, leaving for reasoning or work, the ambidexter continues to feel feelings in full force, while logically analyzing. From here nervous breakdowns, intense relationships with others, increased activity. With age, a person learns to find their own ways of cooping with such reactions, with the help of the environment it happens faster.

Start of learning and first steps in the school system are an important and difficult adaptation step for a person. Given the characteristics of the character of a child Ambidecaster, you can help him at the preparatory stage.

When working with children, ambidexasteries the main problem of educators will have their hyperactivity. Scold a child, put into corner and punish it is useless, all that will cause a similar method is resistance, strengthening aggressive features and defense care instead of cooperation. Such children should always be kept in sight, choose the place for them ahead. Instead of limiting, try to direct the energy in the channel of knowledge and creation.

How to educate ambidecaster? Children of ambidexters are most often indulging and actively becoming boring, because they grab the information they are faster than others, think a few steps forward. Well, if such a child entrust the role of assistant, give a responsible task or execution of any additional function to the main task. For example, when everything is cut out the application, the baby can be asked to calculate how many colors were used for it, which figures are the most popular, and noted, who from the guys are similar. The multisascy of their mental process will allow such a task and will not give to bother.

Emotional support and preservation of smooth tone and mood as an educator, when the child is excited about something. Your balance will calm him a little, and will also serve as an example of how can you deal with my emotions in the future.

For such children, pressure is excluded in choosing a leading hand and how to achieve the result. You can accompany, help advice, ask questions, offer to try different options, but not to move, and do not press the authority, that some kind of ways are correct. Explore the world together, and possibly, thanks to a new look at the former things you can discover many new solutions and applications of ordinary things that the child will tell you.

Ambidekstria is the same development of the functional ability of both hands, leading to the ability to perform actions both of one and the other hand with the same success, speed and convenience. It can be both congenital and acquired in the process of workout with a feature.

That is why, if you ask: "What is the ambidexter better own?" We will not get a response. Because such a person is capable of using both the left and right hand. As a rule, such features of a person are definitely defined in the case when it writes perfectly with both hands. Such a phenomenon is called a "mirror letter".

However, before that, babies, without thinking, alternately use hands for games, food and much more. They can equally good to throw the ball with the left and right, trying to confuse the opponent. But, preference to a certain hand, a certain type of activity is called "cross-dominance" and does not indicate directly that the child is an ambidexter. It is "different" excellent performance of the same task should be attended.

It is believed that the very concept has come to us from the distant Middle Ages and is associated with warriors, which could be equally well to fight with swords or other cold weapons with both hands. Agree that, on the battlefield, damage to the leading hand could have a sad, but rather - a fatal outcome for the battle. Therefore, the ability to successfully use the surviving limb, of course, immediately became a real "news" and the reason for imitation. And served as an impetus for observations, experiments and research, ready to answer one question: how to become an ambidexter?

Currently it is believed that the right-hander is more developed by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the logic, language skills, the ability to read, writing, memorizing accurate information and good calligraphy. The right-handed right, responsible for the integrity of perception, emotional filling of various parties to our life, the creation of associations, the perception of the main colors, musical inclinations. In people with equal developed hands, the complete development of both hemispheres of the brain is observed. Some genetics bind such a state of affairs with the LRRTM1 genome, although the mandatory presence of this gene with congenital ambidextric has not yet been established.

In addition, many military, researchers, psychologists and athletes are divided by their methods, how to develop ambiderestry, believing that with such a feature you can not only be born, but it is possible and necessary to learn how to hardly develop the second hand. And, as our world is not beautiful, unfortunately, it is not always connected with creative practice. The famous simultaneous shooting of two Macedonian pistols, and the possibility of boxing "switch" during the battle for unexpected work, changing the attacking hand, leads us, in fact, to the need for victory, as well as the Middle Ages soldiers.

But teachers engaged in early development Children's preschool age, note that kids more often than adults tend to use both handles and only in the future are determined with the choice of dominant or under certain pressure of parents. After all, it is no secret that the left-handed and ambidexters have recently been recently accepted. At the same time, of course, poor left-handeds experienced more discomfort. Now the approaches have changed. And Ambidekstrian deposits, on the contrary, it is commonly supported to support and encourage, stimulating the development of two hemispheres of the brain.

Moreover, even the obvious right-handers useful to do special exercises, developing the second hand: try to wear a doll or drive a typewriter, draw, collect a designer or a pyramid. In the future - to start writing an alphabet with two hands in turn. The main thing is that the studies for the development of the second hand were constant. Not late and adults try to develop similar skills: Write and work with a second hand.

The best option may be the performance of permanent routine cases with shallow motor: clean your teeth or comb. By the way, count when you type the text in the computer, how many fingers on the right and left hand you use. As a rule, right-handed use only one or two fingers of the left hand. And now we open a specialized site and are engaged in the right handling of the brush on the keyboard and the rules of the limit of its movement according to the location. This is also an excellent practice for the development of both hemispheres.

