
The best fortune telling before Christmas. Using needles on enemies. Fortune telling on ashes

Christmas fortune telling is rightfully considered the most come true. The night before Christmas is called Christmas Eve - the time when spirits freely enter our world to help or harm. Christmas fortune telling with playing cards or tarot at home is a good way to find out your destiny. But divination should not be taken lightly. You need to get into a serious mood, focus on the issue of interest, and only after that proceed to the layouts.

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    Love spread

    The layout of the cards is done differently, depending on who they are guessing for. From the deck you need to select a “blank” - a card that symbolizes a person. It's easy to define:

    • A blonde or red-haired girl is the queen of diamonds.
    • The brown-haired woman is the queen of hearts.
    • The brunette is the lady of the cross.
    • If they are telling fortunes about a man, then the selection principle is the same, only they choose from the kings.

      You cannot use the Queen of Spades and the King of Spades as blanks.

      Five cards are selected from the deck: the “blank” and the supposed chosen ones (4 kings or queens). The fortuneteller gives names to three cards symbolizing admirers or admirers, and the fourth, the suit of spades, will symbolize a person unfamiliar at the moment. They mentally ask questions and draw one of four cards at random. The questions can be any: “Who loves me? ", "Who will I stay with? ", "Who is my destiny? "

      Fortune telling for the betrothed

      On the night before Christmas, when going to bed, four kings are placed under the pillow. Each of them is given the name of a male friend. Without talking to anyone, you need to go to bed. Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, they take out one card at random from under the pillow. Whichever card is pulled out is the one destined for.

      This same fortune telling has a different interpretation. Having placed the kings under the pillow, you need to say in a whisper: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about him in my dreams! " At night you will dream of a man destined by fate.

      Simple fortune telling on playing cards - layouts for the future and love

      Predicting the future

      First of all, you need to focus on the question of your future. Then shuffle the deck, move it towards you with your left hand and, removing cards one by one, say out loud: “six, seven, eight...” and so on until the ace. If there is a coincidence between the card and the one being pronounced, it is put aside and fortune telling continues. Matching cards are the events that await the fortuneteller throughout the year.

      They also tell fortunes about wishes in a similar way. If you get lucky cards, your wish will come true. Otherwise, they look at the interpretation, which will become an obstacle. The interpretation of cards takes into account their suit.


      • Six - a pleasant trip, a journey.
      • Seven - financial support from a friend.
      • Eight - vanity, troubles, minor troubles.
      • Nine is a successful outcome.
      • Ten is a breakthrough in your career.
      • Jack is a cunning and deceitful person in your environment.
      • The lady is envious, a woman with a bad character.
      • A king is a man endowed with power.
      • Ace is a money card. Also means news from a loved one.


      • Six is ​​a love date.
      • Seven - a romantic meeting.
      • Eight - a declaration of love from a person who is not interesting to you.
      • Nine - an unpleasant conversation with a partner about relationships.
      • Ten - a trip with a loved one, which may end in a quarrel.
      • Jack is an unpleasant and touchy person.
      • The lady is a friend or lover, depending on which cards are nearby.
      • Seven - quarrels, scandals.
      • Eight - health problems.
      • Nine is illness.
      • Ten - collapse of hopes and plans.
      • Jack is a swindler, a person capable of deception.
      • Lady - damage or family curse.
      • The king is an official with great powers.
      • Ace - for drinking if the tip of the peak “looks” down; woe, trouble - if the tip “looks” up.

Christmas Eve, which is called Christmas Eve and is celebrated on the evening of January 6, is an important day for Christians.

Christmas Eve and the night before Christmas, in folk tradition, are associated with many beliefs and rituals, including maiden fortune-telling.

Christmas Eve has always been considered special. According to popular beliefs, on the night before Christmas, which according to the Orthodox calendar occurs from January 6 to 7, all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces penetrate the Earth.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is the last day of the Nativity Fast, established so that people cleanse themselves through repentance, prayer and fasting, and celebrate the Nativity of Christ with a pure heart.

Christmas Eve began to be called Christmas Eve, as it is believed, because of the tradition of eating sweet porridge on this day - “sochivo”, grains of wheat and other cereals boiled with honey.

Porridge had a special meaning - the grain symbolized resurrected life, and honey - the sweetness of the future blissful life.

On Christmas Eve, Christians remember the Gospel story about the worship of the Infant God by the Eastern sages. Magi from the east brought gifts to the newborn Savior: gold, incense and myrrh.

