
Character and description of Virgo in the year of the dog. Character and description of Virgo in the year of the dog Year of the dog for Virgo men

Virgo, a beautiful, fabulous and gentle creature who has enviable stubbornness and will never give up her position to anyone. She had a very hard time in the year of the cocky Rooster, they were constantly stepping on each other’s heels. The friendly symbol of 2018 will not vehemently subjugate this representative of the zodiac system, only patronize it. A dog is an excellent guide, a guide; it will lead you in the right, and most importantly, safe way.

General trends

The earthly mistress of the year will not give Virgo much trouble, of course, if the latter does not misbehave and persists out of the blue. The Dog has very developed intuition, she knows exactly what she is doing. Virgo should be completely trusted. In 2018, as stated above, no sharp changes or surprises are expected. You can even implement some of your plans and projects. The Mistress of the Year will help you complete things and get the desired results.

The beginning of the year will not be entirely easy for Virgo. She will have to understand a lot of issues, solve problems related to business and work. The winter period will be very troublesome and responsible. Virgo leaders will show their good side, and subordinates will be able to show themselves to their superiors.

In the spring, Virgos will need changes. The fatigue accumulated over the winter will drive you crazy. The people around you will begin to irritate you more and more every day, you will want solitude almost on a desert island, while work will increase. Of course, no one will let you go anywhere; you will have to get out of the situation on the spot. Firstly, walk more often, secondly, take vitamins, thirdly, make changes. Buy a new wardrobe, get a new hairstyle, visit a salon. In general, do something for yourself or your loved one. The body filled with vitamins and changes will be very grateful.

Summer time is made for walking and meditation. A subtle psyche, coupled with a rich imagination, is in great need of nature. An excellent vacation will not be the islands and seas, but a house in the village, closer to its element - to the earth. Mother Earth is a source of energy, don't forget about it.

Virgo love horoscope

Virgos are great romantics, they love to draw different stories in their heads, invent adventures, and are happy to devote their free time to this. If you get a Virgo partner, then you are very lucky; he will court you like you have never been courted in your life. Of course, there is one big disadvantage of this zodiac sign - its great laziness. Of course, he or even she will continue courtship for a very long time. Notes under the pillow, poems, bouquets - these are all representatives of the earthly element. But in order to earn an extra ruble, go to a distant store, or make repairs, you need special inspiration. And, of course, a loving representative of this sign acts much more actively. Therefore, if you want action from your partner, you will have to be his constant encourager.

A positive surprise for you in Virgo will be that this sign knows how to forgive quickly. The horoscope recommends that he not do this with everyone, or consider such a step. People take advantage of this kindness very often, even during a romantic period. But you need to be able to forgive, and you should do it sometimes.

Virgo Health in the Year of the Dog

Virgos usually do not have good health. During the winter period, the likelihood of colds is high. You should avoid public places and consult a doctor more often; sometimes a simple cold can bring with it a lot of complications. If you can't avoid crowds, take antiviral medications and vitamins.

You will also be let down by your own actions: the desire to wrap yourself up in frosty weather, quickly getting rid of warm clothes in winter. Remember, spring is cunning and deceptive. While there is snow on the ground, it is cold, which means it is too early to pack winter clothes on the mezzanine. Walking without a hat is a sure way to hypothermia. This year you will be able to manage your financial affairs perfectly, why do you need to lie in bed when you can act? Channel your stubbornness towards good causes.

You should also avoid, as they say, alternative treatment, which will not lead to anything good, like the advice of various healers and grandmothers. Act only with advice from specialists.

In summer, you need to protect yourself from cold water. Men have a weak spot in the throat, and women have a weak spot in the female organs. Be careful, open the swimming season when the water reaches 25-27 degrees, not earlier. Take care of your health.

Money horoscope for 2018

In 2018, Virgos will be inspired and business ideas will appear that can develop into business plans. After the difficult Year of the Rooster, representatives of this sign will perk up and behave more boldly. Some of them will want to take a risk and start their own business. But the horoscope gives its recommendations. Firstly, if you decide to open your own business, you should not waste your time on other things, you should focus all your attention on it. Secondly, you need to listen to the opinions of others, but at the same time form your own. Thirdly, do not repel help from friends, colleagues, or even more competent specialists. It will not be very easy to deal with such a serious issue alone.

No special income is expected this year, but there will be stability in your pocket. If you are a simple employee, the optimal investment this year will be investing in your family, in children and in arranging your own home. A dog puts family values, home and a comfortable life first. The more you invest in such a “venture,” the better it will pay off for you in the future.

For Virgos, buying real estate would also be an excellent investment, especially if they buy their own house or cottage. You have a colossal attraction to the earth, you love it, and the earth answers you in kind. Any of your plantings sprout, all your flowers grow, and most importantly, you get incredible pleasure. Such a waste of money will not go into thin air; it will be inherited by the future generation.

