
Test in Russian on the topic "Complex offers" (grade 9). Test in Russian on the topic "Complex proposals" (grade 9) Test on theory Complex offer

Test in Russian language concept of a complex sentence. Allied and non-union offers. Separate and excretory punctuation marks 9 class with answers. The test includes 2 options, each 3 parts. In terms of A - 5 tasks, in part in - 2 tasks, in terms of C - 1 task.

Option 1

A1. Specify a complex offer.

1) The heavy cloud, lowered in the east, alone only fought with a shining celebration of an elegant summer morning.
2) Young birch forest was a shrouded, exactly thin Kisey, light cover of fog.
3) The sun, leaning toward the sunset, took a reddish light.
4) The sun has not yet boiled, but half the sky was already filled with pale pink light.


1) Three days did not smear the storm, and we have disguised both masts and all sails.
2) Chestanka reached out, yawned and, angry, sullen, walked around the room.
3) The narrow road fell into sand pits, then in impassable swamps.
4) The guy stood and stood, as if aside from the turmoil.


1) The house that stood on the shore belonged to the old Bakeryman.
2) I want to equate the pen to the bayonet.
3) When there is no agreement in comrades, they will not go to the way.
4) The yamper whistled, and the horses rocked.


1) It is known that the elephants in the wonder from us.
2) Night came, and silence came to the camp.
3) Grandfather was right: in the evening a thunderstorm came.
4) The sun has been laughing in yesterday, the air was fixed.


I am with greed (1) I read Turgeneva (2) and I am surprised (3) how it all seems to be (4) simply (5) and in the autumn transparently.

1) 1, 2, 5
2) 3, 4
3) 2, 3, 5
4) 1, 4

IN 1.

Understand that a person is developing next to you.

AT 2.

The earth seemed to increase the power of his attraction many times.


Option 2.

A1. Specify a complex offer.

1) Snow fell slowly outside the window, and snow, clear light lay on the walls of the room.
2) The goal of creativity is dedication, and not noise, not success.
3) the fastened unusual sounds of the forest, he opened his eyes.
4) My room was filled with the smell of colors growing in a modest paleryman.

A2. Specify a complex union offer.

1) Despite all the adversity and difficulties, he retained something for children.
2) Dusk gazebo, the steps in the sand, quiet laughter - everything suddenly introduced him to him.
3) Sing me a song, how the tit was quietly over the sea.
4) The mountains covered with timid rays of the sun, misty in a tender haze.

A3. Specify a proposal with a split sign of punctuation.

1) Suddenly there was a voice of some bird, sharp and shrill.
2) The sun, brightly sparkling over the steppe, gradually sat down due to the horizon.
3) Every day, hours at nine in the evening, guests come to us.
4) It was so quiet that the crackling of the Earth breaking from frost was heard.

A4. Specify the offer with an excretory acquisition mark.

1) I do not know what happened to me, my soul is full of sadness.
2) If the day did not recognize anything new, the day passed in vain.
3) I hoped that this story would soon rush.
4) Green's stories were intoxicated as fragrant air.

A5. What figures in the proposal should have commas?

He was unpleasant (1) however (2) he was still arriving (3) to say goodbye (4) with friends.

1) 1, 3
2) 1, 2
3) 2, 3
4) 1, 4

IN 1. Write the grammatical foundations from the offer.

Tell me, Kudesnik, the favorite of the gods, what will come true in life with me?

AT 2. What signs are used in the proposal - excretory or dividing? Record write.

Sunlight, who fell on the foliage next to the rose hips, seemed cold and pale.

C1. Tell us about the excretory and dividing signs of punctuation.

Answers to the test in Russian concept about a complex sentence. Allied and non-union offers. Dividing and excretory punctuation marks grade 9
Option 1
IN 1. Understand the person develops
AT 2. Selective
Option 2.
IN 1. Tell me what will come true
AT 2. Selective

Exercise 1.

Prepare for reading out loud (arrange logical strokes; define the place of pauses; Recall what is the end of the sentence).
How to prove that we have one complex offer? Write it down.

In what cases you can only specify the place where you need a sign, but do not know how to justify his choice?