On Christmas Eve, the fast is not as strict as on other days of the last week of the Nativity Fast.

On Christmas Eve, the service of Vespers is combined with the liturgy and is performed in the morning, therefore the Orthodox fast until the moment when a candle is brought into the center of the church and before which the troparion to the Nativity of Christ is sung.

Traditionally, a brew of pears, cherries, apples, plums, raisins and other fruits boiled in water was also served on the table. The table on which the meal was located was covered with hay or straw, as a reminder of the manger in which the newborn Jesus was laid.

In the old days in Rus', it was forbidden to use piercing or cutting objects on Christmas Eve, as this could lead to illness. According to tradition, on these days men did not go hunting or slaughter cattle, and women and girls put off sewing and knitting until the end of the holidays.

People believed that housework could also bring trouble to the house.

Since ancient times, Christmas Eve has been considered the best time for fortune telling, as it almost always came true. Therefore, taking advantage of the unusualness of this night, people wondered, trying to predict.

Fortune telling at Christmas has been very popular for many centuries. In the old days, fortune telling was done using candles, shadows, shoes, and so on. Fortune telling does not lose its relevance in our time.

Christmas fortune telling and carols

Fortune telling at Christmas was of greatest interest to girls who wanted to find out the name of their future spouse, and maybe see his reflection in the mirror or in a wedding ring.

The Church has a negative attitude towards any manifestation of divination and magic, and therefore condemns any attempts to find out the future, especially at Christmas. Despite this, people have been guessing and continue to guess.

The betrothed-mummer

The most popular are fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for a betrothed or fiancée, or for the future.

On Christmas night, girls could find out the name of their future spouse and even see his face in the mirror. To do this, the girl sat down in the dark between two mirrors at midnight, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see her betrothed.

The girls were fortune-telling with a mirror at the crossroads - standing with their backs to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some say, after a while the betrothed appears in the mirror.

Christmas fortune telling and carols in Chelyabinsk

One of the oldest fortune tellings at Christmas is on wax. To do this, you need to pour water into a transparent glass or deep plate and place a ring without a stone on the bottom, preferably taken from the fortuneteller’s finger. Melt the wax in a spoon over the candle flame with the words “burn-burn the candle, burn-burn the wax, tell me the name of your betrothed.” Then sharply pour the melted wax into the center of the ring into the water and carefully examine the shape of the frozen wax figure.

Street fortune telling

You can find out the name of your future husband on Christmas night in the following way. To do this, the girls went out into the street and asked the first man they met his name. As he introduces himself, that’s what his betrothed will be called.

The following fortune telling will also help you find out the future - for this, on Christmas night, at midnight, you just need to step outside the threshold of your house. The first sounds you hear will predict your fate - the ringing of bells means you will be a happy bride.

Your betrothed is already in a hurry to come to you if you hear a cheerful male voice. If you hear a quarrel or just a conversation in a raised voice, your personal life is unlikely to work out this year.

Yuletide fortune telling

But with the shoe, street fortune telling at Christmas is the most famous. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and looked where the sock was pointing, accordingly the groom would come from there.

You could find out your future in marriage by grasping the fence with outstretched arms. If a girl grabbed an even number of stakes, this meant a happy married life. An odd number foreshadowed an unhappy marriage.

Other fortune telling

On Christmas Eve they also told fortunes using dreams. At night you had to eat herring or something salty, without drinking water. The groom will be the one who gives water in a dream.

The character of the future spouse could also be determined through fortune telling. Place a spoonful of honey, citric acid, salt and wine into four identical glasses of water.

Stir the contents of the glasses, place them on a tray and cover with a thick napkin and swirl the tray with your eyes closed so as not to know the contents of the glasses.

Then turn off the lights in the room, remove the napkin from the glasses and, having chosen one of them, take one sip from it. Your husband will have a great character if you come across a glass of honey. A glass with salt means that you and your husband will have to shed a lot of tears, with acid - a dull, boring life. A glass of wine indicates that your husband will drink too much.

The sex of the unborn child was guessed with a ring or a needle. They lowered the ring into a glass, pierced the woolen fabric with a needle, and then the object was suspended by a hair or thread and slowly lowered near the man's hand. If the ring or needle began to make pendulum-like movements, a boy would be born, if circular, a girl would be born, and if the objects did not move, there would be no children.

