
Why is the soldier not going to the Olympics. "Sasha lived with me for several years ... in the car." Coach Anna Shumilova talks about the new gymnastics star Alexandra Soldatova. Like Yana's state of health, her leg does not bother

Fuck understand who

It burns badly.
Why is Bjørgen in the photo? Salbutamol (which is not, by the way, a steroid) for asthma helped her build muscle?
Why is Williams on the court and Sharapova on the beach? I once posted a photo of Masha here during the backhand, it turned out to be a task from the "find ten differences" category.
And, of course, the hit of the season is a propaganda picture drowning for Russian sports, the authors of which do not know the name of the Russian gymnast who was pasted on the photo.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Simone Biles, katati, is on an attention drug, so showing her muscle mass in a photo without the help of (proven, at least) doping is also a fucking move, lol.


Two crests detected :)

Norwegian skier Marit Bjorgen is suspected of doping. The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet published a message on its website that Bjorgen was found to have methylhexanamine, the same drug that German biathlete Evi Sachenbacher-Stele was caught on.

The turning point of her career Bjorgen was the approval received from WADA and FIS for the use of a potent drug - symbicort (symbicort), which contains salbutamol, which is on the WADA banned list. In the very first race of the 2009/10 season, in November at the World Cup stage in Beitostolen, Bjorgen brought her rivals half a minute on the 10-kilometer cut. The win was so out of tune with her previous official race in March 2009, where she finished 20th, almost two and a half minutes behind Kowalczyk, that many didn't like it. But Bjorgen continued to get in shape, and in Vancouver she won three Olympic titles, allowing Kowalczyk to get ahead of herself only in the 30-kilometer mass start.
No one in the camp of the Norwegian team has ever hidden that the breakthrough in the results is directly related to drugs that allow you to expand the airways.

Fuck understand who

Once again, Bjørgen has received permission from WADA to take salbutamol. Salbutamol is not a steroid, and muscles do not grow from it. In the first photo - a lie about "steroids for asthma" and a comparison of the muscles that her "doping" did not affect"
For tennis players and gymnasts, the obosrams is so tough that there is nothing to even object to?
Nothing, even a post is enough for me to enjoy the scale of the explosions, comments are just icing on the cake.


If a person breaks one law, what is the probability that he breaks another?
If you pass a red light without any problems, will you follow the traffic lanes?

There are also no facts about the existence of a state program on doping in the Russian Federation, but this did not stop blaming all the athletes en masse. And here there is a fact (salbutamol), there is a photo with CLEARLY disproportionate muscles and you still don’t believe it? Oh well.

Fuck understand who

I almost always exceed the speed limit on the highway, what is the probability that I will stab a person? It is not entirely clear, however, what does this have to do with it. She eats salbutamol with the permission of WADA, she does not violate the law.
Where all the athletes were accused in a crowd? They invite you to come and compete.
Fucking myself, it turns out that in the sport of high achievements there are more chances for women whose muscles develop better than other women. This is a discovery, clear evidence of some kind of cheating.
And I'm still wondering what the name of the Russian woman, who is contrasted in the photo with Simone Biles. Come on, Tim, you're Russian, where is your national pride?


> Salbutamol she eats with the permission of WADA

If she is so sick, what has she forgotten in the sport of high achievements? This permission is a banal fuck-up in the spirit of "Marivanna has a temperature, can I go home."

> Where all the athletes were accused in a crowd?

The demand to recognize the existence of the state system. Those. when, with the knowledge of the entire leadership, everyone and everything is systematically eating something that is impossible. This is a chess game in which you are persuaded to give up a pawn, and then they stupidly blame that since the system means ALL athletes are guilty. And it will no longer be necessary to collect evidence against everyone, everyone will be accused.

> in women whose musculature develops better

These photos simply illustrate some of the bias of the prosecution.
in fact, Bjorgen's claims are made by VERY MANY European athletes too, they just fucked up the Russians.

On the left is Alexandra Soldatova.

