
The best of both worlds idiom translation. Idioms in English with translation and examples. Penny for your thoughts



keep up everywhere

3 (to) have the best of both worlds


walk on earth and go to heaven

keep up everywhere

live happily on earth, hoping to live no worse in the next world

have both (without having to choose)

4 worlds

Earth. The plural is used in phrases such as worlds apart (opposite opinions, serious differences of opinion). If they say that two people are worlds apart in their views on something, it means that they have opposing points of view regarding this subject.

I can"t understand why they are getting married. They"re worlds apart in religion, politics and temperament. - I can't understand why they are going to get married. They are so different in temperament, and they have completely different views on religion and politics.

To get/have the best of both worlds means to take the best from each of two opposing things.

Stephen is a baby who will be part breast-fed, part bottle-fed. His mother is convinced that both she and he will be getting the best of both worlds. - Steven is a baby who will be fed both breast and bottle. His mother is convinced that both of them, she and her son, will win in this situation.

See also in other dictionaries:

    (the) best of both worlds- the best of both worlds phrase a situation where you have the benefit of two very different types of advantage at the same time Enjoying the combination of five star luxury with our friendly personal service, you'll have the best of both worlds.… … Useful english dictionary

    the best of both worlds- the best parts of two cultures or styles etc., two heads are better... If you have Italian design and German engineering, you have the best of both worlds, eh … English idioms

    The Best of Both Worlds (song)- Infobox Single Name = The Best of Both Worlds Artist = Hannah Montana Album = Hannah Montana B side = Release = 2006 February 19, 2007 (UK) Format = Digital download, CD single Recorded = 2005–2006 Genre = bubblegum pop, teen pop , pop rock Length … Wikipedia

    (the) best of both worlds- if you get the best of both worlds, you get the advantages of two different things at the same time. She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds. With these delicious but healthy recipes you can have the... ... New idioms dictionary

    the best of both worlds- a situation where you have the benefit of two very different types of advantage at the same time Enjoying the combination of five star luxury with our friendly personal service, you will have the best of both worlds … English dictionary

    best of both worlds- If you have the best of both worlds, you benefit from different things that do not normally go together… The small dictionary of idiomes

    best of both worlds- If a person has the best of both worlds, they have the benefits and advantages of two different things. We live in the center of town, but only 5 minutes from the beach. We have the best of both worlds… English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

    (the) worst of both worlds- the best of both worlds if you get the best of both worlds, you get the advantages of two different things at the same time. Farmers have the worst of both worlds: low prices for their products, and no guarantee they will be able to sell them … New idioms dictionary

    Best of Both Worlds Tour- infobox concert tour concert tour name = Best of Both Worlds Tour artist = Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus album = Hannah Montana Jonas Brothers Insomniatic start date = October 18, 2007 end date = January 31, 2008 number of legs = 3 number of shows … Wikipedia

    the best/worst of both worlds- ◇ When you have the best of both worlds, you have all the advantages of two different situations and none of the disadvantages. I have the best of both worlds–a wonderful family and a great job. When you have the worst of both worlds, you have... ... Useful english dictionary

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the best of both worlds

Meaning | Synonyms

  • a win-win situation
  • a situation in which one can get the advantages of two different or contrasting things at the same time
  • a situation where one can enjoy the benefit of two different opportunities
  • the best features of two different things
  • to enjoy somethings that are opposite in nature by concealing involvement in one or both
  • to be a part of things that are very different to each other through their inherent nature