In the autumn, the sky was breathing, less often the sun shone, in short, it became a day, the forests of the mysterious village with sad noise was barely in the field of fog, Gusy Krique Caravan stretched to the south: quite boring time; There was no yard.
(A. Pushkin)

Exercise 2.

From these simple proposals, make complicated, using Union I. Record the proposals obtained by applying the required punctuation rule.

What do we learn from the first complex proposal in addition to the content of simple, included in its composition? And from the second? Based on the surveillance, prove that the content of a complex offer is richer to the content of its ordinary.

I.1) went raining. 2) Hoodies breathed light easier.
II. 1) went raining. 2) Hoodies began to worry.

Exercise 3.

Find complex offers, emphasize the grammatical foundations.
Specify the means of communicating included in complex simple proposals. Write down, indicating the type of complex offer.

1) There is no happiness outside the homeland, each intonation let the roots in their native land. (I. Turgenev) 2) I love Russia to pain heart and can't even think of myself somewhere except Russia. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3) I was removed almost the whole country, I saw many places, amazing and compressive heart, but none of them had such a sudden lyrical strength as Mikhailovskoye. (K. Paust) 4) The origins of the sown feeling towards the debris lie where we are born and live. (V. Peskov)

Exercise 4.

From these simple, make up complex suggestions using a suitable connection tool and eliminating the game of words.
Record the proposals received, exposing the punctuation marks.
Explain what new shades of the value appeared in complex suggestions compared to the simple, of which they are compiled.

1) This year we begin to explore the history of Russian literature. Know the story of Russian literature - the need for every cultural person. 2) With the name of M. V. Lomonosov, we could meet not only in the lessons of chemistry, physics, astronomy, literature, but also in the lessons of the Russian language. M. V. Lomonosov - the author of the first Russian grammar. 3) "The word about the regiment of Igor" is written in ancient Russian language. We read the "word about the regiment of Igor" in translation.

Exercise 5.

Come up with non-union complex suggestions, in which the semantic relationships between their parts would relieve the lexical values \u200b\u200bof such words and phrases: bad weather - a failed walk; Dictionary - spelling words; Spring - Flowers; Hot weather - beach; Train ticket - business trip

Exercise 6.

Write down proposals, arranging the missing punctuation signs. Specify the type of complex offers.
Name the punctuation rules that have been applied in the proposals recorded.
Make out the proposal schemes selected for the syntactic parsing to explain the alignment of punctuation marks.

1) I learned that the autumn mixed all the clean paints, which exist on Earth, and caused them as a canvas on the distant spaces of the Earth and the sky. 2) I saw the foliage not only the gold and purple but also Aluy violet brown black gray and almost white. 3) The paints seemed particularly soft due to the autumn MGL with a fixedly hanging in the air. 4 4) And when the rains were raining, the softness was shied with brilliance. 4 5) In the pine throat trembled from cold birch trees. 6) Trees started shrouded from below: I saw the aspen red below and completely green on the tops. 7) I assured myself that this fall is the first and last in my life.

Exercise 7.

Read, find simple and challenging offers. Indicate in them the grammatical foundations. Determine the appearance of each complex offer and tell how simple is connected in it. Instruct the schemes of the 1st and 3rd offers.

1) Standing April, we lived in Yalta, looked back after nine months of desperate fins in the Winter Ocean. 2) We lived in a hotel on the waterfront, and at night over our windows noisy the sea, sometimes overlooking through the parapet. 3) I was thinking that a man built a house, I wanted to quietly live, drink tea, look at the sea, generally somehow be yourself, writing something there, think. 4) Why was we bored, we did not know. 5) Bunked looked around and after three or four seconds he saw a high white beacon star, surrounded by radiance that flashed on a moment with a bright light in the night and went out again. 6) The star flashed again and went out again, and so repeated all the time, and it was strange and pleasant to see this instant mute light. 7) Sometimes the skiers came across fox trail, which is smooth and at the same time with a winding line stretched from the hollow to the fair, from the bodie to the bar. 8) The next trail turned and disappeared in a snowy shine. 9) Skiers went further, and they already came across marks or squirrels in aspen and birch groves. 10) The windows were cold and transparent, but the benches with stoves were sourced dry heat, and it was good to look at sunny snow outside the windows and listen to the rapid soft tapping of the wheels at the bottom.
(In Yu. P. Cossack.)