"The Dying Swan" by Soldatova is not ready yet. Betting on the Averins

At the last stage of the World Cup in Kazan, the Russian team won all the gold medals, and the Averina sisters scored a winning double not for the first time. With what our rhythmic gymnastics team will go to the World Championships in Italy, which will be held in Pesaro in two weeks, correspondent » Evgeny Evnevich was told by the head coach of the Russian national team Irina Viner-Usmanova.

- Are you satisfied with the performance of the girls at this stage of the World Cup?

“A heavy price has been paid for this performance. The huge work was additionally complicated by the change in the rules of refereeing, which occurred after the Olympics. Now the judges do not have cards to refer to during the performance of the gymnast, and, unfortunately, few judges at the moment can work well under the new rules. In the individual program of the Averins, as well as in the Russian team in group exercises, all the elements go one by one, without any pauses. It is very difficult to achieve this when preparing a program, and then it is also difficult to get an appropriate assessment for it.

In general, as they say, winners are not judged. But to tell the truth, there is still a lot of work to be done in the twelve days left before the World Cup. I saw a lot of things that need to be improved, completed, so that it is at the level at which Russia should perform.

- How are Arina Averina doing, she admitted in an interview that she arrived in Kazan not in the best shape, in terms of physical condition. Will she have time to fully recover by the World Cup?

- I think that Arina has already recovered, because she performed successfully here. Yes, before these competitions, we took care of her very much, and I didn’t even want to bet her on this Cup in order to save her health for the World Championships. But she said that she feels well enough and is ready to perform. As a result, she took two gold medals in individual events, plus she became the second in the all-around. The result is very good, but, as I said, there are errors that need to be worked on.

- Is it worth waiting for Alexandra Soldatova as part of the Russian team at the World Championships and in the near future?

- Not yet, not worth it. She also received an injury, after which she is still recovering, not so much even physically, but mentally. She has rather complex compositions, “The Dying Swan”, which no one did for sixteen years after Barsukova, and “Spartacus”, and these things require not only physical, but also moral readiness. So far, this has not been achieved, so for now - Averina.

- Can we say that the spring European Championship was decisive in terms of the leadership of the Averins in the Russian team?

- All competitions are decisive for us, we constantly monitor performances, and the European Championship and the World Games, all these starts performed by the Averins were decisive.

– Have there been any changes in the composition of the group exercise team?

- Yes, the Rio Olympic champion Nastya Tatareva returned, she also had an injury, we waited, everything healed, and now, she had her first start here. She showed herself very worthy.

- Do you plan to perform anywhere else after the World Cup?

– Most likely, we will go to Japan for the AEON Cup. Everything else, as they say: "Night in the Crimea, everything is in smoke." Let's not think about it.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Song

Ksenia Rakhnovskaya, Lev Savary

The IOC has suspended Russia from participating in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, accusing the country of systematic anti-doping rule violations. At the same time, the Russians were allowed to go to the Games in a neutral status. Not all domestic athletes are ready to compete in South Korea without the Russian flag and anthem. The arguments and doubts of the current and former members of the Olympic team are in the RT material.

  • Vitaly Smirnov, Evgenia Medvedeva and Alexander Zhukov at a press conference in Lausanne
  • RIA News
  • Anton Denisov

"Inside only emptiness"

Two-time world figure skating champion Evgenia Medvedeva, who was present at the meeting of the IOC commission, noted that she did not yet know whether she would participate in the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, but promised that she would not stop preparing for new starts.

“Will I go to the Olympics? This will be further discussed. It's too early to ask such questions. I feel inside that I did my best. I was very glad to be here and give my little speech. I really hope that it produced the effect that was needed. I want to believe that this whole story will turn out for the best for our entire country. I know that I have the support of fans all over the world. I promise that I will not give up and will work at full strength, ”- immediately after the end of the IOC meeting.

A little later, the media became aware of the speech with which the young athlete spoke to members of the IOC Executive Committee. In it, Medvedeva admitted that until the last moment she tried to ignore the negative news related to Russian sports. She believed that clean Russian athletes had nothing to worry about, because they were not related to those who violated anti-doping rules.

