
How to prank a friend on the street. Pranks by phone. Paper prank

As practice shows, a real joke or prank on the phone can brighten up any day! You can send them to friends without waiting for a reason. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to wait for the First of April. Jokes should decorate our everyday life. Therefore, feel free to send pranks via mobile phone and immerse your friends in a world of new emotions. Believe me, your comrades will be absolutely delighted with such jokes!

We all love fun. Even if jokes and humor did not prolong life, we would still not stop having fun. But now, due to the rapid development of mobile technologies, an absolutely unique opportunity has arisen to make your life brighter, funnier and more fun. We also mean, of course, cool pranks on the phone.

The pranks themselves are quite complicated. Of course, if we are not talking about banal jokes on the first of April. A good prank requires a well-thought-out plan, excellent acting and the coincidence of a whole bunch of factors! Only in this case the draw will really work. Otherwise, failure may await. However, if you use a prank on the phone, then your task is greatly simplified, because we have already done the main work of acting for you.

Prank phone call

What is required of you to successfully prank a friend, girlfriend or relative? First of all, of course, go to our website, which contains online phone draws. After that, carefully, legibly and in detail study our section with various jokes and choose what you like. Now you can mark the victim. Surely you and your friends already have a person you would like to prank right now. Well, in this case he was terribly unlucky.

Now comes the hardest part of the plan. In order for the draw to be successful, you need to clearly structure each of your actions. Just think about where the target of your prank is right now? Do not know? That's it, but how to play it then? Therefore, find out exactly the daily routine of the victim, otherwise failure may result. But when you find out, you can make a good joke about your loved one.

By the way, our service for pranking a friend over the phone doesn’t even require instantly sending your joke to the victim’s phone. You can also make a “delayed call” by calculating the situation and the course of events in advance. You also have the right to hide your phone number, in which case our service will call your target anonymously and he will not suspect anything.

So, have you chosen the target of your prank? Do you know her daily routine exactly? And even a suitable joke has already been found on our website. Well, in this case, it's time to order a prank over the phone. This is not difficult to do, just click on the joke you have chosen on our website, and you will understand everything else. Pay attention to the time of the call - this is very important!

Well, now it’s time to enjoy. Unfortunately, we don’t know what you will choose, but we can guarantee you that with a well-thought-out plan of action, our voice pranks on the phone work flawlessly. After carrying out your insidious plan, you should, of course, put on the most serious face that you can and calmly listen to your friend’s dissatisfaction or his indignation about what happened to him today and what an absurd situation he got himself into. Surely the object of your prank will not be able to immediately understand that it was you who so insidiously set up your friend and made him blush and be indignant. And then you can tell the poor fellow what’s what and laugh at what he did together.

As you can see, pranking people on the phone is actually a lot of fun. In addition, this is a truly innovative discovery, so at first even the most skeptical person will not be able to understand what’s what. And when he understands, he will already find himself in an absurd situation. It always works. So, if you seriously decide to decorate the life of your family and friends with bright colors and new impressions, then use our service and entertain you and your friends!

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 11 minutes


The holiday of April 1 is a day of practical jokes, surprises, laughter and fun. On this day, they play pranks on friends, colleagues, acquaintances and relatives. It’s not surprising, because jokes and pranks on April 1 will lift your spirits and leave good memories. And although April Fool’s Day is not designated in any way on the official calendar, it enjoys enviable popularity among residents of many countries.

After reading the article, you will make the first day of April unforgettable. I will look at successful April Fools' jokes, jokes and practical jokes that will help you make a good-natured, but incredibly funny joke, and this is the key to general fun and positive emotions.

Remember to have a sense of proportion and do not overdo it with humor on April Fool's Day. If you successfully choose a victim for the prank, get the timing right and do everything correctly, it will be funny for everyone. And don’t forget to be vigilant, because at any moment you can become a victim of a prank.

The best pranks for the first of April at school

Many people love April Fool's Day, especially schoolchildren. They are ready to play pranks at any moment, because on the first of April no one punishes them for this. At the same time, every student does not forget about attentiveness and constantly expects a trick from his peers. In this part of the article I will consider several ideas for pranks for schoolchildren. They require little preparation and provide incredible results.