Example Sentences

  1. "If you decide to live here you get the greenery of the countryside and the amenities of urban life. Its the best of both worlds"Really."
  2. "You can get this item for cheap, but you"ll have to compromise on quality. You cannot have the best of both worlds."
  3. My cousin is a research fellow at the university, so gets the freedom of a student and the privileges of a professor. He has the best of both worlds.
  4. Working from home is a huge plus; you have the luxury of staying at home and you get the benefits of having a job. It's the best of both worlds.
  5. He wanted to become an entrepreneur but could not leave the comforts of his job. He wanted the best of both worlds.
  6. I got a deal that let me stay in five star luxury at two star prices; it was the best of all possible worlds.
  7. The guy had the best of both worlds until his wife found out about how he was cheating on her.
  8. I have never had the best of all possible worlds since my mom and dad separated.
  9. She likes to have the best of all possible worlds whether it is to go for parties or have a religious ceremony conducted in her home.
  10. Whether on vacation or at home, my dad always had the best of all possible worlds.
  11. I am so jealous that she gets the best of all possible worlds. She keeps eating and never gets fat!


Although, the exact origin of the expression is unclear, but it has religious undertones which refers to two worlds, that is life and after life. These are contrasting ideas and to have the best in both worlds meant that the person in question is truly successful. The biblical reference provides a man who does good deeds for others while alive gets to enjoy the fruits in heaven, thus getting the best of both worlds.

This phrase became popular in the mid and late 1900s.

Today we propose to expand your vocabulary with interesting English idiomatic expressions that native English speakers often use in their speech. These English idioms will make your speech beautiful and rich. And so that these phraseological units are remembered quickly, and you know how to use them, we will consider them in examples from films.

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Beat around the bush

|biːt əˈraʊnd ðə bʊʃ|

Literal translation : fight around a bush


The Russian equivalent is to beat around the bush. The idiom will be used when we start talking about things that don't matter, instead of getting to the point.


  • If you want a favour, don’t beat around the bush, just curtsey.
  • If you need a favor, don't beat around the bush, just sit down.

The best of both worlds

|ðə best ɒv bəʊθ wɜːldz|

Literal translation: the best of both worlds


The idiom is used to describe a situation in which you can enjoy the benefits of two different things at the same time. For example, if you live in the suburbs and commute into the city takes very little time, you can say that you enjoy the best of both worlds: the tranquility of the suburbs and the busy life of the city.


  • — Best of both worlds? - I like that.
  • - The best of both worlds? - I like it.

Blessing in disguise

|ˈblɛsɪŋ ɪn dɪsˈɡʌɪz|

Literal translation: goodness in disguise


When something bad happens, but it turns out that it happened for the better. For example, if you were fired from your job and you were desperate, but soon you found a new job that turned out to be much better than the previous one. It turns out that the dismissal was a blessing in disguise. We usually say in such cases “this is for the better.”


  • You never know for sure, it might be for the best.

Give (somebody) the benefit of the doubt

|ɡɪv ðə ˈbɛnɪfɪt ɒv ðə daʊt|

Literal translation: giving someone the benefit of the doubt.


Used when we prefer not to doubt what we have been told without asking for proof. That is, this is analogous to our expression “take your word for it.”


  • But I encourage you all to take little Adil at his word.

In the heat of the moment

|ɪn ðə hiːt ɒv ðə ˈməʊm(ə)nt|

Literal translation: in the heat of the moment


This is exactly what our expression “in the heat of the moment” sounds like in English. If you said something in the heat of the moment, it means you said it without thinking, perhaps you were angry, or something distracted you.


  • In the heat of the moment, I said some things I didn’t mean.
  • In the heat of the moment, I say things that I don't mean. (In the heat of the moment I say not what I mean)

Kill two birds with one stone

|kɪl ˈtuː bɜːdz wɪð wʌn stəʊn|

Literal translation: kill two birds with one stone


It means the same as our expression “kill two birds with one stone.” That is, to receive double benefit from something.


  • We were supposed to kill two birds with one stone.

Miss the boat

|mɪs ðə bəʊt|

Literal translation: miss the boat


We think this idiom reminded you of the Russian one - “the train has left.” And your guesses are correct, these expressions mean the same thing: miss the chance / miss the right moment.


  • The one who really missed the boat in London was me.
  • Who really missed my chance in London was me.

