
Shakespeare - Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo! lyrics and translation into Russian. Quotes from Romeo and Juliet Romeo's monologue under the balcony

"Romeo and Juliet"

William Shakespeare

Scene two

Capulet Garden.

Romeo enters.


Unknowingly, this pain is funny to them.

But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony?

There is light there. Juliet, you are like daylight!

Stand by the window. Kill the moon with proximity;

She's already sick with envy,

That you overshadowed it with whiteness.

Juliet appears on the balcony.

Leave to serve the goddess of purity.

The virgin's dress is pitiful and inconspicuous.

He doesn't suit you. Take it off.

Oh dear! O my life! O joy!

She stands there, not knowing who she is.

He moves his lips, but no words are heard.

Empty, there are views speech!

Oh, how stupid I am! Others talk to her.

The two brightest stars, hurrying

They ask you to leave the sky on business,

Her eyes will sparkle for now.

Oh, if only her eyes were real

We have moved to the vault of heaven!

With their shine the birds would sing,

Mistaking the night for a sunrise.

Stands alone, palm pressed to cheek.

What was she thinking about on the sly?

Oh, if only there were a glove on her hand,

Glove on hand!


Oh, woe is me!


She said something. Light angel,

In the darkness on the balcony above me

You soar like the winged messenger of the sky

Over the heads of the amazed crowds,

Which are viewed from below,

How he floats across the sky above them.


Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo!

Abandon your father and change your name,

And if not, make me your wife,

So that I may no longer be a Capulet.



Only this name wishes me harm.

You would be you without being a Montague.

What is Montague? Is that their name?

Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms?

Are there really no other names?

What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose

Either call it a rose or not.

Romeo by any name would be

The height of perfection that he is.

Call me something else, Romeo,

And then take all of me in return.


Oh, deal! Now I am your chosen one.

I will accept a new baptism,

Just to be called differently.


Who's that creeping in in the dark

In my cherished dreams?


I don't dare

Identify yourself by name. It

Thanks to you, I hate it.

If I came across it in a letter,

I would tear the paper with it to shreds.


We haven't said a dozen words,

Aren't you Romeo? Are you a Montague?


Neither this nor that: names are forbidden.


How did you get here? For what?

The fence is high and impregnable.

Your death is inevitable here,

When my family finds you.


Love brought me here

Walls don't stop her.

In need, she decides to do anything.

And because - what are your relatives to me?


They will see you and kill you.


Your gaze is more dangerous than twenty daggers.

Look down from the balcony more friendly,

And this will be my chain mail from them.


Just don't get caught by them.


The night will cover me with a cloak. Would be

Only you are warm with me. If not,

I prefer death from their blows,

What a long century without your tenderness.


Who showed you the way here?


Love found her. I'm not a sailor

But if you were at the end of the world,

Without hesitation, I would, without fear,

I set out to sea for such goods.


The darkness saves my face

Otherwise, you know, I would have burned with shame,

That you have learned so much about me.

I wish I could restore decency

It's too late, there's no point in pretending.

Do you love me? I know, I believe

What do you say yes? But don't rush.

After all, you will deceive. They say Jupiter

Doesn't value love vows.

Don't lie, Romeo. This is not a joke.

Maybe I seem gullible?

Okay, I'll correct the impression

And I will refuse you my hand,

What I wouldn’t do voluntarily.

Of course I'm so much in love

How stupid you must seem.

But I'm more honest than many, touchy

Who play prudes.

I should have been more restrained

But I didn’t know that they would hear me.

Sorry for the ardor and don't accept it

Direct speeches for ease and accessibility.


My friend, I swear by the shining moon,

Silvering the tips of the trees...


Oh, don't swear by the moon, once a month

Changing is the path to betrayal.


So what should I swear by?


Don't swear by anything

Or swear by yourself as the highest good,

Which is enough for vows.


I swear, my friend, whenever this heart...


No need, I believe. No matter how dear you are to me,

I'm scared how quickly we came to an agreement.