What are the main advantages and cons of ambidexter?

First of all, we can say that people as already mentioned are more adapted for life, or rather - for survival. Loss or strong damage to true right-handers leading hand leads to disability and strong problem In further adaptation and restructuring. In those who own with both hands, such a problem may not arise at all, well, without damage to both hands. It is believed that the coordinated interaction and strong development of the hemispheres leads to the fact that many factors are combined: logic together with clear structuring adds the vision of the picture as a whole. Plus Intuitive perception of the correctness of actions.

The construction of a clear and beautiful speech is complemented by shaped and emotionally correct filling it, forcing people to believe the speaker. And the thin feeling of the peculiarities of musical sound is imposed on the practicality in promoting his creativity. The theater and movie artists can feel thinner and understand their characters on the one hand, while analyzing the actions and actions on the other. Therefore, such people can be very competitive and successful. An example is Paul McCartney, Benjamine Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Vladimir Dal.

But, especially paying attention to the latter, it is worth tuping and the problems faced by "Obapolushary" people. The fact is that the mentioned LRRTM1 gene is also associated with a tendency to the development of schizophrenia. In addition, the simultaneous functioning of two hemispheres, according to the study, in childhood, leads to the inability long to focus on one form of activity and is called "syndrome of lack of attention". As a result, constant headaches may be present, increased fatigue, plasticity, irritability. Such emotional bursts are caused by the active work of the right hemisphere. With what older man It becomes that this "emotional-irrational activity" is more often facing logic and rationality, for which the left is responsible. What leads to strongly pronounced internal conflicts, the feeling of "splitness" of the perception of the world and the impermanence of assessments, opinions, judgments, elections.

It is such a "heterogeneity" of internal worldview leads to the fact that the main feature of such people becomes the stemness and vulnerability.

In addition, the characteristic feature is the constant internal "double estimation" of the work performed: from the point of view of sound logic and from the side of intuition or the vision of the strategy as a whole. Naturally, the body's resources are also spent by a double amount, and this can lead to the so-called "neurastination of mental activity." They also say in the people: "The head" Zakipel "and I" shake "from all this."

What is the cause of such a mechanism? It turns out that no matter is paradoxically, but at the same time, it is equally good and without exhaustion, hemispheres can only at the very early age of their owner. The older the child becomes, the more often the "overheating" is manifested by one of the hemisphere. After all, each other "understand" they cannot at all: they have different approaches to perception and encoding information.

But is it all bad, as it may seem? Nature never gives anything like that she did not launch compensatory mechanisms. The active life position of ambidexters gives them the opportunity to "drop" excessive tension, traveling, engaged in sports. The choice of certain professions or activities allows this "reset" to benefit the case: professional musicians or dancers are much less likely to show mentioned mental neurasthenia. In addition, artists and athletes, as we have already mentioned, bring out additional advantages from ambidextric, contributing to the development of careers and achieve success, which in turn reduces the level of internal personality tension.

Even further went specialists who, on the contrary, consider Ambidstream by no means a problem, and the ability to develop ourselves and fight with their complexes. Moreover, the development of ambidexter as a method for the correction of ordinary patients is considered.

The essence of the technique is to lift the personal self-assessment by the awakening of the suppressed talents. We have already mentioned that most often people tend to use your right hand for all necessary activities. She, in this case, is called leading or dominant. The second while we are only slightly helping: as a rule, we hold something. And this limb is called auxiliary or subdominant.

Observations of art therapists were pushed into a study, which showed an amazing pattern: if people tried to develop a subdominant hand and began to draw, their drawings were much more emotionally saturated, realistic and memorable.

On the basis of this data, a technique was developed, in which the development of a subdominant hand is associated with the "establishing a dialogue" with its inner world or, as it is called "Golden Baby". Resentment, anger, prohibitions and negative estimates accumulate in us for years. We forget about where they received them. But, they do not go anywhere, but only rooting negative installations in us. Have you seen a child who is experiencing about his voice, rumor or a sense of tact? Of course not. But adults often "do not sing", "don't dance" and also a bunch of "not" because "know" what they do it bad.

The assessment goes from logic and common sense, that is, from the side of the left hemisphere. The development of ambidexter helps to turn to another hemisphere, which evaluates everything in other criteria, and therefore - to give the opportunity to return to his "Golden Baby", which can and wants everything. Thanks to this, the feeling of "I can" increase the person's personal self-esteem and makes it look for ways and prospects, and not to put a taboo.

Lee must be treated

So it is appropriate to say that ambidexter is a disease? Of course not. Yes, some not quite pleasant features in the form of plasticity and "internal overheating" can be observed. But, this can be seen in a number of other cases that are generally not related to the "equiturate." And such deposits, all kids show at an early age, even before the final choice of the leading hand.

So it is absolutely no need to "treat" ambiderange. But a practitioner psychologist or psychotherapist can help cope with internal tension.

