
The best educational practices of the world. Best pedagogical practices. In relation to its predecessor

At present, the practice of formal and non-formal adult education has developed in Russia in several forms:

  • 1) formal education:
    • - general secondary education in evening (shift) secondary schools;
    • - vocational education in evening and daytime vocational schools with evening departments;
    • - secondary specialized education in secondary specialized educational institutions (correspondence, part-time form);
    • - higher education in higher educational institutions;
    • - postgraduate training (training) for specialists with higher and secondary specialized education in institutes, retraining and advanced training courses.
  • 2) non-formal education: courses at public universities, centers and institutions of continuous (additional) education, in the lecture halls of the Knowledge society, universities of the “third age”, etc.

Non-formal education institutions offer a wide range of educational services.

Education in institutions of both formal and non-formal education can be carried out on a budgetary or contractual basis. Paid education prevails in the forms of non-formal education.

At present, the activities of non-profit organizations are being activated, the main goals of which are educational activities, civil law education, environmental education and etc.

Table 3

Distinguishing features of formal and non-formal adult education


Formal adult education

Non-formal adult education

Institutional educational structures

State and non-state educational organizations licensed to conduct educational activities with adults

(Academies for advanced training,

Institutes for advanced training,

Education Development Institutes,

Information and methodological centers at the departments of education, etc.)

Innovative educational companies,

Scientific and educational complexes,

Centers for independent qualification and certification,

public organizations,

Institutions additional education children

  • - Obtaining a profession
  • - Improving experience
  • - Development of professional competencies
  • - Increment of the educational potential of the subject
  • - Social adaptation
  • - Personal development

Subjects - organizers of training

Teaching staff

Various specialists, pedagogical workers

Legal and regulatory framework governing activities

  • - "Education Model 2020"
  • - Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"
  • -Professional standard of the teacher
  • - Educational programs
  • - Local acts of OS
  • - Reflected in the Education Model 2020
  • - Local acts of an educational and non-educational organization (the legal framework is imperfect)

Timeframes for training

Training in a set period of time

Deadlines are not standardized, flexible schedule, no time limits

Mandatory training

Is mandatory

Done on a voluntary basis

Nature of results

Obtaining a state document

Increment of educational potential, satisfaction of professional interests and personal needs

Based on the studied sources (dissertation research, monographs, collections of conferences), an analysis of the organization of modern educational practice in Russia was carried out. For the analysis, statistical information of institutions of formal and non-formal education was used, as well as the results of surveys of adult students.

  • 1. Characteristics of adult learners in the system of continuing education
  • 1) Gender - the vast majority of students are women, although the gender composition may differ depending on the specifics of the course being taught.
  • 2) Age of students:
    • - up to 30 years - more than 60%,
    • - from 30 to 40 years old and from 40 to 50 years old - in approximately the same ratio, about 13%,
    • - over 50 years old - about 15%.
  • 3) Basic education of students:
    • - secondary complete education - in 26%,
    • - secondary vocational education - 36%,
    • - higher - 30%,
    • - average general - 8%.
  • 2. Motives for learning (in descending order):
    • - raising the general cultural educational level;
    • - increasing the level of professionalism, qualifications;
    • - acquisition of new applied skills;
    • - filling in the gaps in the knowledge gained in the completed educational institution;
    • - Satisfaction of communication needs in the interaction in the team.
  • 3. Preferred forms of education (in descending order):
    • - specialized courses under the guidance of an expert;
    • - faculties, advanced training courses in higher educational institutions;
    • - distance learning;
    • - lectures - discussions.
  • 4. Degree of satisfaction with educational services:
    • - about 30% of students are quite satisfied with the quality and conditions of education;
    • - more than 40% of adult learners note the limited range of educational services and insufficient advertising of organizations providing adult education services;
    • - 54% of adults indicate the inability of teachers to respond flexibly to the specific educational needs of the contingent in the group.

Thus, we assume that in modern conditions lifelong education is a necessity for various social categories of adults, however, the educational services provided do not fully meet all expectations, they lag behind the trends of social development in content and forms.

Zinaida Vyacheslavovna ZIMIN, teacher in English
GBOU "Academic Gymnasium No. 56" of St. Petersburg
L.S. LEONYUK, teacher of additional education PMC "Petrogradsky"


Currently, pedagogical science is constantly searching for the most effective ways education of people of different ages, for which he refers to the experience of the best educational practices.

According to some scientists, for example, I.V. Bardovskaya, pedagogical practice can be considered as a kind of human activity associated with the upbringing, training and education of a person.