Take (something) with a grain of salt

|teɪk wɪð ə ɡreɪn ɒv sɔːlt|

Literal translation: take with a grain of salt


Take something with a grain of salt or a bit of distrust. The idiom can also be used in relation, in which case it would mean “not to take someone seriously.”


  • I always don't take you a little seriously / I always don't take you too seriously.

  • That is, you are going to take everything I tell you with a grain of salt.

Sit tight

Literal translation: sit stiffly


This phrase is used to ask someone to sit quietly/attention.


  • Just sit quietly, okay?

Crunch time

|krʌn(t)ʃ ˈtaɪm|

Literal translation: creaky time


Crunch time is a critical/decisive moment when some difficult task must be completed.

You can also hear the following option: we’re under a time crunch. This will mean “we are running out of time.”


  • Ready or not, this is the decisive moment.

Get (something) out of (your) system

|ˈɡet ˈaʊt ɒv ˈsɪstəm|

Literal translation: remove something from your system


“Getting something out of your system” means getting rid of some desire, habit or emotion (often negative). It can be translated as “getting out of your head”/“getting rid of something.” However, sometimes this phrase can be found in another meaning: to go beyond one’s own boundaries.


  • I'm getting rid of this, I promise.

Hang in there

|hæŋ ɪn ðɛː|

Literal translation: hang there


“There is no money, but you hold on.” If Medvedev spoke English, then the second part of his famous phrase would sound like this: “hang in there.” This means “hold on”, “be strong”.


  • Just hold on.

As you can see, from films and TV series you can learn a lot of interesting expressions that are useful in communication. That's why we always say that this is one of the best ways to practice English. We hope you enjoyed learning the meaning of these idioms.

Today we will look at idioms in English with translations, explanations of meanings and examples. The list turned out to be long, so before you start reading, it’s better to stock up not only with patience, but also with a light snack.

For those who find even this not enough, a continuation has already been prepared -

Idioms in English. Lost in translation

As in any other language, the meaning of idioms in English is often not clear at first glance and is hidden somewhere under the surface of the fabric of interweaving cultures and centuries (and sometimes thousands of years) of language formation.

It is necessary to carefully and separately study the meaning of each expression. It seems like a hard and long process, but immersing yourself in a world of persistently unclear meanings is fun. Especially when native sayings are brought into play and juxtaposition and comparison begins.

The benefits and value of idioms in English with translation

Idioms in English, just like proverbs and catchphrases, are an important part of everyday communication for residents of any English-speaking country. They are used everywhere: both in oral and written speech.

Mastering common idioms will bring your English sound closer to native level; will add naturalness and beauty to speech. A big incentive to spend time and effort, right?

The idioms in English with translation presented below are frequent “guests” on America’s television screens and in the mouths of its residents. So hurry up and start with them.

Popular idioms in English with translation

A blessing in disguise

Blessing in Disguise

In Russian:

  • Every cloud has a silver lining.


  • an unfortunate situation that turned into an advantage;
  • a good outcome in a bad situation;
  • something good that wasn't obvious at first glance.

Losing that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him as it forced him to plunge into business.

Losing that job turned out to be a blessing for him because it forced him to go into business.

A hot potato

Hot potato

The origin of this idiom in English lies in the phrase "to drop like a hot potato", significant “to leave something or someone very quickly.”

Refers to the fact that freshly cooked potatoes are very hot (due to their high water content).

Topics on which public opinion tends to be divided: religious or political views, abortion, gun control, attitudes toward the death penalty and justice in general.

In Russian:

  • A sensitive/delicate/controversial/thorny issue.


  • an issue widely and vigorously discussed by people;
  • a source of bitter disputes and heated discussions between supporters holding directly opposing views;
  • something that is difficult or scary to deal with;
  • controversial, awkward situation.

The issue of gun control is a political hot potato in the United States.

The topic of gun control is a sensitive issue in the United States.

A penny for your thoughts

Penny for your thoughts

In Russian:

  • What are you thinking about?


  • ask a person about his thoughts;
  • attract the attention of a person “with his head in the clouds”;
  • bring into conversation a quiet person who is not participating in the conversation.