Also at an older age should try to control the syntitude. The fact is that this very symptitude of the person's personality is always perceived negatively and with a desire to push the "influted" person. So, if you assume an ambiderestry and aware of the constant sensation of resentment and non-obscuration, go to a psychologist. Remember that no personal information information may be disclosed.

Another moment to pay attention to. Many children due to restlessness and problems with remembering clear dates and numbers may not be a relationship in school. Moreover, both with other kids and teachers. And problems and inconvenience when communicating in the early childhood Can provoke uncertainty imposed on internal conflict. So in this case, it is simply necessary to choose myself a psychologist or psychotherapist, ready for long-term cooperation. After all, these are not one session.

Take a sheet of paper. In every hand - by hand. Start writing at the same time the same word (no matter - in one direction there will be a tilt or in different). This is the easiest test to determine your supernormalcycles and sufficiency.

If you have it happened - congratulations, you are an ambidex!

Ambidekstrit has "iron logic" and strong intuition.

This is a person with evenly and harmoniously developed hemispheres of the brain, while such people have the opportunity equally well to act the right and left side of the body and the pair of senses. Such people quickly evaluate the situation and quickly make decisions.

The features of these people are that in adulthood, the processing of information coming from outside occurs in parallel in two hemispheres.

In general, ambidexter is an extremely interesting phenomenon.

Typical ambidexters, as a rule, can be completely calmly, for example, eat food, holding a spoon equally well in the right and left hand.

They know how to write in the same way with two hands, and both in turn and at the same time. Moreover, they often can write them and freely, and at the same time, and "diverting" in different directions, and vice versa! And even draw!

This is the so-called "mirror letter". It was this ability to have the great Leonardo da Vinci, he was an ambidexist. Surely, many are known various theories about its "codes", "encrypted signs", etc., - it gave the soil for many books and films. In fact, he owned a mirror writing, and often it went out by him involuntarily, just without thinking wrote, as more convenient.

And now, more sophisticated tests. Look where the figures rotate?

If you see rotation clockwise, then you have the left hemisphere of the brain, counterclockwise - the right hemisphere.

The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, memory, mathematical and linguistic abilities, analytical thinking.

Right - for emotions, non-verbal, intuition, musicality, art, imagination.

Keep in mind that the figure can simultaneously rotate and right and left. And not the picture, but its image in your head! Researchers note that people who relatively easily can change the direction of rotation of the girl, possess IQ above 160. The same who can only change the direction of the girl's movement (or may not at all) - these are people of a more practical and rational warehouse, at that time How easily changing the direction have the richest imagination and intuition.

It is especially surprising when several people look at the same time. Everyone she "moves" in different rhythms and direction. But it can not clear the picture at the same time in all directions! Consequently, the action takes true - in the head, and not on the screen.

Famous ambidexters:

musician Jimmy Hendrix (He could play guitar as right-handed and as left-handed), academician Andrei Sakharov, artist Leonardo da Vinci, Mirey Mathieu, Paul McCartney, Sportswoman Maria Sharapova, Kurt Cobein, Vladimir Dal, Tom Cruz, Marina Navilolova (The first racket of the world 1978-87)

In addition to the present, fictional ambidexters are calculated:

musketeer Athos - Hero of Romanov Alexander Duma, Gregory House - from the series "Dr. House", Stirlitz - the main character Works "17 Moments of Spring", Hallabo - Character Comic, Sponge Bob Square Pants.

The interaction of the hemispheres we need for a normal life and how it is more active, the more successful man!

IN last years Among children is found a significant number of ambidexters (an average of 37.95%).

This sphere from the points can rotate in any direction depending on what points you will represent the closest to yourself, and which are distant.

If the hemispheres of the brain in humans are developed harmoniously, it easily changes the direction of rotation. In the next picture it looks like a real dance.

Checking the dominant hemisphere of the brain invented the Nobyuki Kaihara, the Japanese web site from Hiroshima. And psychologists decided that it helps to determine the dominant hemisphere of the brain, which is most actively at the moment.

These tests can be repeated. And, depending on your condition, the figures will rotate or left or right.

If you did not work, look at the hint:

Ambidekstr - Not necessarily a person, effectively performing actions with both hands from birth, it can be raised at any age. It is rumored that the skills of the right-leopard are intentionally trained by most athletes and musicians. So they significantly expand the boundaries of their professional opportunities.

More tests on the right and left.

4. Find a men's head in this picture.

If you coped with the task:

- less than 3 seconds, then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people

- For 1 minute - this is a normal result.

- If for 1-3 minutes. - Your right hemisphere is well developed, you need to eat more meat protein.

- If the search took you more than 3 minutes - it's bad ...

Such an interesting phenomenon as an ambidexter is a clear sign that nature is not for nothing that gives rise to light. Perhaps this is the newer era of human evolution and the highest degree of brain management and emotions.

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