Everything is too hasty and rash,

Like the shine of lightning that goes out,

You barely have time to say “the shine of lightning.”

Good night! This bud of happiness

Ready for color next time.

Good night! I wish you

The same captivating dream,

Like the bright world with which I am full.


But how can I leave you so soon?


What can we add to our agreement?


You too swear, as I swore to you.


I was the first to swear and I regret it

That it's in the past, not ahead.


Would you like to take back this oath?


Yes, in order to give it again.

I have no control over what I own.

My love has no bottom, but kindness

Like the vastness of the sea. The more I spend

The more vast and richer I become.

My name is. I'm leaving. Goodbye.

I'm coming! - Sorry, don't forget.

I might come back again. Wait a minute.



Holy night, holy night! But what if

It's all a dream, such immense happiness

It's all so fabulous and wonderful!


Two more words. If you, Romeo,

He decided to marry me in earnest,

Let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding is.

My man will come to you in the morning

Find out your decision on this matter.

I will lay all the good things at your feet

And I will follow you everywhere.


(behind the scenes)

Little dove!


I'm coming! This minute! —

And if you have deception in your mind,

Then, then...


(behind the scenes)

Little dove!



Leave me and don't come again.

I'll handle it tomorrow.


I swear by salvation...


Goodbye a hundred thousand times.



a hundred thousand times

I will sigh with longing away from the sweet eyes.

We are like schoolchildren going home to our friends,

And from friends - like carrying a bag to class in winter.

(He heads towards the exit.)

Juliet returns to the balcony.


Romeo, where are you? I wish I had a pipe

To lure this bird back!

But I'm in captivity, I can't shout,

Otherwise I would make the echo wheeze

By silent repetition of these words:

Romeo, where are you? Where are you, Romeo?


My soul is calling me again.






At what time

Send me tomorrow for an answer?


At nine.


This is a whole twenty years away!

I'm exhausted... What did I want to say?


Remember, I’ll stand here for now.


Wait until I forget again,

Just to hold you again.


Remember and forget until

Without remembering myself, I will stand.


It's almost dawn. It's time for you to disappear.

Tell me, how can I break up with you?

You are like a dandy's tame bird,

Chained by a thread to her hand.

Then they let her fly up to her full height,

Then they drag you down on a silk cord.

That's how you and I are.


I would be happy

Be that bird.


I would be glad too

Yes, I would kill you with frequent affection.

However, goodbye finally.

Goodbye, goodbye, but there’s no way to separate!

So one would repeat forever: “Good night!”



Goodbye. Peaceful sleep come to you

And pour the sweet world into your chest!

And I'll go to Father Lorenzo's cell

For help in our heartfelt matter.


William Shakespeare's great work "Romeo and Juliet" was written in 1594-1595. These five acts seem to contain the magic of words. !

Juliet's monologue before death

Goodbye everyone.
God knows when we will meet again...
A slight chill permeates me
And horror stops the bleeding.
I'll call them. I feel sad without them.
Nurse! No, she has no business here.
I must play this scene alone.
Where is the bottle?
What if drinking doesn't work?
Then I'll get married tomorrow?
No! Here's the defense. Lie down next to me, dagger!

What if it's poison? After all, for a monk
This marriage threatens to be exposed.
And if I die, they won't know
That he married Romeo to me.
Yes it is. No, It is Immpossible!
Until then, he was known as a righteous man.
What if I wake up before I show up?
Romeo? This is what can scare you!
Will I then suffocate in the tomb?
Without air, long before
How will he come to me for deliverance?
And if I stay alive,
Will I be able to keep my sanity intact?
Among the kingdom of death and midnight darkness
In conjunction with the horrors of the place,
Under the arches, where long centuries
The remains of our ancestors rest
And Tybalt's corpse begins to rot,
Barely buried in a fresh grave,
Where at times, as they say,
Do the dead come out at night?
Alas, alas, who can guarantee me,
What if I get up too early?
That cadaverous stench and the harshness of voices,
Monstrous, like the moans of a mandrake,
They won't drive me crazy immediately
How are everyone who heard these screams brought together?
How can I guarantee that I won’t let go of my hands?
Into the loose dust and shroud from Tybalt
I won’t tear it up so what, armed
An ancestor's shin bone, like a club,
I won't smash my head?
Look, look! I think I see
Cousin. He is running
In search of Romeo. He is screaming,
How dare he put it on his sword.
Stop, Tybalt! I'm coming to you
And I drink to your health, Romeo!