A good omen on Christmas Eve is to see a shooting star, as it is believed that a wish made on the night before Christmas will come true. Therefore, on Christmas Eve you should definitely look at the sky.

Celebrating Christmas in dark-colored clothes is considered a bad omen - on such a bright and cheerful holiday one cannot be sad. Spring will be early if there is a strong snowstorm on Christmas night.

People believed that next year you will have a rich harvest if you prepare holiday dishes and some of your food constantly falls out.

If you stumble on Christmas Eve, be careful you might get some bad news.

During all the holidays, the dreams you see will be prophetic, so try to remember them and correctly understand what fate predicts for you.

Material prepared by Sputnik Georgia based on open sources

For a long time, Christmas Eve, January 6, has been considered a special time, full of secrets, magic and mysteries. There was a time when people believed that on Christmas Eve an evil spirit came out and walked the earth. Therefore, fortune telling and various rituals gained great popularity at this time.

Also, young people, old and present, go caroling on Christmas Eve on January 6th. They dress up in costumes and masks and go from house to house, singing ritual songs - carols. This is how the mummers congratulate the owners of the house. And the owners, in turn, give the carolers sweets, cookies, and fruits.

One of the signs says that on Christmas Eve, January 6, 2018, you must go outside and look at the night sky. Seeing a shooting star on Christmas Eve is great luck. The wish you make will certainly come true.

Christmas fortune-telling has always been especially popular. This was a favorite pastime for young girls on the night before Christmas. This ritual has survived to this day. Many modern girls also don’t mind telling fortunes on Christmas Eve.

There is an opinion that fortune telling on Christmas Eve is particularly truthful and almost always comes true. Perhaps this is some kind of superstition. However, this is precisely what frightens and stops many and few who dare to find out their fate.

Christmas fortune telling by barking dogs

At midnight, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?”
After pronouncing the words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of the dogs. If an angry, abrupt bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy.
If the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind.
It is very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow.

Christmas fortune telling with wax (candles)

Take the stubs of white wax or paraffin candles (holiday colored candles are not suitable for fortune telling), put them in a metal bowl, melt them over a fire and immediately pour them into a container with cold water. The figure formed in this case will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller.

Interpretation of figures

House - soon acquiring a new household; For a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.
Shapeless ruins are a sign of misfortune in the near future.
A pit, small cave or grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes a burial place and predicts a serious illness or imminent death.
Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.
A ring or candle definitely predicts an imminent wedding.
A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

Fortune telling with wax and milk

Pour milk into a saucer and place it on the threshold. Take the stubs of wax candles, put them in a metal bowl and melt them over the fire, saying: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”
Having said the last word of the spell, pour the wax into the milk and carefully examine the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

Cross - illness; if its outlines are unclear, then you should soon prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.
A blossoming flower means a wedding in a year.
Animal - an ill-wisher has appeared in your close circle.
A scattering of small stars means good luck in business.
Stripes with blurred edges - trip, business trip, relocation, travel.
A human figure means the imminent appearance of a new friend.

Fortune telling by shadow

Take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it well (but do not roll it into a tight ball!). Place the crumpled paper on a plate and set it on fire. When the paper is completely burned, place a candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt newspaper casts on the wall. The meaning of the resulting figures is similar to the interpretation of wax figures.

Hair fortune telling

At midnight, pour water into a bowl and add a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix the water thoroughly, and when it “calms down,” throw two hairs into it: one from yours, and the other from a loved one. Leave the bowl until the morning.
If the next morning the hair is intertwined, then the wedding is just around the corner. If the hairs are at some distance from each other, it means that the hour of separation is near.
A drowned hair predicts a serious illness, and possibly the death of the one to whom it belongs.

Christmas fortune telling by ring

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls (without drawing or polishing), pour water into it to 3/4 of the volume and carefully lower the wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle of the bottom. Looking closely at the very center of the ring, you can see the betrothed. Just to see it, you have to look into the ring for quite a long time.

Fortune telling by log

Go into a woodshed, close the door so the room is dark, and choose a log at random. Bring it into the house and carefully examine it: how the log turns out, so will the future husband.

Interpretation of fortune telling

The log is smooth, with smooth thin bark - the husband is handsome and young.
Thick, rough bark means the husband is ugly.
The bark on the log is peeled off in places or completely missing - the husband is poor.
A cracked log means the husband will be old, pockmarked, with a physical disability.
A big log is a strong, strong husband.
A knotty log means the family will be large: each knot is a future child.
If you don’t have a log at hand, then any tree in a park, square or forest can replace it.
To do this, you need to blindfold yourself, ask someone you know to “spin” you, like in a game of “cat and mouse,” and only after that go in search of the “oracle.”
All the characteristics that were given to the log will be valid for the tree.