No high career steps are predicted this year. The Dog likes to know his place and works without any special pretense of gratitude.

Virgo woman horoscope

Virgo women will be happy in 2018. They love stability and the mistress of the year will give it to them. Married matrons will receive from family life everything they planned on New Year's Eve. Their husbands and children will delight them, family life as a whole will go in the right, and most importantly, peaceful direction. For those who have many complaints about their other half, the horoscope recommends removing them. The Earth Dog does not like “nagging”; she needs stability and peace, just like her other half. By the way, in relation to children: loosen the reins, give them the opportunity to breathe easily without guardianship and close supervision. They have the right to their own life, not to mention their own opinion.

Single girls will be involved in romantic stories that may end in serious relationships, especially in winter. Do not avoid invitations, going to the movies and restaurants. But don’t forget about your health and what was written above. Using all safety measures, you can go to public places to have a good time. It’s difficult for young girls to set limits, and besides, they really have exciting and funny stories waiting for them: from light flirting to whirlwind romances.

In the spring there will be an opportunity not only to flirt, but also to start a serious relationship. But this will not be March, but rather the end of April. March is deceptive in every way and in love too. Blooming hormones force both women and men to go in search of romantic adventures. But the key words this month will be hormones and adventure. So don’t flatter yourself too much and don’t believe the beautiful speeches of both your own and the one you just met.

Horoscope of Virgo Men for 2018

Men of this sign are rarely businessmen and entrepreneurs. Social or creative work is more suitable for them. But some will risk going out on an independent path and they will succeed. Be prepared for minor troubles: misunderstanding in the family, paperwork, etc. The horoscope states that a stable Dog will not torment you much. But you will have to devote yourself to your profession or business. All that remains is to solve the problem with the participation or non-participation of the family. Which will be a little jealous of your work. You will definitely figure out exactly how to do this, because Virgo is considered the most romantic sign of the zodiac system.

For married men in January there will be an opportunity to improve relationships in their family and prepare them for future plans. Surprise your other half every day, organize small surprises, continuously supply compliments and kind words. Believe me, this approach will pay off doubly.

Closer to summer, free representatives of the constellation will have the opportunity to establish more or less stable relationships. “Why more or less,” you ask? Yes, because sometimes you are too affectionate, thereby frightening the people who appear in your life. Try to be simpler; you should not immediately demand from your partner great feelings, constant presence and constant admiration for actions. Remember, you have met a stranger, a free person, with habits and foundations different from you. Perhaps in the future the girl will be close to you, but not now, so you don’t need to lay out every card in front of her. Gradually show yourself from different sides, do not impose and do not become a burden. Many men are very kind and ready to give their all at the first meeting. But there are also those who, on the contrary, are very closed and do not let anyone into their world, and such behavior can also repel. Remember, the time has come for you to have romantic meetings and relationships, be prepared for their arrival. And in the fall you will be able to relax a little and take a break from novels and work difficulties. The place of your power is your home on earth, don’t forget about it and draw it from there.

The 2018 horoscope recommends for Virgos to stop worrying about the future and start enjoying the present. If men try not to worry about trifles, they can improve their mood and find peace of mind. You will have to show character in your work to prove your professionalism to management. Some Virgos will decide to radically change their work environment and change jobs. A Virgo man should read the horoscope for 2018 carefully to find out how to behave in love and work matters.


In the first half of 2018, married men should try to be kinder to their chosen one. Sharing household responsibilities is a practical solution for the Ox, Tiger and Dog signs. The love horoscope recommends that men in love try not to put moral pressure on their partner. Friendly conversations and light discussions of problems are the main guarantee of peace in a loving couple. Single men should be more active in the first ten days of 2018 and take more initiative in communication. If the Goat, Monkey and Horse try to find their other half in the workplace, then they will succeed.

The love horoscope advises Virgo men to spend more time with their partner in the middle of the year. This model of behavior will save the love relationships of such signs as: Snake, Rooster and Boar (Pig). Married men need to be more often interested in the life of their spouse. If a Virgo man directs his love pressure towards his chosen one, then the love relationship will only benefit from this. Lonely Virgos will not be able to build a serious union in mid-2018. The Dragon and Rat can count on a memorable sexual relationship. With the help of friends, bachelors will be able to meet a pretty girl. According to the love horoscope, the constellation can count on a serious union already at the end of the year.