Juliet monologue text

Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo!
Abandon your father and change your name,
And if not, make me your wife,
So that I may no longer be a Capulet.

Only this name wishes me harm.
You could be yourself without being a Montague.
What is Montague? Is that their name?
Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms?
Are there really no other names?
What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose
Either call it a rose or not.
Romeo by any name would be
The height of perfection that he is.
Call me something else, Romeo,
And then take all of me in return!

"Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare
Juliet's Monologue

Act three, scene two
Rush faster, fiery horses,
Towards the evening goal! If Phaeton
If I were your driver, you would have driven home long ago
And darkness would fall on the earth.
O night of love, spread your dark canopy,
So that those hiding can
Secretly look at each other and Romeo
He came to me unheard and invisible.
After all, those who love see everything in the light
The excitement of lighting up faces.
Love and night live by the instinct of the blind.
Great-grandmother in black, prim night,
Come and teach me some fun
In which the loser turns into a profit,
And the stake is the integrity of two creatures.
Hide how your blood burns with shame and fear,
Until suddenly she gets bolder
And he won’t understand how pure everything is in love.
Come, night! Come, come, Romeo,
My day, my snow, glowing in the darkness,
Like frost on a crow's plumage!
Come, holy, loving night!
Come and bring Romeo to me!
Give it to me. When will he die,
Cut it into little stars
And everyone will fall in love with the firmament of the night,
That the day and the sun will be ignored.
I bought a house of love, but in the right
Not entered, and I myself to another
Sold, but not delivered.
And the day is dreary, like the eve of festivities,
When the new thing is sewn and put on
Not done yet. But here comes the nanny
With news from Romeo, and then
Any language of eloquence is like the sky.
The nurse enters with ropes.
What news, nanny? What's this:
Ropes for Romeo?

Capulet Garden.
Romeo enters.

Unknowingly, this pain is funny to them.
But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony?
There is light there. Juliet, you are like daylight!
Stand by the window, kill the moon with your proximity;
She's already sick with envy,
That you overshadowed it with whiteness.

Juliet appears on the balcony.

Leave to serve the goddess of purity.
The virgin's dress is pitiful and inconspicuous.
He doesn't suit you. Take it off.
Oh dear! O my life! O joy!
She stands there, not knowing who she is.
He moves his lips, but no words are heard.
Empty, there are views speech!
Oh, how stupid I am! Others talk to her.
The two brightest stars, hurrying
They ask you to leave the sky on business,
Her eyes will sparkle for now.
Oh, if only her eyes were real
We have moved to the vault of heaven!
With their shine the birds would sing,
Mistaking the night for a sunrise.
Stands alone, palm pressed to cheek.
What was she thinking about on the sly?
Oh, if only there were a glove on her hand,
Glove on hand!


Woe is me!

She said something. Light angel,
In the darkness above my head
You soar like the winged messenger of the sky
Above, at an inaccessible height,
Over the amazed crowd of people,
Which watches him from the ground.


Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo!
Abandon your father and change your name,
And if not, make me your wife,
So that I may no longer be a Capulet.


Only this name wishes me harm.
You could be yourself without being a Montague.
What is Montague? Is that their name?
Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms?
Are there really no other names?
What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose
Either call it a rose or not.
Romeo by any name would be
The height of perfection that he is.
Call me something else, Romeo,
And then take all of me in return!

Oh, deal! Now I'm your chosen one!
I will accept a new baptism,
Just to be called differently.


