
Definition of love at first sight. Is there love at first sight? Points for and against

Scientists believe that a bright feeling really occurs in just a split second. Experts conducted an experiment examining brain reactions in volunteers using state-of-the-art equipment. The measurements showed what happens to the body when love appears between people.

One-fifth of a second after eye contact, 12 parts of the brain immediately become extremely excited. Several different hormones are released into the blood, which disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system. And that's it - there is one more lover on the planet. But why does this happen? Where does that same spark come from? There are several versions on this matter.

Version one. Everything for posterity

Some experts believe that love at first sight occurs at the genetic level. Allegedly, a person is able to determine in a split second whether the genetic makeup of a potential partner is suitable for reproduction and obtaining the healthiest offspring. The more successful the genetic combination of a man and a woman, the stronger the feeling will be. To prove this version, scientists cite an experiment they conducted on fruit flies. Female flies accurately chose males who had the best set of genes. However, other experts are confident that fly researchers are confusing cause with effect.

In their opinion, the appearance of healthy offspring is not due to the correct genetic makeup, but to the very feeling of sympathy that exists between future parents. In contrast to the experiment on flies, they cite studies on mice. The mice were forced to sniff each other and the rodents' reactions were observed.

If they showed interest in each other, the couples were kept together. In another cage they put pairs of long-tailed animals that did not show such interest. As a result, both mice multiplied. However, those that immediately liked each other gave birth to healthier pups.

Version two. It's the smell

According to this version, we, like animals, choose our partners by smell. Allegedly, it is the smell that tells us with which person we have the opportunity to live our whole lives in perfect harmony. However, nature can be deceived with the help of artificial fragrances.

People have used this remedy at all times - in ancient China, Egypt and the Roman Empire, for example, there was a whole science of mixing odors that could attract a man or a woman. It was believed that ladies were attracted to the smell of cedar, patchouli and bergamot, and the stronger sex was crazy about ylang-ylang, rosemary and geranium. Modern scientists have conducted their research and refuted ancient postulates. They measured the level of sexual arousal in volunteers and got amazing results.

It turned out that ladies are turned on by the smell of cucumbers, and men are crazy about the aromas of pumpkin pie. However, artificial flavors can only attract for a while. True affection can only come from natural body odor.

Version three. Memory of the past

This version is supported by supporters of the theory of reincarnation. They believe that love at first sight occurs when we meet partners from our past life.

Such chance meetings are very rare; usually people who knew each other in another reality never meet again. But if a coincidence does occur, that same sudden love arises. Usually this feeling is very strong, it is not easy to get rid of it in case of failure - people remember such meetings all their lives.

Michael Newton, an American psychologist and an ardent supporter of the doctrine of transmigration of souls, immersed his patients in a hypnotic trance. Under hypnosis, those who experienced love at first sight said that they knew the object of their passion in a past life.

Version four. Selfishness and narcissism

According to this theory, in a potential partner we are looking first of all for ourselves. It is precisely because of the external similarity with your own face that the features of a stranger suddenly seem so familiar and pleasant.

It is no coincidence that spouses who have lived together for a long time often become similar to each other. And it’s not just that over the years people begin to copy the speech and manners of the person they live with. The reason is that happy spouses initially had common characteristics. To prove this, researchers from the United States took photographs of people who had lived for many years in a happy marriage and, through slight correction, altered women's photos into men's ones and vice versa.

The result surprised them! Taking into account the “adjustment for gender,” the spouses turned out to be surprisingly similar!

However, external resemblance is not the only thing that can push a stranger into the arms. You need to see that the object of passion is friendly. According to psychologists, people find attractive those whose interest in themselves they see and feel. To prove this, experts conducted a study.

The subjects were shown photographs of various people - attractive and not so attractive. Participants in the experiment felt sympathy for those who smiled in the photo and looked directly into the lens. That is, a long look and an open smile is the very secret of success with the opposite sex.

Version five. Dear Parents

Some experts are sure that there is no secret in love at first sight. We just like men and women who are like our parents. Moreover, the similarity does not have to be complete - a coincidence of several features is enough.

It doesn’t matter what your childhood was like - happy or not so happy. Even those who do not have a good relationship with their parents are subconsciously drawn to people who are similar to their mother or father.

True love is born at first sight. It's like an epiphany. You see a person and you immediately understand that you will be together. I read that, according to research, love at first sight occurs in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone.

