
Moons and lunar ores in EVE Online. Universe of EVE online What you need to start in eve online digging moons

→ Preparing to dig for moons in eve online

Before starting mining moons in EVE online, each player needs to understand what materials it can provide. In eve online you need to dig for moons only after scanning them. During the scanning process, the player needs to run several probes that look for ore and other useful materials on the moon. Those players who sell items in eve have replenished their wallets more than once by digging for moons. Mined minerals and ores can be sold for in-game currency. You can also sell or exchange isk for PLEX (30-day game card) in eve. If you want to approach the moon on which a post is already installed, then most likely your ship will be destroyed in one salvo.

What do you need to start mining moons in eve online?

Any industrial ship with an excellent CPU parameter and a fairly spacious hold. Players who sell isk in eve can afford a top ship of this class, but be prepared to flee as soon as you notice the established village.

Module for launching samples to the moon. In eve, the sale of such items is most often carried out on the market or on the game forums. More information about samples can be obtained on the eve online game sites.

Lunar samples. In eve, the sale of items of this kind brings in good income, so finding samples should not be a problem. In the market in Eva they can be found at almost any station and in any region.

Top slot: Trial launcher

Top slot: An invisibility device that will help you hide at the right time.

Middle slot: Microwarpdrive.

Low slot: Nanofibers that will increase the maneuverability and mobility of the ship.

In eve online, digging for moons is possible only after exploration, and in each system there are about 50 moons, each of which requires one sample. Players who want to sell isk in eve most often engage in other types of income, but with the right approach, mining moons will bring huge profits. There are three types of samples. The amount of time required to complete exploration depends on the level and price of samples. The most expensive and powerful samples arrive with results in five minutes, and the cheapest in 40.

If you don’t have enough money to buy samples, you can buy suits in online stores. After purchasing and fitting an industrial ship, you can finally go scan the moons. A full description of ships in eve online can be found in the game databases.

For those who have decided to sell isk in eve, this option for making money will seem very difficult, but it all depends on the experience and skills of the pilot. In eve online, each digging of moons takes less and less time, but as always, competent reconnaissance decides everything. I also advise eve to sell items that take up a lot of space in the hold, or leave them somewhere at another station.

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Moons in EVE online- the main source of materials that are used for the production of ships, modules, rigs and industrial equipment. How to organize resource extraction? How much profit can you get from such an activity? You will find the answers in this guide.

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First step: laying a strong foundation

In order to extract resources from the moon in EVE online, you need to install POS - player owned station(English station that belongs to the player). It is a base that is owned by a corporation on a proprietary basis. Deployment POS and is carried out in several stages:

  1. A control tower is being installed ( CT/Control tower) - control point and protective field generator;
  2. Defense systems - turrets and warp blockers - are placed and activated;
  3. The production infrastructure is being assembled.

EVE is the only one MMO, which allows players to fully immerse themselves in craft, and be full participants in the gameplay. Start playing EVE, and who knows? Maybe you will be included in the list of influential tycoons?

Production infrastructure for lunar exploration in EVE online

To extract useful resources from the moons in EVE online you will need:

  • An extractor is a unit that directly “pumps out” resources from the moon;
  • Reactor - a device that processes raw materials into materials that can be used in production;
  • Storage. Available in two types: silos ( silos, main warehouses) and coupling arrays. The second type serves as a complement to the first. In order to load the prey into the transport, the silo must be turned off. At this time, the raw materials enter the buffer - coupling array. C.A. needed for cases when the main storage is full.

Business plan for developing the moon in the EVE online universe

The project to “develop” the moon in the EVE online universe must be carefully thought out and calculated. Hastily made decisions can become a “black hole” in the corporation’s budget. Installation and Maintenance POS a - an extremely expensive activity. You will need:

  • Purchase all systems that are needed for the extraction, processing and storage of resources;
  • Supply your brainchild with fuel - without it, the systems simply will not work. Ice isotopes are used as fuel, which will have to be mined or purchased on the market. A small station “eats” approximately 100 million per month;
  • Protect your property from attacks by ill-wishers;
  • Organize a logistics system.

In order not to go bankrupt, you need to calculate how much profit you will receive from your industrial activities. Familiarize yourself with market demand, consider as wide a range of options as possible - the future of your corporation may depend on this decision.

Where is moon mining allowed in EVE online?

The development of moons in EVE online is allowed in systems with a security status ( security status/ss) 0.3 and below. The reason for this is clear: CCP maintain an atmosphere of competition in the game. Key points must be fought for, and resources must be at a premium. In the game, this state of affairs is explained by the monopoly right of states in this area of ​​activity.