“In 2014, I was 14 years old. I have not even entered the adult team of my country yet. For me personally, Pyeongchang should be the first chance to experience the unique atmosphere of the Olympic Games. I don't understand why me and my comrades in the Russian national team can lose this chance. I have competed in many tournaments and am extremely proud of my two world titles. But the Olympics is a dream! Everyone has dreams, and you probably already had a chance to fulfill your own. Let me do the same! I don’t know if there will be another Games in my sports life after Pyeongchang,” Medvedeva said.

At the same time, Evgenia noted that she could not accept the option in which she would have to perform at the Olympic Games without the Russian flag. The figure skater stressed that she was proud of her country and it was a great honor for her to represent Russia at the Games.

  • Evgenia Medvedeva

Possible participation in the Olympics was commented by the silver medalist of the Olympic Games-2014 in the relay skier Alexander Bessmertnykh. In an interview with RT, he expressed support and said that a trip to Korea is worth thinking about.

“How can Mr. Bach say that he wants to see clean athletes at the Games? But what about Legkov? His guilt has not been proven! What can be said here? I don't know if I'll go, I won't say anything yet. You have to think it's not an easy decision. There is only emptiness inside. This is my whole life - not one year or four, ”Bessmertnykh admitted.

"Bach's words were humiliating"

Most of the questions were raised by the situation around the Russian hockey team. According to the IOC verdict, the ice team has the right to take part in the Games, but will be able to compete only under a new name. In the national federation, he commented on the situation with a similar trip to Pyeongchang. In an interview with RT, he noted that such a decision should be made only at the state level. The hockey players themselves spoke in favor of admitting their team to Korea. So SKA forward Ilya Kovalchuk promised the fans to perform well and to perform the Russian anthem.

“Going to the Olympics is a must! To give up means to give up! We understand that the IOC decision is pure politics, we understand who it is directed against. But if athletes go there, it will unite the country. All clean must go. For many, this will be the last Games and there will be no more opportunities to get to the Olympics. We athletes are out of politics. For us, this is a responsible tournament, it will not differ from others in any way. Patriotism, love for the country - they are in the heart. To do this, it is not necessary to shout or even wear a coat of arms on the chest. Yes, they took away our flag and anthem, but they did not take our honor and conscience! We know that we are Russians, that we represent the best country in the world. I think our fans will support us even more, ”Kovalchuk expressed his point of view.

  • HC SKA player Ilya Kovalchuk
  • RIA News
  • Alexey Malgavko

But the striker of the NHL club "Washington Capitals" Alexander Ovechkin participation in the Olympics in a neutral status.

“It's humiliating and I feel sorry for the athletes. This is a huge grief and shocking. It is difficult for me to advise anything to them in such a situation. But to travel at your own expense and perform under a neutral flag - I don’t understand this at all, ”the Moscow city news agency quoted Ovechkin as saying.

Almost immediately it became known that the Russian national hockey team in full strength addressed to Vladimir Putin with a request to allow her to go to the Winter Olympics.

Commented on the decision of the International Olympic Committee and the champion in cross-country skiing Nikita Kryukov.

“A very difficult decision had to be heard today from the IOC. All my victories have always been directed to my country, and going to the Olympics under a white flag is a humiliation of honor and dignity, ”said Kryukov RT.

At the same time, that domestic athletes have always won without the use of doping.

“Humiliating words had to be heard from Bach: “Let the Russian athletes go and try to win clean.” What kind of nonsense? We won clean anyway. I won in Vancouver, where no one changed my samples! I already told Bach last year that Russia wants all athletes to compete without therapeutic exceptions. For me, this is tantamount to doping, ”added Kryukov.

"Tears on eyes"

Biathlete Yana Romanova, who was deprived of the silver medal of the Sochi Games in the relay by the decision of the IOC, could not hold back her tears after Thomas Bach's statement. The athlete burst into tears live on Match TV and called the decision of the International Olympic Committee wild.

Olga Zaitseva, accused by WADA informant Grigory Rodchenkov of systematic use of doping, also spoke in defense of Russian sports. The biathlete called all the accusations lies and slander and stated that she had never resorted to illegal drugs in her entire career.

Representatives of summer sports also stood up to defend their "winter" colleagues. So, the Russian swimmer Yulia Efimova, who survived the suspension from the start and was admitted to the Olympics in Rio on the first day of the Games, called for perseverance and patience.