Love at first sight... No matter how hard they tried to explain this phenomenon! Seeing it for the first time, a person falls madly in love. How can this happen? Often fairly sane people simply lose their heads from love at first sight. And this happens both in youth and in adulthood.

What happens at that moment when the eyes of two people meet and a spark flares up between them? In fact, in most cases this has the following explanation: former “halves” meet, those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had platonic relationships. When the eyes of two people meet, the energy of past lives that is recorded in their energy fields is activated. “Recognition” occurs.

Karmic meeting

A relationship begins. Two people may have a real coincidence of tastes, consonance of thoughts, etc. A whirlwind of emotions picks them up and spins their heads.

These two have not known each other before in this life, and they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a craving for each other, such an inexplicable attraction, is the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be very different. Perhaps they have to complete something that they did not complete in a past life. Perhaps they need to realize something. Karmic energy can attract two people, and they don’t even know it. And it is not at all necessary that in this incarnation they will experience happy love or even marriage. Very often such meetings occur precisely for karmic reasons.

When two people meet, and “recognition” arises, and it seems to them that they have so much in common that they were “brought together by fate,” we must remember that, having the memory of past lives, which everyone has in the subconscious, a person begins to impose certain expectations on the partner, one’s own projections, etc., in connection with the qualities and circumstances that existed then, in that life. But now the partner is a completely different person, in some ways similar to that one, but in many ways new, because, being at the moment the quintessence of our past incarnations, we still carry within us the traits of many, and not just one specific one. And this other person (or rather, both new personalities who entered into a relationship) thinks, feels, and acts completely differently. And it is not at all necessary that relationships from the past can continue now. Even if it was love until the grave.

When confronted with reality, such relationships often fade away. A powerful attraction dissipates, everyday life invades, past and present realities collide and conflict.

Resetting karma

If people are wise enough, if the feeling they have is really strong and bright, they can find a common language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere on a deep level, realize or feel the reason that brought them together and work through it. And continue the relationship, free from karmic dependence.

More often it happens the other way around - people break up. Karma remains unworked and passes on to the next incarnation.

Cases when men in adulthood “lose their heads” from love and leave their families for young mistresses are from the same series. Most often, this is also a meeting of former “halves”.

Even in families where there is love between spouses, but problems in relationships constantly arise, when one or both do not want to understand or accept the person closest to them, the topic of separation constantly arises.

It’s very easy, of course, to just walk away from a problematic relationship, break up and forget. This is the easiest way out, and, unfortunately, some New Age sources advise doing exactly this: if you are not comfortable with some relationship, just break it off. Yes, this is the easiest way, and many people do it this way. But without understanding why they are not comfortable, without realizing WHAT exactly we are working with this person, without neutralizing karma and learning a lesson, such a separation will not eliminate the problem. Karma with this person will remain unresolved and will be transferred to the next incarnation, the message he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson will not be taught.

And in the near future, another person from a past life will be attracted with the same message and the same lesson, and everything will start all over again. Many people spend their entire lives running away from their lessons and stepping on the same mistakes. But ask yourself, is this right? And isn’t it worth taking a more conscious approach to understanding the true reasons for your connection and finally breaking the Gordian knot of karma?

Is there love at first sight? There is hardly a person who has not asked this question. And everyone will definitely have several examples that confirm both one and the other point of view. The fact that you can like a person literally in a split second does not require proof. Each of us has faced a similar situation. However, everyone had their own ending to such a story. This is why people's opinions about love at first sight differ so dramatically.

But if at least one person experienced it, does that mean it exists? Let's not rush to conclusions. The fact is that people easily confuse infatuation and love. Falling in love is a temporary attraction to a person. And love is something more, a kind of union of two hearts that requires the test of time.

If you have experienced something similar to love at first sight, how can you be 100% sure that it is love and not infatuation? Actually, not at all. You can only trust fate and hope that the relationship with this person will be long and happy.

By the way, it is the belief in fate that explains the belief of many people that love at first sight does exist. According to the theory, which simply reeks of romanticism, each of us has a soulmate in this huge world, one and only, and we must find it, otherwise there will never be happiness in our personal lives. If it really is so, and it is impossible to prove or disprove this theory, then it is quite logical that when we meet such a person, we intuitively feel that this is the very person with whom we are destined to live the rest of our lives.

