
How to cook minced meatballs. Meat hodgepodge with sausages. Secrets of tender meatballs

Many housewives end up with meatballs boiling over when frying, or, on the contrary, they turn out not light and tender, but as if pressed. In this article I would like to teach you how to cook delicious and aromatic meatballs. The following products need to be prepared:

  • minced beef – 1 kg;
  • minced pork – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • bread - a quarter of a loaf;
  • tomato paste – 100 gm;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices, fresh herbs - to taste.
Mix 1 kg pork and 1 kg ground beef. Pass the minced meat through a meat grinder. Take two large onions. We clean from husks and film. Rinse the bulbs with cold water. Grind them to a pulp, preferably using a grater or blender. There is an easy way to get rid of tears while chopping onions - chew mint gum.

Cut off the crust of a quarter loaf of black bread so that only the crumb remains. Put it in a bowl, pour a quarter glass of water. Soften the bread in water until it becomes porridge. Then drain the water and squeeze out the pulp.

Mix meat, onion and bread in a deep bowl. Break 2 eggs into the minced meat, add salt and pepper, and add dried vegetables to your taste. This could be: bell pepper, garlic, basil, thyme, etc.

Add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. Roll the meatballs to the desired size.

Pour sunflower or olive oil into a deep frying pan and wait until it heats up. Then place the meatballs in hot oil and fry for a few minutes.

Place the fried meatballs on a plate and add tomato paste to the pan. Fry the tomato paste, stirring continuously for about 1 minute. Then pour a glass of boiled water into the pan. Place the meatballs there and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like tender meat balls - meatballs. They perfectly complement any side dish and can be served with salad or just vegetables. This universal dish will appeal to children, and for little ones, airy, soft cutlets are a real pleasure that does not require long and hard chewing. To make them tasty, light and airy, you should know a few good recipes and tips on how to cook meatballs.

Recipes for making minced chicken meatballs

One of the most important points when preparing tasty and healthy meatballs is the use of freshly prepared minced meat yourself; store-bought minced meat is questionable. It is believed that in order to prepare delicious meat balls you need to use minced meat from different meats - chicken, beef, pork, and sometimes lamb.

There are a huge number of delicious recipes based on chicken, which can be the basis of a delicious soup, borscht, porridge, potatoes, whatever your heart desires. Stroganoff-style meatballs should be considered one of the most delicious recipes.

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Minced chicken.
  • Chopped onions.
  • Egg – 1 piece.
  • ¼ teaspoon salt.
  • Bread crumbs (about 3 tablespoons).
  • Ground black pepper.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.
  • Chicken broth (400 ml.)
  • ¼ cup medium fat sour cream.

To cook, thoroughly mix all the ingredients: raw minced meat, bread crumbs, finely chopped onion, egg, herbs, salt and pepper. Once the mixture is ready, start forming mini patties, you should get about 15 pieces, depending on what size you chose.

Heat the frying pan over high heat, add vegetable oil, turn down the heat a little and fry our meatballs. Next, add the meat broth and cook them in the broth for 15 minutes. The final touch is adding sour cream. Voila, your dish is ready. For lovers of the exotic, a recipe for Mexican-style chicken meatballs is suitable.


  • Minced chicken.
  • Light bread (about 50 gr.)
  • Onions – 4 pieces.
  • Salt, ground pepper - add to taste.
  • Parsley – 10-12 sprigs.
  • Eggs – 2 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil – 3/5 tbsp. spoons
  • Light beans – 350-400 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 500 gr.

First, soak the bread in water. Grate one onion and mix it with minced chicken. Add seasonings to taste (salt, pepper). Finely chop the parsley and squeeze the white bread. Add eggs, soaked bread, and chopped parsley to the finished mixture. The finished minced mixture should be left in the refrigerator for half an hour. After 30 minutes, form round cutlets, fry them, and remove from the pan. Chop and sauté the remaining onion, add tomatoes, beans and simmer for about 10 minutes, then add our meatballs and leave to simmer for another 10-15 minutes.

Chicken meatballs for soup

Soup with such mini cutlets is not just tasty, but also satisfying. The most important ingredient is meat balls, which must be prepared correctly to make the soup tasty, rich and tender. Cooking them is not at all difficult, the main thing is to approach the cooking process with soul. To prepare these meatballs for soup we will need the following products:

  • Minced chicken – 450 gr.
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Seasonings (salt, pepper, parsley).
  • Additionally, the following can be used: white bread, carrots, etc.