Five-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming Russian Svetlana Romashina could not find words to comment on the decision of the IOC.

“There are simply no words ... Insanely sorry for our fellow athletes! Guys, we are with you! - wrote Romashina.

The reaction of the two-time world champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist in artistic gymnastics Victoria Komova, as well as the champion of the Games in Rio de Janeiro in rhythmic gymnastics Margarita Mamun, was similar.

“Russia never gives up. She only gets stronger. Guys, we are with you. The Olympics without Russia is not the Olympics, ”Komova wrote.

“Burning with anger. How much I want to say and at least somehow help the athletes! Mamun said.

Aliya Mustafina, two-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics, supported the representatives of winter sports.

“You know what they say, justice will prevail! And I hope that those who rule all this lawlessness will get a boomerang a million times stronger. Fair sport? Where? Dear, what have you turned sports into? Obviously, there is no understanding of the full value of this word ... There are no words ... Probably, I can only imagine the state of the athletes for a hundredth part, but my soul is already torn, ”Mustafina wrote.

June 11, 2017, 23:41

In my last post, many people wanted to know more about our wonderful artists. So who is now the first number of the national team?


Alexandra Soldatov.

Alexandra Sergeevna Soldatova(born June 1, 1998) - Russian gymnast, member of the Russian national team, two-time world champion in the team event (2014, 2015), two-time European champion in the team event (2015.2017), Russian champion in the individual all-around (2016), bronze medalist in the all-around at the Russian Rhythmic Gymnas Championship (2014).

Programs of 2017.


In my opinion, this is Sasha's most beautiful exercise. I think many people remember the beautiful Yulia Barsukova at the 2000 Olympics, and now, 17 years later, a new wonderful swan appears in the world of gymnastics.

Sasha is often called the most flexible gymnast in the country.

crown element

Alexandra went to the Olympics in Rio

Sasha is trained by Anna Vyacheslavovna Dyachenko (Shumilova)

Excerpts from the interview

Without perseverance, diligence and patience, champions do not become. Your coach Anna Dyachenko told me that there was a time when you and her drove from Dmitrov to Novogorsk every morning and you slept in the back seat. This is true?

Yes. In Novogorsk, I did not start living and training right away, I had to leave Dmitrov early in the morning in order to get to Novogorsk on time. Anna Vyacheslavovna put me in the back seat, I had a pillow there, on the way I fell asleep and woke up already at the entrance to the gates of the base. But it's okay, it's the little things. If you want to achieve something, you will have to deny yourself a lot and suffer.

Sasha, why rhythmic gymnastics? This is love at first sight?

No. It turned out to be quite funny. In Sterlitamak, where I come from, my mother brought me to the rhythmic gymnastics section to record ... my brother. At that time, we simply did not know that gymnastics can be different - sports and artistic. We were told that where they wanted to send my brother, everything was only for girls, then my mother was not at a loss and said: “But I have a girl, take it!” I don’t remember the first workouts, I was little, the awareness of gymnastics came to me only when I was already in the third grade.

You have excellent physical data for gymnastics, I can assume that everything worked out the first time?

Far from it. I agree that I have flexibility, stretching, good feet, but I, for example, lack dexterity. Dina and Arina Averina, in terms of working with the subject, are stronger than me, they are by nature like that.

Which subject is more difficult for you?

I can’t say that some are more difficult, and some are easier. I'm still at the stage of perfection of skill and comprehension of something new.

To get into the Russian national team, you have come a long way. Sterlitamak - Dmitrov - Novogorsk.

They also forgot Pushkino! From Sterlitamak, my family moved to Pushkino, from there I ended up in Dmitrov, where I waited with bated breath ... when they would send me back to Pushkino. First training, second, week, second, third, and then they told me: "You stay here!" My emotion was lightning fast, but meager: "Yes. Good!" I will say right away that I did not have longing for my mother and family, as happens with many girls at the age of 12. I calmly reacted to the fact that I would live separately from my parents and without their guardianship. I was independent!