But since such a feeling is rare and occurs only once in a lifetime, and people definitely want to experience it, very often an ordinary strong attraction is mistaken for love at first sight. In order not to be deceived by your hormones, it is enough to learn to distinguish love from infatuation.

Love gives a feeling of lightness, happiness and beauty of being, while falling in love acts like a powerful addiction, chaining us to the object of adoration and making us nervous, nervous and unhappy. In addition, falling in love tends to pass quite quickly when the person we fell in love with disappears from our life. Love will never pass away.

Of course, falling in love is much more common. This is why many people get scalded by fake love at first sight and lose faith in it. But it must come to everyone sooner or later. And it doesn’t matter in what form it will overtake us. Perhaps you will work toward this for several years, but this will make your love no worse than that of those who fell in love at the very first moment.

And if you still doubt that love exists, remember the call of first love, it cannot be confused with anything. At that time, no one thought about money, social status or other nonsense. First love is a magical feeling that should open the doors to the magical world of human relationships. Unfortunately, society now interprets these feelings differently and fosters a materialistic attitude towards love. Having been burned several times, a person begins to believe that in reality there is no love, and selfish interests rule everything.

If you are obsessed with such thoughts, perhaps meeting your first love will help you. No, this is unlikely to be your “person for life,” it’s just that this meeting will restore your faith in miracles and help you take a new, or rather old, look at the beauty of human relationships.

Don’t lose this faith, and you will definitely be able to enjoy love at first sight, which can turn your whole life around. And even if it ends unsuccessfully, don’t be upset, at least you will have something to remember, and your true love will definitely come.

We've all heard fairy tales about how a handsome prince and princess fall in love at first sight. But can this happy fairy tale come true? There are different points of view regarding the emergence of love cravings already at the first meeting.

Why do people fall in love at first sight?

Love at first sight is falling deeply in love with a person you see for the first time. You may not have even exchanged a few words with this person, but you have already fallen in love. For what reasons does this happen?

Very often, people find attractive those who remind them of their ex-partners in some way. This may be external similarity, similar character traits and behavior patterns. The person you fall in love with may be similar to the type you like or a certain type of person you like.

It is difficult to say for sure whether external attractiveness influences the appearance of such love. The concept of beauty is different for all people, and people in love sometimes do not notice the shortcomings of their chosen ones.

When we see a stranger for the first time, we quickly form an impression of him. We immediately notice whether a new acquaintance is similar to someone with whom we have communicated or are communicating. Based on this, our subconscious can draw an analogy, for example, with the traits of former partners. We may inadvertently see something we like in a new person, which is where love at first sight arises.

Love at first sight: signs

How can you tell if your euphoria is love at first sight? There is a whole list of characteristics of this feeling.

1. You need to remember what feelings you experienced when you first saw that same person. When a person falls in love at first sight, he feels a whole range of new sensations: embarrassment, interest, sympathy, it seems that the world has become, there is nothing and no one in it except the object of love.

2. The person you love may be far from your ideals. Despite the fact that the chosen one or chosen one does not resemble your type, something attracts this person and makes him beautiful in the eyes of a lover.

3. Constantly thinking about a person can be a sign of intense love. This is not necessarily a sign of love at first sight, but if the image of a person does not leave you from the first minutes of meeting, then we may well be talking about feelings at first sight.

4. Strong feelings also affect us physically. Trembling hands and knees, slurred tongue, rapid breathing can be signs of embarrassment and anxiety. The lover may lose his appetite, he may become extremely excited and inspired.

What could this sudden feeling lead to?

The storm of emotions of love at first sight alone is not enough for a strong union. It should be remembered that strong relationships are built on understanding, care, common interests and respect. It may well turn out that the object of sighing is a completely stranger, with a different outlook on life. In order for passion and sympathy to develop into a strong love relationship, time must pass.

However, love at first sight may well develop into a stronger and more lasting feeling. If partners sincerely want to make each other happy, then passion at first sight can develop into love. People who fell in love with each other at first sight, and then were able to maintain this feeling of love, are truly happy people, because a fairy tale happened in their lives. Psychologists are sure that love at first sight qualitatively improves a person’s life: inspiration helps a person in work and hobbies, he becomes more inspired and active.

Love at first sight is a wonderful feeling that inspires people and makes them happy. She can amaze even a skeptical cynic and set him in a romantic mood. Do you believe in love at first sight, and has it ever happened to you?

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