Who's that creeping in in the dark
In my cherished dreams?

I don't dare
Identify yourself by name. It
Thanks to you, I hate it.
If I came across it in a letter,
I would tear the paper with it to shreds.


We haven't said a dozen words,
How familiar this voice is to me already!
Aren't you Romeo? Are you a Montague?

Neither this nor that: names are forbidden.


How did you get here? For what?
The fence is high and impregnable.
Your death is inevitable here,
If only my family could find you.

Love brought me here
Walls don't stop her.
In need, she decides to do anything,
And because - because I am your family!


They will see you and kill you.

Your gaze is more dangerous than twenty daggers.
Look down from the balcony more friendly,
And this will be my chain mail from them.


Just don't get caught in their sight!

The night will cover me with a cloak. Would be
Only you are warm with me. If not,
I prefer death from their blows,
What a long century without your tenderness.


Who showed you the way here?

Love found her. I'm not a sailor
But if you were at the end of the world,
Without hesitation, I would, without fear,
I set out to sea for such goods.


The darkness saves my face
Otherwise, you know, I would have burned with shame,
That you have learned so much about me.
I wish I could restore decency
It's too late, there's no point in pretending.
Do you love me? I know, I believe
What do you say yes. But don't rush.
After all, you will deceive. They say Jupiter
Neglects vows of love.
Don't lie, Romeo. This is not a joke.
Maybe I seem gullible?
Okay, I'll correct the impression
And I will refuse you my hand,
What I wouldn’t do voluntarily.
Of course I'm so much in love
Why should you seem stupid?
But I'm more honest than many, touchy
Who play prudes,
I should have been more restrained
But I didn’t know that they would hear me.
Sorry for the ardor and don't accept it
Direct speeches for ease and accessibility.

My friend, I swear by the shining moon,
Silvering the tips of the trees...


Oh, don't swear by the moon, once a month
Changing is the path to betrayal.

So what should I swear by?


Don't swear by anything
Or swear by yourself as the highest good,
Which is enough for vows.

I swear, my friend, whenever this heart...


No need, I believe. No matter how dear you are to me,
I'm scared how quickly we came to an agreement.
Everything is too hasty and rash,
Like the shine of lightning that goes out,
You barely have time to say “the sparkle of lightning.”
Good night! This bud of happiness
Ready for color next time.
Good night! I wish you
The same captivating dream,
Like the bright world with which I am full.

But how can I leave you so soon?


What can we add to our agreement?

I took an oath. Now you too swear.


I was the first to swear and I regret it
That it's in the past, not ahead.

Would you like to take back this oath?


Yes, in order to give it again.
I have no control over what I own.
My love is bottomless, and kindness -
Like the vastness of the sea. The more I spend
The more vast and richer I become.

My name is. I'm leaving. Goodbye. -
I'm coming! - Sorry, don't forget.
I might come back again. Wait a minute.

Holy night, holy night! But what if
Is this all a dream? So immeasurable happiness
It's all so fabulous and wonderful!


Two more words. If you, Romeo,
He decided to marry me in earnest,
Let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding is.
My man will come to you in the morning
Find out your decision on this matter.
I will lay all the good things at your feet
And I will follow you everywhere.

(behind the scenes)



I'm coming! This minute! -
And if you have deception in your mind,
Then, then...

(behind the scenes)



Leave me and don't come again.
I'll handle it tomorrow.

I swear by salvation.


Goodbye a hundred thousand times.

a hundred thousand times
I will sigh with longing away from the sweet eyes.
We are like schoolchildren going home to our friends,
And from friends - like carrying a bag to class in winter.
(He heads towards the exit.)

Juliet returns to the balcony.


Romeo, where are you? I wish I had a pipe
To lure this bird back!
But I'm in captivity, I can't shout,
Otherwise I would make the echo wheeze
By silent repetition of these words:
Romeo, where are you? Where are you, Romeo?

My soul is calling me again.
Like the voices of lovers calling at night!



At what time
Send me tomorrow for an answer?