First meeting with your coach Anna Dyachenko. Did you expect to fall under her care?

I did not expect, but from the first day we had a wonderful duet. From day one, I've been listening to her every comment. The girls and I even competed who would be closer to her during training, who would be the first to ask about something, who would write to her or call her. She is wonderful in every way!

Sasha, how did you get to the training camp with Irina Viner?

I didn’t have such that I somehow unexpectedly saw Irina Alexandrovna at a training session, or she unexpectedly came to the gym, and there I am. She knows who trains with her. We came to the training camp, I saw how Irina Alexandrovna works with other gymnasts, how she communicates. Then, when she already joined the Russian national team, she began to pay more attention to me and, naturally, there was more communication. Irina Alexandrovna is a strict and very attentive mentor.


Arina and Dina Averina


Arina Alekseevna Averina August 13, 1998 - Zavolzhye) - Russian rhythmic gymnast, member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, International Master of Sports. Multiple winner and prize-winner of all-Russian and international tournaments, three-time European champion.



Dina Alekseevna Averina(August 13, 1998 - Zavolzhye) - Russian rhythmic gymnast, member of the Russian national gymnastics team, Three-time European Champion 2017, Absolute Champion of Russia 2017, International Master of Sports. Multiple winner and prize-winner of all-Russian and international tournaments.


joint demonstration

Dina in pink, Arina in blue

The sisters are trained by Vera Nikolaevna Shatalina. She also coached Alina Kabaeva.

Excerpt from interview with Irina Aleksandrovna Viner-Usmanova:

Is it possible to say that Dina and Arina somewhere even exceeded their capabilities, somewhere they surprised with their results?

The fact is that Dina and Arina were, as we say, "tricks" from childhood, and now there is such a program that all this counts. Before, we also had very strong girls, and Alina Kabaeva did amazing things, but not everything counted. So their time has come. But they lacked a little bit of feeling, lacked expressiveness, they did it all like a string. And now they do it expressively, they try to make all the exercises very "characteristic" and these movements, tricks, these risks, these interesting masterful elements merge with the music. So that they organically emphasize it, and in Budapest they succeeded.

Arina Dina

private photos

With parents and older sister Polina

Dina on the left, Arina on the right

Together with the national team doctor - Dmitry Ubogov

Arina on the right, Dina on the left

Dina, Arina, sister Polina, mother Ksenia
Arina on the right, Dina on the left

Arina Dina

The girls dreamed of standing in group exercises, but they were not taken because of their short stature.

Arina on the left, Dina on the right


Group exercises

(Anastasia Bliznyuk, Anastasia Tatareva, Anastasia Maksimova, Maria Tolkacheva, Vera Biryukova - Rio 2016)


3 balls + 2 ropes

5 hoops

Now it is difficult to talk about the main composition, as it is constantly changing. But most often it includes the following gymnasts.

Anastasia Bliznyuk

Anastasia Ilyinichna Bliznyuk(born June 28, 1994, Zaporozhye, Ukraine) - Russian gymnast. Two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around (2012, 2016); world and European champion.

Nastya returned to sports after a serious illness - leptospirosis.

The whole country was worried when you got sick, you got into a difficult situation. How did you manage to continue your career?
I didn't even know that I was so seriously ill. My kidneys failed... Irina Aleksandrovna Wiener treated me in Germany. At first they said that perhaps the kidneys would not start. The chances are very slim and I will always live on dialysis.

But thank God I recovered. And she began working in Novogorsk as a coach of the second team. Somehow it turned out that I decided to lose weight, get in shape. And it turned into a training process.

I got into the second team. Proved to everyone that I can and want. I will be on this team! And made it to the main team.

In general, there is a lot of competition in Russia. Only when it was the last week before the Olympics, I realized that I would perform in Rio. Each start is a very big struggle. If you make some mistake even in training, you will be removed at any time. It doesn't matter that I was an Olympic champion and that the girls won the World Championships. The road started from scratch

More excerpts from the interview:

Nastya! You are the second two-time Olympic champion in the group in our history. There was also the gold of London.
- Third - there is also Elena Posevina and Natalya Lavrova ... Of course, I am extremely happy and grateful to Irina Alexandrovna Viner for this victory. I was able to overcome myself, recover from illness, return with faith in my strength and capabilities. Thanks to the whole team for helping out a lot. This road was extremely difficult. But when you realize that you could do everything, the taste of victory becomes the sweetest.