The third decade is an ideal opportunity for Virgo to improve their love relationships. The love horoscope advises you to pay less attention to your career during this period and focus on relationships. Married men will be able to strengthen their union if they find a common hobby with their beloved. The horoscope advises constellations in love to be less jealous of the other half and begin to trust her more. Checking your phone and keeping watch over your beloved after work is a stupid idea. At the end of 2018, singles should understand what kind of girl they want to see next to them. The Virgo man must study the love horoscope for 2018 carefully in order to understand that his future depends on himself. If bachelors decide to build a strong love union, then everything will work out for them.

Improving sexual communication in 2018 will not be so difficult if you first familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the horoscope. The heavenly bodies advise Virgos to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is important for family signs to start having sex not only on weekends, but to take the initiative on weekdays as well. Tiger, Snake and Rooster should not forget about massage and foreplay;
  • Constellations in love need to focus all their attention only on their beloved. Some signs will decide to experience the thrill of being in the arms of a new passion, however, such an undertaking will end unsuccessfully for some. The Dog, Rat and Dragon should be careful with such a decision;
  • The love horoscope advises lonely Virgos to try to focus all their attention not only on new sexual relationships, but also on building serious relationships. In the middle of the year, Monkey, Ox and Pig (Boar) will be able to build a strong love tandem if they are ready for a relationship;
  • Constellations that lack variety in sex should try to try sex in new places. According to the compatibility horoscope, such advice will be especially relevant for Goats and Horses.


If in the first half of the year Virgo men decide to improve their level of knowledge, then they will be able to succeed in their careers in the future. A man whose work is associated with increased stress should try to be less nervous over trifles and relax more on weekends. Doing yoga and jogging in the park will be positive for Virgo's health. It will be easier to advance in work if Virgo men study the horoscope for the upcoming 2018 carefully. Concluding deals in the first ten days will be successful, thanks to which the constellation will be able to increase its income. Tiger, Rooster and Dragon should be more confident in themselves and not be afraid to take risks.

"Attention! In mid-2018, men have good opportunities to change jobs. Free recommendations from the horoscope indicate that the Snake, Dog and Rat should listen especially carefully to the recommendations of the horoscope. Meeting the right people will allow you to increase your income level and find a new place to earn money. Opening your own business in the second decade of this year is relevant for the Monkey and Pig (Boar). Virgos will be able to launch a successful project absolutely free of charge if they enlist the help of experienced friends in advance.”

At the end of the year, Virgo, according to the horoscope, will have an exciting business trip. Such a trip will greatly exhaust the constellation, so it is important for men to have a good rest after the trip. Visiting a bathhouse and a massage therapist is an excellent option to relax and improve your health. The Ox, Goat and Horse will have to go through a difficult period at the end of 2018, namely, dismissal. The horoscope for 2018 indicates that such a change will cause stress for the zodiac sign. The heavenly bodies advise the constellation not to take changes to heart, as this will only negatively affect the well-being and health of Virgos.


The horoscope for the upcoming 2018 believes that Virgo men should begin to value money and only then will they begin to be attracted to it. Money loves counting, which many Virgos successfully forget. The financial horoscope says that thanks to success in their careers, the Horse, Pig (Pig) and Ox will be able to improve their current situation. Virgos should not forget about their health in the first ten days. Tiger, Dragon and Rat should spend money on examination. The love compatibility horoscope for 2018 recommends that Virgo men do not forget to spend money on courting their beloved. Buying flowers and going to restaurants is an indispensable part of a relationship.

Free recommendations from the horoscope say that in the middle of the year Virgos need to behave more economically. Such a model of behavior is extremely necessary for the Snake, Dog and Rooster. The compatibility horoscope indicates that a good financial flow awaits Monkey and Goat in the second decade. If they decide to deposit money, they will make the right decision. Thanks to career advancement, the stronger sex will increase their income, however, this is not a reason to waste money.

The compatibility horoscope for 2018 indicates that single Virgo men are advised to be more careful with money. At the end of the year, there is a great chance to meet a girl with mercantile motives. If single Virgos notice that their companion is very demanding when it comes to gifts, then this is a reason to be wary. Married men in the third decade will face additional costs. Buying new furniture and taking family vacations can drain a Virgo's wallet.

Anna Lyubimova

Loyalty and constancy towards loved ones are the hallmarks of people who combine the characteristics of such signs as Virgo and Dog. A dog gives a person sociability and a desire to look after loved ones and take care of them. Virgo is smart enough not to rush headlong into unpredictable adventures. But she has the ability to eliminate conflicts and is ready to compromise. The bearer of these signs has many talents, he is always ready to learn new things and, most importantly, knows how to make friends.

A man born under the convergence of these signs has a very complex character. It combines thoughtfulness, responsibility for one's words and actions, hard work. If they try to offend him, the reaction will be immediate and sometimes unpredictable.