Exercise 8.

Read. Determine the grammatical foundations and draw the proposals schemes.

1) The lamb was trembling in shallow trembling and rolled out of his legs when he was introduced into the hut and lowered it to the floor. 2) The sun was boosted, but with him the clouds went from the east, and somehow did not lightly. 3) Occasionally flashes in the sun with silver flake bat, she will show the black back playing whale and noisily will release the water fountain, the dark frigate (sea bird) or a snow-white albatross will be highly replete. 4) convictions are inspired by theory, behavior is formed by an example. 5) If I could throw ten years from accounts, then I would have enough time to write a second story. 6) Dasha said goodbye to him as they say goodbye forever.

Exercise 9.

Spariate sentences, observing spelling and punctuation norms. Insert the word predatory or predatory instead of passing. Make a scheme of complex proposals. Perform syntactic analysis simple sentences.

1) The epithet "rustic" rinse (not) so much ability (n, nn) \u200b\u200bby the poverty how much does not see ... Towned (N, NN) of the OSTA. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 2) Pools Out_nut the neck (no) Picky pounds over it (not) Pulling / Falling and trying on the other ... Falcon. (A. N. Tolstoy) 3) ST_Thers spoil according to the words of study (n, nn) best places It is ... the production of gold - (?) - nose sand. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak) 4) He p_schenly defeat the ultrasound of ultrasound. (A. Kookin)

Exercise 10..

Spish, observing spelling and punctuation norms. Make a scheme of complex proposals. Determine their appearance.

All m_ was about the snow and finally went to Kosich (?) Ki over the sky. Frost. The wind again bite and bl_thly snow started a medal (n, nn) \u200b\u200babout the omit (tusk) to the ground. Rados (?) But watched the cross (?) Yane on the fluffy snowflakes in the air that descended to the ground. What (if) does not have (then) this to this k_rtina, I went out in the field. The wonderful mature opened with my eyes: all ISSIA Sampling, the circle I prevented the view of the snow flow. I quit Bud (then) The Heavens opened the RA (C, SS) were a snowy Pooh N_ and the whole air in favor of the air and pores. It occurred in length (H, NN) Winter Sumy_rinka and Pad_Enten Snow Nach_nal Close all objects and white mrak od_val land. (By S. Aksakov)

Exercise 11.

Spariate text. Emphasize the grammatical basis of the proposals.

I walked together with my shadow on Rosoye, Rainbow Grass Polyana, entered the Motley Dusk Alley leading to the pond, and the moon submissively followed me. I walked, looking around, - she, mirroring shining and crushing, rolled through black and places brightly brilliant pattern of branches and leaves. I stood on a rosyist skate to a full-breeding pond, widely shining my gold surface near the dam right. I stood, I looked - and the moon stood, looked. Near the coast, under me, there was a spinning, dark-mirrored abyss of the underwater sky, on which he was hanging, sensitive sleep, hiding under the wing of the head and deeply reflecting in her, ducks ... what silence - it can only be silent anything alive! .. (I. Bunin.)

Exercise 12.

Arrange the punctuation marks. Determine, two-stroke or single-part is each part of a complex sentence, determine the type of single predicative design (impersonal, uncertain, personal, etc.)

1) I had to hire bulls to pull my truck on this damn mountain because there was already autumn and a hole. (M. Lermontov.) 2) There was so dark that electricity lit in the cabin and salons. (V. Kataev.) 3) When I read or hear about the ear with a smoke, I certainly visits the same thing, but a very joyful memory as one-eyed my grandfather Paul wipe me with a stick for the ear smelling smoke because it can smell only because of the sludge. (V. Astafiev.)

Exercise 13.

Arrange the punctuation marks in complex offers. Find predicative designs in complex offers. Find words that do not allow you to use predicative designs as simple offers.

1) He jumped off the bench and retired proudly before Litvinov managed to spend the word. (I. Turgenev.) 2) ... as soon as the hell hid his month in his pocket suddenly all over the world did so dark that not everyone would have found the road to bushings. (N. Gogol.) 3) I began to repent that I went to Sushkovo, but the heart fluttered when it was near the lonely and flat-standing on the shore of the barrack I saw the Kosmatyny man already. (V. Astafyev.) 4) When the night dew and the mountain wind show off. They had my burning head and thought came to the usual order, I realized that it was useless to chase the deceased happiness and recklessly. (M. Lermontov.)