According to A. M. Solomatin, pedagogical practice is not limited only to the processes of training, education and development of the student. It is much broader and also includes activities to create the necessary conditions for interaction with students (pupils). These conditions are associated with the creation and development of the necessary tools (lesson outlines, flow charts, selection and development didactic materials etc.)

There are many criteria for best educational practices:

  1. Stability of results
  2. The presence of elements of novelty
  3. Relevance and prospects
  4. Representativeness

To select the best, from our point of view, educational practices, we settled on the following 5 criteria:

  1. Compliance with the criteria of social development
  2. High performance and efficiency of pedagogical activity
  3. Optimal expenditure of forces and resources of teachers and children to achieve positive results
  4. Representativeness
  5. Conformity modern achievements pedagogy and methodology, scientific validity

In addition, the necessary conditions for effective interaction with students in modern education, in our opinion, also include the environment in which the process of learning and education is carried out.

Based on the foregoing, we have identified the following domestic educational practices, the experience of which deserves not only study, but also dissemination - these are Academic Gymnasium No. 56 (St. Petersburg) and the Teenage and Youth Center of the Petrogradsky District of St. Petersburg.

GBOU Academic Gymnasium No. 56 (St. Petersburg)

Gymnasium No. 56 has existed for 25 years and, being one of the most popular schools in St. Petersburg, from year to year shows a high level of schoolchildren's education. The total number of students is about 2500 children. In 2013, she entered the top 25 schools in Russia according to the following criteria - according to the results of passing the Unified State Examination and the results of participation in subject Olympiads.

A distinctive feature of the Gymnasium is that it is a mass school (that is, the school does not select more gifted and capable children) and that students different ages study in different buildings, but feel like part of a single school team. This is facilitated by the system of school traditions and holidays, in which the whole school participates. Junior and middle school students have the opportunity to use the premises and equipment of the senior school (media library, concert hall).

The school actively cooperates with advanced centers pedagogical science, such as RGPU them. A. I. Herzen, studies the best pedagogical experience and introduces achievements into work practice. Numerous projects (Weekend Portfolio, Passionate Reading, High School Tournament) testify to this.

The school curriculum is as flexible as possible and is built in such a way as to overcome the contradiction between the personal needs of students and general requirements. Starting from grade 8, students are offered several educational routes: socio-economic, physical and mathematical, humanitarian, natural science. Since the school works according to a unified teaching and learning curriculum and unified programs, students do not have problems when moving from class to class. In grade 10, the number of specializations increases, while taking into account the wishes of children and parents.

In addition, the school boldly and actively cooperates with progressive centers of additional education, such as the Center for Biological Education, and transfers part of the training to these institutions.

A feature of the Gymnasium is a widely developed school network of free additional education, which gives children the opportunity to try themselves in completely different directions and find their own way.

In addition, the school responds in a timely manner to the demands of society, making appropriate adjustments to curricula and programs. Thus, in order to prepare students of grades 9 and 11 for state exams, the School of Test Culture operates at the Gymnasium, and the Educational Minimum project is implemented at all stages of education. The school website contributes to the creation of "openness" by informing children and parents about all school events, schedules, excursions, homework, regularly provides a report on the activities of the Gymnasium.

The school has built a powerful system of psychological and pedagogical support for students, a system of assistance in career guidance and solving difficult or conflict situations.

Special attention in the Gymnasium is paid to the professionalism of teachers - a whole system of scientific and methodological support has been built, a system of short-term advanced training courses, a system of attending open lessons, a system of participation in professional competitions, etc. It is important to note that the preparation of programs, curricula, training is carried out during the holidays, and the workload is evenly distributed among all members of the team, which contributes to more efficient work of teachers.

The formation of a comfortable learning environment is also an achievement of the Gymnasium. The computerization of classrooms is 100%, the school has recreation and relaxation areas for both children and adults, the menu in the school canteen consists of at least 20 different dishes.

In general, Academic Gymnasium No. 56 in practice implements the most important provision of the concept of the Russian education modernization program and the priority of the national project "Education" - ensuring the availability of quality education, i.e. providing the largest number of consumers with quality training and education.

Additional education

Teenage and Youth Center of the Petrogradsky District

Adolescence is one of the most difficult periods in a person's life. The situation in modern society only exacerbates this problem, so the system of additional education aimed at this age group fulfills a very important social demand.