Fortune telling by egg

Pour water into a glass and pour the white of a raw egg into it. Place the glass in a heated oven so that the whites curl. After this, take out the glass and carefully look at the resulting figure.

Interpretation of figures

A church dome or ring means an imminent wedding.
Rectangle or square - serious illness, death.
Ship - moving after marriage to another city or country.
A pancake that has sunk to the bottom is a series of adversities and troubles, a long girlhood.

Fortune telling by shoe

Go outside the village, take off the shoe from your left foot and throw it forward with your toe over your shoulder. Wherever the toe turns, from there you have to wait for the matchmakers. If the toe points towards the owner of the shoe, then she shouldn’t expect a wedding next year.

Fortune telling by rooster

This fortune-telling is collective, so on Christmas or Epiphany Eve several girls should gather in one room and “be counted.” Large grains should be scattered on the floor and a black rooster should be brought into the room exactly at midnight. His behavior will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question about the future.
If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year the one who poured the grains will get married.
If some of the grains still remain on the floor, then the one whose number matches the number of grains pecked will get married.
If the rooster refuses the treat altogether, then not a single wedding will take place next year and for everyone present, the near future will be overshadowed by many minor troubles and failures.

Fortune telling "Well and bridge"

Pull out a few twigs from an ordinary household broom, build a bridge out of them and put it under your pillow until the morning with the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.”
After this, at night in a dream the girl will most likely see her future husband.
You can use matches instead of twigs. Build a well out of them and put it under the pillow in the same way with the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come and drink some water.”

Fortune telling by nut shell

Pour water into a basin. Along the edges of the pelvis, attach strips of paper on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, a new job, etc. (if there is only one fortuneteller), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, one event is planned, in particular a wedding, engagement, meeting a future spouse, etc.
Take half a walnut shell and secure the stub of a church or birthday candle in it. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the shell should float to one of the notes on its own. But the dream will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the “ship,” lights up from the candle flame.

Christmas fortune telling from a book

In the old days, the Psalter, a liturgical book containing the biblical book of psalms, was used as a prophetic book. Now, in the absence of a Psalter in the house, you can take a volume of your favorite writer - Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare or any other.
In order to find out the answer to a question of interest, you need to mentally formulate it, guess the line number below or above and open the book at random. The answer includes not only the hidden line, but the entire semantic passage in which this line is included.
If the answer found in the book cannot be interpreted logically, then the fortune telling should be repeated.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This widespread and popular fortune telling to this day is probably known to everyone.
At midnight, leave the house and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This name will be the name of the betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling with a mirror

Fortune-telling with a mirror at Christmas time was considered the most accurate, but at the same time the most dangerous, during which the fortune-telling girl or woman often lost consciousness.

The fact is that the mirror, according to ancient beliefs, represents the boundary separating the real world and the world of spirits. There are many signs and customs associated with this. So, for example, according to one of them, a broken mirror certainly promises imminent disaster. Misfortune will also happen if you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm. By the way, most of the “thin” signs are associated precisely with the reflection in the mirror. A woman was strictly forbidden to look at it at those moments of her life when she could most easily violate the invisible boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead: during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and the entire postpartum period, when she was considered “unclean.”

Currently, the technology for producing mirrors has changed: instead of silver coating, lead is used, which has a very short “memory” and is therefore less aggressive. However, old people still do not recommend holding a newborn up to a mirror for fear that his fragile soul may split into two and the child will turn into an evil sorcerer or a bloodthirsty vampire.

However, a mirror can also serve as a powerful amulet. The evil spirit reflected in it immediately loses its magical power and forever loses the ability to cause evil to people.

It is best to tell fortunes with a mirror in a bathhouse, in an unclean place, and at midnight, when the boundary marked by the mirror is most permeable. The fortuneteller should be completely alone in the room, let her hair down and remove her belt, if any. You need to put two cutlery, a mirror and a candle on the table. Then the fortuneteller must sit in front of the mirror and say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

At the stroke of midnight, she will see a man looking over her shoulder. After the fortuneteller examines his face, she must quickly cast the amulet spell: “Cheer out of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear, and the fortuneteller will be out of danger.