Test on the topic "Complex offer"

1. Give the correct description of the next sentence.
Bersenev in the room stood the piano, a small and not new, but with a soft and pleasant, although not quite clean tone. (I.S. Turgenev)

1) simple complicated
2) Complexed
3) Complexed
4) complex non-union

2. How many grammar foundations Is it contained in the following sentence?

It has long been marked by smart people, that happiness is like health: when it is evident, you do not notice it.(M. Bulgakov)

3. In which case a complex offer is given?

1) Each language belongs to a society known to the public union.
2) Girlfriend Duma idle, my inkwell, my eyelid, diverse I decorated.
3) There is patience, there will be a skill.
4) Driving to the porch, he noticed two faces from the windows almost at the same time: female in acids, narrow and long, like cucumber, and male, round, wide, like Moldovan pumpkins.

4. What complex offer consists of three simple?

1) Life is terrible and wonderful, and therefore, as a terrible story, neither tell me in Russia, no matter how you decorate it with robber nests, long shoes and miracles, he will always respond in the listener's soul.
2) Some stores are flooded with light, and it seems that people are swimming in them, precisely fish in the water of aquariums.
3) I remember that when you happened, came to us on vacation or just like that, then in the house I got somehow fresh and lighter, exactly with the chandelier covers were filmed.
4) Forest ended, and, swinging around to the far blue sky, hit the Rosoy ray of meadows.

5. What complex offer consists of four simple?

1) See and hear the writer for me, Provincial, - I then worked in Siberia - it would be an extraordinary, dazzling happiness that I could not and hope.
2) I noticed that, wherever you go, you will find something wonderful.
3) I wanted to rush my father on the neck and, as Annice taught, bowed to his legs, but the kind of cottage with the Gothic windows kept me.
4) Cami came into literature with the awareness that life is meaningless, and the sky is empty, and this to a certain extent paralyzed his humanistic aspirations.

6. What proposal is a complex?

1) Heine created a "winter fairy tale" in Paris, Turgenev wrote "fathers and children".
2) The December dawn has barely started, Anchoka went out into the street.
3) Wilderness and game in the forest, but clean requests are divided into correct numbered squares.
4) how he got here - he could not understand this.

7. Specify the numbers of two complex offers. (Punctuation signs are not arranged.)

1) Like all Russian nobles, he studied music in his youth and how almost all Russian nobles played badly. (I.S. Turgenev)
2) At that instant, the voice of the wife, and turning the Vasilisa ran into her. (M. Bulgakov)
3) In the sadness of the sadness hopelessly in anxieties, noisy fuss sounded a long voice gentle and dreamed of cute features. (A.S. Pushkin)
4) does not yet require the poet to the sacred sacrifice of Apollo in the concerns of the bay light, it is unwellly immersed. (A.S. Pushkin)

8. What proposal is complex?

1) I will answer you very simple because we are already friends.
2) on both sides - high, up to five meters of height, inaccessible walls of the cantham, have long been called a fastener, the deafness of the green dense thickets are called Caspian jungle.
3) the gentle shades of colors - red, raspberry, yellow and green - painted cloud, rays every moment also changed their painting.
4) then the blows were heard, then sang the wheels.

9. Specify the numbers of three complex proposals.
(Punctuation signs are not arranged.)

1) I have already noticed that in addition to summer, there is still autumn winter spring when it is possible to leave only occasionally. (I.A. Bunin)
2) When you walked through the forest you were bold and beautiful. (V.Hlebnikov)
3) So he stood soiling the door huge and black and said Jesus and loudly referred him to his words intermittent and strong breath of Peter. (L. Andreev)
4) In the third grade, I told the director the audacity for which I was almost excluded from the gymnasium. (I. Bunin)

10. What proposal is a complex nonsense?

1) I do not know if there will be a date.
2) Once these poems are written, I look at them as a product.
3) No matter how warmth was raining, we began to choke.
4) the vegetation of sands is richer by clay deserts, so the sands have long been used for grazing Otar sheep.