The Virgo guy, born in the year of the Dog, is always ready to communicate, but at the same time values ​​solitude

He is not very good at adapting to the opinions of others, which sometimes greatly harms him. The problem also lies in the fact that such a person cannot always set priorities correctly. From the outside, the man looks very determined and purposeful, but in reality he turns out to be too vulnerable, which harms him.

Men under the signs of Virgo and Dog do not always have successful careers. They strive for leadership positions, but their inability to manage their own emotions does not always lead them to the desired chair in a separate office. At the same time, Virgo Dogs, as a rule, do not experience any difficulties with finances and understand a lot about a comfortable life.

Disadvantages of the sign

A man whose character is intertwined with Dog and Virgo does not have a very accommodating character. He is overly reliant on his own strength and sometimes it cuts the truth off the shoulder. This is his weakness, since he risks losing the good attitude of others. If you are one of the carriers of these two signs, try to be more gentle towards your loved ones. The desire to protect friends does not go well with aggressiveness towards them.

Virgo-Dog relies excessively on his own strength and sometimes cuts the truth from the shoulder

Versatile abilities and the ability to use them correctly are the main advantage of women who contain both Virgo and Dog. It should be noted that, unlike the stronger sex, the Virgo girl, born in the year of the Dog, has innate delicacy. Such a woman everything is fine with artistry, and there is always a desire to help other people.

Its psychology is far from always clear. However, resistance to stress and the ability to get out of the most difficult situations allow the Virgo-Dog to be incredibly attractive in relationships.

The carriers of these signs have well-developed intuition. In many ways, it allows them to climb quite high on the career ladder

However, the problem is that the combination of character traits characteristic of the Dog and Virgo is sometimes a contradiction. And then the girl is ready to give up everything halfway, because she suddenly becomes disappointed in the work and its results.

Disadvantages of the sign

One of the main disadvantages of a woman under the signs of the Dog and Virgo is lack of solid ground underfoot. They get used to instability in their personal lives and believe that this is how it should be. Meanwhile, this is what sometimes prevents not only making a relationship with a partner reliable, but also avoiding frequent falls on the path to a career. A representative of the fairer sex, born under the signs of Virgo and Dog, should listen more not only to her own emotions, but also to the voice of reason.

The Virgo girl, born in the year of the Dog, has innate delicacy

Love compatibility of Virgo in the Year of the Dog

People whose patrons, due to the moment of birth, were the signs of the Dog and Virgo, clear leaders in everything when it comes to love relationships. They always take the initiative, and this sometimes turns out to be unnecessary. Therefore, Virgo-Dogs can have excellent compatibility in love with all signs. They need partners who are willing to at least sometimes give up their own interests in favor of their loved one.

The Dog-Virgo man, not being sure that his current partner is exactly the model of behavior that he was looking for, can, on his own initiative, break off the relationship

The reason lies in his unwillingness to give leadership to another. Therefore such a person is seriously thinking about marriage already in his mature years, when his ability to sacrifice himself outweighs the principles characteristic of egoists.

As for Virgo women under the sign of the Dog, they tend to approach the choice of a partner more carefully. However, this only applies to those moments when it comes to starting a family. If the question is about ordinary relationships, then such a girl will prefer beautiful courtship and flirting serious and deep feelings. At the same time, she sees in the marriage union exactly the support that she lacks, and unconsciously reaches out to it. In her youth, the bearer of these two signs is a woman-daughter. However, with age, she becomes a woman-mother and does everything to protect not only her children, but also her own husband from problems.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Dog, Tiger, HorseGoat, Cat (Rabbit), Pig, RoosterRat, Dragon, Monkey, Snake, Ox
According to the Western calendar Virgo, Aries, Cancer, TaurusAquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, CapricornSagittarius, Pisces, Gemini

Full characteristics of a Virgo child born in the year of the Dog

Babies whose birth is influenced by Virgo and Dog are distinguished by their curiosity. They always want to learn as much as possible about what surrounds them. At the same time, they rely not only on their own experience, but also on the advice of adults. Thus, The Virgo-Dog girl always looks extremely obedient and gladdens the hearts of parents with his diligence. After all, they don’t know that in the future she will throw herself headlong into a sea of ​​adventures and is already subconsciously preparing for this stage.

The Virgo boy, born in the year of the Dog, is not so obedient, although he is inclined to use the information that his elders give him. He is an extremely active and quite wayward child. But at the same time, such children from a very early age show a sense of attachment to their family and try not to upset their loved ones.

4 November 2017, 18:43

The Year of the Dog will bring reserved Virgos many pleasant and bright emotions. This is a period when you have to rethink your behavior, weigh your pros and cons and learn to set priorities correctly. Perhaps in the past you devoted too much time and energy to material issues - now simple human relationships will come first. It is on them that your entire existence will be built in 2018.