A variation of this fortune telling is a ritual with two mirrors, which are placed opposite each other so that they repeat their reflections. One of the mirrors should be placed on the table with two candles on the sides. At midnight, light the candles, undress, sit on a chair between the mirrors and carefully peer at your reflection. If the mirrors are placed correctly, then the reflections form a long gallery in which the image of the betrothed should appear.

"Broken hearts"

This fortune telling is more like a game, so it is perfect for friendly Christmas and Yuletide parties.
To carry it out, you need to cut out heart-shaped figures from cardboard. Moreover, their number should be two times less than the number of guests invited to the party. Each of the hearts must be “broken,” that is, cut into halves in the most intricate way, clearly identifying male and female. Then mix the parts thoroughly and hand them to each guest at the entrance with the wish to find their half.

Christmas fortune telling for love

This fortune telling is for those who are lonely but passionate about finding true love. At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and promotes the emergence of new love.

Divination by flame

Only gypsies, leading a nomadic lifestyle and forced to spend many hours by the fire, could come up with such a method of fortune telling. It is at the same time very simple and very complex, since the one peering into the flame must have a good imagination and partly a philosophical mindset, as well as rich life experience in order to read what is destined by fate in the dancing tongues of the fire.

In the flames of the same fire, several people can see the future at the same time, because each will see in it his own prophecy, intended only for him.

It is best to use flame divination for yourself, since in this case it will be extremely accurate and less complicated.

If fortune telling is performed for someone else, then the person must be seated to your left and “tune in” to him. To do this, take his right hand with both hands and hold it there for a few seconds. After this, peer closely into the flame and try to see prophetic signs there, symbolizing events awaiting a person in the future.

It happens that no real images capable of lifting the veil over the mystery of existence arise. In such a case, the gypsies say that big changes await a person in life, but it is difficult to determine whether they are good or bad.

Christmas fortune telling with a knife

For this type of fortune telling, gypsies use a round wooden board with a diameter of about 30 centimeters to cut bread. If you don’t have a board of this size at hand, you can take a tray or cut a circle out of cardboard. Along the edges of the circle write answers to the most frequently asked questions:

"Be patient",
“Beware: there is an enemy next to you, hiding under the guise of a friend,”
"Good news"
"Love Letter"
"Luck in the undertaking"
"Unexpected Guest"
"Today's tears will turn into joy tomorrow"
"Unexpected news"
"New love",
"Unexpected meeting",
"Important letter."

Place an ordinary kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally formulate a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. One of the three messages that the tip of the knife will point to will be the answer to the question asked. The other two may be the cause or effect of the predicted event.

If, after rotation, the tip of the knife stops at an equal distance from the two messages, the fortune telling must be repeated.

Fortune telling with needles

Place 21 needles that have never been used to sew on a saucer or plate and slowly pour water into the dish. Under the influence of water, the jaglas will change their original position; Based on the current picture, one can predict the situation in which the fortuneteller is located. Thus, the number of crosses formed by needles indicates the number of ill-wishers or hostile forces acting against the fortuneteller in the current month.
There is also another version of fortune telling with needles.

Make a pendulum from a needle. To do this, thread a red silk thread about 75 centimeters long into it, fold it in half and tie a knot at the end.

Take a coin from the fortuneteller (previously they always took a silver one) and put it on the table. Sit at the table, place your elbow on it, take the pendulum needle with your fingers by the tip of the thread and point the tip of the needle at the center of the coin.

The fortuneteller asks a question, the answer to which is the words “yes” or “no,” and carefully looks at the pendulum. If the needle stands still without moving, there is no answer to the question yet; if it begins to move in the longitudinal direction, the answer is affirmative; if in the transverse direction, the answer is negative. If the pendulum makes circular motions, the question is clear and should be formulated more precisely.

A holiday is approaching for Orthodox Christians Nativity of Christ, which, due to the adherence of the Russian and some other Orthodox churches to the Julian calendar, is celebrated after the New Year - on January 7.

And on Christmas Eve - the evening of January 6th - Christmas Eve is celebrated. People sometimes call this holiday “carols” (in honor of children and adults going home and singing Christmas carols - carols). In Rus', the Christmas holiday has always been one of the most popular and beloved. On Christmas Eve - the final day of the strict Nativity fast - before the first star appeared in the sky, they tried not to eat anything, but after that they could “break their fast” with sochiv - a special holiday dish - wheat grains boiled in honey. This tradition gave the holiday its name.