To prepare, mix all the necessary ingredients: minced meat, onion, salt and pepper, leave the whole mixture in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. The size of the balls should range from the size of a cherry to the size of a walnut. To prevent the meat from sticking to your hands, they should be constantly moistened with cool water. You need to add the meatballs to the soup 10-15 minutes before turning off the heat.

Steamed baby meatballs in a slow cooker

Steamed meatballs are ideal for adults who are trying to stick to proper nutrition, as well as for children. Preparing such mini-cutlets is easy, quick, and most importantly, the result will be tasty, satisfying, and you won’t even notice how they are swept off the table. The texture of these baby meatballs is soft and airy, making them perfect for babies.

To prepare you will need:

  • Minced chicken – 300-400 gr.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 carrot.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 500 ml water.

Grind the onions and carrots in a blender, combine all the ingredients, mix. Next, we form balls of the size you need. Add water to the multicooker, place a steam basket and place our meat balls there. Turn on the steamer mode, cooking time: about 50-60 minutes. This recipe will delight your family and child, and you will enjoy the ease of preparation.

Meatballs in tomato sauce

There are a huge number of recipes on how to cook meatballs in tomato sauce. Tomato sauce adds an unusually delicate taste to all meat dishes. These meat balls are ideal for serving with spaghetti, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, and other side dishes.

For this recipe you need the following ingredients:

For the meatballs:

  • Minced meat with onions – 300 gr.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Parsley.
  • Seasonings - to taste.

For the sauce:

  • Tomatoes in their own juice (about 500 gr.)
  • Onion – 1 piece.
  • Sweet pepper – 1 piece.
  • Seasonings: suneli hops, ground ginger, ground paprika, salt, sugar - to taste.

Beef with rice and gravy

Beef meatballs are a great way to add variety to your menu. To prepare such a meat dish you will need: 500 gr. minced beef, rice, egg, clove of garlic, finely chopped parsley, cumin, salt and pepper to taste. If you choose long varieties of rice, then they stick out funny, like the spines of a hedgehog. The most important thing for preparing such a dish is a delicious gravy, which will add excellent taste to pasta, noodles, buckwheat, and other side dishes.

For the gravy you need:

  • Tomatoes – 400 gr.
  • Onions – 2 heads.
  • Tomato paste – 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Grated nutmeg – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Pepper, salt - to taste.

Mix the minced meat, add boiled rice, parsley, salt and other seasonings, beat in the egg, mix the mixture and divide into 18-20 parts, make our meatballs. In order to chop onions and tomatoes, you need to use a blender. We also add grated nutmeg and pepper. Transfer the finished mixture into a saucepan, pour in the tomato paste, bring to a boil and add the meatballs. They should simmer for about 45 minutes, stirring from time to time. The main thing is not to overdo it with time so that they do not fall apart.

Fish balls in the oven

Fish balls in the oven are not just tasty, but also healthy. It won't be difficult to prepare such a delicious dish. The main thing is to know a few secrets that will help you make a dish easily, quickly, and most importantly, quickly. Pink salmon and its loin are excellent for this recipe, although the choice of fish is personal taste preference, so you are not limited in choice.

To cook them in the oven you will need:

  • Fish fillet – 500 gr.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Sour cream – 250-300 gr.
  • Butter – 25 gr.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.
  • Seasonings to taste.

First, wash the dill, peel the carrots and onions. Dill should be finely chopped. Cut the cooled butter into small pieces. We throw the carrots and onions into a meat grinder and pass them through with the minced meat. We form neat balls, pressing with a finger, make small holes where we put the oil.

The oven should be heated to 180 degrees, put the meatballs in a baking dish and put them in the oven to cook. Mix sour cream, dill, half a glass of water, salt, pepper and after 15 minutes, remove the pan from the oven, pour sauce over our fish dish and leave in the oven for 40 minutes. That's all, bon appetit.

Check out also delicious recipes with gravy.

Video recipe for making Swedish meatballs

If you are tired of standard recipes, you will like a wonderful recipe for making meatballs, and they are prepared by real Swedes. This recipe is simple, tasty, satisfying. You don't necessarily need any culinary talent to prepare such a delicious meat dish. Watch a detailed video recipe on how to cook delicious Swedish meatballs:

Meatballs in sour cream sauce

Many people wonder how to make a light, tender sauce for meatballs that will appeal to adults, children, and will also be easy to prepare. One of these sauces should be considered sour cream sauce with milk, which is quickly prepared and does not require a huge amount of ingredients. To cook meatballs in sour cream sauce, watch the video, which explains in detail all the stages of preparation:

How to properly make meatballs for soup?