  • "Paper Draw". Before the holiday, prepare several sheets of paper with various inscriptions. Notification of repairs, lack of water, or cancellation of classes is ideal. Post messages on the walls of the school and in the school yard. Just don't get caught by the teachers.
  • "Holiday Brick". A classmate who has a roomy backpack with a lot of pockets is suitable for the role of the victim. When the target of the prank leaves the property unattended, hide a brick or large rock in one of the pockets. After classes, the student will automatically put on a backpack and will not pay attention to the fact that the burden has become heavier. The results of the drawing will be known the next day.
  • "Goodbye, school" . The draw is suitable for classmates who often miss classes. On April 1, give your peer a letter on behalf of the class teacher notifying you of expulsion from school.
  • « Fantômas". Burn a dozen matches. Cover both hands with the remaining ashes, then approach the victim from behind and close his eyes. As soon as the target of the prank guesses you, remove your hands and quickly put them in your pocket. A classmate will not suspect that he has undergone a facial.
  • « Soap and blackboard» . On April Fool's Day, not only schoolchildren, but also teachers play pranks. If the teacher's anger is not scary, rub the board with soap before class. The teacher's attempts to write something on the board will fail.

When choosing a prank, remember that your actions should not offend your classmate. In general, on this day it is recommended that both schoolchildren and teachers be attentive, because school-age children are unpredictable.

Popular pranks for friends

Laughter improves mood and has a positive effect on life expectancy. And the first of April is a wonderful occasion to make fun of your friends and have a good laugh. It is possible that thanks to the prank, the life of a close friend will increase by one bright day. In this part of the article you will find ideas that will help you organize a five-minute laugh.

  1. "Head in a Jar". Invite your friends to get together and spend April Fool's Eve at your home. Before your guests arrive, fill a jar with water, dip a friend’s photo into the liquid, and place it in the refrigerator. During an evening out, ask the victim to bring a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. The surprise effect will work one hundred percent.
  2. "Fizzy". A great way to prank. Invite friends home, offer cola with ice. Just instead of regular ice, put pieces with Mentos candies frozen inside into glasses. When the ice melts, the candy will react with the drink, resulting in a fountain gushing out of the glass.
  3. "It's time to get up." Before April Fool's Day, ask a friend for a phone number to make a call. Step aside and secretly set your alarm for 5am. In the morning, call your friend back and ask if he liked getting up early.
  4. "Screen of Death". If a friend spends a lot of time on the computer, the following April Fool's prank is recommended. Take a screenshot of the blue screen and secretly set the resulting image as your desktop wallpaper on your friend's computer. Don't forget to create a folder and put all the shortcuts in it to make it more believable.
  5. "Prank by phone". Call a friend for any reason, and after a few minutes of conversation, say that you will call back in 5 minutes. During the next call, make sure that your friend hears an unexpected scream instead of the usual greeting.

Video tips

Most of these pranks require advance preparation, but provide impressive results. And the emotions and memories gained are worth it. So get ready for a fun holiday in advance.

How to joke with your parents

If you decide to play a prank on your parents on the first of April, you will have to try hard. In the case of parents, topical pranks are inappropriate, since dad and mom are the closest people who require attention and reverent attitude. As for the main purpose of the April Fool's prank for relatives, it is about family fun. How to make a joke?

  1. "Dessert with a surprise". Pass the processed cheese through a grater, add crushed garlic and chopped hot pepper. Roll the resulting mixture into balls, sprinkle generously with coconut flakes. The spicy taste of the mouth-watering dessert is guaranteed to surprise parents.
  2. "Sudden Letter". On April Fool's Day, place a letter in the mailbox on behalf of one of the utility companies. In the letter, indicate that in the near future a new cable will be laid on the roof of the house, and during work, fragments of concrete may fall from the roof. To protect your windows, we recommend sealing them with tape. If parents believe, don't let them go too far. Tell them it's a prank.
  3. "Toothpaste with a twist". In the daily bustle, parents usually forget that the first of April is approaching and regularly fall for this prank. Stretch the cling film over the tube where the paste is squeezed out. Then close the lid and remove excess material. When parents want to freshen their breath, they will not be able to squeeze out the paste.
  4. "Bad news". Ask someone you know to call the parents on behalf of the school principal and report the child’s expulsion due to persistent absenteeism. The main thing is to notify your family about the draw in a timely manner.
  5. "Merry communal apartment". Scan the old payment using a graphic editor, change important information and set the exorbitant amount. After that, print out a new receipt on the printer, delicately cut it out with scissors and slip it under the door.