- And now, five Olympics in a row, we take two gold medals in rhythmic gymnastics.
- I think that only Irina Alexandrovna. Everything rests on Wiener.

For me, she is like a mother. Because she saved my life when I got sick. I was reborn! And I was given a chance to perform in Rio.

- How to set yourself up morally for the new Olympic cycle?
- You know what you're doing it for. But we have insanely hard training. And this medal was harder for me than the first one. Apparently I was younger then. And now I thought: “Maybe I can still do it? Maybe that's not all?

I left gymnastics in 2013 after the World Championships. Now back. And I think: “But I can still!”


Anastasia Tatareva

Anastasia Alekseevna Tatareva(born July 19, 1997) - Russian gymnast. Olympic champion (2016). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. World and European Champion.

Excerpts from the interview

- The age of gymnasts is very short. Many have only one Olympics, then they have to end their careers ... Doesn't that scare you?
– Life is beautiful, and there are so many interesting things in it! I'm not afraid that I'll have to say goodbye to sports. This is fine. I study at the university - at the correspondence department of the Institute of International Relations. So that's what I'll probably do next. Life will show.

- An interesting choice. Perhaps you speak a foreign language well?
– English. Not bad, but I need to learn more - that's what I'll do. There is a lot of language practice at competitions!

- Do you have time to study?
- All forces go to training. Especially when preparing for competitions. We have to study on Skype ... And they send us assignments, we complete them and send them back.

- Teachers do not give discounts, do not simplify the task?
- Not. Who am I to make things easy for me? (laughs).

- You compete in the team competition. Do you want to go private?
- I started, by the way, in the personal. Then they called me to the team ... No, I don’t want to - I like it more in the team - here, of course, the responsibility is higher. But you feel that we are together. There is something called "team spirit". We have a very friendly team. If we quarrel, then rarely. And we make up quickly.

- Do you know that you are compared on the forums with Alina Kabaeva?
- I have not heard about that! I think we are very different. I'm not like her ... I think we should remain ourselves, not strive to be like others.


private photos

Vera Biryukova

Vera Leonidovna Biryukova(born April 11, 1998 - Omsk) - Russian gymnast. Member of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team. Master of Sports of Russia of international class. 2016 Summer Olympic champion. Honored Master of Sports. European Champion.


Vera Biryukova burst into the Rio Olympics at the speed of a meteor and almost at the last moment. A month and a half before the Games, neither numerous fans of rhythmic gymnastics, nor the Omsk "artist" herself even thought about such a development of events.

- If I had any hopes of getting into the main team, then a couple of months before the Olympics, they almost dissipated, - says Vera. - I calmly worked in the second team, trained and didn’t really count on anything. Judge for yourself: there is nothing left before the Games, who will make changes to the existing group? But it turned out that one of the girls was injured, and the coaches decided to try me. And you know, it worked out well. Even Irina Alexandrovna Viner praised. She said that it was almost imperceptible to her that a new person had joined the group. “You will go to Kazan, and we will see there,” were her words. Only two starts remained before the Olympic Games: the World Cup stages in Kazan and Baku. To be honest, I thought that after Kazan I would be removed from the squad. But this did not happen either after Kazan or after Baku! But I could only believe that I was going to Rio on a plane flying to Brazil.

- Did you manage to have a good rest after the Games?
- Yes, the whole team sent us to the sea, we rested in Sardinia, it was great. Then each went to their hometown. I also enjoyed my week at home.
- Did you and your mother remember how it all began?
- From the sea and Turkey! We rested there, and my mother only had time to make sure that I didn’t climb where I didn’t need to. The energy was overflowing! Well, I always loved to dance, "bent" in all directions. Then my mother suggested that I try gymnastics. I immediately agreed, although I really had no idea what it was! Maybe I saw it on TV a couple of times. When we returned home, my mother brought me to the hall. And that's how I started training at the age of five. Mom said that parents were not allowed to train so that the children would not be distracted. But she managed to look out the window. He says I always tried, I didn’t mess around. I trained conscientiously, even if the coach left the gym. Although I don't remember that time very well.