At nine.


This is a whole twenty years away!
It’s painful to wait... What did I want to say?

Remember, I’ll stand here for now.


Wait until I forget again,
Just to hold you again.

Remember and forget until
Without remembering myself, I will stand.


It's almost dawn. You should go further.
Tell me, how can I break up with you?
You're like a dandy's pet bird,
Tied with a thread to the hand.
Then they let her fly up to her full height,
Then they drag you down on a silk cord.
That's how you and I are.

I wish I could
To be that bird!


Oh, that's me too
I would like to, but I would kill
You with my caresses. Goodbye!
Goodbye, goodbye, but there’s no way to separate!
So one would say forever: “Good night.”

Goodbye! Peaceful sleep come to you
And pour the sweet world into your chest!
And I’ll go to the confessor’s cell
Talk about joy and business.

Capulet Garden.

Romeo enters.

Unknowingly, this pain is funny to them. But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony? There is light there. Juliet, you are like daylight! Stand by the window, kill the moon with your proximity; She is already sick with envy, That you have eclipsed her with whiteness.

Juliet appears on the balcony.

Leave to serve the goddess of purity. The virgin's dress is pitiful and inconspicuous. He doesn't suit you. Take it off. Oh dear! O my life! O joy! She stands there, not knowing who she is. He moves his lips, but no words are heard. Empty, there are views speech! Oh, how stupid I am! Others talk to her. The two brightest stars, in a hurry to leave the sky on business, ask Her eyes to sparkle for now. Oh, if only her eyes actually moved to the vault of heaven! With their radiance, the birds would sing, Mistaking the night for a sunrise. Stands alone, palm pressed to cheek. What was she thinking about on the sly? Oh, to be a glove on her hand, a glove on her hand!


Woe is me! She said something. Bright angel, In the darkness above my head You fly like a winged messenger of heaven Above, at an inaccessible height, Above the amazed crowd of people, Which is watching him from the ground.


Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo! Abandon your father and change your name, And if not, make me your wife, so that I won’t be a Capulet anymore. Should I listen further or respond?


Only this name wishes me harm. You could be yourself without being a Montague. What is Montague? Is that the name of the Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms? Are there really no other names? Romeo by any name would be the height of perfection that he is. Call yourself something else, Romeo, and then take all of me in return! Oh, deal! Now I'm your chosen one! I will accept a new baptism, just to be called differently.


Who is it that penetrates in the dark into my cherished dreams? I don't dare call myself by name. Thanks to you, I hate it. If I came across it in a letter, I would tear the paper with it to shreds.


We haven’t said a dozen words, But how familiar this voice is already to me! Aren't you Romeo? Are you a Montague? Neither this nor that: names are forbidden.


How did you get here? For what? The fence is high and impregnable. Your death is inevitable here, If only my family would find you. In need, she decides to do anything, And because - because your relatives are to me!


They will see you and kill you. Your gaze is more dangerous than twenty daggers. Look down from the balcony more friendly, And this will be my chain mail from them.


Just don't get caught in their sight! The night will cover me with a cloak. If only you were warm with me. If not, I prefer death from their blows, Than a long century without your tenderness.


Who showed you the way here? Love found her. I’m not a sailor, But if you were at the end of the world, Without hesitating a moment, I would, without fear, Set off to sea for such goods.


My face is saved by the darkness, Otherwise, you know, I would have burned with shame that you knew so much about me. I would like to restore decency, But it’s too late, there’s no point in pretending. Do you love me? I know, I believe that you will say yes. But don't rush. After all, you will deceive. They say that Jupiter neglects the vows of love. Don't lie, Romeo. This is not a joke. Maybe I seem gullible? Well, okay, I’ll correct the impression and refuse you my hand, which I wouldn’t do voluntarily. Of course, I’m so much in love, That I should seem stupid to you, But I’m more honest than many touchy ones, Who play prudes, I should have been more restrained, But I didn’t know that they would hear me. Forgive me for your ardor and do not mistake Direct speeches for ease and accessibility. My friend, I swear by the shining moon, Silvering the tips of the trees...