11. Specify the numbers of three complex non-union proposals. (Punctuation signs are not arranged.)

1) Over the clouds, I have to gathered me in the silence of rock envious misfortune threatening me again. (A.S. Pushkin)
2) Lunch lasted for quite a long time Bersenev talked to Elena about university life about his intentions and hopes. (I.S. Turgenev)
3) All twenty-four years of my life I lived in the city and thought that the blizzard would only live in novels. (M. Bulgakov)
4) There is no goal in front of my heart is empty Prasden Mind. (A.S. Pushkin)

12. What proposal is complicated with different types of communication?

1) the truth can not be told so that she is understood; It is necessary to believe in it.
2) Do not even even dream about it, and then, perhaps, will begin to suffer black melancholy.
3) barely left the division commander, as the shooting of small-caliber guns began, which was a perfect surprise.
4) Beast and all sorts of bird can be deceived: Cooking by the wounded hare - on this cry of Lisa will come running.

13. Write down the numbers denoting in the complex proposal of commas between parts associated with writing bond.

The spaces became more affordable, (1) the roads decreased in time. One day for one day I had to visit the capitals of three European states, (2) and in the evening I still managed to lay on the public in the Marseille Port, (3) But per day because of the fatigue and the rush almost nothing remains in my memory ...
It seems to many, (4) that the more the person is from being, (5) the more culturally, it will be and the wider there will be its horizons.

14. Write the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal.

There was a time, (1) When a night watchman in the manor called the bell, (2) chopping the evening and morning dawn. The challenge broke out for the Occolic, (3) Salted over the Surunce River, (4) Lakes and Bucked in Mikhailovsky Grove. Some paints were replaced by others, (5) Some sounds were absorbed or, (6), on the contrary, (7) intensified. All this and much more was the fact that the life of the Pushkin estate was evolving.

15. Write out the numbers that indicate the punctuation marks between the frequencies of the non-Union offer.

Did you think about the factory, (1) how many words in Russian, (2) can you count them? Obviously, (3) establish the exact number of words of the Russian language, (4) and any other, (5) absolutely impossible at least because (6) that the vocabulary is in constant motion: (7) Some words leave the language (8 ) Others are fixed in it.

Test work in the Russian language

Difficult sentence Grade 11

Option 2.

1.Well are approval :

1) The comma does not put in front of single unions and, or, or, yes (and), if the units of a complex proposal have a general secondary member.

2) If parts of a complex proposal are interval, motivating or exclamation proposals, there is a comma between it.

3) If in the second part of the complex sentence contains information about the rapid change of events, then before the writing union and the point is plated.

4) Parts of the SSP are separated by a dash, if they are not very closely related in meaning or significantly distributed and have components insidely with commas.

5) If in the second part of the SSP, there is a sharp opposition, then before the writing union is rated.

2. The design of the punctuation marks corresponds to the following scheme in proposals (note that the punctuation marks are not arranged), and:

1) Murzik was a rustic dog and in Moscow among the rumble and asphalt, it would be difficult for him to live.

2) An old man crossed to the table covered with a glued in the patterns and looked into the most eyes left.

3) Frusted firmly and the big bear with diamonds hung over the sky over the snowy meadow.

4) But already long shadows lay from the gardens and giving dreamed a peaceful afternoon dream after a long summer day.

5) in the house again fell and published the violin made the impression of a human voice.

3. Save on the site of all passes is set in sentences:

1) Lermontov looked around and at the same moment flashed a dull fire from a pistol dula_ and a bullet, going down, passed near the shoulder. And hit the hut in the wall.

2) And outside the window it rains, then the snow_ and go to sleep. And it is not to sleep.

3) The roads were not visible_ but the sides of her felt swamp_ and the smell of rotten algae and raw mushrooms were risen.

4) then she slammed somewhere_, then he was suddenly how the Howl was like someone passed along the corridor_, it flew around the room for some kind of breath and hurt.

5) It was too early to get up. And I did not want to get out of the cozy sleeping bag of the sleeping bag heated per night and lay with eyes closed.

4) punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1) Where were you last night and who let you enter my house today without prior arrangement?

2) the first meeting is an unclear anxiety, and the first timid recognition in love.

3) How I want to relax, and how hard I'm getting tired!