The affairs and career of Virgos always occupy a special, honorable place in their lives. Planned, reasonable and very mercantile Virgos cannot even imagine that it could be otherwise. However, the winter and early spring of 2018 will show you that even clearly outlined and systematized situations can get out of control. Probably, at this time you will have to go through a far from easy period, difficulties at work will begin to arise against your will, and you will get the impression that you are being led by an evil fate. However, under no circumstances should you lose calm and equanimity. A dog is a mystical animal, and therefore unpredictable. All the tests he sends are only short-term. And very soon Virgos will be convinced of this - career growth will not be long in coming. Financially, everything will also not be entirely stable, but you should not be afraid of losses or any cataclysms. Gradually, your well-being will grow, and you will have a pronounced craving for extravagance and waste. This is something you really should be careful about! At least in the year of the Dog, when it is difficult to predict anything in advance.

In terms of personal relationships, Virgos will show themselves from a side that is completely uncharacteristic for them. Coldness and restraint will give way to romance and sensuality. You will become a more open person, others will be drawn to you, and a lot of new acquaintances and fans will appear. This rethinking of oneself will begin the countdown of a new life stage. Even in relationships with your former partner, new, brighter and fresher notes will arise. By the end of the year, Virgo will feel quite natural and comfortable in this image. The end of summer promises free representatives of this zodiac sign a fateful meeting that will develop into a great bright feeling.

The gastrointestinal tract will continue to bother Virgo. There will also be more problems with the nervous system - a turbulent and unpredictable year will leave its mark on your emotional health. Don’t be afraid to spill your feelings out, get rid of accumulated negativity. Then you will not only free yourself morally, but also significantly help your psyche.

In general, 2018 for Virgos will be a continuation of the changes already begun last year in themselves and their lives. It will entirely depend on you how successful and positive these metamorphoses will be. However, the stars are positioned in the most favorable way for you - so you can’t help but take advantage of it!

The dog attracts Virgos with its measured and unhurried rhythm of life. The ostentatious splendor and bustle of last year will give way to something more serious and significant, according to Virgo. They will be especially pleased with the opportunity to work fruitfully and calmly. Many Virgos, thanks to their innate hard work, ability to overcome obstacles and patience, will move up the career ladder within a year and achieve a higher social and financial position.

In personal relationships, things will not be bad, but not as brilliant as with work and career. Family life for Virgos will go smoothly and calmly, along a well-trodden track. Virgos will be quite happy with this, which cannot be said about their partners; they will want more emotions and feelings. Therefore, Virgos, who do not want to find out at one “wonderful” moment about the existence of a rival or rival, need to try to bring a little more emotional warmth and lively spiritual communication into their relationship with their loved one.

Virgos this year, who carefully study everyone and everything, will find themselves susceptible to study by the opposite sex. Such close attention to your person will play a role in existing relationships, or will lead to new acquaintances. The tendency to analyze everything will fail, since the call of the heart will be much stronger than logical conclusions.

Always so meticulous and neat, in the New Year Virgo will be able to surprise herself. She will want to lose her head, get carried away completely, without thinking about the consequences. Perhaps, you can sometimes allow yourself this, feelings are given in order to feel them, and not to constantly analyze them.

A healthy lifestyle this year will continue to be your companion and will help prevent exacerbations of chronic diseases.

You can finally start your own business, if, of course, enough attention was paid to it in the preparatory period.

Virgos will work hard in 2018, which can ultimately bring with them new opportunities. In the first half of 2018, Jupiter will contribute to the emergence of new people, interests and plans for life in your environment. Next, Jupiter will move to the twelfth house of the Virgo horoscope, which will bring long journeys, reveal secrets and the opportunity to gain contacts with foreign partners. Also, this position of the horoscope indicates the appearance of a secret patron. Just like Jupiter, Uranus will be active in your chart - it will activate the eighth house of your horoscope, which will increase the likelihood of extreme situations that will radically change your life, because... change always brings change. And if we ourselves do not want to change, then circumstances will do it, which Uranus will help. Unnecessary connections may be severed and activity will increase. Also, new ideas for generating income may arise. Virgo's marriage house will be under the influence of Neptune all year, which means - if Neptune has positive aspects with your natal horoscope, it will help build contacts with others and avoid conflicts, but if Netpune creates negative connections, then you will find yourself dependent on other people , you will be deceived and find yourself in confusing situations. Also, Saturn will be influential, which will limit your communication with family and short trips. Your communication with others will be reduced. But this time will be favorable for studying. Until mid-July, Saturn will be in a retrograde position, which will bring delays in all endeavors and paperwork.