It is impossible to obtain all the materials necessary for the technological process on one moon. If your corporation consists of a small group of pilots, then it makes sense to mine basic materials and sell them on the market. If you have the necessary resources, you can install several POS ov and organize the production of advanced components.

Moons in EVE online- the main source of materials that are used for the production of ships, modules, rigs and industrial equipment. How to organize resource extraction? How much profit can you get from such an activity? You will find the answers in this guide.

Don't have an account yet? Hurry up, register in EVE Online and start writing the history of this world together with the rest of the Russian-speaking community!

First step: laying a strong foundation

In order to extract resources from the moon in EVE online, you need to install POS - player owned station(English station that belongs to the player). It is a base that is owned by a corporation on a proprietary basis. Deployment POS and is carried out in several stages:

  1. A control tower is being installed ( CT/Control tower) - control point and protective field generator;
  2. Defense systems - turrets and warp blockers - are placed and activated;
  3. The production infrastructure is being assembled.

EVE is the only one MMO, which allows players to fully immerse themselves in craft, and be full participants in the gameplay. Start playing EVE, and who knows? Maybe you will be included in the list of influential tycoons?

Production infrastructure for lunar exploration in EVE online

To extract useful resources from the moons in EVE online you will need:

  • An extractor is a unit that directly “pumps out” resources from the moon;
  • Reactor - a device that processes raw materials into materials that can be used in production;
  • Storage. Available in two types: silos ( silos, main warehouses) and coupling arrays. The second type serves as a complement to the first. In order to load the prey into the transport, the silo must be turned off. At this time, the raw materials enter the buffer - coupling array. C.A. needed for cases when the main storage is full.

Business plan for developing the moon in the EVE online universe

The project to “develop” the moon in the EVE online universe must be carefully thought out and calculated. Hastily made decisions can become a “black hole” in the corporation’s budget. Installation and Maintenance POS a - an extremely expensive activity. You will need:

  • Purchase all systems that are needed for the extraction, processing and storage of resources;
  • Supply your brainchild with fuel - without it, the systems simply will not work. Ice isotopes are used as fuel, which will have to be mined or purchased on the market. A small station “eats” approximately 100 million per month;
  • Protect your property from attacks by ill-wishers;
  • Organize a logistics system.

In order not to go bankrupt, you need to calculate how much profit you will receive from your industrial activities. Familiarize yourself with market demand, consider as wide a range of options as possible - the future of your corporation may depend on this decision.

Where is moon mining allowed in EVE online?

The development of moons in EVE online is allowed in systems with a security status ( security status/ss) 0.3 and below. The reason for this is clear: CCP maintain an atmosphere of competition in the game. Key points must be fought for, and resources must be at a premium. In the game, this state of affairs is explained by the monopoly right of states in this area of ​​activity.

It is impossible to obtain all the materials necessary for the technological process on one moon. If your corporation consists of a small group of pilots, then it makes sense to mine basic materials and sell them on the market. If you have the necessary resources, you can install several POS ov and organize the production of advanced components.

Hello again, hardworking capsuleers. It's time for another article on refining complexes and lunar mining from your friendly neighbors Five 0.

In today's article we will talk about the changes coming this year to the composition of moons, the distribution of lunar materials and the exploration of moons, which are part of the process of introducing processing complexes into the game. All the juicy details are given below, however, if you are only interested in a brief summary, then just scroll to the end of the article.

As we said in the previous article65, the introduction of Upwell processing complexes into the game will revolutionize the process of mining lunar materials used in the production of items of the second tech category. The old approach, based on the passive hourly extraction of materials by the POS block, is being replaced by a drilling module, which pulls out rock from the lunar surface and puts it into orbit for further development by capsuleer ships.

We talked about the outline of the new lunar mining process during the keynote presentation110 at Fanfest18 earlier this year, as well as in a previous article; For those who want to quickly refresh their knowledge on this topic, here is a brief overview of the process:

  1. The processing complex, placed in the right place near the moon, can be equipped with a special drilling module. Only one structure can produce at a time.
  2. Owners will need to set parameters for the process, where the size of the piece of rock torn off will determine the time it takes to complete the task.
  3. Next, the module separates this piece from the surface of the moon and begins to pull it towards the structure. The process takes from one to several weeks, depending on the choice made by the owner of the structure. The movement of the rock can be monitored by an outside observer, which will be a unique method of estimating the completion time of this part of the operation.
  4. After the transfer process is completed, the rock can be blown up using a drilling module, thereby turning it into a cluster of asteroids. The exact time of detonation is controlled by the owner of the complex, but only within certain limits. If the rock is left unattended for some time, it will disintegrate on its own, resulting in the same cluster of asteroids.
  5. It will contain new types of valuable ores, the processing of which produces lunar materials. The composition of an asteroid cluster will depend on the composition of the materials in the moon itself. The location of the cluster will generally not allow for effective mining within the radius of the dock entrance, but it will allow the pilot controlling the complex to cover his allies and/or attack intruders.
  6. After detonation, the drilling module will be able to begin to split a new section of the lunar surface, i.e. start a new cycle.