Remember, it’s much more difficult to prank your parents on April Fools’ Day than it is to prank your friends or classmates. Therefore, to achieve results, use your imagination and demonstrate your acting skills to the maximum.

Funny office pranks for colleagues

The first of April is the best reason to lighten up the work environment, play pranks on your colleagues and laugh together. Lately, more and more people are playing office pranks on co-workers. If you want to join them, look below for original ideas that will help you prank your colleagues and make the holiday unforgettable.

  • "Naughty Mouse". On the eve of April 1st, stay late in the office and cover your optical mice with thin paper or stationery tape. The expected effect will appear the next morning, when, after turning on the computer, colleagues notice the loss of control over the system.
  • "Spot" . Mix ammonia with phenolphthalein. Both products are sold at the pharmacy. The result will be a red liquid. Pour the mixture into a fountain pen and, if successful, shake it onto a colleague’s shirt or blouse. After a few seconds, the alcohol will evaporate and the stains will disappear.
  • "Clerical confusion". A colleague's stationery will help organize the draw. Replace the pens with analogues whose caps are glued with glue, and cover the ends of the pencils with a layer of colorless nail polish. When you arrive at work, watch the victim suffer.
  • "Unexpected Guest". If the office receives many visitors every day, and each colleague has a separate office, replace the sign on the victim's door. The inscription "Toilet" will do.
  • "Top secret". The raffle is ideal for accounting or an office with a huge turnover of documents. Collect a bunch of unnecessary papers, file them in a folder, stick a “top secret” note on top and place it on the desk of one of the employees. Believe me, you have never seen such a detective show before.

Video instruction

When choosing a drawing option, be sure to take into account your relationships with colleagues. Use the most “cruel” pranks on colleagues with whom you have a warm relationship. Also remember that a joke should not interfere with the normal course of the work day.

Harmless pranks for girls

Girls are different. Some react adequately to innocent jokes, others are very offended. If you decide to prank a girl on the first of April, don’t overdo it. Stupid and cynical jokes and gags are inappropriate in this case. Only a beautiful and original prank will provide the desired effect.

  1. "Cosmetics with a catch". Buy your girl an expensive face mask. Pour the contents of the jar into another container, and pour thick mayonnaise instead. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a gift and will want to immediately try it in practice. After laughing, give the real remedy.
  2. "A haircut" . In advance, get a strand of artificial hair that matches the girl’s hair in color. Having chosen the right moment, take the large scissors, approach the girl from behind, click the scissors loudly and throw her hair on the floor. The effect is simply amazing.
  3. "Request" . Hide a spool of thread under a sweater or T-shirt, and use a needle to bring the tip of the thread out. Ask the girl to remove the thread from her clothes and enjoy the spectacle. The efforts of the discouraged assistant look comical.
  4. "Miracle hairdryer". If a girl uses a hairdryer every day, pour a little flour or starch into it. When she decides to dry her hair, she will be in for a surprise. This prank is very effective, but after the fireworks the instigator has to clean up.
  5. "Feeling of fear". It so happens that spiders cause fear in girls. On the eve of April 1, buy a rubber spider at the store and tie a string to it. At the right moment, quietly lower the creature onto the girl’s shoulder. You will hear the effect in a few seconds.

When playing a girl, remember that she is a gentle and fragile creature. Therefore, forget about pranks that cause physical or mental pain. You will do everything right if after the prank she laughs too.

How to make fun of a guy

In the case of guys, the range of April Fool's jokes is no worse than with girls. And if a young man also has a wonderful sense of humor, there are no restrictions on the implementation of even the most daring ideas. The main thing is to avoid sensitive situations.

  • "Flood". While the guy is sleeping, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet. In the morning, run into the bedroom and say that the neighbors have flooded the apartment. The guy, shocked by the news, will try to quickly get out of bed, but that’s not the case.
  • "Good news" . If a guy is not ready for family life, please him on April 1st with the following joke. Use a colored marker to draw the number of lines required for a positive result on the pregnancy test.
  • "Hero-Savior" . On the eve of April 1, tell your boyfriend that you are not feeling well. In the morning, ask him to run to the pharmacy for herbal tincture. Come up with a name for the grass yourself. Get dressed quickly, follow the guy from behind and watch how the young man tries to buy a non-existent product. Very funny.
  • "Hijacking". If the guy has a car while he sleeps, take the keys and drive the vehicle to another location. After this, wake up your betrothed and tell him that the car was stolen. Just be sure to report the prank before calling law enforcement.