  1. - 1 glass of rice
    - 350 gr. meat of your choice (pork, beef)
    - 1 small onion
    - 2 slices of soft white bread
    - saucer of milk (for bread)
    - salt pepper
    Cooking method:
    Cut the meat into small pieces, the onion into small cubes.
    Grind the meat and onions through a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous minced meat.
    Add bread soaked in milk to the minced meat, add salt and pepper.
    You should not add an egg to the minced meat, because it gives the meatballs unnecessary hardness and makes the broth cloudy.
    Add rice to the fully prepared minced meat and mix thoroughly.
    Form small round-shaped meatballs.
    Remember: the meatballs need to be placed in the soup 15-20 minutes before it is ready, then the balls will not fall apart and will retain their shape. or like this: Minced meat can be made from any meat: beef, pork, lamb or a mixture of different types. The finished minced meat should be salted and peppered. If desired, you can add a tablespoon of semolina to the minced meat and let it stand for fifteen minutes so that the semolina swells; this will make the finished meatballs especially soft and tender. But there is no need to add an egg; due to their small size, the meatballs retain their shape well during the cooking process, while the egg white makes them harsh and the broth cloudy.
  2. Clean minced meat (onion, pepper, salt). In your left palm, squeeze, the minced meat appears from the clenched fist, pinch off the desired size, quickly roll into a ball and into the broth. All meatballs are ready.
  3. according to the technology, an egg goes, a bit of bread and
    egg, small onion, salt, pepper
    skip everything 2 times

    Instead of a bun I put semolina

  4. Personally, I don’t put anything other than meat and onions (and salt and pepper, of course) into meatballs! For what? They turn out so tasty and juicy. And bread, rice, eggs - so that there is more of them.
  5. Evgeny, with an egg, these are not meatballs either.... meatballs are just minced meat rolled into balls.... the maximum, except for salt and pepper - onions))) and, with an egg, this is no longer for soup)
  6. These are not meatballs, these are meatballs
    Meatballs are all much simpler, just mix the minced meat with an egg, salt and pepper, that’s it!!! Don’t invent anything!!! Everything ingenious is simple!!!

    You can cook this soup with vegetable, chicken or meat broth. If you don’t have natural broth, you can cook with broth from a soup cube or just water.

    Broth or water 1 liter
    Potatoes - 3 5 pieces (depending on the size of the potatoes and your love for them)
    1 small carrot
    Onion 1 piece
    Salt, pepper, bay leaf
    Vegetable oil for frying vegetables

    For the meatballs you will need:
    Minced meat 300 g (I usually make meatballs from minced beef, but you can use pork or mixed minced pork and beef)
    All purpose seasoning 1 teaspoon
    Semolina 1 tablespoon
    Onion 1 small onion
    Egg 1 piece
    Salt pepper


    Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until transparent (3-4 minutes). Add the carrots cut into strips to the onion and fry everything together for another 3 - 4 minutes.

    Vegetables should not be overly fried. It is enough just to lightly fry them so that the sugar in the vegetables begins to caramelize, which will give the dish a very pleasant homemade taste.
    For the meatballs you will need minced meat. Preferable, but not strictly necessary! , scroll the meat twice. You can spin the meat together with the onion or spin only the meat and then add grated onion to it.
    Add egg, semolina, universal seasoning (if desired), salt and pepper to the minced meat.

    Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

    In order to prevent the meatballs from falling apart during the cooking process, it is VERY advisable to not only knead the meat mixture, but also beat it out. To do this, gather the meat into a ball and throw it back into the bowl. It is advisable to make at least 10-15 such throws.
    Form meatballs from the prepared minced meat. In order for our soup to be as clear as possible, I usually boil the meatballs separately, and only then add them to the pan with the soup. But to be honest, this is not necessary. You can easily add the meatballs raw and cook them along with the rest of the soup ingredients. If this is what you decide to do, then place them after the potatoes and before the fried vegetables. And if you decide to boil them first, then boil the water, reduce the heat so that the water in the pan stops boiling intensely, and carefully, stirring gently, one by one, add the meatballs. As soon as they float to the surface, and this will happen literally in 5-7 minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon and add them in this form to the pan with the soup.

    Pour broth or water into a saucepan, add diced potatoes and cook after boiling for about 5 minutes. Add the fried vegetables, salt and pepper, bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes.

    Place the boiled meatballs in the pan, cover with a lid and cook until the potatoes and other vegetables are fully cooked (literally 5-10 minutes).