4) Night sadly and widespread the sea and it was cold.

5) Of course, everything has long been solved and you can safely go on the road.

5) the dash at the point of pass is placed in the sentence:

1) Rostov did not believe his eyes _ and doubt it lasted for more than a second.

2) a moment _ and the audience again froze.

3) MiG missed _ and the plane departed.

4) You came rapidly and unexpectedly beautifully _ and everything has changed instantly.

5) Then there was the same spring__ yes the ocean rustled everything is also frantically sternly.

6) The correct statements are true:

1) The comma at the junction of the verification unions is not put if, after the second subordinate, the second part of the union should be followed (so, but also other)

2) between homogeneous main parts connected by the non-repeating coupling or separation union (and, or, or, yes (\u003d and)), the comma is placed.

3) The commas allocate the apparent part of the complex proposal on both sides if it is located inside the main part.

4) If an amplifier or restrictive particle is in front of the constituent union, then the composite union is not dismembered.

5) If an introductory word is standing before the composite union, then the composite union is dissected.

7) punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1) Alexey Fedorovich left a magnificent feedback about my new essay, which I devoted to the problem of fathers and children, and recommended publishing work in the nearest issue of the magazine.

2) We are all often thinking about how much nature of nature is not yet revealed and how many unknown corners on our planet, who is constantly surprisingly those who live on it with their mysteries.

3) Sergey Vladimirovich perfectly understood that if this rare dictionary would not get now, then he could not be the second such opportunity.

4) Perhaps I am a change to my decision, because I have a lot of free time and many of my affairs have already been fully completed.

5) He looked at the distance for a long time, hoping that her car would seem to be, and sadly saddled with the failed happiness.

8) Conditions for dismemberment of composite unions are in suggestions (note that punctuation marks are not arranged):

1) in the garden was boring despite the fact that there were undoubtedly treasures somewhere under jasminnik or a silver popul.

2) Since he came to this city and entered the service, he began to hate his boyfall.

3) He apparently came, because this evening he had nothing to do at home.

4) I pay from suddenly surpassed happiness from the surprise of the sentence and because I can not cry.

5) This happened quite unexpectedly after the Rushka was already despair to obtain permission to participate in pop-circus presentation.

9) commas at the place of all passes are set in sentences:

1) Sometimes the teacher begins to seem to be: since it is since remembersing himself. I never went out of the Kurshi_ that winter never stopped. And never stop_ and that he only in a forgotten fairy tale or in a dream heard about another life.

2) Baclagin knew_ that_ when it breaks out_ or it would have to storm_, then a cant or unlightened captain always ordered something_ that under the guise of respectful advice ordered a senior officer.

3) Captain lay on his back, looking_ how to move the blue lights in the swelling fireplace_ and feeling_ how slowly sinks, the mist and relaxing body, the familiar attack of malaria.

4) Whoever_ from where he_ whose son_ was coming to the number of Sumykhinsky subjects_ how he got a muddy, from the time immemorial time to be worn by the caftan_ where it lives_ what lives, no one has the slightest idea ...

5) Characteristic_ What regardless of what it will rain_ it_ as soon as it begins_ it is always called a very gentle rain.

10) The following scheme corresponds to the proposal (note that punctuation marks are not arranged):

(), , ().

1) So bright stars burns the pattern so clear the Milky Way is flowing that the yard listed with snow and glitters and phosphate.

2) The more I think about you, the stronger I love everything connected with our meetings and separations of acquisitions and losses.

3) It was heard as restlessly splashing near Neva and somewhere over the roofs buzzing a wet flag.

4) There was something in their feeling that the hearts merged and destroyed the bottomless abyss that separates a person from a person.

5) As I take it off from the fees from them you can not get rid because people do not believe in the effectiveness of the gratuitous gift of the tips.

11) The correct statements are true:

1) A semicolon is placed during translucent relations in an infantoy complex proposal, the parts of which are distant from each other in meaning or significantly common.

2) There is a dash between the parts of the non-union complex supply, if the second part is explained in the second part, the content of the first part is revealed (the explanatory union can be inserted between parts.namely ).

3) If the second part of the non-union complex proposal is a direct question, then the colon is put between parts.

4) If the second part of the non-union complex sentence expresses an unexpected effect, a phenomenon or a quick change of events, then there is a dash between parts.