Oh, don’t swear by the moon, which changes once a month - this is the path to betrayal. So what should I swear by?


Swear not by anything, Or swear by yourself, as by the highest good, Which is sufficient for oaths. I swear, my friend, whenever this heart...


No need, I believe. No matter how dear you are to me, I’m scared that we soon came to an agreement. Everything is too hasty and rash, Like the shine of lightning that goes out, You can barely say “the shine of lightning.” Good night! This bud of happiness is ready to bloom next time. Good night! I wish you the same captivating dream as the bright world with which I am full. But how can I leave you so soon?


What can we add to our agreement? I took an oath. Now you too swear.


I was the first to swear and I regret that it’s in the past and not ahead. Would you like to take back this oath?


Yes, in order to give it again. I have no control over what I own. My love has no bottom, and my kindness is like the vastness of the sea. The more I spend, the more vast and richer I become.

My name is. I'm leaving. Goodbye. - I'm coming! - Sorry, don't forget. I might come back again. Wait a minute.

Holy night, holy night! What if this is all a dream? The happiness is so immeasurable, it’s all so fabulous and wonderful!


Two more words. If you, Romeo, have decided to marry me in earnest, let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding will be. My man will come to you in the morning to find out your decision on this matter. I will lay all my goods at your feet and follow you everywhere.


(behind the scenes)



I'm coming! This minute! - And if you have deception in your mind, Then, then...


(behind the scenes)



Leave me immediately and don't go back. I'll handle it tomorrow. I swear by salvation.


Goodbye a hundred thousand times.

A hundred thousand times I will sigh with longing far from dear eyes. To our friends we are like schoolchildren going home, And from our friends we are like going to class with a bag in winter.

(He heads towards the exit.)

Juliet returns to the balcony.


Romeo, where are you? I wish I had a pipe to lure this bird back! But I’m in captivity, I can’t shout, Otherwise I’d drive the echo hoarse with the silent repetition of these words: Romeo, where are you? Where are you, Romeo? My soul is calling me again. Like the voices of lovers calling at night!


Romeo! Darling!


What time should you send me tomorrow for an answer? At nine.


This is a whole twenty years away! It’s painful to wait... What did I want to say? Remember, I’ll stand here for now.


Wait, until I forget again, Just to hold you again. Remember and forget, until, not remembering myself, I will stand.


It's almost dawn. You should go further. Tell me, how can I break up with you? You are like a dandy's tame bird, tied to her hand with a thread. They either let her fly up to the full height of her suspension, or drag her down on a silk cord. That's how you and I are. I would so like to be that bird!


Oh, I would like this too, but I would kill You with my caresses. Goodbye! Goodbye, goodbye, but there’s no way to separate! So one would say forever: “Good night.”

Goodbye! Peaceful sleep come to you and spill sweet peace in your chest! And I’ll go to my confessor’s cell to talk about joy and business.

Dialogue of Romeo and Juliet
(in English)

Capulet's orchard.

He jests at scars that never felt a wound.