In 2018, Virgo’s romantic relationships will be taken under its wing by Neptune, who is the patron of love relationships. But Neptune also brings with it confusion of situations, secrets and changes in consciousness. Therefore, under the influence of Neptune, Virgo’s attitude towards their love partner will become changeable and fickle, beyond explanation. At the beginning of the year, there will be a possibility of unexpected, but without a chance of reciprocity, falling in love. Throughout January, Virgo's love relationships will be under the sign of Venus retrograde, which will bring with it separation and conflicts with a loved one. The best time for love will be summer. Also, in the summer, a love affair with a boss or a person of high social status is likely. In the fall, love relationships will again return to the control of Neptune, which will also enter into a tense confrontation with Mars - all this will increase the negative impact of these planets. Such an astrological situation will bring with it separation from a loved one and unpleasant revelations for you. Neptune, under the influence of Mars, will bring temptations - there will be opportunities to fall into temptation, be led by emotions and commit treason. You should protect your relationships from deception and lies - even the most stable ones can be destroyed by untruths that will be revealed at the most inopportune moment.

Virgos managed to achieve a lot in the year of the Fire Rooster. This is not surprising; a thoughtful approach allows you to accomplish the impossible. With the onset of February 16 (it is on this day that the Dog, the patron saint of 2018, comes into its own), Virgos will be able to give free rein to their imagination. After all, the Yellow Earth Dog will approve of the detailed planning and extend its paw as a sign of friendship.

Miracles will begin to happen in winter, and with the onset of March, Virgo’s life will turn into a fairy tale. And not surprisingly, the Earth Dog is delighted with the representatives of his element. This noble animal will bring endless luck, a sea of ​​happiness and love to Virgos in 2018. In business, doors will open for Virgos before they are ready to knock on them. Business partners will offer cooperation on promising terms. Virgo specialists are welcome everywhere. Thanks to your scrupulousness, you immediately notice shortcomings in contracts, which is very valuable in business.

March and April 2018 are the optimal period for active professional growth and establishing business contacts; in May, Virgos will see changes in their personal lives. The dog will settle the issues that have been troubling you since the beginning of 2018. The ringed “pets” of Mercury will be able to establish relationships with their family and conduct discussions on equal terms. The family will finally listen to Virgo’s words and take their opinion into account. If you want to speak, do not be afraid that relatives will interrupt. Virgo’s chosen one seemed to have been replaced. He is ready to fulfill all his whims, because his husband has finally realized what a miracle lives nearby. The horoscope advises: enjoy your second honeymoon and don’t think about anything.

Single Virgos will be modest almost all spring, and from the beginning of June Cupid will mercilessly shoot the hearts of people nearby. When Virgos get tired of a series of suitors and want to settle down, the stars strongly recommend that Mercury’s wards hurry up and have time to legitimize their relationship with their loved one in 2018. This period is very favorable for weddings, the family will be strong and happy, the Horoscope predicts. And children born in 2018 will have a cheerful disposition, good health, a flexible body, beautiful appearance, and a perceptive mind.

In the summer, Virgos should relax. The month of August is especially good for vacations and travel. You can finally relax. The horoscope states: business is thriving, income is increasing every day. Virgos can easily afford to spend the rest of the summer on a desert island in the company of funny monkeys jumping on the vines.

Autumn will require Virgo to fully concentrate on the main tasks. Life will be like school years. A dog will provide you with the opportunity to expand your business and increase profits. But for September 2018 to be successful, you need to learn new things. It is important to monitor the mood of business partners, the Horoscope notes, thus Virgo will be able to negotiate more favorable terms of cooperation. There will be no need to think about competitors in the coming months, the Dog has driven them to the corners.

Until the end of autumn, Virgo does not have to worry about problems. Things will go smoothly, without significant fluctuations. But with the onset of winter, the situation will change dramatically. Virgos will receive a generous reward from the Dog. The abundance of zeros in the bank account, of course, pleases Virgo, but the Horoscope recommends investing the money in business. Innate insight will help you manage capital correctly and understand the nuances of financial issues. As a result, Virgo will turn into a happy and beloved rich man. After all, the Dog will make sure that you meet your soul mate in 2018. Family Virgos will experience a surge of passion and renewal of feelings. The horoscope foresees that even the picky wards of Mercury will be completely satisfied.

The main advice that the stars give to Virgos for 2018 is to stop delving into yourself, looking for cons. You are close to perfection, and minor flaws add individuality and emphasize charisma, assures the Horoscope.

Love forecast

In 2018, Virgos are bathed in love and care. Don't be shy about reciprocating feelings. Be friendly. Virgo's harsh and picky words deeply hurt fans.