    5 minutes before cooking, add bay leaf to the pan.
    Serve with dill, parsley or green onions.
    Enjoy your meal!

  8. I just make minced meat + onions and spices. I don’t even add an egg so the broth doesn’t get cloudy.
  9. minced meat, grind the onion in a meat grinder, add to the minced meat. add an egg to the minced meat. add salt and pepper, then make round meatballs and place them in boiling water, where the potatoes or cereals are almost cooked beforehand, add the fry after the meatballs, cook for 10-15 minutes

Meatballs are a dish made from minced meat, shaped like a ball the size of a walnut or slightly smaller. Meatballs are included in the menu of children's, dietary and medical nutrition, including the diet for pancreatitis. How to make meatballs from minced meat, read on

Soup with meatballs turns out tasty, aromatic, satisfying. The soup preparation time is minimal. The taste variations of meatball soup are different - they depend on the composition of the minced meat and on the ingredients included in the soup.

To answer the question how to make meatballs, let's define their types:

Types of meatballs:

  • meatballs;
  • fish balls;
  • poultry meatballs.

General information:

  • Finely chopped onions and spices are added to the minced meat; greens are allowed according to the recipe.
  • Adding eggs to the minced meat is possible, but the broth will lose transparency.
  • It is possible to add loaf (bread) soaked in water or milk to the minced meat. At the same time, the consistency of the minced meat becomes more elastic.
  • But the introduction of cereals or vegetables is unacceptable. Minced meat with cereals or vegetables is not meatballs, these are meatballs.

Type of meatball processing:

  • Cooking in boiling water, broth or soup.

If you saw somewhere a recipe for “fried meatballs,” then I will answer you - these are not meatballs! These are small meatballs, cutlets or zrazy, etc... Meatballs are just boiled! - in water, broth, soup.

How to make meatballs from minced beef Recipe.

Prepare the minced meatballs yourself. Minced meat that is sold in a store may contain various additives; minced meat that can be bought on the market is undoubtedly prepared from scraps.

Meatballs are prepared from beef, pork, lamb or a combination of various types of meat. For example: pork and beef, beef and lamb in 1:1 ratios or in other ratios, to taste.

However, dietary requirements for pancreatitis impose restrictions on the choice of meat. Pork and lamb, fatty beef are prohibited. Read more about what you can eat with pancreatitis.

You can use lean beef, veal, rabbit. Connective tissue and tendons must be removed from the meat.

The recipe described below can be used in therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis - diet No. 5p.


  • Beef (cutlet meat) – 500 g
  • Onions - 42.3 g (1/2 medium size)
  • Eggs - 1/3 pcs (you can take 1 pc, you don’t have to put eggs)
  • Salt - 10.6 g (1 tsp)

Cooking method:

  1. Meat, well washed, freed from tendons and fat, pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times.
  2. Finely chop the onion (i.e. “scald” it with boiling water).
  3. Combine the meat mass, blanched onion, and egg. You can add water to make the minced meat more elastic. Mix thoroughly.
  4. From the resulting minced meat we form balls the size of a walnut.
  5. Boil meatballs in boiling water, in broth or add to soup.
  6. Bon appetit!

How to make minced meat for cutlets and meatballs correctly

Meatballs beefCalorie content of 100g dish – 221 TOfeces

  • Proteins - 26.27 g
  • Fat – 12.63 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.89 g
  • B1 - 0 mg
  • B2 - 0.0147 mg
  • C - 0 mg
  • Ca - 30.0403 mg
  • Fe - 1.6355 mg

How to make fish meatballs Recipe

Fish dishes are very healthy. Fish dishes contain vital substances and elements - phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, unsaturated fats and proteins, vitamins B and D.

— Fish dishes must be included in the diet of children and in the diet of people leading a healthy lifestyle.

— Low-fat fish dishes are included in protein diets and in diets for weight loss.

— Fish dishes are part of numerous therapeutic diets, including those for pancreatitis. The proposed recipe corresponds to diet No. 5. Let me remind you that diet No. 5 is less strict compared to diet No. 5p. The transition from diet No. 5p to diet No. 5 is carried out with the permission of a doctor during a period of stable remission.