I have listed a few ideas for an original April Fool's prank for a guy. And these are not all the options. Using your imagination, you can come up with something of your own that will suit the guy’s temperament and will not harm the relationship.

April 1 jokes for children

Pranks are popular with many people, especially children. They have a lot of fun when their parents play pranks on them. Below I’ll look at a few ideas for April Fool’s pranks for kids. They will help fill the house with laughter on the first day of April.

  1. "Teleportation". If babies sleep soundly at night, carefully move them to another room. When they wake up, they will find themselves in an unusual environment, which cannot but surprise.
  2. "Milk juice". Offer your kids a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Just serve orange milk instead of a drink. To do this, add food coloring to it.
  3. "Products with eyes". Ask your baby to get milk from the refrigerator. He will be very surprised when he sees on the middle shelf a tray with eggs with funny faces drawn on them. I also recommend giving fruits and vegetables their appearance.
  4. "Snow-white smile". To make morning washing more fun, sprinkle salt on your children's toothbrush. Just don't overdo it.
  5. "A pleasant surprise". While the kids are sleeping, take things out of the closet and replace them with a large number of helium-filled balloons. When the child opens the doors, the balls will fly out like butterflies.

Children are the most capricious and vulnerable audience. Therefore, make every effort to ensure that they receive a vivid impression, and not another portion of stress and disappointment. Let them have a lot of fun.

How not to joke on April 1st

As April approaches, many people are thinking about playing a fun and funny prank on their comrades, colleagues and loved ones. On this day you can joke about different topics, but there are exceptions. In order not to lose face or get into an unpleasant situation, do not use jokes that mention:

  • Death;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Accident;
  • Mining a building.

Each of the listed play options is fraught with problems. Having heard shocking news, a person immediately contacts the relevant authorities. And for such a prank, instead of fun and laughter, you can get a fine or more serious punishment.

Try to keep jokes and pranks within limits and to ensure that both you and the victim end up laughing. Be sure to keep in mind that not all people react adequately to jokes and gags.

Now you have a lot of ideas for April Fool's pranks at your disposal. Use the options you like in practice and do not forget about decency. Your actions should be beautiful even in such situations. Good luck!

Take the trouble to wake up earlier than others and turn the shower hanging above the bathtub towards the washbasin so that the water from it falls directly on the person who comes in the morning to brush his teeth. Just remember to switch the water from the sink to the shower...

The most telephone

Don’t forget about telephone pranks, if only because they are the easiest to perform. How to prank a person in this way? For example, you choose a number and ask them not to answer calls for 10 minutes, since a technician is working on the line and may get an electric shock. After some time, you call back to the same number and, if the phone is picked up again, you let out terrifying screams.

The funniest

This is how you can play a prank on your boss, for example. In his office, choose a cabinet taller than a man and place a box on it. But not simple. It should have an opening top, but no bottom. Fill the box with confetti or fluff, and on the outside glue a bright, visible from afar and at the same time provocative inscription, for example, “Condoms” or “Mediterranean quail eggs.” The boss comes into the office, sees such an indecent box and naturally removes it from the closet...

The most harmless

You buy two completely identical pairs of slippers. Give one pair to a girl (wife, mother, brother, matchmaker, etc.), and hide the other until better times, which, for example, come on April 1st. It is on this day in the morning that you will hide two right slippers, and put two left ones by the bed (or vice versa). So it turns out that just yesterday your victim feet were normal, but today she can only move around the apartment with the gait of a frightened praying mantis. The main thing here is not to hastily buy shapeless slippers with minimal differentiation between left and right.

The smartest

Take a three-liter jar, pour water into it and cover the top with a sheet of paper. Then turn the jar upside down and place it on a table or, better yet, a flat floor and take out the paper. Water does not flow out. Naturally, a jar in the middle of the table or on the floor will disturb someone. But the object of the prank will have to rack his brains for a long time about how to get rid of it with minimal casualties. Let us immediately warn you that removing a jar from the floor is much more difficult than removing it from the table. Another option is to do the same with a saucepan or cup. Only in this case the water will not be visible, so someone will have to actively run around with a mop.