A feature of the work of the PMC of the Petrogradsky district is that the center unites a large number of small clubs, giving them greater autonomy in their activities, reserving the function of support and general management. Accordingly, the leaders of the clubs and the “circle members” themselves determine the mode of their classes and choose the best options for themselves.

A variety of sections, circles and studios attracts children with a variety of interests, both boys and girls. In addition, relying on scientific research, the PMC "Petrogradsky" put a practice-oriented and activity approach as the basis for classes. Teenagers and young people are involved in the implementation of complex "adult" projects that are of practical importance not only for the district, but also for the city as a whole. An example is the long-term volunteer project Gromov's Dacha. Reincarnation”, implemented by the Theater of the New Spectator “Sintez” together with the PMC “Petrogradsky”. The ultimate goal of this project is the restoration of a unique monument of wooden architecture.

The work on the project is structured in such a way that teenagers can try themselves in various activities - as event managers, public relations managers, archivist historians, journalists, photographers, IT -specialists, actors, designers, etc. It is important that in the process of collective work, the children develop not only professional, but also communication and cooperative skills. It is also important that as a result of the work on the project, the planned goal was achieved - as a result of attracting the attention of the city community and authorities, Dacha Gromova was included in the plans for the reconstruction of KGIOP for 2015.

The effect of such pedagogical practice is very significant - young people get the opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge not in the context of an artificially created educational situation, but in real life. life circumstances and verify the value of the resulting product.

The participation of pupils of the Center in various international festivals and competitions can also serve as an assessment of its effectiveness.

Of course, such work cannot be carried out without competent guidance from teachers, so it is interesting to note that the formation of the teaching staff of the Center takes place in different ways. Teachers, specialists of other professions, as well as former pupils are involved in the work.

Unfortunately, the PMC does not have sufficient material and technical capabilities to provide all groups of pupils with a comfortable and modern learning environment. However, in this situation, the Center relies on the creative potential and activity of the youth themselves. Each team independently develops the design of their premises and implements their plans. Often this goes beyond the internal space. A striking example is the recent opening of the Human Space Youth Center for Independent Arts, which was created by the Synthesis New Spectator Theater together with the PMC of the Petrogradsky District and the Youth Policy Sector of the Petrogradsky District to implement a variety of youth art projects.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that the centers of additional education not only provide an opportunity to expand knowledge, they solve social problems, participate in the professional orientation of adolescents, help identify talented and active youth, and thus implement a program for the modernization of domestic education.


  1. Solomatin A.M. Interaction of pedagogical science and practice in the education system. - Omsk, 2009.
  2. UMK " Contemporary Issues science and education". - St. Petersburg, 2013.
  3. Official website of Gymnasium No. 56 (first 25 years) http://school56.e-ducativa.es
  4. Official website of the PMC of the Petrogradsky District

The article presents the results of an expert-analytical study of the processes and mechanisms of interaction between the subjects of educational activities in the implementation of educational programs in a network form. The analysis of existing domestic and foreign approaches to the practices of implementing network forms of educational programs has been carried out. The classification of network forms of implementation of educational programs is presented. The Russian and foreign experience of using network forms for the implementation of educational programs in network forms of education at federal innovation sites, in territorial innovation clusters, and advanced training systems is considered. The study showed that one of the conditions for the effective implementation of the network form of the implementation of the educational process is the formation and consideration of the motives of all participants involved in network learning - management, administration, methodological work, author's work, teaching, etc. These motives are formed and revealed in various forms of interaction between participants in the network educational process, which were classified into five groups, from the group in which universities of equals cooperate with equal benefits to the group in which universities are satisfied with the dissemination of experience without much benefit for themselves. The most important characteristic of network education is the ability to work in collaboration - that is, such participation in joint work, when its goals and objectives become the conscious goals and objectives of the persons participating in the work to the same extent.


Shestak V.R. 1 Vesna E.V. 1 Platonov V. N. 2

1 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

2 Higher University of Science and Technologies


The analysisof the educational network subjects interaction are given.Using domestic and foreign network forms of educational programs is reviewed. Classification of well-known network forms of realization of educational programs is presented. 5 different groups offered. Group A is on the top as a peer-to-peer version. The Russian and foreign experience of application of network forms of realization of educational programs in network forms of education on federal innovative platforms, in territorial innovative clusters, professional development systems is considered. The conducted research showed that one of the conditions of effective network form of realization of educational process is formation and the accounting of motives of all participants involved in network training – managements, administrations, methodical work, teaching, etc. These motives are formed and come to light in different forms of interaction between participants in the network educational process who were classified by five groups from group in which cooperation of higher education institutions, which are equal with equal benefit up to the group in which higher education institutions are satisfied with an experience dissemination without special benefit for themselves. The most important characteristic of network education is the ability to work in collaboration – that is, such participation in collaboration when its purposes and a task in the same degree become the conscious purposes and tasks of persons participating in work.