You have been quiet for a while, a penny for your thoughts.

You quieted down for a while. What are you thinking about?

Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words

In Russian:

  • Actions speak louder than words.


  • judge a person not by words, but by deeds;
  • as the Bible says (Matthew 7:20) - “Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”

A good leader does not tell his team how things should be done, he shows them; after all, actions speak louder than words.

A good leader doesn't tell his subordinates what should be done, he shows them. In the end, it is better to judge a person not by his words, but by his deeds.

Add insult to injury

Adding insult to injury

An ancient idiom in English that can be found in a fable "The Bald Man and the Fly"(The Bald man and the fly), written by Phaedrus:

The Bald man and the fly (Phaedrus)

A fly bit the bare head of a Bald Man who, attempting to destroy it, gave himself a heavy slap.

Escaping, the Fly said mockingly:

“You who have wished to revenge, even with death, the Prick of a tiny insect, see what you have done to yourself to add insult to injury?” .

The Bald Man replied:

“I can easily make peace with myself, because I know there was no intention to hurt. But you, an ill-favored and contemptible insect who delights in sucking human blood, I wish that I could have killed you even if I had incurred a heavier penalty.”

In Russian:

  • Add fuel to the fire.


  • worsen an already bad situation or situation;
  • continue to insult, harm someone who is already hurt;
  • offend a person even more;
  • mock, humiliate.

First, the bathroom flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a tap started leaking.

First the bathtub flooded, and then things got even worse when the faucet started leaking.

At the drop of a hat

With the drop of a hat

This idiom in English is a reference to the start of a race, fight, or any competition that is signaled by dropping a hat or any other object on the ground.

In Russian:

  • In no time.
  • On signal.


  • immediately, without delay;
  • immediately and without pressure;
  • without doubt, hesitation;
  • without a plan or obvious reasons.

That girl is so emotional; she will start crying at the drop of a hat.

This girl is so emotional: she cries for any reason.

Back to the drawing board

Back to the drawing table

An English idiom known in the United States since World War II. A playful admission that the plan has failed and a new one is needed.

In Russian:

  • Start from scratch.

Used when required:

  • return to the planning stage;
  • go back and start something (project, thought) from the beginning.

Sometimes the best way to proceed after a mistake is to start over and go back to the drawing board.

Sometimes the best way to move on after making a mistake is to start over with a clean slate.

Ball is in your court

The ball is in your side of the field

In Russian:

  • Cards in hand.

Means what:

  • your turn to make a decision or act;
  • now everything depends on you.

The ball is in your court Mr. Anderson. (My name is Neo.)

The floor is yours, Mr. Andersen. (My name is Neo.)

Barking up the wrong tree

Barking up the wrong tree

To understand this idiom you need to imagine a hunting dog barking under a tree where there is no prey.


  • blame the wrong person;
  • make the wrong choice;
  • look in the wrong place;
  • make an incorrect assumption;
  • to make a mistake.

I am not the person who spread those rumors about you, you are barking up the wrong tree.

You're blaming the wrong person. I didn't spread those rumors.

Be glad to see the back of

Be joyful in leaving


  • the joy of getting rid of, getting rid of someone unpleasant, annoying;
  • gratitude for the completion, the cessation of something.

Frankly, I am glad to see the back of you.

To tell the truth, I'm glad you're leaving.

Beat around the bush

Walk around the bush

The use of this idiom in English dates back to the late Middle Ages. While hunting birds, one of the servants walked and beat the bushes, scaring the game.

In Russian:

  • To beat around the bush.
  • Pull the cat by the tail.


  • avoid the main question, key points;
  • do not speak honestly, directly, openly on the topic;
  • speak evasively and not to the point;
  • approach in a roundabout way or with great caution.

Will you please stop beating about the bush and get to the point?

Could you please stop beating around the bush and get to the point?