The most foamy

Stock up on a bowl of hot water, shampoo and dry ice. Pour the shampoo into hot water and add ice. We skipped chemistry at school, but our chemist friends said that there would be a lot, really, really, a lot of foam. So much that you can fill the room of a neighbor who plays the disc too loudly at night Led Zeppelin .

The grimmest

For this prank you will need an accomplice no less insidious than you. To begin with, completely burn 10-15 matches and rub them in your palms. The palms turn black, but they cannot be shown to the target of the prank. Then find this very object in some crowded place and offer to show it a trick. Say that you can pierce his knee with a match, but you need to prepare something else for the trick, so he must close his eyes. To prevent the victim from peeking, you cover her eyes with your hands. Then the assistant tries in vain to pierce the knee with a match. He doesn’t succeed, the match breaks, and you, in upset feelings, report that the trick didn’t work. At the same time, the victim’s face remains rather grimy.

The most dressing

You draw a sign “M/F Toilet” and hang it in some public institution on the door of a completely different room. If you really get confused, you can make pointers and arrows leading to pseudo- toilet. The less often the employees of this premises go outside, the longer your sign will hang and the longer the employees will observe people quickly running towards them, freezing in place and running headlong away.

Most computer

To pull off this prank, you need to buy transparent nail polish and a liquid to remove it, so that after the disgrace you have committed, you can painlessly cover up your tracks. The biggest difficulty is that you will have to arrive at the office before all its inhabitants, which is unkind to your body. At work, remove the plug from the computer system unit from the socket and carefully coat the metal part of the plug with transparent varnish. Wait for the varnish to dry and plug it back into the outlet. Since varnish is not a conductor of electricity, the chances of the victim's computer working are more than speculative. Calling system administrators and electricians is guaranteed.

Most up for debate

At work, you gather your colleagues and offer to bet that none of them can place a glass of water on the outside of their palm. Anyone who does not have Parkinson's disease can do this. Naturally, there is someone who agrees to demonstrate all this. Then say that he definitely won’t hold the second glass in his second palm. The naive victim, with the words “nothing is simpler,” agrees to the second glass. After this, you say in disappointment: “Yes, in principle, I never doubted you,” and go to your office. The trick is that it is extremely difficult to remove both glasses without anyone’s help, without spilling water. It will take a long time before the unfortunate pranked one, calling for help, realizes that he just needs to drink one glass.

We hope that now you know how you can prank a person: a loved one or a work colleague, a boss or a friend. Good luck with your drawings!

Making fun of your friends on VKontakte is a fun activity. In this way, you can improve the mood not only for yourself, but also for your friend, and laugh from the heart. After all, as you know, laughter prolongs life. But how to play on VK, you ask? This can be done in different variations. It can be in a harsh form, or it can be in a humorous way. But you shouldn’t joke too harshly if you don’t want your friend to be offended and stop communicating with you. Jokes should be light, kind, and sweet.

If you follow these three sub-points, then the joke will bring only positive emotions to both you and your friends. In this difficult matter, it is important not to go too far, everything should be in moderation.

Draw options

Options how to play on VK there are different ones. This is not as easy to do as it seems. Pranking pen pals in contact is complicated if we evaluate its implementation from a technical point of view. In this matter, it is important to follow clear instructions and rules. If you organize everything correctly, then your friends’ mood will be wonderful, just like yours. And what could be nicer and better than the sincere smile of your friends?

Option #1. Changing the page code

This variation of the prank is considered one of the most effective, but this prank requires effort. If you have not previously had to change the page code, then follow the instructions.


Click on the required object that needs to be changed. It can be anything, for example, a person's name.
After clicking “view element code”, this is done using the context menu (clicking the right mouse button). The page code will appear on the side.
Now click on the place that we want to replace. This can be done by double clicking the mouse button.
Next, change the previous name to the required one directly in the page code. In this way, it is possible to change any information on the required page; there is no limit to imagination in this matter. We recommend coming up with such a change option so that your friend does not understand that this is all a joke. In order to change the necessary information, you must press “enter”.
Afterwards you need to take a screenshot of the page. Next, you need to save the resulting image.
Send the picture to a friend! His first reaction will be a little fright, but as soon as you tell him what the matter is, you will be able to laugh heartily.

Option #2. With a famous person

Correspondence in contact with a celebrity is a great way to prank friends. In order to make this joke a reality, you need to register a fake account under the name of a famous person. The best celebrity option would be someone your friend likes or likes. But this is not necessary; it is possible to choose a famous person for whom a friend has antipathy.