Juliet appears above at a window

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art is far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, "tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek! Ay me! She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art As glorious to this night, being o"er my head As is a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds And sails upon the bosom of the air. O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I"ll no longer be a Capulet. Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? "Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What "s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call"d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself. I take thee at thy word: Call me but love, and I"ll be new baptized; Henceforth I will never be Romeo. What man art thou that thus bescreened in night So stumblest on my counsel? By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee; Had I written it, I would tear the word. My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words Of that tongue"s utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague? Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike. How came thou hither, tell me, and wherefore ?The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here. And what love can do that dares love attempt; Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me. If they do see thee, they will murder thee. Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet, And I am proof against their enmity. I would not for the world they saw thee here. I have night"s cloak to hide me from their sight; And but thou love me, let them find me here: My life were better ended by their hate, Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love. By whose direction found"st thou out this place? By love, who first did prompt me to inquire; He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes. I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far As that vast shore wash"d with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise. Thou know"st the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny What I have spoken: but farewell compliment! Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "Ay," And I will take thy word: yet if thou swear"st, Thou mayst prove false; at lovers" perjuries Then say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully: Or if thou think"st I am too quickly won, I"ll frown and be perverse an say thee nay, So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, And therefore thou mayst think my "havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I"ll prove more true Than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard"st, ere I was ware, My true love"s passion: therefore pardon me, And not impute this yielding to light love, Which the dark night hath so discovered . Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops-- O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that your love prove likewise variable. What shall I wear by? Do not wear at all; Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry, And I"ll believe thee. If my heart"s dear love-- Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night: It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say "It lightens." Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to your heart as that within my breast! O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied? What satisfaction canst thou have to-night? The exchange of thy love"s faithful vow for mine. I gave thee mine before thou didst request it: And yet I would it were to give again. Wouldst thou withdraw it? for what purpose, love? But to be frank, and give it thee again. And yet I wish but for the thing I have: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.

Nurse calls within

I hear some noise within; dear love, adieu! Anon, good nurse! Sweet Montague, be true. Stay but a little, I will come again.

O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard. Being in night, all this is but a dream, Too flattering-sweet to be substantial.

Re-enter Juliet, above

Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed. If that thy bent of love be honourable, Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow, By one that I"ll procure to come to thee, Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite; And all my fortunes at thy foot I "ll lay And follow thee my lord throughout the world. Madam! I come, anon.--But if thou mean"st not well, I do beseech thee-- Madam! By and by, I come:-- To cease thy suit, and leave me to my grief: To-morrow will I send.So thrive my soul-- A thousand times good night!

A thousand times the worse, to want your light. Love goes towards love, as schoolboys from their books, But love from love, towards school with heavy looks.

Re-enter Juliet, above

Hist! Romeo, hist! O, for a falconer's voice, To lure this tassel-gentle back again! Bondage is hoarse, and may not speak aloud; Else would I tear the cave where Echo lies, And make her airy tongue more hoarse than mine, With repetition of my Romeo's name. It is my soul that calls upon my name: How silver-sweet sound lovers" tongues by night, Like softest music to attending ears! Romeo! My dear? At what o" clock to-morrow Shall I send to thee? At the hour of nine. I will not fail: "tis twenty years till then. I have forgot why I did call thee back. Let me stand here till thou remember it. I shall forget, to have thee still stand there, Remembering how I love thy company. And I"ll still stay, to have thee still forget, Forgetting any other home but this. "Tis almost morning; I would have thee gone: And yet no further than a wanton"s bird; Who lets it hop a little from her hand, Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, And with a silk thread plucks it back again, So loving-jealous of his liberty. I would I were your bird. Sweet, so would I: Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. Sleep dwell upon thin eyes, peace in thy breast! Would I be sleep and peace, so sweet to rest! Hence will I to my ghostly father's cell, His help to crave, and my dear hap to tell.

Scene on the balcony translated by Pasternak; Act II, scene 2

The famous love scene on the balcony, where lovers confess their love to each other.