5) At the junction of writing and supervisory unions in a complex sentence with different types of communication, the comma is placed if the second part of the union follows after the appropriate part, and it is not put if the second part of the union is missing.

12) The colon at the site of the skip is set in sentences:

1) He asked for a holiday to leave his houses_ not left.

2) And sometimes I knew so much grief seems to be still ahead.

3) That will come to me for my birthday_ I will tell everything in detail.

4) What is the wilderness around_ what kind of lamp!

5) Varvara listened to the evening of the evening train.

13) Tire at the point of pass is set in sentences:

1) Love this young man_ Tell him the whole truth about myself.

3) I am interested in something else_ who will give the right answer to my wonderful question?

4) God to be afraid_ happiness does not see.

5) Chin followed him. He suddenly left.

14) punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1) The Jews are ready for all the Aphorisms: the confused itself, and unwind, you love to ride, love and sloy to carry, myself brewed the porridge - myself and break.

2) Ask Do Not Ask_ Late: Nothing to Change.

3) And now, at the end of June, there was a particularly good nurse in the forest by blossomed flowers, there was a wonderful fragrance of fragrant herbs in the air, a gentle summer sun, dreamed of bright light and forest, and the grass, and the grass murmured in the lump , and distant mountains.

4) October has come - the grove blocks the last sheets with the naked branches; Duffled the autumn refuge - the road freezes.

5) rainy day ground; Rainy nights around the sky are merged with swine clothes; As bringing, a foggy rose for a pine moon grove ...

15) Specify the pass numbers on the site of which you need to put a comma:

In the new reference book in the Russian language, the system of language phenomena_ (1) and new directions of linguistics, about the complexity of syntactic structures_ (2) and methods of transferring someone else's speech, and_ (3) when Vasilina read about everything, it understood_ (4) Russian really, and surprisingly systemic_ (5) and very beautiful.

___, ___, ___ ,____, ___

Complex proposals with different types of communication

16) the correct statements:

1) The proposal with different types of communication is a type of complex proposals.

2) parts of the non-union complex proposal are associated with meaning and intonational.

3) the listed relationships always develop between parts of the non-union complex proposals.

4) writing communication can not be leading.

5) The unit can be both a simple and complex offer.

17) Determine the types of proposals and set the correspondence between the columns of the table:

1. Forced complicated offer

B.Prol was a narrow, but the desire of freedom was so great that the Blue fell out to the outside, having wrapped the boards, driven between the nearest pillars (F. Inander).

2. Subject proposal with several pressing parts

V. It is known, as if the fate of the revoon, if two days later helicopters did not arrive.

G.Gologists did not prepare food for dinner, on all products that remained in the kitchenette were brought to the tent, thoroughly launching the flaps of the canopy.

3. Suggestion with different types of communication


A B C D E___

18) Determine the types of proposals and set the correspondence between the columns of the table:

BUT.Ahead, meters in twenties, a fence from oak boards was visible, and the Blue understood that she had to break

1.PP with consistent submission

B. Having stopped in the middle of the pen, he slept in the air to determine where the closet of the sea is stronger, and it is in this place to firm the fence.

2.PP with homogeneous submission

IN. Glory hurried further, and Igor turned home to relax a little and change clothes

3.PP with parallel submission

G. . The house in which she lives is similar to an old mansion, although it is built of wood and never have been updated yet

4. Subject proposal with different types of communication

A B C D E__

19) The punctuation marks are arranged correctly in sentences:

1) The weighter decided that if the buffalo return the first in the corridor, the order would be easily restored.

2) we learned that New Year It is necessary to meet in blue clothes and that when the clock is trying twelve, you need not to go well, but to turn the face east.

3) Emphades each tooth decorated with a golden crown and therefore, when he spoke or smiled, our cloudy service room as if illuminated by the sun.

4) Konstantinov sat safely in his office on the third floor, and since the CEO appeared in the building, then employees came.

5) Everyone was seen, and if no one stayed in amazement, then this is just because everyone busy was themselves.

20) Determine the leading link in complex proposals and set the correspondence between the columns of the table:

BUT.I told the forester that I came to hunt for the advice of a friend, which was in these places last summer.