Virgos of the 1st decade (24.08-2.09) in 2018 will show modesty that is unusual for them. But despite this, they will be surrounded by crowds of fans. Don’t rush to set a wedding date, advises the Horoscope. “When there are many temptations around, it’s easy to make the mistake of wishful thinking. For a Virgo in marriage, the stars recommend devoting more time to your spouse. Distribute responsibilities equally and don’t forget: a family is the joint work of two people.

Virgos of the 2nd decade (3.09-13.09) are alien to playing in public and showing off their positive qualities. The patroness of 2018 will appreciate Virgo’s restraint. But the Horoscope says: you can relax and sometimes allow yourself excesses or eccentricities. After all, those around you expect that Virgo will begin to act out of the ordinary, breaking the usual patterns. Depart from your rule of always calculating the situation in advance, improvise more boldly. In 2018, Cupid will definitely not miss.

With the onset of winter, it will be very difficult for Virgos of the 3rd decade (09.14-23-09) to cope with the surging emotions. There is only one explanation for this: Mercury's charges fell in love. The horoscope advises to be patient. The Yellow Dog planned a meeting with her soulmate. Get ready that the chosen one will have to be courted for a long time before he gives Virgo a positive answer. But then events will begin to develop rapidly, and it will all end with a trip to the registry office. The dog even chose the gifts to give you for your wedding.

Business horoscope

Many pleasant and unexpected events will happen in 2018. The dog spoils enterprising Virgos with surprises. Do not try to find a pattern in what is happening; it is better to buy a safe where you will put the treasures you receive.

Virgos of the 1st decade (24.08-2.09). The dog in 2018 will offer several options for action. Virgos will be able to distribute tasks to subordinates while sitting in the office, or personally take care of business, demonstrating to others a creative approach to solving problems. Choose what you like, no matter what happens, the Horoscope promises that Virgos will get rich.

Virgos of the 2nd decade (3.09-13.09) are rapidly growing upward in 2018. Competitors diligently step aside, changing their field of activity, because they understand that they will not be able to cope with Virgos or cross their path. There will only be more troubles. Even the Dog did not think that the representatives of the earth sign would expand their sphere of influence so much. Virgos will make money out of thin air. If they buy a lottery ticket in 2018, they are likely to hit the jackpot. Professional qualities and incredible luck are the secret of your success!

Virgos of the 3rd decade (09.14-23-09) at first glance seem closed and do not trust anyone. But everything is somewhat different. The Yellow Dog gifted representatives of Mercury with a flair for profit. Therefore, Virgos clearly know which deal will be profitable and which contract it is better not to enter into, although their partners promise mountains of gold.

Family horoscope

In 2018, Yellow Dog Virgos will be able to add variety to family life and renew relationships. To do this, you will need a little thing: listen to the wishes of your relatives, take their opinion into account when making decisions, says Horoscope.

Virgos of the 1st decade (24.08-2.09) in the coming 2018 will learn to resolve conflicts and find a compromise. Your family will love and sincerely thank you for peace and mutual understanding in the family. And the husband blows off specks of dust and makes the slightest wishes come true. The horoscope notes: the comfort in the house is entirely your merit, the main thing is not to be arrogant, advises the Dog.

Virgo of the 2nd decade (3.09-13.09) will have the impression that they are in a fairy tale. True, the Yellow Dog predicts that Virgo will have an evil enemy, whose name is Jealousy. The horoscope warns: the other half will worry about persistent fans, because it is very difficult to resist the charm and charm of Virgo. Don’t take off your wedding ring, go to events with your spouse more often, then admirers will understand that Virgo’s heart is occupied, and their courtship is doomed to failure, advises the Dog.

Virgos of the 3rd decade (09/14-23-09) love to give advice and point out the right decisions when they are not asked. But in 2018, the Yellow Dog, Virgos better be lower than the grass, quieter than water. Relatives will appreciate the change in behavior. In 2018, the Dog sent storks to you, so get ready to become parents. Some Virgos will be lucky enough to have godchildren in addition.


A dog is an energetic animal, and if Virgos begin to lead an active lifestyle, do exercises, and even better, exercise regularly, then in 2018 they will forget what illnesses are.

Virgo 1st decade (24.08-2.09) The dog will give excellent health. Virgos are cheerful, cheerful, and active. And even during a cold, they will not cough or sniffle.

Virgos of the 2nd decade (September 3-September 13) feel excellent in 2018. But to maintain it, the Dog recommends that Virgos pay attention to their diet. Avoid heavy fatty foods, eat more fruits. And in the summer, if possible, go out of town and collect medicinal herbs for tea. By the way, walking through the fields, Virgo will strengthen the leg muscles. Perhaps, having driven into the countryside, you will find a new home. The patroness of 2018 will be pleased if her charges move out of the city.