  • Pollock – 900 g
  • Onions - 150 g (2 medium-sized pieces)
  • Eggs - 1 piece
  • Salt - 5 g (0.5 tsp)

Cooking method:

  1. Cooking fish fillet. To do this, wash the fish well, remove the head, and remove the bones. The skin does not need to be removed. Cut into pieces;
  2. Using a meat grinder, grind the fillet;
  3. Finely chop the onion and (i.e. “scald” it with boiling water).
  4. Combine the fish mixture, blanched onion, and egg. You can add water to make the minced meat more elastic. Mix thoroughly.
  5. From the resulting minced meat we form balls weighing 15-20 g.
  6. Boil minced fish meatballs in boiling water, in broth or add to soup.
  7. Bon appetit!

Meatballs from fishCalorie content 100g dish – 67,79 TOfeces

  • Proteins - 12.78 g
  • Fat – 1.05 g
  • Carbohydrates - 2.41 g
  • B1 - 0.0124 mg
  • B2 - 0.2699 mg
  • C - 2.6995 mg
  • Ca - 0 mg
  • Fe - 0 mg

In conclusion: Minced meatballs are a hearty dish that cooks quickly and turns out delicious. If you include meatballs in your diet, this will allow you to save a lot of time: in one day, prepare minced meat, make meatballs from them and freeze them, having previously packaged them in portioned bags. On the day when you want to cook them, take one of the packages and

  • cook soup with meatballs. Diet soup recipes will be published soon

or boil the meatballs and serve as a separate dish:

  • , for example, good dietary
  • with mashed potatoes;
  • with vegetables.

Bon appetit!

Meatballs are perfect for lunch or dinner. They go well with various side dishes, vegetable salads and sauces. You can make meatballs from different types of minced meat. We will tell you how to easily and easily prepare minced meatballs.

Minced beef and pork meatballs with sauce

We need: meat grinder, ladle or stewpan, frying pan.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Cut 150-250 grams of pork and 250-350 grams of beef into small pieces.
  2. Cut half of one medium onion into cubes of any size.

  3. Heat 15-20 milliliters of sunflower oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and fry until light golden brown.

  4. Pass the fried onion, chopped meat and half a raw medium-sized onion through a meat grinder.

  5. Add 120-125 grams of breadcrumbs to the minced meat and stir so that all the breadcrumbs are evenly distributed.

  6. Add salt to taste in half a glass of water.

  7. Pour into the minced meat, add 2-3 grams of dry paprika and knead vigorously. If the mixture seems too hard, you can add a little more water.

  8. Leave the finished minced meat for 20-25 minutes in a cool place, after which we form small meatballs from the minced meat with our hands.

  9. Heat 20 milliliters of sunflower oil in a frying pan, add the meatballs and fry on both sides to form a golden brown crust.

  10. For the sauce, place lingonberries (1/2 cup) in a ladle or saucepan, add 20-25 grams of sugar and salt to taste.

  11. Place the dishes on the fire and boil until boiling. Juice should be released from the lingonberries.

  12. Stir 25-30 grams of flour in half a glass of water and pour into the bowl with the sauce. Cook until thickened and be sure to stir occasionally.

  13. Pour the prepared sauce over the meatballs and serve.

Video recipe for making meatballs from minced pork and beef

To ensure that you don’t have any problems preparing the sauce and meatballs, we recommend watching the following video.

Minced chicken meatballs recipe

Cooking time: 75-80 minutes.
We need: chopper or immersion blender, frying pan.
Number of servings: 7.


Step-by-step preparation

Using the same principle, you can prepare meatballs from ground turkey.

Video recipe for making minced chicken meatballs

If you want to see in as much detail as possible how to make meatballs from minced chicken, we recommend watching the following video.

Recipe for minced meatballs in the oven

Cooking time: 65-70 minutes.
We need: bowl, baking dish.
Number of servings: 7.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. We combine together 750-800 grams of minced meat, one or two grated onions, finely chopped fresh parsley (15-16 sprigs), 85-90 grams of breadcrumbs, salt to taste and 1-2 cloves of chopped garlic.

  2. Knead the minced meat very diligently with your hands.

  3. We form small flat meatballs from the finished minced meat.

  4. Cut 8-9 potatoes into slices.

  5. Place meatballs and potato slices in a baking dish in several rows.

  6. Add 1-2 tomatoes, cut into slices, into the pan.

  7. In a separate bowl, combine 30-35 grams of tomato paste with 180-200 milliliters of hot water and stir.

  8. Pour the resulting sauce over the dish in the mold and place in the oven.

  9. Bake at 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

  10. Place the finished dish on plates and serve hot to the table.

Video recipe for making minced meatballs in the oven

In order not to miss a single detail of the cooking process, be sure to watch the following video.

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