It was possible to taste the juice after the performance of the evening chants “The Magi travel with the star.” The celebration began with the appearance of the first star in the sky, according to legend, the same as the one that announced the birth of the Savior to the Magi more than two thousand years ago. Dinner on Christmas Eve was a solemn one, and to pay tribute to the manger in which Jesus was born, it was customary to place a bunch of hay on the table. Twelve dishes were placed on the festive table - according to the number of apostles. Before the holiday, they ate Lenten dishes, and on January 7, when the fast ended, meat dishes also appeared on the tables.

Fortune telling for Christmas and Yuletide

Christmastide and the period of fortune telling, according to folk tradition, last from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. The most successful nights for predicting the future are considered to be the nights from 6 to 7, from 13 to 14 and from 18 to 19 January. The Church does not particularly approve of such flirtations with evil spirits, but among the people this tradition is still strong. In addition, they say that on holy days the evil spirits are completely innocent - they lose their power and do not try to harm people.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas

The night before Christmas is considered especially successful for fortune telling - the ancients believed that at this time the heavens seemed to open slightly, allowing one to look into the future. In Rus', girls who wanted to know their fate in terms of future marriage were fond of fortune telling. To tell fortunes about your betrothed, experienced soothsayers advise seclusion in a quiet room, loosen your hair, remove chains, rings and bracelets, that is, everything that closes on the person in the form of a circle.

Fortune telling on paper

You need to take a piece of paper, write the name of your loved one, burn it and take the ashes in your hand. Then put your hand with the ashes out the window. If the wind immediately carries away the ashes, it means that your loved one will not stay with you. If the ashes stick, it means your darling is also attached to you.

Fortune telling by candle

You need to make a wish, light a candle and wait to see how it burns. If the flame is even and clear, it means the wish will come true. If the candle burns unevenly or crackles, it means that obstacles await you on the path to happiness. If the candle goes out immediately, alas, the wish most likely will not come true.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, you need to put a comb under your pillow and say: “Betrothed, mummer! Comb my head!” Whoever dreams is the one who gets married.

Fortune telling with a boot

You need to throw your boot out of the window or from the porch and quickly run after it. If the toe of the boot is directed away from the house, it means that the betrothed will come from the side where it is turned. Well, if the toe is pointed towards the house, you will sit as a girl this year.

Card reading

Before going to bed, you need to hide four kings from a deck of new cards under your pillow and say: “Betrothed-mummer, appear to me in a dream!” If you dream about the king of hearts, it means the groom will be young and rich, if the king of spades is middle-aged and jealous, the king of diamonds is the one you dream of, and if the king of the cross is a businessman or military man.

Fortune telling on mirrors

It is considered one of the most dangerous and terrible fortune telling. At midnight you need to place two mirrors one opposite the other, sit between them, light a candle and continuously look at the reflections of the mirrors in each other. When the vision becomes cloudy and it seems that the mirror has dimmed and the candle has lost its brightness, then the image of the betrothed will appear. And here it would be nice to say “Cheers, me!” so that this same betrothed does not drag the frivolous fortune-teller into the mirror.

Christmas signs

If the sky on January 6 and 7 is cloudless, then the year will be easy. If the sky is cloudy, then the year will not be easy.

If there is a strong snowstorm and a lot of snow on Christmas Day, it means that spring will be early and warm.

If there is frost on the branches at Christmas, it means that the year will be fruitful for wheat, rye and oats.

What not to do

There are unspoken prohibitions on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

You cannot slaughter animals, go hunting, or cut, sew, sweep, clean, or do any housework at all.

A baked Christmas cake cannot be cut until after the holiday.

It is advisable that the first guest to come to the house for Christmas is a man, this will protect the hostess and her daughters from illness.

And of course, on the holiday, scandals, swearing, quarrels and deceptions are absolutely prohibited.

Since time immemorial, representatives of the fairer sex have been waiting for Christmas Eve, which is called Christmas Eve, and the reason for this was not only the festive dinner and kutya, but, of course, the opportunity to find out their future. We prepared for this evening in advance. The housewives organized a delicious dinner, invited guests, and the young girls locked themselves in the room and wondered: about their betrothed, about life, about fate, about children.

The roots of this festive evening go deep into paganism, then the days that became Christmas in Christianity were called Christmastide. With the advent of Christianity, any magical actions became strictly prohibited, but girls and even married women gathered secretly from supporters of the Christian faith in order to perform fortune telling on Christmas Eve. Then the relationship was simplified, and the girls gathered every year on this night in order to find out their future.