Dialogue of Romeo and Juliet (scene on the balcony) “Romeo and Juliet” Capulet’s Garden. Capulet's orchard. Romeo enters. Enter Romeo Romeo ROMEO Unknowingly, this pain is funny to them. But what kind of He jests at scars that never felt a wound. I see the shine on the balcony? There is a glimmer of light. Juliet appears above at a window Juliet, you are like day! Stand by the window, But, soft! what light through yonder kill the moon with your proximity; She is already from the window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is sick with envy, That you have eclipsed her is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the white. envious moon, Who is already sick and Juliet appears on the balcony. pale with grief, That thou her maid art Leave to serve the goddess of purity. Plath is far more fair than she: Be not her maid, the virgin is pitiful and homely. He not to since she is envious; Her vestal livery is to your face. Take it off. Oh dear! Oh life but sick and green And none but fools do mine! Oh joy! Stands there, not knowing who wears it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is she. She moves her lips, but no words are heard. My love! O, that she knew she were! She stands alone, pressing her palm to her cheek. What speaks yet she says nothing: what of she was thinking on the sly? Oh, to be on that? See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand with a glove, Glove on her hand! her hand! O, that I were a glove upon Juliet that hand, That I might touch that Oh woe is me! cheek! ROMEO JULIET She ​​said something. Bright angel, Ay me! Juliet ROMEO She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo! Abandon your father and change your name, And if not, make JULIET your wife, So that Capulet O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou I will no longer be. Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse Romeo thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but Listen further or answer? sworn my love, And I "ll no longer be a Juliet Capulet. Only this name wishes me harm. You would be ROMEO yourself, without being a Montague. What is Shall I hear more, or shall I Montague? Is that the name of Face and shoulders , speak at this? legs, chest and arms? Is there really no other name for JULIET? Call it something else, “Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Romeo, And then take all of me in return! Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! Romeo, doff thy name, And Romeo Oh, deal! Now I your chosen one! I will accept a new baptism, Just to be called differently. Juliet Who is it that penetrates in the dark Into my cherished dreams? Romeo I dare not call myself by name. Thanks to you, I hate it. If I came across it in a letter, I would tear the paper with it to shreds. Romeo Neither this nor that: names are forbidden. Juliet How did you get here? For what? The fence is high and impregnable for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself. ROMEO I take thee at thy word: Call me but love, and I"ll be new baptized; Henceforth I will never be Romeo. JULIET What man art thou that thus bescreened in night So stumblest on my counsel? ROMEO By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee; Had I written it, I would tear the word. ROMEO Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike. JULIET ROMEO How came thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high Love brought me here, Walls don't stop it. In need, she decides to do anything and hard to climb, And because - because your relatives ROMEO are to me! With love"s light wings did I o"erperch these walls; For stony limits Juliet cannot hold love out, And what love They will see you and kill you. can do that dares love attempt; Therefore Romeo thy kinsmen are no let to me. Your gaze is more dangerous than twenty daggers. JULIET Look down from the balcony more friendly, And If they do see thee, they will murder it will be chain mail from them to me. thee. JULIET ROMEO Just don't get caught in their sight! Alack, there lies more peril in thine Romeo eye Than twenty of their swords: look The night will cover me with a cloak. There would only be thou but sweet, And I am proof against your warmth with me. If not, their enmity. I prefer death from their blows, JULIET I would not for the world they saw thee Juliet here. Who showed you the way here? ROMEO Romeo I have night"s cloak to hide me from them Love found her. sight; And but thou love me, let them find me here: JULIET Juliet By whose direction found"st thou out this My face is saved by darkness, place? ROMEO By love, who first did prompt me to Romeo inquire; My friend, I swear by the shining moon, Juliet No, I believe. No matter how dear you are to me, I’m scared that we soon came to an agreement. Everything is too hasty and rash, Like the shine of lightning that goes out, You can barely say “the shine of lightning.” Good night! This bud of happiness is ready to bloom next time. Good night! I wish you the same captivating dream as the bright world with which I am full. JULIET Thou know"st the mask of night is on my face, ROMEO Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear I love you JULIET Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight: It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say "It lightens. "Sweet, good night! This bud of The nurse's voice behind the stage. love, by summer"s ripening breath, May My name is. I'm leaving. Goodbye. - I'm coming! - prove a beautiful flower when next we Forgive, don't forget. I might come back meet. Good night, good night! as sweet yet. Wait a minute. repose and rest Come to your heart as that (Leaves.) within my breast! Romeo Nurse calls within Holy night, holy night! What if All this I hear some noise within; dear love, dream? So immense happiness, so fabulous and adieu! Anon, good nurse! Sweet wonderful that's all! Montague, be true. Stay but a little, I will come again. Exit, above ROMEO O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard. Being in night, all this is but a dream, Too flattering-sweet to be substantial. Re-enter Juliet, above

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