Best of both worlds

The best of both worlds

The idea of ​​this idiom in English is to receive benefits from two worlds (two places) at once - earthly and posthumous. When a pious person dies, he goes to heaven and gets the opportunity to enjoy its fruits.


  • take advantage of a fortunate situation or circumstances;
  • have everything: both the first and the second (without having to choose).

I am so jealous that she gets the best of both worlds. She keeps eating and never gets fat!

I envy her so much. She exists and never gets fat.

Best thing since sliced ​​bread

The best thing since sliced ​​bread

This implies the convenience of being able to buy bread already sliced ​​at the bakery.


  • invention, discovery that improves the quality of life;
  • good idea or plan;
  • a magnificent thing or person.

The invention of the internet has changed the way we live; it is the best thing since sliced ​​bread.

The Internet has changed our lives. In my opinion, this is the best invention in a long time.

Bite off more than you can chew

Bite off more than you can chew


  • take on a task that is too complex or difficult to complete;
  • promise something you cannot keep;
  • start something you can't finish.

I am sure, she is biting off more than she can chew by promising to solve the difficult puzzle in a few minutes that I could not since last three days.

I'm sure she took on too much, promising to solve a difficult puzzle in a few minutes that I couldn't solve for the last three days.

Burn the midnight oil

Burn the midnight oil

An idiom in English that refers to the times when candles were used for lighting.


  • work hard and a lot;
  • work late, at night;
  • staying up at night, staying up late studying for exams, reading or working.

My brother has a big exam next week so he is already burning the midnight oil. I keep advising him to take it slow.

My brother has an important exam next week, so he stays up late studying his books. I keep telling him not to overwork himself.

Can"t (or don’t) judge a book by its cover

Don't judge a book by its cover

In Russian:

  • They are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their intelligence.


  • You can’t judge a person just by their appearance;
  • You shouldn’t judge character by appearance;
  • Do not consider only appearance as an indicator of value.

The candidate did not look very intelligent, but you cannot judge a book by its cover.

The candidate doesn't look smart, but you can't judge based on appearance alone.

Caught between two stools

Caught between two chairs

In Russian:

  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.


  • failure due to the difficulty of choosing between two alternatives;
  • failure to achieve two (opposite) goals.

It is difficult to organize an event that appeals to both young and old; you could end up being caught between two stools.

It is difficult to organize an event that would appeal to both young and old. In this case it is easy to make a mistake.

Costs an arm and a leg

Worth an arm and a leg

In Russian:

  • Worth a fortune.


  • anything worth crazy amounts of money.

I can’t buy that car – it costs an arm and a leg.

I can't afford this car. It costs crazy money.

Cross that bridge

Cross this bridge

The use of this idiom in English dates back to the 19th century, when:

  • crossing the bridge was an event;
  • some bridges were dangerous to cross because of their dilapidation and unreliability;
  • It was impossible to cross the river on the bridge before the construction of the latter.


  • solve problems as they arise rather than prepare in advance;
  • wait for the right moment;
  • often used when advising something.

– What will you do if you fail in this exam?

– I'll cross the bridge when I come to it.

– What will you do if you fail the exam?

– I’ll decide when the time comes.

Cry over spilled milk

Cry over spilled milk

In Russian:

  • Tears of sorrow will not help.
  • Whatever fell from the cart was lost.
  • You can't bring back what's lost.


  • be upset about what has already happened;
  • lament about a past that cannot be changed;
  • dwell on past mistakes and failures.

Mona was unable to accept the reality of her divorce. She was crying over spilled milk.

Mona couldn't come to terms with the divorce, couldn't accept it.

Curiosity killed the cat

Curiosity killed the cat

In Russian:

  • Curiosity killed the cat.
  • Curiosity does not lead to good things.
  • If you know a lot, you will soon grow old.
  • Curious Varvara's nose was torn off at the market.

The original expression is Care killed the cat.


  • Excessive curiosity, interference in other people’s affairs can lead to troubles (a dangerous situation);
  • warning someone not to ask too many questions.