Bibliographic link

Shestak V.P., Vesna E.B., Platonov V.N. NETWORK EDUCATION: BEST DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN PRACTICES // Scientific Review. Pedagogical Sciences. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 72-72;
URL: http://science-pedagogy.ru/ru/article/view?id=76 (date of access: 12/17/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

"Best practice in domestic education"

Currently, pedagogical science is constantly searching for the most effective ways to educate people of different ages, for which it refers to the experience of the best educational practices.

What is practice? Practice is an artificially organized activity, formed on the basis of theoretical and mental support. Activity without this provision cannot be reproduced and cannot be fixed in culture as an experience.

According to A. M. Solomatin, pedagogical practice is not limited only to the processes of training, education and development of the student. It is much broader and also includes activities to create the necessary conditions for interaction with students (pupils).

There are many criteria for best educational practices:

    Compliance with the criteria of social development

    High performance and efficiency of pedagogical activity

    Optimal expenditure of forces and resources of teachers and children to achieve positive results

    Stability of results

    The presence of elements of novelty

    Relevance and prospects


    Compliance with modern achievements of pedagogy and methodology, scientific validity

In my opinion, the aspect of the environment in which the process of education and upbringing is carried out is also important.

Below I will give an example of the following domestic educational practices, the experience of which deserves not only study, but also dissemination.

Peer education - the system of E.E. Shuleshko.

" It seems to us that the most important dividing line between different approaches to education lies in what kind of behavior they incline children to: to conformity with respect to the rules set by adults - or to self-manifestation of their abilities in a circle of peers.
Consolidation of readiness to adapt is the first habit of a person to be a dependent, not a person. And it is difficult for a dependent to respect himself and appreciate others.
The studies of Yevgeny Shuleshko and his associates began with the question of how to make sure that there were no losers. How to break the prejudice about the impossibility of free development of written language by every child? To do this, Shuleshko sought out, linked together, twisted into new cycles half-forgotten scientific traditions, the findings of practitioners, theatrical techniques, countless games ... Solutions were found. To date, the lives of tens of thousands of children have shown that written speech can be as naturally and successfully mastered by all children as oral speech - and any classes in primary school can become classes without losers.
The main concern of teachers, the main (and almost the only) goal proclaimed by the "Shuleshkin method" is the friendly relations of children, their tendency to act together, the desire and ability to cooperate, and the consolidation of a friendly business style of communication.
What is form for you is content for us; what is content for you, form for us ", - this is how the assessments of Shuleshko's followers and traditional Methodists are amusingly demarcated on the move.
the nature of the relationship of children Shuleshko declares the content of pedagogical work. And the program topics, the skills being worked out, even the methods of intellectual or emotional development - by those forms and means, with the help of or about which pedagogical situations are built, the true - interpersonal - content unfolds.

"Renewal and self-education" is the most common name for the program created by Yevgeny Shuleshko, his associates and followers.
Everyone is used to the fact that schools and kindergartens need to form something, teach something, at best, develop something. The task of preserving and preserving that original and immediate that arose in childhood is rarely taken seriously.
If, however, such a task is recognized as a priority, then the image of the desired changes also changes. Then this image is a rapid evolution, a relentlessly and imperceptibly renewing tradition, where changes are not like technical improvements, but natural ones - how quickly spring comes.

For example: Moscow, where for many years they have been successfully working under the program "Renewal and self-education" by Shuleshko.

Student-centered education (A.A. Pligin, V.V. Serikov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.S. Yakimanskaya)

In student-centered education, the student is the main thing actor the entire educational process. Student-centered education implies a focus on the training, education and development of all students, taking into account their individual characteristics:

    age, physiological, psychological, intellectual;

    educational needs, orientation to a different level of complexity of the program material available to the student;

    allocation of groups of children according to knowledge, abilities;

    distribution of children into homogeneous groups: academic performance, abilities, professional orientation;

    treating each child as unique.

A special psychological and pedagogical task is the education of gifted children. We are talking about diagnostics, both general () and special - musical, sensorimotor, literary, etc.