After registration is successful, you need to find your friend’s page, go to it and write a message. The message should not shock your friend; the content should be kind or neutral. After the SMS has been written, you must click the send button. Afterwards all you can do is wait and watch your friend’s reaction. If you're lucky, he'll respond to the message and engage in dialogue with the fictional celebrity. The main thing is that you don’t need to drag out this SMS correspondence, and you shouldn’t juggle with other people’s feelings. When necessary, gently convey that this is a joke and laugh together.

Option #3. Modification of information

In order to prank your friends virtually, you don’t need to put much effort into it. You can simply set yourself up a little, and thereby create a joke. But laughter and fun are guaranteed. In order to implement such a joke, you need to modify the information on your page. For example, put a status saying that you are in love with a friend’s sister or someone else. The main thing is that all this does not hurt the feelings of your friends and does not upset them.

Now we can only wait to see who will react and how to modifying the information on the personal page in contact. Such a joke should also not drag on for long, after which it must be admitted that it was a joke.

Option No. 4. Change picture

If you want to prank a girl you know, then this joke was created specifically for women. To do this, you need to go to your friend’s page and add a post to her wall. You can do this using the “Add entry” command, which is located under the photos.

Then you need to click “attach” from this menu. Next, a window opens, where you need to select the image that was intended to be placed. Then upload the selected image. Next, click “open” and “send”.

After the recording arrives at the place of sending, sit and wait for a comment from your friend. Then you need to click the “edit” button and change this cute picture to something less cute and beautiful. The result is that your friend commented on the ugly image as something cute and beautiful.

It is also possible to simply joke in this form - to change the language. This is easy to do; you just need to insert /?lang=digit after the site name and replace the number with another one. Then you need to send the link to your friends with the phrase “Look what I found.” After they click on the link, the language in the contact will change automatically.

In these simple ways you can prank your acquaintances and friends. Amuse yourself and your friends with these simple prank variations. The main thing is to remember that you need to know when to stop everything; joking does not mean mocking. Good luck in the drawings!

April 1 is a great occasion to arrange a real test for your loved ones, playing them as tough and fun as possible. There are no prohibitions on this day! The jokes can be borderline (the main thing is that the victim doesn’t have a heart attack), the humor can be reckless, and the holiday itself can be off-putting. We have prepared this selection especially for fans of extreme, extraordinary, memorable pranks.

Prank your friend: a mixture of humor, fun and fright

The coolest prank is the one that is completely impossible to guess. It should have some spice, some zest, some kind of novelty and originality that does not allow the victim to understand that they are making fun of her. So, let's go!

Option 1. For those on the subway

A surprisingly simple and at the same time effective prank, which requires one accomplice and being in the subway during rush hour. We go in, pretend that we pressed the button to communicate with the driver and loudly ask: “Please, a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger for such and such a car.” At the next stop your accomplice is already waiting for you (discuss the carriage number in advance), who delivers what is “ordered.” Of course, passengers are perplexed. But it will also be mixed with indignation when, again imitating a dialogue with the driver, you say: “Okay, now it’s time to get to the final station without stopping, I’m in a hurry!”

Option 2. Risky

An excellent, effective prank for a company gathered to spend April Fool's Day in nature. Prepare a jar of squash or eggplant caviar in advance. While your friends are “covering the clearing,” step aside. Discreetly dump the props on the ground and sprinkle them with scraps of toilet paper for decoration. Now it's all about artistry. You pretend that you accidentally discovered this unambiguous pile, grab a spoon and shout “Oops, it’s fresh!” eat. Believe me, the day will start very cool!

Option 3. Simple but tasteful

Everything here is extremely simple. You choose the victim of the joke and a cool, humorous postcard that suits his nature (there are a huge number of these on sale now). Now you need to format it correctly: We print out an official envelope on behalf of, for example, the tax office, court, military registration and enlistment office, and so on. It is important that the letter looks serious and personable, and does not raise questions. We put the purchased postcard inside. Believe me, the victim will be both puzzled and scared, and then laugh a lot.