– Where are you going all of a sudden? – he asked.

Curiosity killed the cat, - she replied.

-Where are you suddenly going? - he asked.

“If you know a lot, you’ll soon grow old,” she answered.

Cut corners

Cut corners

In Russian:

  • Shorten the path.


  • save: do not waste extra money, effort, time;
  • do something in the easiest, fastest way;
  • hack: do something bad out of a desire to save money or time.

I am saying that you have been known to cut corners.

I'm saying you're known for breaking the rules.

Cut the mustard

Cut the mustard

The reason for using mustard as a reference to high quality is not entirely clear.


  • fit, meet the requirements;
  • meet standards and expectations;
  • be competitive and qualified.

That boy wants to be the captain of the team, but does he cut the mustard?

This guy wants to be team captain, but is he the right guy?

Devil's Advocate

Devil's Advocate

During the canonization process, an official was appointed to argue against the candidate's canonization.

This was done to properly confirm the merits of the deceased (so as not to miss anything or make mistakes).

The idiom in English has the same name as the person who personified the defender of the devil's interests.

The man, who:

  • represents the opposite side;
  • argues on an issue, not wanting to win, but for the sake of argument (not being committed to a cause or idea);
  • argues in order to enliven the discussion, to stir up the opposing sides.

I agree with what you say, but I’ll play devil's advocate so that we can cover all the possibilities that may arise.

I agree with you, but I would continue the discussion so that we can work through all the options.

Don"t count your chickens before they hatch

Don't count your chickens before they hatch

A very old English idiom that has existed in many cultures in different forms. Present in Aesop's stories dating from 600-550 BC.

In Russian:

  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • Do not share the skin of an unkilled bear.
  • Don't say "Hop" until you've jumped over.


  • you cannot count on something that has not yet happened;
  • should not plan based on future events;
  • Don’t expect everything you want to come true.

Why not wait until you get the confirmation? Aren't you counting your chickens before they have hatched?

Why not wait for confirmation? Aren't you overconfident?

Don't give up the day job

Don't quit your day job

In Russian:

  • Don't quit your day job.


  • it’s fun and harmless to tell someone not to engage professionally in something they are bad at;
  • make it clear to the person that it was better to do what works, than to try something new, unknown (where failure is likely);
  • good-naturedly criticize for lack of talent or ability to do anything;
  • advise you to continue working where you are working now.

If I were you, I would not give up the day job; you are never going to be a dancer.

If I were you, I wouldn't quit my job. You will never become a professional dancer.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

In Russian:

  • Don't put everything on one card.


  • You can’t risk everything in one place;
  • You cannot invest money, resources, efforts in one enterprise (one area of ​​activity);
  • You should not make success dependent on the success or failure of one single plan.

Why are you putting all your money into one company? Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Why are you investing all your money in one company. Don't risk everything in one place.

Desperate times call for desperate measures

The roots of this idiom in English are in the words of the famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (whose name is given to the medical oath - the Hippocratic Oath):

  • For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure(for extreme diseases, extreme methods of treatment).
  • Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies(terrible diseases require desperate measures).


  • in extreme circumstances extreme measures must be taken;
  • in a difficult situation, decisive action is necessary;
  • similar similar.

When the prolonged recession forced him to shut down his business, Dev decided to sell groceries to make ends meet. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

The prolonged crisis forced Dev to close his business. To make ends meet, he had to take extreme measures - sell all his goods.

Elvis has left the building

Elvis left the building

A phrase used by presenters after the end of concerts Elvis Presley to force spectators to leave the hall.

Throughout his career, Elvis ignited the passion in the hearts of his fans so much that they could scream and demand an encore for as long as the artist gave in to persuasion.

Phrase - "Elvis has left the building."– became a signal that further calls for continuation are useless; due to the fact that the singer physically left the concert venue.

Full quote from producer Horace Logan:

All right, all right, Elvis has left the building.

I"ve told you absolutely straight up to this point. You know that. He has left the building.