New ores

The new types of valuable ores mentioned above are another major change to the mining process for lunar materials. At this point, resources (such as hydrocarbons, titanium, cadmium, technetium or dysprosium) are mined by the corresponding POS block in a form ready for conversion reactions into intermediate materials and, ultimately, into composite materials for the production of items of the second tech category. In the new version of this process, a piece of lunar rock, when undermined, will generate new ores that can be mined by capsuleer ships for subsequent processing (in the standard way) into lunar materials.

New ores will produce more than one material when processed, as is the case with most existing ores. At the moment we are planning to add 20 new types of ores obtained through the above process. Each will have a base material that makes up the majority of the output volume, and a few other materials that make up the remaining volume. The secondary materials will often be lunar materials, but sometimes they will also be ordinary minerals.

For example (names are not conclusive): the Plugkit ore may yield significant amounts of base material vanadium, as well as some cobalt and evaporites. The Lunmatium ore could perhaps be processed into dysprosium with some silicates and mexallon.

These new ores will have five degrees of rarity, similar to existing lunar materials, i.e. the rarest lunar materials will be obtained from the rarest ores. To make it easier to process these ores (and also to allow you to use new drill crystals), we will be introducing five new ore processing skills, one for each rarity. These new skills will work similarly to existing ore processing skills, giving a two percent increase in resource yield, with the only difference being that each skill will apply to four types of ores instead of one.

Composition and distribution of materials

With the new way of developing moons will come a new method of evaluating the moons themselves and a new distribution of materials across the moons of New Eden. Currently, each moon can contain certain types of materials, which means it is possible to mine them using POS. The moons may contain no materials, or there may be one material or even several; The owner of the mining installation can choose which materials to mine.

A new approach to the development of moons implies the presence of several ores in their composition, where each of them makes up a certain percentage of the total composition of the moon. This composition can include old and new ores and will always add up to 100%.

So, for example, reconnaissance of the moon could show that it consists of:

  • 45% scordite
  • 40% new moon ore (very common)
  • 15% new moon ore (medium rarity)

While another moon may have the following:

  • 35% spodumane
  • 25% new moon ore (average common)
  • 20% bistote
  • 20% new moon ore (very rare)

Would your corporation or alliance prefer a moon that had a small amount of extremely valuable ore that you could skim off and ignore the less valuable ores to save time? Or are you looking for a moon with a wider distribution of valuable ores that will allow you to get more profit per month, at the same time requiring more time to mine them?

In addition to the above-described processing of the composition of the moons, a complete reset of the existing distribution of lunar materials will be performed. We will launch an algorithm that will set the composition of the moons for all “low-secs” and “zeros” in a new percentage form. This reset will be carried out in an update that will introduce processing complexes to the game.

We will be testing this distribution in the coming months on our test servers, including Singularity. We want to make it clear that the distributions that end up on Singularity sooner or later will be created based on a different trigger number compared to the subsequent algorithm running on the Tranquility server on the day the update is released.

Resetting the distribution of materials in the moons will allow the new system to start with a clean slate, allow conversion to a new percentage format, and will also be an excellent opportunity for smart and motivated prospectors to profit from resource hunting.

Moon exploration improvements

Due to fundamental changes in the composition of the moons and future prospects for their exploration, we are preparing significant improvements to the way players interact with the moon exploration system.

Moon exploration is a little-known part of exploration in EVE Online: a special probe launcher is used to determine the presence of minerals within the moons. This process has changed relatively little over the past few years; There are many places where we saw opportunities to improve the user experience and player feedback.

The basics of the moon exploration process are:

Our work will bring an improved lunar probe window that will display the remaining flight time of each probe, indicating which moon they are trying to explore. If you miss the moon, “Unknown” will appear in the target column, clearly signaling the need to launch a new probe. Once the process is complete, the window will display the percentage composition of the moon.

The set of changes also includes greatly improved clarity of the lunar exploration system, some tweaks to the physics of the probes themselves to improve realism, and a limit on the maximum distance from which you can conduct lunar exploration.