- And the first medal?
-I remember. At school competitions, she shared first place with another girl.

- You once mentioned that in childhood your idol in gymnastics was Laysan Utyasheva. But Omsk people traditionally call Irina Chashchina, Evgenia Kanaeva ...
- Irina and Evgenia are great gymnasts. But it's true: it was Laysan that I admired. I always liked the way she moves, works with the subject, her emotionality. Yes, for me she was the best gymnast. And over time, it did not go anywhere, she is still my idol. And not only as an athlete, but also as a person.
- Before the Olympics, did you turn to her for advice?
- Unfortunately, before the Olympics, I was not yet familiar with her. My childhood dream came true after the Games. We were introduced by Nastya Bliznyuk. This happened when the girls and I performed at the Alexei Nemov show in Moscow. Laysan also participated in it, we even changed clothes in the same locker room.

- Laysan, after completing her gymnastic career, found herself as a TV presenter. Have you already thought about the future?
- To be honest, this is a difficult topic for me. I have not yet decided on new goals in life, in gymnastics. Now sports take up 100% of my time and it is very difficult to fit something else into my life with such a schedule. So for now I can't answer this question!


private photos

Sofia Skomorokh

Sofia Pavlovna Skomorokh(born August 18, 1999 Omsk) - Russian gymnast, world and European champion.

Shortly before the Olympics, Sonya was injured and could not go there, although she was in the first team all year.

private photos

Maria Tolkacheva

Maria Yurievna Tolkacheva(born August 18, 1997 - Zhukov) - Russian gymnast, three-time world champion, three-time European champion, two-time European Games champion, Olympic champion (2016) in group exercises. Honored Master of Sports

In my opinion, Masha is the most beautiful gymnast of the national team. Although, of course, they are all beautiful.

Masha and Nastya Tatareva are best friends

That's all! Thank you all for your attention, and the girls new victories)

So, we were insulted again.

The IOC, without explaining the reasons, did not include short track skater Viktor An, biathlete Anton Shipulin and skier Sergei Ustyugov in the lists of admitted to the Olympic Games. In other words, leaders in their sports. Our ROC is not able to answer the International Olympic Committee - he is disqualified, he is not on the Olympic map of the world, and therefore he cannot participate in the selection. Thus, only on the example of Russia, the IOC achieved the implementation of the First Article of the Olympic Charter, which he had long forgotten about. At least since he made the team standings at the Olympics official. And this article sounds like this: athletes participate in the Games, but not countries. However, the very disqualification of the Russian Olympic Committee, the deprivation of Russia of the right to carry its own flag, to listen to its anthem during victories as a punishment indicates that the foundations of the Charter have long ceased to work.

How did you get to live like this? Why couldn't the ROC win back its rights? After all, doping scandals did not appear today and will not die tomorrow. Why didn't the IOC disqualify the USOC (US National Olympic Committee) during the famous BALKO scandal, when the greats Marion Jones and Carl Lewis were disqualified for doping the designer? Why did Hayo Zeppelt's film, and then Rodchenkov's Icarus, thunder, and why did the amazing BBC film "The Race That Shocked The World" about doping in US athletics disappear into oblivion? I swear, the strongest journalism about athletics, about betrayal, about bribery. And it's all about doping. Not with us. And there - the unqualified.

Answers to these questions, perhaps, should be sought in the activities of our Olympic Committee. Let's remember what started before the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The teams flew from Moscow to Brazil and did not know what awaited them upon arrival: an immediate flight back or competitions. There were many statements by Alexander Zhukov, the president of the ROC, but there was no result from his statements. The scandal was resolved by two people - Alisher Usmanov and Vitaly Smirnov. If it were not for Alisher Burkhanovich's letter to Bach, if Vitaly Georgievich did not have a huge weight in the international Olympic movement, the teams would have to go on a sixteen-hour return flight. Our blessed president of the ROC, Alexander Zhukov, only repeated, like a mantra, that "they will let us in, they cannot refuse us," but other people saved the teams.