Option 4. With goldfish

Works great with fellow aquarium enthusiasts. If your friend has fish at home, give him a very tough show. First cut out a fish silhouette from a carrot and hide it in your hand. When you come to visit a friend, unceremoniously put your hand into the aquarium and move it there (lovers of aquatic fauna may have a nervous breakdown just from this!), then - one sharp movement, and, Defiantly waving the carrot piece in the air, put it in your mouth! Moreover, as deliciously as possible and with remarks like: “The freshest fish is here!”, “Mmmm, the most delicious view!” Be prepared for a very violent reaction.

Option 5. With a glass

The props are simple - a plastic cup, but the effect will be amazing. Especially if you organize a prank in an office, auditorium or classroom, with a large crowd of people. We start by complaining all day about pain in the neck, saying it hurts and we have no strength. It’s better to do this intrusively, so that in a couple of hours everyone knows about your problem. Now, while no one sees, We put a glass on our hand and put it behind our neck. We approach the chosen victim, bow our heads with a pained look, pressing the glass. A wild crunch is heard. Everyone around is in shock!

Option 6. Voice card

Again, a simple but very effective way to make it an unforgettable experience for your chosen victim. There is a service on the Internet « voice cards » , for such a request, any search engine will return several cool sites. We select the appropriate text, for example: “The police are bothering you. We have received a message that you have pornography on your computer. Due to the new law banning the illegal downloading and storage of porn for private viewing, we are required to seize your hard drive to examine it. In 10-15 minutes the police will come to you. Prepare the disc and its warranty card. That's all, see you later." In the specified field, enter the number of the subscriber who will receive such a call. Impressions are guaranteed for everyone.

Option 7. Cosmetic

Cosmetics are a great material for various funny and simple pranks. For example, you can at night, a man paints his nails with bright varnish, and then set the alarm clock so that when he wakes up, he is practically late for work or school. Your boyfriend or husband will wake up and go out looking so handsome. Another option is to draw purple bruises under the eyes. Such a joke will also have a sufficient effect when the victim sees himself in the mirror.

Option 8. With bulging eyes

A cool joke, especially sophisticated because of its simplicity. You buy a tennis ball, cut it in half, and add a pupil to each “eye.” Tighten with a thin elastic band. You put an improvised mask over your eyes, over your dark glasses. When the intended victim calls you, come up and take off your glasses with a beautiful gesture, showing your bulging eyes. It will be a lot of fun!

Option 9. Scare a stranger

A prank that will bring a lot of emotions to both you and the chosen victim. The main task is to find a person she doesn’t know. Invite the victim for a walk, sit him on a bench, and leave under some pretext. Now it's your accomplice's turn. He approaches an unsuspecting friend, sits down next to him, with the most serious look possible, takes out someone’s photograph, moves it towards the unwitting participant in the joke and quietly says: “I want it to look like an accident.” Then he gets up abruptly and leaves. When you return, you will hear a lot of interesting things.

Option 10. Haunted

On a beautiful day, April 1, preferably in the late afternoon, send SMS messages to your friends with the simple text “Open the door, I’m here!” . They go, open the door, and there is no one there. It even looks a little creepy.

Option 11. With vodka and a car

The props are simple - a vodka bottle filled with plain water. You get into a car with friends and go somewhere to run errands. Deliberately delay time, drive the car as carefully and slowly as possible. When the irritation of passengers reaches its peak, take out the bottle and, with the words “Okay, it’s your own fault,” empty it about halfway in one gulp. Now press on the gas as hard as you can.

Option 12. With a mobile phone

Here you will have to work a little to find suitable props. You need a mobile phone panel that is exactly similar to the phone used by the potential victim of the prank. Ask a friend for his cell phone, saying yours is dead and you need to call urgently. Step aside and quietly replace your mobile phone with the purchased panel. Pretend that the conversation is turning into an argument, then angrily throw the “phone” and stomp on it for good measure. The victim's shock is guaranteed.

Option 13. Very hard

In addition to the victim, you will also need an accomplice. Bet with the target of the prank that he cannot guess which part of the body he is touching while blindfolded. There is only one condition: you can only feel with your fingers. Now blindfold the victim and start pinning him. Have her guess the accomplice's body parts correctly several times, then slip in two halves of a tomato. Naturally, he is perplexed - what is this? And then the accomplice screams wildly that his eyes were gouged out...

Pranks on April 1st are the best way to have fun and laugh from the heart. True, when arranging them, soberly assess the victim’s psyche so that for her the matter does not end in the hospital. Remember: fun only turns out great when it’s completely safe. And, of course, unexpectedly.

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