For Virgos of the 3rd decade (14.09-23.09) A dog will give good health. But it cannot save you from insomnia. Virgos will have to reconsider their daily routine on their own. Don't sit too long at the computer in the evening. Before going to bed, Virgos should take a relaxing bath. This will help you get rid of heavy thoughts from your head and get ready for a good rest.

Predictions for children

Virgo babies will surprise not only their parents with their abilities. In 2018, they will predict the future as if they had already read about it in a book.

Virgos in the 1st decade (August 24-September 2) are usually conservative and suspicious of change. But your child in 2018 will refute this statement. The dog will call the young Virgos beyond the horizon. If you find a prepared backpack with the most necessary things, get ready. Soon the child will ask for a map to map out the route. Give in to young travelers, arrange a tour of the city for Virgo, or even better, go into nature.

Naughty Virgos of the 2nd decade (September 3-13), do not be deceived if it seems to you that in 2018 the child is behaving calmly. Little Virgo, like an adult, will carefully draw up a plan of action. But when the plans begin to come true, Horoscope advises parents not to take their eyes off the prankster.

About the fidgety Virgos of the 3rd decade (09.14-23-09), relatives are sure: the child was replaced. How else can we explain that the calm and slightly slow Virgo in 2018 began to demolish everything in its path? Channel your energy into a peaceful direction. Enroll the naughty kids in a sports section (athletics is best) or send them out for a walk at the stadium.

Horoscope by year of birth


With the beginning of 2018, the Virgo-Rat's powers of observation will increase. You will be able to quickly identify the best sources of income. And there will be plenty to choose from, business partners vying with each other to offer to conclude lucrative contracts, although some of them will turn out to be “dummy”. In your personal life, attentiveness will also be appropriate. Someone you know is seriously planning to “ring” you.


You are immeasurably patient. The Dog will like this quality, and he will decide to support your projects. Soon after the start of 2018, Virgo-Bulls will receive a substantial amount of money. But the Horoscope recommends taking money seriously, spending it on making your old dream come true. Maybe you wanted to go traveling or buy an apartment in the center?


Born to fight, the Virgin Tiger Cubs will become the Dog’s favorites. If you encounter difficulties and don’t know what to do, the stars recommend listening to your intuition. The patroness of the year will tell you the best way, and everything will end well. Love and harmony reign in personal life. In 2018, it's time to think about starting a family and children.

Virgo-Rabbit (Cat)

The coming 2018 will be ideal for the Virgo-Cat. You will be invited to social events and fashion shows. A dog will help you reveal your creative side, and those around you will be amazed by your talents. But the Horoscope recommends that the Virgo-Rabbits sometimes take a break from fame, descending to the “sinful earth.” Relatives need your help in family matters, and growing children need care and attention.


You come across as a strong and confident person. However, at heart, Virgo-Dragons remain romantics. A dog will allow you to enjoy 2018, filling your life with love, friendship, and happiness. If you are still single, you will soon meet your soulmate and get engaged to her. Don’t skimp on your wedding, because finances allow you to realize your wildest ideas.


The dog will give happiness throughout the year. The events taking place will turn your head, and the Snake Virgins will fly above the clouds. Hard work and perseverance will help you advance in your career. In 2018, you will have the opportunity to become a boss. And find out where the registry office is located; soon you and your significant other will visit it as newlyweds.


Whatever the Horse-Virgo undertakes, stunning success awaits her! All that remains is to choose your area of ​​interest for the coming year. All things will work out. But don’t plunge headlong into work, advises the Horoscope. On vacation or on weekends, visit various resorts. The dog is favorable towards travelers. The patroness will be happy to increase the income of the Horse-Virgins so that they do not limit themselves to money. Dramatic changes are planned in his personal life, it seems that the fan is preparing a pleasant surprise.


In 2018, you will be able to achieve a lot in your service. Perhaps someone will mistake you for an ordinary careerist, but they will not harm the Virgo-Monkey. After all, when you dream of a promotion, you play honestly and don’t let your colleagues down. The financial situation in 2018 is favorable. You can easily spend money without worrying about how soon your salary will be. It wouldn’t hurt to renovate your home and buy new clothes for yourself and your family.


In 2018, you will become a public figure: dinners with famous people, participation in a mission significant for the whole country. It will be fun. This will lead to the conclusion of profitable contracts and the acquisition of new business partners. In love, the Virgo-Rooster expects harmony and mutual understanding. And single representatives of the sign will have no end to eligible bachelors.


Your generosity and justice will win over the mistress of the year. The boss is delighted with the Virgo-Dog’s business qualities and will offer her the position of deputy. Does it seem boring and uninteresting to you? Then open your own business! Your ideas will be received with delight. 2018 is a favorable time for love. Free wards of Mercury are preparing for the wedding, married ones are awaiting the appearance of an heir.

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