If you decide to find out your future on Christmas Eve 2020, do not forget that the main thing is to know what time to guess. Remember that heavenly forces are activated at midnight, so you should prepare everything in advance.

Fortune telling for girls on Christmas Eve

Fortune telling on the Night before Christmas was an important part of the holiday festivities. For the most part, girls were involved in fortune-telling that came true; they learned knowledge from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who shared it with pleasure, remembering their youth.

Layout on the cards

Cards can do a lot, for example, tell whether a wish will come true or predict the future. There are many different ways, we will offer one of the simplest but most effective ways to get to know your future.

In order for the information to be accurate, you need to be fully prepared: wait until midnight on Christmas Eve, take off all your jewelry, put on nightgowns without ropes or laces. Light the candles and place them in a semicircle, shuffling the deck and placing it in the center of the burning arch.

Then, with your left hand, lay out the cards, organizing them in a continuous circle, face down. You can remove them from any place, but place them at certain points for which you need to free up space. First, remove three cards while mentally asking the question:

“What and who will leave my life?”

And put them down, as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself, with pictures of yourself, so that you can immediately see the result. Then ask the question:

“What and who will come into my life?”

Place these three cards on top, as if in the head. On the left you should place three cards that will tell you about your work, and on the right about your relationships with people. 5 cards are placed in the center that will personify your thoughts and your heart. On top of the cards is one that is responsible for how things will end.



  • 6 – romantic road;
  • 7 – joyful event;
  • 8 – good news;
  • 9 – love, confessions;
  • 10 – meeting with your loved one;
  • B – love affairs;
  • D – mother’s care;
  • K – narrowed on the threshold;
  • T – the plan is destined to come true.


  • 6 – fun adventures;
  • 7 – intrusive memories;
  • 8 – intervention of higher-ranking persons;
  • 9 – possible proposal;
  • 10 – meaningless, empty conversations;
  • B – unnecessary worries about your loved one;
  • D – excessive guardianship;
  • K – fulfillment of desires;
  • T – interesting meeting.


  • 6 – serious, business meetings
  • 7 – doubts, remorse
  • 8 – minor experiences;
  • 9 – unrequited feelings;
  • 10 – decision making
  • B – separation, sadness;
  • D – troubles at work coming from a woman;
  • K – respectable person, guardian;
  • T – serious event.


  • 6 – obstacles on the way:
  • 7 – human envy;
  • 8 – longing for the past;
  • 9 – loneliness;
  • 10 – violent emotions, deceit;
  • B – suffering, betrayal;
  • D – gossip, insidious woman;
  • K – monetary interest;
  • T - fatal step.

On request

You can make a wish on the deck and draw any card from it, the answer will be the picture, suit and color of the card:

  • worms - will come true soon;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but not right away.
  • kresti - in the distant future;
  • peaks - will not come true.

If you get pictures, your wish will come true without interference from people (provided the suit is red), and if the numbers are red, then perhaps circumstances will be a little against you, you will have to try to fix everything. If there is a black suit, the pictures indicate that people are an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires; the number will say that circumstances are interfering with you.

Using a mirror

In this case, a rooster was used.

A mirror was placed in the room, and the girl had to observe the behavior of the rooster:

  • passes by - the husband will be hard-working, caring;
  • admires himself in the mirror - the man will be boastful, loving only himself;
  • brushes feathers in front of the mirror - he will be demanding, strict;
  • pecks himself in the mirror - he will be a bully, a drunkard;
  • crows - will be successful, but boastful;
  • knocks over a mirror - to widowhood.

If there was no rooster in the house, they used a cat, which is quite doable in the modern world. You can use a parrot or other bird. Of course, if you are doing fortune telling in an apartment, then this option is much more suitable for you.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas on wax

These seemingly simple manipulations require water, a wide candle and a bowl, but not everything is so simple, because the main thing is the interpretation of what you see.

Pour water into the bowl, light the candle, let it burn so that the wax begins to accumulate. Turning the candle over, let the wax flow into the water, but not just randomly, you must draw three crosses and circles in the bowl.