The above-mentioned interface changes will appear on Tranquility before the release of the processing complexes and the reset of the distribution of lunar materials. The scale of work on the reprocessing complexes cannot be underestimated, so we worked hard to complete many aspects early to allow more time for testing and feedback. The new moon exploration interface will be available on the Singularity test server in the coming weeks, and on Tranquility in the August release. Between the August release and the release of the refining complexes, the new interface will continue to display the amount of lunar materials, rather than percentages of their content.

This early release of UI updates is just one of several aspects being worked out ahead of time as work gets underway on the upcoming Winter Update. We previously released (without announcing it) server code that will allow the production log to perform its intended function. We will soon reveal more information about the first rounds of early testing of the processing complexes themselves at Singularity.

For everyone interested - a brief summary of the article:

Processing complexes will be released this winter
A new approach to moon development:

  • Ore must be delivered from the surface of the moon into orbit, mined and processed into lunar materials
  • Processing complexes use only the drilling module available to them, which allows them to extract
ore from the moons and deliver it into orbit. At one point in time, only one processing complex will be able to develop the moon

New ores

  • 20 new lunar ores obtained by mining lunar materials
  • Processed into one primary lunar material and several secondary (lunar or ordinary)
  • Only available in asteroids formed during moon mining

Moon composition and material distribution

  • The moons will consist of different ores, given in percentage terms
  • The composition includes both lunar ores and ordinary
  • Complete reset of the distribution of lunar materials when the update is released

August improvements to the moon exploration process

  • A friendlier moon composition display interface
  • Copy to clipboard function
  • Miss display (the probe flies past the moon, there will be no results)

Results timer for each probe

We look forward to bringing you improvements to the lunar exploration process soon, and we hope you're as excited as we are about the upcoming lunar materials shakeup! In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to release articles covering various aspects of the processing complexes and other changes to the facilities.

Happy construction!
Team Five 0.

If the player has already had a chance to familiarize himself with some of the initial moments of the game, then the question will arise: why is it being carried out? digging moons in EVE Online? Why is this procedure needed and what is it? These are natural questions, since this action is one of the most important in the game.

Digging moons is a method of mining Raw Materials from the depths with the help POS. But before you start digging, it is necessary to scan the surface, explore the area and obtain lunar samples.

Scanning before digging moons in EVE Online

Before digging for moons in EVE Online, you need to find out what resources you can get from it. Initial research can be done by scanning the moon. To do this, samples are released towards the moon of interest, looking for minerals (ore).

As a result of scanning, you can obtain several samples of material:

  • Quest survey probe- you must wait to receive samples 40 minutes;
  • Discovery survey probe- samples will be ready in 10 minutes;
  • Gaze survey probe- scanning will take 5 minutes.

Reconnaissance of the moons should be carried out if there is no one in the locale - corporations also scan the moons and hunt for scouts.

Reconnaissance before digging on the moon in EVE Online

If there is no one in the locale, you can warp before digging to the moon in EVE Online (distance - approx. 15 km). Actions are carried out as follows:

  1. Head towards the surface. Upon arrival, it may turn out that the moon does not look the way you imagined it - the appearance and size of all moons vary.
  2. The ship is being leveled. Alignment must be carried out as accurately as possible.
  3. The test starts. If the alignment was carried out correctly, the sample will fly out of the bow of the ship and immediately head towards the moon. If the alignment was done incorrectly, the sample may miss.

After sending samples to the moon, you need to open the scanner, which will display a countdown until the results are ready. At the same time, it is possible to conduct research and install samples on other moons.

Digging for moons in Eve Online: what is needed for digging and a successful reaction?

You cannot dig for the moon on a barge or ship. There are special ones for this purpose Moon Harvesting Array installed on POS. They are necessary in order to extract minerals from the moon. Also, digging moons in EVE Online requires Silo so that the mined minerals can be stored. After extraction, the processing process can be carried out Raw Materials into the final product.

To obtain the material, you need to place the original crystals in Reactor Array, and to obtain higher quality material you need to additionally insert Reaction Blueprint. There are many types of reactions and resulting materials, but they are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • Simple reactions. Required to obtain initial processed materials from ore.
  • Complex reactions. They are carried out to recycle materials obtained from the moon.

What materials can be obtained in EVE Online?

Moon mining in EVE Online involves the extraction of many minerals. To successfully conduct exploration and mining of moons, you can use the ore map of the Universe, use the help of experienced players, or engage in mining yourself - the choice of game tactics lies with the player himself.

11 years of quality development have turned EVE into a world-class game with a unique setting. Try playing EVE Online and judge this digital masterpiece for yourself.

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