In principle, the entire international ROC line is incomprehensible. Our dear Olympic Committee, apparently, in the spring of 2015 did not know that in a few months the persecution of Russian athletes would begin (it’s not clear, how could I not know? Why do they keep an international department in the ROC, which is simply obliged to have information and sort it out?) Otherwise, how could the ROC not support - okay, let it not support - but not arrange a public flogging of Marius Vizer, president of the International Judo Federation and president of the Sport Accord convention, who spoke about the problems of the IOC and offered alternative ways? After the public flogging of Vizer in Sochi, Russia was left face to face with the IOC. And the IOC, in a situation of difficult relations with international federations, in a situation of de facto subordination to WADA, rushed about. Our sports diplomats hailing from the ROC did not even move to play the situation in favor of their country. The IOC went where it was called. And the Russian Olympic Committee continued to sprinkle ashes on his head, they say, we are doping bullies. Forgive us sinners.

The scandal continued with intensification, but the Russian Olympic Committee did not show its will. You need to understand one thing: apart from the ROC, no one had the right to negotiate. In accordance with the Charter, any interference by the state is punishable by disqualification. Many national Olympic committees were burning at this, so we can only thank our politicians for not getting anywhere. Otherwise, they would have opened another hole for punishment.

When asked why the ROC did not use all the diplomatic means of fighting for our sport, they humbly replied: "You have no idea how guilty we are before the world community." Honestly? This wording was incomprehensible to me: “guilty” is a topic for internal analysis and internal punishments, and they were at the forefront, where not a step back.

The trip to the meetings of the IOC Executive Committee on the admission of our athletes to Pyeongchang demonstrated the complete diplomatic impotence of the Russian Olympic Committee, headed by Alexander Zhukov. The men in power covered themselves with an eighteen-year-old figure skater girl. How Mr. Zhukov got to the point that a talented teenager became his only argument in the matter of admitting athletes. He did not know that they would allow it one way or another, if only because the TV sponsors had already told the International Olympic Committee that without this girl, Zhenya Medvedeva, and without the Russian hockey team, they would not show the Olympics, they would accommodate all broadcasts in three hours, and the IOC on this lose wild money. Zhukov was supposed to fight for the flag, for the anthem, and he reported on what had been decided long ago as a victory. He lost the main fight: Olympic athletes from Russia are coming, not the Russian team. By the way, his words that all investigations against our country will stop at this point are also not confirmed: Denis Oswald's commission has not been dissolved, investigations are ongoing.

In the meantime, the IOC does not allow our leaders. Just. Without explaning the reason. They so want.

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By the way, four-time Olympic biathlon champion Alexander Tikhonov, in a fit of indignation, suggested sending Vitaly Mutko to Magadan. No one denies the guilt of Vitaly Leontyevich. I could have guessed that until the word "science" is spelled out in big red letters in the Federal Target Program for Sports, until its funding exceeds the funding for national teams, we will continue to justify ourselves on doping issues. But no one talks about the fact that Alexander Dmitrievich Zhukov, the president of the Russian Olympic Committee, failed all the negotiations with a bang, and our "clean" athletes suffer precisely because of him. Because of him, Viktor An, Anton Shipulin and Sergey Ustyugov and our best hockey players will not go to the Olympic Games.

Anton Shipulin. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

The information that Anton Shipulin is not allowed to the Olympic Games was commented by the head of the Public Relations Service of the Russian Biathlon Union Konstantin Boytsov:

“Regarding the information that has appeared about the non-admission of Anton Shipulin, we can say the following: the ROC is authorized to conduct a dialogue with the IOC (whose membership in the IOC is now suspended). The Russian Biathlon Union only conducts a dialogue with the International Biathlon Union. But neither one nor the other organization in any way They cannot influence the invitation (or not invitation) of athletes to participate in the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, so we can only wait until the list of athletes admitted to the Olympics in 2018 is officially announced on January 28-29. Then we will somehow react. In the meantime, we are sticking to the Olympic application that we made. It includes 11 athletes, including Anton Shipulin."

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