The meaning of the figures:

  • heart - someone loves you;
  • wreath, crown - wait for the proposal this year;
  • flowers - an easy year;
  • triangles - to gossip;
  • circle - closed circumstances, boredom;
  • transverse zigzags, waves - obstacles;
  • wavy road, longitudinal - adventure;
  • face - for acquaintance;
  • many dots - noise;
  • stars, sparks - joy;
  • square - routine, emptiness;
  • cobwebs - to gossip;
  • longitudinal stripes - fate is in your hands;
  • transverse stripes - a lot of foreign influence;
  • someone’s image - changes are coming;
  • triangle in a square - difficult circumstances;
  • tubercles - to obstacles in love;
  • home - long life.

Sometimes several pictures appear on the water at once, then you need to interpret everything separately and add a little imagination.

For the betrothed

For this fortune telling on the night before Christmas, you will need a basin and several types of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, millet, oats. Everything needs to be poured out and mixed in one bowl.

On Christmas Eve, at midnight, you need to put your hand into the basin and scoop up as much grain as possible, then carefully pour it onto the tabletop. If there is more white color: the husband will be blond, black - brunette. If the surface is flat - poor, if there are hills - rich. You can also read the name of your betrothed, but you have to try. Look carefully at the pattern and write down all the letters that you see in it; you can roughly add up your name or initials from them.

To bed

You need to carry out the actions at home, you will find out the name of your betrothed and get answers to some questions, but you need to sleep on a double bed. Before going to bed, write the names of men on pieces of paper and put them under the pillow, next to your spouse, as if your spouse is sleeping there. Under your pillow you need to put the numbers from 1 to 12.

Ask the angels for your betrothed to come to you in a dream, try to remember him, because on Christmas Eve you have prophetic dreams. Pull out a piece of paper early in the morning and you will find out the name of your future spouse. You can take out numbers from under your pillow several times in a row:

  • first decide: in how many months will your betrothed appear (it will be your wedding, if you already have one);
  • then you can ask if he is blond or brunette: even blond, odd brunette;
  • rich or poor: even rich, odd poor;
  • whether you live in love or not: even in love, odd without it.

Fortune telling in company

They rarely told fortunes on Christmas Eve alone; most often they gathered in large and friendly companies. The girls prepared in advance for this evening, or rather night. They gathered for a holiday in a spare room and told fortunes about their fate in different ways.

Ritual on the ring

You will need several rings - gold with a stone, simple, wooden, silver, wedding, as well as millet, a red candle, a basin.

Pour millet into a basin and place each ring; if the fortune telling process is taking place in a company of a large number of people, then you can put a pair of each ring in the basin so that there is enough for everyone. The girls take turns taking out the ring with their eyes closed. Elongated rings are interpreted as follows:

  • with a cane - promises a rich life in the near future;
  • simple - nothing will change in your life;
  • wooden - you will come across a very poor husband;
  • silver - someone loves you;
  • engagement – ​​a proposal awaits this year;
  • golden – sweet life.

For the betrothed

The most truthful fortune telling took place in the bathhouse, and not at home. For this fortune telling you will need: a candle, three basins filled with water,

Exactly at midnight you should light a candle, wash yourself in three waters, mentally thinking to yourself that you are doing this for your betrothed, whose name you will soon learn. Dry yourself, get dressed and go outside for a walk and celebrate. On the way, you need to find out the name of the first man who calls you or turns to look at you - this will be the name of your future husband. If a girl calls out, it means she is not destined to get married this year.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for married women

For married ladies, any fortune-telling manipulations were prohibited on the night before Christmas. In the old days, vigilant mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law kept an eye on this, but then it became easier and family members of the fairer sex also participated in fortune-telling. Usually on Christmas Eve they were interested in issues related to children, money and happiness.

In the bathhouse with a broom, for children

You need to sit on the shelves and say:

“Bath strength, I’ll show you the parenting place, in return I expect the number of children from you.”

  • a lot of leaves - to be married and rich in children;
  • one leaf - prophesies one baby;
  • two - two children (if they are different colors, the children will be of different sexes);
  • three is a good sign, telling a woman not only about the number of children, but also that she is destined to be loved in marriage;

On a bath broom about money

After taking a steam bath, you need to go outside and throw a broom over your right shoulder. Turning around, you need to look at how the broom lies - if the leaves are towards you, you will be rich in marriage, if the leaves are to the right, a lot of money will go into business, work, or, as they say now, into business. Leaves on the left side mean that a rival will receive money; upwards they predict a cash-strapped life or the spouse of a spendthrift.

Be that as it may, fortune telling on Christmas Eve is the most truthful and accurate fortune telling, especially if the people doing the fortune telling believe in them.

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