Personally-oriented education significantly increases the role and volume of psychodiagnostic research for the optimal solution of educational and upbringing tasks.

In the concept of education by E. V. Bondarevskaya, personality-oriented education in preschool and younger age- this is the process of "feeding" and ensuring the health of the child, the development of his natural abilities: mind, moral and aesthetic feelings, needs for activity, mastering the initial experience of communicating with people, nature, art.

VV Serikov develops the essential foundations of personality-oriented education. In his model, the student is the subject of life, therefore, V. V. Serikov proposes to build training on the basis of his life experience (not only the experience of cognition, but also communication, productive activity, creativity, etc.). In his opinion, it is important to ensure, first of all, personal growth by developing the ability to strategic activities, creativity, criticality, sense-creation, a system of needs and motives, the ability to self-determination, self-development, a positive "I-concept" and more.

In the concept of I. S. Yakimansky, the goal of personality-oriented education is to create the necessary conditions (social, pedagogical) for the disclosure and subsequent purposeful development of the child's individual personality traits, their "cultivation", their transformation into socially significant forms of behavior that are adequate to the socio-cultural norms developed by society .

GBOU Academic Gymnasium No. 56 (St. Petersburg)

Gymnasium No. 56 has existed for 25 years and, being one of the most popular schools in St. Petersburg, from year to year shows a high level of schoolchildren's education. The total number of students is about 2500 children. In 2013, she entered the top 25 schools in Russia according to the following criteria - according to the results of passing the Unified State Examination and the results of participation in subject Olympiads.

A distinctive feature of the Gymnasium is that it is a mass school (that is, the school does not select more gifted and capable children) and that students of different ages study in different buildings, but they feel they are part of a single school team. This is facilitated by the system of school traditions and holidays, in which the whole school participates. Junior and middle school students have the opportunity to use the premises and equipment of the senior school (media library, concert hall).

The school actively interacts with advanced centers of pedagogical science, such as the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, studies the best pedagogical experience and introduces achievements into work practice. Numerous projects (Weekend Portfolio, Passionate Reading, High School Tournament) testify to this.

The school curriculum is as flexible as possible and is built in such a way as to overcome the contradiction between the personal needs of students and general requirements. Starting from grade 8, students are offered several educational routes: socio-economic, physical and mathematical, humanitarian, natural science. Since the school works according to a unified teaching and learning curriculum and unified programs, students do not have problems when moving from class to class. In grade 10, the number of specializations increases, while taking into account the wishes of children and parents.

In addition, the school boldly and actively cooperates with progressive centers of additional education, such as the Center for Biological Education, and transfers part of the training to these institutions.

A feature of the Gymnasium is a widely developed school network of free additional education, which gives children the opportunity to try themselves in completely different directions and find their own way.

In addition, the school responds in a timely manner to the demands of society, making appropriate adjustments to curricula and programs. Thus, in order to prepare students of grades 9 and 11 for state exams, the School of Test Culture operates at the Gymnasium, and the Educational Minimum project is implemented at all stages of education. The school website contributes to the creation of “openness”, informing children and parents about all school events, schedules, excursions, homework, and regularly provides a report on the activities of the Gymnasium.

The school has built a powerful system of psychological and pedagogical support for students, a system of assistance in career guidance and solving difficult or conflict situations.

Special attention in the Gymnasium is paid to the professionalism of teachers - a whole system of scientific and methodological support has been built, a system of short-term advanced training courses, a system of attending open lessons, a system of participation in professional competitions, etc. It is important to note that the preparation of programs, curricula, training is carried out during the holidays, and the workload is evenly distributed among all members of the team, which contributes to more efficient work of teachers.

The formation of a comfortable learning environment is also an achievement of the Gymnasium. The computerization of classrooms is 100%, the school has recreation and relaxation areas for both children and adults, the menu in the school canteen consists of at least 20 different dishes.

In general, Academic Gymnasium No. 56 in practice implements the most important provision of the concept of the Russian education modernization program and the priority of the national project "Education" - ensuring the availability of quality education, i.e. providing the largest number of consumers with quality training and education.

Sowe can say that there is a huge number of domestic educational practices, both widely known and not. All of the above practices are worthy of further study.

Used Books:

    Gubar I.B. "Person-centered approach as a modern educational paradigm.http://nenuda.ru

    Official website of Gymnasium No. 56 (first 25 years)

    EMC "Modern problems of science and education". - St. Petersburg, 2013.

    Shuleshko E.E. Understanding Literacy. - St. Petersburg, 2011.

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