He left the stage and went out the back with the policemen and he is now gone from the building.

Good good, Elvis left the building.

It's true. You know this. He left the building.

He left the stage and exited through the back entrance, accompanied by police. He's not in the building.

Elvis's popularity was so enormous that this phrase became a household word, becoming one of the idioms of the English language.

Though he had failed his exam, he realized that every cloud has a silver lining, as now he could focus his attention on things he loved doing.

Although he failed the exam, he realized that it wasn't all bad. Now he could concentrate on what he loved to do.

Far cry from

A big difference

In Russian:

  • Far from...


  • to be very different from something, not to be similar;
  • not meeting expectations;
  • to be far away (physically or metaphorically).

He is a great player, but it is time for him to retire. His recent performances are a far cry from what they used to be during his peak years.

He's a great performer, but it's time to retire. The level of his recent performances is far from what he showed in his best years.

(Feel) Under the weather

Under the weather

The origin of this idiom in English can be traced back to the times of sailing.

In those ancient days, when a sailor felt sick, he was sent to the lower deck (where the motion is less felt; where there is no rain and wind) to regain his strength. There he was away from the influence of the sea and weather.

  • assume (believe) that someone is right (innocent);
  • take one's word without confirmation or evidence;
  • to consider a person innocent until proven guilty (presumption of innocence).

Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she is right.

Let's take her word for it and assume she's right.

Can you answer the question correctly? Why did you cut corners while doing your homework?" I’ll say right away that this question has nothing to do with angles and cutting. The question uses an idiomatic expression that means " doing something the easiest, fastest way to save time“. Are you intrigued? Here are 12 more useful English idioms that are often used in English speech.

Some time ago I received weekly emails from the ABA website. I saved those that discussed phraseological units from modern English. In this post I have collected only those that I often heard from English-speaking colleagues or acquaintances.

12 useful English idioms:


We are not talking about a hot potato dish here. A hot potato is a hot topic discussed in newspapers and on television. When used, this idiom implies a large-scale discussion.


If something is very expensive (as they say, you have to give up your shirt), then feel free to use the idiom “ cost me an arm and a leg" This vivid expression directly indicates the high price that has to be paid - so expensive that you would even give away an arm and a leg.


Being on the ball, or rather on the ball, means understanding the situation 100%. This English expression goes back to a circus act where a person or animal balances on a ball. Since you are standing on the ball without falling, it means you understand the situation.


If you can take the best of two diametrically opposed situations, then you are the lucky one who gets the best of both worlds.


When we don't have time to think about a situation, we behave rashly, which can lead to irreversible results. In English, to describe such actions they use in the heat of the moment(act rashly).


This expression is used to describe the behavior of a person who agrees with a general opinion after some hesitation.


In this case, the meaning of the English idiom is hidden on the surface. If you don't take advantage of the chance, you miss it, " being late for the ship“.


According to legend, a blue moon is a very rare natural phenomenon. By analogy, this phraseological turn describes something that happens extremely rarely.


How much effort does it take us to eat a piece of cake? Almost nothing. In the English language, they noticed this pattern and transferred the meaning of the expression from pies and cakes to any things that are not difficult to do.


This is not about staring into someone's eyes for a long time. Since you dare to look into a person’s eyes for a long time, you are probably his friend or acquaintance. If there is no hostility between you, you understand the person and agree with his opinion.


Imagine the situation: someone climbed the fence. On one side of the fence there is one group of people with their own ideas and preferences, and on the other there are other people with different views on things. When choosing where to jump, our hero will be forced to take the side of one or the other. This person prefers to sit on the fence, since such a seat promises neutrality. Sit on the fence- means that this person has not yet made a decision on which side of the fence to jump on (who to join in an argument or debate).


The whole nine yards - all, completely. The archaic form of measuring length "yard" is used in this idiom with a bit of humor (after all, this idiom is common in the USA, where there are no yards). The point is that whoever can do 9 yards of something will be able to finish it.

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