1. Communication Communication

B. One bad on the Alpine meadows: after a strong grasses of grass and bushes, it is cool that the language ceases to feel the poisonousness of plants.

IN. She has a young voice, he sounds on the phone, confused subscribers who are sometimes even lost.

2. Writing connection

G. Water in a lake dark from the hanging forest, and the pita shoves on long waves, scaring the underwater kingdom, in the depths of which they nodded.

3. Relief communications non-union

D. It is not known how it all ended, if Antonov did not come to the court.

A B C D E__

Answers Option number 2:

1) 1,3,4,5
















17) A. 2, b 3, in 2, g 1, d 1

18) A 4, B 1, in 4, g 3, d 2


20) A 1, b 3, in 2, g 2, d 1.

Test on the topic "Complex offers in grade 9"

Question number 1.

a proposal consisting of 2 or simpler suggestions.
a direct speech offer.

Question number 2.

Blooms lilies. rugs riding with mountains .

Question number 3.

Question number 4.

A complex proposal in which simple proposals are related subordinate unions
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with intonation.

Question number 5.

A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with writing unions
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with intonation.
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are connected by the supervisory unions

Question number 6.

Yes, the comma is needed.
No, the comma is not needed.

Question number 7.

Yes, the comma is needed.
No, the comma is not needed.

Question number 8.


Question number 9.

Question № 10

the main and apparent

Question number11 and notconnects parts of a complex sentence (punctuation signs are not arranged).

Question number 12. In which proposal of a part of a complex proposal is connected by the Union word?

My brother decided what to do.
My brother decided that he would go to learn.

Question number 13.
I went to the forest that I had a dark wall from afar.


Question number 14. Determine the type of apparent in the proposal.

To live honestly, you need to be a strong person.

Consumer reasons
Circumstantial image of action
Circumstantial goal

Question number 15. Determine the type of verification in the proposal:
We know that now lies on the scales and what is done now.

Uniform submission
Consistent submission

Uniform submission
Consistent submission

Question number 17.
I am calm () My friends with me.



Question number 18. What sign is needed between simple proposals in the composition of complex:
Night will come () Let's go on the road.



Question number 19. What sign is needed between simple proposals in the composition of complex:
The train went () the lights disappeared.



Question№ 20 What kind of communication is absent in this sentence:
Lane was all in gardens and fences rosie limes who have rushed now, with the moon, a wide shadow, so fences and goal on one side completely untopali in dottekes.

Union writing
Union subordination


Answers to the test "Complex offers in grade 9"

Question number 1. A complex offer is ...

offer complicated by homogeneous members.
offer consisting of 2 or more simple proposals .
a direct speech offer.

Question number 2. Which of the recorded suggestions is difficult?

The streams fled, blooming the valley.
Brooks running away from the mountains, ranks.
Lily of the valley, driving with mountains by rugs .

Question number 3. What proposal is called complex?

A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with writing alliances.
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are connected by the supervisory unions
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with intonation.

Question number 4. What proposal is called complex?

A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with writing unions
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are connected by the supervisory unions
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with intonation.

Question number 5. What proposal is called non-union?

A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with writing unions
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are associated with intonation.
A complex proposal in which simple proposals are connected by the supervisory unions

Question number 6. Do I need to put a comma in the suggestion below?
After lunch, the fog scattered and the sun looked out.

Yes, the comma is needed.
No, the comma is not needed.

Question number 7. Do I need to put a comma in the proposal below on the site of the brackets?
Faith said that () if he does not tell everything in detail, she will not be able to fall asleep.

Yes, the comma is needed.
No, the comma is not needed.

Question number 8. What union binds of a complicated proposal?
Plots of Green, small bushes, and Beleli trunks of Karelian birches.


Question number 9. Which of the recorded suggestions is complex?
Everyone was already at home to my return.
Everyone was already at home when I returned.
Everyone was already at home, and I returned.

Question № 10 The complex proposal consists of:

the main and apparent
two equitable offers

Question number 11.Specify in which examples the Union and not connects parts of a complex proposal (punctuation marks are not arranged).

From the house regularly came letters and we were calm. Brother refused to help my help and wanted to do everything himself.The bottomless of the love of maternity depth and it is not for nothing in vain.

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